Which comes first? Fun fact. My mom is a genius.

Talk about a great way to get motivated to work out—>  my sister invited me to go to the gym with her.  She couldn’t go until later on in the day but I was all over this idea of meeting there.  Also, I am so beyond happy to have my workout buddy back… I am so grateful her back is feeling great again after YEARS of pain.  You can read about what happened to her back HERE along with her tips for recovery!  Something she said from that post that I loved: “This has been a really hard one for me.  The strength and endurance I have now are nothing compared to what I used to have.  My body looks and feels different.  Most of the muscle lines are gone.  But comparing myself to my former self only brings sadness and depression.  My body now has been through things that my previous body had not.  So it’s not fair to compare the two.  This is my new body and I am so grateful to have one that can move again.”

She is amazing and I’m so beyond grateful for my sister.

Fun Fact:  When my mom was pregnant with me my sister prayed every night that I would be a girl and even though my parents had a boy name picked out for me (Doug) and a girl name just in case, my sister was pretty happy that I was a girl (she already had three brothers and she was ready for a sister).

Remember that one time she ran in jeans and flip flops for over 5 miles to help get me to the finish line of my marathon?


My sister usually does cardio and strength training at the gym and she always starts out with strength training.  I never do on my own which usually results in me being too tired from my run to do much strength training.  It was nice to focus on strength and then run.  We did shoulders and arms and I’ll have her share the workout in her next post.  My arms were pretty dead during my run (5 miles).

Please note the burn on my arm from a curling iron FOUR months ago.

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Whenever the kids hear the garage they run and hide somewhere.  Beretta always helps me to find them and this time they were in the shower pretty excited to scare me… they get that from Andrew:)

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Okay rewind to much earlier on in the day.  Knox took a picture of us which was fun.

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We started things off with waffles (with blueberries cooked in them) and maple syrup from Costco.  They were amazing.  We went with Bisquick instead of our usual yesterday and they tasted pretty delicious.

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So my mom had a great idea… I’ve been looking for great chores for four year olds and Beretta sheds all day long, every day = get a mini vac for the kids to vacuum around the house.  It has been excellent and so far they love doing it (we will see how long that lasts:) and I love the clean floors.  I swear my mom is a genius.

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Maybe Beretta sheds like crazy partly because she is often tucked in with blankets even though she is probably hot.

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They take good care of her.

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When I look out to the backyard it makes me happy because those are all Beretta’s running tracks back there.  Snow is her happy place.  Until she is cold, then the house is her happy place.

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Post gym snuggles from Brooke.

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And Knox is always trying to find a Monopoly buddy.  He is all about ‘cash’ these days.

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We played Up for grabs and it took me about 5 rounds to finally warm up to how to do well in this game.  My brain doesn’t think super fast.

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Andrew’s brother-in-law (they are in town visiting) was craving Brick Oven Pizza so we ordered that for dinner.  This veggie one was delicious once the olives were ripped off from my slice.

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And like usual:

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I ate cherries and they played Settlers.

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If you weight train and run on the same day—>  WHAT COMES FIRST?!  The weights or the cardio?

Have a favorite board game or card game?  We are always looking for something new!!!  Do you like playing games?

Any parents reading that waited to find out the gender of your baby until it was born?

Have a goto pancake/waffle mix or recipe?  What do you use?

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Whenever I do weights, I usually run first and then lift. But it makes it harder to be motivated to lift when I’m tired after a run. When I was coaching track and cross country at a high school, the athletic trainer told me it’s more efficient to hit the weights first and then do the cardio.

I don’t have any kids, but one of my best friends and her husband are waiting to find out the gender of the baby until he or she is born. She has always wanted to be surprised, but it makes shopping for her baby shower much more challenging! :)


We are a family of 2 girls and 3 boys also. My sister is the oldest, then the boys, then me. My sister prayed for a girl during mom’s pregnancy also. Glad I didn’t disappoint her.


That was a genius idea your mom had. I feel like I use the swiffer and a lint roller 24/7 when at my boyfriend’s house or if his dog visits here. I can’t believe how much he sheds.


If I am lifting and running the same day the one I do first is really dependent on what I am training for. If I’m training for a race then running is my priority so I’ll run first so that I feel the freshest for that. If I’m in between races then I’ll strength train first because I want to get stronger for my next training cycle, OR I’ll do circuits that include weights and running and I’ll cycle between them as I do the circuit! :)


I do weights first, because frankly. I am not a fan of weight training even though I know it’s necessary. This way, =my run or cardio is my “reward.”

