32 WEEKS + Andrew’s list of things to NOT do when your wife is pregnant:)

32 weeks… it really does start to feel like we are on the home stretch now!  I can also say, 100% this is my favorite part of pregnancy so far.  I’m tired but not as bad as those first 30 weeks and the nausea has really calmed down.  It’s fun to see my tummy grow a lot each day, running feels better than it did before and I have way less mood swings than the first 2/3rds of the pregnancy.

Photo taken by Knox:)

*My biggest food aversion currently would be red meat.  It hasn’t been this way the entire pregnancy but this last week it has been a big no for me.  If it is mixed into soup or something I could eat it but a steak or hamburger sounds awful right now.

*Getting up in the middle of the night to eat has begun!  I remember doing this a lot with Brooke and it has just now started during this pregnancy.  If you are bored at 3 in the morning just text me because I’ll be up at my kitchen counter eating some sort of fruit, cereal or bread.

*Apple EVERYTHING please.  I just want to carry around a jar of applesauce everywhere I go.  I am getting a caramel apple today no matter what.  It’s more of a must than a want.

*41 miles of running last week!  Running is still going great and feeling good.  It puts me in such a better mood.  I am positive my entire family is extremely grateful that I’ve been able to run during this pregnancy.  My bladder tells me I need to stop every .3 miles but other than that, things are feeling great.  Still working on keeping my shoulders back and back straight throughout the run because of the added weight up front makes me start to hunch forward while I run.

*They get so excited to feel her kick (and I may exaggerate ‘kicks’ a bit by pushing my stomach out quickly when they put their hand on my stomach).

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*I posted this on my Instagram story but I thought I’d share it here too.  I am positive her favorite game is ‘sleep while mom is awake and moving around and then the second she tries to rest, pretend I’m running a marathon in her belly.’

*My belly button is something else in this stage of pregnancy.  Pre-pregnancy= I already have an outie belly button plus a nice little hernia in that spot too!  Now that there is a big baby pushing out that belly button even more… it is quite intense.

*My love for carbohydrates runs so deep lately.  I could honestly live without any other food group at this point in pregnancy and be thrilled.  Carbohydrates are where it is at right now.  On that note, this picture is making me go upstairs to make another waffle.

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*I can’t wait to sleep on my stomach again.  I’ve told you that before but each night as I’m trying to find a way to get somewhat comfortable, I dream about sleeping on my stomach again.  I think Andrew is pretty excited for our bed to not be 90% covered in pillows at all times.


Andrew and I are both really excited for this little girl to get here.  It’s going to be really special to be able to have the chance to do this just the two of us, together, full-time.  Sharing kids isn’t easy… we need to write a book about it;)  It’s going to be a really fun experience to be able to do this parenting thing 100% together and just us.  I asked him to write up a little something about pregnancy so far and he came up with an AWESOME list of things to not do when your wife is pregnant!  I’m not going to tell you which ones are a slight exaggeration and which ones are so beyond ridiculously true for me;)

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Hi everyone!!  So when Janae asked me to do a post of course I agreed.  I thought long and hard about this pregnancy and I thought about things I have learned about our relationship, family and mostly things not to say or do when your wife is pregnant.  Janae says I love a good story and sometimes exaggerate to my own advantage a bit…. I don’t think so ;)  Well let’s jump right to it, feel free to share with your husbands so they can learn from my mistakes!! FYI these are in no particular order, MINUS number 1.

1- This is number one for a reason…  Avoid this one at all costs.  ABSOLUTELY don’t talk about having another baby, while she is pregnant, NO. NOT. EVER.  I don’t think an explanation is needed for this one.

2- Just don’t touch the thermostat, there is no way you know what temperature they want.

3- Don’t make complex meals.  Any meal prep must take under 10 minutes because if it’s a second over, there is an 83% chance she wants something different, if it’s more than eleven minutes just throw it away and ask for a new suggestion.  (FYI the timer starts as soon as she decides on something that sounds good, not when you start)

4- Don’t answer those lose lose questions.  You know the ones that they ask and there is no possible way to come out on top with any answer.  You have to decide between damage control or declaring a bathroom emergency and run for it.

