Thank you & 15 things we’ve learned in 6 months of Marriage!

Thank. You. So. Much.  Your sweet comments both on the blog and Instagram yesterday meant the world to me (and my family).  The amount of support and help that you guys give to us is beyond incredible.  We read every single one and you guys really are the best.

Update:  Brooke and I went to be with my dad yesterday and he was doing a lot better.  He is currently on bed rest (for 48 hours) in a dark room with no electronics/reading etc to allow time for his brain to truly heal.  He still is missing blocks of memory but he seems more like himself again.  It is so nice to see my dad again… on Saturday night I burst into tears after I first saw him and heard him repeating the same thing over and over again.  Isn’t it crazy how just one second can change everything so quickly?  I’m so beyond thankful the best possible outcome is happening with this situation.

Picture with my mom from Saturday morning…  She really appreciates everything you said.

Just a few things from our Sunday.  It was just Brooke and me since Andrew was at the hospital all day for school and Knox was with his mom.  Brooke had a little speaking part in front of the kid’s group at Church.  She did excellent… she was so proud and spoke so clearly.  I loved it.

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We made my mom’s favorite cookies and my dad’s favorite cookies to take over to their house yesterday.

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Cornflakes and coconut and oatmeal and chocolate chips in a cookie are a great idea.

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My niece’s bday was yesterday so she invited us to come for dinner—>  taco soup.


They were busy building a snowman.


It was our 6 month anniversary but Andrew was at the hospital all day.  Brooke and I were with family for a good chunk of time but we will go out this weekend to celebrate.  We don’t have our kids this weekend so we will plan a date.



I wrote this a few days ago and didn’t post it yesterday so I thought I would post it today instead.

15 things we’ve learned in the last 6 months about marriage and each other:)

1.  We’ve learned to work together with housekeeping chores.  Andrew does most of the cooking and I do the clean up and we have figured out how to divide and conquer and work as a TEAM.

2.  Take joy in the little things and especially the little ones.  Because they sure aren’t going to be little for long.  At the same time we have learned how incredibly important it is to make US time a priority.

3.  We’ve learned to pace ourselves.  For some reason we thought it was a brilliant idea to get married, remodel a house, take a trillion trips, blend a family all at the same time…  We wouldn’t change that for the world BUT from here on out, we are spacing things out a bit more;)

4. To go along with number 3, we have both learned big time about how much we love to be at home.  I’m sure you remember pre-Andrew… I don’t think I was ever home.   Being married to Andrew has made me want to be at home way more and just slow down and enjoy time together.

5.   I’m wrong a lot.  I forgot how wrong I am after being single for so many years because Brooke always thought I was right either way.  Marriage is really quite humbling.

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6.  Being married to your best friend doesn’t mean there isn’t conflict, we are just learning better how to listen to each other and adapt.  Understanding each other’s different needs and how to help the other feel loved is top priority.

7.  “The way to raise a girl is very different than the way to raise a boy in so many different ways…  I had Knox and I grew up with basically all brothers (he has one sister that is much older than him) so this is a new world.” -Andrew

8.  “You lift those you are around and make them feel they are the most important and I especially love it when you do it with our kids.” -Andrew said this about me but I think he is trying to earn brownie points or something.

9.  We have both learned that our sleeping schedules are completely different.  I want to fall asleep asap at night and Andrew HATES sleeping at night.  I love mornings and bouncing out of bed and Andrew likes taking his time to wake up;) I also need a solid 8 hours to be feeling great the following day and Andrew does not need nearly that many hours of sleep.

10.   Andrew has sure helped me relax a bit.  Between teasing each other, finding new adventures, letting go of worries… I love how much he has helped me to have fun and be completely myself.

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11.  That Andrew’s favorite snack on the entire planet is graham crackers dipped into milk.

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12.  Andrew is the official light turner off.  “EVERYONE leaves the lights on and I feel like my job in life has become turning off the lights constantly, I’m surprised Beretta hasn’t started leaving the lights on in different rooms.”  -Andrew

13.  I’ve learned some pretty great parenting things from Andrew.  Andrew is so good about calmly handling problems/kid things etc.  I’m learning to act and not react from him.