Adorable photos, as always. Here’s to sisters (love mine, too!). Happy New Year!


I usually only run or weight train, but not both on the same day. I really love monopoly too!


I always think of how your sister ran in the flip flops! Such a great, inspiring, loving story for sure. I like to mix up my gym workouts with cardio and strength mixed all together, hopping between the treadmill and the weights and then back to the treadmill.


Waited to find out.
5 second rule is a good group game.


I weight train after I run, but to be honest, my “training” consists of 20 push ups (not all at once–I do 10, 5, 5), 75 squats (a variety of lunges etc) and ab work. So I’m not really pushing hard, TBH. I get a little shy at the gym. I really want to use the pull up machine, because my goal in life is to actually be able to do a pull up, but there are guys with huge arms and tiny legs hanging out there, so I never do.


I feel your weight machine pain but your description also makes me laugh/cry ?


Maybe adding more weights should be my 2017 resolution….

My favorite game is Bananagrams! Not everyone in my hubby’s family likes word games, so I ordered “Suspend” from Amazon to play over the holiday weekend and it was a HIT! I think your kiddos would be able to play it and it’s a ton of fun.

My mom used to make our pancakes a bit thinner (kind of like a crepe, but she just used regular pancake batter) and then spread my grandma’s homemade peach jam in the middle, roll, and then a bit of jam on the top, sprinkled with powdered sugar. Such a special breakfast for us! My mom now makes my grandma’s peach jam, so we have these rolled up pancakes at our house now :-)


I run first and then try to lift. I feel like working out my legs then running would just leave me with jelly legs.

That pup sure is spoiled! Hopefully the kids love the vacuum idea for a long time! My girl sheds too so I should probably do this as well lol.


Cardio then weights
Taboo is a very fun game. There is a word you have to get others to guess without saying a list of other words.
I’m not a parent…
I tried the Kodiak mixes (upon your recommendation :) ) – all 3 varieties (oat and honey, buttermilk, protein) and liked them. I like to change it up and just finished those so I’m now onto Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Cornbread mix – I just add water and make pancakes or waffles. It says you need to add egg, milk, oil but all I do is add water and it’s very flavorful.


I love that Knox loves monopoly. When my son was 3-4 he was crazy about it too–even played by himself acting as several players.
I usually run before weights but my weight lifitng isn’t hard core. Sometimes I run and then go to a pure barre class.
Waited for sex of first baby but not second.
Have a happy new year’s!


I have to weight train before cardio because after running I’m sweaty and because I feel too tired to strength train.


I prefer to run outside and I feel like that takes more out of me ( 4 miles +) so I typically just run and stretch and i’m done for the day. I’ve been utilizing the DREADmill more at the gym because we’ve had awful weather in New Jersey for mostly November and December , and with Jan. and Feb. coming I’ll be using the gym more; so I like to run first and then do some weights or core work. Happy and Healthiest new year !! xo


That is like the most perfect looking waffle EVER! YUMMMM. I use this recipe for pancakes and it’s SO good: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/21014/good-old-fashioned-pancakes/ It could probably work as waffles too?!! (also sometimes I pre-make the dry ingredients so when I want pancakes I just have to add the wet ingredients)


So I read once that if your goal is building muscle you should do weights before your run but if you want to burn fat you should do weights after your run. I can’t find where I originally read that so take it how you like.

I’ve always found out the the gender. Waiting for baby to show up is difficult enough let alone not being able to plan for a boy or a girl.

My daughter is my oldest and I’m about to have my third boy. I feel bad that if I do ever have another girl the sisters will be so far apart but your relationship with your sister gives me so much hope. I really admire the way you two love each other!


Our three year old has started playing Go Fish and Robot Turtles (teaches kids logic and programming). He does pretty well with those.


My trainer told me to do what ever you are more focused on that day first. So if it’s a strength training day I may run a mile to warm up and then do my strength training. Cardio would follow or be done later in the day. Tuesdays I spin and follow it with Pilates, my teacher knows I come from spin so she makes sure to include some amazing stretches for my legs and core. (the hamstring and IT band stretches are intense but bring relief).


I typically need to make a separate trip for weight lifting because I feel like I’m more motivated and I’ll actually do what I need too. When I go right after a run I’m already tired and I leave as early as possible.


My friends and I always end up playing Settlers, and it’s always taken super seriously. As in grudges are held til we play again and revenge is taken. Haha.

