My favorite ways to pamper myself + A DEAL YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS OUT ON!


Good morning everyone!  I hope you woke up today feeling refreshed, energized (maybe with the help of some caffeine:) and ready for your day!  I’m talking about my favorite pampering ideas today!  I have quite the deal for you at the end of this post for amazing shampoo and conditioner from PURA D’OR!  This post is sponsored by 2-Minute Club featuring PURA D’OR.  Thank you so much for supporting our sponsors and us!


Let’s talk about self-care for a few minutes!  The older I get, the more I realize how much I NEED self-care each day for my mental health.  When I am not taking care of myself, odds are that I’m not reaching my full potential in helping those around me.  It’s so important to take time each day to care for ourselves so that we can fulfill the other roles in our lives.  I think this is one of the main reasons that I love running so much as a mom.  When I was a new mama and would have an hour each day to run by myself (even though it was before Brooke woke up) I felt like I was being selfish somehow.  My perspective on that quickly changed when I realized how much running helped me to be a better mom for Brooke.  Running was something I did each day to take care of myself mentally and physically so I could take better care of her.


During the first trimester of this pregnancy when I was sick as could be, it was really hard for me mentally to deal with going from running around doing things 100 mph to being in bed a good chunk of my day feeling awful.  My mom (the genius that she is) recommended that I do something each day to pamper myself.  I think we all get into those times in life when we are too busy doing everything else on our 4 mile long to-do list that we forget to take a little time each day to take-care of ourselves or pamper ourselves.  All it takes is just a few minutes of doing something that helps to rejuvenate us and we feel so much better!  As my body is changing a lot right now and will continue to change a lot, doing little things to pamper myself physically makes a BIG DIFFERENCE in how I feel.  I thought I’d share some of my favorite ways to pamper myself.

A few of my favorite ways to pamper myself!

*A really good foot cream!  I swear as runners we put our feet through SO much out on the roads.  Using a foot cream in the morning or at night (and if Andrew volunteers to give me a foot massage with the foot cream that is just on a whole other level) is quite the pampering!  Sometimes I give myself my own foot massage with a foot cream and I love it.

*Going out in nature.  I don’t know what it is about nature but being outside for even just a few minutes helps me to feel better.  A hike, a run, sitting by a river or even a drive in the canyons… definitely one way I love to pamper myself.

*A new book.  I get overly excited about a new book.  Curling up with a blanket (even though it is summer), a big cut up peach (or three) is by far one of the most calming things for me.  Even just 15 minutes of reading on my own fills up my self-care canteen for a while!

*For me, something that I really love to do is to go to the local nail salon and get new gel nails. Every now and then if I’m grumpy, Andrew will say, ‘Hey honey you should go get your nails done.’  He gets it;)

*Sleep.  Sometimes I think our society thinks it is cool to be so busy and overbooked that we don’t get enough sleep.  If I know I need a little extra pampering you better believe I’m turning on a show for the kids so I can have a 30 minute nap or climbing into bed earlier than normal even if my kitchen is yelling at me to clean it up.

*Something I’ve really been doing (thanks to reading Hands Free Mama) that feels like an extra treat is leaving electronics in another room throughout the day.  Try it, it feels nice to forget that you have anything else to do but be where you are in the moment.

*Do something great for my hair.  Something that helps me out to have some ‘really good hair days.’  I’m not one for doing something drastic but I love getting it trimmed or colored and recently I started using PURA D’OR as my shampoo and conditioner!  Each time I use it, it feels like a treat for my hair.  I am excited to share my thoughts with you because it is a perfect way to pamper yourself!

PS my siblings and I all started out life with a full head of hair ha.


Brooke was born with quite the head of hair too!  Do you think Brooke and I look alike in our baby pictures?  PS I am SO excited to meet our new little one in December and see what she looks like!


It has been a long time since I tried something new in terms of shampoo and conditioner.  I am BEYOND happy with my experience with PURA D’OR and so are over 13k other people that have written awesome reviews about these products!  You can see all of the reviews for PURA D’OR on the (this is also where you’ll find the cheapest member only prices along with free shipping on this goodness)!

The first thing I noticed and loved about PURA D’OR was the smell of the shampoo and conditioner (smells are especially a big deal to me these days).  After washing, using the conditioner and styling my hair for the day I DEFINITELY notice an increase in bounce/body and shine… all things that I really want and love for my hair.  Even though my hair is in a ponytail most of the time because of running and kid life, I am LOVING my hair lately when I get ready for a date night with Andrew or for church.  I think my hair looks shinier in a ponytail now and it probably bounces around more while running too!

