Global Running Day. A full day of my eats. (+does speedwork on the treadmill count?)

Today is OUR HOLIDAY!!! I mean, this is a big deal for us right?!  I think I’ll have the kids rewatch Boston Marathon highlights, we’ll probably all go to the track together (Brooke came with me here last year!), we will foam roll and we’ll probably carb load with some pizza or pasta.

Other ways to celebrate Global Running Day… you could buy yourself a new pair of shoes, sign up for a race, do the Strava Mile (Strava is encouraging people to run their fastest mile on Strava today), run with your bff, read your favorite running blogs;), wear your favorite race medal… the list goes on and on;)

PS I have a running shoes giveaway coming for you this afternoon!!

A pic from our Global Running Day last year… Brooke rocked her track workout.


Running, running, running. Where do I even start to explain my love for running?  Running has shown me some of the most beautiful places and cities.  It has built my confidence especially during years when I felt zero confidence.  Running helped me get through the darkest of times and it has been a part of life during the happy days too.  Running has taught me four trillion lessons and helps me daily to feel gratitude and peace.  It calms my anxieties and brings out conversations with some of my favorite people.  It’s there for me whenever I’m ready for it and during each stage of life with whatever goals I might have.  I love running.  Not always during the run, but definitely in those last few miles and after the run.  I hope you get to celebrate this amazing thing that we get to do today!


PS while I was out on my run yesterday I listened to an episode from The Runner’s World Show with Lauren Fleshman and I love her even more now (if that was possible).  She has the most incredible perspective on running and she connects to all runners (which doesn’t always happen with professional runners).  Her part of the episode is from minute 3-53!  So good.

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After my run we had french toast (sometimes we get to have Knox for a few hours on Tuesday too when his mom is working which makes our Tuesday’s better… he wasn’t interested in the french toast though).

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We used the cinnamon bread from Great Harvest and it was perfect for french toast.  I wouldn’t mind eating this every day after a run.

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Knox’s love for the Angels has started young!

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Later on in the day (Knox left with his mom) we went to the pool for a few hours.  This child is part fish.  I’m positive.  We have had plenty of long conversations about when it is time to go, we have to leave… she would stay in that water all day if she could.

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We brought lunch to the pool and hallelujah for chicken fajita leftovers!  I put the fajitas on top of spinach, added half an avocado, salsa and some ranch once we got to the pool.

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Three (one before my run and two after lunch:) peaches a day keeps the doctor away… these peaches are turning into an expensive addiction.

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Yep, all of us are addicted.

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When we got home my coaching certificate arrived!  I’m all official.  I’m currently working with two runners but in August once school starts (and I have time when the kids are gone)  I’m going to be adding more and I’ll post all about it!

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Andrew had a big test to do (he does them all online) so Brooke and I hit up Mer’s house with her favorite bread in the world (Dakota bread from Great harvest).

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She loves those puppies!

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I’ve had people request for a full day of eats post so this one is pretty close!  I had a piece of toast before Mer’s house w/peanut butter (I didn’t take a picture) along with a banana (I eat a lot of fruit?!).  We had sweet potatoes + turkey + green peppers + tomatoes + another 1/2 of an avocado (I like avocados a lot) for dinner.

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Some hanging out before bed.

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And then Andrew and I finished watching the Bachelorette.  I had a bowl full of cookies n’ creme ice cream!

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Don’t forget… I have a giveaway this afternoon!


I have a question from a reader that I wanted to ask you too because I would love your opinions!

“I had a question about speed workouts… I tend to do them on the treadmill so I ensure I hit my goal pace- however lately I’ve been wondering if it is more effective to do them outside?  Just because then I’m having to pace myself rather than the treadmill doing it for me.”

