Andrew Enables + Friday Favorites + YOU are amazing!

FOUR MILES (@ 8:54 average pace) IN THE SUNSHINE!  It felt so good to see that sun and to feel my fingers for the entire run.   Those mile repeats on Wednesday left my legs feeling like jello.

I got home and Skye woke up in quite the good mood.

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We were able to keep the kids separated yesterday!  As long as Andrew doesn’t get HFM then I think we are good to go (Knox left last night for 5 days so by the time he is home he probably won’t be contagious anymore).  Bless my mom’s heart, she had Brooke sleep over at her house Wednesday night and then invited her to go to Salt Lake City with my niece so Brooke stayed there until the early evening.  Andrew clorox wiped the entire house too.  Skye and I were either gone doing random things or upstairs in my room/her room and Knox stayed downstairs with Andrew the whole time.  He felt pretty good all day and loved all the screen time that we don’t normally do at home;)  I had a nightmare that Skye got it (I’ve been paranoid about her getting sick as you can remember) but I think we dodged her getting this and Knox seems to have a pretty painless case of it hallelujah!

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Skye and I went out to meet a friend for lunch.

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Buffalo chicken salad…

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And because I felt like a bottomless pit all day long yesterday, I heated up some leftover pizza right when I got home… and once that was done I had another piece followed by an apple with pb.   Andrew’s favorite combo is pineapple and pineapple.

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Then the two of us hung out in my room for a few hours and we weren’t even slightly productive.

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Later on I picked up the Brookester.  She came in the house and started writing about what she did that day… She will be taking over this blog before you know it.

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I finally got around to stretching.  In jeans.  Somehow it worked.

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I have a problem and Andrew is enabling my pancake addiction.

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Post-dinner and these two got to practicing on Brooke’s baseball skills.

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I have a few Friday Favorites to share:

*Online grocery shopping!  We started doing this from our normal grocery store (below Andrew is ordering it) and it is life-changing.  You just order it all online and then you go to the store and they bring it to your car and load it all up for you.   Our Costco now delivers to your HOUSE and when I suggested we try that to Andrew, the look of hurt in his eyes was intense.  I apologized for thinking of skipping our trip to that store and having it delivered instead, that’s Andrew’s favorite thing to do all together.

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*Mel recommended this documentary to us.  It is free to watch on Amazon Prime.  It was great!  Nikki Kimball is so inspiring and she made me want to get in the mountains more often to run.

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*Andrew and I walked around the mall on Tuesday attempting to find more colors of some v-neck t-shirts that I love only to find that short t-shirts are the thing now (yeah, that’s not going to work for me).  I walked into Target the day after and boom, I almost cried to find so many long v-neck t-shirts in so many different colors.  THEY ARE ONLY $5!!!! So I might have gotten a few more than just the below too;)

They are $5 online too for just another day —> HERE &  HERE!

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*The smell of Skye after she takes a bath.  It’s totally normal that I just smell her for like 10 minutes straight right?!

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*This salsa verde honey lime chicken recipe is amazing.  I can’t get enough.  The recipe makes a ton so we’ve been eating it all week.  These tacos might not look pretty but they tasted amazing.


*A Friday Favorite from Brooke that she wanted me to share with you—>  The combination of Peach Cheerios and Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  She says the flavors combined really compliment each other.

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*Boston is just 17 days away!  I cannot wait to watch it. I SO SO SO wish I was going to be there this year.  I listened to Ali’s podcast with Molly Huddle yesterday and it was great.  Can’t wait to see how Molly does on her second marathon after such an awesome training cycle and setting the new American Record in the half-marathon.

*Brooke told me yesterday, “You like pancakes so much because they are just like eating a treat.”  She caught me.


If you would like to share your running accomplishments, send them to [email protected] ! You guys are incredible.


TOBY!!!   “I ran the Buffalo 100 mile race on March 23-24.  It was held on Antelope Island in Utah!  My goal was to finish it in 30:00, but came in at 26:53.  It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done!  There were some meltdowns along the way, but I had some amazing pacers and crew to pull me along!”

PS Toby and I are good friends and she was sure there for me during those tough years after my divorce… She is one of the strongest and most incredible women I know.  I am so inspired by her.

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NELL!!! “I’m a runner/lawyer/newlywed from NYC!  I’m proud to say I just PRed (by about 15 minutes from my last half marathon!) at the Palmetto Bluff half marathon a few weeks ago, coming in at 1:31:15 and 5th place of all females!  Then two weeks later I ran the United Airlines NYC half marathon and came in at 1:34:52 (it was a much hillier course and a cold windy day).  First pic is from Palmetto Bluff and second from NYC Half.  I’m also extremely excited to be running the NYC marathon this year.  It will be my first marathon ever!”

