An awesome interval workout for YOU, our Sunday and run UPHILL!!

Sunday Restday.  It’s always a little strange to not start off the day with a run but it is so nice to have a rest and a lazy morning together.  I did 51.15 miles last week which was my highest mileage (I think…) since the marathon.  It feels good to get back to my happy mileage place.

Brooke found a gold bag and insisted on bringing it as her purse.

Turns out she placed her manicure gear in the bag to work on Andrew’s nails while we were there.

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Brooke’s side bun takes me back to 4th grade because that was always my hairstyle of choice.

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I taught the youth girls during church and had a blast (I miss my high school teaching days).  Then we were off to pack up and hit the road again.  Brooke doesn’t need to be in California until today but we wanted to split up the drive and just make it down to St. George by last night.

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Somebody thought she was pretty funny for putting her jeans on backwards.  Okay, it was pretty funny.

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My mom gave us this book on tape to listen to in the car and we were laughing so hard.  It is basically just a whole lot of randomness and talk about the funniest parts of being a parent.  We loved it.  Thanks mom:)

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No exaggeration—>  14 degrees outside during this below picture with Andrew just roaming around in shorts and a t-shirt.

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Brooke fell asleep for the last little while of our drive.   We stopped by to visit my mom’s best friend (and ours now too:).

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She has the same type of dog as the one that I grew up with (a Sheltie….  his name was Dealer and he was the sweetest dog I’ve ever met).  It was fun to watch Brooke with this Sheltie.

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Her dog even tried to tickle Brooke’s feet.

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After that we went to Andrew’s brother’s house (we stayed there) and my SIL made lasagna.  The food I could live off forever.

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Dessert from my purse:)

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And the show I will always love.  House.

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Brooke was sitting on my lap while I wrote up this workout and she requested it to be done in pink.  I did this one last Thursday and it was KILLER.  I love switching things up and the time went by so fast.  Let me know if you try it or any variations that you do so that I can copy you!

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My paces for these intervals were:

2 miles: 6:55 average pace

1.5 miles:  6:36 average pace

1 mile:  6:18

.5 miles 6:00 pace

.25 miles 5:40 pace

I took the recovery jogs extra SLOW because I was hurting ha.

8.65 miles total


Kim (ps she got married yesterday!!!) sent this page from Advanced Marathoning about hills and I wanted to share it with you!

Keep on running those hills!

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What is your current happy mileage per week?  Mentally and physically… what amount of miles per week work well for you?

Have a dog when you were growing up?  What kind?

How often are you running hills?

What was the highlight of your weekend?

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I think 30 miles a week is my happy place for now after so many illnesses and injuries over the last year,

I grew up with a white German shepherd

Highlight: seeing my peacocks have babies!


That workout looks pretty intense! Thank you for sharing it–I need to try it for sure! Right now, my happy place mileage is somewhere between 40 and 50. I’m trying to keep it more consistently closer to 50, but it’s been a struggle lately. I had to back off a little this past week, but hopefully I’ll be able to get things back to normal soon!

The highlight of my weekend was definitely babysitting my niece on Saturday night. She’s four months old and seriously the MOST ADORABLE human alive. :)


Honestly, I feel like wearing my pants backwards today. I woke up on the last working Monday of the year to no power! It sure was fun to do my hair and makeup without any lights haha!

My normal happy mileage per week is abour 30-35mpw but right now I’m just happy when I hit 25 mpw. Life is so busy (with all good things) and admittedly I have been running less than normal but I’m trying not to stress about it. Life is all about balance and I’m no Olympic runner anyway haha!


We always had cats when I was growing up, because my mom doesn’t like dogs. When I moved away to college, I ended up adopting a stray dog. I want another dog now, and my kids love dogs, but we’re waiting until after we move.


I agree it’s weird sometimes to not workout on rest days but it’s so necessary mentally :) I have had labrador retrievers my whole life and have had my puppy Maverick now for 8 years. No he’s not a puppy anymore technically but he always will be to me <3


My happy milage right now is 25-30; need to start building that up as I am going to start training for my first marathon!! I recently moved and there are hills around every corner, or os it seems to me, so I am hoping they really are good for you, even if they kill. I used to struggle to find hills where I lived in the Midwest, too flat there!

We always had cats growing up and my uncles had crazy dogs that kind of put me off ever wanting one.


