Friday FAVORITES & I am just really excited about this…

Let’s start off today by celebrating the fact that I was cleared to run!  As you are reading this I am probably either getting ready to go out for a run, running joyfully through my city or at home filled with endorphins.  I’m just a tad bit excited.  I’m sure I’ll post a picture on my Instagram first thing after I get home full of explanation points and emojis.

Skye has been getting her workout game on too with some tummy time.  Holding that head up is tough work!

Yesterday I hit the roads for a morning walk and came home and stretched with the help of Skye!

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Followed by a few bridges with her joining me!

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It was all a lot for her so she took a nice long nap afterwards to recover.

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I had soup and salad for lunch!  I’ve had a few questions about what my favorite salad mix is and this one definitely trumps all of the others (from Costco of course)!

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Later on in the afternoon I took the big kids to go to a new to them park for a few minutes.  53 degree weather just calls for it!

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Brooke spent some time with Skye and me in the nursery.

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Jammies and dinner at 4:50 pm.  The bedtime routine just keeps starting earlier and earlier!

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We made a dish from Blue Apron that had kale, ground turkey and a really good sauce.

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Her little grin melts every part of my heart.

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Well, all of her facial expressions do.

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TIME TO RUN!!!! I’ve had all of my stuff laid out and ready to go for a few days now;)


Time for some of my Friday Favorites (a few affiliate links are included)!

*These suede sneakers that I just bought!  Comfortable, they match with everything and simple… I’ll be wearing these a lot (and now I want them in more colors).

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*I am LOVING this playgym!  We got it from LOVEVERY and it is adorable.  I especially love the guide that they give you for each different stage of development and which parts of the playgym to use during that time.

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*Since we aren’t needing big heavy coats around here right now I am loving these three jackets from Roolee right now—>  here, here and here!  They have some really great outerwear right now!  PS you can use the code HUNGRYRUNNERGIRL to get 15% off (expires May 31)!

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*This is a very random Friday favorite (not sure it counts) but I laugh whenever I pop one of these open.  My sister HATES these… she runs into the other room if anyone gets one out to open them.  So many memories of me chasing her around the house with a thing of cinnamon rolls in each hand;)

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*Andrew gave Brooke a necklace for Christmas too and she thinks it is pretty special.  I love seeing her look at it.

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*Okay, I have shared these in the past but I keep getting questions about them so I thought I would share again:)  HERE are the journals we are using with our kids.  It is so funny to hear the answers they have for the different questions and I can’t wait to see how they change over the years.

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*Turns out that everyone else in Utah agrees that the Sour Patch V-day hearts are the best candy ever… SOLD OUT!?!  I must find more.

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*This is appropriate after talk about candy;)  Megan has the prettiest teeth on the planet so I started copying the toothpaste she uses (while I love the baking soda flavor of toothpaste much more than mint, I use a little Colgate after;) for whitening and I’ve noticed a difference in the last few weeks of using it.

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*We bought this game a year ago when we were in Hawaii.  We just found it again when we were going through a closet.  This game is HILARIOUS so we are pretty excited to get playing it again!

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*General Mills sent us some new cereal to try out and they are both so good—>The Cinnamon Toast Crunch Shreds is especially good!

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*Also, this granola is everything (and Brooke is thrilled that it doesn’t include raisins;).

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I love sharing the things you are doing with your running so if you want to be featured then send them in to [email protected]


Sloan!!! “This isn’t a race accomplishment, but today’s run was officially my favorite run I’ve ever had with my brother and mom.  I think Memphis and Utah are switching winters this year!  We have already had two rounds of ice/snow in 2 weeks and that NEVER happens!  Last week there was too much ice for me to get a run outside.  I didn’t want to slip on anything and get injured.  Last night we got mostly snow and the sun started to melt whatever was on the roads.  It was 14 degrees (windchill of 0) but the three of us laced up our shoes, bundled up, and took advantage of the beautiful snow in our neighborhood.  We only did 2 miles but we had a blast stopping to take pictures and Snapchat videos along the way.”

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Christina!!!  “I have a belated running accomplishment to share.  I ran my first full marathon last month, something I made a personal goal to do after I turned 40 so I could prove to myself that age is a number and I shouldn’t stop setting running goals just because I’m not in my 20s anymore!  :)  The race itself was great (but so much harder than anticipated- especially miles 20-25 ouch)!  There were some hiccups too like the race shuttle never showing up and deciding day-old french fries were a great option for race food.  You can read the race recap I did HERE!”

