Running in the pouring rain is fun but painful, family night and YOUR running accomplishments!

On Thursday morning I was a little naive about what I was about to encounter outside.  I knew it was raining a little bit but I wasn’t worried and we just decided to do a bunch of hills on the roads instead of on the muddy trails.  Turns out it was pouring rain and a lot colder than I expected:)

This was a fun climb.  14% incline.  Josse and I actually had a great time.  She was with me for the first 9 miles and then I did the last two on my own.  I won’t have time for a Saturday long run so this accomplished my weekend long run:)

600 feet of going UP during 5 of the middle miles!

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This run reminded me so much of Boston 2015.  It was pouring rain the entire time, but luckily I didn’t have the 30 mph headwinds during my run yesterday like we did during Boston.

I have been pretty cocky about Utah temperatures feeling like spring/early summer and I paid for that yesterday by not bringing any gloves.  Josse and I had a blast though and even played a game in the beginning of trying not to step on any worms while we ran because they were EVERYWHERE.

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Over the years of running I have learned to ALWAYS wear a hat/visor in the rain.  I cannot stand when rain falls into my eyes or onto my 10 inch fake eyelashes;)  The one thing I constantly forget is to braid my hair when I run in the rain…  always a painful consequence when I forget to do this.

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When your bright red jacket, hands and legs are all pretty much the same color by the end of the run.

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Thanks Brooke for letting me borrow your Dorry detangler spray.  It helped a lot.

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We decided on seeing Beauty and the Beast for our family night (that thing we do every Thursday night… it’s the one night a week where we always have both kids and nothing else is allowed to be scheduled Thursday night besides something as a family).  Brooke really loved it, Knox was bored at times and I adored it.  There were two short parts where we just had them look down (little intense scenes).  Definitely recommend this movie!  100%.

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Of course we got a popcorn because movie theater popcorn is a big deal to us.

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They showed this preview before the movie started… I NEED TO SEE THIS!!!!

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And then we went home and ate dinner and sang some songs.

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And taught the kids a lesson on being respectful towards others:)  PS these lessons last about 3.8 minutes due to the attention span of 4 year olds but they bring up little points from the lesson throughout the week so I’m guessing they remember some of them!

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Beretta is all about joining in on Family Night.

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I just love getting your running accomplishments!  Keep them coming!!  Send them in to [email protected]  !!


Chelsea!!!  “People always say things usually happen in threes, so this post is all about THREE! I have been running for 3 years, I have done 3 half marathons, and I have 3 of the best supporters a girl could ask for!  Let me set the stage.  I just got into running 3 years ago.  I have tried numerous running plans from Higdon, to Hansen, to just doing my own thing.  My biggest struggle was my confidence, I was always down on myself for not being as fast as my friends and never performing how I wanted to in races.  I quickly began to see how mental running is.  Your post about Hansen’s advice on cautious confidence really helped me.  You were right, the race would have times that would be tough and I would want to give up, but I trusted in my training.  On March 19th I finally accomplished my running goal of completing a half marathon in under 2 hours.  I guess third time is a charm, because I finished the Tobacco Road Half Marathon in Cary, NC at 1:58:17 (beating my PR by 9 minutes!!!).  I owe a big part of my success to three awesome people.  My best friend Christine has been my running coach and biggest supporter since I began and I would not be where I am without her encouragement and guidance.  My fiancé Pj, he paced me for this race and gave me the confidence (and tough love haha) to finish strong!  Finally, my boss lady and friend Amy, who inspires me to challenge myself and go outside of my comfort zone whether it’s teaching group fitness or running.  I cannot wait to tackle my next half marathon!”



C D has a blog HERE where she talks all about her dissertation, meal prep and lots of running!!!  “I have been working really hard to increase my pace over the last few months.  I ran a 15k last year (2016) and finished it in 1:31:06 with an average pace of 9:48.  This year (2017) I ran the same 15k, but finished in 1:17:05 with an average pace of 8:18.  A minute and a half faster per mile than last year.  Hard work really does pay off!”

