Just remember this (an important PSA) + It sure is crazy.

Skye gifted us with some great stretches of sleep.  I was very grateful to her the entire day.

Andrew has gotten really good at doing Brooke’s hair in the morning while I am feeding Skye.

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Once Brooke went to school, Candice and I went on a walk together.  The time went by SO fast.  We walked for a little over an hour together.  I love when you get to combine time talking with your people with moving!  I even came home with a few endorphins and so much excitement to run with Candice soon! PS my 6 week appointment is TODAY!

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It is cold here but seriously nothing compared to our normal Januaries… I am sorry to Texas for switching our weather with yours!

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Andrew and Knox set out for Andrew’s run yesterday morning too!

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When Brooke got home from school and Knox saw her shirt, he ran to his room to change into his shirt that is like hers:)

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Speaking of habits (from yesterday’s post)… this is just my habit lunch if we don’t have leftovers or eggs/bacon/pancakes (aka still my favorite).

Skye was kind of grossed out by my combination but she’ll grow to love it someday.  Also, 2 sweet potatoes > 1 sweet potato.

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She was more approving of my hot chocolate afterwards.  PS if Target is selling anything holiday themed, they can count on me to buy it.

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I am loving how alert and awake Skye is lately… She isn’t sleeping 99.9% of the day anymore.  It’s crazy how much you can love someone that you’ve only known for such a short time.

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Before dinner I ran up to Costco really quick to copy my friend’s new sweatshirt and put it on right away (I love Costco clothes).  I also somehow left with this brownie mix… these remind me of my mom.  She is always stocked with these in her pantry and has made them many times for me.

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You know you love a recipe when you make it two times in one week.  Yep, more chicken tortilla soup.  The kids aren’t big fans of this soup so they had quesadillas instead.   When we went around the table saying what we were thankful for, Knox said he was thankful for Target.  Me too.

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These two finished up the night with a movie night.

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Oh and I have had some people asking about Beretta!  She is doing great.   She runs with Andrew in the mornings, plays with the kids all day and doesn’t even really notice that Skye is here now!  I caught a picture of her licking Andrew ha!

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Just a random Runner’s PSA and if you don’t do this, feel free to skip it…  Comparing ourselves to our past selves.

The other night in the middle of the night I got up to get Skye to feed her and realized my quads were sore.  That day I had done A FEW squats (without weights or anything) after my walk and my legs quickly reminded me of those squats.  I then started thinking about where I was at fitness wise after having Brooke (that’s where I went wrong;) and I remembered that I ran a fast half marathon at just about THIS SAME POINT that I am at now postpartum.

Baby Brooke after my race:

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I couldn’t run that time or that distance right now if someone paid me 10 million dollars to do it.  My fitness is quite different this time postpartum and while I know I’ll come back strong, it is going to take a lot of time/patience/hard work to get there.  But for a minute in the middle of the night, I was feeling lame for being nowhere near where I once was with my fitness and sore after a few squats (even though I know I’m doing the exact right thing for me and my body right now)!  I’ve compared myself to my old running self plenty of times in the past to know that I have to stop that kind of thinking right away and love where I am at now with my running (or lack there of;).

Like my mom always says, “Don’t look back… you’re not going that way.”  Happiness/joy/fulfillment comes when we enjoy where we are at NOW.  We should look forward with optimism and embrace the season we are in RIGHT NOW.  I’ve realized that for me, comparing my running to what I used to do is nothing but a waste of time/thoughts/energy and it gets me nowhere that I want to be.

So instead, I’m just going to think about how ridiculously excited I am to get in a mile tomorrow!

Wherever you are with your fitness right now, join in with me and love it without looking back (unless you are looking back with positive thoughts to celebrate how far you have come!  Also, it’s great to look back and be proud of your accomplishments too… just not so much getting down on ourselves for not being where we used to be:)!


Oh and I have one more habit question from yesterday’s post… is making the bed a habit for you?  Do you do it each day?

My hands are SO DRY and I feel like I can’t find a lotion to help them… do you have any recommendations for a good hand lotion?  It’s driving me crazy.  

What was your dinner last night?

What foods remind you of your mom?

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I often fall into the bad habit of comparing myself to my past self as well – thank you for the reminder to keep looking forward instead! As for making the bed, I used to be in that habit, but haven’t done it as much lately. I want to make it a habit again!


Loccitaine pure shea butter hand creme, not the scented kind. It saves me every winter!


I second this hand creme! the BEST


Thank you so much!!!


Yes I use this too! It’s simply the best!


