Is running a lonely sport? + Bloopers/outtakes from our life.

Just another swim lesson in the books.  The goggles were worn for the hour leading up to practice to help her to get into the zone and visualize success in the water.  She is already figuring out sports psychology at a very young age.

Let’s start out at the beginning of the day.  Back to Utah running again and a solo run of 4 miles for me.

At camp this last weekend the coach was talking about how running (especially at the elite level) has really been known to be a lonely sport.  The Brooks team has really worked hard at doing the opposite and making running a very social sport where they workout hard together and support one another.  The Beasts seemed to be an incredibly close team but I can definitely see how running must be lonely for some professional runners.  That’s a lot of miles to be out there running alone and in your own head the whole time.  For me personally, I don’t feel like running is a lonely sport because I do get in some social runs, I have an online community of runners to chat with each day and I love my solo miles too because it is my own time each day to just be me.  I DO remember a time when running felt lonely though.  It was when I was training for the St. George Marathon but had to drop out due to sickness and did the Tucson Marathon instead.  I was in a pretty lonely stage of life at the time and dealing with a lot of stress/sadness and my running friends were all injured.  I remember feeling really alone during some runs (not my long runs because my sweet dad would join me and drive behind me the whole time:).  I think I felt this way more just because I was lonely in life, and that transferred over to running too.  Do you think running is a lonely sport?

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Brooke and I hit up Costco for the necessities.  We have a happy fridge again.

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My hip flexors are feeling quite tight so this stretch is happening a few times a day.

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Andrew and I were invited to dinner with our good friends last night. PS Andrew woke up Monday morning feeling so much better… we are now thinking he had food poisoning, not the flu on Sunday.

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Pizzeria 712 actually has the best cauliflower dish you will ever have in your life.

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And their pizza is amazing.

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But this ice cream dish with a meringue at the base was the best part of the meal for sure.

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I thought that it might be fun to share some of the outtakes in our world.  Some of the things that haven’t made it on the blog (that I can remember at least).  If you like seeing the behind the scenes stuff let me know and we can make this a regular thing.

*This outtake is from our trail run a few weekends ago.  I was attempting to take a selfie while we were running and I heard Andrew laughing his head off.. and when I looked back he was showing a little more skin than during our normal selfies ha!

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*This was from a time that I learned a valuable lesson.  I went spray tanning one day and then went right after to have my eyebrows tinted.  Turns out that the two things don’t work well together.   I had some nice copper/orange (they looked worse in person too) eyebrows until my sister scrubbed them for an hour or so:)

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*Our Lagoon trip last summer.  That bell on the boat caused quite the contention.

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*The way our children fall asleep each night.  We actually really look forward to opening the door to see what we will find when they fall asleep.

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*I don’t understand how one could possibly cry while holding a donut but it has happened in our family.  This was also happening while in Hawaii so the equation really doesn’t make sense.

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*Beretta trying to lick the camera.

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*When we tell them it is time to go brush teeth and settle down:

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*Prune feet to the 10th degree.

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*Just one of those 4 year old days when you are mad at your mom about something:)

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What do you think?  Is running a lonely sport?

Fill in the blank—>  Today I am going for a run (or went on a run) because _________________________________.

What vegetable do you eat most often?

Continue doing blooper/outtakes posts?

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Ahhhhhh I so need to try that hip flexor stretch. They are totally my weak spot!

I feel like running can be lonely if I isolate myself and get to obsessed with numbers. But I love running with people and talking about running with people and having awesome conversations during long runs so I try to always have a training partner.

Today I’m going to run because it’s supposed to be beautiful and 80 degrees!!!


I eat romaine lettuce every day. Big salad with oil and vinegar.
I only feel lonely as an injured runner. I usually like my solo runs and always talk about running on social media. And I see my friends at races and some training runs.


I love how brooke falls asleep lol. my son used to fall asleep in the high chair which always made me laugh. I think lately I eat broccoli the most although I am not even sure why that is happening.


Probably broccoli. And omg YES love the outtakes!!