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Ashley!!! “I finally completed my first marathon on Sunday!  After a failed attempt last year because of an injury, I was determined to do it this year (especially since I turned 40).  Halfway through my training, I got a pretty bad shin splint and took two weeks off.  I went to the physical therapist thinking that she would just help me feel better, but she totally thought I could still do my race.  She worked with me for the last month or so and got me back into my training.  Even though I feel like my time was pretty slow (5 hours and 9 minutes), I enjoyed almost every second of it and actually haven’t been too sore.  My family and friends were there to see me cross the finish line, and it was a great feeling!”



Charlie has a British running blog based just outside of London!  She is currently training for the Boston and London marathons and taking part in Ragnar Tennessee next week!  You can find her blog HERE!!  “I just ran a half marathon PR on a super hilly course, 1:47:15 with about 10 hills.  I’m racing again a flatter half this weekend and would love to run a sub 1:45… I think I can do it!”

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Whitney writes about her mom!!! “My mom will be 55 next month.  Until about a year and a half ago she had never run a mile.  After always supporting my running goals and watching me cross the finish line, she started running too!  She has dealt with a couple of injuries, but that never stopped her from working towards her goal.  I am so proud to say that on 3/19 she completed her first half marathon at the Public run in Atlanta!  She absolutely inspires me every day to work hard!  Her strength and determination have always been something I have admired about her, and she just proves that you’re never too old to start something new.  Running is now something we enjoy doing together, and it’s a pretty great excuse to travel!  I just wanted the world to know how amazing she is!

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What are your Friday night plans?

Love running in the rain or not so much?

-I really loved it yesterday (minus feeling cold… but I just kept reminding myself to be thankful it wasn’t snow whenever I felt cold).

Ever run a race in the rain?  How’d that go?

What is your go-to running hairstyle?

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I run fairly well in the rain so long as it’s not a total down pour! I ran a 10k in the rain last year – it went well but my shoes were filled with water! I usually wear my hair with the front pulled back in a rhinestone clip.


Friday night plans are grocery shopping-ha! I like running in the rain, provided there is no winds, and it is nice when it is not too cold, too! I have had one race in the rain……………Country Music 1/2 Marathon in 2013…………….I was drenched long before the start and was pretty cold by the end, but I still enjoyed it! And my hair is short, so I usually have to use 2 pony tails to get all the hair off my neck and then a hat or a bic band to hold the fly aways back……………no hair on my face!


I’ve actually run two of my best half marathons in the pouring rain. But you’re totally right about needing a hat or visor–it’s miserable without one!

Friday night (and the rest of the weekend) will be spent mainly on my sofa recovering from surgery I had for my kidneys yesterday. Looks like I’ll be watching a lot of basketball and The Office, and I’m really hoping to be able to have some froyo!


You constantly impress me with how tough you are. Seriously, I am in awe. I would have noped on that run and stayed in my warm bed.


I like running in the rain! As long as I can see okay, but it’s super liberating to run in the rain — love it! Its raining where I am right now, but opted for the gym to stay dry hah


I love running in the rain! It’s my favorite type of weather to run in. I actually set a city record in cross country when it was raining! The other day I was out for an easy run and it started to rain which was great, but that quickly turned to hail. I forgot a hat so it was just pelting my face! Made my last mile really fast because I just wanted to get home ;)

This weekend is my husband’s birthday so we have lots of fun plans. Hoping the weather holds up so we can get in some hiking!


So many half marathons in the rain! Actually my pr is from the Philly Love Run exactly 3 years ago. I ran in a downpour and it was so cold and I pulled out a 2:05 (I’m usually a 2:15-2:25 half marathoner). My fingers wouldn’t work for an hour after the race and my hair was super knotty. I always wear a baseball cap. Same reason. The brim keeps the rain out of my eyes. I’m supposed to run this race again Sunday but with my toe (either stress fracture, nerve/inflammation thing or alien) I’m most likely going to be walking it if I even finish. :( 3.5 hours is the cutoff so I’ll see what I can eek out. Please say a prayer for me that my foot heals fast.
Love that you have your family Thursday’s. my boyfriend and I have date night every Thursday. It’s nice to be able to have a consistent day.


