Where is MY SPEED WORK, A Mother’s Day Gift Guide & a Q (about breastfeeding and running) from a reader I need your help with!

Seven miles for my Monday morning run with some cows in the field next to me.

It has been a few weeks since my last REAL speed work session and I’m missing it dearly.  So recently, anytime I speed up (talking low 7’s and 6’s) my right hip flexor/hip starts bothering me.  It isn’t crazy bad but it is bad enough that it feels tight the rest of the day and it makes me a little nervous during the run.  When I run at more of a conversational pace I don’t notice it at all… weird.  Josse is going to scrape it soon and I am going to have Dr. B look at it but I’d rather keep it safe than be sorry because I NEED TO KEEP RUNNING (I’m not being demanding at all;).  I’ll see what he says and go from there but just keep running the miles that feel good and have some patience (a runner’s least favorite word).  But at least I am still running happy, I just want to keep my body happy… not going to go down the injury road again.  Josse is just coming out of an ankle problem so we will be able to get our speed back together when we are ready which makes me happy.  Having someone to do the hard stuff with is the best.  Misery (aka every muscle burning/lungs wanting to explode/endorphins going like crazy) loves company:)

A stop for a water break is needed when you go from running in the 30s to running in the 60s… IT TAKES TIME TO ACCLIMATE to warmer temperatures while running, don’t you forget that!

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Two examples below of how Brooke’s little personality is BUSTING at the seams:




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She sure had a lot to tell me on the walk to our different errands yesterday.

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I’m just thrilled that we are having the perfect weather right now… if we get fooled with Spring one more time this year I’m going to be really upset!

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When Andrew plays steam roller with the kids it is serious business.

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Beretta was happy to be back outside chasing the ball again!

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Game face.

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For dinner we had steaks (BBQ SEASON), salad and baked potatoes.  It hit the spot.

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PS I love this:)

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Today I have a little list of stuff I know my mom would love or that I would love or that any running moms would love for Mother’s Day (5/14)!  I hope this helps if you need any shopping (or you need a list to give to the people in your life to get for you;)!

My mom and me back in the day.

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*My favorite Mama necklace (that I wear pretty much every day….) is from Roolee.  They don’t have that exact one anymore but they have these cute ones—> Gold Heart Disc Necklace, Mom + Heart Charm Necklace, Mama Bar Necklace, Grandma Heart Bar Necklace, Gold Love Bar Necklace.

*My two favorite candles on the planet…. this one and this one!

*I need this mug—> ‘Because I said so.” -Mom.  I think Brooke asks, ‘why’ 400,000 times a day.

*I LOVE this slipper idea filled with treats!!! (Both my mom and I really love slippers and treats so that is a winner)

*I know I talk about Roolee a lot but I just really love them.. they have a HOME DECOR section with the most amazingly cute things there… bowls, pillows, plaques, baskets, kitchen needs, wall decor etc.  I need the “I’m not Hungry.  But, I am bored.  Therefore, I shall eat” plate and Andrew needs the “I Am Not A Morning Person” pillow;)

*Pinhole Press or Chatbooks type gift. I also love to print off a favorite picture with my mom and put it in a cute frame and give that to her.

*Some sort of bath soak or hand cream (this is my favorite smell) or foot balm (Andrew… pay close attention to these things;)

*For running mom’s:  You need to sneak into their closet, find their favorite pair of running shoes and size and buy them another.  You could buy race bibs for the two of you to do together (for a local race or for a fun destination location)!  I always think that matching tanks/shorts/capris is always fun.  Are wireless headphones something that they would enjoy? Have they been talking about wanting to do more strength training—>  get them started with some weights, a mat, bands (we just got these bands for my dad and he loves them) etc!  You could get them a gift card to their favorite running store or stock up on their favorite running nutrition!  You know I am OBSESSED with my hydroflask and I think that is always a great idea:)  A massage certificate!  I love to get my mom a gift certificate to get pedicures together (and of course that involves lunch afterwards;)

*An awesome thank you letter.  My mom always says that these are her favorite!