I love the blooper pictures! The one of Brooke being mad at you was so cute. My 4 year old made that same face and told me I broke her heart. Because I said no to goldfish before dinner.

I am not lonely when I run, but I don’t go that far. I used to run with a work friend, but she switched jobs and so we can’t anymore. I do miss those runs, and I would like to find someone to run with. That being said, I actually enjoy the time in my head, and it’s hard to feel lonely when you’re surrounded by people. There aren’t many places to go in DC to be truly alone.


LOVE the bloopers and outtakes! Your pictures are always so entertaining. :) And I honestly love almost all vegetables but usually not raw.

For me, running has become a much more lonely sport than it used to be. I run earlier than all of my running friends, so I don’t get to run with people very often. I’ve also been dealing with a lot of stuff and going through a very difficult time in my life right now for what seems like far too many months, so that has made just life in general seem much more lonely. I wish it weren’t the case, but it’s just kind of reality right now.


Definitely not! I mean look at the community you’ve built and the running friends you’ ve made. It’s only lonely if you let it be. Easy to just do your own thing and not collaborate with others. I most often eat bell peppers and broccoli! Oh and cauliflower!


Yes! Love that blooper idea!
Running is definitely a lonely sport, but somehow I think that is a good thing- lots of lessons in there. Love that you talk about it here, though, because it isn’t discussed that often!
Today I went for a run because it makes me feel alive.


Def continue with the bloopers/outtakes :)

I think running can be a lonely sport. Even though I always run alone I never feel lonely because I specifically set that time aside to be by myself. I think it all depends on perspective/your head space during a run. I did feel lonely during my first marathon when I was the last person to make the cut off before the race directors re-routed people to sidewalks in a different direction. I was pretty much all by myself for a while … and that motivated me to pick up the pace even though I wanted to just curl up on the side of the road and take a nap :D


I don’t find running to be lonely at all! But, I am an introvert, who enjoys time to myself (especially since having kids!) Running is usually when I get to have that time.

Vegetable I eat most often is probably spinach. I also tend to snack on raw carrots with hummus nearly every day (sometimes they make me go a little orange lol).

Love the bloopers! Keep em coming!


Love your behind the scenes outtakes :) Thanks for sharing!


I always enjoy seeing being the scenes with people. Thanks for sharing Janae!

I think running can definitely be lonely. When we were far from family and friends, I ran a lot by myself and it was definitely lonely.


Sometimes running is a lonely sport for me, but I feel like that is where mental toughness comes from. On the other hand, I’ve met a lot of friends through running, so sometimes it isn’t so lonely!

LOVE the bloopers, you are hilarious!

I think it’s a tie between spinach and sweet potatoes for the vegetable I eat most often! We love veggies over here and eat a lot normally though :)


I love the blooper posts! That pruned foot was crazy ha!
I think running can be a lonely sport but you can make it social by running with friends, meeting people, etc.
I probably eat broccoli the most but I love lots of veggies:)


Love the bloopers! So cute!

I do much of my running/cycling solo or with my 3 year old. Since we live out in the middle of nowhere, there are not many people to run with and I have a hard time justifying driving 17 miles into town to run or ride with others (it is better in the summer though!). I do love running with our dog though. That counts, right? I dont mind running with the jogger or riding with the trailer so it works out pretty well. It makes working out without them feel so much easier!


I don’t running is a *lonely* sport, but I do prefer to run alone. It’s the other aspects of the community that fill me up. I’m not good enough runner to keep up a decent pace while talking quite yet, My boyfriend keeps saying he wants to go out on a run with me, but I’m so nervous about it if I’m being honest. :( He’s a natural born athlete, and I get so dishearten at the thought of him blowing me out the water when the last time he ran was back in his high school days. Sigh. My lack of confidence holds me back from running with others… it’s something I never really thought about until reading this post, though it was wasn’t really what you were getting at.

Yes to the blooper posts! Happy Tuesday, Janae. :)


I like bloopers, who doesn’t like a laugh? Glad Andrew is feeling better, my cousin’s family has a stomach virus right now. It’s been ugly.