I love running in the rain! I find it really peaceful and you feel so tough afterwards.

Also, I love the sweatshirt you wore to the movie. Do you mind sharing where you got it?


HEY HEIDI!! Thank you so much and you are so right about how amazing you feel after a run in the rain! Enjoy your weekend and here is the link:


I was wondering the same thing about the sweatshirt-love it!!


Lebanese food with my friend is my Friday night plan:)

I don’t love running in the rain. I only do it if there’s no other option. My first 5K race had rain just for the first 5 minutes and it wasn’t that bad. I felt pretty hardcore on that race (haha).


I’m moving house tomorrow so today and tomorrow will be spent packing…. why do we have so much stuff? Trying to donate as much as I can to the charity shop.

I quite like running in the rain, but a hot shower asap after is imperative! The real downside with running in the rain for me though is the fact that I wear glasses, so when it rains they get all spotty and steamy.

I can’t run in a ponytail, I can’t stand my hair swinging (it really annoys me!), so I always put my hair in a top knot and wear a head band.


AHHHHH GOOD LUCK WITH THE MOVE Josefine! Love the top knot and head band combo!


Funny that you’re discussing running the rain! It’s supposed to rain ALL weekend in Chicago so my friend and I decided to knock out our 16-miler this morning so we could avoid the rain tomorrow. Got up at 5am and done in time for the work day!

I’ve run a lot of training runs and a couple of races in the pouring rain. I don’t love it but I can deal with it if necessary. When I ran my 6th marathon a couple years ago, it was POURING the entire time. When I was at mile 22, they officially cancelled the race because tornados were touching down. I still managed to finish and get my time but def would not do that race again hah!


I HAVE to wear a hat or a visor when it rains – I do not love the rain in my face, either! I kind of enjoy running in the rain. In high school, we always called our rain runs “Puddle Runs”. We always ended up WAY more soaked than we needed to be.

Where is your jacket from in the piano picture??? It looks SO comfy!! I love it.


Thanks Chelsea! It is the best jacket… so so comfy! Here it is:

Glad to know I am not alone with the need for a hat/visor when it is raining. Enjoy your weekend!


I avoid running in the rain when I can. I hate when my shoes and socks get wet and heavy – that’s the worst! I also never get blisters unless I run in the rain!

I really want to see Beauty and the Beast this weekend! I didn’t love the movie as a kid because it scared me haha but I think I am ready to handle it now! :D


I like a little ran when I race because it helps cool me down but strong winds? not so much. But every yucky day helps me appreciate good days even more. This is what I told myself when I woke up to a snow storm this morning! So ready for spring!


Beauty and the Beast looks so good! I can’t wait to go see it. Emma Watson looks like the perfect Belle in it. I totally agree about the movie theater popcorn. I almost always get some when I’m seeing a movie.


My husband and I are going to see Beauty and the Beast tonight since our boys are spending the day and night with my parents! I showed the trailer to my 5-year old, but he said he didn’t want to see it because the Beast looked too scary. I even explained that he was really a nice Beast, but he didn’t believe me :)

I normally don’t mind running in the rain, and even somewhat enjoy it, but I had a bad experience about a month ago (in Michigan winter…). The temp showed about 40 and drizzling, so I thought I would be ok. After I got about 2 miles into a 4 mile run, it started pouring. I was the coldest I have ever been on a run and I was actually getting worried about getting back. But I would say as long as the temperature is decent (50 or above), I enjoy running in the rain!


Friday night lights!!! This is the last week of the Crossfit Open, so tonight’s workout will be the last one of this season! It’s a big one — 10 rounds of 9 thrusters (65lbs on a barbell) and 35 double unders (with a jump rope) —- GONNA BE AWESOME!

I love running in the rain. I’m always hot and sweaty… but the rain is like running with the AC on!