I had a great question from a reader yesterday… “Hey Janae, random questions… but I was wondering if you nursed Brooke and if you continued to run while doing so?  Did it affect your runs or your milk supply at all? 

-I would LOVE to hear your response on how your running effected your milk supply if you have experience with this.  I pumped exclusively with Brooke (she wouldn’t latch on very well but LOVED the bottle so I just did that) and I’m not sure why I lost my milk when she was 4 months old but it could be because of that or because of stress (there was a lot at that time in my life) or because of not hydrating well etc.  I know that plenty of runners are able to successfully breastfeed and run at the same time but I think they pay very close attention to their nutrition and hydration… would LOVE to hear your thoughts on this!

Any other good Mother’s Day gift ideas that you want to add?

What are the temperatures during your runs right now?

Are you getting in speed work right now… how often are you doing it?

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Ohh I’ll have to try that candle from Target. I’m obsessed with their Peach Prosecco candle and have been burning it almost exclusively for like two years :) I may need to start branching out!

Temps during my runs now are low to mid-80s. It’s not so bad when the sun is mostly down, but when the sun is still partially up (like 5pm-ish when I tend to run) those temps can feel brutal!


Such great Mother’s Day ideas! Temps have dipped back down into the 40s and 50s here with rain, so I’ve been running inside because I’m a baby. Just waiting on spring to get here!


Thanks for those Mother’s Day gift ideas! Thanks to you, I’ve become obsessed with Roolee, so I might have to get my mom one of those necklaces! :)

I’ve been trying to build back up and work some speed work into my workouts on Tuesdays and Thursdays again, but today was really tough. I’ve been going through some rough stuff in life for quite some time now and can’t seem to get out of this funk, and for some reason this morning it really affected me on my run, and I felt like I had zero in me. Hopefully things will get better soon, including my running.


I am currently breastfeeding my second child and perhaps I am fortunate to have a good milk supply, but I have never had any issues running and breastfeeding. In the early weeks/months I was very diligent about eating enough calories and drinking enough water both before and after my runs. I was probably taking in more calories than I was burning, but the focus was just getting back into running shape. Now that he’s eight months and my milk supply is well established, I don’t find I need to be as careful, but I still always eat something before a run (I wasn’t always great about this before baby) and I chug as much water as I can after!

Love all of your mothers day gift ideas. I am lucky that I get to spend it with my mom this year (she lives across the country) so I will have to find something extra special to do with !


I had a similar experience! My son is now 6 months and I don’t find that exercise affects my milk supply but I am sure to eat extra calories ( on top of the additional breastfeeding calories = A LOT of food (but healthy food!)) and hydrate. In the first few months especially eat a lot and hydrate all day longand you should be good! Take it easy in the beginning and run for fun and sanity :)


I’m with you and I think it’s smart to keep your hip safe and injury free versus trying to run on it. I’ve attempted to run through mild strains (way as a new runner) and it just got worse and worse. Plus it made running enjoyable. I hope they are able to fix it. Do you have any races coming up?


Hey girl!!! So I have a half marathon in June that I’m thinking I’ll be good to go for but it will probably be a play it by ear thing and see what Dr. B says before I do anything! How are you doing?!?!


Re: Breastfeeding
I had my second baby in December and started marathon training in January. I’ve exclusively breastfed him since (he refuses a bottle except on the RARE occasion I’m on a long run or he’s been at the park for a while with the nanny) and I’ve had no issues with my supply. I actually asked hid Ped about my training, and he said as long as I’m eating an extra 500 calories a day, it shouldn’t be a problem. Becuase I had very low supply with my daughter a couple years ago, I take 3-4 Fenugreek pills a day, have two cups of lactation tea and try to eat oats and flax for breakfast. If I ever feel like I’m not producing enough I’ll add in brewers yeast, but it’s so disgusting I try to not to. :) I definitely try to stay as hydrated as possible, and try to drink water during my runs, and I also stopped cutting out sugar. Before having him I really tried to eat as little sugar as possible, but I’ve noticed that if I eat a few treats here and there, it really helps. ;-) Definitely maintaining a balanced diet with LOTS of healthy fats and protein is also key. I stressed out a lot about it at first, but now we’ve fallen into a natural rhythm, and I’m really proud that I’ve been BF him for almost 5 months now! GOOD LUCK to you, and remember to do what’s best for YOU. :)


speedwork? kind of. i did 7 miles @ 7:08 pace on Sunday. i need to start doing actual speedwork again though!

temps? boston has been so back and forth. it was 80 on saturday and now its back down into the 40s. so over it.


wait, isn’t mother’s day the 14th?? i hope i’m not off a day!!


