Working out at home is my favorite + how I am getting in my strength training now!

Good morning!  I hope your Tuesday is off to a great start including a great workout and plenty of your favorite foods.  I’m so excited to share with you what I have been doing lately for my strength training! This post is sponsored by Total Gym Fitness!

I am positive that many of you reading this post are just like me and LOVE the option to be able to work out at home.  Andrew likes going to the gym but I am ALL about avoiding the extra 12.3 (yes, I have timed it) minutes that it takes to drive to the gym and then back home again after.    Strength training is NECESSARY for our running especially if we want to get faster and stay injury free!  Having a way to do my strength training at home is the way for me to stick with it and stay consistent!

The belly is growing… we are in the third trimester now!  It feels like this pregnancy has gone by so slowly and so quick at the same time.  It’s weird.


A few other reasons that I absolutely adore being able to work out at home:

1.  I love being able to turn on my music as loud as I want at home and jam out to whatever weird music I am feeling that day.

2.  I have a few water bottles (filled with 90% ice), snacks (yes, I am constantly hungry at this point in my life), lip gloss (I have a problem but you knew that) and everything else that I need RIGHT THERE.  I always forget things when I go to the gym but at home, it is all right there.  No excuses!

3.  Kids.  Kids.  Kids.  Andrew is at the hospital more and more lately so with the kids, I LOVE having the option to work out at home.  I can get in a workout while they are either asleep or hanging out with me.  It doesn’t matter what time it is or whatever crazy schedule I have planned for us each day.. having everything you need at home helps me to make sure I get my workout in.  With the new baby on the way, I will really need a great strength training option so I can do it at home while she naps!

4.  I can watch TV while I work out at home so easily.  I set up the Total Gym right in front of our tv and catch up on my favorite shows.  Andrew has already told me that he is not going to join me this season in watching ‘This is Us’ (he does not support how emotional that show makes me while I watch it or for the four hours following the show ending;) so I’ll be getting in my This is Us obsession while working out.  Win win.

5.  We have two ceiling fans and a big portable fan in the room where I have my Total Gym set-up so I don’t sweat to death like I do at the gym:)

6.  Winter is coming and one of my least favorite things ever is leaving the gym with a sweaty sports bra and going outside into freezing temperatures as I walk to the car… that is just pure torture.

7.  I CAN WEAR WHATEVER I WANT (you are welcome for attempting a normal outfit for these pictures) at home which I love.


I have been using the Total Gym for over a month now, get ready for all of my thoughts about it!  I heard about the Total Gym previously but didn’t try it until I read about the awesome prenatal workouts that I could do on one.  The fact that I could have so many great strength workouts while pregnant sold me and made me really want to try it and see how it worked for me.

I want to be able to keep running during this pregnancy and in order to do that, it is so important that I strengthen my muscles with all of the changes going on in my body.  My sister (the one that has had 5 kids) has always been a huge believer in strength training throughout her pregnancies which has helped her to recover and bounce back so much quicker after she has her babies.  Like usual, I want to be just like her for the 282,300th time and that is a huge motivation for me right now!

There are a few reasons why I am loving using the Total Gym while pregnant and the first one is because it is so easy on my joints.  My joints and ligaments are a lot more cranky during pregnancy (thanks to the hormone relaxin) and the Total Gym keeps them happy.  I love that it allows me to work my core while pregnant.  They have some Youtube videos that show you exactly what exercises/workouts are safe to do while pregnant and I have been using them. Also, I can always have my body angled at a tilt when my back is on the guideboard, which I can’t always do on the benches at the gym.   I feel very stabilized on the Total Gym so my clumsiness at this point of pregnancy isn’t getting in the way:)

The prenatal workouts are what initially sold me to try it out.  Using it for the last month is what sold me to also use it after this pregnancy!  I have gotten in some really great workouts on the Total Gym that have made me so sore (aka my goal when I’m doing strength training because that tells me it is working:).


I am loving having something that is so customizable to wherever I am at… whether that be pregnant, training hard for a marathon, needing cross-training because I’m injured or trying to gain fitness again after I have a baby.  It is great for any age group.  Works for someone just starting out or someone that is more advanced!

PS I originally thought this would mainly be great for my upper body and core but some of my favorite workouts have been doing lower body!  These lunges that I am doing below are tough for me.  You start with the guideboard at the bottom and then slide it up into the lunge position. My other favorite lower body exercises are the hamstring pulls, hip abduction, single leg squats, squats and leg pull!


Total Gym comes with an awesome guide that is so easy to follow.  It shows you each different exercise you can do (there are over 80!!) along with what muscle groups you are working and the correct form.   The exercises are grouped into different muscle groups so if you are wanting to focus on a specific muscle group one day, you have every exercise you need right there!  It includes so many different circuit training programs which is what I have mainly been using.  It also comes with awesome workout dvds for you to try along with a million different workouts on their blog and YouTube.  If you don’t like putting together your own workouts, they have SO many different workouts for you to choose from that are perfect for YOU.


