15 Pictures from Vegas + My Training Log!

I’ve got a random and short post for you today but I’ll have my very long and over-detailed recap up tomorrow morning!

1.  I’m BACK to racing and feeling like my legs are going to fall off again.  I had a great day and hit a 1:30:32 but I am guessing I’ll be sore for the month of May.   I have so many thoughts about the race that I want to share with you.

2. Andrew sure supports me with this running thing and I feel really lucky.  Getting us to the race and taking over kid duty all night takes a lot of work!

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3.  Brooke and her cousin.  We think they look so much alike:

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4.  The course yesterday ate my muscles up so I spent a lot of time stretching and I’ll be spending a lot of time today doing the same!

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5.  Andrew picked up Cafe Rio for us because it sounded so good after the race.  We had grand plans to go out to a restaurant and then go swimming but hanging out at Andrew’s sister’s house sounded like a much better idea.

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6.  Brooke and her cousin played non-stop all day long.

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7.  Yep, be careful.  (Source)

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8.  Finally got the two of us ready for the day.

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9.  LOVED this short video with Des.  “Just show up for this one mile.  Just show up for this one task.  I think it’s a great way to look at things.  Just keep showing up.”

10.  Pizza and the Stanley Cup Playoffs… Papa John’s pizza > all other delivery pizza in my opinion.

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11.  We went on a short walk in our pajamas to loosen up my body.

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12. Andrew picked up my current favorite treat.  By far the best type of Sour Patch ever.

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13.  A calf massage was very needed.

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14.  A friend recommended this book so I’ll be reading it during the long drive home today.

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15.  We are learning that Skye’s favorite thing to do when we travel is to sleep the exact opposite hours that we want to sleep;)

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Here is what my training log for last week looked like:

Monday:  6 miles @ 8:28 average pace

Tuesday:  4.9 miles, 1.5 mile w/u, 6 x 2 minutes @ 7:15 w/ 60 second recovery jogs, 1 mile cool-down.  Average pace 7:53.

Wednesday: 40 minutes easy = 4.64 miles @ 8:38 average pace.

Thursday:  Off!

Friday:  4 miles @ 8:48 average pace with 4 x 15 seconds @ 6:20ish pace.

Saturday:  Half-marathon—>  1:30:32 (6:54 average)!

Sunday: OFF!

32.64 miles for the week.


What was your best run last week?

What are you doing today?

Are you sore anywhere from running?

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Wow that is SO fast I can’t even imagine! On my way to run a half marathon hoping to run about 9 min mile:)
How’s your brother? Was he able run too?


HE DID SO GOOD!!! He rocked it!! I’ll share more about his race tomorrow! Thanks Christina and I hope you have an amazing day!


Yay!! Can’t wait to hear! Rest up!


Nailed it!! Glad the Half went so well! Enjoy your Sunday!


Thank you!! You too!


Way to go Janae! Can’t wait to read the re-cap:) I would love to hear your brothers thoughts after completing his first HALF! I agree Papa Johns is the BEST! I LOVE Sout Patch watermelons (and I don’t love any other watermelon candy!) But I haven’t found the strawberries yet to try! Have a great Sabbath:)


HEY AMANDA!!! I will ask him to share some of his thoughts! I hope you get the strawberries soon (Walmart always has them)! Have a wonderful Sunday!


Congratulations! I’m still recovering from the First Order Challenge at Disney last weekend. So proud that we accomplished the goal! Training was not what it should have been so it was a fight! I’m still sore and doing yoga to recover. I feel like Andrew is for you what my husband Dana is for me and would support me in any way he could so I get to achieve runnIng goals. They are great men! Have a great day!


AIMEE!! Congrats on the First Order Challenge last week… that is huge! Keep doing that yoga and I’ll be joining you this week! Dana sounds awesome! Thank you and I hope your Sunday is perfect.


Congrats on the run. You continue to to inspire me you speedy lady!!
Best run was yesterday. I had a new pair of running capri’s and I honestly think it was the difference. No lie. Consider it more proof that our minds are powerful things.
Happy car ride.


Thank you friend!! I am SO glad you had such a great run yesterday! What brand of capri’s did you get? You are so right… our minds control everything. Thank you!