I’m having serious food envy of your avocados. Serious craving over here!
Fingers crossed your doc clears you to run – good luck!
My husband almost always makes the bed, we have this unspoken rule that whoever is out of bed last makes the bed. ;)
Dinner last night was Blue Apron Tuscan Chicken – it was SO GOOD!
Lasagna always reminds me of my mom. And cheesecake. We always used to make these recipes from scratch together. Oreo cheesecake for Thanksgiving and lasagna for Christmas dinner.


Working Hands Cream is great! This for dinner: http://www.geniuskitchen.com/recipe/easy-curried-yellow-dal-yellow-split-peas-313513?ref=amp&ftab=reviews#activity-feed
So good over rice or a baked potato.
Chocolate chip cookies remind me of my mom-she made them all the time!


You are so awesome! I love reading your daily thoughts and reflections.
I have hard time with not comparing myself to other people. Even people I don’t know.. social media really gets me on this one. More than ever lately I feel not thin/pretty/financially stable/ smart (the list goes on) enough. This is where my gratitude practice comes in. I hear that in your reflections too. When I can stop myself from going down the rabbit hole of what I am not, but can reflect realistically and say thank you for what I am, it always proves to be the game changer I really need at that moment.
Anyway- good luck with your appointment today! It’s inspiring how good you were to yourself after baby Skye, allowing time to heal and settle.
Lots of love,


Yes yes yes! Amanda, I think most of us struggle with this! Before social media we just had the people on our street/at work/ friends etc to compare to and social media opens up the whole world for us of comparing! A few things that help me when I struggle with this.. I go on a social media fast. I say goodbye for a bit and it helps a lot! Or I go through who I follow and unfollow accounts that make me feel bad about myself (it’s not them… it’s me). The third thing I do is remind myself that social media is a highlight reel! We are all just showing the best parts of life and to remember every person out there has struggles and trials too! I LOVE what you said about gratitude and completely agree! I love it! Gratitude is truly life changing! You’re doing amazing Amanda and thank you so much for sharing your thoughts… we are all benefiting from them!


I’m loving Skinfix Ultra Rich Hand Cream this winter! It’s very moisturizing without being greasy. You can find it at Target or Ulta!


I love that reminder not to compare ourselves to our past selves. I wrote about comparisons this week in my blog post, and you’re right—even when we’re comparing ourselves to ourselves and not to others, it can still be dangerous. Love what your mom said!!

I use Trader Joe’s spa lavender hand and body lotion, and I LOVE it. It really does remind me of being pampered with a massage at a spa (minus the actual massage part)!

So excited for you and your appointment today!! Also, please tell Knox that I’m so thankful for Target, too. :)


The Nivea Essentially Enriched has worked for my dry winter hands in the past. It is a little oily feeling so it soaks in well but doesn’t feel gross haha.

Chicken pot pie and mashed potatoes remind me of my mom <3
Have a great day !


Your mom is so wise. You are lucky to have her around ;-) My dinner last night (and almost every week night) looks a lot like your go-to lunch! Usually a layer of salad (right now it`s coleslaw) on the bottom of my plate, covered by a sweet potato, avocado, chicken or a piece of salmon. I often had pieces of fruit, like blueberries, raspberries or pears. Just so delicious and quick! Good luck with your appointment. I am sure that the recovery you took this time will pay :-)


I went out way too strong & too fast after one of my pregnancies. My body & breastfeeding paid for it. Then I learned how our bodies need a year of recovery from childbirth so I took it extremely slow the next time around and my body thanked me! Now that I’m past that phase of life, I’m running exactly like I used to, I didn’t miss out on anything:) It’s amazing how it comes back to you.


Yes, I make the bed every day. It’s the first thing I do! I hate the look of an unmade bed. :)

Good luck at your appointment today!!


“Dont look back, you’re not going that way”…LOVE this. Wise words from your mama.

Yes, I am a bed maker each and every day and am doing my darndest to instill the same habit in my very messy 10yr old daughter.

I had a late meeting at work last night so hubs made dinner: burgers on pretzel buns, sweet potato fries and some roasted veggies. Delicious.


Thank you for this!!! I have struggled with my running time since my 2nd daughter was born (over 3 years ago). I would just get bummed that I’m not as fast and it was hard. So I just figured that I’m never going to get back to that time. Made it a goal this year to run just 1 mile at my 5K PR pace. Once I hit that goal we will see where I take it.


I have super dry hands during the winter time. Someone recommended this lotion to me and it is great, Gold Bond Ultimate Healing lotion. It does not feel greasy at all and soaks right in.


