I would love you forever if you could do this for me+ eating hourly + race PEP talk.

Tis’ the season for my running coat to come back out of storage to be used again in the thirty-something degree morning weather.  I think this will be the last week that this coat will be able to worn but Andrew has already offered up his running coat for me to wear for a little while and then at that point it is going to be icy and I will be a treadmill only runner:)

PS for cooler temps… one of my absolute favorite 1/4 zip pullovers is on sale (at checkout)… they have a lot of really fun colors too!  Flashback pic:


Frost yesterday.  Frozen grass.  Fun stuff.

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Post-run and we were off to school for the Brookers!  She slept for 13 hours Monday night and woke up in a much better mood than the morning before.  I didn’t answer my question from yesterday about how much sleep makes you feel your best and I think at this point in my life my answer is the same as Brooke’s =  13 hours.

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Post-school shoulder ride!

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Brooke and I had a few things to get done and then later on we met up with Andrew.  Andrew hadn’t had a chance to eat so we went to grab some food for him and I decided that a second lunch an hour after my first lunch was a fabulous idea.  The hunger was real yesterday!

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We then stopped by Target to get some baby things (nesting starts 10 weeks before the baby is born right?) and we magically left without any Halloween decorations.

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Brooke is loving the baby shopping/researching just as much as we are!

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Swim lessons went down later on in the day!

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And a stop to try the snickerdoodle cookie with pumpkin cream cheese frosting from Sodalicious… if you have a Sodalicious near you, this is AMAZING!

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Leaf art completed:

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Brooke found her old rocking chair in the basement and told me she wants to put it next to the crib so that she can rock the baby to sleep:)

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Knox will be home today which we are really excited about. I have a new episode of This is Us to watch on the treadmill this morning. It’s sad how excited this makes me… it gets me right out of bed early in the morning when I have a new episode to watch.   We are going to take the kids up the canyon later on to see the leaves again.  Nature fulfills my soul.

PS I came across their school pictures from last year… they have grown up SO much in just one year!

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I kind of need you to do something for me and I will be so beyond grateful forever to you if you do.  If you have done a race in a costume can you PLEASE SEND it to me.  PLEASE.  I want to put a post together with a bunch of running costume ideas for Halloween races this month and would love your help!  Send your picture to the same email that I have you send your running accomplishments to and I’ll get them from there—>  [email protected] !! If you have a blog or anything you want me to link to please include that too!  I can’t wait to see your ideas and share them.

I’ve done two official costume races (that I can remember… ehhh it’s okay to blame every mistake/thing I forget on pregnancy brain right?!)

*This year my sister and I bought black tops and pants and spent so much time gluing each piece of colored streamer to our outfits to look like piñatas.  We did the entire 13.1 miles while wearing our hats too… we felt incredibly accomplished after this race.

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The other costume that I made was a pirate costume!  I hit a pr in this costume too (somehow I lost the hook along the way)… I was really angry that day and that fueled my PR ha… my fastest days in the past were when I needed to get some anger out:)

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So, if you could… send me any of your running costume pictures, I cannot wait to see them!  ——>  [email protected]


A lot of you have some big races coming up… to name just a few—>  St George on Saturday, Chicago Marathon on Sunday, San Jose 1/2 Marathon on Sunday, the New York Marathon on November 5th (ps did you know there were 51,394 people that finished this marathon last year?) and so many other amazing races too!  The week of a race, my mom and I usually go to Kneaders and she gives me the best race pep talk ever over a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a panini. I asked her if she could meet those of you racing this week before your big races at Kneaders but her schedule is a little full this week so instead I’ll include one of my favorite things that my mom tells me before a race.

You’ve done the physical work at this point, there is nothing more that you can do to better prepare yourself physically for the race (besides taper like a champ, sleep, drink water and fuel up) BUT mentally, now is your time to shine on training.

My mom tells me to SMILE every single time I think about a race leading up to it.  Force it if you have to (sometimes those nerves take over but force the smile at first and then it will become natural).  Think about the race and smile and for me, that trains my brain to stay positive about the miles on race day.  It connects happiness/excitement/preparedness from the smile to any thought of the race and that alone helps me SO MUCH come race day.  Those negative thoughts that come into your brain this week have no room there… you can choose to stop any negative thoughts that you have about yourself, your running, the course, the weather etc.  This is YOUR RACE.  Push delete on those negative thoughts and replace them with something positive.  These positive thoughts don’t have to be elaborate or a vision of you breaking tape… just smile, picture yourself doing great, hitting your goals and having FUN (because that is why we run right… we enjoy it, don’t forget that).  During the race remember you’ve worked your butt off for this and the race is about celebrating all of the hard work that YOU have done to get there.   You deserve greatness and get your brain ready for race day by smiling.  My mom is always right about life (seriously) so trust her on this one:

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And one of my favorite quotes that I think applies perfectly to running and made me tear up (blaming this again on pregnancy) reading again….