I think running can be lonely, especially when you are already feeling a bit isolated. I remember training for a half-marathon, doing long runs alone and wishing I had someone to run with. Then there are other days when I really just want to be by myself.

It’s Tuesday so here’s a tangent – there was an article in our local paper about which pizzerias leave the bubbles in the pizza crust and where to find them. Turns out some people are very passionate as to whether or not pizza crust should have those bubbles or not. We take our pizza very seriously here.


I like the behind the scenes! Blogging gives us such a “select” version of someones life, sometimes its fun to see the bloopers!

With the amount of broccoli I eat now, I find it hard to believe that as a child I refused to eat it unless I could pretend I was a dinosaur eating trees.


Loved the blooper pictures! Too cute!

I’ve been loving Brussel sprouts lately and broccoli is always a favorite!


I do feel running is lonely. My husband and I are both training but because we run at far different speeds and distances, every run is on my own.

Today I run 7 miles after working 13 hours on 3 hours sleep with a cold because my first half marathon is in less than 50 days and I cannot take a day off training


Running can be a lonely sport if you make it a lonely sport. I run by myself all the time but that’s something I deeply enjoy. Today, I’m going for a run because I wan to hit my weekly mileage goal.

The vegetables I eat the most are spinach and lettuce. And more blooper pictures are a YAY for me! btw, I seriously don’t know how Broke felt asleep with all of those toys in her bed haha.


Those bloopers show that life isn’t just donuts and sweet potatoes, and that’s okay!! And hilarious!!


I like running alone. It gives me time to work through whatever problem I have (usually writing related as I’m in school for an English degree) but I do like having people to talk about running with.

I guess the vegetable I eat the most right now is probably asparagus.


I love running because it’s a chance for me to be ALONE and LONELY (I’m weird, I know!!). I’m surrounded by people all day, so running by myself is amazing. My sister and I will run together sometimes and will exchange just a handful of words. My running friends, on the other hand, absolutely cannot run without talking the whole time.

Today I am going for a run because A) it’s super warm out! B) it will be my first run outside in about 2 weeks because of an ankle injury that popped up, and C) because I’m ecstatic my ankle is all healed up!!


YES, to the bloopers / outtakes!!! Such a great idea!
I don’t think running is a lonely sport, however, I do like to balance my group runs (mostly outside) with solo treadmill runs. I have also found that I don’t prefer for people to run with me during a race; even if they’re quiet. It’s better for my mental game and my “process” if I run alone and with my music :)


The bloopers MUST become a regular addition! I LOVE it! It’s fun to see a different side of things! Thanks for sharing!


The outtakes are HYSTERICAL! Made my day!


That pizza looks amazing.

Interestingly, running did not start out as a lonely sport for me. When I first started running, I was able to rope many friends into big group 5ks and even half marathons, in our mid-to-late 20’s. However, as we got older (mid 30s now), it has become something of a lonely sport as friends have gotten pregnant, babies, families etc. I got down to just my best friend and mom – and even that is not terribly reliable, with babies and life. So, 99% of the time I run alone. Most of the time I sign up for races that fit my schedule, share with a few friends in the hopes that someone might be available, and if not… just me! I think this is what brought me to being a more heavy participant in the social media world of runners: bloggers and instagram, in particular. It makes me feel less alone!!


Today I went on a run because I’m in Florida and it was absolutely beautiful morning running weather! I live in Nebraska and it’s snowing there right now :)


Lol! Those pics are funny and relatable…my youngest is 5 and whoa 4 year olds can be hilarious and difficult all at once.
I don’t think running is a lonely sport and I only run solo. I have 3 kids a husband and dog and it’s my time to be alone. So I think it’s only lonely if you are in a lonely phase of life. I love the quiet time or time to listen to music or a podcast. But I do enjoy meeting up with friends at races. I just don’t have many friends who run.
And hello dessert! Wow you have the best eats around!!