BAHAHAH wow, you sure are right! MY BAD!! Thanks Marion and I hope you are having an amazing day!


My favorite gifts are experiences, like the pedicure you mentioned. I think it’d be fun to take Mom to a museum / new restaurant or to make her dinner. I also like giving blue apron or sun basket gift cards to someone who likes to cook but hasn’t tried it.


I’ve struggled with my milk supply with three out of my six babies. For me, it seems to matter less how much I’m running and more how well the baby is nursing/how much I’m pumping. I’ve nursed my babies to six months, 13 months, 12 months, 13 months, 12 months, 10 months, and my current baby is 7 months and slowly transitioning over to formula. Only two of my babies were good enough at nursing on their own to make it to a year; one I fought tooth and nail to get to a year, and it was just miserable. (Also miserable: nursing at mile 14 of a training run and then going back out for another 6!) I keep telling myself that it’s okay to supplement with formula if I have a lazy nursery who isn’t providing enough stimulation to keep the supply up (with my current baby I was expressing & pumping after he would quit nursing, but the skin on my chest literally started to break down and I was in so much pain!) Anyway, good luck, but don’t beat yourself up over it emotionally, because that can make feeding times so stressful for everyone and as someone who has sobbed through their fair share of feedings, that’s not fun for anyone!


You are finding the time to run with six kids? You are a hero! :-)


My husband jokes that my preferred race distance gets longer and longer with every baby. ;-)


Bahaha! Totally understandable!


I’m a runner and nursing mama :) I nursed my 3 yo and I’m currently nursing my 5 months old. I was fortunate to always have a good supply and, at times, an oversupply. No issues with my milk and running. The biggest thing for me is that I get SO thirsty when I run while BFing. During races, I make sure to drink much more water than usual and also start fueling earlier and more often for longer distance races. Oh and I try to pump or nurse as close to the race start as possible so I’m not running full :)


Loveee those gift ideas!! My mom lives overseas, so I was thinking of getting us rings or braceleta with the coordinates of where each other lives since we rarely get to see each other. California and England are far apart!


I didn’t run while nursing. I was in fear of the lactic acid building up in my milk that I read about in my nursing book which said it could make the baby fussy and I didn’t need him any fussier lol. no regrets though! I got back to running when my son was a few years old. I love that cute little quote with the cookie and ice cream!!


I am currently breastfeeding my second baby still at 14 months and continue to have a good supply while training for two half marathons during this time. I am very fortunate for this. I drink an obscene amount of water each day and take in plenty of calories. I think it’s important to initially build up a good supply when they are little. I took two months off of running after each baby (c-sections) which was key for me. It was good for someone to tell me I couldn’t run, or else I probably would have started back to soon and missed that important time with my babies. I followed the lead of my baby and ran when I could between feedings. Once she started sleeping through the night (~7-8 months) I get up and pump at 5am then go for my run and nurse her when she wakes up around 730. Everyone is different, great job to all moms however you are doing it! Fed is best!


Love the “fed is best” comment! I BF both of my daughters. One was supplemented at 10 months with formula (I was sick and had to be on meds that passed through milk) and the other was exclusively BF because she had a dairy allergy. I am a firm believer in fed is best!


OKAY, I love what you said too Rachel about FED IS BEST!! I can’t tell you how much guilt I felt when I lost my milk. I just remember realizing that loving her to pieces in every way that I possible could was the best thing for her! Thanks for sharing that! C-section recovery must have been SO hard… you are amazing!


