Monday Matters + do you ever do this during a half-marathon/marathon?

I hope your weekend was a great one!!

I have a bunch of different topics I wanted to talk to you about today so let’s get started!

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*My Sunday morning breakfast will now be added to my list of things to eat often—>  Dave’s Killer Bread, peanut butter, thin apple slices and bananas.  With a side of milk.  Pregnancy has had me wanting lots of milk, must be needing calcium!

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*More of Dave’s Killer Bread (we go through a crazy amount of this bread each week lately) in the form of grilled cheese and turkey (I heat up the turkey in the microwave before putting it in the sandwich to cook it) with some tomato soup.

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*Snacked on popcorn, a mango and sun chips while watching a movie with the kids.  Then we made a random skillet for dinner—>  ground turkey, yellow peppers, broccoli, sweet potatoes, garlic.  I had two bowls of this!  It hit the spot last night.

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*I think I might have had my first REALLY big craving on Saturday or maybe I was just really tired and hungry.  Tacos.  Cafe Rio.  Sweet Pork.  I had to have them and Andrew picked them up on his way home.  They were heavenly.

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*It is never too early to bring out the pumpkin… okay, maybe it is too early but luckily the kids agree with me that it is time to start eating everything pumpkin.

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*When your niece is over at your house and she asks you if she can organize your kitchen disaster drawer… ummm yes.

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*It arrived!  THANK YOU for all of your recommendations on which planner to get the other day… I read every comment (like usual) and appreciate it so much!  Between your comments, thinking about it for way too many hours and these awesome YouTube videos from Amanda’s Favorites (she includes awesome reviews of each different type), I decided on the Erin Condren planner!  I’m in love.

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Brooke and I spent some good time yesterday at the counter… she colored and I filled in the next few weeks in my planner.  I feel so much better having it all written down rather than on my phone.

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*I usually try to have a smoothie, a protein drink, eggs or something with a good amount of carbs/protein after a run but not on Saturday… Rhodes Rolls made the perfect post-run meal (with jam).  I was thinking about them for the entire second half of my run.

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*HAVE YOU WATCHED THIS YET?  It is on ABC and it was amazing.  I wish there were 10 more episodes.

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*Brooke’s birthday is tomorrow and I actually cannot believe she is going to be 5.   I’ll be crying but also really excited for this next stage of life with her.

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*Ice cream sandwiches and some relaxing in my parent’s front yard.

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The other day a sweet reader emailed me asking if I ever walk during a marathon.  She is running her first marathon and wondering if she should plan on walking at all during the race!

*As far as your first marathon goes… DO NOT THINK TWICE about time.  Don’t make a goal time (in my opinion) and just shoot for completion.  You have the chance to reach your time goals during your next marathons (if you want to do more) but for the first one, I think it is all about finishing and gaining experience!  If I ever do an ultra (aka a first-time thing for me) you better believe my goal will be finishing, not a time.

*As far as planning in walking breaks I think that totally depends on what your training looks like.  If you are on a run-walk training plan then absolutely plan those walking breaks on race day just like you did for those long runs of yours!  Your long runs are your dress rehearsals for race day so if you are doing it in your dress rehearsal then plan on doing it during the race.  If you haven’t trained with walking then you don’t have to walk during the race but also, there is no harm adding some in the spots you think you might need them.  Maybe every few miles, every 10k along the way, or whenever the heck you feel you need it.  If this isn’t your first marathon and you have some time goals (and have trained without walking breaks) then walking breaks often may not fit into those goals but if not… take those walking breaks when you need!

*MY FAVORITE method during a marathon (which I didn’t start doing until just a few years ago) is to walk through the aid stations.  My favorite marathons have been the times that I do this… I always feel my best.  I walk through the aid stations so that I can get my drink of water and drink the entire cup (or two).  When I try to run and drink from the cup I usually get 20% of the liquid.  When I walk through the aid stations not only do I drink more but I have something to look forward to and my legs get a break for 20 seconds which I love.