If you are worried about failing, not meeting your goals or finishing your race coming up… stop thinking about those worries (NOW!!!).   Instead think about all of your potential and the fact that you are about to FLY!!!

Go get ‘em.

And please let me know how it all goes afterwards.


At what temperature do you decide it is time to skip the outdoor run and run on the treadmill?!

What is your next race?!

Have you had anything pumpkin flavored yet… what was it and how was it?

What is something that you do leading up to a race to prepare yourself mentally for the big day?

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Ahhh thanks for sharing the 1/4 zip! Old Navy has the best gear at affordable prices. I will be ordering some today :)
I’ve actually never run a race in a costume but I think it would be a blast!
I usually run outside until the temps are below like 20 degrees. Or if it’s snowing/sleeting/etc.
I haven’t had anything pumpkin yet – but I’m going to be making some pumpkin cheesecake bars pretty soon ;)
To prepare for races I like to visualize myself crossing the finish line strong over and over. It really helps!


The smiling trick REALLY DOES work!!!!!!! I ran the Key West 1/2 last year with no real expectations–just a fun race that I wanted to run strong during. I smiled during the whole thing (kinda easy to do in Key West–my fav place on earth :), and I ended up coming in 3rd in my age group! The races where I RELAX and SMILE are the most fun.

I half wonder if I’m past the point of killing myself during training to reach certain goals only to feel intense pressure during goal races. And then getting into an injury cycle, too. A PR is just a number, after all. I AM goal-oriented, but I kind of admire the people who just go out and run a lot of races to have FUN. Running is definitely cyclical!!!!


I’ve run outside in up to -25 below windchill, but only because it was for a race and I didn’t want to miss out! I don’t have a specific temp otherwise, but in the winter a lot of my runs are done on a treadmill because I don’t really like to run in the dark.

Chicago Marathon this Sunday!!!!!! I’m so excited!!!!

To prepare myself mentally I think back to all the awesome runs I had throughout training and how strong I felt, and remind myself I’m strong and I can do hard things!


Okay, we need a Sodalicious here because that cookie looks amazing!

I’ve been eating pumpkin things since end of August! I’m obsessed!


I am a wimp so I don’t do well running in the cold… anything below like…30 degrees is a no go for me. My goal this year is to try and tough it out and do some colder runs to see if I can hack it. I have running gear for the cold but I don’t use it because I have a hard time breathing, so I am hoping to teach myself to run in the cold this year.
I eat pumpkin flavored things anytime of the year, but I did make myself a pumpkin smoothie the other day and it was fantastic. Pumpkin, almond milk, vanilla protein, half a banana, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger = pumpkin pie smoothie!


I grew up in Chicago and during the track season we would run outside unless it was below 15 degrees. So I’ve basically been conditioned to be able to run in snow, ice, and freezing temperatures. Chicagoans really are something special ha!

That cookie looks SO good. I haven’t had anything pumpkin yet and I’m not so patiently waiting to make pumpkin bread.


I wish we had a sodalicious here in Connecticut! I would be all over that cookie. I wish i could sleep for 13 hours… i would feel like a million bucks, I’m sure! Oh and i still haven’t watched This is Us yet this season –> the need to catch up with my favorite show is so real!!!!


It’s almost never too cold to run outside! I can’t run in heat, but running in the cold is all good (which is funny because I hate the cold when I’m not running). I’ve run in temps as cold as 8 degrees! It’s the wind that really gets you when it’s that cold – if the windchill is super cold, no thank you!

My next race is a 10k on 10/15 (although I’m running in with a slower friend, so it’s not really a “race”), and a 10-miler on 10/22!

I’ve have Trader Joe’s pumpkin freezer waffles and pumpkin butter! Both YUM!

Leading up to a big race, I try to think about exactly what I’m going to do (or try to do) on race day. I’m a planner, so if I can mentally walk through different scenarios, that really helps me. I will definitely try the smiling trick too!