For me personally I do think that speedwork on the treadmill is EXTREMELY effective… You don’t have wind to fight against and you also don’t have to go up or down (you don’t on a track either though) while you are on the treadmill which makes it easier in that sense.  You also don’t have the opportunity to start slowing down (unless you push the buttons) and have to learn to speed back up again.  BUT on the treadmill there are other benefits that you are gaining… especially some mental strength because it is a lot more boring.  You learn to really focus on the work at hand (rather than the distractions I am offered outside).  It is usually hotter for me when I’m on the treadmill which helps me to get stronger for race day.  Some people say that the treadmill belt may pull you along with your speed workouts which might be partly true.  I find that if I stay on top of the pace (good form, fast leg turnover and upright) rather than just trying not to fall off of the treadmill (which happens when we try to go too fast on the treadmill) then I truly am getting the benefits/gains/strength that I am hoping for out of a speed workout.  Maybe it is a personal thing too but I feel like (especially when I was a single mom) I DID A LOT of my speed work on the treadmill… a lot.  My race times, in the half-marathon especially, were great proof to me that speed on the treadmill really is effective.

I also think that we need to judge more of our work from our effort.  If you are putting in a workout on the treadmill or outside and you feel like it is a hard effort…  it is working and so are you!

PS now if you are training for a race that includes tons of hills and you are doing your tempo miles or longer intervals on the treadmill, then I would definitely include some ups and downs on the treadmill too!  As far as track workouts go or training for a mostly flat course.. I think you’ll rock the race with some hard work on the treadmill!


Anyone have an answer to the above question about treadmills and speed work?

How are you going to celebrate Global Running Day?  A run?  Wear your running shoes all day?  Organize your race medals?

What food (or food group) do you eat the most of each day lately?

-I’ve got a lot of peaches and avocado in my current rotation!

Do you enjoy seeing a full day of eats post?  Let me know if you want this to be a thing… I’ll have Brooke remind me to take a picture of everything:)

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Congrats on officially becoming a running coach!


Thank you so much Maureen! I hope you have a wonderful day!


I’ve wondered that about treadmill speed work, too. I think it’s more challenging to do those types of workouts outside when you are the one having to control the pace rather than the treadmill doing so. I’m not positive it’s true for everyone, but I feel it’s true for me.

I eat Wheat Thins the most during the day, and I also eat a lot of bananas. But those peaches look delicious!


Now you have me really wanting some Wheat Thins ASAP! I totally understand what you are saying… that makes so much sense! Keep doing what is best for you! Enjoy your Wednesday Natalie!


I definitely think speed work on the treadmill is effective. I tend to do it on the treadmill because I don’t have a track I can use (that I know of?), so having all that info on the display in front of me is super helpful. I just don’t try to go too fast where I’m trying not to fall off, because then you’re not really getting the benefits and the belt really is just pulling you up.

I’ve got a 5K planned for Global Running Day! Fleet Feet is hosting a coordinated 5K across the country and I’m participating with my store. It also happens to be my second training run of half marathon training!


Oh FUN… have a blast at the 5K today with Fleet Feet (or did it happen this morning)? I want to hear about how it goes! Keep rocking your half marathon training Joanne!


It was great! A little bit faster than my last 5K and a fun way to cap Global Running Day :)


I definitely use the treadmill as a speedwork tool, but like anything I think a good mix of both indoor and outdoor workouts is probably best. I use the treadmill for early morning workouts if I don’t have anyone to run with (so more as a safety thing). I celebrated Global Running Day with a track workout (in the rain … so now I feel extra hard core … lol)! I enjoy seeing a full day’s worth of meals/snacks. It helps me to get ideas. I eat a lot of sweet potatoes, eggs and greek yogurt!


AHHHH You did the 400s in the rain today?!? Yeah, you get bonus points Sam! Way to go! Great, I will keep posting them randomly:) I totally agree with you… a good mix is probably best! Enjoy the rest of your holiday Sam!


I like seeing your eats! Peanut butter is probably the food I eat most consistently every day. I love avocados too though!


I hope you get both PB and avocados today:) Thanks Christina and have a great rest of your Wednesday!


Congrats on being a running coach! You are such a positive force on the internet I am sure your clients will love you/already do.
I am going to go for a short jog today. Just getting back into it, thanks to your blog. I love lifting weights, but I need running and lifting for different reasons … so why not do both!


Wow, Rebecca… thank you so much for your sweet comment! It means a lot to me. I am so excited you are getting back into running! PLEASE KEEP me updated on how it is going and teach me to love lifting PLEASE:)


Congratulations on getting your certificate!! That’s great. I would love to see a full day of eats post. I think those are so interesting to read.