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Elizabeth!!!  “On Sunday I ran my 28th marathon, the Chevron Houston Marathon.  I am in the blue shirt/pink tank underneath with the race bib and hair up in a bun. My friends and I made it a girls trip from our hometown of Austin.  They were running the half and even though I had run a full marathon in October I decided to do the full as a fun race and not go for a PR.  It made the race an absolute blast and I still had a negative split for the 2nd half of the race.  It was a super cold morning (22 degrees at the start) for Texas standards , and it took me forever to really warm up.  Although I did use your technique of putting hand warmers in my gloves which was a complete lifesaver.  The best part of the race was my awesome friends!  They ran the half marathon, finished, got their medals, then jumped in an Uber and took that to mile 22 where they warmed up inside a Starbucks with coffee and hot chocolate.  When they saw me they jumped back in the race and ran the last 4 miles in with me. They told me stories from their race, grabbed waters for me at the water stops, cheered other runners along, and even carried a portable blue tooth speaker and blasted a fun running songs as we ran.  It was such a fun way to do a race!  We are even thinking of doing it again next year with a few more friends.  I highly recommend it!”



What is something that you are really excited about lately?

Have any random things that scare you (like my sister’s phobia of the cans that pop)?

Have any Friday Favorites to share?   I’d love to hear them!


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YAY!! So glad you’re cleared to run! Can’t wait to hear about it, Janae! I’m about to go do some easy miles right now! :) HAPPY FRIDAY!!

Lately I’ve been really excited about getting more involved in my church. I’m leading a small group in the high school ministry now (which I LOVE), and I am now involved in a weekly small group of people my own age, too. It’s been tough being in California all by myself, but my church out here has been a place that has really helped me connect with people and feel more like I belong.


Thank you so much Natalie! I can’t wait to go ahhhh! I LOVE that you have become more involved in your church… I love being part of a church community and working with the youth is the best! So excited for you! Have a beautiful weekend!


Good luck with the running :-)


Thank you! I can’t wait! Have an awesome weekend!


Congrats on being clears to run!! That’s so exciting! No run for me today but I have a 10 mile run to tackle tomorrow morning.
Brooke and I have similar granola tastes – no raisins in it please. I’ll have to check my local grocery store for some of that granola you shared.
If I see any sour patch candy at Target I’ll buy some. It’ll totally be good once it’s shipped from New Jersey to Utah right??


Thank you so much Maureen! You are going to rock your 10 miler tomorrow morning! Let me know how it goes! Oh I think that is a fabulous idea haha.. I hope you find some;)


This is very random, but I am super excited that a movie theater near me is showing Dark Crystal (the 1980s one) for one day in February. I LOVED that movie when it came on tv as a kid, and I can count on one hand the movies that have ever excited me. I bought tickets right away and am so going!!!

Phobia similar to your sister’s: popping balloons OMG.

I am 37 years old but a current favorite is the clearance bras from Hollister (because I have the chest of a 16 year old;) ). For real, I got one for like $4 online the other day and I love it.

Not running today but 12 miles scheduled for tomorrow. Enjoy your run!!! YAY!!!


Yayyyy I’m so excited that you’re cleared for running again! I know from experience with injuries that those first few runs back are the best!! Can’t wait to hear all about it.

My friend has a similar phobia to your sister’s. She hates the sound of anything popping! She gets really anxious if someone is blowing up a balloon in the room and if one unexpectedly pops, she freaks out! I’ll have to ask what her thoughts are on those biscuit cans. It’s not really a phobia, but I get overly creeped out by stray hair. Like hair in a brush or clumped in the sink or something. It’s even worse when it’s wet! It’s bad b/c I have thick long hair, so I’m my own worst enemy haha.


I love how you share accomplishments of other runners. So inspiring. I have nightmares about snakes and wake up and have to check the bed entirely before I can go back to sleep. It happens when I am stressed about something. Isn’t that weird? Every time I see you post about blue apron I get closer and closer to trying it….Thank you for this blog post It helped me have a positive start to the day!


Too funny you mentioned the Sour Patch being sold out. I went to my local Target in Washington State and there were only 2 bags left!! I was thinking your readers much be snatching these up everywhere!!! They are so good I can see why they are gone. Hopefully there will be a restock before V Day.


No way!!! So glad you loved them! They should make them year round because clearly everyone is loving them! Have a great weekend Amy!


I’ve been off grid lately — because I just found out I’m pregnant!!!!

I’m about 8 weeks along and am so struggling with morning sickness and fatigue (which comes from both lack of coffee and being just plain exhausted).

Haven’t started telling Tons of people yet — but I’m SO EXCITED/SCARED/PUMPED!


Yay babies!! I hope the morning sickness passes!


Ahhhhhhh Susie!!! Huge congrats!!! I am so so happy for you!!! Keep me updated on everything!


I hate mascots. Not quite as random, but they freak me out a little. Also if here were ever sirens when I was playing outside I used to run inside because I was worried that someone I knew was hurt. They still get my heart pumping a little bit now because we’ve had my grandpa get picked up by an ambulance when he passed out and then last year my grandma fell and they had to do cpr (she didn’t make it) but I don’t run inside when that happens anymore hahaha.


Hey Janae, LR today girl!! Tried out throwing some slowish MP miles in with the last few miles– really hoping to do the targeted (shorter) MP-pace LRs I’ve heard the elites do!! Need to get my HoneyStinger gels first tho; the faster LRs are done with fluids and gels, as opposed to my usual, old school “just run….and run…” :p :p

Was a bit longer 22.25mi, but hey gotta get a cool-down mile in post-MP miles. Wasn’t going into the run thinking of doing the MP miles, but had them in my mind to do so one day and figured hey why not try it!