For me, it is never too cold to run outside. My husband, though, is so freaked out by my frozen eyelashes that he bought me ski goggles to run in. I may look odd, but they really help.
My next race is (deep breath) the Hartford Marathon on 10/14, which will be my first full marathon. I am trying hard to channel my nerves into excitement.
The Noosa pumpkin yogurt is AMAZING, like pumpkin pie for breakfast.
To prepare for races, when I am having a good training run I focus on where I will be in the race during each mile (on long runs, I sometimes start a few miles into the race to visualize finishing). Then when things feel hard during the race I can recall how I felt “during that mile” in training. I also only try to focus on the mile I am currently running during my races and not how many I have left to go- how I feel right then, what I am seeing, how grateful I am to be there- until the very end. It keeps me focused in the moment and reminds me to enjoy the experience.


I have never even thought of using ski goggles to run with on the really cold days… that is BRILLIANT! I might have to copy you! Oh Alma, I am SO excited for you to run Hartford Marathon! You’ve done the training, taper well and go celebrate all of your hard work! Please let me know how it goes afterwards! Oh I love what you do to help prepare yourself for races, thank you so much for sharing! GOOD LUCK in 10 days wahoooo!


I’m running Portland Marathon on Sunday. The weather forecast looks perfect–yay! Hoping to qualify for Boston 2019…


GOOD LUCK TAM!!! I am so excited for you! I want to do that marathon someday and I am so happy the temperatures are going to be perfect! PLEASE let me know how it goes and I’ll be cheering you on from Utah!


I want to do it too!! It passes right in front of University of Portland where my daughter goes to school. I’m in CA so the race would be a perfect excuse to visit her!


Canadian girl here = I often do a few runs @-40F in January and February. Still prefer that over the treadmill ha but I do jump on the treadmill for speed work in the winter when it’s too slippery outside. It was -28f when I got my pr on half marathon. The cold is my friend :-) and smiling was a big part of overcoming this challenge!


You. Are. My. Hero. I cannot even imagine running in those temperatures! I am sure glad you love the cold though!! I am going to smile through my cold runs and love it more like you:) Have an amazing day Mel!


Um, that cookie looks amazing! I need one. And their school pictures from last year are too cute!!

The This Is Us episode last night was really good. I really thought I was going to make it through that one without crying (for once!), but of course the end got me like it always does.


OMG. I need that cookie!!

The week of a race, I honestly try to think about anything but the race. I usually stress myself out too much if I do, so I try to avoid thinking about it. Then, on race morning, I give myself a little pep talk to remind myself that all I need to do is go out there and run as best as I can and HAVE FUN!! I remind myself “one smile per mile” and that, whether I run the best race ever or the worst race ever, it doesn’t change who I am, but it will make me stronger.


Oh I’ll run as long as the roads aren’t icy. But if it’s 17 degrees and i don’t care! :)
Looks like I’ll be signing up for a 5k on 10/29. It’ll be my first race since memorial day due to injury. I’m running 14 minutes today.
I am not a fan of anything pumpkin flavored. So I just keep drinking my coffee straight up all year lol. I do however stop drinking iced coffee in the fall. Hot beverages are more appealing when it cools outside.


Those last few paragraphs were just what I needed this morning! All my pre-race jitters have come out and all the negative thoughts about hitting goal paces are in full swing. I always try to smile (after reading it on your blog one day) during the run, but will definitely be adding it to the thoughts leading up to race day! Thank you!!


Oh Emily, I am so glad they were able to help! YOU ARE GOING TO ROCK YOUR RACE and I want to hear all about it afterwards!!!


13 hours?!


HAHAH I might have been exaggerating a bit but my body NEEDS SO MUCH SLEEP lately. I hope you have a great day Rachel!


For me, treadmill running is not determined by temperature but rather by daylight.
If I need to run a 20 miler (like I did last Friday), I set my alarm for 04:00, run as many miles on the treadmill as possible until dawn (last Friday 10), then I finish the run outside on the mountain. When the weather starts getting really “bad” (i.e. snow, sleet, ice), I add Yaks tracks, a jacket, and a hat to my normal winter running gear, and hit the road.

What is your next race?!
October 15 the Sofia Marathon! I am ready!

Have you had anything pumpkin flavored yet… what was it and how was it?
I made a container of pumpkin spice so many of my coffees and teas have that delicious flavor.
Also today I got some Dancing Deer Pumpkin Molasses Cookies with Cinnamon and Clove in the mail – delicious!