5- Don’t eat Cheetos or anything in bed that makes a crunch…  This one might be good for just about any couple at any time.  Don’t judge me, Spicy Jalapeño Cheetos just sounded killer to me at 11pm at night.

6- DO NOT forget the one thing she is craving on the grocery list.  Sometimes you need to just get over yourself and actually make a list for the grocery store.  It is of utmost importance to get the latest craving, it will save you two trips to the store.  I have made this mistake a few times.

7-  There is no such thing as moderation.  Just accept it.  I know this is a DO NOT list but its an important one to acknowledge.

8-  Don’t cook smelly foods.  They can smell through 3 sealed doors, even with all the doors and windows open.  Made this mistake a few times.  This is a trial and error experiment.  Sorry you are on your own with this one.

9- Don’t watch sad movies and shows and to add on to this one, avoid scary ones at all cost.  It’s impossible to determine what emotions are going on and the super human strength they might be at that hour.

10- Don’t delay your shower. Just because you don’t think you smell after a workout, doesn’t mean anything.  Just proceed right to the shower after a workout, it’s definitely the safe choice 100% of the time.

11- Don’t fight the phrase, “I’m pregnant”  It trumps everything!! END. OF. STORY.

12- Don’t let her skip her afternoon nap, even if she insists.  Naps cure almost anything!!

13- Don’t let the dog sleep in the same room as her, her nose and hearing have super human strength.

14- Don’t tell her how much time she has left.  Any amount of time is too much.  Focus only on the now.

15- Don’t try to get her to go camping, she is already uncomfortable enough.  Don’t push the envelope.


Any other DO NOT DO things to add to Andrew’s list during pregnancy?!  This might help a lot of men out there… please share:)

Pregnant readers—>  how far along are you!?!  What are your current cravings or aversions?

Favorite carbohydrate… I am really loving talking about carbohydrates lately.

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Andrew’s list made me LOL. Not like I’ve been pregnant or anything. That is pretty awesome you feel so great running. I normally have to go to the bathroom every 5 seconds anyway while running so I guess we would be good running buddies LOL.


Rice is my favorite carb!

I can’t get enough of the stuff!! Savory rice dishes like Bibimbop are my favorites, but I’ve also made tons of Rice Krispie treats and rice pudding too!


I’m 36 weeks on Saturday :) Want to be texting buddies? I usually wake up sometime between 1 and 3, can’t fall back asleep, and get up to eat Cheerios. Facebook and instagram are so boring in the middle of the night haha
Cheerios are still my pregnancy favorite. I almost cried the other day because we didn’t have milk and so I couldn’t eat Cheerios. I wish I was exaggerating but I’m not. Also a current favorite: caramelized apple cake from Starbucks. I’ve been craving a piece for the past couple days and think it will have to happen tomorrow.
I’m pretty sure my husband would reiterate number 2. The other night he asked me if I wanted him to turn the fan off because the bedroom was at about 50 degrees the night before. Um no….50 degrees feels amazing right now.


hahah this is great!


Do not pay her the compliment of how mentally tough she is, and then follow it up with that’s how you know she’ll handle natural child birth like a champ.


Make sure not to mention having another baby at least until she’s sleeping through the night too. ;)


35 weeks. No big aversions but if I accidentally eat too much at one meal, it makes me full for the rest of the day and I totally lose my appetite. Boo!


Too funny! Loved this post! Fav carb— French toast currently! (Not prego, just loving it lately)!


haha this was a good one! well done, andrew!


Hilarious list! I’ll have to share this with my husband so he can file it away for whenever our time comes to have a baby! Loved it! Girl you are too much with that apple sauce!


This list was awesome! The camping one made me laugh out loud…I just had an image of you dragging your snoogle through the woods eating smores! Ahahaha!