I used to not make my bed but started when I went to college. I love it and it makes my life seem put together.
When I was at Target the other day I almost bought that mug! The only reason I didn’t was that the shelf we put mugs on is so full there’s no more room. I agree with you and Knox, Target is definitely something to be thankful for.
When my hands get super dry, I just load up on whatever lotion I currently have. When I say load up I mean put on way more than you need before going to bed. Then put the special gloves on that are made to moisturize or use socks. I use socks more often than not and then in the morning my hands are less dry. It takes a few nights to really get my hands super moisturized but it’s awesome to not have gross, alligator skin on my hands.


Amlactin is the only cream I use on my hands. It used to be a prescription but now it’s over the counter. I need it in Colorado for sure.
I’m working hard on not comparing myself to my old level of fitness too!


Oh yes I make my bed every single day. I’m college I had a roommate that texted me once to see if I was ok because I hadn’t made my bed and I had accidentally slept in and had to rush off to campus. She knew something wasn’t right ;)
My mom is queen of taking everything in the fridge and making it into a yummy pasta dish or a soup or something so whenever I do something like that it makes me think “I’m being like Mom right now!”.
I really like your PSA. That was one of the hardest parts of getting back into running after such a long injury, was knowing how far I had to go to “catch up” to where I used to be. I’m still not there but I feel like I’m a lot more forgiving with myself than I was at first. It’s more about taking care of my body and listening to it so I don’t get hurt again. As long as I’m able to run and exercise, that’s what matters a lot more.


I make my bed everyday. If I have to work at 6am (shift work) then I’ll make the beds when I come home from work. Although, it doesn’t make much sense since we are going to be getting back into bed soon but I function better when the house is tidy.
My hands are SO dry too!! I heard “bag balm” is amazing for dry hands- they use it on cows uudders. Update us if you find something you like!
I want to try that soup..it’s -20 here so that sounds like the perfect comfort food!


I try to make my bed every day, but I gift myself one day off a week without self-judgement! I just discovered o’keefe’s hand cream and it has helped my dry, dry hands SO MUCH. It’s unscented and non-greasy, too.
My mom actually wasn’t much of a cook…but my brothers and I loved going to breakfast at Cracker Barrel with her when we were on long road trips!
Good luck at your appointment!


Looking back. It is so hard not to do that. I have compared myself to others and to my former self so many times and it makes me so unhappy. I used to be thinner… I used to make more money… I used to… I used to… I need to stop it. You are right. We are not going that way. But when you are over 40 like me, it is tempting to think of days past and what you did with the time because I start to feel time is running out … Was it worth it? The food I make every thanksgiving, whether others eat it or not, is my mother’s potato salad. It makes me think of her and the happy times we had growing up during holidays. It is the ultimate comfort food (served warm, of course!). Do you have an Insta Pot? We got one for Christmas and we made Curried Chicken in it. That’s what we had for dinner last night. It took no time and was really tender and delicous. Beautiful pictures BTW!


Hey- what is that Costco sweater? Is it Champion? Can we see another pic? :)


Yes! It is champion brand! Want me to email you another pic? It is so comfy!


Can you email me a pick too, or a style number? I love it and would love to try and find it online (sadly I am not close to costso). Thank you!


Yes!!!! Here is the link:


Have a fabulous day!!!


This is my favorite hand cream and it smells amazing:

Life is too short to make the bed. =)


Curel fragrance free lotion!! It’s thick and NOT greasy. I live in super cold NY and my hands get crazy dry too.

Last night I made steak sandwiches using my crock pot. I just shared and posted the recipe today. You should give it a try on a day when you are crunched for time. My small kiddos love the meat. One of them eats it as a sandwich and the other eats the meat with the bread on the side! :)


The Working Hands hand lotion is the very best for my dry hands!
I love your blog :) xx


I guess we got your snow here in Charlotte. My kids and myself (I’m a preschool teacher) had snow days yesterday and today. Our issue here is black ice.

I’m frustrated with my fitness right now. I had an injury at the end of September that left me unable to run until mid November. Now I just can’t get back into it because every time I run I get down on myself for being so slow and I can’t run far.


Share what you learn about the lotions – I need it too!
And yes I make my bed but it’s just pulling covers up really. Not dressed up with pretty pillows or anything.
tuna casserole makes me think of my mom – don’t make it now because my husband and kids wouldn’t eat tuna fish but I guess we did as kids.


Brb while I run to Costco to see if they have that sweatshirt!!


I think Eucerin is great and Aquaphor (I use that when I can just sit around a bit because it is greasy).


I literally CANNOT get started with my day until I make the bed. It’s so weird. It’s the first thing I do every morning!

My hands have been SO dry, too I can’t wait to see what everyone suggests.

I got cleared to run again by my PT yesterday!!!! I ran 2 miles on the treadmill today and have never been so happy! I didn’t have any hamstring pain at all! WAHOO!