Something else that I love about the PURA D’OR shampoo is that it is ‘anti-hair loss’ which is PERFECT for me during pregnancy.  I do not know what all of these crazy hormones are doing to me but hair thinning is one of them.  I have noticed that during the time I have been using PURA D’OR, I haven’t had as much hair coming out when I shower and wash my hair (that is when I notice most that I’m losing hair while pregnant).  I find it super interesting that an 8 week clinical study showed that 9 out of 10 users of PURA D’OR noticed improvements in volume to their hair… join the club with me:)  I feel like my hair is getting stronger (which I love and have wanted for a long time) by starting with helping me to have a healthy scalp!  Their formulas help to ENERGIZE hair from the root to the tip which is what helps to reduce hair loss due to breakage.  I swear my hair breaks off easier because of having it in a ponytail so this is helping me out a lot in that department.  Also, the simple things in life make me happy and I love the pumps on the bottles, it makes it so easy in the shower for me.


It’s always very important to take a look into what is in ANY health and beauty products that we use and support!! PURA D’OR does the trick to help fight thinning hair naturally… they do not use any crazy chemicals in their products.

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Utah is an especially dry climate, maybe that is why I put on lip gloss 400 times a day!  I AM LOVING the deep moisturizing conditioner from PURA D’OR.  It is a thick creamy conditioner that really helps my hair to feel less dry and feels so much better afterwards.  PS my sister (she is a pro:) recommends washing out your conditioner with cooler temperatures because it helps keep in as much moisture as possible!


PS going with the PRO Kit mean you get a free 4 oz bottle of Argan Oil with your purchase.  It is full of nutrients that are great especially for your skin and hair.  I’ve used and loved Argan oil for almost a year now and I love it for the hydration and moisturizing it offers me… try it out if you haven’t yet!



****Here is a killer deal for you!! The first 100 readers will receive $20 OFF + FREE DELIVERY on your first order of PURA D’OR shampoo and conditioner!  Click HERE and enter in the code runner.  Offer valid only on the shampoo conditioner sets!!


I hope that you find ways that you love to pamper yourself.  Find the things that make you feel happy and energized and enjoy them!  Take the time to care for yourself because I find I am SO much better at taking care of the people around me and my relationships when I make time to do something small for myself too!


I would love to hear about some of your favorite ways to pamper yourself?  Does running fulfill your self-care needs?  

Favorite type of relaxing music… I’m always looking for more (it’s another way I like to pamper myself)!

Do you feel like you get in enough sleep normally?  What do you do to help yourself sleep better?  Anyone else a lover of good naps?

Have any great hair tips.. I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR THEM! 

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Thanks for sharing this! You definitely have AMAZING hair!

I like to pamper myself with getting a massage every month, and every once in a while I go get a pedicure (mainly because I love the foot/leg massage part). But sleep is something I absolutely need to get more of. I’ve been trying to be more diligent about that lately, but I’m not doing so great in that department. :/


Sleep is something that will never be overlooked by me. If I’m cranky my boyfriend will make sure I go to bed early that night. Sometimes extra sleep is what you need. Taking a power nap in the middle of the day is a great way to “treat yo self”.


Taking a walk while listening to music is actually what I consider pampering myself. LOL. I also try and get extra sleep when I feel I need a little something extra.
As far as hair tips, I have naturally curly hair and have learned that shampooing my hair should only happen once a week and only to the scalp/roots. But deep conditioner is a must on a daily basis.


I would love to say that I am great at self pampering but I’m not. My daily self pampering is usually my run and that’s about it right now. The days that I don’t get that run I can definitely feel a difference though.


I love running for self-care! Actually, any sort of workout is definitely my “me-time.”

Brooke has the bluest eyes ever — loved seeing that little baby photo of her!


I am definitely a fan of gel manicures as a way of pampering myself! I was actually just thinking about getting one of those sometime this week! I also like bath bombs as a way to pamper/relax myself. Exercise in general is something I am willing to fit in almost always – I make it a priority for me because I know it helps me with stress relief, which in turn makes life easier!

I have been really trying to get good sleep lately. I make it a point to shut off the tv or electronics (unless I’m reading on my iPad) about 20-30 mins before I want to go to bed, and I also don’t really go in my bedroom other than to sleep. AND I spent the money on really nice light blocking curtains – best idea ever when you have to go to bed early because you wake up at 430am to get your run in! I am not a nap person, but I have been napping on Saturdays after my long runs, and I honestly think it helps with my recovery.

My friends have asked me how I get my hair to behave for years…I think I’m just lucky enough to have hair that does what I want it to!


Running definitely helps to fulfill my self care needs. I too, love to get my nails done. I like sitting on our back porch to read. The sun also speaks to my soul.