Keep the bloopers coming they are amazing and sometimes we all just need a good giggle!

I thought this was interesting because I never really thought of running as a lonely sport, in fact, part of why I became a runner was to get quality me time, but I do think when you are running for 2-3 hours at a time like the pros or when you are marathon training it can become that. I’ve lately gotten my boyfriend to ride his bike with me when I do long runs. He won’t ride next to me the whole time because that would be boring for him but he goes up ahead and turns around and such. He usually gets in about double the miles I get and he carries my water for me which is amazing! We actually have signals for when I will need water, I’m sure other people on the trail are entertained. The best part about this is that it allows me to run on trails where I might otherwise not be so safe on my own.


i loved the outtakes of this post!!! I love all of your posts, especially the pictures but it’s nice to see you guys aren’t perfect and have kids who cry, scream and yell too :)


Running is my excuse to be by myself. I don’t think it is a lonely sport. I do like meeting up with running friends, though. We can talk running for hours. I am running today as part of building a base before marathon training.
Broccoli and sweet potatoes!
And I vote to keep the bloopers.


I think it can be lonely, but I happen to enjoy my alone time so I don’t mind. I actually don’t run much with other people, by choice, because it’s hard to find that running partner that is just chill and go-with-the-flow and not competitive. I have one, and she’s moving to Tennessee in 2 weeks! I’m not sure what I’m going to do. I went for a run this morning before work because my dog needed to! I eat tomatoes the most of any vegetable (though technically a fruit). After that, lettuce or red peppers. I love the bloopers because it shows real life. Love that Knox and Brooke fight like normal kids. :)


And my daughter’s bed looked just like Brooke’s when she was that age. (she’s 12 now).


I don’t think running is a lonely sport. I think that if you run alone it is mainly because you WANT to run alone. If you didn’t, you could easily go to the gym and find a treadmill, get a running buddy, or find an alternate type of exercise that you like!

Today I am went on a run because I work in DC and my work sponsored a Cherry Blossom run! (during work, yay!) 5 miles around the Washington Monument and Lincoln memorial.

Right now, it’s Cauliflower…….raw, cooked, cauliflower tots from Giant (my new fav).

Keep the bloopers coming :)


I think running can be a lonely sport. But for me, I love that part of it. We are around so many people on a daily basis, that to go out on a run by myself is the perfect therapy. I don’t mind people, but it’s my only ‘me’ time and that’s needed as well. On the flip side, I think it’s safer to run with others, so it’s a catch 22 also. And I think finding a running partner that is in to it and dedicated as some of us can be hard. Today I am going for a run because “my family says I’m nicer”. lol and actually it is something I ‘need’ even if it’s a short one. I currently don’t have a fave veggie but my fave fruit at the moment is cantaloupe. On my 6th one in 2 weeks. I love the outtakes. They all made me laugh. The shirt up, the kids and the bell is so real, the eyebrows thing….got a good chuckle from them all. But I do not understand the sadness and the donut in hand. I can’t comprehend that.


Love the bloopers!! Today I went running because it was 70 and gorgeous!! Running can be lonely but most of the time I like the alone time. It’s me time! I probably eat lettuce the most followed by carrots.


I have never thought of running as lonely, but I don’t mind being alone. I don’t really like to talk (or listen to anyone else talk) until I’ve been up for an hour so running by myself first thing works for me!

Today I went for a run even though rain was in the forecast. 3 miles in it started raining and continued until I got home (5 miles total.) It was about 55 degrees out so I didn’t mind!

Love the outtakes!


I don’t find running a lonely sport, per se. I’m an extrovert who needs to be with people to recharge, but I prefer running alone. Running clears my mind and helps me focus. It is a really great time to get lost in my head, BUT I’m not an elite runner spending hours running every day. Maybe my mindset would be different under different circumstances.

Hmmm… I love lots of veggies, and am more seasonal. I love when the zucchini and summer squash come in season and my family BEGS me to stop feeding them zucchini. Right now I am rocking carrots and cucumbers.

