Windy/rainy/sunny/crazy run, I REALLY do not like jellyfish and the best pancakes I have ever had.

Another day in Hawaii.

My Saturday started off with a run in the craziest weather.  I left for my run and got in about .2 miles when it started POURING rain = I ran right back to the house.  I waited there for it to stop raining (it lasted about 3 minutes) before leaving again in complete sunshine.  Followed by crazy wind and then more rain.   On repeat… 6.3 miles for the day and 40.3 miles for the week.  Next week I will be a bit lower again in my mileage but then I will bump it back up to the 50 range leading to my next half marathon.

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And it looked like I had gone into a waterfall when I got back to the house.

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After my run we were off.  Brooke asked to wear her hat (if you remember, it is the one thing she asked for for her 3rd birthday) because of the rain.

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I was SO excited to see one of my very best friends.  We go way back… we met in our 8th grade sewing classes and sat next to each other.  She helped me to sew the tennis skirt I was making and we have been close ever since.  I don’t love that she lives so far away now but seeing her in Hawaii is pretty great.

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The best pancakes I have ever had.  Ever.  Boots & Kimo’s was worth the 50 minute wait for the Macadamia Nut Sauce on banana pancakes.  I will dream about these for a very long time.  If you are ever in Kailua, please go here.

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We stopped at Target for some supplies for our next adventure at the beach.  The kids are both obsessed with ‘buried treasure’ so we bought a little treasure for them to find on the beach.

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X marks the spot.

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They dug for a little while to find their treasures and they were pretty excited about it.  PS for every parenting success I have, I feel like I have like 20 parenting fails ha.

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They ran for a long time.

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And played for a while until….

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I was standing next to Brooke in the water and all of the sudden she started screaming (the scariest scream I have ever heard her do).  She held up her hand to me with the saddest look on her face and we realized that it was a jellyfish. We ripped it off of her hand but she was in pain for a bit.  We washed it off in the salt water and then took her back to the house to rest for a few hours.

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We kept a close eye on her and before we knew it she was back to herself again.

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We told the kids that morning we would go get a snow cone and once Brooke was feeling better she asked to go.


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We then went back to the house and rested for the rest of the day.

I hope you have a beautiful Sunday!


Ever been stung by a jellyfish?

Can you sew?  

What is the best part of your Sunday going to be?

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So sorry for Brooke! I have not been stung by a jellyfish, but my sister stepped on one once. Not fun:( I can’t sew……… patience for it and I can’t cut straight! Anything I tried to make would probably end up lopsided!

PS anytime I hear jellyfish, I think of the Friends episode where Monica gets stung………….funny there, not funny for Brooke


Oh stepping on one would be pretty awful! HAHA yep, that episode is a CLASSIC… funny when it happens to Monica;)


Poor Brooke! I was stung by a jellyfish in Florida. It hurt so bad.

Do you remember the episode of Friends where Chandler pees on Monica? That one is my absolute favorite. Every time I see it, I laugh so hard I have tears.


YES… that is definitely one of my favorite episodes. Thank you for the reminder to watch that one again:)


Poor Brooke! I got stung by a jellyfish in Florida once- not fun. I hope you guys have a great rest of your trip with no other stings!!
That weather sounds crazy/ reminds me of what we have going on here. Yesterday was almost 60 and by the end of this week we are supposed to get snow. Not okay with that. ;) I was hoping we would just skip winter and move right along to spring.

Best part of my Sunday is probably just going to be relaxing with my guys this evening.


The weather sounds so nuts but I’ve heard a lot of people across the country saying similar things about the weather.

I haven’t had any amazing pancakes lately. I also haven’t been to any great diners so I guess that is one reason.


Oh no poor Baby:( I was stung by a jellyfish being 19 years old. It was also in my hand. Didn’t want to go back to the water after that.


Oh no, poor Brooke! I’m glad she’s okay!

Best part of my Sunday is church, Costco samples, and dinner with my in-laws.


Booooo to the jellyfish sting! My parents started carrying a bottle of ammonia with us whenever we went to the beach in Texas (J-fish everywhere).

Running on an island is crazy-shorts. All of the weather in one minute!


Awe, poor Brooke! Hope she’s feeling better!