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ANDREA!!!  “I finally ran my first marathon on February 18 (Lost Dutchman in Apache Junction, AZ).  It was a long time coming- almost 2 years!  I started training for another marathon in early 2016 and used a plan that just didn’t work for me.  I ended up DNF-ing the race in northern New Mexico in July 2016 due to IT band issues.  I spent the next 1.5 years building my base, getting injured, rebuilding my base, and starting the training process again.  This time I set my own schedule, using a few other plans as a guide, and made sure to add in more cross-training.  I felt pretty good but started to have pesky IT band issues again.  I also experienced running burnout (anyone else been there?), which made it so hard to train for the last few months.  Race day arrived and I felt good.  The first 7-8 miles I hit my goal pace (10:30/mile), then disaster in the form of angry IT band strikes at mile 8.  I was driving the struggle bus after that! I was so angry at myself and cried probably 5 times during the race- I am not someone who cries a lot!  I ended up just walking the last 5 miles of the marathon (my hips and knees hurt so bad) and crossed the finish line in 5:34 (12:46/mile).  It was a true test and testament of my will power!  It took a while for me to start to feel proud of myself for the accomplishment of running a full 26.2 mile race.  I was angry and even ashamed of my time and my struggle during the race.  But I remembered your struggles a few years ago and felt that sharing the bad and ugly bits of running would be good to do. ”

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What are some of your Friday Favorites?

What are you most looking forward to this weekend?

Do you ever do your grocery shopping online?

What store would you say that you buy most of your normal (aka not workout clothing) clothes from?

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I love Target for all my shopping! We don’t order online for groceries, mostly because we live downtown a mile or less from Publix (a really nice grocery store with amazing produce) and also a mile from Whole Foods. We bike or walk to do our grocery trips. We go to dinner then shop and bike home, like a date night!

Have a great day!


Oh that is a fun date night! Thanks so much Loribeth, ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND!


My Friday favorite is breakfast bakes! So easy to make and reheat all week!
I’m looking forward to Adelynne’s first Easter and her cute easter dress!
I do not grocery shop online because grocery shopping is my favorite thing to do!
A lot of my normal clothes lately have been from Walmart. They have a lot of great athleisure wear for cheap.


Okay, you’re going to have to forgive me but what is a breakfast bake… is it like a casserole? I need your recipe because I want to do this. Oh ENJOY Adelynne’s first Easter, I can’t wait for Skye’s. I have a bunch of friends that have been getting their athleisure tops there, time for me to check them out!


It’s warm here in DC now! So i’m loving iced coffee season woohoo. I also just gave in to the mini backpack/backpack purse trend.. got a little Rebecca minkoff black one that’s super cute and fits more than it appears. Looking forward to cherry blossom weekend and outside in non-freezing weather!!
I sometimes order grocery basics from Amazon Prime Now!! During a busy day you can fill your cart with things like paper towels or cleaning supplies or deodorant, as well as some groceries from Whole Foods now that Amazon owns them! And then have it scheduled to deliver when you get home from work. It’s amazing.
Hmm non workout clothes….. what is that? hehe


Enjoy those warm days, they are the best! AHHH I know the backpack/purse you are talking about, SO CUTE. I am SO jealous of Amazon Prime groceries… I need that! HAHAH seriously about the non-workout clothes! Have a great weekend Krista.


JUST started Amazon Fresh and OMG!!! There is NOTHING LIKE hitting “Add All To Cart” the second go-around. Prices are competitive with TJ’s here in NYC, and with the subway costs the delivery is also actually cheaper so.. WIN!!!!

Also: vindication, thanks to Profs at my school!!
‘“Popcorn is an extremely nutritious snack compared to most,’ says Joe Vinson, a professor of chemistry at the University of Scranton.

Along with fiber, popcorn is a source of polyphenols—a type of plant antioxidant linked to improved cell health. Most fruits and vegetables are mainly water—meaning you have to eat a relatively large portion of them to get meaningful amounts of their healthful nutrients, Vinson says. Popcorn is a much more condensed source of antioxidants. Vinson’s research has shown that a serving of popcorn contains roughly double the amount of polyphenols as a serving of fruit (although fruit may have different or more numerous amounts of other vitamins and healthy phytochemicals).


Well, now I am going to go grab me a bag of popcorn… THANK YOU! Okay, I have never tried Amazon Fresh… I hope we get it here someday soon. So glad you get to do that. Have an amazing weekend!