I always do weights first. I’d rather be tired for the cardio part of my workout than the weights.


I haven’t done weights in longer than I can remember. New goal for 2017! Now to figure out when…

I married into a super competitive family when it comes to games. I am super non-competitive and it didn’t take me long to realize that I only play games with the kids and make the snacks! Anyone I’m on a team with gets pretty frustrated with me and I don’t like to be yelled out (even when they’re “just joking!”)


I loved the specialness of waiting to find out the gender of our little one. Yellow and green for the win!

I give my little one a spray bottle and rag. He does a great job cleaning up the bathroom and floors! I also give him a swifter. He is a good helper!


I always do my run first and then weight training, but I can see how already having your body warmed up would be good for a run.

We love Settler’s over here! We even figured out how to do a 2 player game. We’ve also been into Exploding Kittens and Tsuro because our kiddos can join in. Phase 10 is always a winner too!

We tried to wait with our youngest because we already had a boy and a girl but when the nurse did my 20 week ultrasound and put the wand on my belly, we knew immediately and without a doubt that he was a boy. She felt terrible, but there was no way around it ;)

We love kodiak cakes and the kids love banana and chocolate chips mixed in. My fav is banana and walnuts, blueberries are yummy too!


I liked your blog post today Janae – it was cute.

My husband and I are expecting our first baby in March and are keeping the sex a surprise. I love not knowing, but the curiosity is really starting to get to me now! For us, boy or girl didn’t matter…and it’s also nice to know that all of the wonderful gifts we’re receiving are gender-neutral so they will be easier to use in the future! (I’m filing away your mom’s idea on the vacuuming chore for toddlers…that’s great!)


Whatever my main workout is that day, I do that first. Even on a running day, I still finish up with some push-ups and a couple ab exercises. And on a strength day, I usually finish up with a quick mile or 2.

We always use kodiak cakes power cakes for waffles/pancakes. I usually make it with egg and milk instead of water.

My daughter is 7 and we play tons of games. Besides kids games, we play uno, jenga, Yahtzee, and we’re working on skip-bo. Love that they’re not kids games but we can all play and enjoy them.


We love trivial pursuit and scene it a lot. And also kid games like mouse trap, operation, and connect 4. I love waffles, and I usually just look for the healthiest mix to buy…….I love our waffle maker!

(Did you get the package? Worried it didn’t make it…)


You and your sister might like this video, and I’ll leave it to the two of you to figure which sisger is which dog. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8uNdNTQktA


I do both 5 days a week. Most of the time I run first and then weight lifting – Always run first on leg day.


I try to split up my running & lifting – one in the AM and one in the PM. If I can’t do that… I typically do weights first unless I’m training for a race in which case I run first! And I usually don’t train legs and run on the same day if I can avoid it – unless it’s a light day !


I waited to find out with my twins. Next kid I found out, kid after that I wanted to wait but was accidentally told the gender.
I think everyone should wait to find out the gender at least once. There is no surprise in the world that can replicate finding out when they hold that little baby up for you to see. Just one of those amazing life moments. And for people who say ‘I could never!’ Yes, yes you can :)


It’s so nice to have a sister who runs and works out with you! I have one too, but we hardly ever run together anymore.

As for weights and cardio… I only do cardio. I should definitely start picking up the weights though and work on building that strength!


When my mom was pregnant I prayed every day for a baby brother and I got one :)

Our first baby’s gender we did not know and the second one we did. I also pick the olives off my pizza, and that Settlers game sounds like a game my son and his friends play all the time called Catan.


I do all my strength workouts from spotebi. Love her stuff. And I try to avoid strength and cardio on the same day, but sometimes I will combine. In which case, strength is always first. Or else it just won’t happen. ;)

We love Apples to Apples. Also, my missionary sent home a new way to play UNO that one of his companions taught him–cards have point values and you start with a set number of points. After someone is out, everyone deducts points based on their cards. The last person with points wins. It’s a very fun way to play that game.

Always had to know the gender. Always. :)

Pancakes and waffles from scratch. But I love Bisquick. So yummy!


I just do what I feel like.. not ready to run? I’ll do weights! Want to get in and run.. I usually just run….lol!!
I waited on my last babe to find out the gender and it was so fun I’m doing it again this time!!!


You should always do weights first! Usually cardio uses up your muscles stored glycogen and by the time you weight train your body will resort to eating protein (your muscles); which is pretty counterintuitive. Also Taboo is my family favorite. We get pretty competitive lmao!