SO happy you’re back running and so impressed you had the discipline thus far!! So glad you reached that goal!!

Have a fantastic Friday and wonderful weekend!!


I hate popping those cans too! Congrats on running again!! I hope to get a few miles in today….after the last 3 days not getting above freezing (seriously what is going on with Tennessee weather right now?!) today is going to hit 40!


YAY for being able to run! I hope your run feels amazing!!!


YES! So happy you were cleared to run! Can’t wait to read about it. Skye is seriously so precious. And so little!
No run for me today, but I did 3 miles yesterday on the snowy trails and walked a little over 3 miles this morning. Hoping to get in some yoga after work!
I’m sharing my Friday favorites on the blog today :)


YAY YAY YAY for running!!!! I just got cleared by my PT to run, too! I did 2 miles on Thursday and it was the BEST. I’m already giddy about running 2 in the morning! So excited for you!!

Happy Friday!


Oh this makes me so so happy! I am so glad you are back Chelsea!


I know! I was at Target yesterday in Orem and sure enough, the Sour Patch candies are gone! So bummed:)


Noooooooooo! If I find them somewhere else I’ll tell you!!!


So happy you can run! Hope you had a wonderful time.

I will be doing the first of my back-to-back weekend long runs today.


You have me intrigued with the toothpaste……….

I feel like I haven’t been on here in so long! Last weekend was my Key West trip!!!!! It was a tad chillier down there than usual, but I had SO much fun with my friends and ran the strong, happy 1/2 marathon that I’d hoped to run! Even with headwind the last 3 miles. I’m proud of persevering through that b/c it added a layer to my mental toughness game. Now a tiny self-imposed break and then onto spring training to RACE :)


Ahhhh I am so happy you got to go on that trip.. way to go on the half marathon Jen! A head wind while racing—> that is rough! Enjoy your break!


Skye is looking more and more like Brooke!!

I will be doing nothing today that doesn’t involve my blanket and the couch. I’m down with the flu ??

I’m am all over these jean joggers at Target. Seriously, they are the most comfortable jeans I’ve ever worn in my life.


I need those right now! Thank you for sharing Marissa! I am so so sorry you have the flu! Get better ASAP!


I’ve heard it said that those biscuits/rolls cans that pop are the adult version of a child’s Jack-In-The-Box! LOL

I hate blowing up balloons because I’m afraid they’ll pop while I’m doing it. And I certainly won’t pop a balloon on purpose. I’ll take scissors and make a small cut near the knot at the top so the air get released that way.


Bahaha that is how my sister would describe them.. I love it! I totally see where you are coming from with the balloons! I hope you have an awesome weekend Susan!!


I don’t know if I’ve ever commented but this is important. I went to target to get my husband the sour patch hearts and guess what else they make now?? Swedish fish hearts. Seriously. They are life changing. You’re welcome.


What?!? I need to get these today! Thank YOU! Did your husband like the sour patch hearts!? Thanks Becki!


Yay, so happy you were cleared to run. I could feel your excitement in your Insta stories. :) Today I’m happy for clean water; something broke in the facility in our area, so we were on boil water/bottled water notice yesterday. I’m just really excited for this year. I’ve never done new year’s resolutions, but this year our whole family has things we want to work on and I’m excited to see growth in all of us. Hope this isn’t TMI but my favorite thing of the week is the menstrual cup. I’ve been wanting to switch over from tampons and reading an article lately where this lady had to have both legs amputated due to TSS gave me the push. I knew the insert/removal would be most challenging but it was a lot easier than I thought and the ease of just dealing with it each morning and night was AWESOME! :) Hope you guys have a wonderful day, Janae!


I’m with Brooke – raisins are the worst!


I ran today!! I really wanted to run 4 miles but I was limited by my lunch break so I only got in 3 miles, but it was still a great run and I’m so glad I got it in!


I bet your run felt amazing today!!

The pick of Brooke adoring her necklace is beautiful.

YAY to the girls running accomplishments!!

And I have a huge aversion to clowns, they disturb me.


Yeah for the run Janae! I thought about you during my run thinking that I’d see an IG post when I finished!!!

And for the best race report ever…..Christina in the accomplishments!


YAY ON BEING CLEARED TO RUN! Have you signed up fr your next race?!


Wait. Your sister doesn’t like cinnamon rolls, or she doesn’t like the popping of those cans? Because not liking cinnamon rolls is totally blasphemy!!! :-o


Oh she doesn’t like the popping of those cans! Yeah, I wouldn’t be able to handle her not liking cinnamon rolls ha! I hope you have a beautiful weekend!


Oh my goodness, cheering your run on! So excited for you! I remember that first run, postpartum was so freeing! My run was 7 easy paced miles on the treadmill, while watching The Crown! So good!!


Uhhh, looks like the Janae Effect on that candy shelf , you blog about it and then everyone takes your sage advice and buys it.

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