We were going to go to the gym to get our run together this morning but Brooke had a playdate so we decided to hit up the river trail for our run instead.  When the weather is in the 50s and there is some great cloud cover, you kind of have to take it outside.

I take the GoPro with me when I run now and put it in my little fuel belt because it is so much easier to take pictures with it (plus my iPhone loves to just turn off randomly = I don’t get any pictures).  We put it in the water fountain for this quite artistic picture:

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I finished with nine miles for the morning.  I was planning on doing 10 x 2 minutes @ 6:15 pace (1 minute jogging recovery in between each interval) but made it to 5 and decided that was what today called for instead.  Sometimes I freak out about not hitting the speed work the week of a race but really for me personally, less is more in terms of speed for me so close to a race.  I just need a little bit of quick leg turnover and then I call it good when I have a race in a few days.

Focused on speeding up my cadence (steps per minute) a little bit today and I was happy to see it increase to 167 (163 yesterday).

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After our run I stopped by my mom’s house for a few minutes to catch up with her while stretching.

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Just some deer outside the house:)

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And then I picked up Brooke (sunglasses line included:)  She is sure growing up.

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A bagel dipped into tomato soup did the trick for lunch today.  Plus a clementine.  Salmon and brussels sprouts are on the menu for tonight and I am pretty excited for the clock to turn 6 pm:)

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Time for a bunch of tangents!!!

*I LOVE this brand of dressings and this one is my current favorite.  My sister had it at her house and it is a new favorite.

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*This wand has all sorts of magical powers.

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*Brooke had the spotlight in primary and said that her favorite food is oatmeal?  I actually don’t remember her having oatmeal but turns out she loves it.   One day she will love eating salads with me:)

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*Warmer weather is starting to show up!  I just got this tank and these shorts from Brooks and thoughts I would share my thoughts.

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I LOVE the little vents all over the fremont tank and the lightweight material.  It is beyond breathable which is so needed during the really hot months coming our way soon.  I also love the double straps on each shoulder (different than any of my other tanks) too.  The color is fabulous and it is nice to have a tank that is just a little bit looser, it gives me a nice break from all of my tight tanks.

The Chaser 3” running shorts (they come in 5” too because just fyi the 3” is short but I like the short:) have my FAVORITE waist.  It is a flat and wide waist (that also has two pockets) that stays right in place while running.  I can’t stand thin waistbands on my shorts/running tights and this one is extra wide.  There is a brief in these shorts and a nice little slit on the two sides of the shorts to help you move comfortably while running.  I am simple and love a good pair of black shorts but they have a purple color in these shorts which are so cute!

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*I think Brooke was feeling left out of the picture taking so she made sure to make an appearance.

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*Some pretty intense basketball games have been going on over at my sister’s house lately.

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*Brooke is just starting her blogging career young.

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*I don’t have anything to say with this picture but it just makes me happy.

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*I love it when they hold hands and run somewhere… it means they are really excited.

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*One more picture with the buffalo.

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* The world record for the fastest 100m in high heels.  Yeah, I can barely walk in high heels so this would not be a thing for me:


Have some tangents to share today?  Would love to hear them (also, LOVED your comments this morning)!

High heels… how often do you wear them?

Is there a food that you didn’t like as a kid but now you love it?

What’s for dinner at your house tonight?

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Ribs are for dinner tonight! (from Chrissy Teigen’s cookbook. so good!)

Are the Brooks 3 in. shorts longer this years than last year’s 3 in. shorts? I have last year’s and they are SHORT! haha

Also, Brooke looks TALL in those photos!

Thanks for sharing. Have a good evening!


WE LOVE RIBS!!! I hope you had such a fun night! Okay, so I feel like the 3 inch this year are a tad bit longer because the of the waistband being thicker and adding some length there. BUT they are still short but I don’t wear mine from last year very much but I’m liking these ones a lot.


The picture of Brooke taking a picture is hilarious. Monkey see. Monkey do.

I hated all vegetables and salads growing up. To eat lettuce it had to be swimming in ranch dressing. I think I lived off of hamburgers, tacos, spaghetti, rice and chicken nuggets for most of my life until college. I am so glad my kids (felicity doesn’t count) eat a much better/varied diet.

I love bolthouse dressing, but I have not tried that flavor. I will be putting it on my grocery list.

We are having chicken (still deciding what kind to make) and brussel sprouts for dinner.

I want to see Corinne run a race in heels.


I love Brooke’s paper from primary!! Her answers are the cutest!
Since I work in a Dr’s office I am in scrubs and sneakers Mon-Thurs so when the weekend hits its time for heels, especially church on Sunday!
I hated fondue when I was young, WHY I have no idea!! Now I love it!!
Tuesday Tangent: Its Taco Tuesday here in Charlotte and you can go out and get taco’s for $1!!! That is where we are off to tonight!
But can we talk about last nights meal for a second!!! I LOVE the crock pot especially during the week. Check this out and make it!! made my own onion seasoning since I do not like to use many preservatives and I used a gluten free cream of chicken soup!! And I served it over quinoa instead of noodles!!!



What is Brooke’s last name? Picture was confusing!


I’m sorry that it off… more a question of how you handled that with the divorce? And does she ask questions about your name now?


No worries at all!!! Brooke’s last name is still Jacobs but the people at church put Baron in parenthesis so that they know I’m her mom since I am Baron now. She doesn’t ask questions yet about last names yet but we explained to her that I decided to take Andrew’s last name once we got married. She seems to understand and she really loves Andrew and her dad so I think she feels happy about it all:)


I wear heels pretty much every day, but could never run in them!!