I can’t wait to hear what your doctor tells you! :)


I’m crossing my fingers for good news at your doctor’s appointment today! Team bedmaking here. And I swear by Gold Bond lotion for dry skin. At this time of year I feel like I do nothing else but put on lotion.


I love the advice from your mom. I also really love seeing your relationship with her – my mom and I are SO close (she’s one of my best friends) and I love seeing that relationship in other people, too. You are never too old to need your mom! :) My mom makes so many yummy foods, but my favorite thing she makes is this lemon sheet cake, and nothing compares to it. It’s my favorite cake and every now and then she’ll make it and she always makes sure that I get some!
I usually make the bed each day, but I didn’t today because I was running late!
I hope your doctor’s appointment goes well and you get back into your routine! I had about 2 1/2-3 weeks off due to having surgery and I was really hard on myself during my first workout, but luckily, I was working out at home so I gave myself a little pep talk. It’s so easy to compare yourself to either your past self or others, but I try to remember that I am working out/running/eating a certain way for ME. It’s a benefit to MY LIFE and nobody else’s. And that’s what everyone else is doing, too! If you continue to work towards being your best self, then you are doing the right thing.


Lasagna, French toast and mashed potatoes always remind me of my fabulous Mom. Not eaten at the same time lol! Your post was full of wisdom today. It really resonated with me.


Utah can have this cold weather back ASAP!! We are wimps in TX hahaha
Great post today! I really struggle with the comparison thing so much and I agree – social media does make it worse.
I can’t make my bed everyday because H is still in it when I leave. Sometimes I come home for lunch and make the bed because a neat bed makes me happy :)
I’m love reading all the hand cream recommendations. I really like Kopari Coconut Balm and the Nivea one in the blue tin. I wash my hands a lot. I think the key is to reapply every time you wash.
H made some yummy chili for dinner last night. It tasted so good after I got home from the gym.
My mom was a really good cook. Her pot roast was the ABSOLUTE best and I have never been able to duplicate it. I also have very good memories of baking cookies with her. Maybe that’s why I love cookies so much.
I hope you get a great report from the doctor!!


This post is so perfect for today! At 10 weeks PP, I started a new workout program yesterday and was disappointed at how light of weights I needed. Then when I got up for a middle of the night feeding I realized my legs felt heavy from a long walk yesterday (ha I just realized how similar this story is to yours). It’s hard not to be frustrated at where my fitness level is now but I try to remember how amazing my body is for growing and birthing a baby.


Lunch is always a weird meal for me. I rarely make anything new and just end up having either leftovers or a sandwich. It’s never an interesting or exciting meal…although I’ve been having the same breakfast for years so I guess we just get set in our ways LOL.

My mom makes a few different pasta dishes that remind me of her.


We make the bed 99% of the time. If we don’t, I walk into the bedroom and wonder what happened? It was a positive habit developed when we sold our first house.

I love Kiehl’s Ultimate Strength Hand Salve. And the smell isn’t cloying.

We had sheet pan chicken and veggies with brown rice last night. It was OK but probably something I won’t make again. Tonight is a sausage, spinach and garlic frittata. I cannot wait.

My mom isn’t a great cook but her pies are the best. She always made a pineapple pie that was crazy good. Homemade pie crust, of course. Aunt Midge’s recipe. :-)


Thanks for your comments about not comparing ourselves. I’m 4 months pregnant and I just got home from the gym. I was feeling really bad at the gym that I’m not at the fitness level that I was before. But I really just need to focus on growing this little baby and being healthy!


O’Keeffe’s working hands hand cream. It’s in a green tube at Walmart for around $5. Seriously the best ever. I’ve used it ever since moving to Utah and anytime my hands show signs of dryness I put some on and it’s better.

I’m trying to remember that there are seasons for everything, this pregnancy has been so hard (I get really sick, thanks to HG) and then last week a car accident that started contractions, I’m only 32 weeks so I definitely want him to stay in longer but having to be on rest and watching what little fitness I had slip away is depressing! Here’s to starting all over ???


Your body is thanking you for the recovery time. :) Fitness will come back, better to do it in a healthy way!

I have to make the bed in the morning or I feel like the day has not begun….or that I may just climb back into it at any minute ;)

Skye is absolutely adorable!


My hands are incredibly dry right now too because I seem to always be doing dishes. The best lotion ever is Avon Moisture Therapy intense healing & repair. My husbands Grandma gave me a few tubes and I sweat by it now!
Comparing to past selves is SO hard not to do. I ran in college and was in the best shape ever. I’m more of a walker now and I love lifting weights, but the slender me is probably never going to be the same. And that is okay. My boobs and tummy will never be the same after my twins, but that’s also okay. It can be so hard, but back then I didn’t but have the love of my two kiddos and husband.