What is something that you do leading up to a race to prepare yourself mentally for the big day?
Get waxed and get a pedicure. I figure the waxing will help me go faster (okay, okay, I realize we are not swimming in most road races), and that the pedicure will be the last time I will want someone to see my feet for a while so I need to do it now :)


Tonya… I am doing that too right now (but not nearly 20 miles… WAY TO GO)!! Run inside until it gets light and then finish up outside! GOOD LUCK IN 11 days, you are going to rock the Sofia Marathon! I LOVE your pre-race prep…. sounds perfect! Have a beautiful day!


With no wind, I easily run down to about 5F (Mel is making me look like a wimp, though). But if the wind is blowing…probably about 15F…just too hard on the skin and eyes. However, that being said, since the majority of my weekly miles are done with the 4 yr old in the running stroller (who obviously needs to stay warm and isn’t building his own running heat), I am stuck inside on the treadmill if it is lower than 40F with clouds and/or wind, lower than 35F with sun/no wind, or road/path conditions not stroller-passable.


I have been a big baby in the past and spent most of winter on the treadmill but this year I plan to change that and run more outside in the colder temps. Probably won’t go colder than 30 degrees though ha! I also go by darkness because I HATE running in the dark alone b/c I am on edge the entire time.

My next race is a half marathon on October 29th!
I had a pumpkin flavored vegan doughnut last weekend and it was delicious!
That picture of Knox and Brooke from last year is so cute and they look so much more grown up now in just one year that is crazy!!


Okay, so your ‘what if you fly’ quote made me cry – I wasn’t ready for that. Whew!
Happy you are posting a costume running collection soon, as I have a halloween run coming and am spacing on ideas. That’s my next race, an 8k for halloween. I just ran my first race, a 5k, but didn’t send it to running accomplishments because my little 5k next to another reader’s MARATHON seems weeny. I’ll just have to get a few races under my belt before I write in!
Excited to see the costume post! Also, if you ever need a business idea: running clothes that ARE costumes. It’d be grand. I’d totally join you on that endeavor.


Holy cow I need that cookie!! I have been drinking pumpkin coffee lately, but that’s pretty much it so far. Definitely going to get some candy corn this weekend…

I think I decide to run on the treadmill when it gets below 25! I love the 35-55 degree range :)

Those pinata costumes are everything!! So creative.


Last year I was running down to about -4 degrees. As long as I had everything covered up, I was okay. I purchased a treadmill this fall so I have a feeling that I will be spending those colder days on that this year. If it is over 10 degrees and sunny, that is fine with me, but clouds change things! I run in spikes in the winter (over dirt roads).

You are so creative! I have never run in a costume! Sounds like it adds a fun element!


-4 degrees…. WOW! That is so creative! I’m excited for your new treadmill:) I definitely need to get some spikes! Have a wonderful day Leeann!


I have never run in a costume before, but now I am inspired! My next race (I still need to sign up) is a November half marathon! I am looking to break my PR there! The hottest I’ve ever run is was 113 degrees! It was insane and I would never do it again. But it was our honeymoon and we were feeling invincible ;) I am usually okay with cold temperatures, but I take it to the treadmill when the roads/sidewalks are icy! I don’t have time for broken bones ;)


I skip outdoor runs when the temperature is over 110 OR if there’s ice on the road (because I’m not about that heat stroke life and I’m nervous I’ll fall and break/sprain something).

My next race is in December! A holiday themed 5K is just the ticket for this year off of training.

Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin oat bars, and next a pumpkin roll! SO GOOD!

Leading up to the race, I’ll prep music. I’m a huge believer that the music and use the song’s tempo to keep my pace on point. I’ll make playlists especially for races, keeping more even beats throughout the middle of the race and then throw in some power jams at the end so I can push myself through to the finish.

I think it’s because I’ve always been a musician at heart — I’ve played Clarinet since I was 10 and was in the Orchestra/Band/Marching band from 5th grade through my freshman year of college. It wasn’t until I switched my majors from music AND math to just math that music wasn’t a huge part of my life.


Oh I love that you are doing a holiday themed 5k… a santa hat is necessary for that right!?! I don’t think I could run in anything over 90 degrees haha! Oh I LOVE what you said about getting your music ready for race day, that makes such a big difference! Thanks for sharing Susie and I hope you have a beautiful day!


I run on the treadmill starting at about 50 degrees. haha A lot of runners love running in the 40’s, I hate anything under 50 most of the time. I might live in the wrong place for hating the cold so much….