Now when I go for my sub 3 marathon in a year or two I don’t know if walking through the aid stations will be part of the plan just because that is a fast pace to keep up with (for me) BUT I’ll have little water bottles with me or along the way to make sure I am getting plenty of hydration!  During my last St. George Marathon I carried a little water bottle of Vega Clean Energy + Electrolytes (I LOVE THIS STUFF) which was great for me and I’ll do that again!!

At Boston in 2015 I didn’t have to deal with dehydration because I would just open my mouth and drink the rain the whole 26.2 miles;)

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PS I do get more water in while running/drinking from a cup if I bend it like this below and funnel it in a bit to my mouth:)  One time I wore a white tank to a race back when I used to use gatorade and finished the race with a tie-dye looking tank from spilling all over myself over the course.  This way of holding the cup helps a little bit.

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Other random tips that I do during a marathon that are floating around my brain right now:

*I double tie my shoelaces while waiting in the corral for the race to start.  I’ve had to stop a few times before during a race to tie my shoes and it is the worst.

*In case you are a newer reader (sorry if I’ve shared this tip a million times)… I really focus on pumping my arms when my legs get tired during a race.  It’s pretty hard to slow your legs down when you arms are pumping at the pace you want to go:)  Focusing on my arms rather than my tired/dead legs at mile 22 really helps me!

*I don’t start listening to music until exactly 13.1 miles into the marathon now.  For a half-marathon I use music the entire time if I am racing it because I NEED THE RHYTHM.  But for the marathon, I want to focus on not going out too fast for the first half and then adding music later on gives me the motivation/energy I NEED to finish.   For those first few miles of the marathon especially I try to listen to my steps, my breathing and repeat my goals to myself for the day.

*I haven’t done this yet but I’m doing it for my next one (I have some marathons in mind that I want to do once I’m good to start training again)… I really want to write my power phrases on my hands.  I have a few friends that do this and I love the idea.  Words have so much power over us and positive ones like, ‘smile’ or ‘I can do hard things’ can really make a difference in our thoughts!

*I have really come to love doing marathons with a hat or visor on.  It keeps my hair out of the way and the sun out of my eyes.  It also keeps the rain out of my eyes too because I feel like I love choosing races that rain the entire time (okay, I’m being dramatic that has only happened a few times during marathons for me but it was REALLY raining… ehhh snowing;)

*Hot marathons= I am always prepared to dump water on myself in the aid stations.  I have my phone in a plastic bag to keep it safe.  Dumping cold water on my head feels so good.  I also grab any and all ice bags they hand out and I stick them in my sports bra… that cools me down quick.  Try it (even if it looks a little funny;).


What about you… walking during a marathon?  If you do walk, when?  Have you figured out how to run and drink at the same time?  

Music while racing—>  always, sometimes, never?  

Too early for pumpkin—>  Yes or no?

What one food item do you think you go through THE MOST at your house?!

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I definitely go through Wheat Thins the most at home, and I don’t think it’s too early for pumpkin. In fact, there may or may not be some pumpkin bread over here right now, and I really want those Cheerios. :)

I haven’t run a marathon in a very long time, and I may stick to the half marathon from here on out. I’m just looking forward to the day I can actually race one again. My surgery on Friday did not go well (I talk about it here, and I have to have a different surgery in two weeks. I just want all of this kidney trouble behind me for a lot of reasons, but a big one is that I miss being able to run like I used to. :(


NOOOO NATALIE!!!! I was so so so hoping that your surgery last week went perfectly. I am SO sorry. I’m thinking about you and you’ll continue to be in my prayers for your next surgery. I am so sorry. Health problems are the worst.


I absolutely appreciate those prayers, Janae. They are needed BIG TIME over here.


marathon music pumpkin food

I don’t walk thru any part of the marathon (I have only run 2) but that is only because I know me, and if I stop and walk then it will be easier for me to keep stopping and walking, and I want to run it. I am super competitive with myself, and I know that if i just run the whole thing I will feel so much better about my effort afterwards.

I almost always have my ipod with me on runs and races! I love jamming to my music while I run, and the only time I don’t is if it is raining hard.

Pumpkin all the time! Bring on fall!