This year I ordered my mom a Family Tree necklace from https://www.ericasara.com/ with her kids and grandkids names on it – i know she’ll love it!


I nursed my 4 kids exclusively and began running with the last 2, including a PR / BQ at the St George marathon when my youngest was 9 months old. It’s all about being extra diligent on your hydration and not looking to lose weight while running (aka fuel your runs well). I always joke that I deserve to take another 5 min off my marathon time since had to divert energy to make a full bottle of milk during the marathon as I nursed her at 3:30 am before heading to the buses, then again 11 when I got home (and left a pumped bottle for in between). It’s totally doable to run, train, and nurse. Just need to pay attention to food and hydration to prevent milk supply problems.


I breastfed two babies both for a little over a year and never experienced any problems with exercise and my supply. I always drank a ton of water and ate plenty!


Currently breastfeeding my 7 month old. I agree with everyone, but would add to make sure you are careful with wearing your sports bras too long. The constriction can affect your supply. So put it on right before your run and take off immediately after. Leaving it on for additional time could cause problems.


yes, agree with this and the other comments. I got mastitis wearing a sports bra all day while coaching when I was about 12 weeks PP with my daughter. Mastitis -> drastic supply drop


I am weaning my son from bfeeding at 12 months. I ran for my own sanity and am amazed by the comments from the other moms above. I second the advice that whatever works best for you and your baby is best. Don’t beat yourself up- every family is different.


I love the slipper idea! Since I don’t live near my mom, I usually depend on a thoughtful gift on etsy. I might try my creative hand and make a DIY!


I don’t know about the rest of the world but I LOVE to give flowers on Mother’s Day. They’re just the most beautiful way (to me) to honor that special woman in your life.

The temperatures right here are around the 80 degrees. The problem is more the humidity, which is going up FAST.

I am currently not doing speed work as I am just focusing on build up my weekly base mileage again. That I lost with the end of the school semester.


I did start running while I was still nursing my second baby. It didn’t affect my supply, but I did need to wear extra pads/inserts because of leaking. I didn’t run to lose weight, and I kept my calorie intake high, so I think that’s important.


Love the Mother’s Day Gift ideas!

Last year, I threw a Mom’s Day Bash and it was a BLAST. My mom has become the Chicago mom for a lot of my friends here and since most people’s parents don’t live in Chicago, I invited all my friends over and all my mom’s friends over and pretty much everyone that was in town for a Sunday night party. Lots of food and drinks and dessert and it was so fun! Highly recommend it :)


I had no problem with breastfeeding and running. One thing I read and did was to feed baby, pump any extra, and then immediately go for the run. Always hydrated and ate something upon return and I was good to go for next feeding.
Good luck.
Also, keep in mind, the body can adjust. If you see your supply going down don’t freak out and think this is over. Cut back miles and intensity up water and cals and you will be ok.


Right now, the temps are perfect- anywhere from high 40s- low 70s. I’ll take this weather any day!

I’ve been running since six weeks postpartum (8 months postpartum now) and I haven’t noticed any drop in my supply. I’m feeding on demand and quite a bit through the day + 1-2 times in the night. I’ve also been building my mileage super slowly and I think that has helped with keeping my milk supply up! Hope that helps!


Hi Janae
I wanted to offer my experience on running and breastfeeding. I am a working running mom and I am also a breastfeeding outlier because I am still breastfeeding my daughter and she is almost three and (yes!) I still produce milk. Due to my schedule right now I no longer run halfs or full maratharons but I can run 5ks and 10ks. My longest runs are 7 miles max because I simply cant fit longer ones in my day and still sleep;) My main tips for running while breastfeeding: (1) Get new sports bras that really support your chest and have the extra padding in front to cover more prominent nipples/leakage while running; (2) drink a lot of water and fluids (a lot)- you cannot skimp on this when you are breastfeeding; (3) don’t limit your calorie intake- i eat when I feel hungry, lots of proteins and healthy fats, and never deny myself because my body is always working hard to just function and make milk and we are stressing it a little more by running; and (4) make sure to run in spots where you can take potty breaks because I seem to feel the urge to pee more these days (maybe because I am drinking more or because my bladder muscles are weaker).
Best of luck!