I love that it really doesn’t take me very long to get in a killer strength workout (usually about 10-20 minutes) with Total Gym.  It works by using a percentage of your own body weight as the resistance for each exercise.  You set the resistance level yourself to wherever you are at personally and your goals.  It is SO smooth and so easy to move from one exercise to another without having to move weights around etc.


You can make each workout on the Total Gym as hard as you want according to the resistance level that you set.


I also love using this machine for stretching.  I get in such a better stretch using the pulley cables to help me move into a deeper stretch.

Not sure what Brooke was laughing at back there in this picture but I’m sure it was one of Knox’s hilarious jokes.


We don’t have a huge house (both Andrew and I dream of having a workout room in a future house someday) so I just store my Total Gym behind the couch and it takes about 2 minutes to bring it out.


There ya have it friends!  Now you know what I’ve been using as soon as I jump off the treadmill to get in my strength training and stay strong!  Would love to hear about what you do!


I’ve got an INCREDIBLE offer for you——>  Click HERE to order your own Total Gym Supreme for 25% off!  This amazing offer includes free shipping!


What is your workout today?  Give me the details!

What has been the best thing you have eaten in the last week?

At what age did you start working out consistently?  

What made you start working out consistently… friend/family member’s example/a way to deal with stress/personal goals that you set?  What got you moving?

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My workout today was a 6-mile run finished by 7am, and maybe later today I’ll convince myself to do some weights too. Strength training is a struggle for me, just like for many runners.

There’s a Greek restaurant right by my work and I had an incredible chicken gyro on Saturday. I also made the moistest chocolate cake I’ve ever made last Thursday.


I LOVE Greek Food! Chicken gyros sound heavenly right not!

I would totally rather run than do any strength training — but I’d do strength for a slab of that chocolate cake!


Great workout today Grant and way to go getting it done early! Okay, I need both the chicken gyro and chocolate cake asap! Sounds amazing! Enjoy your Tuesday Grant!


Okay you’ve now convinced me that I need a Total Gym in my tiny one bedroom apartment. I’m sure my boyfriend will be on board…maybe ;) But you’ve also convinced me to be better at strength training but that’s hard to do!
My workout for today is 4 x 800m with 90 second rests in between plus a mile warm up and mile cool down. I love speed workouts so I’m hoping this is a good one.
What got me to workout consistently is that my clothes started to fit a little less well due to senior year of college stresses and a crazy schedule. I didn’t feel like buying brand new clothes so I hired a running coach to help me and now some clothes are starting to feel loose, yay! I need to work on my resistance training to really get toned and lose some fat but slow and steady wins the race.
Enjoy your day!!


I know this is random, but I totally had a total gym growing up (well my parents did and then didn’t want it so I kept it in my bedroom). It really fit so nicely under my bed and didn’t take too much room to use!


Not random! I would totally consider doing that if we weren’t using under our bed as storage for out of season things :(


Not sure yet what our coach has in store for us today at Crossfit, but last night was a whopper! It was a partner workout, where only one of you can work at a time while the other rests. We had to complete 200 pull ups, 200 push ups, 200 sit ups, and 200 squats as a team. In between each set of 200, we had to do 50 double unders on the jump rope — each. MY ARMS and LEGS are JELLO!

The best thing I’ve eaten in the past week was definitely this Pumpkin Spice cake donut from dunkin donuts! When the orchard was a let down, we drove to dunkin donuts and got an assortment, I loved the apple spice donut, but the pumpkin spice cake tasted SOO much like pumpkin pie!

I really didn’t start working out consistently until I was 25 — out of college and not happy with my weight. I’ve since completed 5k’s, a 10k, a half marathon, and a full marathon AND have kept my weight 30 pounds LESS than I was in college!


I NEED THAT DONUT right now. Mail me one!?! Congratulations on your amazing accomplishments since college Susie! I legitimately got tired just from reading about about your workout… WOW!


I know right! I can’t really lift my arms! Trying to tie my hair up into a ponytail was a total challenge — I’m counting it as a workout.

Have a great day!!


Today’s workout will be a sweaty 45 minute spin class later today after work. Insofar as working out, I started working out consistently when I was a senior in high school. Now, don’t laugh, but it was watching the movie Terminator 2, Judgement Day, and seeing those guns on Linda Hamilton that inspired me to start doing the same. And almost 30 years later, I can proudly claim that I can do the same pull-ups that she busts out in that movie. Running, spin, strength training, barre-everything goes in cycles for me depending on injuries and my interest level.


Have a great time at your class later Rosie! I LOVED reading your story… that is so awesome Rosie! Way to go and come over and help me do some pull-ups please!