Also, remember how we had a little talk about meeting yesterday? Yeah well, I ended up going to Target yesterday with my mom and son because he’s growing like…something faster than a weed and suddenly his pants were 2 inches too short. haha. And I thought I saw you, but then my little introvert part of my brain kicked in and said “Jenny, don’t look like an idiot and run up to her because what if it’s not?” and so I didn’t say hi. And then I noticed Brooke and Andrew while we were checking out but you guys were at the other end of the store so then I thought “Jenny don’t freak them out and send Janae into premature labor by running across the store screaming hi”. So now I regret not saying hi. lol. I promise I’m not a creeper and I promise I’m not stuck up and don’t want to talk to people. Ha!


WAIT WHAT!?!?! AHHHHH THIS BETTER NOT HAPPEN AGAIN:) Next time (probably at Target ha) you see me, you better come talk/hang out/shop with me:) We love that Target so much! I will hope for a warm winter for you this year Jenny! I hope you have a beautiful day!


Lol. I know. Afterwords I felt so lame. I’ll say hi n cut time!


I sooooo needed to read this post today! Thank you!! I’m running the Long Beach 1/2 marathon on Sunday, and I’m feeling a bit nervous and unprepared…eeekk! And I have run a bazillion half marathons, but this is the first one I’ll be doing without my husband. He has always been my pacer, cheerleader, support… so I am already missing him for this run. But it is a good course, great run, great people, so I know it will be a fun morning! Thank you for reminding us that we run because we love running :)
And, yes, I have had several pumpkin spice treats already this fall :) Pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks, Pumpkin Spice Cheerios (so yummy), pumpkin spice english muffins (also super yummy), and pumpkin spice special K :) I’m kind of a pumpkin spice addict!

Thanks for 2 great posts this week!! :)


WENDY!!! Good luck on Sunday at the Long Beach 1/2 (I’ve always wanted to do that one)! You’ve got this and I can’t wait to hear about you rocking it! I’ll be cheering you on from Utah! I need those pumpkin spice english muffins asap!!

Thank you for reading Wendy, I really appreciate it! Have a beautiful day and taper well!


Ahh! I loved Brooke’s fall art project! It looks soo good! Do you guys have an art wall to hang up the kids’ crafts? That cookie looked like raw cookie dough before I read the description. :) We love the streusel pumpkin muffins that Costco has out right now. So good! Can’t wait to see what you come up with for your costume. We didn’t celebrate Halloween growing up and it’s something that changes you after you have kids. Now it’s my favorite and my kids love dressing up…all year long. Haha. I used to make their costumes and had so much fun even though it took so long and they only wore it for the one day. BTW, I just have to say that I love how equally loving you guys are about the kids…no step this or that. I grew up in a blended household and it was definitely clear that we weren’t part of the family at times so when I see how beautiful some blended families make it work, I’m always in such awe and it makes my heart so happy. God bless you both! Have a great day, Janae!


Girl….you sure know how ease a racer’s mind :). Excellent pep talk!

Now, what about the mile 26 SONG? You know….the one to keep you from crying cause it hurts so bad? Any recommendations?

Keep motivating Janae ❤️


Oh that is a great question… usually for me it is a song by Brand New because I have a weird obsession with them ha but I cry anyways.. Hey, I would love to see you soon… can we make that happen!?!? I really miss you and what race do you have?!?


Love your mom’s advice! I’ve never heard that one before, but will definitely be using that for my next race. My favorite pre-race tip is that I spend the weeks leading up to the race mentally visualizing how I’m going to feel at different points on the course. I especially think about those times where it’s going to get really hard and imagine myself pushing through that for a strong finish. I also try to visualize a few different scenarios- I always start with the “everything is amazing and I’m crushing this race” scenario but you gotta plan for the “everything hurts and I’m dying” scenerio too! (especially because that’s the one that usually comes true haha).

That is so cute that Brooke wants to sit in her rocking chair and watch the baby! It must be so cool watching your kids get so excited for their new little sister.

My friend and I ran a half marathon in togas once! I’ll have to try to dig up that picture to send it to you. And I’ll run outside in pretty much any temperature down to the low 20s. After that, the treadmill usually wins. And if it’s snowing or icy, obviously.


Oh I love your tip Diana, I’m totally going to use that one next year! Thank you for sharing! It really is so exciting (and emotional) for me to see the kids get ready for the baby!
SEND ME THE TOGA pic… I can’t wait!

Have a beautiful day Diana!


Ha I actually PRed my 5k in a costume dress. Now I’ve run one race faster but LOL, that was definitely a highlight. I’ll see if I can send a photo to you. Maybe we should do matching costumes at our Halloween race? Although it still baffles me how you ran that fast in a pirate outfit with the hook! As you know, when it’s your day…it’s your day!

