I Don’t Understand This + Tuesday Tangents.

Six miles at an 8:50 average pace for my Monday morning and a TRACK workout today.  I haven’t been to the track in probably close to two years or something.  I’m nervous and excited and hoping that I remember how to run on a track since it has been so long.  I’m just trying to remind myself to avoid my normal ‘fly and die’ method of running.  I’m going to hold back a bit on the first reps and then push it for those last ones.  I’ll be repeating ‘embrace the suck’ to myself when I’m wanting to quit and sit on the grass instead.

Another day on this gorgeous trail.  Sometimes the scenery here just seems normal to me since I see it every day but then every now and again I really look at it and I’m in awe of those gorgeous mountains and it gives me the goosebumps.  Or maybe it is the winter giving me goosebumps.  Or maybe it was listening to the last episode of Dirty John yesterday that gave me goosebumps (SO CRAZY/CREEPY/SCARY).

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Andrew was at the hospital yesterday again so after getting Brooke off to school we went to my mom’s house for them to hang out while I ran.  My mom has always been supportive of me in every way and she definitely is with my running too.  She even sends me cute pictures while I’m running.

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Skye gave me the silent treatment when I got home because I think she was mad I didn’t take her with me but she loved some time with grandma.  Skye is going to be 3 months old in just two more days and my mom was telling me about how one of my brothers was CRAWLING at 3 months old.  It was her fourth child (she saved the best for last.. I’m the fifth;) and she said she couldn’t believe she was chasing a 3 month old around.  That is definitely not the case over here right now and I can’t even imagine if Skye was crawling already.

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We then chatted for a while and I did some stretching and some side planks, push-ups and squats.

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My mom even sent me home with a no-bake cookie to eat as my post-run fuel.  Mom’s know best.

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Lunch was a taco salad mix leftover from Sunday night.  I used some of the dressing that I brought home from 180 Tacos the other day… does anyone else ever bring home leftover dressing?  I love this dressing so I’m not going to waste any of it.

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Skye was napping and I had a bunch of work calls to make and random things like that so Brooke joined me at my desk with her tacos.  She is not a fan of salsa/pico/guac yet and I’m hoping that changes quickly because I don’t want her to miss out on such a good thing.

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Things got exciting with gymnastics.  I loved the quote on the back wall!

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I made Megan’s Cream Cheese Chicken Chili for dinner along with some cornbread.  I also added some tomato sauce to the recipe, use the hot Rotel tomatoes and use normal cream cheese.  It’s deliciouso and my entire family loves it.  Thank you Megan.

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We also had some cornbread thanks to Brooke.

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This post was partially written by Skye.

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Time for a few Tuesday Tangents!

*Thank you to Andrew for hanging up this little ball so I know how far to pull up my car in the garage (it’s a tight fit in our garage).  One time when I was in high school I closed the garage on the back of my gold Crown Victoria.  It definitely left a mark and my dad put up this same contraption to avoid it happening again for me:)

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*Suzy sent this to me and I had to laugh… our bodies sure are strange.  For me my plantar fasciitis is the thing that never will ever be the same… it flares up a few times a year.

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*When Andrew is at the hospital he leaves before the kids wake up and gets home after they go to bed (he has a commute in addition to the 12+ hour shifts) but last night Skye was still awake which made him very happy.

*I thought my hunger would slow down a bit once my body adjusted to breastfeeding.  Nope.  Not happening.  I am SO HUNGRY.

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*Brooke tried out these new Oreos and I had her write a review for me (I’m not really an oreo person unless it is dipped in chocolate or mixed into ice cream).  Brooke said, ”The frosting is purple and the hard part is black and it tastes like an Oreo wrapped around a marshmallow.”  She gave it 5 stars.

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*R. Kay sent this over to me yesterday.  KEEP SHOWING UP!  If you are having a hard running day, don’t forget this:

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How often do you go to the track for your workouts?  Do you enjoy running on a track or not so much?

WHO GOT INTO THE NYC MARATHON LOTTERY!?  Didn’t they send out emails last week about who got in?

Do you have a favorite type of salad dressing?  Do you bring home your leftovers from restaurants?  