When I was a little kid I used to tell everyone I was allergic to peanuts bc I hated them. But I always loved peanut butter!


My husband isn’t coming home for dinner so no cooking. Whoot! A huge salad with poached chicken on top. Yum. I also love Bolthouse dressings so goo with out that nasty low fat taste.

I don’t wear heels often, not good for the plantar fasciitis.

Tangent: I signed up for a Pilates Reformer series and I think it’s going to kick my butt.

I had a pretty varied palate, I think I dislike foods now that I liked as a kid.


I did Andrew’s speed workout from a few weeks ago…..the full speeds for the full amounts of time. It kicked my butt! And my left hamstring isn’t super happy about it. Guess I’ll be spending some quality time with the foam roller.


WAY TO GO LEE on the speed workout. Bummer about your hamstring though. Keep me updated on how it is feeling and I hope you had a great date with the foam roller tonight!


Great video!

I almost never post but wanted to encourage you to keep thinking about your cadence! (but not too obsessively of course). When I first started using watch w/ cadence my easy runs (8:30-9:15 pace depending on the terrain) would cadence 167-170 which I thought might be too low. I found it pretty hard to increase it… but when I got to 172 to 173 a few months later that was a success! Now I regularly have 176-178 cadence on very easy runs without thinking about it. (180+ for faster running) I’ve also just had my best training cycle ever and I know a lot of factors were at play but I think the cadence was part of it.


Here is my little tangent and the highlight of my morning. I am a preschool special ed teacher and I travel to see my students. In one of the daycares I visit the kids were coloring, Donald Trump coloring pages for the letter T. I was dying at how they colored him- red face, orange hair, pink tie, rainbow coat, etc. It sort of made my morning!!

I did comment on your previous post about Whole 30, please look at it as I sort of have a warning for anyone who has had a disordered history of eating and tries Whole 30. I basically don’t want anyone to go through what I did.


Carrie, thank you for your comment on the post earlier on in the day! I 100% agree with you too! I refuse to do any sort of elimination diet because I know my brain and I don’t want to mess around with going down that disordered road again. I’m all about the everything diet:) Some of Andrew’s family members (that haven’t had an eating disorder) have talked about starting but we won’t be doing it at our house! Thank you so much for sharing your story!

Oh and the Donald Trump pictures… that made me laugh haha!!!!


Dinner was taco soup ! I never used to like any of the good ol homemade stuff like mac & cheese, always had to come from a box. Now homemade mac & cheese is incredible. Things like that, that my Grandma used to make, that over the years had become simplified, the back then version is always better, which I like and appreciate now. Like homemade bread or pie crust. No more high heels for this girl. I used to for my job, I haven’t had them on in years and years, now they hurt my feet terribly. Got rid of them all


I’m jealous of your already green grass outside! It’ll be awhile til I see any here.

As a kid I didn’t like rice, but now I like it. It seems like a weird thing not to like – it doesn’t have a strong flavor.

I’m having leftover soup and a Mediterranean salad for dinner.


A tangent for me is that rain is forecast for the next 36 hours here and I am NOT looking forward to trying to convince myself to run in it tomorrow :/ Unfortunately, the progression for me is: running in light rain > elliptical > running in heavy rain > treadmill. I really need to overcome the mental difficulties of rain and treadmills!

I wasn’t very picky as a kid, but I remember my mom ate cottage cheese a lot but I never did, but now I eat it pretty much every day. That, along with sweet potatoes and vegetables, will probably make a quick dinner tonight.

I LOVE that brand of dressing too, and I need to find that flavor! I’m working through bottles of their creamy garlic and avocado ranch currently.


Ok… Random question/thought… I love tomato soup, and you seem to eat it a lot…. Would you mind sharing what soup you eat?? And, if you make it, could you share the recipe?? It always looks DELICIOUS!!!


Hey Jen!! We love tomato soup over here and our favorite is from Costco. It is in the refrigerated section by all of their soup that they make in the store. Seriously, so good and the chunks of tomato in there are so good. Let me know if you try it and have a fabulous evening!


looks so beautiful out there!! I can’t wear high heels either.. I don’t really understand why they do it. I didn’t really like any vegetables as a kid! now I love (most) veggies.


Are there really just bison roaming around northern Utah? That picture is awesome.

I have greatly reduced the frequency of my high heel wearing since I realized how much they were extending my recovery time from long runs.


Never mind. I figured I had missed something so I just read your last post. Got it now. That is still awesome. We have two in the local zoo…


On my run tonight I was just thinking about how I need new flowy running tops. Checking out the Brooks one you posted about right now! Thanks! :)


I love that running tank top! I like looser tops when I’m running and that one looks perfect for the Texas heat.

I didn’t like oatmeal as a kid, but it’s one of my favorite foods now, I eat it every morning!


Your meals sounded amazing yesterday. Last night for dinner we just had make-your-own pizzas and baked asparagus. I used to hate tomatoes as a kid, but after studying abroad in Italy in college I learned to love them.


Love Brooke’s choice of favorite song – “a sunbeam, a sunbeam, I’ll be a sunbeam for him…” if that’s the same song I know from Sunday School, it brings back lots of good memories :)


Those are bison, not buffalo. Buffalo do not live in North America.


For years I thought I hated asparagus…then, a few years ago, I tried it and…I LOVE IT!!! I am so upset about all the asparagus loving years I lost!! lol


Interesting. I was wondering if Brooke had any other siblings besides Knox and I guess this answers it that your ex-husband never remarried and had kids. Those two are precious together!

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