No running today because morning sickness… 4 mile walk though. That counts right? ;)


love the bloopers!!!
Part of running is lonely for me – but in a good, healthy way! As a Mom to 3 kids, running is often the only alone/quiet time I get – so I CRAVE it! Yet I also have a running buddy for 3 or so runs a week and she is a HUGE GIFT! Especially for long runs while marathon training!!!


I think running can be a lonely sport. It definitely feels that way when you and your BFR can’t get out together.

I loved the outtakes!


More outtakes!


*I feel like running can be a solitary sport rather than a lonely one. I’m fortunate to have a husband who runs with me as well as a sister-in-law and some good running buddies but I do find myself on my own in occasion. I don’t mind running on my own sometimes because it helps me de-stress and focus on how my body is feeling.
*I’m running today because…it’s on my training schedule?
*Not sure which vegetable I eat most. Probably lettuce
*love the bloopers!


I’m so glad that Andrew is feeling better!

I eat spinach the most often followed by tomatoes and avocado (or are they fruit?!)

I love the bloopers/outtakes! I was taking a pic today for my running IG acct and my cat walked right in front of my camera- a perfect blooper!

I don’t find running lonely. It is my “me time”, my reset button. If I’m running on the treadmill, my daughter is usually nearby and if I’m running a short run outside my family often runs with me.


Nope, most of the time don’t find it too lonely. Like you, with 2 small kids, I don’t mind an hour or two of quiet.

Broccoli, edamame and sweet potatoes. As a veggie runner and cauliflower fan, I need to know more about this cauliflower dish!

Today I went for a run because it was finally above 30 out and hill repeats are much more enjoyable in the wild.


I love your bloopers :)

Running can definitely be a lonely sport and I think it’s super important to get plugged into a local group if at all possible. Thankfully my hubs runs with me most days, but we make sure to meet up with others at least once or twice a week.

Today I went for a run because I want to be faster!

I eat sweet potatoes almost every single day.


LOVE the bloopers/outtakes! Keep ’em comin!


I don’t think running is a lonely sport. I actually think one of the very best things about it is that it can easily be done alone or in a group. I used to love playing basketball, but it’s so much harder to maintain team sports as an adult.

I went for a run today because I CAN! My foot has been injured and is feeling better than it has in maybe a year? I’m rolling it out a ton and keeping my fingers (toes?) crossed! I love the bloopers :)


Oh my gosh i love these outtakes. Please make this a normal part of the blog!

Lately, I’ve been feeling like running is a lonely sport, but only because I’m missing my running friends back in Boston. I think the online community helps fill that void x10000000.


I prefer to run alone. It is my me time before going to work and I cherish it. I do go to yoga classes and other gym classes though and love the company. All about balance for me. I love cauliflower so much, especially in curry dishes. Mium!


100% YES to bloopers!
You guys are adorable.
Andrew lifting his shirt up was hilirious!




I personally don’t find running lonely but I am also a bit of an introvert and I enjoy the headspace and freedom of being on my own (mostly – not such a fan of running outside in the dark by myself). That said I have really only trained for triathlons and 10km races.

Green peas and roasted cauliflower are my favourite. I’m looking forward to when cauliflower is in season again here in Australia ($6 for a head is a bit pricey).

The bloopers are fun and light hearted. Feel free to share them again whenever you wish.


Today I went on a run because it was the second day of my new training schedule and I knew I’d be furious with myself if I didn’t. So I did it and actually enjoyed it, which is awesome!


Sometimes I think my life is one big outtake ;) Lots of hilarity! keep ’em coming.

I work in a school-I welcome the loneliness of running! That being said, I miss my Best Running Buddy something fierce. I miss the chit chat and when things got intense or exciting, we upped the pace (we both went through separation/divorce at the same time. We probably up tempo’d every run!)

Today I ran because 1)it wasn’t a torrential downpour with gale force winds 2) I can and am able 3) because I loveeeee it

I eat either a sweet potato or zucchini every day. It’s weird, but it just ends up that way. And, probably carrots because I get them in my produce delivery and if I don’t, they pile up.