I need to get back into running, I just have zero motivation when it’s so cold outside! Any tips for not being a wimp about cold-weather running? :) Brooke’s love for dogs is adorable, I love it! My mom grew up showing Sheltie’s at dog shows and she loves them. Such sweet pups! Enjoy your time in California!


Right now my happy mileage is 0 — strength training and yoga are my jam right now. I have trained in the winter months — but I ended up hating it and hating running… so I decided to do what I love when I love to do it, and that means training this spring :D

We didn’t have a dog while growing up — but we did have two tabby cats that were supa cute!

This weekend was “Treats Weekend” and my husband and I pumped out treats! Chocolate Rolo pretzels, Butter Pecan Brittle, Buckeyes, and Butterscotch Haystacks. This meant I could send him to work with a whole tray of treats today :D


Hi! What lipgloss have you been wearing? I love the color!!


Hey Kate! Thank you so much! I am wearing the Victoria Secret lip gloss—> PUNCHY!! My favorite. I think I currently have 5 of them haha!


Brooke looks so cute in her sparkly skirt.

That workout sounds pretty tough but rewarding. I’m normally happiest running between 60-70 miles per week with a rest day. I’ve found it typically works well for me.


I really like to be in the 30-40 mile area. But right now my knee is killing me because of my IT band, so I’m happy if I can get 25 in. I run hills twice a week with my running partner.

Highlight of my weekend was Vegas with the besties, and honestly coming home too because there’s nothing better than being reunited with my kiddos and sleeping in my own bed!


Thanks for the sheltie pics! I grew up with shelties, and they are still very special to me, even though I’m now an apartment dweller with a cat. Here in NYC, where almost no one has a yard, they’re very rare, so I always feel like it’s good luck to spot one out and about. My little dog used to lick my feet under the dinner table, too.


Oh that is awesome Emily, Shelties are so special to me too!


That dress on the third picture is so pretty!
My dog growing up was a French Poodle. She still lives with my Mom and I miss her so much.
I run hills every time I run at my local park which is basically every Saturday. On my 10K race yesterday I had to run a killer one in order to get to the second water station.


When i’m not training for anything (like right now) I enjoy 4 runs a week of anywhere between 3 and 5 miles (15-20 miles per week). Just 30 minutes to an hour of fresh (cold!) air and a chance to get away from my craziness.

But even when I’m training my mileage doesn’t go much higher. Maybe 20-30 miles per week.

Never had a dog growing up. Got my first dog almost 8 years ago when I was 35. He’s my heart.

I haven’t done a specific hill workout in forever but most of my routes are rolling hills.

Weekend highlight was going bowling with my boyfriend. We’ve been going through a lot of real-life crap and he’s been stressed and I wanted us to do something fun. I even scored a 144 on the last game.


Thanks for the workout. That looks like a good one!

I had a sheltie growing up, too! She was the sweetest dog and all of our neighbors called her “Little Lassie.”


Let me know if you do the workout and what you think! Oh that is so awesome you had a sheltie too! They are the best and so beautiful! HAHA yes, our dog totally reminded me of Lassie too:)


I can’t believe Andrew wore that..I went running this morning when it was 18 degrees and had 2 pairs of pants, 2 long sleeves and a jacket on. I was still a little cold!

I had a lab growing up, and so did my husband, so our first dog together is also a lab! They’re my favorite.

I live in Pittsburgh which is really hilly! I usually can’t avoid hills during my runs, but I try to incorporate a dedicated hill workout about twice a month.


Shelties are always so pretty. Growing up we had a cocker spaniel. He had quite the personality. You don’t realize how much they become a part of the family until they’re not there anymore. I can’t wait til I can get a dog again.


I had a toy poodle named cindy! she was the cutest little thing. she lived to be almost 16! I still miss her so much every day!


My happy mileage is about 30mwp. But I have to do it in 5 days with 2 rest days to keep my body happy. I have been doing 99% of my winter running indoors so far, so not much hill action has been happening for me. I am waiting on the motivation to face the elements to hit, then I will take things outdoors.

We always had Cocker Spaniels growing up. I’ve heard that breed can be temperamental, but ours were always super sweet!

Highlight of my weekend: Visiting The Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC with my husband. If you’re ever in this area around Christmas time, you have to visit! They host a huge, international gingerbread house competition each year and some of them are absolutely amazing!


Boyfriend was in town and we went to my neighbourhood Christmas party…everyone brings an appetizer to share and I brought Maple Bacon Crack. I’m not kidding, it is TO DIE FOR. And tastes maybe even better the next day re-heated!!