And we go thru a lot of bread and cereal at our house, but we aren’t loyal to just one brand, we try them all! Dave’s is great but can be a bit pricey.


yes, I walk during my long runs and the marathon itself ( very slow runner, about 5 hours for the 42k….)
I’ve found it helps keeping my legs strong, I recover faster, and most important, I’m NOT slower!
today I even ran seven minutes faster on my 24k long run!
I run for approximately 3 minutes and walk for 20 -30 seconds, no more.
For my age (52) I want to be able to run my whole life, so I really want to save energy and keep my legs strong for running until I’m at least 90!


WAY TO GO GABRIELLE on your long run today… you rocked it! You will be running until you are 100 (I am joining you in that please:)! You are doing amazing!


I’ve never run a marathon – honestly it completely freaks me out ;) but I’ve run several half marathons and I’ve definitely walked through water stations before. I’ve also been really tough on myself and not allowing any walk breaks during a race but I’ve loosened up a lot! Always music while racing – they only time I don’t listen to music is if I’m running with other people.
It’s a little too early for pumpkin for this girl…I used to love pumpkin spice lattes from starbucks but now they’re too sweet for me!
The food items we go through the most are milk, ice cream, popcorn, and apples :)
Have a great day Janae!!


omg I never get the water into my mouth during a race! lol. Sometimes it ends up up my nose.HA. I don’t run marathons but I do run half marathons and thankfully I haven’t needed to stop to walk. I think if I were to stop, it would be hard to get started again but then again, I think it depends on each person and their training.


It’s never too early for pumpkin!!!!


I want to like this comment 100 times:) I hope you have something delicious with pumpkin in it asap! Thanks Stephanie!


I’ve never done a marathon (and I have no desire to) but the only time I walk during half marathons is through the aid stations. Mainly got that tip from you! I always rely on the aid stations during races because I don’t want to deal with more equipment to carry, but I can see the benefit of bringing my own water bottle, so I wouldn’t have to stop and walk. It’s a nice break though!

I ran my first half without music because I wanted to challenge myself to focus on the race itself. Other than that, I have always used music for races. Sometimes I don’t on my regular runs… just depends on my mood I guess.

It’s never too early for pumpkin!

Hmmm…maybe I go through eggs the most? Or cereal? Mainly because I can eat those things pretty much anytime of day.


I AM SO EXCITED FOR PUMPKIN SEASON. It’s never too early; I’m already looking forward to flannel and apple picking so all this pumpkin talk is just like a preview of my favorite season.
I didn’t walk much during my marathon, but I definitely aimed to just finish and no go fast, so my speed was really moderated throughout. Just like you said; I will set a goal time for my next marathon, but for my first marathon I just had to get to that finish line!
I always listen to something while I’m running- sometimes an audiobook, sometimes a podcast, but mostly music. I love music, and I love creating prefect running playlists every season.
I go through so much almond milk…so, so much.


Oh I cannot wait for flannel too:) CONGRATS on your first marathon (not sure when you did it but it’s never too late for a congrats right?!)!! Send me over your running playlists one of these days!


I eat pumpkin year round! We have those Cheerios too! And I buy canned pumpkin and usually put some in my oatmeal and still make pumpkin muffins throughout the year!


BRILLIANT… I need to jump on the year round wagon for pumpkin. That sounds delicious! Hope you are having a great day Mary!


I’m contemplating signing up for a marathon in April but I’m nervous! I love all of these tips. Focusing on your arms instead of your legs in races is something my cross country coach used to tell us and if it was our second race of the week, it totally helped to do that!

Have a great day :)


in our house, pumpkin is always in season. Also – LOVE Dave’s Killer Bread….makes the best toast and sandwiches!


I used to be more strict on waiting til fall for pumpkin flavored stuff, I think maybe living in New England summers are just so short. Now that I live in Florida the kids are already back in school and it’s hot year round so bring on the pumpkin!


I plan on walking a little every mile or so during my first half — my goal is just to finish! Eventually I want to get to a point where I don’t have to walk, but that’s going to be a process for sure. It actually really helps with recovery and giving my legs a break at set times gives me something to look forward to ;) I think I actually run faster during my run intervals when I have walk breaks scheduled, too, and my paces end up really similar between my long runs with walk breaks and my shorter runs without walk breaks.