We finally have some consistantly nice weather, too! For awhile we kept bouncing back and forth between flurries and 65 degrees!


Maybe I can help with the breastfeeding question! I’m on baby #5 and I breastfed all my kids for 12-24 months and I ran through it all. I would log an average of 70 miles per week while breastfeeding Callum (my 3 year-old) and it didn’t affect my milk supply at all. The only thing that DID affect it was stress. My husband was diagnosed with and hospitalized for bipolar disorder and my milk supply pretty much dried up. But, everybody is different, every milk supply is different. Stress affects each person differently, and running affects each person differently. I think all we can really do is drink a TONNE of water (our bodies can’t make as much milk if we’re dehydrated) and not go too long between breastfeedings so that our milk supply is constantly stimulated. I hope that helps a bit!


Breastfeeding while running: I have a 6 month old. We’re still going strong on breastfeeding and I’m back up to 5 days a week of running. I used to run between 50-70 miles per week, but with baby I’m closer to 30-35. That’s more a time issue than anything else. I’ve found that as long as I drink LOTS of water, eat more than I think I should, and either pump or eat before a run, things go well. Really, do no underestimate the amount of water you need. I bring water on 4 mile runs these days.

I totally get your issue with latching, and if you’re interested in giving it a go in the future, I really strongly encourage hiring a lactation consultant to come out to your house a couple of times in the weeks after your have a baby since breast feeding changes so much over those first few weeks. The hospital one was ok, but I don’t think I absorbed almost anything they said since I was so sleep deprived. Mine helped make small changes in latching that make everything soooo much better. I think I only paid about $100 for two visits and unlimited e-mails and I have never been so grateful for anything in my life. The daycare ladies say they’ve never seen a breastfed baby have so few problems with a bottle. I credit the lactation consultant’s tips.


Sorry your hip flexor is bugging you; that’s so annoying! I found I have to do hip exercises and weight lifting to keep achy hip pains at bay. Otherwise my legs freak out and get all sorts of sore, tired and start to hurt when running.
For your reader; I breastfed and ran and had to make sure to pump just before I ran/hit the gym (so not to have engorged breasts) as well as right after. I also work full time and exercise before work before the babe was awake. If her babe is awake, I would suggest trying to feed before and then right after if he/she’s hungry. I also made sure to eat a lot of healthy foods and drink a lot more water. Breastfeeding/pumping takes up what like 300 calories/day or a session (???? I can’t remember anymore!) so she will need to make sure to replenish her body to continue producing milk. Good luck to her!
And good luck on healing your hip!


YES… I just started getting in some more hip exercises… thanks Jenny! It’s amazing how much strength training helps our body! THANK YOU for sharing your story… AWESOME tips! Thank you so much Jenny and I hope you have had a great day at work!


I pretty much have a standing gift for my mama. We go to dinner and get a foot massage :) It’s the best!

If I run before work right now, the temps are mid 60s and after work, it’s anywhere from mid 70s to 90s (eek!)

I am signing up for a local summer series of 5k’s to make sure that I’m including speed work. Otherwise, most of my speed work is done on the treadmill right now.


I nursed my kiddo for 2.5 years and ran the entire time (including marathons!). I didn’t have any issues with running and milk supply – I think the important thing is to make sure you are staying hydrated and getting enough calories since breastfeeding burns so many just in the process of making the milk. My little man was 18 months when I ran the NYC marathon and, by the end, I was definitely a bit uncomfortable and ready for him to nurse, but neither one of us suffered any ill effects. I think the biggest problem was boob chaffing because I wasn’t used to running with larger breasts!


I nursed/pumped for about 7.5 months exclusively. I ran during that time also, although at nowhere near the regularity that I did before my daughter was born. I started noticing a decrease in my supply, so I started supplementing with formula and of course at that point she had already started baby food. I don’t think running affected my supply. It could have a combination of timing and her starting solid food.