Have any injuries that flare up often or never truly feel the same again?

Share a Tuesday Tangent! 

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Ugh. Injuries. That’s my middle name right now. I used to get shin splints really easy. I wish I had those now but I don’t. I have pes anserine bursitis. And it sucks because I have no idea what I’m supposed to do to fix it haha. I also had a little foot problem flare up but I think that’s done.

I’m not an Oreo person either. I’m ok with them in ice cream but other than that I prefer another cookie.


I haven’t been to a track in SO long. I didn’t do many speed workouts last year because of my kidney surgeries, and I’ve currently been doing more tempos or intervals on the roads. Hope your track workout goes well today!!

I help out with the high school ministry at my church, and we’re having a March Madness bracket for Oreos—the Peeps ones were in the lead Sunday! I was shocked because they sound so disgusting!! Love Brooke’s review—haha!

I always bring home leftovers from restaurants. If one meal I paid for ends up becoming two, I’m absolutely OK with that. :)


Your amazing running pics always have me telling my husband that we need to move to Utah! Gorgeous!


I think you need to also so we can run together. I hope you are having a beautiful day!


That picture is perfect today!! I twisted my ankle about a month ago and didn’t stay off running off it long enough… such that my ankle was still hurting and I was doing something to my gait that was causing my hip to hurt so bad I couldn’t’ walk. So I decided last week that I needed to hang up my running shoes for a while until my ankle feels better.. it is KILLING me because I was finally in a groove and was signing up for my first 10k race next week.. which I am still going to do cause its the Disney Wine and Dine in November and if I have to walk to finish it I will. But I am seriously hoping this gets better fast because I am going squirrel not being able to run :(

There is nothing better than a oreos out of a freshly opened bag…. and I agree with Jamie.. the pics of Utah are stunning!


I love that your parents are so close! Our parents are super close to us too and I am so thankful for that. It truly takes a village to raise these tiny humans. We have a 10 month old (and I am 6 wks pregnant!) and our parents offer (ask all the time LOL) to help so we can do date night… etc. It is a win/win for everyone!


Oh I am so so happy that your parents are so close too! It’s the best and huge congrats on being pregnant with #2 wahoo! I hope you are having a great Tuesday so far!


Ohhhh I love that by Desi! She’s such an inspiration and totally one of my very favorite elites to follow!

I haven’t seen those Oreos but man they’re getting creative with their flavors aren’t they? HA! ;)

Skye looks so much like Brooke!! I think she’s going to be a mini version of her! So so cute!

I haven’t been to the track in so long but I need to really soon!! They make for such great (but super hard) workouts!

Have a great day Janae!!


You have an absolutely beautiful mother. You can tell she’s genuinely a good person. I always bring leftovers home.


I completely agree with you Kimberly! Thank you so much and I sure hope you are having a great day!


Keep showing up – I love that! I need a t-shirt with that saying on it!

So true about how some runs are so amazing and others, I just can’t wait for it to be over because my legs feel like actual tree trunks. I had one of the best runs yesterday that I’ve had in a very long time. It was so awesome- I felt strong and fast and light and it was just incredible. And this was after a full day of teaching first grade, making dinner and going to the store. I wish I knew what to attribute it to, because more often than not, most of my runs aren’t like that. Go figure!

Have a great day!


I also want a shirt that says that. Yesterday’s run was a grind, the only reason I got through it was by promising myself hot cocoa when I was done — which was divine.

I got into nyc!
I kept refreshing the screen all day but eventually gave up and went to sleep, figuring I’d run Richmond or Philly instead. Or Hamilton, ON if I feel like trying for a BQ (Super-fast course).
Then, in the morning there’s the email saying congrats — at first I thought it was an email saying “sorry, better luck next year. “
I still can’t believe it and called the credit card company to make sure the payment was charged.
Then I booked the hotel (ouch). Then I told the hubs (yay).
Now I feel broke, so I’m working a whole lot of overtime to pay for it — but so worth it! Such a fun race weekend, other than the death march for ponchos at the end.
Janae, any help or training would be so welcome. I know I’ve got a faster race in me!


congrats on the nyc entry!