My hair is in transition from a stacked short bob (just below my ears) to a collarbone length blunt cut… so now I just braid my hair into two piggy tails and throw on a hat!


I’ve actually never worn a hat or visor while running, I don’t like having stuff on my head lol. I HAVE to wear my hair up if it’s raining though. I have super curly hair and have had some really disastrous tangles from running in the rain. I think I may go see Beauty and the Beast tonight with my sister, I can’t wait!


Honestly, I’ve raced so much in the pouring rain over the course of the year, I’ve realized what has and hasn’t worked for me. I know personally I need to be overdressed otherwise I’m miserable and I tend to get hypothermic, maybe I’ve just raced too much in 40 degree pouring rain…I’m sure 80 degree would be better LOL.


I despise running in the rain, unless it’s a light rain and it’s warm out. I have run in the pouring rain and I have run races in it but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.

My hair is curly and not very long, past my shoulders when it’s wet. It goes up into my hat or held back with a headband. When it’s on the longer side I’ll add a ponytail with the headband.

No plans as of right this minute but that’s fine with me.


No big plans tonight or this weekend at all… which will be really nice!

Not a rain runner, so no experience there!

I have to have my hair in a bun… sometimes I’ll braid the sides, but I can’t stand anything hitting my head/neck or bouncing while I run, so no ponytails for me!


Friday night plans – we might go see Beauty and the Beast! And get the biggest popcorn ever. Also…the theater we go to makes like the good homemade style popcorn with real butter…and…wait for it…you can order fresh, warm cookies AND milkshakes. I die.

We don’t get much rain in Colorado, so its a very rare occasion that I have to run in it. I’m more likely to have to deal with extremely high winds or hail.


Now that I’ve think about it, I think half of my races were in the rain! My first half-it started pouring with 3 miles to go with plenty of thunder and lightning. If it’s a mist, I actually enjoy it because it cools me off!! I’ve had two races with mist and loved it. I also always put my hair up because I can’t stand anything touching my neck :)

Friday night plans are always cleaning the house so that I don’t have to do it on the weekend and can lounge around instead!
Happy weekend!


I don’t mind running in a light rain when it’s warmish – but I would stay inside if it was raining hard and cold :)

Love your jacket from movie night – what is it?


Thank you Jill! I bought it at a Rip Curl store! You can find it here though: Have a great weekend!


I signed up for a trail half marathon yesterday and the race is tomorrow, so Friday night will be low key :) Should be interesting since I just had a doctor order 1.5 month running break and have ran 6x since being cleared (lololol). It will just be for fun, but I am excited. The trail it is on is beautiful!

I run in the rain year round it feels like (LOL). I grew up in Portland, OR and now live in Seattle, WA. We just had the wettest winter on record and to say I am sick of running in the rain is an understatement. It is supposed to pour all morning tomorrow (for the race of course) and then clear up in the afternoon.

The wettest race I have ran while raining was a few years ago in Portland for the Shamrock Half. It was raining so hard that in a block walk from my car to the starting area my shoes were squeaking and full of water. It was a miserable race, but I PR’d. I guess I really wanted to be done :)

Have a great weekend!!!!


You are braver than I am! I am a super running wimp when it comes to the rain or the cold. I live in Texas and I can handle the heat, but I hit the treadmill when it’s raining or below 40 degrees.


I think YOU are the brave one! The heat that you run through in Texas… I would be on the treadmill!


I would prefer not to run in the rain and I don’t recall it raining during any of my races. But, on the run portion of some triathlons spectators would have their hoses set up to mist over sections of the course. In those situation it was heavenly, particularly, as the temperature would steadily climb to somewhere beyond 80 degrees and the humidity, oh my.
Usually I wear my hair in a pony tail and when it was much longer a very poorly executed braid – always with a cap or visor (mostly to control the hair that escapes from the hair tie).


Did your Dad paint the Temple above your piano?


Hey! He didn’t do this one but I wish that he did:) this one is from Costco! I hope you have an amazing weekend Amanda!