My milk supply was an issue with my first two children but with my third I ran and nursed exclusively. She wouldn’t take a bottle and I can not pump. Working out (running in this case) DOES change the flavor of your milk and your baby may or may not like the flavor after a run. So you might have to work around that, but it can be done. I wasn’t running high mileage. Maybe 9-12 miles per week? The biggest issue was the increased breast size and discomfort when running. You’ll need to find a VERY supportive sports bra. I go from a B to a D when I nurse and running with that added proportion up top in front is no joke. I had to change my form to run comfortably but I wasn’t training for anything or trying to be technically proficient, so it worked for me. Best of luck! Running is a great stress reliever after having a baby.


GREAT advice… especially about the need for an awesome running bra. That is huge!!! I didn’t know that running changes the flavor… that is so interesting! Hopefully it changes it to be even sweeter;) Enjoy the rest of your day Michele!!


I love that comparison meme. It’s so easy to get caught up in what other people are doing and how I compare.

I think one of my mom’s favorite Mother’s Day gifts that I got her was a soft, cozy blanket and a gift card for a book store. She loves to read so I thought it would be perfect for her. She ended up really liking it.


My mom is pretty much housebound right now. She has a variety of health problems and loses her balance easily. I am sending her part of Masterpiece Theater’s Miss Marple series. She loves mysteries and the series is so well done I know she enjoys watching it.

It’s in the mid 70’s today and will be in the 60’s the rest of the week. More rain at the end of the week. I’m grateful for the sunshine of the last few days!


Nina, I am SO so sorry about your mother. That is so hard! I hope you get in plenty of time in that sunshine this week! Hope you are having a beautiful day!


I live in Florida so I run in the morning before it gets too crazy hot out. Unfortunately the humidity has really kicked up so even though it was only 76 degrees this morning, the humidity has me sweating like crazy. I don’t know how I’m going to handle July and August!


Running and Breastfeeding:
I nursed for 3 years and 2 months and ran the whole time (well, I waited until he was 2 weeks old to begin. I had to wear two sports bras to run from about month 2 of my pregnancy until about 2 years postpartum. It did not affect my supply or my running. But man! It was the best bonding experience of my life!


I ran a marathon last year at 5 months post partum and was exclusively breastfeeding (I pumped for my long runs and for the race though so my son could eat while I was running!). I was probably just on the lucky side, but I actually found that running didn’t affect my supply at all! I tried to stay hydrated but that’s actually one of my biggest weaknesses – I hate water so I have to force myself to drink it, and I never drink as much as I should. But it still worked out just fine! I just had my second baby 2 weeks ago so I’m excited to start running again and hopefully have the same good luck with supply. :)


CONGRATS on your second baby just two weeks ago! Yes, drinking enough water is so tough… especially if you don’t love to drink it in the first place! Good luck with everything and let me know how it goes! Thanks Allie!


I am currently nursing my fourth baby, she’s 7 months. I usually dry up at 6 months with my other babies and didn’t run. Now I run- under 20 miles a week and just did a half in April. I have focused on drinking a lot of water with this baby. I eat healthy but I’m not perfect in nutrition. (Who is?) so what I think it comes down to is enough water!


CONGRATS on your half marathon Angie!! And four kiddos… amazing!!! Thanks for the tip about water… seems like that made all the difference for you. Thank you for sharing and i hope you are having a beautiful day!


I definitely noticed a change in my milk supply when I got back to running. I was able to breastfeed and run until my son was 20 months and lost my supply due to my current pregnancy. What worked for me was not to cut calories, eat more when you up your mileage/difficulty until your milk supply is very well established. Drink water constantly. I would also drink mothers milk tea especially if I noticed a dip in supply. I didn’t notice an effect on my running by breastfeeding, more of a change from before pregnancy to after.


That’s interesting Julie! I bet there was a big change from your pregnancy! Thanks for sharing and I hope you have an amazing day!