Janae, give yourself major props for waiting this time around! You are showing utmost respect to your body and all it has recently been through this time around! I know you have alluded to it in the past – that you needed running more for emotional reasons with Brooke based on your marriage and other factors. Be thankful you didn’t ‘NEED’ it this time (though I am sure it still wasn’t easy from an overall sanity perspective) because everything else in your life is so much better!!


Hey Janae,

Thank you so much for this post! I NEEDED that. You’re so so right! Comparing our current self to past self or anyone else is completely energy depleting and soul-sucking. I’m also just easing back into running after a loooong break due to medical stuff. I’m starting small and feeling great, but it’s so hard not let those little thoughts creep in that tell you to push harder. Patience is key, and accepting where we are at and getting excited about the progress we will make in the future feels better. Hitting milestones and achieving goals is always exciting – even if they’re just little ones! Good luck today! I’m excited for you :)
Also this cream: https://www.cakebeauty.com/products/milk-made-hand-cream-coconut-oil
I got hooked on it when I worked at Sephora in college! Or next time you’re at Trader’s pick up their Coconut Body Butter! It’s super hydrating and smells incredible :)


Thank you so much for these words of encouragement!! I started running a few years ago and I have grown to love it!! I started with a goal of running a 5k and worked my way to that goal. That first 5k was followed by another 5k trail run and then a 10k. I worked toward a 10-miler and then last spring I ran my first half marathon.
After the half, I backed off on my mileage during the hot summer months (I live in GA). I told myself that I would start increasing miles in the fall – but then I started back to work and my kids’ sports schedules kind of took over the evenings.
I was just looking through my training log from last January and was sad to see the level of fitness that I’ve lost! But I’m so encouraged by your post and love your mom’s words – don’t look back – we’re not going that way!! So today the sun is shining and I’ll love my time with my running shoes on the pavement!!


Good morning.
Thank you for a post I needed. I was in the most fantastic shape post Hope, because I was home on maternity leave with a little cutie who smiled at me on the treadmill from a baby seat………..I got in speed and distance that I could only dream of right now.
The thought “how was I in the best shape of my life with a 3 month old?” is where I went wrong.

I asked myself, what would be sacrificed to run like that right now………when I said those sacrifices to myself, I also said NOT worth it. Often when I am in the compare place I forget that the best parts of my current life are best for a reason.

Have a great appointment, and with the awesome news also remember what a beautiful family unit of 5 you have created!


I love that Knox changed his shirt to match Brook! How sweet!
Your words about not looking back really hit home today. Not only with my fitness level and weight (which I’m struggling with) but also emotionally. Thank you for reminding me that each day is a fresh start.
I like the “Seaberry” lotion from Fresh for my hands. Burt’s Bees for the rest of me!


Good Luck with your first run! Be easy on yourself! I remember things hurting in places that I was like “OMG what is that!”
I never make my bed unless we have company coming over or I just washed the sheets. I made a Mexican chicken and rice instant pot recipe last night. It was pretty good. Maybe could use a little lime though and I added chilies for spice. https://meaningfuleats.com/instant-pot-southwestern-chicken-and-rice/

As for the dry hands have you tried Bag Balm? Or the Eucerin Advanced Hand Cream is pretty good too and not greasy. Cube Steak and Mushroom gravy with mashed potatoes always reminds me of my mom and its totally a comfort food.


My favorite cream is CeraVe cream (comes in a tub). Fragrance free, super thick and not greasy! I use CeraVe lotion on my face most of the time, but when it’s feeling super dry I switch to the cream. Neutrogena Norwegian Formula hand cream is also amazing!

I’ve been base building to prep for half marathon training in a couple of weeks and trying to focus on keeping an easy pace as easy as I can, which has been a struggle to see paces for daily runs that I haven’t seen in a couple of years (though to be fair, I was probably working harder at those paces back then than I am now!). I’m trying to refocus my frustration to thankfulness – for having a body that can exercise, for having access to a treadmill when the weather outside isn’t great, for when the weather IS great and I can get outside….etc :)


Came here to say Neutrogena Hand Cream as well. It was the only thing that worked when I was in healthcare and washing my hands so many times a day in the winter. I don’t love how it feels, feels a little sticky to me, but it works wonders.

Also I don’t make my bed everyday but I make sure to change my sheets once a week. I only make it if someone will see it. Also I sent this post to my mom awhile ago as an aha for not making my bed if you need an excuse not to, basically says not making it is better because it lets it air out. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/make-your-bed-dust-mites_us_5601809ce4b08820d91a3e8f


Lotion twins! I swear by these too :)


Texas is supposed to warm up this weekend:) Hallelujah!
Have an exciting day at the Doc:) YAY!