That’s exciting! I did run my fastest mile in awhile today (8:44). I’m glad to be enjoying running again which is essentially what the holiday is all about!


Congrats on being official! Woo! So, i tend to eat a lot of fats everyday— nuts, oils and eggs are my main sources with avocado every so often. Excited for a giveaway!


Congratulations on getting your certificate, Janae! You will be a fantastic coach, I’m sure. Also happy Global Running Day! I will be in strategic planning meetings all day, but I am really hoping to run between the meetings and dinner. Wish me luck!



Congrats on becoming a coach!
I am also eating all of the peaches. I don’t do a lot of speed work, but when I do, I definitely use the treadmill. I don’t know how to regulate my speed otherwise, and my neighborhood is full of hills, so there’s no way for me to be consistent anyway.


I’ll squeeze in a few miles today for Global Running Day. Nothing fancy, just easing back into things since that toe injury in March.

I eat peanut butter practically daily. Cheese too!
I’m not that excited about seeing eats unless it’s a decadent dessert.


I am going for a run in the park later today. NYRR has set up hydration stations for Global Running Day so I go out and take advantage.

I eat vegetables consistently, I like to vary them so I maximize vitamins and antioxidants, the more colors the better! I also eat oatmeal most days for breakfast. Changing the add ins keeps it interesting.


Yes, yes, yes to the full day of eats.

I think I would have had 4 pictures alone post dinner last night. ;)


Congrats on getting officially certified!! You’re gonna be great!!

Got in an 8 mile run with my friend first thing this AM for Global Running Day! And maybe I’ll treat myself to a new pair of running shoes too :)

Have a great day!


CONGRATS on your certification!!! You are going to be a fantastic coach, Janae!!! It’s cool that you’re constantly stretching yourself and branching out to try new things.

You are ALSO so good at just “throwing” things together to eat. I wish I was better at that! Your bowls always look amazing! Oh, and I did like seeing your full day of eats—gives me ideas! I clearly need to renew our Costco membership though. lol

Today is actually a rest day for me with running! I’d love to run b/c it’s GLobal Running Day, but my body needs the rest day :) I guess I celebrated early b/c I bought a new pair of running shoes and 2 new pairs of Balega socks yesterday :)


I do a lot of my speed work on a treadmill right now too. And I’m not sure is it’s more effective or not. It probably has a lot to do with their person too. I think being outside for speed work helps your body get used to speeding up to that pace on its own instead of having a machine get to that point and keep you at that point. You won’t have that on race day. But the treadmill is good too because it’s forcing you to keep that pace so when race day comes, you’re going to be able to get that pace. It’s a tricky question:)


I eat a whole lot of oatmeal! and peanut butter. and watermelon this time of year.


First off, the track that you get to run on is just insane. I can’t even imagine what a great distraction during the hard speed workouts that would be. You are so lucky! Next, CONGRATS on getting your coaching certification. You will be the most attentive, supportive, encouraging coach ever! I KNOW you’re going to crush it!
I always do my speed work on the treadmill because I just turn on music and go. It is much easier for me to get it done when I don’t have to do hills (my area is super hilly).
Have a happy Wednesday, Janae :)


Congratulations on officially becoming a running coach!

Yes, please continue with posting what you eat in a day; I find it very informative plus very interesting :)


I love your full day of eating! You have such good meal ideas and definitely inspire me to eat different things.


Oh thanks Ali!! I hope you have an amazing Wednesday!


Congrats on getting your coaching cert! I’d love to do that one day ;)

I do a variety of speed/strength work – if the weathers nice and school is out, I’ll head over to the high school track and run laps there! Or I’ll do hills… which I guess is strength. If the weather is crappy or school is in session, I’ll do speedwork on the treadmill. Although, I do like avoid the treadmill at all costs!

I am celebrating national running day by… not running! Chicago Marathon training starts this week & I’m starting on Week 4 of Hanson’s Marathon Method so Wednesday = no run! Hurray! I definitely need the rest day!