I’ve been nursing for 8 months now but around 4.5 months we had to mix formula in. I had this problem with and without running though, my kids just love to eat! My best advice is to stay hydrated as much as possible before and after your runs. I was easily drinking a gallon a day with a 5k run!


Great advice Kristin and CONGRATS on your newish little one:) Hope you are having a beautiful day!


I breastfed my son until he was two. I ran, biked, hiked, and cross-country skied during that whole time, though I wasn’t ever training hard for any particular event. My husband and I used to go mountain biking where there was a park at the trailhead, and we would take turns, one of us riding a few miles while the other hung out at the park with the baby. I would nurse in between laps of biking. I also nursed him while snowshoeing – I wore a coat over the baby carrier to keep him warm. I was lucky that breastfeeding was easy for us and I never had any supply problems but I was hungry ALL THE TIME and seemed like I was always eating. I didn’t do any races during that time so I don’t know if it affected my speed or endurance for distance, but I felt good and never had problems doing the activities I wanted to, as long as I had snacks.


I nursed 2 babies through running and with the first I didn’t notice any difference in supply. But with my last baby (who just turned 1 and weaned sniff sniff!) I sort of felt like maybe the running brought my supply down a little – but also she just didn’t seem to care about nursing as much as my older baby so who knows which came first. :)
I enjoyed reading NYC Running Mama’s posts on running and breastfeeding – I think she even did her ironman when her baby was only a few months old.


I struggled keeping my milk supply with my last pregnancy and training for my marathon so I made lactation cookies which I had heard alot about. They worked like a charm! And they tasted good too! Plus it’s a good excuse to make cookies. This is the recipe I used: http://www.howsweeteats.com/2015/02/lactation-cookies/


That is an awesome idea Kelsey!! I will let this reader know and send her the link. THANK YOU!


Rainy easy 3 miles today.

Where is Brooke’s outfit from?? So adorable!!


THANK YOU Leeann! It is from Target:) I love their kids clothes!


I have never been able to run more than a few miles while breastfeeding. I would have to max out at about 5 because then I could just not get enough calories or water and my baby would seem to starve the next few feedings no matter what I ate or drank before or after.

But, honestly, three milers can be fun and relaxing. Sometimes our bodies need a break and when BF they might need an even bigger break.


I’ve only just started doing speed work again – my mileage has ramped up a bit and I’m taking it easy but I’ve found speed work to be… fun?!?! Crazy.

And temperatures – don’t even get me started! It’s rained for at least a week here in Chicagoland and it’s been in the 40s this week but last week it was in the 70s?!?! WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN!!


I’ve only just started doing speed work again – my mileage has ramped up a bit and I’m taking it easy but I’ve found speed work to be… fun?!?! Crazy.

And temperatures – don’t even get me started! It’s rained for at least a week here in Chicagoland and it’s been in the 40s this week but last week it was in the 70s?!?! WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN!!

Oh and I love the mothers day gifts! We got our mom some updated sunglasses this year – she’s been wearing the same pair from a beach vendor on vacation a few yrs ago!


This has been really helpful to read the comments about breastfeeding/running. While I don’t have kids yet, it’s really informative and I’ll need all the help I can get when my husband and I decide to have kids!

As a side note, Brooke has THE most beautiful hair!



I am not a runner but I do enjoy working out. I have found while nursing that my body needed to hold on to the last 2ish vanity pounds or my supply would decrease. Decreasing calories or high intensity workouts would also decrease my supply. I think we are so unique it just depends on the person and their body.


I love your blog thank you!

And regarding milk supply and running, I am currently exclusively pumping for my almost 10 month old daughter. I haven’t had too many issues with milk supply. The days I run long, I noticed a dip in my supply (I track everything with an app since I pump) but I make sure I eat and drink a lot to replenish my hydration and calories. Usually by the next day, my supply will be back to around normal. In general for my milk supply though, I try to follow natural suggestions – I eat oatmeal every day, drink Mother’s Milk tea in the beginning, and take Motherlove More Milk Plus fenugreek supplements. If I notice my supply drop for longer though, I try to pump more during that time. Hope this helps!


