Loosen up that face, a new kind of marathon and maybe this will help me make decisions.

Just a normal Tuesday morning around our house yesterday.

One of the many beauties about running… you can do it anywhere.  I had to drop off my car for some work yesterday so I just went out and ran 7 miles while my car was being worked on and then boom… my car was done and my run was done.  Thank you running for how convenient you are.

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KNOX came home to us!  It felt like it had been forever since he was last home.  Now we get to party with him until Monday!  All of the back and forth is sure crazy but I think we are getting the hang of it.

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Knox’s Easter basket was there waiting for him and he was pretty happy about it.

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He also got some LEGOs.  I think that took over both of their brains for a few hours.  I had a baked potato with some guac, veggies and meat (mixed with taco seasoning and salsa) on top.  I am pretty sure I ate a baked potato (or two) every day in college.  This meal (usually I do sweet potatoes) took me back to that.

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PS these were all of the crayons I found beneath the kids’ car seats in our car;)  Crayons to them are like rubber bands/bobbi pins for me…   They disappear like crazy but at least we end up finding their crayons.  My hair things… they completely vanish and are never found again.

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The kids requested some Homeward Bound yesterday.  That movie takes me WAY back too.  If there is a dog in a movie, they are content.

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We also hit up a park for a bit and Knox kept rolling down all of the hills which made my stomach queasy even thinking about doing that.

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One of Andrew’s friends is staying with us and he offered to take us to Pizza Factory for dinner… umm yes.

One of my favorite salad bars.

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And then for my meal I had the bbq personal pizza.  Amazing.  I need more bbq chicken pizza in my life.

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Once we walked outside there was a complete downpour!!!

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This might be what is going on for me this morning… but I finally get to run with Josse for the first time in what feels like FOREVER!


*Andrew is asking around to his friends who will join him on his next marathon goal… I will definitely provide the food and snacks but 19 hours and 40 minutes seems a little much to me:)


*I loved this article about Meb and his last competitive race at Boston… he still has NYCM coming up and then he is eating ice cream every day… I really like him.   Boston was his 25th marathon!

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*Did you know that the race director of the Boston Marathon runs the course each year after the race is done!  This was his 30th year doing this as a race director and his 45th consecutive year running the marathon!  During the race he rides a lead motorcycle and then that evening he goes out to do it himself.  He finished at about 10 pm on Monday night!  Must be quite the tiring day for him each year ha… I’d probably need to sleep for 3 days straight after that!

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*Andrew said he wants to make this for me… maybe it will help me get out of my rut of wanting to eat at the same two restaurants when we go out.

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What do you do with your face while you run?  Do you ever think about that?

On your next run pay attention to any areas on your body that aren’t relaxed and that feel tense!   Running with a tense face/hands/shoulders etc can be a waste of energy.  I don’t know about you but I want to conserve every ounce of energy possible while I’m running for where I need the energy!

On your next run practice a loose face!  To notice the difference try tensing up your face for a bit while running and then completely relaxing it followed by a breath out.  Try that same thing with your hands, arms and shoulders too!  Tense them up and then loosen them and notice the difference in how it feels!  I notice for me that I bring my shoulders up when I am running so I have to practice relaxing them and dropping them a bit.   A few months ago we talked about keeping our hands loose while running. Pretend you are carrying a potato chip in each hand (some of you told me you have actually tried doing this for real) and you can’t smash them while you are running.  Keep those hands loosely cupped, drop your shoulders, relax you arms and keep your face loose (unless you are smiling, smiling is completely allowed;)

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Who would like to be a part of a Harry Potter Marathon… have you seen all of them, some of them or none of them?

What do you lose/misplace most often?  Keys, phone, wallet, a credit card, garmin, headphones?  Or are you really good at keeping track of everything?

Are you good at making decisions about where to eat when you go out?  Do you branch out or stick to your classics?

Describe your Wednesday in three words:  ________________,  _______________ and ____________.

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Running a marathon is tough enough but I cannot imagine running a marathon after spectating and being the director of one.! That has got to be equal to the energy of a 100 miler. Holy smokes.

I can sit still that long so honestly I’m not sure I can imagine sitting and watching that many movies.


Mostly I’m terrible at picking a restaurant so I choose the diner where you can get anything.
But when I’m craving chipotle it’s easy to suggest :)


I am THE WORST when it comes to having to pick a restaurant. I usually suggest Potbelly or Panera, and people often want to go to “nicer” places, but I love those!

My Wednesday in three words: chaotic, hopeful and pink.


If we lived near you, my 15 yo daughter and I would totally join Andrew in his marathon. That sounds awesome!


