13 Pictures from Our Day + My Training LOG!


2.  Another week of training in the books and a rest day today!

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3.  Programming your workout into your garmin is life-changing.  Okay, that is a bit of an exaggeration but really, it was amazing to have it all there on my watch without having to push the lap button a million times or figure out how far 500m is for my recoveries etc.  It was also so nice to have it tell me how many intervals I had already done (in below picture I had done 6 out of the 8) because it is hard to remember how many you have done during the workout.  I explained in this post how to program your workouts into your watch.

2 mile w/u, 8 x 30 seconds at 6:00 pace, 2 mile c/d.  7.17 miles total @ 8:04 average pace.  It was 65 degrees out for my run (I slept in later than normal and it felt amazing and I still got home before everyone else was awake wahoo).  It felt pretty good so I think my body is adapting to warmer temperatures (I know all of your Floridians/others living in actually hot places) are shaking your head and laughing at me;).

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4.  I got home and talked to a few of you in the comments and then we were off for a hiking trip.  Skye was pretty excited to go out for the day.

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5.  We met three of my good friends and their families to go up AF Canyon to hike to Silver Lake.  Andrew did this hike before he knew me.  He has told me about how much he loved it so I was excited to try it out.  This was the start of the hike:

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6.  We had ELEVEN kids with us total so there were plenty of rest breaks, snack breaks and insect scares… I was amazed at how well they all did because it was a tough hike.

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7.  Skye slept for most of the way up and most of the way down.  We are obsessed with her pack and I think she is a fan too.

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8.  Once we got to the top we ate sandwiches and snacks that we brought from home (a great reminder of how amazing pb/jelly sandwiches are) and someone brought out the swedish fish…  These used to be my favorite candy on the planet and I blogged about them 3 times a week on average.  They are no longer my favorite nor do I ever really think about them but they are still delicious.

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9.  The crew.


10.  I was so proud of Brooke.  I couldn’t believe how well she did on this hike.  It was about 5 miles round trip and she did the entire thing (minus Andrew lifting her over some rocks a few times and across the river… ps I think my feet are going to look like prunes for at least three days after that).  There was about 1400ft elevation gain in the first 2.5 miles too.  Her biggest motivation was keeping track of dogs along the way (she saw a grand total of 31) and she even told me she is going to still hike with me when she has kids.

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11.  This is one thing I cannot understand about Andrew… His desire to jump into freezing cold water (THAT IS SNOW).  He was in there for about a minute too.  I do not get it.

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12.  We were out in the mountains for over 5 hours and more than ready for some ice cream afterwards!

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13.  Brooke was a huge fan of this ice cream place but Andrew and I were not but it was fun trying a new place.

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We were all more than ready for showers and bedtime when we got home.  This summer is already off to a great start with as much time outdoors as possible.


Here’s how last week’s workouts went!

Monday:  6 miles @ 8:16 average pace.

Tuesday:  8.92 miles total @ 7:45 average pace.   2 mile w/u, 3 x 1 mile @ threshold (6:50, 6:49 & 6:48) w/ 200m recoveries after each mile (which was tricky because it’s just about a minute of easy running before you start again), 3 minute walking break (I stopped my garmin for this part but had it going for everything else), 6 x 30 seconds FAST (5:54 average pace for those) w/90 second slow jog recoveries after each one, 2 mile c/d.

Strength class.

Wednesday:  5 miles @  8:48 average pace.

Thursday:  6 miles @ 8:40 average pace.  Resistance band work.

Friday:  5 miles @ 8:45 average pace with Josse and then a strength class afterwards (I hit my goal of going to two strength classes this week wahoo).

Saturday:  2 mile w/u, 8 x 30 seconds fast (6:00ish average pace) w/ 500 meter recoveries, 2 mile c/d.  7.16 miles total average pace 8:04.

Sunday:  OFF!

38.08 miles total for the week + 2 strength classes!


What are you up to today?

What was your best run last week?  Hardest run?

Favorite hiking snack?

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Wow! High five to Brooke, not sure my 8 years old would have made it ( not without a lot of complaining anyways lol). I like to bring an Apple Lara bar and munch on it along the way, jerky beef and mini rice cakes (I need salt!); banana if it’s not going to be crushed in my bag ( happened once, not pretty!).


Oh I have had the banana mush happen in my bag one time too! Come out to Utah and hike with us Mel:) I hope you are having a beautiful Sunday!


What a beautiful hike! I’m so impressed the kids can make it that long, it’s awesome you started them so young:) I’m most envious of the fact that you have friends who enjoy being active together and don’t need alcohol to have a good time. Anyone else feel this way?!


Yes to wishing for friends that want to be active and don’t need alcohol to have a good time!!
I especially hate it if they look at me weird for not having a drink when everyone else is (why do they care? I don’t criticize them for their choice)


People who judge you for not drinking are the WORST. I don’t get it at all- I don’t drink but it’s not for any reason other than I hate the taste of all alcohol. But say that and people act like you murdered a puppy- “oh but try this one!” I have! Still hate it! Why do you care?


How about we all go be active together without alcohol. I feel very lucky to have a group of friends to do this kind of stuff with our kiddos. That is hard to feel judged/criticized for not drinking. I think everyone just needs to keep doing whatever is best for them (and their taste buds Danielle;)! I hope you all have had a fabulous weekend so far!


Love this! I gave up alcohol 2 years ago and didn’t realize the reaction I would get from so many! Like some were almost mad about it. Lucky for me I’ve lived (cough cough) 4 decades and it doesn’t matter what people think anymore for me. Best decision ever for me.