I’m also so jealous you still have that fajita leftover! You’ve inspired me to make that for dinner tonight.


My eating revolves heavily around peanut butter and chocolate. Chocolate chips in my yogurt, chocolate protein bites, chocolate protein powder and peanut butter in my oatmeal…. it keeps me sane.


Congratulations on becoming a running coach! That’s amazing, and I think you’ll be great at it. I kind of feel like you are a coach for us, of sorts, already anyway!

Speed work is tricky – doing it on a treadmill usually forces me to hit the speeds that I want to hit. However, I agree with your point about having to deal with slowing down/speeding up. For me personally, I try to alternate doing speed work on the treadmill and outside. The last time I did all of my speed work on the treadmill, I found it was harder to hit all the paces I wanted to when it came time to race.

I have a run planned after work – I have to squeeze it in before a hair appointment, but luckily my job hours can be flexible so I am going to leave work a little early and get that run in! Yesterday was a hilly speed day for me, so today’s celebration of Global Running Day will be a nice, easy run. I can’t wait!

I really like seeing what you eat! You are how I ended up addicted to sweet potatoes with chicken and barbecue sauce :).


Question for you since I know you used to teach spin class. I recently did my first cycle class and it went a lot better then I thought but it really hurt my backside! Any suggestions? I have thought about purchasing a padded seat to put on the bike but not sure about that. I don’t want to go with those padded biker shorts.


CARRIE!!! Yay for your first spin class, that is so exciting! As far as the hurt backside… that is COMPLETELY NORMAL! For me if I haven’t been so spin it usually hurts for the first 3-4 classes back but then my body gets used to it. Many of the people that attended my classes said the same thing! So maybe just try it out for a few more classes and before you know it, it won’t hurt anymore!


I don’t have a treadmill (or belong to a gym) so all my speed work has been outside. Our neighborhood is really hilly, so there are definitely some challenges!

5 mile run this morning. Now I’m washing all my gear ;)

I have been eating watermelon nonstop for the past couple weeks. It’s so good right now! Summer fruit is amazing!


Looks like a delicious days! I have to say almonds are my go to…I eat them with meals and for snacks every single day!


I always do my speedwork on treadmills. I’m sure there are many great runners who would advocate doing it outside, but by plugging in a certain pace on the treadmill, it forces me to stick with it and really ingrain how that pace feels without having to think about it too much. I also agree it helps with mental toughness!

Congratulations on becoming a running coach!


Hi Janae:) Congratulations on becoming a running coach! I would love for you to train me for my next big race. How can I reach you in August?

I woke up early this morning to do a short run before my day started. But it was raining hard! Hurricane season just started here in South Florida. So my run will be for later in the day today.

I LOVE seeing your full days of eats posts. I always watch What I Eat In a Day YouTube videos. I don’t know why I think is so interesting to see what others are eating. Lately I’ve been eating a lot of red meats, and I’m actually loving it.


I am going to head out for my first run since my hot and hilly half marathon on Saturday. Hopefully somewhere between 6 and 8 easy miles. And I got fresh peaches after that race, and now I want them everyday. Everyday.


WAY to go this last weekend on your hard half marathon! You are awesome.. I hope you had a beautiful run today and that you get some fresh peaches soon Loribeth!


Congrats on your certificate!! I just finished the course last weekend and passed my test Monday night! Woohoo!

Anyone have an answer to the above question about treadmills and speed work?

The hubs, the littles, and I all ran with my xc team today :) I really should have taken a pic but we’re subbing summer school today so I had about 10 min to go from running to teaching ;)

I cannot get enough sweet potatoes, ever. And I just discovered black truffle salt on sweet potatoes and it is life changing.

I love seeing what people eat! Especially, because sometimes it helps me get out of my sweet potato and chicken rut!


Oh my gosh, the pic with Brooke on the track and the mountain so close and right there in the background is so surreal. I envy your surroundings and beautiful landscape. This is a great day, had a run this morning. I am a casual runner, just because I enjoy it. I do little 5K’s but have no serious racing urges. I just love it. Happy Global Running Day to all you runners out there.


Congrats on your coaching cert!!
I love the mountains in all your pictures, they’re so beautiful!!