Come on over! I’ll provide lots of candy, sweet potato fries and any other requests that you have! I love that you live close Michele! We should go run!


I can never find my keys inside of my bag! it’s the most annoying thing – even when I stick them in one of the inside pockets, somehow I still can’t seem to find them because most of the time, they aren’t in the pocket lol.


Um, totally in on HP marathon. I’m a little obsessed. I just got back from London and at the top of my to do was to go on the Harry Potter studio tour (my 14 year old picked a day trip to Paris to go to the Louvre – priorities).


Fly on over to Utah this weekend to watch the marathon here;) YOU WENT TO LONDON…. hahaha I love your top pick. So happy for you guys Rene! I hope you are having a beautiful day!


I cannot tolerate people who can’t choose a restaurant! It drives me crazy. If you go out to eat with me, I give you one veto. That’s it. Then I choose–but I’m not terrible, I swear. I would never take my vegetarian friend to Outback. But standing there for an hour while someone tries to make a decision? Ain’t nobody got time for that. (Please note that this does not mean other people can’t pick the restaurant. If I say “Where do you want to eat?” and they have an answer–any answer at all, as long as it’s a place we can go!–that’s fine! I’m easy.)


I always think if everything isn’t perfect and I have the exact amount of time I need than there’s no way I can convince myself to go out and run. But you’re so right, it’s actually easier to run when I just go with the flow..if I don’t have time for 10 miles that’s okay, 4 miles is still doing my body and mind some good! Thanks for the reminder!


Oh I would love to be a part of a Harry Potter marathon. I’ve seen them all and read the books multiple times, but Chris had somehow never seen them! So we started working our way through them, but no where near marathon-style like what you outlined above! They’re my favorite. I want to go to Harry Potter world so so badly.

I am absolutely horrible about making a decision on where to go out to eat. We usually end up sticking to places we love, because I can never decide. I’m trying to be better though, because I really do love trying new places.


I am totally down for Andrew’s marathon. Count me in! I was going to invite myself over before you even offered ;)
My Wednesday = no church activities. I am the relief society president so I try to make it to as many of the activities/events as possible. This week today is my only free day.


Come on over Alyssa:) All HP fanatics invited in Andrew’s mind! OH GOODNESS… I can’t even imagine how busy you must be but what better person than YOU to be there for all of those women! Hope you have a beautiful day Alyssa!


I would love to be part of a HP Marathon. I am a big fan, I would go to the midnight book releases by myself and all the parents/kids would look at me strange!


We’ve seen all the Harry Potter movies and would definitely be up for that marathon. Especially since it is supposed to rain all weekend!!


Come on over this weekend:) The more the merrier for Andrew’s HP marathon! I hope you are having an amazing day Susan!


I would love a Harry Potter Marathon! – I’ve gotten close before, and watched 5 of them in a day. I’ve seen all the movies and read all the books multiple times. I used to re-read the series each time a new book was released!

I always misplace my headphones and my credit card – I usually put it in a pocket of whatever I’m wearing instead of back in my wallet. Oops!! I also always loose hair ties..where do they go?!!

I’m awful at choosing places to eat. I love trying new places, but usually stick to a few of my favorites unless someone else brings it up!


Oh my gosh homeward bound!!! THROWBACK. I gotta see that movie again. I usually misplace my phone, but then Ill find it in MY HAND. Im a loser.


Love how they were sitting there snuggling watching the movie. Those kiddos are too cute : )


They sure love each other (but they love to tease and fight too ha… just like normal siblings)! I hope you have an amazing day Jen and thanks for commenting!


HP not so much…..but I agree with the kids….anything with a dog. It is adorable that they have the entire sofa to spread out and they choose to sit almost on top,of each other. So sweet!!!


I also love how convenient running is! I usually bring my car in for service, run back home, work for a few hours and run back to get it. The people at the garage found it a little strange but hey, it is working for me… haha Easy five miler today, as I am still recovering from bronchitis. It will be painful after a week off running but I will have a smile on my face! I missed running soooo much! Five weeks away from my half marathon race but I may have to lower my expectations on this one. Healthy lungs are the priority ;-)


I think its a mom thing but I am REALLY good at keeping track of EVERYTHING….so much so that I sometimes dislike it b/c the family relies on me to find EVERYTHING. (and I usually do ;-)

I have seen all the HP movies but would never do a marathon of them….unless, there was a blizzard outside for 24 hours straight. ;-) (figuring in bathroom breaks, eating etc….)

My Wednesday….work, run errands, make chicken!