Love the outtakes!!

Glad Andrew is back up to speed! :)


Hahaha some of those blooper photos made me LOL. I want to know your bedtime routine that allows for the kiddos to fall asleep hanging off the bed covered with toys like that! Too funny.


YES, YES, YES….the “bloopers” just show once again that we all are humanly real!! Especially Andrew with the bare chest photo bomb!! hahaha!


Yes, for me running is a very lonely sport because I do not know anyone to talk running with or discuss my running struggles with. BUT I have the best Team of people who help me run after my goals. My Coach, Personal Trainer, Chiropractor, Massage Therapist, & Physical Therapist are hands down the best so they make me feel not alone because I know they race and celebrate with me.


Love the bloopers/outtakes! Veggie I eat the most is definitely broccoli.


I don’t think running is a lonely sport. I think people choose to run because they LIKE the alone time and the concentration. If we didn’t we would take up bowling or something else!

Today I went for a run because I had speed (strength according to hanson’s marathon method) work to do! It went well!

I eat a variety of vegetables….mostly I should just eat MORE of ALL vegetables!

I LOVE THE BLOOPERS!!!! Please continue! Also your kids always look so perfect and well behaved so it’s nice to know they’re human :)


Love, love, love your bloopers! Keep em coming. I’m still learning to run with this 58 year old body…turtle slow but I can still do it!! You help me with your positive outlook!


Beets. I love beets. I have at least one a day in my morning smoothie (Run Fast Eat Slow)…..Peppers are right up there along with tomatoes, cukes, squash and zucchini. I grow a 1600 square foot garden in the summer, so I get a little of everything.

And yes, running is lonely….but I would not call it lonely. I am an introvert and really like getting my long runs in by myself with my own breathe to listen to and my own thoughts (if any) to concentrate on. I do run with a group, they are my tribe and I love them, but I have always cherished my alone time.


omg i LOVE the outtakes! you’re hilarious :) life is funny, eh? thanks for sharing xo


Please keep the bloopers, they are hysterical and completely relatable!!! Your kiddos are too cute!


Love the bloopers!!

I do think running is lonely sometimes. Unfortunately none of my friends run. Sometimes my fiance will run with me but not often, he is more of an insanity guy :) I’ve been thinking about joining a semi-local running club, though!

I eat spinach everyday, and I also eat a lot of Broccoli and sweet potatoes.

I ran 5 miles today because it was warm today in Florida and I had speed work scheduled. It felt good!


Your outtakes are hilarious! Keep ’em coming!


LOVE the outtakes! Please make them a regular thing!


I would love to see more blooper/outtakes! These made me smile so much!


I don’t think its a lonely sport! I love running alone though, it just feel so good to be completely by yourself and have no other concerns than pushing yourself harder. Gotta say, I love seeing your kids being bad hahaha they always look like sweet angels on the blog ;)


I LOVE the blooper/outake photos! Helps me feel like I’m not alone in my struggle with real life :P *insert my teenager rolling her eyes for the 30th time today*

We eat broccoli the most. Not sure why…just do?


Love the outtakes!


I am always joking how I could never date a runner because I love love love the “loneliness” of this sport. I am also a dancer which is the same kind of sport: being in a group (most times), but really focusing on your own progress. Maybe that’s what is working for me, definitely not for everyone! I’m a vegetarian, so my favourite vegetable is hard to decide on…maybe asparagus, if it’s available fresh, otherwise probably tomatoes :D
Lovely pictures, that dessert looks really amazing <3


NicholWes Belgien LucyMiddl
BrittnyTw Elfenbenskusten IleneWorg
LiliaBush West Ham United KatrinBoy
FernArdil England SandyMcGu
SteffenNe Danmark AdelineLa
MerlinLow Bayern Munchen AlyceDunk
LidiaJewe Leicester City ValentinL
Brodieghu Elfenbenskusten FlynnDixx
FreddieCh Osterrike DougLathr
HubertYlk Mexico CletaBlan

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