14.  The hardest part about blending our little family has been the kids going from getting our complete undivided attention all of the time to sharing the attention.  When I was single I was in full 100% Brooke zone pretty much all of the time, the same goes for Knox.  It has definitely been an adjustment for them to sharing the attention and it is getting easier and easier for them but has been a big change for them.  So there is this fine line of being understanding of the changes they are going through and helping them learn to share the attention etc.

15.  These kids absolutely adore him.  He is by far the favorite.

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I”m getting a few of my workouts for this marathon training cycle HERE.  This is what week 2 looks like.  I’ll get in the tempo miles and probably cut the mile repeats down a bit because I’m not there yet and get in plenty of easy miles along with these workouts.  Last week I hit 50 miles and 13 of those miles were at half marathon goal pace—>  including a 5 mile tempo and a 4 x 2 miles at 6:51 pace with 3 minute recoveries.  Trying to get my body more used to the idea of multiple miles in around the high 6:something pace.  Here’s to another week of training for us all!

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Do you see Monday as the first day of the week or Sunday?   I feel like Monday is (that is just what my brain tells me it is) but Andrew thinks Sunday is the start.  What do you think?

Following a training plan?  Where do you get your training plans?  Favorite online places?
Married people:  how long have you been married?  Any lessons you have learned recently?
Seriously, thank you again for supporting us so much and showing so much concern.  I don’t know how to explain how much you have helped me through the ups and downs over the last 6 years.

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Glad to hear that your dad is doing better – that is so scary! Best wishes to you all.


Thank you so much Jessica, we really appreciate that.


You are so right, that its scary that everything can change in the blink of an eye, but thats life I guess. So happy to hear your dad is doing better, having the most familiar faces around him will help. Having love around him will help. Keeping you all in my thoughts!

Brookes face while making those cookies is priceless. Girl means business :)

Happy Monday ! xo, Jess


Thank you Jess. Our whole family appreciates your thoughts xoxo!! Yes, Brooke understands the seriousness of cookie making;) Enjoy your Monday!


So happy to hear your dad is OK, and I’m praying he continues to get better!

And thank you for sharing all of these lessons. I’m not married or in a relationship, but I think those are things that could be helpful if I ever find someone. It’s very heartwarming to see how happy you two are together and how loving your family is to one another. Y’all truly are an inspiration, and I hope one day I’m able to find love that’s so genuine and brings out the best in us.


The start of my week is always weird. I work Th-M so my work week starts with a Thursday, but my running week starts with Sunday this year (whatever day of the week Jan 1 was on!). I have OCD about some things, and that is one of them-ha! I feel like I am always turning off lights, too! Sometimes I look up and almost every light is on in the house……….drives me bananas!

I sort of make my own training plan, but get speedwork ideas from others’ plans (I may steal some of yours!).

I have been married for two years (Jan 3!) and we know how each other ticks really well. I know some things we do differently, but we have it all figured out on how to make the day run smoothly, and he really is my best friend!

Hang in there with your dad, it will all work itself out.


Monday is definitely my week beginning. I like Sundays to be the wrap-up day :)
Glad your dad is improving!
I’m not married but dating a guy for 2 1/2 years who has kids and I had been single for a LONG time and he had been married for a LONG time. Needless to say we have had to figure out a lot about how to deal with new situations. I don’t live with him yet. We had planned this spring for me to sell my home and move in with him and I chickened out. We were actually both relieved. We need to wait until we can buy a larger home where there’s room for everyone. I’ve been on my own for 17 years. I need my space. LOL. We knew it was better for the relationship to give it some more time. When you love someone so much you just want to rush through all the stages sometimes. I want nothing more than to be able to kiss him goodnight each night but not at the risk of jeopardizing our relationship. It’s like marathon training. Sometimes you just have to step back in your progression to ensure a strong outcome :)


Monday is definitely the start of the week for me, because Sunday is the weekend. I’m starting the Hanson’s beginner plan for 15k. It’s the first time I’ve tried a training plan at all, so we’ll see how it goes! As long as I can run 10 miles at the end, without injury, I consider it a success.


It will be 15 yrs of marriage later this year and I am still learning every day. Having kids, or in our case, kid, definitely makes things more challenging especially as they get older. I heard something on the Another Mother Runner podcast the other day, “little kids little problems, big kids big problems” and this couldn’t be more true! For training plans, to keep injuries at bay I limit my running to 3 days a week and cross train 3 other days so my training plan is something I culled from Runners World last year. It helped me with SF and hoping it will give me the same good outcome for Big Sur in April.
Glad your dad is doing better. Hugs and prayers.