I usually run first and then do weights! If I do weights or strength training first I always find I just don’t have much energy left to run. And I like to get my heart rate up first and then keep it sustained during strength training. But….a lot of times I run the 2 miles to the gym, do strength training, and then run the 2 miles back home. So I kind of split it up on those days and I actually really like it.


We love the game sequence (the kids might be a few years away, but the adults will love it). For the kids Blokus and sometimes we YouTube different minute to win it games. We also like aggravation (it is out at target as a retro- game, I guess I am old :-)) and Sorry.


I have 3 kids and did not find out with any of them. First one, neither my (now ex) husband and I wanted to know. The next one I wanted to know but he didn’t, so we went with not knowing. And then did the same with the third, because we already had s girl and a boy at that point so we would have been happy no matter what. Of course, my oldest is 31 and my youngest is 22 so it wasn’t so popular to find out the sex of the baby back then. Now people who don’t find out are in the minority, it seems.


That waffle fits perfectly in the center of the plate-so fun!!!
I think if I actually strength trained more I would probably run first to get warmed up and jazzed up……otherwise I’d just stare at the weights and come up with something involving laying down on the floor and getting distracted. truth.

We waited to find out the gender of our first, then the other three were prior to birth.

Go to waffle/pancake mix is Krusteaz for sure!!!!

New favorite game is Curses (thanks to my daughter and her drama club recommending it. Somehow I think the game is probably more fun at a drama class than at home). We often play Nerts card game and war, speed, spite and malice, etc. Apples to Apples is also hilarious and the box of cards can be taken to restaurants. Same with uno. My son came up with a game the other day called “guess the shoe.” basically you pick a shoe out, put it in a duffle bag, and someone has to guess who the shoe belongs to, brand, and name. Being blindfolded is key. I think he was desperate to have undivided attention. Then again he is the Imelda Marcos of sneakers….


Upon my husband’s insisting we waited to find out until my little love bug son was born 8 months ago. It was totally worth the wait!

In 2017 I need to resolve to do more weight training and variety instead of just running. I always go straight to running because it’s by far the most fun!!


I have two couples that we have game night with, so we’re always trying out new games. Bunco and Phase 10 are great for a fast game, but when we’re in the mood for something long winded we’ll do reverse charades, cards against humanity (full disclosure, depending on how conservative you are with humor there are a few cards you’ll probably want to take out as you go — but there are plenty of funny ones that aren’t super vulgar/risqué), Quelf, and my personal favorite is Killer Bunnies. When killer bunnies gets a little worn out, we take the rule cards from Quelf and throw those into the mix. The evening generally ends with us laughing like crazy hyenas lol, that’s probably my favorite game combo.

I always lift before cardio because I like to lift heavy. If I run first I don’t have as much strength or stamina, and I’m more likely to drop a barbell on my head! :P


On days that I run and lift on the same day, I usually run super early and lift later in the morning.

When I was about four years old, I asked Santa for was a baby sister (I have an older brother). Santa never brought me that baby sister and when I got married, I hoped for a daughter, but we had two sons. Finally, two years I got that girl in the form of the world’s sweetest daughter-in-law! She’s the best and actually introduced me to HRG. :-)


Weights first always!!


Whenever I belonged to a gym I would do cardio first, but when I go to Orange Theory I pick strength training first. I think it’s cause my strength training plans are specific so I waste a lot of time…
No babies over here yet, but we could never wait to see what it is… my husband hates surprises and would definitely get to anxious to wait!
Favorite games include: clue, Yahtzee, mall madness, and card games like phase 10!


Wow ! Very informative indeed. I find it very helpful and relevant. Love your post. :)


My whole family (and now all our family friends) are obsessed with the game Play Nine! Highly recommend it!! :)


Sweet Potato Waffles! Declicious with almond butter and maple syrup!! I found this recipe after craving them on a long run!

1 1/2 cups sweet potato puree
2/3 C milk
1 Egg
2 Tb melted butter
1 1/2 C flour
2Tb brown sugar
1 1/2 Tb baking pwd
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp ginger
1/8 tsp ground cloves
1/8 tsp salt


Once upon a time when I was young and mostly fit, I lifted weights before running (Mon/Wed: weights for an hour, then practice for 2 hours; Tue/Thr: knee PT stuff for an hour, then practice for 2 hours; Fri: no weights/PT, then short run – easy day because Saturday was always race day). Now I am old(ish) and not very fit so…random if ever and no preference of before or after.

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