I’m right there with you on the plantar fasciitis. Just when I think that it might be behind me, it decides to flare up again.


Agree with the above poster, your photos make me want to move to Utah!! For now we wil just keep traveling there when we can :)
Listening to Dirty John per your recommendation! I must’ve made the weirdest faces at the gym while listening because the part about the mom that testified for the murderer really made me angry!!! 2 1/2 years for killing your wife point blank, what!!?? P.s that is not a spoiler if you are going to listen to the podcast! Okay, so I have the last episode to go and I am anxious to see if its worth the hype. Overall did not love this like Serial season 1, so I’d love more podcast recommendations (non running ones because while I’m running I like to listen to other stuff!). Tuesday Tangent complete :)


Amazing Tuesday Tangent today… thank you. Seriously, I cannot believe how the mother reacted to her daughter’s murder. Forgiveness is one thing BUT saying awful things about her and wanting him to not go to jail?!? I also liked Serial better but I’m yet to find one that I love as much… I want some recommendations too! Let me know what you think about the last episode.


Ok–this doesn’t answer any of the questions you asked–but now that you have finished the Dirty John podcast–you need to watch the Dateline episode on demand. For some reason, seeing the people involved was fascinating to me!!



Done and done… I will watch that tonight. Is the title of the episode Dirty John? I guess I could google it ha. Thank you!


I don’t think so–Definitely google it for the title or you might be searching a long time!!


I just watched it… SO CREEPY. Weird to see the people and see how different I pictured them all etc. Thanks for the recommendation Lauren!


YES—so glad you saw it! It seems so strange to me that such an educated smart woman could fall for such an “interesting” (for lack of not using a bad word) person. LOL! We are definitely on the same wavelength with podcasts….Love the ones you listen to..(Lindsey, Ali etc)


RIGHT!? That is exactly what I thought… especially when she went BACK to him!? Keep me updated on great ones that you find! Have an awesome night!


Ughhh I hate running on the track! It brings me back to high school/college track days running tough workouts..I prefer to just run my workouts in my neighborhood. It’s just easier for me mentally!
Ranch dressing is the bomb.com for me :)
I’ve rolled my ankle so many times it’s never been the same :/


Happy Tuesday! I don’t have a track I can currently use close to me so I’ve been doing most of my speed training on the treadmill. I tried the Yassos workout you did a couple weeks ago and it was tough! I did 7 x 800 and those last 3 were a mental challenge for sure. Thanks for sharing it! :)


Way to go Maddie on your Yasso workout today. Those are KILLER and you rocked it. Have an amazing day and enjoy those post-speedwork endorphins:)


I love the Asian Sesame or Ginger dressings. :) The ones that come in the packs at Costco with cabbage are my favorite right now. Man, injuries. I have a bad back and knees and it truly is never the same after. I can’t really jump yet and that sucks since I’m the crazy person who loves working out and things like Burpees. Hmm, Tuesday Tangent. I really hate going to the grocery store. LOL. Did it this morning after dropping of the kids. Not my favorite thing but I love to eat, so kind of a necessity. Haha! I am really interested in those pick-up services! Have a great day, Janae! Love your posts so much; always a source of happiness.


I retweeted and liked that Des Linden quote yesterday, too!!!! I LOVE THAT!!!!!

I do not eat Oreos. I love sweets, but it’s pretty easy to avoid processed ones for me. I like homemade sugary goodness. I was VERY tempted by those beautiful lavender Peeps Oreos last week at the grocery store though. Tell Brooke that her review has me wanting to try them even more!!!!

I like track workouts but not during football and track seasons because it’s hard for me to fit my workouts in.I don’t like starting at like 5:30/6:00 at night. And, there’s no way I’m doing track work at 5 in the morning! lol One time I did a bunch of 800s in front of our football team practicing (I’m a teacher). Never again!!!!! I try to go to a neighboring school’s track. ha ha

Have a great day, Janae!!!!!


Are you not allowed to use the track during the times those other athletes are training?


I can use it, but I hate doing workouts in front of the sports teams!!!


is it because they take up a lot of space, or just self-conscious?