I cannot believe how much they have grown up either. It doesn’t even look like a year ago!


I am so impressed by your costumes!! And Brooke’s chubby cheeks are so sweet :)

It really doesn’t go below the 30s here so I can pretty much run outside all of the time, it’s more about the heat and darkness.

My next race is 10/15! It’s my PR course so I’m feeling a tiny bit of pressure.

I just added pumpkin pie spice to my oatmeal with a 1/2 a banana and sliced almonds. It was delish!


WAHOOOOO 11 days away, you’ve got this Marissa! I am so so excited for you!!!


i can’t run in the heat either. 100 degree days in Texas – i’ll work out in the gym with AC, thanks!


At what temperature do you decide it is time to skip the outdoor run and run on the treadmill?!

none, i don’t bike or run inside unless it’s storming outside – i have biked to work in 5F+ and i would run too. i ski, snowboard and XC ski so i might have all the right clothing for the running and biking in cold weather too :) this year i will be getting attachments (traction cleats) for my sneakers for going over the snow and ice.

What is your next race?!

a half marathon, followed by a half marathon :) NYCRUNS haunted half and the queenshalf.com

Have you had anything pumpkin flavored yet… what was it and how was it?

yes i’ve had pumpkin seeds on autumnal pizza! it was rad. super tasty.

What is something that you do leading up to a race to prepare yourself mentally for the big day?

smile is a good one. i’ll probably be doing meditation in the mornings and evenings 5-30 min. lots of yoga. i’m interested in suggestions!


Your mom’s advice sounds good for thinking about labor, too (ESPECIALLY if you like to do it without pain medication)!! :)


I tried the Sodalicious snickerdoodle with pumpkin cream cheese frosting yesterday. My husband brought it home after work. It was so good! Last week I baked the TJ’s pumpkin bread mix and added their semi-sweet chocolate chunks. Yum!

I’m glad Brooke was feeling happier after her good rest. Enough sleep makes such a big difference!


I actually have that quote tattooed on my leg! I got it after I got a PR on my half marathon in March. My next race is October 29th and I think I’ll take your mom’s advice. I’ll smile leading up to it and have fun!


Those school pictures are the cutest!


This is exactly what I needed today. My girlfriends and I are tapering for Hudson River-Mohawk this Sunday and nerves are starting to set it. We’re working really hard to remind ourselves that we are the type of women who run fast marathons. Thanks for the words. They will go into the positive mantra folder.


At what temperature do you decide it is time to skip the outdoor run and run on the treadmill?!
– I’m weird and I LOVE running in the cold. If it’s below zero I’ll consider running inside but I *really* hate the treadmill and will avoid it at all costs. Rain or extreme heat is more likely to keep me inside than cold tbh.

What is your next race?!
– Um, after baby LOL. Probably March at the earliest :)

Have you had anything pumpkin flavored yet… what was it and how was it?
– So many things…creamer, tea, lattes, pumpkin bread…

What is something that you do leading up to a race to prepare yourself mentally for the big day?
– Meditation! Pretty much my answer for any “how do you prepare yourself mentally for XYZ situation” question


It’s never too cold for me to run outside, but the ice, a blizzard, or anything dangerous gets me on the treadmill, even when I’m not pregnant.
I think the greatest thing I’ve learned over many years of preparing for racing of many distances is to simply have fun. I do take racing seriously and am disappointed when I don’t reach my goals, but I have to remember that running isn’t my entire life. When I look back on my life in the future, I hope to think fondly of my running/racing “career,” but more fondly of the time I spent with family and friends. Achieving a sub 20min 5k or 3hr marathon would be awesome, but the awesomeness is fleeting. It doesn’t change who I am as a person, or how the people in my life feel about me. So, I just tell myself to have as much fun as possible and enjoy the miles along the way.


At what temperature do you decide it is time to skip the outdoor run and run on the treadmill?!
– 30 Degrees. I am a whimp lol

What is your next race?!
– Sadly recouping and trying to still identify an injury so idk and it is bothering me so much!!

Have you had anything pumpkin flavored yet… what was it and how was it?
-Pumpkin bread

What is something that you do leading up to a race to prepare yourself mentally for the big day?
– I don’t think about it. Otherwise, I will scare myself out of it

What brand is your black jacket?? I love it!!!


Hi Janae! Quick question regarding the RuninRabbit gear. Are the shorts and shirts true to size? I love the way their stuff looks but I am hesitant on ordering online without knowing the fit. Thanks in advance for your help!

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