Rosie, congratulations on 15 years this year! I have heard that about big kids big problems… that makes me nervous! I’m so glad that you found a great way for you to train and keep me updated on your training for Big Sur this year. Congrats on San Francisco. Thank you, we really appreciate it.


Papas are so special and you obviously have a great one. All my prayers for a safe, speedy recovery!


I really do. Thank you so much Michelle, your prayers mean the world to us. xoxo


It sounds like all the positive thinking and prayers coming your way are helping! Thank you for the update.

I like to think of Monday as a fresh start to the week! Sunday is recharge day prepping for the week.

My husband and I just celebrated our third wedding anniversary yesterday. I think having fun is important.


Thank you Maggie! Happy Anniversary yesterday! You are so right about the importance of fun!


Adam and I were just arguing about which day of the week is the start last night. I totally 100% agree with you that it starts on Monday. Adam agrees with Andrew that it’s Sunday, but they are wrong and we are right :).

So glad to hear that your dad is starting to gain his memory back and doing better!


Really glad your dad is doing better!

I am not married but have been with/lived with my boyfriend for 3 years so basically;) Honestly my boyfriend makes it really easy for me to live with him. I think the hardest thing is that I’m an introvert and love my own space. So we’ve had to figure out how to make that happen (aka he’ll go out with his friends 1 night a week-ish). Funny thing is when he’s gone I miss him and don’t know what to do with myself.. LOL. I guess that’s a good sign:)


HAHA yes, that is a great sign:) So glad you have found what works best for you two!

Thank you so much Mallory!


So glad your dad is doing better!

I am not married (but in a relationship) and loved this! Thank you for sharing … Very good points!

Definitely with you on the start of the week thing! Saturday and Sundays are technically considered the weekEND so Monday has to be the start of the week :)


Sending lots of good thoughts to your parents. Life can be so unexpected, but sounds like you all have lots of support, which is such a good measure of your family circle.

Sunday is prep for a Monday start. Sunday is for food prep, updating the calendar, and bubble baths (for the kid and me).

We’ve been married for 9 years, and a blended family for 13. We’ve had plenty of ups and down, and I’ve found that the most important thing is making sure you’re on the same page. I don’t make all the decisions for my stepson, but we do make an effort to share our thoughts, be clear in our expectations, and be up front with each other. Parenting can be a minefield (our oldest is 17 and our youngest is 5), and stepparenting even more so. Love reading about your blended famjam, and running tips on top of it!


Candace, thank you so much for sharing with me today about your family and what you’ve learned. Such amazing advice for us and we will 100% be using this. Thank you xoxoxo!


Oh my–is this short term memory loss, or fugitive amnesia? I am really praying for him!

And no electronics in the room–wow, I never had any idea that electronics had THAT much of an impact on the brain. I sleep beside a cellphone, laptop, and ipod! It makes me wonder how much damage I may be doing to my brain…


I made the everything cookies on Friday- great minds! ;) I got the recipe from your blog, so thank you so much! :) Glad to hear your dad is going better! Hope it only continues!! :)


They really are the best cookies:) Thank you Erin!!!!


I am glad your Dad is doing better! The brain is amazing and healing takes time. I definitely understand, my Mom fell November 27th and is still in the process of recovery (she had a brain bleed from taking Plavix and Aspirin – much more serious than your father’s fall.). The falls and changes in them are very very scary!! Life can change in a minute, treasure each moment while you have them, and love them just the way they are right now. It helps the healing process.


Oh Mary, that is absolutely awful. I cannot even imagine. Your mom and you will be in my prayers, I am so so sorry! Thank you for sharing with me and please keep me updated.


I’m so pleased your dad is recovering – I think we’re all guilty of taking life for granted sometimes especially when everyone is in good health. It’s not until something bad happens that we realise just how important these people are. I try to be thankful every day for waking up and being surrounded by the people I am but there are so many days where I take being able to wake up in a bed, talk and walk for granted.