I LOVE Andrews list!! Definitely forwarding to my husband. I have followed you since I was in college, through the Army, and now married with two step-kids. I was SO worried about being a “step” mother because that word is just ugly to start with but time and Love helps everyone out here. Thanks for being such a positive role model on blended families, it can be SO hard (cry ugly tears til you fall asleep hard because you are so sure they are going to hate you) but also the most rewarding thing! Can’t wait to for your little girl to be here ❤️


No matter what you do, don’t start any sentence with Oh, my god… As in “Oh my god, you’re getting huge” or ” Oh my god, did you just eat that whole cake?” Or “Oh my god, this is so much fun!” Use of this phrase could cost you your teeth…or testicles.


I’m laugh-crying at that list. My youngest is almost 1 but I still remember the not fun parts of pregnancy vividly. The smells and the temperature have got to be the worst haha


One week to go! Next Wednesday is the day unless she comes early. I have been loving broccoli tots and make them at least once a day and almost did backflips when I saw pineapple on sale the other day. I also love these easy pumpkin cookies from Pinterest (I’m not sure what they’re called, but it’s a box of spice cake mixed with a can of pumpkin purée, baked then with cream cheese frosting on top) but I have to be careful because I just want to eat them all and, like almost everything that I love, they give me insane heartburn.

I don’t think I’d add anything to the list, I would just put the one about the thermostat in bold. It’s a small blip in time- let me keep the house no warmer than 64, please!!!! ;)


We went backpacking/hammock camping while I was early on in pregnancy and I got up like 3 times to pee in the middle of the night. It was rough times lol.


Hahaha the list :P


Do not ask “what’s wrong?” as if you are surprised by her reaction/ mood/ crying….she’s pregnant- Duh!


Love Andrew’s list!! I’m glad that you’re feeling so good and still enjoying running. I hope you got your waffle :)


That list is hilarious and pretty spot on:) LOVE IT! Great job Andrew;)



Fav carb…..bread……..or maybe french toast………….mmmm…….french toast…………..


Andrew is hilarious! Great post. Thanks!


Man, I need a waffle maker!

Tell me more about that black and white jacket sweater thing in your picture. I would like to wear it while I’m buying a waffle maker.


Love the list! My daughter is 18, but I still remember pregnancy vividly! Best advice for dads (in addition to those mentioned) – buy your wife a pair of slip-on shoes (nice ones). 1. She’ll feel pampered. 2. She’ll be able to put on her own shoes, even when she can’t see her feet. 3. YOU won’t have to put on her shoes (and take them off) every time she changes her mind about if she wants them on! ;) Hubby got me a pair of fabulous Dr. Martin sandals (hey, it was 1999, remember?) and I LOVED the freedom!

Do not question the craving. Just because I’m craving Foot-Long Cheese Coneys from Sonic every day, roll with it. Oh, you’re tired of eating Monte Cristo sandwiches every night for dinner? TOO BAD! :p

(For the early days) Drive like a grandpa. Seriously, your swerving in and out of traffic (even at 30 MPH) is about to make me throw up! Forget U-turns!


While in the car when I was pregnant, I insisted on having the A.C. on AND the windows down. That somehow created the prefect temperature for me, and eased sickness. My poor husband learned quickly to not question this, haha.


Do NOT get irritated if she has to get out of bed 9 times during the night to use the bathroom! Do you really think she’s enjoying 30 minute-fragmented sleep? :) If you need better rest, you go to the couch. Let her keep the comfy bed. ;)

22 weeks here. Also loving the applesauce and super cold water. On top of all the other pregnancy symptoms, bloody noses nearly every day; today was terrible. I was late for work!