For the most part I get enough sleep, but that also means going to bed super early since I get up super early, but I make it work most days.


I love getting my nails and toes done and a good massage is always nice too!


A pedicure is my favorite form of self care – especially in summertime when my feet show so much more! ha! That, and reading by the pool <3 It feels selfish, but like you said, even just 15-30 min makes me feel SO much better.


YES YES YES to all of those things Rachel! I hope you get a pedicure and some reading by the pool ASAP!!! Enjoy your Monday!


Pampering definitely includes running, tennis, books and going to bed early. And dessert. I think it is so hard to get quality/enough sleep during the summer. It stays light so late (which I love) and it gets light so early (also love) it is hard to get to bed early and hard to sleep in. Not complaining at all about summer, it just makes sleep a little more difficult.


I completely agree with you about the summer and sleep… I LOVE how much easier it is for me to wake up super early but I do miss the little bit of extra sleep! I hope you have a great week of sleeping this week Ali and that you get in some good runs, tennis games and dessert:)


Lately I’ve felt the same way and need to pamper myself occasionally too. Personally my favorite ways are to get a deep tissue massage, nails done or just sleep. Sometimes I think sleep truly cures all.


I could not agree with you more… something crazy frustrating happened to me on Friday and I decided I would deal with it after a 30 minute nap! I’m so glad I did because I woke up with such a different perspective! I hope you have a great week of sleep Hollie and your 10 mile hike looked amazing!


I think you and Brooke look SO alike in your baby pictures!


That makes me happy:) Thanks Audrey and I hope you have a wonderful week!


Running + nail polish + Hair done + makeup = My self-care needs!

I had the worst sleep last night. I think I couldn’t fall asleep until 2am, and I normally go to bed between 9:30 to 10:00 pm so that was a lot of time being on the bed not being able to sleep. I know what the problem was yesterday…I opened my laptop at 9:00pm to do something quickly. The light of my laptop screen and even my cellphone will make me feel awake. So that’s one of the things I do to help myself sleep better, avoiding my laptop after certain time of the day.

My all time favorite tip for my hair is to put olive oil 20 minutes before my shower. Is the most simple thing to do and your hair will feel so different and better afterwards.


I’m right there with you Nathaly with those self-care needs! I AM SO SORRY that you couldn’t fall asleep yesterday… the worst! Oh I have never tried olive oil… thanks!!


I have started working with a coach and love it. It’s a way of pampering myself because I don’t have to think about my workouts anymore, I just have to do them! I also take time to make good food for myself. I feel so much better when I eat well.


MEL… I am SO happy you are working with a coach. They are the best and yes, it is beyond nice to not have to come up with your own workouts. I think taking time to make good food for yourself is an awesome way to pamper and take care of yourself. I hope you have a beautiful week Mel!


Do you like this shampoo better than matrix? I’ve been using the rose scented matrix shampoo which I LOVE and I get attached to my shampooos and it s hard for me to switch, haha!

Aside from running, Pampering for me comes in the form of sleep which I don’t get enough of (night shift problems). Does shopping count as pampering because that definitely makes me feel good! And gardening too <3


Hey Sarah! I have loved Matrix for years! My sister said it is good to switch up your products though and it was beyond time for me to switch it up… plus I definitely needed the extra body, anti-hair loss and moisturizing at this point in my life from PURA D’OR. I’m definitely loving it right now! Okay, night shifts would be so so so hard.. you are amazing for doing that Sarah. I definitely think shopping counts and I hope you get some of that in along with gardening and SLEEP asap!


Running and working out definitely takes the “bite” out of my attitude! Hubby can tell when it’s been a day or so, and he’ll tell me to go run or hit up a Crossfit Class. It’s sweet! I’m also all about a good bubble bath after some dry brushing — my skin will feel so soft! Manicures and Gel Polish are also a nice treat, but so is something as silly as getting a cup of coffee or a meal out. I always feel pampered when I don’t have to cook or clean up after cooking!

Music totally influences and is influenced by my mood. If I’m feeling chipper and like I want to sing along — I’ll play some Pop hits from the 90’s and 2000’s!! OMG SO FUN!

I love naps, but I’m so bad at it! I’m usually a really good sleeper, but in the heat/humidity it’s impossible to stay comfortable for long. This summer has been the worst, so I’ve recently tried a few new routines: (1) no caffeine in the afternoon, (2) pre-bed snack/meal has a lot of protein so I don’t wake up hungry at 2 am, and (3) limited screen time for an hour or so before bed. It seems to be helping!