I think I probably go through cheese and LaCroix the most at my house. It’s a bit of a problem ;)


I am SO glad that you have found what works so perfectly for you Joanne. I love that your paces are so close when you include the walking vs when you don’t! You have found the perfect mix. So excited for your first half. Oh I miss LaCroix (the second I’m not pregnant I hope I start loving that again)!


NEVER TOO EARLY FOR PUMPKIN!!!! Love love love it all year round :)

For both marathons, I walked through the water stations… not so much during the early miles but definitely the later ones. I also struggle with the whole drinking from a cup while running!


Up until just the last few months I’ve been a music runner all the way. You wouldn’t find me without it. But I started running without music here and there and I’m really liking it. I still take it with me, just in case and I’ll probably take it with me on a race but I’m not sure I’ll listen to it.


I grabbed a box of Pumpkin Spice Life cereal the other day so no it’s not too early.


That sounds SO good right now… I need that!


I have been so into dairy this pregnancy too! When I’m not pregnant I don’t tolerate it well, but have been these last few months so I’ve really been enjoying it. I’m definitely making grilled cheese tonight after seeing your photo of it!

Question, are you still wearing regular running tops? Mine aren’t long enough and my little bump has starting poking out the bottom. If you’re still wearing regular, what is your favorite brand that is long enough to get you through the pregnancy?


What is it about dairy during pregnancy… I can’t get enough (although I don’t like ice cream really right now?!?!)! Enjoy your grilled cheese tonight… I’ll probably have another too ha. As far as tops go… I have found my Lululemon tanks (the racerback tanks) are the best for the growing bump. They are long in the first place and still fit (and did for my entire pregnancy with Brooke). Let me know if those work for you and congrats Sara, I hope you are feeling well!


During my first (and only) marathon I hit a wall at about mile 20 and then it became my goal to not walk because I wanted to do badly!! I did the aid station thing and would only walk through the aid station. As soon as it was over, I picked up my pace again. I didn’t train for walking but I also didn’t train for much downhill and the first 17 miles were steep downhill, so my legs were shot.

I love good music during a race. It helps me keep a beat and keep my energy up! Fun fact: my phone was trying so hard to connect to Bluetooth at the top of the mountain my marathon started on, that it sucked all the power and it died only a few miles into the race. So I ran most of the marathon with NOTHING where I had trained with either music or podcasts the whole time. That was an extra little challenge for sure.

YES!! I am so happy pumpkin stuff is already out. Not too early at all. I’m a Fall girl through and through!!


I think we go through almond milk the fastest! We go through 4 containers per week because of all of the cereal and shakes we eat / drink!

I love everything pumpkin and just made pumpkin bread last night!


I do think you should not make a time goal for your first marathon. You never know what can happen and if you put too much pressure on yourself then you’ll be disappointed. I would say don’t be afraid to stop and walk. I stopped to use the bathroom myself.

I have been drinking pumpkin spice coffee so I guess no comments from me LOL.


Thank you for the tips!!! I was actually just thinking of asking you your thoughts on walking. I always feel ashamed if I have to stop and walk but I’m realizing that it’s OK! It gives me the energy to keep going and hey, at least I’m keeping it moving instead of just stopping! Especially in the summer, hot months. Winter running requires much less walking for me. The tip about walking through the aid station is GENIUS! Why didn’t I think of that?!

I also used your speed work tips! I sprinted at the chorus’s of songs. It was REALLY hard but that great feel hard when you just need to lay down after your run. I definitely will keep working on them and use other tips from that post.

Do you have any tips for temp runs?!


MADDIE!!! Thank you so so much for your comment and yes, walking is OK! I am the same way in the winter… the summer sucks the energy from us:) SO glad that the speed work ideas helped, way to go! I’ll get working on a tempo tips post asap!! THANK YOU!