I’m currently following the London Marathon training plan for my first ever marathon – although I wasn’t lucky enough to get into the London marathon, I’m doing the Southampton marathon on the same day. It’s really good but the mileage increases quite quickly which I’m dreading but I guess it’s all part of the experience :)

I take Sunday as my rest day for the week so I always see Monday as the first day :)


You are so right Lauren, it is crazy how things like this make you so incredibly thankful for your family’s health and your own health… definitely something I need to be more aware of each and every day. Thank you for your comment. Good luck on your first marathon, I am so excited for you! Please keep me updated!


So happy to hear the update on your Pops! Continuing prayers…

I feel like Monday is the beginning of the week, and Sunday is the sweet end.:)

Running plan = my “back to running” from injury plan. It’s been three months and two days since my last run, and I finally get to go out on Friday!


So glad your dad is doing better! I think Monday is definitely the beginning of the week for me. Sunday feels to relaxed to be the start. Totally trying those cookies. They look amazing.
I’ve been married for 10 years and I think some things I am still learning and re-learning are remembering/figuring out what makes your spouse feel loved and remembering that it may not be how you would naturally show love. You have to make an effort. And you have to communicate. Bottling things up is really bad. Talk, talk, talk. Looking forward to more updates on your dad! I’ll keep praying!


So glad that your father is doing better! Prayers coming your way for you and your family to continue to be strong during this tough time.

I see Monday as the first day of the week and use Sundays as my end of week day to prepare for the oncoming week. :)


I’m glad to hear your Dad is improving!

To me, the week definitely starts on Mondays. These experience you’re talking about today are beautiful and valuable. I really wish you the best for the upcoming years!


Monday is totally the start of the week! It’s where I start my weekly training schedule too!

And I’m following a training plan but it’s one my boyfriend wrote up for me (he used to be a coach).

Also what you said about Andrew not needing as much sleep as you totally rings true over here too. I swear my boyfriend doesn’t need ANY sleep, whereas I’m an 8 hours kind of gal too. I did see an article from another blog I follow that talked about how women typically need 20-30 minutes more of sleep than man. I think it was a typo though and the author meant 2-3 HOURS.

Glad to hear your dad is feeling better! Keeping you guys in my thoughts.


I am so happy to hear that your dad is on the mend, I know how scary things like that can be.
My husband and I have been married for 4.5 years. We have been through a lot of changes together: moving to a new city, different jobs, grad school for him, nursing school for me, thinking about starting our family… among others. I think that the biggest thing we have learned is that we just need to support each other in any way we can. Whether it is just taking 10 minutes to vent or discuss something that happened that day, ordering a pizza when we are both too exhausted to cook, me trying to always have healthy and nourishing food in the house, or taking a drive together just to get away for a couple hours.
I just graduated from nursing school last month and I am so so thankful for how supportive and understanding my husband was during that hectic and crazy 2 years. There were many days that I would be gone for up to 16 hours and get home only to fall into bed immediately. He was there for me every step of the way and helped out a ton around the house. It was a huge commitment but I am so happy I did it.
Andrew will love it I’m sure! I wish him the absolute best of luck! Tell him not to get discouraged and that small setbacks will likely happen but don’t let it get to you. Study hard and listen to your gut and you will be amazing!


Tara, thank you so much for sharing your story with us! You and your husband sound incredible. Huge congratulations on finishing nursing school, wow. Thank you for your advice, I’ll go read your comment to him right now! Thank you!


Glad to hear this Janae.

I view Monday as the first day of the week. I feel like it’s startin g Fresh where Sunday is just like “recovering from the week”. I keep meaning to write a post about things I’ve learned from marriage…maybe one day ;)


I’m so glad your dad is okay!


One lesson we (Chris) has definitely learned is if I am stressed, anxious, running around with me head cut off, crying, short tempered, you name it for more than just a bad day, him telling me to get it together, is not what I need. If I have gotten to the point of unraveling it is because my plate has been too full for too long, and it is time to reprioritize so I know what can be off my plate. Sometimes the plate had to become quite “empty” for me to fill it back up again. I have learned to to feel guilty for an emptier plate. He has learned that is beyond worth it in the long run to have me back as a solid mom, wife, friend etc.


Erica, I love this. I feel like I totally know what you mean. You and Chris are amazing and I’m so glad you guys have figured out what works best for helping you with this. I just think the world of you two!


not feel guilty


My continued prayers are with your father for a speedy recovery.
I love the picture of Brooke hanging on Andrew – the running top with the frilly skirt is too cute.