I can’t wait to be done with work for the day so I can get a run in for Global Running Day!! My metals do need some organizing too! :) I’m actually out of room on with my current display. Time to figure out how to display them all!!

I’ve been on a sweet potato and avocado kick recently, I can’t get enough of them!
I enjoy your food posts. Everything always looks so tasty!


Happy Global Running Day! I’m working, boooooo! I will wear my running trainer sin bed tonight though, haha!


Congrats on the certificate – yes, it’s legit now! :) My family will be running a 7K tonight (7K on June 7th!). I haven’t listened to the podcast with Lauren on it yet, but so far I have loved those podcasts. Especially when the Moonshot worked and he qualified. Hopefully he will get to run on that time cushion!


Good thoughts on the treadmill running, it is hard for me, but it definitely gives you that mental boost from when you could have hit the stop button and didn’t.
I ran 4 hilly miles this morning, it was beautiful outside. I took my handheld water bottle and that helped me finish it off. I wasn’t sure I could make it up the last big hill but told myself to take it easy and I did it! Yay! Hopefully even though I am not logging a ton of miles right now I will be ready for my hilly 15k next weekend (I can’t believe it is coming up so quick!)
I am enjoying avocados a lot recently. I was in MN for my sister’s bachelorette party and we got some chips and guac from a food truck at a winery and it was delicious! I think they were pita chips. So yummy! When you eat only half of an avocado for a salad how do you keep the other half fresh??? I need to learn a trick for this!


I like pictures of Beretta being all silly with the kids or out and about….how about what Beretta likes to eat??? haha! ;-)


I love doing speedwork on the treadmill. Actually, the only time I will run on the treadmill is during speedwork; I cannot stand doing steady state on it because it’s soooooo boring. I always make sure to set the incline to 1 and then I do my workout accordingly!

I eat eggs I love my eggs!! Right now I’m doing a 2 egg, 1/2 cup egg white scramble with tomatoes, mushrooms, hot sauce and a little cheese. Hits the spot!


Congratulations on becoming a certified run coach! You are going to do amazing things with that Janae!!

Currently, I am eating a ton of bananas, eggs and chicken and sweet potatoes- my staples!

I love this day! I celebrated with a run with my little boy, (Stroller run) and we are going to do a family hike tonight! Oh and I also became a Brooks endorsed athlete! Super fun stuff happening today!


Happy Global Runners Day!

I do most of my speed work on tredmills, and it is definetly effective. Once in a while I push pace when I’m running around the city. Everywhere in Boston is hilly so it’s always a really challenging workout when I head outside.
I’ve been obsessed with veggies and hummus lately! Also, weirdly, applesauce.
I love seeing what my favorite bloggers/vloggers are eating! It inspires me to try new things.


Congrats on getting certified! So exciting to hear about you coaching.
Isn’t it cool how exercise gets us through tough spots. I feel about soccer how you feel about running. I signed up for soccer for the first time (I never played as a kid) after a tough break up and I’m so glad I did. It kept me sane and was a great distraction. That was 5 years ago now and I love soccer way more than I ever thought that I would!


For me, the treadmill is a FANTASTIC speed work tool. Exactly as you said – because you set the pace and you HAVE to keep up.

I ran this morning! I did not know it was global running day so it’s a good thing…


I’ve been on a green smoothie kick: coconut water, cashew milk, frozen banana and pineapple, spinach & a date. Yummy and refreshing!

And yes to all the fruit! Peaches, grapes, strawberries, cherries. I can’t get enough!


Congrats! I like seeing what you eat daily. Right now we are eating lots of cherries and peaches. I eat gluten free and dairy free so fruits are my treats usually. I also love a chocolate covered frozen banana. Yum!


Congrats on your certification. Today I am celebrating Global Runner’s Day and Prince’s birthday. I have my purple shirt on and I am going out for an easy run while rocking out to some Prince music.


I love to run with my little girls too! So fun to empower little girls to be strong! I’m excited for a giveaway and would love new shoes!


WOOT WOOT!!! Congratulations on your certification! I think you will be a terrific coach! :D

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