I just bought the Pumpkin Spice Life from Costco… so its definitely not too early for me. :)
At my house we go through a LOT of milk (two kids), almond milk, yogurt, peanut butter and berries. <3


The first marathon I broke 5 hrs I stayed with a pace group and the pace leader had us walk one minute at the end of every mile AND walk through each aid station (she timed us during those walk breaks but I guess they were also about 30-60 seconds. In the end I managed to shave 31 minutes from my previous marathon time. It definitely helped.


Half marathon – I only for a couple of seconds at the aid stations so my fluids can get in me, not on me.
Marathons : My fastest one I only walked through the aid stations to get fluids in. Most others I only walked for a minute or two when feeling desperate and dead. But St George 2014, because of injuries during my training cycle, I intentionally did a “run 5 miles/walk 0.2 miles” plan (and stuck with it even when getting weird looks from friends and training partners), ran within 5 minutes of my 5 yr average, beat all my friends/training partners, almost perfect splits (only 20 sec difference between first half and second half), felt fantastic throughout the race (mile 24 was my only grumpy mile), and my legs recovered amazingly fast afterwards – walking on trails the next day and running (easy and short!) a week later. So, for first race(s) and longevity as you get older or when injured…I say run/walk can work really, really well.
I have teenage boys running cross country and playing soccer – we go through a lot of everything/anything in our house!


That is SO SO interesting! Thank you for sharing your experience with me! I love that you still rocked your 2014 time while including the walking every 5 miles (and feeling great the whole time too)! Hahaha I can’t even imagine your grocery bill!


Happy birthday to Brooke!!! The cake you made her over the weekend is amazing! I am so impressed.

I’ve never ran a full marathon, but when I ran a half last year I only walked twice and the first time wasn’t until like 9 or 10 miles. I knew that if I started to walk, it would be harder to start running again, so I held off as long as I could and it ended up working really well for me.

I NEVER think it is too early for pumpkin. I need to pick up some of those pumpkin spice cheerios! I am a big honey nut cheerio fan, but I’m thinking I’ll need to switch over to the pumpkin kind for the fall. I think that we go through frozen berries from Costco and ketchup the fastest at our house. I make a protein shake with the berries almost every morning and I have been making a frozen berry dessert at night with them a lot lately, too. And I dip just about everything in ketchup, so that goes really quickly, too. Hence why we buy both in bulk from Costco….haha


Janae:) I am so happy that my reviews helped you pick your planner! YAY:) I (obviously) love planning; so I can totally relate to your the joy of filling in a new planner:) I love your cover;) Thanks for the shout out, that was so nice! Happy Planning, & Running :)


I’m currently training for my first half marathon in several years! (my last one was mesa falls in Idaho in 2011 and then I had babies and got out of running and now I’m totally back into it again which I love! Hoping to run the provo canyon half in october!) But for me, music all the time! I get nervous about walking through aid stations because I feel like if I let myself walk once, I’ll never run the rest of the distance… I also feel like I have to get the idea out of my mind that walking is failure… even though sometimes I’m running so slow that walking would be faster haha!


I am so excited for your half marathon training!!! Hahaha that is exactly how I feel during workouts on my own… once I stop, I might NEVER start again ha! I hope you have a beautiful day and I’ll probably be at that race cheering so I’ll see you soon!


We also LOVE Dave’s Killer Bread and go through a ton of it too:)


This makes me so happy… it is the BEST bread! I hope you have some today (I just did;)!


Does your niece want to come over and organize my junk drawer? She looks so much like you in that picture!


BAHAHA yes she probably does! She organized Brooke’s bookshelf after the door… she loves it! Oh thank you, that makes me SO happy:) I hope you have a great day Michelle!


I started using a planner this year. I love to visually see my week and month. I find writing it down makes me remember I have something on the calendar. Its a good place to write down my workouts and thoughts. Plus it’s so fun to decorate with stickers and stamps!

I normally don’t walk during marathons but there have been plenty of races that I have! These days I’m not trying to PR so walking may or may not happen a couple times during a race and I’m OK with it.

Music on training runs are a must. During long races I run w/o until I get to the middle of a race. Once I get to 13 I feel like it’s a treat to listen to music and it helps me get through through the last half of the race.