This weekend I’m most excited for Saturday when all my bridesmaids are coming into town to go dress shopping for them! And we’re going to do brunch beforehand. Can’t wait to see everyone! Plus my alma matter (Villanova) is playing in the final four in the NCAA tournament that night, so it’s going to be a fun day all around!

I recently started doing whole foods delivery though instacart and it’s pretty great for those weekends where I’m doing a million things and can’t fit grocery shopping in, but still want healthy food for the week! I’m kind of like Andrew though where I generally like walking through the grocery store, but it’s really nice to have the option when other things come up!

Sticking with the delivery theme- I actually do stitch fix for a lot of my new clothes. I’m not super into shopping so don’t buy new (non workout) clothes too often, but if I’m feeling in the mood for something new, I’ll order a fix. Also, Madewell makes great basic v neck tees if you need to know for future reference! Although it sounds like you are stocked up for a while- and $5 is hard to beat!

Also- Skye is getting so cute!! Not that she wasn’t cute before haha, but I think it’s adorable when babies grow out of that infant stage and start to have their own expressions/ personalities! She looks like such a happy, smiley baby! Hope you have a great weekend!


DRESS SHOPPING for the bridesmaids dress… have the best time ever. I am so excited for you:) I WISH we had a whole foods here… someday! YES, I usually love Madewell tees but we went in and they were all so short, it broke my heart. Thank you, I agree… she is getting cuter each day. Have a fabulous weekend Diana.


Thank you for telling us about the Target sale!! Just bought 4 t shirts in the middle of reading your post :-)

I am looking forward to pizza for dinner tonight and a movie with my husband and daughter and then on Sunday I can’t wait to dress her up in her Easter dress :-)

Have a great weekend, Janae!


That makes me so happy! I’ll be wearing them all winter long:) I want pizza and a movie tonight… ENJOY! That sounds like the perfect weekend. Thanks, YOU TOO!


i LOVE Brooke’s cereal combo!!! I haven’t had the peach Cheerios, but I want to try that for sure!

Hands down, most of my entire closet is from Target, and I’m perfectly fine with that. :) HAPPY FRIDAY!! Hope you have a great weekend, Janae!


Thanks girl! YOU TOO!! Target is the best of the best:)


Conference!! I always love when conference comes around. I’m trying to decide what I want to do durning priesthood session because I always feel like I should be doing something when I don’t.

And Easter is fun too.

I get a lot of my clothes from my mom and sister as hand-me-downs haha I’m not a good clothes shopper.


I am so excited about conference too! LUCKY that your sis and mom give you clothes, I want that:) Enjoy this sunshine Jenny!


I hope Knox is feeling better soon and no one else gets sick.


Thanks so much Fiona! I hope you have a great weekend!


Online grocery shopping is my favorite! Except when it comes to produce. Those grocery people sometimes give me sub-par grapes and sugar peas.
Looking forward to General Conference! And also eating my kids’ Easter candy (it’s for their health).
I hope your girls don’t catch HFM! That illness isn’t fun.


Good to know about produce… we get most of ours at Costco so we haven’t faced that yet. HAHAH I am excited for this weekend for the exact same reasons as you:) Enjoy Liz and thank you!


When you’re going through a mid-life crisis, do you find that you’re able to run more, or run less?


Not sure I’ve had a mid-life crisis but during hard spots in life I feel like I run more since running helps me to relieve stress:) Have a great day Linda!


Yes to sunshine on runs!
And thanks for the reminder about the target sale!
This weekend I can’t wait for Easter family time…we have a LOT planned!
My regular clothes are from LOFT, Target, and Old Navy.
Happy Easter!


A birthday + lots of time with family this weekend… you’ve had a great week:) ENJOY ERINN!


Skye gives me baby fever…hahaha she’s just so cute!
Today is a rest day for me (tomorrow is 12 miles eep) but yesterday was an amazing speed workout…one of the best runs I’ve ever had and I felt like such a bada$$ when I was done!
Loft and banana republic are my go-tos, especially the outlet versions!


Great job on your awesome speed workout yesterday! YOU ARE A BAD A:) Have a great long run tomorrow Rhiannon!


Gorgeous Skye photos! Glad Knox is doing ok and that the rest of you have avoided it. We’ve never had HFM but lots of our friends have, it seems to sweep around nurseries!

We do online shopping with delivery; it’s really common in the UK. If our shops were as exciting as Target we might miss visiting the shop more ?