I love everyone’s running accomplishments!

My xc team did a run 2 years ago where it poured so hard I had to run with one eye closed because it was pelting my eyes so hard. I was definitely not prepared for that kind of rain!

Tonight is a jog to the park with the kiddos and doing a few repeats with my middle to prep him for track! I’m so excited that at least one of my kids enjoys running! We actually jogged a mile to RiteAid last night with the kids, got an ice cream, and walked home. It was the best!

My go to running hair is a simply pony. Anything besides a braid or a pony makes me crazy ;)


I love running in the rain if it’s warm outside. It’s like nature’s air conditioner!

I cracked up at the hand on the front of the popcorn bag. It looks like your hand reaching for the Coke bottle!


I LOVE running in the rain…and snow! ☺️ I always seem to run better when the weather is terrible. Hair has to be out of my face and cannot be bouncy, so I pull it back tight into a top knot. If it’s pouring rain I love a hat, but may need to try the visor because I don’t like it when my head feels hot.

We are celebrating my youngest turning THREE today! A mix of emotions on that one. I’m always amazed how quickly hey grow up.

P.s. I’ll email you the cinnamon roll recipe!


Friday night plans – pizza for dinner and early to bed (14 miles tomorrow!)

If it’s not raining too hard I don’t mind, but I’d rather not run in a downpour.

Honolulu Marathon 2014 it rained the entire time. I had to stop at a medical aid tent because I was getting blisters on my toes due to wet socks. I also saw a woman slip on a GU pack that someone had tossed in the street. Not the greatest experience but still preferable to the heat of the previous year.

I always run with my hair in a braid, it’s past my waist and gets tangled in my headphones if I don’t.


The ONLY way I can run outside is if I braid my hair. Otherwise it turns into an actual bird’s nest and I feel like half of it comes out when I try to brush it. So glad to hear you liked Beauty and the Beast! I have yet to see it, but am hoping to make time to see it this weekend.

My Friday night plans are babysitting my little sister with Chris – probably taking her to Target and out to dinner and watching a movie at home. Nothing exciting, but just what I need! Have a great weekend :)


I love running in the rain. It is always so quiet and peaceful because hardly anybody else is out on the trails. I ran a marathon years ago in the rain and I wore cotton socks (rookie mistake). The socks got wet which led to horrendous blisters.


Running in the rain sounds fun! I haven’t done it in a while ever since I got a gym membership. Mostly treadmill running for now until the weather warms up more. Love reading these running accomplishments–very inspiring!!


Love everyones runnig accomplishments! I once ran in 40 degrees with rain and wind blowing, my first half marathon, and prefer to never run in the cold and rain again. I don’t mind if it is hot and humid and starts raining because then it cools me down. Tonight my parents are driving up for the weekend! Looking forward to having all of us together.


Awesome running accomplishments!

I’m giggling about the girls responses to keeping our hair off our faces and necks while running…mine is long and I wear it in a pony tail but if the ends whip my face or neck I get so mad, I swear if I had a pair of scissors at the moment I would chop it all off!

I ran a marathon in Montana in wind and cold pouring rain and it was so cold you could see your breath and couldn’t move your fingers. Just like your Boston….the hard races are the ones that we never forget.


I ran for Georgia State in college and it’s in downtown ATL. The springs there were CRAZY so we always had a few good rainy track meets. One 5k I did there were giant puddles on the track that we had to run though! I also ran Boston 2015 and it was MISERABLE. I actually ran my PR there though so go figure. Have never been so cold in my life though than after that race!

My go to hair is a bun held down with like 3 hair ties!

Your little family is the cutest :)


You did your pr during Boston 2015… you are amazing! Seriously that was cold and so ridiculously windy ha! Puddles on the track??? What? Have an awesome weekend Kacee!


Janae! Your running jacket looks like it works really well in the rain (also I love the color!), do you have recommendations for rain running gear? I am looking for a good rain jacket. I am not really a fan of running in the rain but have been thinking getting good gear might help me out. I will have to try your hat trick too. My go to running hairstyle is a ponytail or an inside out french braid (my boyfriend and I call it my powerbraid). My hair gets crazy when I run, wispies everywhere!