I couldn’t hit a 6:54 if I was in a full sprint being chased by a lion towards a million dollars. Amazing!!! Congratulations!!! I was signed up for Mt Charleston and was hoping to meet my favorite blogger there (you!!), but I am closing on the house I bought and decided it might be good to stick close to home just in case.
Yay for you!!!


OH DARCY!! I would have loved meeting you… let’s make sure to do another race at the same time soon so we can meet! CONGRATS on your new house… that is so exciting. Thanks Darcy and have an amazing day!


Wow! Congratulations on an amazing race! ? I hope you enjoy Girl Wash Yout Face As much as I did and continue to do so. I read the whole book on a flight home from spring break. I couldn’t put it down because Rachel just made so much sense. Now going back and digesting it in little pieces. Again congratulations on a wonderful race. “Just keep showing up.” ❤️
Ps I ran a fun race yesterday called the U run U pick Blueberry 5k.After the race everybody got blueberry pancakes and got to pick blueberries to take home! WIN-WIN!


Way to go on your race yesterday Kimberly! Blueberry pancakes + blueberries to take home–> I NEED to do this race. So excited about this book, thanks Kimberly and I hope you have a great Sunday!


WOW!!! What an amazing half marathon time!! You are so fast!! Great job and enjoy relaxing with your family now, you deserve it!!


Thank you Sara!! I hope you are having an amazing Sunday!


I love that you recognize and appreciate andrew’s support for your running. LOvE my husband , but he doesn’t get it.

Love the the last pic!! Adorable!


Oh I am so sorry that your husband doesn’t get it…hopefully someday he will! I hope you have an amazing day Jan!


Great job on your race! And, what a fun little getaway for you all ?
I’ve been at a convention for the last few days, and have missed a couple of runs ?, so today will be getting back to training! I have a half marathon next Sunday!
Enjoy your drive home and your Sunday!


Thank you so much Wendy! I hope today’s run was great and you are going to rock it next Sunday… please let me know how it goes. Thanks!


Oooo… I forgot to ask how your brother did? Did he love the race? Will he do another one?
And, I will let you know how my half goes. I’ve never done 2 “big” races this close together (I ran a marathon on March 16th) so we’ll see how it goes. I plan on just having fun and enjoying the race ?


Rest day. I didn’t run a half marathon but Yesterday but I’m glad it’s rest day. Haha. I hope you enjoy your rest day and aren’t too sore after that race!

Maybe I should train with you for my half lol. You did that pretty fast. Can’t wait to read more about it!


UMMMM yes please!!! Enjoy your rest day Jenny!


My best run was the going away run we had for all of the fellow runners at the U.S. Embassy. I love getting to run with my husband, and it was amazing to see so many friends come out to join us.

Today I ran the Plovdiv Marathon! First overall United States runner (only United States runner), 7th female master and 22nd overall female.

My calves are SOOOO sore and my husband is not allowed to go anywhere NEAR them.


CONGRATULATIONS TONYA!!! You were the first US RUNNER (forget that you were the only one:) and 7th female faster and 22nd overall, WOW! You rocked it! I hope you recover well and enjoy your huge accomplishment!


Congrats on a great race! Looks like a fun trip. Last week was a recovery week, best run was actually running with a good girl friend and stopping to take lots of photos because it was sunny. I usually hurt everywhere, ha. Tired feet, tired legs. Today, just cleaning and having a low key day. No running as it is a day off running. Also, binge watching a show called “The Good Doctor.” I just found this show and on the 4th episode and have been crying at each one ha.

Have a great day!


WE LOVE THE GOOD DOCTOR!! Enjoy Kristine and I am so glad you and your good friend had such a great run together. Enjoy your day off!


Congrats on your race!

Who are you cheering for in the NHL playoffs? I don’t have a favorite team in the post season, but my boyfriend is rooting for the Jets and the Bruins.


HEY FIONA!! So Andrew and his family are cheering on the Vegas Knights so I’ll cheer for them too. Thank you and have an amazing Sunday!


You are so fast! Congratulations on a great race! I lo e how your easy paces are faster than my race paces. I don’t know how anyone can move their legs that fast.
I did a 5.7K race for the Brigance Brigade Foundation. I got second in my age group. I didn’t do bad for a week after a half.
I bought my kids sour patch yogurt. I’m waiting to hear the verdict on that. They love all things sour patch!
Have a good trip home.