I love Harry Potter, but I’m not sure I could stand watching the movies for 19 hours straight. I’m terrible at watching movies and staying awake, for one thing! Plus, I’m much more a fan of the books than the movies, so I’d rather read them anyway.

I’m pretty good at keeping track of things, but lately I’ve had a lot of trouble keeping track of my ID for work. I need the card to get into my office and I always end up leaving it in the pocket of a jacket I am not wearing that day, or something, so I have to get in a back way and it’s just annoying haha. I also thought I lost my keys a few weeks ago, but after 20 minutes of searching, they ended up just being in an inner-inner pocket of my backpack. yeesh.

Thanks for the tips on loosening up. I have a feeling that’s totally me when I run, so I’m going to be paying attention to that on my next run :)


I’m so great at keeping track of things that I got a tile for Christmas. It was great but a few times now I’ve had a hard time getting the tile to activate from my phone (it’s attached to my keys). I have to be in the same room to get it to play. Which hasn’t been helpful.
I have an “easy” day of running. This is where I push the baby in the stroller while the elementary school kids ride their bikes to school and I try it keep everyone safe for 1.6 miles and then I cruise home.
We don’t eat our very often and when we do it is rarely fancy and usually a classic.
I would do the Harry Potter marathon but I would never last. I would definitely sleep or read on my phone.


I hate looking for things. So I am really good at keeping track of everything.
I used to want to know the meal I was getting walking into a restaurant. Now I find the trying of new things one of the fun parts about going out to eat.


NO to the Harry Potter marathon, just no, no, no! lol (And, I’m an English teacher–hides face in shame–I just could never get into it. My daughters like it though :)

I laughed out loud at that “restaurant chooser” pic/idea. That is perfect!!!!!!


I’ve watched all of the Harry Potter movies. I had the second movie in DVD and I think I watched that one like 30 times. No joke.

I’m usually very good a keeping track of stuff. I’m also good at making decisions on where to eat. If I have to make the decision quick, I’ll stick with the classics. But If I get to decide with time, I’ll look up on new places and research their menus.


My Wednesday “arm day, baby play date, and preparing for Landon’s birthday tomorrow!”

Haha- 19 hours straight would be too much for me. I can barely make it through Lord of the Rings at 3 hours. It must be the runner inside of me ;)


That is a long time to be sitting still. I don’t believe Andrew could do that. But if he does, I will bring Annabelle over because I know she would love nothing more than do have a Harry Potter marathon. I will bring over treats and we can hang out and mock the nerds ;)

I like branching out and trying new restaurants, but if I know what I want, then nothing can sway me. Cravings are real. I think Ross would like it if I would stop suggesting 180 tacos every time though. It just always sounds so good!

It wasn’t too rainy this morning here (last night is a different story) so hopefully your run this morning was enjoyable and you don’t have to wash your hair now. That is my number one complaint of rainy runs. #LazyMuch


And we own all the Harry Potter movies on Blu Ray if Andrew wants to borrow them :)


i have never read or seen harry potter and i am okay for the rest of my life if that never happens (same for going to vegas, no thank you!)

for lunch near my office, i always find myself going to the same place for salads but i do like to venture out and try new places when im feeling adventurous (and not as tired since i grab lunch post-run). when we go out for dinner, we usually go to the same few places because they are so good we dont want to have a not as great experience elsewhere.

wednesday words: frustration/anger/fear (dealing with this hamstring tendonitis and it band stuff with a marathon quickly approaching).


I’ve never read or seen any of the Harry Potter books/movies! I would like to one day but 19 hours is a bit long for my taste. I can barely sit through one 2 hour long movie as it is.

I tend to take my credit card out of my wallet and put it in a pocket and it has gotten lost on a few occasions. I also tend to leave my keys in the door…

I am THE most indecisive person when it comes to deciding where to eat. It drives my husband mad. I am working on it though.


I have read that the race director runs the marathon when everyone is finished, every year. He must sleep like a rock that night.

I have ready every Harry Potter book but never saw the movies.

I randomly misplace things. Basically I try to put everything back where I keep it but sometimes I’m distracted and then I can’t remember where I put something. Drives me nuts when it happens.

I like to try new things and I can’t eat the same food every day. (or at least not prepared the same way. My oatmeal the other morning was a riff on banana bread, today’s was carrot cake – complete with shredded carrots).


My Wednesday is sunny, sleepy, and happy :)

I am terrible at making any decision, including restaurants. I pretty much always make my husband choose…which means we eat a lot of tacos.


I would totally do a Harry Potter marathon, but I think the most I can do is one movie per day. I have a hard time sitting still otherwise.