I love your ideas on helping you to sleep better and I am going to try your pre-bed snack with a lot of protein… I’m starting to wake up hungry in the night! I am so glad that your husband is so supportive of you getting out to your workouts! I completely agree about eating out and not having to cook/clean up, the best! Enjoy your day Susie and I always love your comments!


I tried the link and don’t see an offer available only to your blog. Am I missing something? That seems like the standard offer. Great product though


HEY TRACEY!!! I am so sorry I don’t think I explained it well enough… if you click on the link and then use the code runner at checkout (where it asks for promo code) it will take the $20 off and give you free delivery! Let me know if that works and I hope you have a beautiful day!


Great post. You definitely are blessed in the hair department. I personally hate my hair…not that its bad, but I would have a pixie cut in a HOT second if I thought I could pull it off (and if I didn’t think my husband would have a massive heart attack! lol)


Thanks Kelly!! I told Andrew the other day I was going to cut all of my hair off too and he was not very happy about that idea… I understand! I hope you have a great week!


This was JUST what I needed! I live in Arizona and have struggled with my hair falling out since moving here and it especially gets worse in the summer. Plus I’ve been looking for something natural, so thank you for doing the leg work for me :) Self care is something I often neglect, but I’m learning so much lately about how my mental state greatly affects my fitness and my mothering.


YES YES YES!!! You are going to love it Jen!!! I hope you are surviving this Arizona summer (with record highs?!?) and that you get in some much needed self-care asap!


Thanks so much for the review! I just placed my order and thank for the $20 off too!! My self care is a mani, pedi, massage and sister day!!! Which reminds me I need to contact my sister and set that up:)


I haven’t heard of this brand, but I’ll have to check it out! I think you and your sister have beautiful hair! I’m probably more prone towards skin care than hair, but they are both definitely ways to make a girl feel real good. I also find that I treat myself to new gym clothes and running shoes and that can by quite the mood booster ;)


Are you as “strange” as I am? The moment a new product comes out, I go to the environmental working groups website EWG.ORG to see what it says about the product. I search ingredients and everything. There can be so many chemicals in beauty products and I am trying to limit my exposure. I am so glad that you introduce products like this on your blog.


I’m fairly confident that until my son is maybe…. seven? Eight? I will never get enough sleep. It’s been over three years and between him not always sleeping well at night and being an over-worked English teacher, I am in a perpetual state of exhaustion. But eventually I will retire and he will go to college and I can sleep once again.


I definitely need to start sleeping better. My sleep habits are a mess! I firmly believe that a good night of sleep helps out every other aspect of your life, so this is the number one thing I’m going to start to try to improve on.


That’s a fantastic deal. I can’t wait to get my order!


AWESOME!! Let me know what you think!! Have an awesome week!


I’m suffering with a really dry scalp at the moment – I’m not sure what’s going on really! Maybe this product will help me?


I have naturally curly hair, so my hair needs are different. But my tips are as follows (and people are always asking me what I do with my hair). Don’t wash it every day! I use sulfate free shampoo and conditioner BUT that means you have to use products without silicones otherwise you get build up (only sulfates can remove silicones). Definitely rinse conditioner in cool water (your sister is right!). If you have curly hair, scrunch your gel into sopping wet hair while still in the shower. It locks the water in and helps your curls hold their shape! When I do straighten my hair, my biggest tips are don’t wash it for several days and dry shampoo is your best friend!

I definitely don’t get enough sleep, but my schedule is what works best for my family. I’m an RN (ER-Trauma) and I work night shift. I only get 5-6 hours of day time sleep in between shifts. And I have trouble going to bed at a normal time the nights I am home. But I love that I get to take my kids to school in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon. We do homework and cook dinner and then I go back to work. I spend so much more time with them than when I worked day shift! And at this stage of their lives, that’s priceless. Some day when they’re older I change schedules and sleep more.


I LOVED reading your hair tips!! My sister has very curly hair too and she does a lot of the same things as you. That is so cool that you are an RN in the ER! That really is so awesome that you are able to take your kids to and from school still and do the whole schedule with them. You are sure a hard worker Allyssa and your kids are so lucky to have you. Thank you for sharing, you are so right about this stage of life… it is all so priceless!


I am pretty terrible at pampering myself, sometimes I feel like getting my teeth brushed before 10 am is pampering! hahahaha.
I give my husband a 45 minute leg massage once a week to help him stay injury free and fresh for his cycling endeavors ;)

I read 3 blogs daily (Yours, Julie’s (PBFingers) and Gina’s (Fitnessista) and call that my pampering me time (for like 7 years) ;)


Thank you so so much Leeann for reading over the years, it means a lot to me. You are such a good wife to do that leg massage for your husband.. you are so sweet! I hope you have a beautiful day and I love that I am part of your pampering routine:)

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