I really wanted to say a huge congratulations to Andrea from the achievements story for her marathon. I’m facing the exact same situation next weekend, ITBS and all, and although I can totally understand why it took her a long time to feel good about it I hope she knows what an awesome achievement she managed. Plus I am totally using the struggle bus analogy myself in future ;)


Right? Andrea is absolutely amazing. I am so sorry about your ITBS. That is the worst pain… please let me know how it goes!! Thinking about you Lys.


Groceries we rarely do online but other stuff yes.

Favourite store – Old Navy or Lululemon for running stuff – sometimes winners too (workout or otherwise). I have gotten pieces from GAP and Banana Republic but honestly I live in running gear a lot haha

Looking forward to some as of yet tb d adventures.

Have a great Easter holiday!


Aww, thanks, Janae! It came on quite suddenly and recently but I was sure that was it for my marathon attempt. But with the physio’s ok I’m now thinking I might just go for it for guts and pride, and run/walk it from the start. I’m going to try it out tomorrow and decide after that.


What are the pictures you have behind your dining room table – I think I see that one says faith? Did you make them or purchase them somewhere. Love the idea of having scripture or faith type quotes on the walls.


Grocery shopping has always been my least favorite household chore. Our amazing local chain started offering online shopping two years ago and it has been life changing! It’s easier to budget, no more impulse buying and meal planning is so much easier! Best. Thing. Ever!!!


I’m actually looking forward to my 11-mile long run tomorrow! I’ve only ever done 10, so it’s gonna be intense. =)

I’ve never done online grocery shopping, but I’m one of the weird ones that enjoys going to the store (I only have one child, so that probably helps!). I think I just like going to the clearance sections and loading up on marked down bread and snacks.


I love V neck tees the best. I think most of mine are either older from Victoria Secret (online only) or from Target as well. Target makes great everyday shirts. Happy Easter weekend!!


We have Fresh Direct ( here in NYC, so we get 60% of our groceries delivered (the rest is from Trader Joe’s & Whole Foods). We could actually even get the Whole Foods delivered to us, but it’s pretty expensive and the store is close by. It works really well because I don’t have to carry tons of bags (no cars here!). Happy to see the rest of the country is catching on to the magic :)


I love Target’s tees! Actually everything the I am currently wearing is from Target and Costco ;)

I am totally on the bandwagon of ordering my groceries online but I have to agree with Andrew on Costco being worth it to actually go in the store!

I am looking forward to sleeping in my own bed after being away for a week and visiting with family and celebrating Easter this weekend!


Eeeek! Skye is the cutest!!! She is changing so much Janae – she looks like such a good mix of you & Andrew! I wanted to see again if you had a chance to check out those Usborne books – let me know if you need any recommendations!! I posted the link to your HungryRunnerGirl facebook page under the comments of your last post!! Hope your sweet family has the best Easter!! =)


I also love Target for their cute (and affordable!) shirts! Right after I read this post this morning, I went to Target and bought several of these in various colors! SCORE! They also had some t-shirt bras on clearance for under $3! So I got some of those too (I stopped nursing/pumping about a month ago and am finally back to my ‘new’ normal size).

My weekend plans include a long run tomorrow morning (my favorite of the week!), an Easter egg hunt for my son (he is one and this will be the first one that he can actually do since last year he was only 3 weeks old haha!), a nice homecooked meal, and just enjoying time with my husband, son, and pets! Happy Easter to you and yours!


Your shirt mention made me smile! I bought one of those v-necks at Target last weekend. Love it! Went back to buy more, but they were out of my size. Proceeded to order 4 more online. They arrived today!


Pineapples on pizza is my FAVORITE topping! There is never enough pineapple on there so I am with Andrew on the pineapple thing. Oh and I also like my pizza WHITE (aka no tomato sauce). I have Amazon Prime but I haven’t tried any of the shows on there yet. I really want to but I always forget they have shows lol. I will have to browse around and see what all is on there! :)


Friday’s are the BEST … my mom is healing from her surgery and was feeling up to going out today. I will be going home tomorrow afternoon and as we’re in MN I HAD to go shopping due to TAX FREE of COURSE and we hit up Eddie Bauer and I got some GREAT tops for 50% off … I have a VERY LONG body … I would recommend checking out Eddie Bauer if you get a chance.


We would all be naked if it wasn’t for Target :/

Thanks for the loves Janae❤️


Next time you go to Cubbys, try their whoopie pie cookies. They are amazing. Trust me on this.


i’ve started ordering my groceries online recently and i was instantly hooked. i’ve been using instacart. it’s worth it to me to spend a little more to save the time of going to the store!

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