Glad your dad is doing better and getting some quiet rest time.

When I worked on Sundays, Sunday was the start of the week. when I have my weekends off, Monday is the start of the week. :)

So, I am with Andrew – I shut off the lights. I also squish down the garbage. These were habits my grandparents ingrained into me and I still do them.

We will be married 23 years at the end of the month. We dated for 7 years so it’s 30 years of happiness and bliss. ;-) Recent lessons? Make the most of each minute because you really don’t know what’s coming next. Take time to enjoy each other and don’t let life’s busyness stop you from connecting. Laundry will always be there waiting.


I am so so glad that your dad is feeling better. I prayed for him and asked my mom to do it too. ?. She is the best so I thought it would help.
I have been with my husband for almost 12 years (we were kids really) and I am still learning something new almost everyday. I think the big one is to accept the differences instead of trying to get that person to speak/feel/think like you do. And also to have fun together.
For me Monday is the start of the week and this week will be a big one because I am defending my master thesis (I don’t know if this is how you say it in English) and I have worked really hard on this!
Wishing you an amazing week and a speedy recovery to your dad!


Way behind on my blog reading this weekend, but SO glad your Dad is alright! What a blessing! Best wishes and speedy recovery to him.

I love your thoughts/lessons you two have learned. After almost 22 years of marriage, the biggest lesson I learn over and over is that a healthy and happy marriage is WORK. And some days it’s hard work. But it’s always worth it. Not everything will be happy and shiny every day, but truthfully, the hard times are what make me appreciate my husband all the more. We’re able to look back and say, “We got through that, so we know we can get through this.” ;)

Happy 6 months to you both!


I am so glad to hear that your dad is improving! I hope he’ll be back to his normal self in not too long!


Is this niece’s birthday the day after her mom’s birthday? Isn’t your sister’s on the 7th? If your niece’s birthday is on the 8th that’s a great day for a birthday………… it is mine too!!


I definitely think of Sunday as the start of the week. I love getting up for a run or ride before church. Of course I don’t have little ones to get ready so that makes my morning a bit less challenging.

We have been happily married 25 1/2 years. I am currently reading “Happy Wives Club” and I keep smiling because I’m part of that club! The author interviewed women around the world who had happy marriages, trying to discover the secret. It’s a great read.

Glad your dad in improving. Praying for complete healing soon!


I’m so glad to hear that your dad is doing better!

I feel like Monday is definitely the start to my week! It’s important to me to get up and start my Monday off right, because I feel like it sets the tone for the entire week!

I am currently not training for anything, just trying to heal up my IT band.

I’ve been married for 16 years (wow!) I’ve learned that trust and communication are the most important things in my marriage. And date night is crucial. We have to schedule everything and while that seems silly, it’s just the season of life that we’re in and it works for us.


Hi Janae! So glad to hear your dad is making progress. My good friend slipped on the ice and hit her head running a few years ago. It was a slow recovery including two months of only 15 min of screen time per day, but she is back to having one of the sharpest memories I know. Hang in there! I’m sure he is so grateful to have such a loving and supportive family.
I’ve been married 13 years and I think what we try to do the most is just be kind and thankful to each other. There will always be tough days with work, kids, health etc, but just remembering to say thank you and “I appreciate you” goes a long way. It can be so easy to take out our frustrations on the people closest to us, because we can’t always do that out in the real world. We definitely struggle with that sometimes, but being mindful of each other, thanking each other for the little things (eg making dinner, doing the dishes, staying with the kids for a run), means a lot.
It sounds like you both are doing all the right things and have a beautiful family/relationship.
Take care,


I’m so glad that your dad is recovering. Your sweet mom is the cutest and I hope that he (and they) are back to normal asap.
I have been married 14 years. There are a lot of lessons to be learned in marriage. The one I never seem to conquer is the balance between meeting my own needs and being selfish. Having little kids is really the catalyst that makes that previous sentence so daunting. Pooping by myself can at times feel selfish, ya know. But then there are times when I literally hide (in my kids own beds-they never think of me being there) and watch as much of a Gilmore girls episode as I can before being found.
My great plan for running is to enroll the three older in school today and whip out the running stroller for outside runs. Unfortunately there is no real race or real plan being followed.