Wow, what a beautiful area. I am planning our trip to Utah! I love that you make the effort to get outside with the kids. You guys are building great memories.
We are headed to our old house (flooded during Harvey last year) to clear out our attic and clean up the yard. Hopefully in a month we will have the finishing completed and we will lease it. We are taking two of our little boys with us for swim time. We have not been swimming in our pool since last August. We just go over to remodel, no time for swimming until today. Whoopee!
Favorite snack food indoor or outdoors – homemade granola.


Are you really coming to Utah!? Oh that would be so fun. I am SO sorry about your old house Kate, I can’t even imagine. I hope everything goes according to plan. Enjoy your swim time and homemade granola sounds excellent!


I’m so excited that it’s summer and can not wait to get out n nature too!

Any kind of fruit chewy snack is great for hiking but when my family would go hiking we would take lemons with us and squeeze them while we hiked and when they got squishey we put candy sticks in them and sucked on it and it makes flavored lemonade. I think that’s my favorite


I LOVE that… we are going to have to copy you. I hope your Sunday has been great Jenny!


In the picture where Skye is excited, she looks JUST like Brooke! That’s amazing that all the kids did so well. My favorite hiking snack is one of the savory kind bars. That or the blue diamond flavored nuts. Or fresh fruit. Or dried mangos. Happy Sunday to your family!


YES!! I totally agree with you… they are looking more and more alike. Oh now you have me craving dried mangos. Thanks Savannah (and I LOVE your name)!


That looks like such a great hike!!
I love hiking with my family ? Always great conversations, great time being active outside together… Just really wonderful!
Favorite hiking snack for me would be gummy bears or just a good old fashioned trail mix!
We’re up in Lake Arrowhead for the weekend, so I’m about to head out on a little run I love running in places I don’t know, it really is a good way to see things.
Happy Sunday!


I totally agree with you about hiking with family. My family and I used to go to Lake Arrowhead, I have the best memories there. I hope it has been the perfect weekend and running in new places is the best.


Farmers market across the street from ours – so waiting for it to open. Also, likely off to a local running store to look for fuel for a trail race next weekend – I am wanting to try something new:).

Last week was a recovery week but had a super fun trail race in the mountains yesterday – I didn’t really race it and I went out and enjoyed it.

My sister and her family are coming into town into the next few days – and I haven’t yet my second niece who is just over a month old so super excited to see them.

The hike looks awesome! Have a great Sunday!


I CAN’T WAIT for our Farmers Market to start up here. I hope you had a perfect time and what did you end up getting for your fuel? You are going to rock your next trail race. Way to go yesterday and I’m glad you could just soak it all in. Enjoy your time with your family. Thank you!


Thank you! I ended getting a pack of lara bars!


That hike looked amazing! I don’t think I could have done all of it, so I’m super impressed that Brooke could! Have a good Sunday!


Thank you Danielle! I was too… I was expecting us to cary her for the last part. I hope you are having a wonderful day!


Skye just looks more and more like Brooke, especially in that excited photo!

The hike looks beautiful. Love the mountains with the snow on them and the water below.


I totally agree with you! Thanks so much Allison. I hope your weekend has been great so far!


That hike looks beautiful!
Last week runs were all tough….a grand total of only 3 runs (totaling just 13 miles) due to heat (upper 80’s -90 and SUPER HIGH HUMIDITY) and packing for vacation. Luckily I won’t lose fitness over a few missed runs, and vacation means time in the morning to run 5 days in a row! Looking forward to tomorrow morning already!


Seriously, I would be on the treadmill with those conditions.. you are hardcore Loribeth and SO right about not losing fitness over just a few missed runs. AHHHH ENJOY vacation, where are you going?


Thanks!! NASHVILLE!!


So with your workout in your watch, does it beep at you to tell you when to start and stop interval? I haven’t used this feature yet.


Hey Mary!! It does beep and vibrate at you to start (along with telling you what to start) and when you are finished. Try it out and let me know what you think. It definitely took me a few intervals to start feeling used to it (the first one I thought, I’m never using this again ha… and then a few later and I was like this is the best)! Enjoy the rest of your day!


Oh boy I’m jealous of your 65 degree run! It was 85 when I finished my 13.5 at 9:00 am.

Fav hiking snack- pecans and craisins. So good. Apples get points for the biodegradable packaging. ;-)


85 degrees… OH MY. That sounds really hard. Way to go on your 13.5… that is awesome Kathy! Good call on the pecans and craisins. I hope your Sunday has been a great one so far!


I love RX bars, apples and jerky for hikes cause they are easy to grab. Our kids always know we will have sour patch watermelons or swedish fish to help motivate them. High chews are good too, but I hate all the wrappers. I was so impressed with all the kids yesterday. It took a long time, but it was so much fun to do all together. I hope it happens again this summer!


I’m thinking this should be a weekly thing. I think we are going to join you on the candy tradition. That is brilliant. Our kiddos are strong.


I’m traveling across the country this week and I’m wondering if you have any tips or tricks on keeping active / getting in my training in on these days that I won’t be home in the comfort of my regular practice?


I’m so excited to try programming my Garmin this week. Thanks for the tip and tutorial!! I love Silver Lake. We hiked that on a visit to Utah a few years ago. Super-impressed by Brooke’s endurance!! Both girls are so precious and beautiful. I love their expressions in these photos.


Skyes face with the shock look and her hand oh my!! She can be a baby model.


Oh my goodness ! That first picture, the scenery, the views, your landscape. I seriously need to visit your state. My gosh am I missing out. The beauty is just unreal, I could stare at it for hours. I just really need to visit your state, in a Uhaul, and never leave. And kudos to you all to brave that journey with 11 kids !!! haha


I’m so impressed with hiking that long with so many kids! I am hoping my almost 6 year old can make it through some easy hikes this summer. Fingers crossed!
I’m sure you have this posted somewhere….but what Garmin do you have?

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