Seriously, isn’t it the best to have everything RIGHT THERE and written down (oh I am obsessed with the stickers too:) I’m loving having a space for goals each week too! Yes, I agree… at 13 I feel like turning on my music is the best treat and it helps so much! I hope you are having a wonderful day!


My biggest tip is to have fun. We’re not Olympians. The biggest goal you should have for your first marathon is to finish it and be excited about your second marathon.
Second tip would be to start slower than you think you should. That’s why I actually disagree a bit with the idea of not having a goal time. You should know how long you expect to be running so you can get an idea of pace. Running your first “by feel” doesn’t work (just my opinion)… If you know a goal pace, your first 10-13 miles will be VERY comfortable. You’re in fantastic shape, rested from a taper, and full of adrenaline. That’s not to say that if you’ve trained to hit 3:30 you run your first miles at a ten minute pace, but absolutely don’t start fast hoping to bank miles in the beginning. That “method” is guaranteed to make you, at best, feel like garbage during the last 10k, and at worst, make you DNF.


I haven’t run a marathon. The Half Marathon is my favorite race. I usually don’t walk because I only need a little sip of water or sports drink every two-three miles. Pretty sure if/when I run a marathon. I will walk so I can get a good drink and give my legs a break. One little race gripe: I HATE when they have those plastics cups instead of the paper ones that fold easily. When I see those at an aid station, my heart kind of sinks. I love your funnel tip! I will DEF try that the next time I see plastic cups…

I never listen to music during a race. It’s kind of frowned upon around here, especially races on park trails where it can get kind of crowded. But I LOVE to listen on the treadmill.

I’m not the biggest pumpkin fan, but I do like pumpkin bread and pumpkin cookies. Maybe I’ll change my mind when the weather cools off a little :)

I love your new planner! I prefer a written calendar too. I like being able to look back and forward. I set aside time once or twice a week to look over it and add/edit for the week. It’s kind of relaxing because it gives a sense of control (an


I can run and drink from a water bottle but not from a cup. I like to walk through aid stations.

Music for a short race. I try to hold off on longer races, usually about half way through. I really want to pay attention to my breathing to make sure I’m not going out too fast.

I posted a recipe for homemade ice cream and peach cobbler on Friday and said something like, “Fall is 6 weeks away so stop thinking about pumpkin and make these!” :)

We go through a LOT of coffee! Especially on Monday mornings…


Wow, I’ve really appreciated reading all these comments, I’m training for my first full and still scared (in a good way). I’ve done 5 half marathons before, but always have had tummy issues. I’ve really been playing around with fueling on these long training runs, and added in the run/walk method for long runs, which has been great! I had to lay some pride aside, but if it helps my stomach, I’m willing to try it! I did 14 miles this weekend (longest run ever), but the last mile was ROUGH. Made it through, but with a lot more walking. (It was a hot day though!) My 16 miler is looming in 2 weeks. I keep flip flopping between getting scared and saying I’m going to drop back to the half, and then thinking, no, just try the 16 miles and see how it goes. Can anyone else say they had 2nd thoughts before every long run in “uncharted waters?” I keep thinking if I can make 16, then I can do 18, then gulp 20, and then I’m at the start line – right ? :)


I’m have the tummy issues too, and this round of half marathon training I’ve decided to allow myself to walk when I need to to settle the tummy and it seems to be the only thing that helps me. Have you found anything else that helps?


Sort of. I am a very salty sweater, so between that and my tummy, I’ve started eating more, more often while I run. Goldfish crackers work well for me and they have a good amount of salt. I’ve also found if I have something cold to drink, that helps too. I recently purchased a hydration vest which has been great because I can carry my snacks and fill the drink bladder with ice to keep my liquid cold. That 16 mile run is this weekend, I’ll report back on how it goes.