I have not been to a track in literally years. I keep thinking about how I should get up early and go do that… then I don’t. I think come springtime I’ll give it a whirl, though!
Also OH MY GOSH I saw that same meme the other day and could not relate to it more. I fell off a curb while out shopping almost two years ago and severed a ligament in my ankle/foot. I did 4 months of PT and I run with it wrapped and it still gives me issues! I rolled it a little this weekend- while wearing the wrap!- and it’s all sore and achy YET AGAIN.


I just adore Brooke’s description of the oreo :)

I am so not a track runner. The only time I really do workouts on the track is when I take my own kiddos to run and/or when I’m not timing my runners.

I am in love with Bolthouse avocado cilantro dressing ;)

Tuesday tangent: I cannot even focus right now. We are picking up a new pup this weekend. He’s a mini goldendoodle and he’s about the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life (minus my own babies). My kids are going to be besides themselves.


Gorgeous photo! Your mom is a treasure ! The review and picture of Brooke make me want to run out and grab a package of those Oreos. Have you ever tried Oreo truffles? They’re super easy to make and I bet you would love them. I hate running on a track/running in circles. Have a great day!


I haven’t tried those… I need to asap! Have a good recipe? Thanks so much Patti and I hope you are having a great day!


You are a girl after my own heart – I think you will like them. Everyone likes them and they are super easy. Here is a recipe (I use almond bark when I can find it or candy discs – tip: If the melted candy is too thick add a bit of Crisco). You don’t need to put anything on the top. Sometimes I add sprinkles to make them festive for a holiday.


You are the best! Thank you!!!!!


I wanted to share the yoga video I did last night in case you or anyone else wants to do it – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzcIbLtOV4g It’s not so much a stretching video as it is a cross training video. It was great and I felt SO much better on my run this morning because of it!
I don’t get to the track very often. The high school track in town is the nicest one but it’s always in use by the school teams during the times when I can get there. There’s a gravel/dirt track at the middle school near me, but it’s not a full quarter mile so it’s not my favorite to use.
Plantar fasciitis is SO annoying!! I developed that two years ago and you are right – once you get it, it never goes away completely.


Thank you so much for sending it… I can’t wait to try it. You are the best. Bummer that you have PF too! I hope you are having a great day and so glad you had a great run this morning!


You are welcome – it’s kind of long but I really enjoyed it! I hope your track workout went well!


Happy Tuesday!
I got into NYC via the lottery!! I still cannot believe it – I put my name in thinking absolutely no way and I found out first thing in the morning of the drawing. Almost a week later and I am still pinching myself.
I am super nervous about training because of a re-occurring injury in my upper-inner thigh. If my form in absolutely perfect every stride, it doesn’t hurt but as soon as I slip, I can feel it. I am worried about being able to handle the number of miles required to train, even if my goal is just to finish.
Favorite salad dressing has to be Annie’s Garlic dressing – if you are a garlic fan you will love it!
Have a great day!


YOU GOT IN… that is so exciting Laura, you are going to love it. Boo about your your re-occuring injury, keep me updated with your training and I’m a big believer in using cross training for your running training if your body doesn’t like running every day! Have a great day Laura!


I wish my issue would go away so it could “flare up”! I’ve been struggling with high hamstring issues for a few years now (proximal hamstring tendinopathy). Seems I see a lot of ways to get along with it, but not any success stories! Feels like it will never go away. Any success stories would be appreciated :)
Utah is pretty incredible. My family will be there in the summer on vacation to the national parks – Bryce and Zion included. I can’t wait!


i don’t go to the track often, but when i join group training i do. i like track workouts, they are super helpful.

i got in the nyc marathon lottery! YES they sent out emails last week on 2/28 (we found out at the end of the day). i’m still beside myself. i’m new to running a marathon and i’ve been looking at plans. i’ve already put some runs into my calendar and i will be logging runs now, not just using Garmin/Strava. time to get down to business. if you have any advice for first timers, i’m all ears.

i like vinaigrette salad dressing or making my own simple EVOO & lemon dressing. i do tend to bring home leftovers from restaurants if we have somewhere we can put them. not if we are on holiday and do not have access to a fridge.

yes i have injuries/persistent condition that i need to manage.