I almost bought that sweatshirt yesterday too and then I remembered the billion other things on my list and said “maybe next time” haha.

I love your moms quote! I’m going to have to hang that somewhere. Your mom should be a motivational speaker.


I picked up a bottle of “True Blue Spa Shea Cashmere & Silk Hand Cream” from Bath and Body Works during their semi-annual sale (I think it’s still going on!) and I love it. I keep it on my desk at work/in my purse and it keeps my hands super soft and isn’t greasy at all.


Oh my goodness! I’m putting your mom’s wise words in my journal where I keep my go to Bible verses. As a mom of 3, I often times catch myself saying things like… when I ran that 15k in “x” amount of time or I finished that triathalon in “x” time…but I try to redirect those thoughts and think about how blessed I am to still teach spin, bootcamp classes and stay active with my kids. I also don’t ever want my children to have those thoughts rule them so I’m trying hard to be the example.


I got a sample of Curel Hydra Therapy Wet Skin Moisturizer from CVS when I ordered something online and really love it. It seems like it really coats the skin but isn’t greasy. I really liked your reminder about where we are fitness-wise. I find myself comparing so much, post herniated disc injury. I LOVE to workout…it’s just one of my things that most of my friends don’t understand. I’m not a competitive person but for workouts I am…against myself. I workout with my husband and he is always reminding me to take it easy…that injuring myself takes away the workout period. He’s right…I’d rather be able to slowly work up my strength than injure myself and be out for longer with absolutely no workouts. So, it was really humbling to have to stop everything and now to have to work back up. I hurt my back again the Monday before last including the jump in burpees. I love burpees and have had to walk it since my back went out over a year ago. I had been feeling so great, so I went for it. Anyways, I just got back into biking this week and won’t be able to do weights til next week, but I choose to focus on the fact that the pain is gone and I can do the bike at least. I’ve been doing the 100-push-up challenge since Thanksgiving break, and this is my third time restarting it. The highest we got was 34 days. :) Have a great day, Janae!


Thank you for this post!! It’s exactly what I needed to read. When I was 24 I was sick for months resulting in a surgery. It took about a year and a half before I started to feel “normal.” It’s been 3 years now, and my running hasn’t been the same. My half marathon race times have been far from the PR I set before I got sick.

It’s really difficult to constantly feel like you used to be “better.” I didn’t completely realize that I was still falling into this trap of self-comparison until I read your PSA lol. I’m still working on getting back to where I was but maybe I should instead focus on getting “faster in general,” and forgot about the “as fast as I used to be” part. But anyways thank you! This has definitely given me something to think about! :)


I remember when you shared that quote from your Mom before and I meant to comment how awesome it is : …. Like my mom always says, “Don’t look back… you’re not going that way.” … I used to have tons of journals with all of my weights, race times, crazy thoughts. While for some people it might be fun to look back on past thoughts, for me it was NOT fun so I threw all of them away :) It was a total purge (after reading Marie Kondo’s book). Of course I remember PR’s, etc. but not having the physical reminder of the journals has helped a bit.
Question for you… I was SO good about not weighing myself. Threw away the scale, etc. Then, being the numbers freak that I am, I went and bought a darn scale. I know you are a numbers junkie so how did you get over just WANTING to KNOW! Because maybe I can guess you might be a little curious but how do you fight that curious monster? :)

Awesome post as always. Thanks Janae!


Yep! I make my bed (almost) everyday. I used to not but after watching this video I can’t NOT do it anymore. :) https://youtu.be/3sK3wJAxGfs

Good luck at your appointment! I hope all goes well. Start slow and listen to your body! ❤️


I am definitely on the “buy anything holiday from target” train!!! And my 9 year old niece LOVES all of the glittery/unicorn themed items they have in their $1-$5 section right now


I absolutely have to make me bed every morning. My day feels off if I don’t.

Have your tried Aveeno for your hands? That tends to work for me every when they’re feeling extra dry.


Skye is such a sweetie! She is looking bigger each day.

Is making the bed a habit for you? Do you do it each day? – Yes. My OCD will not allow me to not do it.

My hands are SO DRY and I feel like I can’t find a lotion to help them… do you have any recommendations for a good hand lotion? It’s driving me crazy. – AVEDA. I love everything Aveda but their hand cream is amazinggggg.

What was your dinner last night? …. Pizza.

What foods remind you of your mom? – Stew!


Mango Body butter from Bath and Body works. Only takes a little. Also, anything from Rocky Mountain Soap factory – their products are all natural and I love them.

Yesterday – chicken soup because we are both getting over a stomach bug … (we spent all of Tuesday in bed boo…haha).

Making the bed is definitely a habit and if one of us is in a rush, the other does it.