So, following up from my 16 mile run this weekend. 16 didn’t happen for me, I stopped at 12 and I’m glad I did. I ended up sick again…not the worst it’s ever been, but it was still awful. :( I did a lot of soul-searching during those 12 miles and decided the full marathon is not for me, at least night right now. Partly because whatever this is that causes me to be sick on long runs I can’t figure out, and partly because I think it’s like I was trying to prove something to myself by training for a full. Like I’m not as good or a “real” runner until I run 26.2. Which the more I torture myself on these runs, I’ve come to realize is BS. I enjoy training for half marathons, I look forward to running when I am, and I had come to have nothing but anxiety about training for a full. Well, it’s like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I’m sticking to the training plan for my mid-week runs, but saying goodbye to the scheduled weekend long runs. I’ll keep up longer runs on the weekend, but nothing over 12 miles. I gave the training a good go, and I’m proud of myself for sticking with it as long as I did. I learned from it, and the most important lesson/reminder for me has been to remember why it is I run in the first place. It’s not to torture myself repeatedly – push myself, yes, torture, no – but it’s my moment of finding grace during my day. To all of you who run full marathons, I am still in awe of you! But when I run my 6th half this October, I will have a huge smile on my face when I reach the turn off where we 13.1 runners separate from those doing 26.2. That’s who I am, and that’s who they are, and that’s ok. :D


I have a 1/2 marathon under my belt and I absolutely had to walk. I had quarter sized blisters on the side of each big toe thanks to wearing new socks I bought at the expo the day before. There is a reason they say not to wear new gear on race day. Know it! Live it!

It is never too early for pumpkin.


Great choice on the planner – I am totally with you on preferring to write things down than just type them in my phone!

And these are some great tips! I always listen to music while racing (I hate hearing myself breathe).

And NO it’s never too early for pumpkin. Fall is the best season and pumpkin is the best flavor, so why wait?!?


I walked in my first two marathons and totally regretted it. It made it so much harder to start running again and made me cramp up. But in both of those races I also went out way too fast for the fitness I was at at the time. In my 3rd marathon (the last one I’ve done) I focused on running steady, even paces which helped me not get quite as tired so I didn’t feel the same temptation to walk!


I raced the Steamboat Stinger Queen Bee this weekend which is a 53 mile legit mountain bike race on Saturday and a full trail marathon on Sunday. There was a good amount of walking coming up the backside of the mountain during the marathon (steep and hot!) but the downhills were super fun and technical. Pretty sore today, but it was totally an amazing weekend!


I haven’t ran with music for about a year except for a few treadmill runs and speed workouts. I’ve been running with groups more often than not, and they like to talk and I like to listen ;) I also feel like it makes me more approachable when I am coaching and running with my kids!

It’s never to early for pumpkin!!

One food I have been flying through is vanilla Greek yogurt. I’ve been making yogurt bowls with fruit and dried coconut chips. Oh my, it’s sooo good!


thanks so much for following up on this! You’ve convinced me and I’m going to walk through the aid stations… and hopefully that’ll get me through! so excited!!


I love you coffee table. Where is it from?


Thank you Amy!! It is from IKEA:) I hope you have a great week!


I canNOT believe Brooke is five!?! This means I have been reading your blog every day for over five years now!! I found you just before you announced your pregnancy and am a bit of a silent follower but I love your blog, it’s the only one I read religiously. Happy birthday Brooke!!!


LEIGH. I cannot thank you enough for reading over the years! This means a lot to me and I appreciate it so much! PLEASE KEEP IN TOUCH, your comment made me so happy… it’s like hearing from an old friend:)


Aww you are just the sweetest. You feel like an old friend to me too ;) love to your family. Xx


I love Dave’s Killer bread! The rasin the roof bread is yummy with almond butter!


I have never tried that one… I need to get it asap!! Thanks Michelle!


I cannot believe she is 5. It’s crazy how time goes so quick.


I listen to music the entire half marathon. I’ve never run a full (one of my goals for the future!). I have specific songs for specific times in the race that I know I will need them. Walking the aid stations is a great idea because the water does get all over me if I try to run through. Plus I’m afraid I will slip on cups on the ground! I used to like the Pumpkin Spice Latte, but something tastes different to me now and not as good for some reason. Do you like any pumpkin spice drinks during the fall?


I know exactly where your Boston picture was taken! Proud to call Boston home! And I may have bought pumpkin yogurt yesterday!

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