Hey Emily! Thank you!!! I am sharing more about the jackets (Cascadia jacket from Brooks) tomorrow morning! It seriously was amazing!!! I need to do the powerbraid! Have a great weekend!


Boston 2015 was not the funniest experience….but it really taught me how strong and tough I am! I find that anytime I run in the rain now, I say to myself….you ran 26.2 in worse weather…you’ve got this!
Braids, definitely….and sometimes I even wrap the braid into a bun to keep it totally out of the way.

Enjoy your Friday!


Right?!? If we could do that… we can do anything! I think it took me two full days to warm up after that! Thanks Caroline and have a great weekend!


I love the grey jacket you have on in the picture where you are playing piano with the kids, can I ask where it is from?


Hey!!!! Thank you! I bought it at Rip Curl in California a few weeks ago! I haven’t found it online but go to the store because it feels like a big blanket! Have a great weekend!


Hi Janae–

What do you use (if anything) to keep your phone dry during your rainy runs??


Hey Bea! So I actually don’t bring my phone on rainy runs anymore. I used to have a waterproof fuel belt (I looked for it online and they don’t offer the same one anymore) but I lost it. So now I just leave it in the car and use a gopro for pictures if it is raining! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!


Ah I cannot wait to go out and see Beauty and the Beast! I’m so so looking forward to it! Have fantastic weekend, Janae!


I have always been such a wimp about running in the rain. I hate it. So of course when I ran my first marathon in December 2015, it was raining for the first 20 miles. But it went really well! I had a hat and a trash bag so after a while I didn’t even notice the rain anymore. The chafing afterward, though… good glory.


NOOOOO first marathon + raining for 20 miles! I bet that chafing was something else. I bet that made you so mentally strong!


My crazy Friday night plans involve eating pizza and vegging on the couch with my kids (my husband is a police officer and is working nights this weekend). Oh and having a large glass of wine. I LOVE running in the rain and like you, always wear a visor. My running accomplishment this week is that I actually RAN instead of subbing for a cross training workout. I’ve been less than motivated to run recently, so running at all makes me happy! Have a great weekend!


Tonight I am going out for dinner with my sister! It has been a while since I have seen her so it’ll be nice to catch up :) On the running front, I don’t like the THOUGHT of running in the rain but once I’m out there I love it. Provided I dress appropriately for the rain then I am good! The last 10 km race I ran was in the rain & it started DOWN POURING right before the race began. I remember wearing grey running tights that day, and by the time I crossed the finish line my pants looked black because they were soaking wet. I also wore a long sleeve shirt & a wind breaker and was drenched through the jacket. The post-run shower was AWESOME though, although my body was numb! My go to running hair style is a basic pony tail. I tried a braid once (I’m not a French-braider, though I think that would’ve been more efficient) but my hair has too many layers and was poppin’ all over the place. The only down side of a pony tail is when it is so wet/windy/snowy/humid that your hair is like a giant rat nest!


I don’t mind running in regular rain, even a hard rain. I just don’t like blowing nasty sharp rain. The worst of it is worrying about my phone in it. Ironically, I just ran in the rain tonight. Our community center had a movie night for the kids. It was pretty nice out, so I ran outside instead of in the gym which is also at the community center. Half way in to my run, all the was across town…it started. But it was a feel good rain. I finished it up with the elliptical and weights in the gym, then caught the tail end of the movie with all the kids. I prefer a braid to run in, but I put it in a pony tail 95% of the time. Not sure why that is.


Last year I ran a 15k in the rain. My friend and we’re running it together. We called each other around 5am and kept saying “well I’ll run if you want to run” lol. We ended up running it and it was a steady rain the whole time and about 50 degrees. A year later and I’m running a half marathon this Sunday and yup, chance of rain and 45 degrees. Wish me luck and pray for no rain at least for the morning ??‍♀️

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