We saw Jim gaffigan last week when he was here in SLC. It was so fun!


AHHHH that is so awesome! I beet it was amazing… like sore cheeks afterwards from laughing/smiling so much!


AHHHH that is so awesome! I bet it was amazing… like sore cheeks afterwards from laughing/smiling so much!


I do better with low mileage running (usually 3 days/week) + 2-3 days of cycling. It’s super hilly where we live, so I run hills every time I run.

We had SO many dogs while I was growing up. My mom was a total animal lover, she never met an animal she did not want to bring home! We also had cats, turtles, guinea pigs, rabbits, lizards, and frogs. But there were always, always dogs!

Highlight of my weekend was our Christmas recital at church last night. The littlest ones (2-4 year olds) sang “I’ll give God me this Christmas” and they were all wrapped as presents. Super cute!


My happy mileage is somewhere between 35-40 miles a week, however it has been a while since I hit that (injuries + pregnancy, etc…) I am looking forward to bulldog back up to my happy place though.

Highlight of my weekend? Christmas shopping, running in the snow, and watching Christmas movies :)


At the moment I’m doing between 15 – 20 miles a week but I’m hoping to get that to 40 – 50 miles soon, I’m training for my first marathon!

My highlight of the weekend was getting new running shoes! I’ve finally got gait tested and my current shoes are completely wrong for me so I’m really looking forward to trying my new ones and seeing what I can achieve :)

Brooke looks adorable as ever – she’s such a happy girl!


Brooke looks like Gretl from The Sound of Music in that first pic! Absolutely precious!


Oh you are so so right! Once I read your comment I looked at the picture and you are so right! Hope you are having a great day Kami!


Hi Janae! The highlight of my weekend was definitely having my sister come to visit. We love in different countries so it’s always great having her here.
Growing up i always wished I had a dog but never got one. Now I have the most beautiful dog named Mel. She was abandoned by her previous owners I we found her and have been in love with her ever since.
Have a great week!


Oh Patricia, I bet you had an amazing time this last weekend… I am so glad your sister came to visit! I am so happy you found Mel, dogs really are the best!


My happy mileage really depends on my fitness level but recently it’s been 15-20 miles. The house I just moved into has a trail about 1/2 mile away that leads to hills and my neighborhood has a mega hill so I see those being a regular feature of my outdoor (and preferred style) of running. I don’t mind hills especially if I only count the “down” mph.
The highlight of my weekend was yesterday when my mom flew in! Even though I just saw her on Friday it felt like forever and I missed her crazy. It’s making this living in different parts of the country thing a lot easier.


OH MY GOODNESS. SUCH A SMALL WORLD. My brother is married to Kim’s husband (Tyler’s) cousin. They were at the wedding this weekend! We love Kim and Tyler!

I can’t even believe how small the world is. I feel a connection to you now haha


I read ‘Dad is Fat’ and then listened to it with Ross and it was even better the second time because listening to him read it makes it that much better. I also love, ‘Food: A Love Story’ because, like Jim, I am either thinking about food, talking about food, or eating food. Sometimes (read: most of the time) I am doing all 3 simultaneously.

That treadmill run looks legit. I would die.

Safe travels, friend!


I’m at about 10-15 miles per week right now – I haven’t got my groove back after the last osteoarthritis flareup – but my happy place was when I was averaging 50m/w last winter.

We had 4 dogs growing up, a purebred Heinz51 mutt, a pair of English setters that my dad hunted with and a cockerpoo. When I was in high school, I rescued a husky/wolf cross and to this day, he has been my all time favorite dog :)

I run hills as often as I can – I have a little State Park near my house that I have the pleasure of running in on Thursdays and Fridays that has enough hills to get me around 1000′ of elevation in a 6 mile run. My long runs on Saturday (when I get myself motivated – see bullet 1 above :( ) are out on the Ice Age trail, where I usually get 1500-3500′ of elevation, depending on the route and distance. I love hills! :)


I already love following this blog, BUT I love it even more knowing you had a sheltie as a child. Sadly, we lost our 13 y.o. Maggie last December. She was the best dog! Shelties make great companions and ours was fabulous with our 3 boys. Maggie put in a good many miles with me, too! We currently have a collie, but are itching to add another sheltie to our home. ?❤️?


I love this interval workout!! I read your blog yesterday morning before leaving for the gym and gave it a try. The time flew by, which usually doesn’t happen on the treadmill. I will be adding this to my weekly half-marathon training. Thanks for sharing it.

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