I seem to lose my credit card the most (but not too often). We have a place for keys – he is good at keeping track of things, me not so much haha (unless it has to do with running then I am super organized about it:p).

I am pretty good at making decisions but unless I am dead set on a restaurant or food I will let the other person pick. I eat anything and my friends are pickier eaters than me so it’s just easier.

Wed is rainy here – and I am dragging myself out of the house soon to head to work.


My daughter’s bosses developed an app. Called “Food Fight” to help make your decisions. I like the See and Say idea too;)


Well that is just what I need…. going to download this now! Thanks Jen!


If I lived in Utah, I would totally join the HP marathon!! I would definitely have to take some naps, but this is a cause I can get behind! :)


I love Harry Potter – but mostly the books, the movies are ok if they happen to be on TV. I read the whole series about once a year I think. :)
I definitely need that spin board for making a decision about where to go to eat. My boyfriend gets upset when I tell him I’m hungry but don’t know what for.
Describe your Wednesday in three words: morning run awesome!


I think the convenience factor is the main reason why I love running so much. I hate being tied to a gym. I’d rather just be able to carry my shoes, headphones, and armband with me. Boom. Instant workout.

I need that restaurant wheel- I never know what I want to eat, much to my boyfriend’s frustration I’m sure!


Sometimes, my boyfriend and I have a fifteen minute game of “I don’t care where we go for dinner” chicken before one of us caves and picks somewhere.
I am forever losing one sock of a matching pair and then it will magically reappear months later in the laundry. I guess the sock fairies only need to rent socks, not own them.


Yes to the Harry Potter marathon! Read them all and have seen most of them several time! If they are on TV, chances are I will turn it on ;)


Hi! This is SO random, but I love your style and am in need of some cute (yet functional) tops! Any suggestions?? Thank you so much!!


HEY YOU!!! Are you talking about running or for life? I hope you are having an amazing day!


Love the new way of picking restaurants! Brilliant! I have the same problem just deciding which leftovers to eat at home, too. I will ask my daughter or significant other to pick A or B (but I don’t tell them which one is which). Then I either go w/ what they picked, or if my initial reaction is disappointment, then I know I really wanted the other thing more, & I eat that. OMG just typing that out made me realize what a nutcase I am! :P


That pizza looks amazing!!

Harry Potter was the first series that my hubs really read and liked and we read most of them out loud together. We finished it when I was pregnant with my oldest so I have a special place in my heart for HP.

I am pretty good about deciding where I want to go unless I am starving.

My Wednesday: is basically my Friday, rest day, and date night with the hubs tonight! Woohoo!


Sun, sand and sea describes my day today! I am in St.Maarten today on my cruise and soaking up the rays. I need to get myself up and over to the gym for a run soon … maybe :). I’m pretty comfortable not gonna lie haha!

I need that wheel! Adam and I are great at deciding to go out to dinner but take years deciding on where to go. It’s a never ending cycle of “you pick” and “wherever you want is fine” over and over :D


I would like to be part of an actual Harry Potter Marathon! Andrew, want to be co-race directors? ;)


I am loving your coaching segments. It’s really helped me to think about relaxing; I was having toe pain for a long time and FINALLY realized it was because I was tensing my calves (and maybe overextending some too). I also loved what you said last week about posture…something I really struggle with, but thinking about raising my head up has really helped! AND thank you for sharing guacamole with carrots! I am not a huge carrot fan, but loved this combination!


I haven’t seen any of Harry Potter but I want to….just because. But I would definitely have to break it up. When I think about relaxing during running, I am always amazed at the areas where I am so tense. I tend to hunch my shoulders – I don’t know why??? Even on easy runs…it’s kind of weird, really. And my face as well. But, I do try to focus on relaxing as much as I can, even when I am doing track workouts or hill repeats. Conserve, conserve, conserve!


Oh my gosh, I looooved Homeward Bound so much as a kid…must have watched it a thousand times! Next time I’m home sick I’m going to watch it, perfect comfort movie (did I just jinx myself to get sick?)
I showed my bf the restaurant picking tool and he is determined to recreate it. I swear, all of our biggest fights start with a debate over where we’re going to eat when we’re both hangry.


I’d be down for a Harry Potter marathon – sounds like fun!

Once I watched all the Lord of the Ring movies in a row – extra features and all


I am SO bad at picking out restaurants. Which is probably we always go to the same few…

I would totally be down for a HP marathon. I haven’t seen all the movies but I managed to read all of the books. I also really want to rewatch Homeward Bound, I loved that movie as a kid!

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