Today is a rest day – early morning meetings and plans for fun runs later this week have me kicking up my feet today.

Best thing I’ve eaten is this buzzfeed recipe that I made in bulk on Saturday and have been eating for lunch all week. I only season it at the end and include way more kale than the recipe calls for (

I worked out regularly in college, but didn’t start running until I moved to Minneapolis in 2010, but didn’t stick with it after a rough winter. Then I started running consistently again in April of this year, when we moved to Charlotte. Consistency came for me when I move, because running has been a great way for me to introduce myself to a city, be comfortable being solo in a hobby, and build new habits in a new way. Both times I moved, I started with C25k.


Okay, that recipe looks amazing… I need to try this! Enjoy your rest day Sage! You are so right about running being such a good thing for moves! I love how it is a constant too when it seems like everything else is changing! You are doing amazing!


I did a 30-Minute run outside and 20 minutes of yoga. My husband motivates me every time he hugs me, feels my waist abs says I feel smaller. That hasn’t happened in a while so I’m a bit discouraged by my lack of progress. I’m trying though!


Girl, you are doing AMAZING! Great workout today and I hope your Tuesday is an awesome one!


I have been thinking daily about how I need to add strength training to my workouts. Winter’s coming and I absolutely hate to go out in the cold to get to the gym. I’m fine with using my treadmill but need to do some strength training too. Thanks for the tip! Obviously you are doing something right, you look great! I started working out after my first child was born. I didn’t like that feeling of being so out of shape. Thanks Janae for keeping us up on what’s available!


HEY JOLEE!!! It really does feel like torture to come out of the gym in a wet sports bra in the winter haha! You are so welcome and thank you for your sweet comment! I hope your day is a beautiful one (and I LOVE YOUR NAME)!


I don’t remember what exactly made me start working out consistently, but I remember it was the summer right before I started high school. I used to go running for about 8 minutes (yes, I started small), and then it was later in life that I eventually fell in love with running (even after all of those years of cross country and track when I swore I hated it).

I only did somewhere between 4-5 miles this morning, but I’m starting to feel a little bit stronger each day as I build my mileage and strength back up after those two kidney surgeries last month. Hopefully someday soon I’ll be able to train toward a race!


I am SO HAPPY NATALIE that you are feeling stronger and stronger… way to go on your run today!! Loved hearing about when you started running:)


Today’s workout is a 5 mile run. I probably should incorporate either some speed work or some hills. I skipped my workout last night…and I have no good excuse why! So tonight I need to PUSH it!

But…. my first 11 mile training run was this past Saturday and it was AWESOME! Lots of hills and humidity….but I still ran it 20 seconds faster per mile than my 10 miler last week! (I’m still “slow” to many people’s standards, but i don’t care! I’m me and happy to be! ;)


WAY TO ROCK YOUR 11 miler Alyssa!!! You rocked it girl and with the hills and humidity, WOW! Have an awesome workout tonight too!


I started working out the most consistently after I graduated from college. The thing that got me motivated was a broken heart.

Best thing I have eaten all week is a blackberry turkey sandwich. Yummo.


Today’s workout will probably be a short run with my dog followed by a popsugar fitness video. I need to step it up with the strength training big time!
Best thing I ate is my dad’s Ham Bone Soup – I just wish I was more like fall outside!
I started running consistently in middle school :)
Enjoy your day!


I do think it’s so much easier to work out and stay consistent when you have everything at home. I had an easy run this morning which I enjoyed. Nothing crazy!

The best thing I’ve eaten…that’s tough. I think I would have to say the steak after my workout on Sunday but I like to hope most of my cooking tastes good after a hard workout…haha…


I always biked to school growing up. In college, after inactivity I gained weight, so I started strength training classes and took Goju Ryu karate and was hooked on the karate. Today I’m doing just doing cardio on the bike and some yoga. I started mixing in some P90X3 and 21-day fix for strength training and am so sore. I’m opposite you, I love strength training and don’t enjoy cardio as much. Hmm, best thing I ate this past week would prob be cheesecake. :) Have a blessed day, Janae!


Marie, thank you so much for sharing your story with me! Now I just need you to help me love strength as much as I do cardio. Okay, cheesecake sounds so good right now! Thanks (ps your name is my sister’s middle name so it makes me really happy) Marie and I hope your day is a great one!


One of my coworkers was in Chicago over the weekend and he brought back a bag of Chicago Style Popcorn! That stuff is addicting and it’s the best thing I’ve eaten this month!!

Thanks for sharing your love for Total Gym! When I lived with my parents we had a Total Gym and I got some great workouts in on it!


Oh my goodness… that stuff is THE BEST. I need to get some of that ASAP! You are so welcome, that is awesome that you’ve used it and loved it too! I hope you have a beautiful day Torrie!