Hm..noodles because my mom still makes us noodles with stir fry once in a while.

Skye is so sweet! Have a great day


i do that comparison thing all the time with my past running self. i used to run 6 days a week — every day was at least 6 miles, and long runs on saturdays were between 14-18 miles. that was my normal. i miss how strong and fit i felt. but i also know that right now is a season in my life when i am consciously taking a step back from running intensely. i will be able to go back to training after this season is over. running will always be there for me. whenever i slip into that pattern of thinking where i’m comparing myself to my past self, i have to remind myself of all of these things! :)


I got this lotion “recipe” that you mix up yourself about 10 years ago from a little old lady who was one of my patients (I’m a nurse). She had brought it with her to the hospital and let me try some — I’ve been using it ever since. Mix well 9 oz bottle pink J&J baby lotion, 2 tablespoons Vitamin E oil, and 1 tablespoon Vaseline (you really have to mix well to get all the Vaseline incorporated). I LOVE this stuff! I can just feel it suck right into my skin. It is perfect for hands/feet/body in the dry winter months, plus I have sensitive skin and use it on my legs year-round after shaving to prevent razor rash. The lady who told me about it used it on her face, too — said she used it as night cream her whole life and she had beautiful skin.


that lotion recipe sounds amazing, Jen! How in the world do you mix it?


I just use a spoon and mix pretty vigorously. It works.


My dermatologist recommended Cutemol (you can buy on Amazon) and it works so well on my hands. It’s super thick, but I massage it on at night when I watch TV and it soaks in overnight. Oh and I always have to make my bed. Good luck at your appointment!!


Ghirardelli brownies are my favorite!! My dermatologist recommended Neutrogena Norwegian Hand Cream (fragrance free) after I got eczema on my hands following my daughter’s stay in the NICU years ago. I still use it. I just bought more today at Target (haha)!


At the YOUNG age of (almost) 53….I still think my Mom will know if I don’t make my bed so I make it every morning!

Dinner last night? Hmmmm, good question. I don’t think I technically had dinner. I was at a running clinic so I think I ate a Cliff Bar.


I really needed to read this today. This 3rd third pregnancy I’m feeling like I’m looking bigger than any of my others (even though I’m working out and still running the same amount), and I just keep comparing where I’m at now to where I was with previous pregnancies. And it’s just not healthy, and I think I need to remember that each baby is going to be different, and as long as she’s healthy and I’m healthy everything else should just fade away. So thank you for the reminder not to look backwards, but to focus on what’s happening now and look forward to the sweet baby that will be in my arms in 10 weeks!!!!


So, I live in Boise (a transplant from San Diego) and it has taken some getting used to…this dry weather and skin. I keep bottles of the Trader Joe’s A Midsummer Night’s Moisturizing Cream everywhere. By the kitchen sink, by my bed, in my daughter’s room. It’s super moisturizing.
I had soup for dinner last night too. Chicken and Wild Rice Soup that I made in the Instant Pot. It was amazing. You should try it. http://littlespicejar.com/instant-pot-chicken-wild-rice-soup/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed:+littlespicejar/RQzi+(Little+Spice+Jar)&utm_content=Yahoo!+Mail


First of all, I love your photos, as always. Skye is such a beauty! And enjoy that first postpartum run. Now to answer your questions:

1. My dear husband makes our bed every morning.
2. My hands are dry too. I use Curel body lotion and Eucerin Advanced Repair hand cream.
3. Taco salad (It was delicious!)
4. Fried chicken. My mother isn’t much of a cook, but she made the best fried chicken!

Happy Thursday!


Thanks Janae, I needed this reminder. I am guilty of self comparison (and maybe even exaggerating where I used to be) now that I’m a mom. Time to remember that these are the good old days.


Hi janae! That baby is so cute :)

Hand cream recommendations (I am a nurse so I’ve researched the best!) – working hands (comes in a green container) apply at night because it’s very dense and thick, during day use gold bond ultra healing hand cream. Smells awesome too!


Hi Janae!

Yes, making my bed daily has been a habit for a while. It makes me feel productive and I like starting my day off with one objective already accomplished!

I don’t know about the lotion but am really intrigued by how Jen mixes the recipe she listed above.

Dinner last night was ahi poke bowl from Foodland. If you haven’t tried it already, make sure to put this on your list for your next visit here to Oahu!

Cinnamon rolls reminds me of my mom. She used to make hundreds of them each month for our church. I think that was my perfume during my early childhood!


Baked chicken in cream of mushroom soup…..mom made it a lot..it was her “sure thing”….a meal that everyone liked.

I agree with you on the dry hands thing…I am constantly putting on lotion. I will have to read some comments to see what others recommend too.