Nicely done! You’ve found yourself a good one, Janae. My husband is also a good one, though he had to learn just about every one of these the hard way. I’m currently just 10 weeks but we’re having twins, we just learned, which helps explain why I’ve been having such bad all-day (and night) morning sickness. Even with 2 different prescription meds the nausea still finds a way to break through. And carbs are pretty much all I can stomach, especially cold cereal with milk — anything that’s not too sweet. Sure hope things feel better in the second and third trimesters! The thing about not letting my husband cook anything because the smell is so awful, especially anything involving garlic — we’ve taken it to a new level: he can’t even eat anything with garlic in it because I can smell it coming through his pores a couple of hours later. Sigh. I used to love cooking. And eating.


I have a few “should say’s”.
-Say thank you for having our baby!
-Say she looks beautiful!

Andrew, your list made me laugh. It’s neat to hear your take of things. Good luck, you are almost there!!


Too funny!! ?

My current aversion- pizza, which is so strange for me, and also certain sweets/candy
Cravings- Subway tuna sandwiches, cheese, nachos, fries, chicken fingers
Favorite carb- probably chips or fries


” Don’t try to get her to go camping” LOLOL.


We are currently driving to goblin valley as I read this and for the first time in over 4 years, I wish I were pregnant again because I wpuld use that excuse. I would use it so fast and hard because it is valid. As is everything on this list. Which is why I am not pregnant…and on my way to goblin valley.


Apples must be a thing. With my pregnancies I would wake up in the middle of the night thirsty and the only thing that would quench it was apple juice. Nothing else worked at all.


I’m 27 weeks with a boy :) My biggest food aversion has been fish since day one. And my current cravings are popcorn and zucchini bread!


Andrew! THAT was hilarious. Well done.


Haha Love this! Yea, don’t ever eat anything crunchy in bed. Besides the sounds, the crumbs man!
With all the carbs lately, I’m surprised I haven’t seen a turkey and mashed potatoes meal ?!
The homemade bread looks amazing, I think I’ll make some this weekend :P


Andrew your list is Hysterical, and SO true!! And the video of your baby girl kicking is so cool!


Love it. I would add DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES declare that you are tired, or that your back aches, or that you need to lie down, or that you had a rough day, or that you are exhausted…she will ALWAYS trump you!


Just dropped in to give Andrew a thumbs up . Love , Love , Love his list. OMG – I was laughing so hard. You two are great.


I’m 22 weeks today and also craving the heck out of apples! Crunchy – give it to me. Soggy and slurpy – no thank you.

I love Andrew’s list. Particularly the ones having to do with smells.


Love it! I’m 26 weeks and my current craving is a baked potato with butter + sour cream. I could eat this for dinner every night right now.


This is so hilarious! Nice work, Andrew!


Awww that video made me miss feeling my babies move. It was so cool being pregnant with twins because they were so different in their movements! And honestly it’s wild because Grayson used to move super jerky and all the time and he’s still my little active one, moving constantly. Stella was the slow mover and she’s definitely the more calm of the two.

Andrew’s list is so funny! My husband needs to read this next go around!


He has a similar writing style with you :)


Great list! My hubby has learned many of these the hard way, but he is such a champ and just rolls with all the changes. Im 15 weeks and have had terrible “all day” sickness since about 6 weeks. Hoping it gets better in the second trimester.
Aversions: Sweets and seafood (except tuna, I want that like 24/7)
Cravings: Anything salty or crunchy, preferably both (chips, tater tots, fries ;)


Your video of her kicking was amazing! I miss that! Except my “little” guy kicked and broke my rib so it CONSTANTLY would go in and out of place all day everyday for the last 6 weeks and I wanted to die it hurt so bad all the time. There was nothing they could do until I delivered and it was horrific because I only continued to ger bigger and so did he (he was only 7 lbs 7 oz). The good news is from the minute I delivered until now I’ve never had another issue with it. He’s 11 months and I can almost forget how much it hurt.


Andrew – you were so spot on with these! The number one piece of advice is SO ACCURATE! I mean – I know i’ll PROBABLY want to have another baby FIVE MINUTES after the first one is born in a few months, but right now the mention of one only feels like PRESSURE….and a nine month jail sentence. HA! Shared all of your wisdom with the hubs.

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