Tuesday Tangent: feeling really grateful for my family and for my body and my health today. tremendous amount of gratitude. in my neighborhood, two moms were injured and their little ones are gone – due to one careless act. feeling very sad for them today.


Can you link back to your mom’s post about your brother’s early physical milestones? I remember thinking I would absolutely freak out if one of my kids was walking by the time he did.


HAHA yes… he was crazy!! Here is the post… he is the same brother that poked all of the holes into their waterbed too!


I hope you are having a wonderful day!


If i look up too long, I always wrench my neck. It is an annoying at least 1 or 2x a year event and it takes a week for me to fully turn my neck again.
My tangent- a month ago my tire was replaced due to a flat. 2 weeks later it was flat again, they repaired it, today flat again. Guess what??? The car dealer replaced the wrong tire. I am sitting in the waiting area while they are deciding what to do. I think I should not have to pay for the other tire. SO MAD.


Okay, that is beyond frustrating Carrie! I am so sorry about all of that and I definitely think they should pay for the other tire!! 100%. I hope the rest of your day is a lot better!


Yes to reoccurring pain – my it band! It will never be the same either. Ugh.
I don’t do track workouts but am interested. I know I need to add more organized speed work to running and I like it being measured out for me on a track versus looking at my watch to see if it’s been the distance. Not sure our local high school allows others to use the track or not though.


I’m on the track during the spring when I do the workouts with my kids I coach. I don’t love or hate the track for a regular run. If it’s just to get miles in, give me the roads. If it’s intervals I prefer the track because it’s so convenient. I even like to get some miles on the road and then do a fast finish on the track.

My favorite dressings are Olive Garden and Rafferty’s Hot Bacon Honey Mustard. I’m not sure if Rafferty’s is in Utah but if you get a chance to go, get that. It’s literally honey mustard in one container and bacon grease in another and it’s heaven.

I had a stress fracture (very close to a complete break) 5 years ago. Whenever we have a cold snap or the weather changes drastically, it reminds me it’s there. But I’m thankful I found out Saucony shoes are my best friend to help me with support for my feet.

Tuesday tangent: You need to try the cupcake flavored Hershey Kisses. I don’t know if they were just a Valentine’s thing or not but they are delicious!


I do agree with the above comments! I love running on the track in the spring especially since my kiddos can run around and play as well. Also, did YOU try the Peep Oreos?? Haha! What did you think? =) And I love honey mustard dressing!

Also were you able to check out those Usborne books I gave you the link for? If you wanted to order in time for Easter you would have to put your order in by the 15th =) You neeeeed to check them out, they are amazing!! ;)


I love track work outs! Okay let me phrase that – track workouts SUCK, but you feel amazing when they’re done and you do get faster, for sure! I remember my first track work out with my running club in RI and it was humbling. I swear there was an 83 year old man that was running track, faster than me.

I’m still trying to get over my back pain from a car accident last month to the point where I’m not sure I’m running the marathon I’ve been training for in two weeks.


So usually I read your posts in the morning but today did not go as planned. But reading your post now made this cruddy day a little bit better. Thank you for always being so positive in your posts.


I haven’t gone to the track for a workout for YEARS! If I need to do speed stuff I have been going to the treadmill or on a trail near me.
Definitely no NYC Marathon for me, I live in Iowa for one thing and am just returning from a running hiatus, so no marathons for a while.
My favorite salad dressing right now is the green goddess that comes with the green goddess Cobb salad at Panera. So good!
Not really any recurring injuries for me, but my back has been really hurting the last week or so. I don’t notice it when I run, but all the rest of the day I do. Hopefully it feels better soon.
Tangent: I tried that workout that you posted yesterday in the treadmill today. It felt good! I am sure I’m nowhere near as fast as you, but I felt like it made me push myself and I got a good workout in. Thanks Janae!


I love to do 400’s on the treadmill! I like being able to see exact splits and bump up the speed each interval. I love the classic Oreos but I hardly ever buy them because I don’t want to inhale them! ?


How dare you post that no bake cookie without the recipe!? My mouth is watering big time!

Love you and look forward to your posts everyday!

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