I am tapering for my 2nd post partum marathon and my son is 10 months old (ran the first at 5 months pp) and am still nursing him. I exclusively breastfed for 5 months and then supplemented when needed, mostly because I decided to stop pumping overnight because it was exhauasting. I don’t think the running affected my supply much, if at all. I pumped a lot since I also work full time outside of the home. I got lucky in that I didn’t have many issues breastfeeding, other than the fact that I had to leave him with a fair amount of milk when at work before he was eating solids. I really didn’t have to worry about food/water much either, but nursing did increase my appetite. It’s easy now, since he’s weaning and my supply has adjusted. Having to pump before early morning runs so he had a bottle and I was comfortable was the roughest part. Everyone is different!


I trained for an ultra while nursing my son, and the key was super-hydration. I drank a ton on nuun on top of a ton of water. I also ate oatmeal every morning. I had no problem with my supply (more oversupply than anything). My midwife said it’s a combination of factors, but genetics plays a far bigger role than anything else.
For long runs, I would do half (10 miles or so), come home, nurse my son, and then go back out for 10 more. Then I wasn’t going too long between nursing sessions.


Currently nursing baby #2 and running … I’ve seen no reduction in supply for either baby. But the key is to EAT and DRINK WATER. Until you wean, don’t look to running to lose weight and/or reduce your caloric intake. Eat up the calories burned plus the estimated 500 from breastfeeding. You will only end up hurting yourself, as your body automatically channels energy to your milk. You want something left over for yourself. Be super smart about your nutrition and LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.


Nursing my third (in under 4 years) and training for several upcoming events (10k, summer half, then early fall full). I nursed my first and was marathon ready 5 months post-partum. I never looked at calories and ate whenever I was hungry. Hydration is definitely key. I would notice a dip in supply after just returning from a 10+ miler, especially on hot days, but otherwise no issue. I weaned at 7-8 months with both my older sons because we wanted to get pregnant again by 12 months.

Just make sure you sleep well, eat well, hydrate, and you should be good to go!


I found an excellent “Healthy” lactation cookie recipe in the comments of a blog post from my lactation recipe cookie search. It was surprisingly hard to find a recipe that wasn’t primarily butter and white sugar… I made these when I went back to work and was ramping up my exercise routine. They freeze really well, and you can take a few out at a time and thaw them or microwave. I love them and make them for my friends when they have babies.

1 1/2 cup pureed/mashed sweet potato (can probably also use applesauce, banana, or finely shredded zucchini, though I haven’t tried it) (I just microwaved my sweet potatoes.)
1/2 cup Suconat (I used brown sugar)
1/2 cup honey
1 Dropper Liquid Stevia (I used a tablespoon of powdered stevia, but I honestly don’t think it was needed)
4 heaping TBS ground flax (preferably freshly ground, as it’s more nutritious)
2/3 cup water
1 tsp Vanilla
1 1/2- 2 cups Hard white whole wheat flour (also known as white wheat whole wheat) (I just used whole wheat flour)
1 tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Salt
2 tsp Ground Fennel (I didn’t have it, so I didn’t use it)
1/4 heaping cup Nutritional Yeast (otherwise known as Brewers Yeast) ( bought mine off of amazon – brand: Solgar)
3 cups Rolled Oats (preferably thick cut) (I used old-fashioned oats)
1 cup Chocolate Chips (or cacao chips, cranberries, raisins, nuts, or any combination of the above)

Mix ground flax with water and let sit while beating mashed sweet potatoes and sweeteners. Add ground flax mix and vanilla, beat again.
In another bowl, sift together flour, baking soda, salt, fennel and nutritional yeast.
Add flour mix to wet mix. (Depending on what you use as a butter substitute, you may need more or less flour, depending on how wet it is. You want to be able to stir it after the oats are added, but not too easily…You don’t want the cookies to mash together in the oven. I always do a test cookie before spooning out the whole batch.)

Stir in oatmeal and other mix-ins.

Spray cookie sheet with olive oil (remember there is no butter in these cookies), drop cookies and lightly press with your fingers. Bake 10-12 minutes

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