Sunday is the start of the week and I’m so glad to hear that your dad is doing better…sick/hurt/ailing parents are so hard on the heart.
20, almost 21 years of marriage…here’s my advice. Yes, go to bed mad. Seriously! The more tired you get, the more sad/mad/reactionary/stubborn/closed to options you get. If you sleep, then talk in the morning/next day, you give your brain and heart time to calm down, think through things, and consider options so that when you talk, you are less reactive, more thoughtful, and more open to compromise/change (or have well thought out, solid, non-emotional reasons why you are still right…but usually there is room for at least a little compromise). Just make sure not to ignore/shun/silent treatment each other until you have time to finish talking it out.


Thank you! I have always believed this but couldn’t articulate it as well as you did! “Never go to bed mad” is a piece of advice I’ve chosen to ignore… 28 years and 3 kids later I’m happily married:)


Oh I LOVE this advice. I seriously am a different person when I am exhausted and it is late versus the morning (after a good amount of sleep). This makes complete sense to me. Thank you R and Liz!


Continued prayers for your dads brain to heal. Technically, it is Sunday but I see my start of the week starting on Monday. I do follow a training plan. Done Hal Higdon before. My husband I will be married 11 years in February. We have learned that checking in with each other weekly over the same differenct topics keeps the lines of communication open and clear. It allows us to really listen to the other. We also have been praying together daily, usually after the kids go to bed because I fall asleep shortly after that and he stays up later. We have similar sleep and wake up patterns as you and Andrew.


I’m glad to hear your dad is doing better! I hope his recovery continues to go well.
Happy six month anniversary! My husband and I have been married for a year and almost 4 months now. We’ve been through a lot already: buying a house, starting school, a totaled truck, and pregnancy loss. I think the most important thing is remembering that we are a team and we face everything together. After my miscarriage, I heard over and over again how hard that can be on a marriage. I feel so fortunate that he was my rock and we dealt with it together instead of trying to cope with it on our own.
Number nine made me laugh. That’s true for us too. My husband is a night person and doesn’t come to bed until midnight or so, whereas I’m asleep by 10 (earlier most nights). Then he likes to sleep in and I’m up with the sun. It works for us though because then we both get some alone time.


I’m sorry to hear about your father and I’m glad that he is doing well.
I’ll pray for his rapid recovery.

About relationship, my experience is that I don’t take anything for granted, I appreciate and thank for every day of lightheartedness, healthy bodies and laughters we have togheter. I try my best to do my part of the job ….sometime I do good and sometime I don’t. Sometime I’m really a piece of work :) There is always somthing to learn for me. Looking always for tuning :)

You have a beautiful family. Brooke is growing so fast. BRAVO! for her speech :)

Go Number 1, go!


Thank you so so much Suzy and I love what you said about never taking anything for granted. Perfect advice. I hope you are having a beautiful day!


Dear Janae!
I was shocked to read about your dad’s accident, thankfully he is recovering! Best wishes, also to your mom!
We will be married 30 years this year! You never stop learning about life, love and yourself. To me, marriage is like a series of marathons, great moments, some hard times, a few endings and again and again new beginnings.
good luck


Thank you so so much Gabrielle, we really appreciate what you said. I love what you said about marriage… what a perfect way to describe it (especially for us runners:). Congrats on THIRTY years this year!


ANDREW- that’s also my favorite snack…but with one change. Spread cream cheese frosting on the graham cracker, then dip into milk! It’s delicious! Maybe I shouldn’t call it a snack per se….More like my favorite indulgence!

Thinking of your dad and your family, Janae!


Wow, that sounds AMAZING!! I will go pick up some of that frosting and surprise him with it to try:) Thanks Tiffany!


So glad to hear your father is on the mend. He’s a lucky man to have you guys as family who love him so much, and the other way around. Love seeing close knit families at work. Makes me happy. Monday is without a doubt the start of the week day. You cannot ‘split’ the weekend up and start the week on Sunday. Coming up on 17 years of marriage, with blending a family. And we have learned oh, so very many things. Too many to list. But most importantly, we are in fact learning in order to keep those anniversaries coming. I’d say a big one is always using kind words to kids and spouse, no matter what, even in an argument. Once those harsh words slip out, you can’t unsay them, and sorry can’t unremembered them. To Andrew: my husband feels your pain on the lights, he has installed 4 auto shut off ones thus far.