Congratulations , Janae! That is such a fantastic time. I don’t know how you do it :-) and just think – that’s off so little training. Can’t wait to see where you go from here. You got this!


Girl, you are going to love that book (haha). My friend recommended it to me, too, and then she and her business actually connected with Rachel Hollis. They flew out to Rachel’s women’s conference, Rise, and had an absolute blast! And congrats on your half! What an accomplishment!! My best run was today – I ran a half, too! 1:38, a PR during a really stressful time in my life. It was a really great morning with my mom! Hope you’re recovering well today!!


Awesome time, Janae!!!! So glad your brother had a good time too, can’t wait to hear more :) Hope the stretching and massage helps with those legs.

I’m nursing a sore knee after an 8k yesterday. It’s not too bad though and I’m please I did the distance, with a tempo section thrown in, as it’s the furthest I’ve gone non-stop for a little while (wretched ITB!)


What a great race with so much family support, that’s the best! Huge props to Andrew for helping make it all happen. Enjoy some couch time, and maybe a bath with epsom salts? And embrace the soreness, its a sign of your huge effort!


Congrats! Incredible pace. I was wondering what drew you to doing a half-marathon first versus a 10k. I know the longer distances are your thing(!) – clearly :) I just find recovery takes so much longer.

Get an ice bath or a hot Epsom salt bath in today!!


Brooke and her cousin could be twins! oh my gosh they look alike!
Congrats on your awesome race!!! You are amazing.
Hope you have an easy and smooth drive back home!
Sore from a 10mile trail run Saturday and a 9 mile mixed trail run today. So.many.hills.

Have a restful week!!


So amazing, Janae!!! Congrats! You are such an inspiration and it truly shows that that hard work and a positive attitude pays off!
Cannot wait for the (overly detailed) recap!


I did a half marathon today! My first one since baby number two was born, now 18 months old. I did a 2:07 which i was stoked about because I kinda slacked on training the last month and didn’t have any time goals. My goal this year is to get to a sub 2 hour half. Also I am going train for my first full marathon in the fall. So excited!

And yes, I am SUPER sore already. AT this rate I won’t be able to climb out of bed tomorrow.


Great job on your race – that’s awesome! Also, Rachel Hollis’ book is fantastic. I think I highlighted almost the entire thing. You will love it.


You go girl!!!! Good work and excited to read the race recap!!

Enjoy those Sour Patch Kids. Well deserved :)


What a great postpartum race! Was that the time you were training for?
So this is from the other day when you mentioned about jeans … seriously you could do a whole post on this subject if you have ideas for good jeans. It’s so hard to find good ones that fit right in all the places for my body.


Great job with the race!!! I need yo look for sour patch strawberries, don’t know that I’ve seen them ever!!! The watermelon ones are my absolute fav!
I’m sore everywhere from a hilly run yesterday ?


Congrats on a speedy race! I am so inspired on how quickly you are back to look and be like before pregnancy! Your baby is still young and you are so fit! I am pregnant now and really worrying of how long it’s going to take me to be back :(


Funny you , mentioned a calf massage. I need one bad!! I think I strained my calf on a hilly 12 miler today bad!
Great pace on your race. Great job. Is that a PR?
My best run was a 6 miler that I started feeling blah and ended good and strong.


That book is so good!!! I finished it this weekend. :)


Great race time! Who’s your team for the Stanley Cup? Las Vegas is doing so well! My LA Kings are out but hoping the Boston Bruins hang in there.


Hey Janae!! I totally see how strangers can assume you & your sister are twins, especially with her hair straightened and darker! Two beauties =) Anyway I figured I’d try again just in case you had wanted to order but ran out of time or forgot – totally get it since mom life is crazy busy!! =) I’m having an online party going on right now so please let me know if you want to order any Usborne books – again Knox & Brooke would LOVE these books – not only are there great fun fiction books but we offer an incredible amount of activity books, whether sticker dolly books, paper airplane books, math practice books, you name it, we have it! Please let me know! I think your kids {and your nieces and nephews} would love these, girl! You can even get a big order together with your sister and save on shipping.

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