This weekend is another VIKINGS football game!! Will Andrew be watching??? Go Vikes!!


is making the bed a habit for you? Do you do it each day?
Yes when I’m the last one to leave the bed which isn’t often. Maybe on weekends! But typically I’m making the bed nice and fluffy so it’s ready for me!

do you have any recommendations for a good hand lotion? L’Occitane shea butter hand lotion. I get the travel sizes and take it with me everywhere. I keep a huge lubriderm at my desk at work and also at home. I get itchy otherwise!

What was your dinner last night?
Kimchi fried rice and toasted sea weed.

What foods remind you of your mom?
Koong nah mul which is a broth with bean sprouts


I would probably get injured or be hurting very badly if I tried to run 13 miles right now. But for 10 million dollars?! Hell yes I would!


You’ve gotten me hooked on sweet potatoes and BBQ! I top them with spinach or turkey/chicken. So good and easy!!


Hand lotion…Aveda!!! Have you ever tried any of their products? Love them!!


Hand lotion: cerave moisturizing cream (in the tub). I can’t live without it in the winter!!! Also neutrogena Norwegian formula is good for a portable option. Aveeno sheer moisture is good if you use it after every hand washing.

Love checking in for your posts— I’m always inspired by your upbeat attitude :)


I have a 12 week old girl (Cora says hi to Skye) and my hands are suffering too between breastfeeding and washing bottles and pump parts! I asked my sister- a nurse- if there was some magical lotion that nurses used when their washing their hands all the time- she recommended O’Keeffe’s Working Hands Hand Cream- just bought it on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0148PKYXU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_QeuyAbVAXFT4F

I don’t know about you but I feel like washing pump parts is the worst part of breastfeeding. It never ends!


*they are not their. I annoy myself sometimes.


Knox’s thankful for Target comment made me laugh. I’ve actually been in Utah for the last week on business and not knowing what town you lived in I thought how awesome it would be if I ran into you somewhere in town. But when I got here and realized there was no Target nearby my hopes were dashed ?.


Hi Janae,
Buy some Aquafor baby for Skye or Vasoline pure white and put it on your hands! Someone might have already suggested this but I saw your question and got excited because I have the same problem and was cured by this, and didn’t want to take the time to read all the comments :)


I was almost in tears my hands were so cracked and dry they were bleeding and hurt. My husband got me this hand lotion and GAME CHANGER! It’s amazing. It’s black jack intensive hand cream.



I always make my bed!! It makes the whole room look cleaner! Even when there are some clothes on the floor ?

I love the Honest Healing Balm on my hands especially at night! It’s a little greasy but I find it gets absorbed within a couple of mins. Sometimes I’ll just put it over my knuckles or anywhere especially dry! I also like the almond Burt’s Bee’s Hand Creme. It comes in a jar and I don’t know the exact name but it smells DELICIOUS (if you like almond) and really works!!


Now i want sweet potatoes. Am i am thankful for Target too.


You’ve done a good job taking the time your body needed to heal, recover from growing a human and birthing it, and establishing a good milk supply! You should be proud of yourself and not guilty or sad. Your mother is RIGHT about not looking back. Now though, you need to get back into running slowly! Pace yourself and your mileage. Remember that if you shock your body too much you will see a dip in your supply levels with breastfeeding. But if you ever need suggestions for boosting your supply there are easy ways to do it!

We do not make the bed every day. Well, I guess that depends on your definition of “make”. I pull the sheet and comforter all the way up and straighten it out. I do not add decorative pillows and tuck things back in, etc (which is what I consider making the bed).

My favorite hand lotion is the little tubes of Gold Bond Ultimate healing hand cream. It absorbs easily (so it’s not greasy) and it doesn’t completely strip off the next time you wash your hands. Oh, and it’s pretty much unscented which I prefer for hand cream. My hands get really torn up using medical grade soap at work and with the frequency that I have to wash them. But I love this lotion!


I needed this post today! I ran my 10th half marathon last weekend and my overall feeling about it has been “well, it was 20 minutes slower than my PR.” I’m not recognizing that I’m in a different season of life, didn’t train myself into injury, or that this week I also completed my 600th consecutive day of running/walking at least a mile! I need to tell myself how amazing I am!


aaah those brownies are the BEST. favorite dessert for sure.
i needed to read this, so thank you. mind you, i did not birth a child, but end of november i was sent to the ER after a few weeks of weird symptoms, and they found 2 blood clots in my lungs. so needless to say, i’m just trying to get back my endurance and speed after weeks (ok, actually months!) of having very little tolerance for any aerobic exercise. it was crazy!
you are an amazing mama and are going to KILL it w/ your running return :)

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