I hate going anywhere in the winter especially at night. It makes the drive to workout so much harder. My husbands aunt just gave me a brand new step/bench to use and I don’t have weights to use yet but it makes working out at home so much easier!!


I didn’t start working out consistently until after I graduated from university. Haha, clearly it took me awhile!


I started working out consistently around age 16. I remember thinking I wanted to be healthy for my future family and to be a good example for my future kiddos. My mom always worked out consistently (actually yesterday she ran her LONGEST RUN EVER of 7 miles- so proud of her!) and she was an amazing example for me to look up to. I think the combo of her example + me wanting to be healthy for my future family helped me start running/working out regularly.

Best thing I ate this week: Spaghetti squash with homemade sauce. I could probably eat that meal about 3 times a week and be a happy camper.
My workout today was a strength training day: I did an ab video (by Blogilates – she is amazing!) a glute workout by Blogilates again, and a 5 min arm workout. The burn was real today.


Workout today = running however many miles I can fit in between the end of work and going to church tonight!

I started working out consistently in 10th or 11th grade after seeing my aunt go “jogging” multiple times per week growing up! I started running around my neighborhood which was all hills (if only I knew how good that was for me then!) and also joined a gym with my friends, mostly for social reasons ;)

Best thing I’ve eaten in the last week = pancakes with Reese’s Pieces in them! Totally made up for my not so good apple fritter from Dunkin Donuts. P.S. not the point of the post but where is your couch from?! I love it!


I didn’t do much strength training for my half marathon and I think that was a BIG mistake. I need your guidance!


Great job squeezing those workouts in whenever you can! Brooke and Knox are so lucky to have active parents that set a good example.
I had a yummy orange scone over the weekend. It was so good I might have another one this weekend!
Speed work today…6×400, kind of short compared to what I’ve been doing the last few weeks. I’m for a little break from the hard work.
I started working out regularly in my early 20’s. I can’t remember exactly why. I love being active and feeling good about myself.


YES to This Is Us! I can’t wait for it to be back on!!


Got in a 5 miler this am but it was already in upper 70’s…..yikes! I had amazing tacos at home with the husband on Sunday and I think we will have them again tomorrow.
I started running and really working out after college and started racing in 2008 but really ramped it up in 2013. I did it to lose a few extra pounds at first but now I do it to stay in shape. And also because I love it!


I bought a TG at Costco last winter and LOVE it! If you ever buy a house with a basement, turn at least part of your basement into a workout area. That’s what I did and I used the puzzle piece soft flooring squares for the floor and put a TV down there and it’s my favorite gym ever. Also, extra touches that make it feel like a gym – a shelf with workout towels, water cooler, kleenex, etc. cost almost nothing but add so much!


Today I ran 10.5 miles, it was a bit of a tempo run and quite cold!! I ran cross country all throughout high school. After the season was over, I ran a few times over the summer. I never got super into it and was more on the team for the social aspect. Fun fact though, I ran every single race from freshman year to senior year! When I turned 16, I started working as a lifeguard/swim instructor at my Y, which is probably what got me to start working out regularly. Sometimes I would workout before starting a shift or after a shift. It was great because it was free! Once I got to college, we had an awesome rec center that opened up my 2nd year of my sophomore year. It was harder to make it to the gym before hand since it was under construction for so long, but the freshman 10 kept me motivated. Ever since then, I’ve been consistent with my workouts. I don’t follow plans (except now since i’m training for a marathon), but I just enjoy working out and the feeling when it’s done. For the past 2 years, I’ve been doing classpass and love the variety of classes, but love that running is always there for me!


Hey Janae- The link to the Total gym offer doesn’t seem to be working. Can you redo it on the page? Thanks!


Hello ma’am, just wanted to bump some latest (I’m a little late..) info on how to help Puerto Rico recover from Hurricane Maria. I know you had posted at least about Harvey before, so I thought you might want to know.


What is your workout today? Give me the details!
Tue was an easy run day b/c Wed is track day! did a mile of warm up, a few miles of easy, a half mile of cool down.

What has been the best thing you have eaten in the last week?

At what age did you start working out consistently?

What made you start working out consistently… friend/family member’s example/a way to deal with stress/personal goals that you set? What got you moving?
i was overweight and i wanted a new fresh start going to college and getting to wear clothes i wanted to wear. i started running at the local track. it was a great way to clear the mind (h.s. was stressful!) and slim down. i started seeing results so i kept at it! if i remember correctly i did 2 miles 3x a week. i often had to walk in the beginning, but by the end i was running them. when i got to college, there were lots of people running the track so that was a fun way to meet people and connect. we’d often do these 9 pm or midnight runs after studying a lot in the library. in the winter, i transitioned to swimming. good times!

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