HAHAH Andrew wants me to ask where your husband got those lights:) That sounds perfect for us! You are so incredibly right about harsh words. Such perfect advice for ANY of our relationships. Thank you Michele!


Always Amazon. Personally, I think it helps us forget other lights, because we know this one will shut off for us. It’s enabling us to be worse. haha. But it is nice. This one is in the bathroom, it’s motion censored. So you walk in, it goes on, after you leave it shuts off. You choose the settings. You choose how long it stays on, 5, 10, 15 minutes before shutting off. You also set how far the censor should pick up. So it goes on when you walk in the bathroom, but not when people walk by it. Takes just a bit of trial and error, but once set, you can forget about it. (creating us to forget about all lights) :-)


Oh my gosh, I’m so glad your dad is doing better! A year ago today, actually, I fell and hit my head on the ice and got a concussion. Thankfully I never had memory loss, but it was such a traumatic experience, with far-reaching, long-lasting effects! I don’t think you can really understand what a brain injury is like and how much it messes with you until you’ve had one or someone you know has. I know I never took them that seriously because it just seemed like something only football players got. I hope your dad will be back to normal real soon!


I am so sorry about your fall last year Katie, that is awful! I am so glad that you are okay!!! It really is interesting because now more than ever I do not want to ever run on the ice after seeing what my dad has gone through. I feel like we will all be more careful now!


Hi Janae – I usually log off the internet for the weekend so I am just catching up. I am so sorry about your Dad and all of my prayers are with him and your family for full and absolute healing. This ice is no joke. A fall happens so quickly and frustratingly! I sometimes just think “if only we could rewind 10 seconds ago”. I know that is not how things work though and we live and move on. I KNOW he will be okay and my instincts are ALWAYS correct :)

On a funner note – another light catch-up show on Netflix that I’m currently enjoying while treadmill running : Last Man Standing with Tim Allen. I JUST watched an episode where the father’s (Tim Allen’s) goal is to shut off all the lights that everyone is leaving on :) Perhaps you and Andrew could watch together for some laughs. Season 4 episode 9.


Oh thank you so so much Amanda! I am so happy he is doing better!

Thank you for the recommendation… Andrew and I HAVE to watch that episode together! That is so us hahah!


I think Sunday is the beginning. I’m still recharging but also prepping for Monday and the next four.

Great news for your dad and whole family. Maybe it will get better and better, and better!?!

If kids need to climb on the adult daily – in bed, in the family room, etc. – I would not be the favorite.

Really liking your 6 month list!


Sending you and your family big hugs and hoping your dad gets back on his feet soon.


It’s great to hear that your dad is doing better! On August 1st my husband and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary!


Happy anniversary! I hope you guys end up doing something fun.


So happy to hear your dad is continuing to improve and feel better!!! It seems like he is in good hands — reducing all the environmental stimulus is one of the best ways to calm his brain and allow for healing.

Monday is defienetlynthe start of the week!!! The return to the routine….soooo..a win for you, Janae!!! You are right on this one (well, to me anyway).

For my first marathon I followed one of Hal Higdon’s Boston training plans. For my second one, I modified it to incorporate hills and speed drills/tempo runs and I reduced my time by over an hour…so I stuck with his and kept a journal to note changes.

I’ve been with my husband for 26 years..eek!!! We dated in high school, got engaged 7 years later…were engaged for 8 years before getting married (we were both guilty of dragging our feet on that one) and will celebrate 11 years of marriage at the end of this month.
We’ve been together for more than half our lives!!!
It’s nice to have found someone who has known me through so many different stages of life…we learn from each other every day…sometimes it’s the same lesson over and over and over again…but I wouldn’t change it for anything.


catching up on all the posts and i’m late to say, but sending so many prayers to your dad and family! i know he’s going to be doing great in no time, but i’m thinking about you all. many blessings <3


So glad to hear your dad is recovering well!


I’m so glad your dad is feeling better – how scary for your family! Keep us updated, please! And my week starts on Sunday and I get irritated when planners start the week on Monday! It’s the little things haha. Those cookies look amazing – thanks for the recipes! I hope your run went well :) great info!


So glad to hear your dad is getting better!! That picture of the kiddos on Andrew’s shoulders is way too cute!!

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