Jellyfish are the worst. My daughter got stung when she was 4. It wrapped right around her little leg. My hubby got stung on the same vacation.


We get jellyfish in August and I can’t stand them either. I am fortunate and haven’t been stung. I hear it’s painful, poor Brooke.

I can sew. I used to alter my jeans when I was in high school so they looked like the designer pairs. My mother just used to shake her head.

I’m not sure what we are doing today, Missy is sick (and will probably need surgery) so we are waiting for the vet to call.


Somehow I’ve never been stung by a jelly fish.

I also took sewing in 8th grade and can still use the machine for small jobs. So nice that you got to see your friend.

Best part of Sunday is Church!

Those pancakes look great.


Oh no – I hope Brooke feels better! I’m sure that must have been a scary experience for both her and you.


Thank you Lisa! Yeah, I think I was freaking out even more than she was. She is ready for the water tomorrow and I’m not so much;) I hope your Sunday is an amazing one so far!


Jelly fish are one of the reasons I’m afraid to go in the ocean. I did one triathlon in my life and freaked out for the entire 300 meters in the ocean. Of course I only know how to do the doggie paddle so that was another reason I was freaking out lol.

Glad Brooke bounced back quickly.


I sew most of my clothes, exept for underwear and some running clothes (finding the right fabric is a problem). It’s been my hobby since I was a teenager. My mother taught me how to sew. The highlight of my Sunday was an 8km run with two friends. I’ve had a bad cough since the first of January, so I’m really happy to be back at running. It was freezing but not windy and the sun was out. We saw people ice skating on the edge of the lake, but actually the ice ísnt thick enough yet. It was a beautiful sight.


Eva, that is INCREDIBLE!! Wow, I am so impressed. Sounds like your run this morning was great with your friends and some sun. So sorry about your cough this month!


Ahhh Brooke handled the jellyfish situation way better than I would have. I probably would have sulked the rest of the day. I live a mile from the beach, love the beach and run there almost every day but I never get in the water. I am afraid of being stung by jellyfish, stepping on a stingray and being eaten by a shark … even worse if it all happens at the same time! I go to the beach for running, but I go to the pool for swimming! :D


Seriously, the ocean has some crazy things in there! Running on the beach is the best and I am so glad you get to do that (and go to the pool to swim)! Yeah, she handled the whole thing better than I did too;)


I was stung by a jellyfish at Padre Island several years ago. It felt like the pain just kept intensifying until the life guard put a combination paste of meat tenderizer and alcohol on it. Just this past summer when we were on Cocoa Beach in Florida, several of my family members were stung. =(

I love to sew. I really need to set up a sewing room in this house. I haven’t had one since we moved here 4 years ago.

The best part of my Sunday will be picking up my youngest daughter in a few hours. She went on a youth trip with our church on Friday.


Doesn’t it seem weird that *jelly*fish sting?! Plus they sneak attack. Therefore, I despise them (exept seeing them at an aquarium or on TV). Never been stung by one.

I will say I can so but it’s debatable whether I can actually sew much more than a 4th grader could. I like to think I can……

Today was bright and sunny and very cold. My son went to the local ski hill for a lesson then I went cross country skiing afterwards.


Poor Brooke! I feel like up until a couple of years ago, every single time I went to the beach I got stung by a jellyfish. It is zero fun, and even less fun, I’m sure, when it happens to your kid. I hope she still loves to get in the ocean and play! Your pictures from Hawaii look amazing!


Oh my gosh poor Brooke! She’s so freaking brave! I’ve never been stung but I have such a crazy irrational fear of jellyfish. My first time at the ocean I refused to go in because I was so scared of them! I’m still pretty hesitant if I’m being honest!

I can’t believe that crazy weather! I’m honestly so jealous of your Hawaii adventure it hurts. It looks like you’re having tha best time!


I got stung when I was probably around 8 and we were still living in Australia. It was pretty bad, I had welt marks on the back of my hand and down each finger that lasted over a week. Glad she felt better pretty quick though!


I never ever want to be stung by a jellyfish! Poor Thing!

Macadamia Nut Sauce on banana pancakes? How can that NOT be GOOD??


Poor Brooke! I grew up in FL…jellyfish were a way of life. Meat tenderizer kept in everyone’s beach bag. Weird, I know, but works. Hope she’s on the mend.

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