Running with a dog and California!

My running partner for Friday morning was Beretta.

We did 4.5 miles together in the 7: something average pace range.  She keeps me on my toes.

Here is how a run with Beretta typically goes:

For the first 1.07 miles she wants to run at about a 5:05 mile pace.  Her feet barely even touch the ground, she is practically flying. Her tag is wagging so intensly that it actually touches both sides of her body as it goes back and forth.  I keep her back with me (not always easily:) because I know later on she will regret her natural tendency for major positive splits.

From 1.08 miles until the end she will stay right by my side.  I just let the leash hang out on my forearm and she doesn’t tug me anymore and I’m sure she is very grateful that I kept her at a steady pace for the entire run.

Grand finale:  Finish, fill up a big bowl of water for her and hang out on the grass while she recovers and stretches before going inside.

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We also stopped to say hi to a few of her friends along the way.

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Just the normal morning randomness going on at home.

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These two were beyond excited for their first airplane trip together.

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They both got a window seat and loved staring out at everything along with the movies we rented for them:) Oh, and the pretzels… those are always an important part of Brooke’s airplane rides.

Knox found a more exciting way to get around the airport:

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We said goodbye to Brooke and she went with her Dad for the weekend (this is why we come to the Bay Area often).

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And then we drove a few minutes to get to BANGS’ FRIENDS HOUSE!!!  She made an incredible dinner for us and I loved having them get to know Andrew better.  Potato soup (ridiculously good) and homemade rolls (also, ridiculously good).


Bangs and Knox decorated cookies together too and she also had chocolate chip cookies for us.

I have sure missed her.  I keep trying to convince her to move to Utah but I have not been successful.

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We made it to the hotel and Knox was out like a light.

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PS I had to share my niece’s Halloween costume, Rosie the riveter, with you:)  It made me happy.

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Going for a run this morning and then off to show Knox some amazing places in the area!


What do you have going on today?

Ever run with a dog?  What’s your dog’s running like?

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You are so lucky you travel every weekend


I wish my doggie could handle a run! He’s a pekingese and is a bit older — so he has stubby little legs and a flat face. This combination makes him a great snuggler, but a cruddy running buddy!


I often past a woman running with her labs using something like this :®-Reflective-Training-Adjustable-Flexible/dp/B01KQ7RVEY/ref=zg_bs_3024195011_9

Seems an easier way than a leash


Maybe it is me :)
that’s what I use with my dog all the time!


Wasn’t Bangs the one who gave Andrew the heartache about “where were you on your wedding day?” ….. I am sure they had a lot of catching up to do…ha!


Running with a dog can either go realllllly well or reallllyyyy awful! My dog is definitely more of a sprinter than a long distance runner. She’s gotten a ton better at sticking by my side but she’s usually wiped out after about 2-3 miles. Glad Beretta is a good running buddy for you!

Have fun this weekend!!


We have a Golden Retriever (named Brooks :)) and he does the exact same thing! Mile 1 is an all out sprint and then it’s more like I have to convince him to keep going. He would rather play fetch all day than run, but occasionally we run together. He still 110 pounds and pulls me pretty bad when he stops to smell 1,000 things, which is not the most fun. Does Beretta not stop for the smells? I think I need more tips to master the art of dog running! Have a great weekend!


I can run about a half mile with my dogs! They are both goldendoodles and the two year old is little and she will stop when she is tired and the one year old is too crazy, but he would run forever!

Today is my rest day, so we are just hanging out and relaxing. I got snuggle time with my almost 12 year old daughter, so I’m happy!


My dog also likes to do the fly and die. Luckily I can hold her back pretty well, except then she gets mad at me for running so slow. Then usually at some point our run turns into a “stop and sniff” session. She’s so happy afterwards though that it’s totally worth it even if I don’t get a great run in.


Lots of Halloween festivities and face painting at our local cupcake shop going on today. I do not run with both my dogs, that would be disastrous for all of us, as they like to criss cross each other. Running with them separately is ok, except for when they bolt after rabbits and squirrels. Once they are wore down, they are great walkers and runners. But back home, the opposite dog drives my husband insane !!! with their horrible whining at the door for 45 minutes to an hour knowing their turn is next. This is not ‘light’ whining either. This is border line mental breakdown whining.


My dog is a Pointer – one of those perfect running breeds. She can go for 12 miles and not even be tired – it’s ridiculous! If you plan on running with your dog a lot, you have to invest in a hands-free leash. (Clips around your waist and has a flexible section so the dog isn’t always tugging). I hated using a regular leash as I felt my dog was pulling my stride way off. This way she helps pull me up hills and on those days I’m feeling a little tired :) Best running partner ever!


I so agree, hands free is tbe only way to go!


I QUALIFIED FOR BOSTON TODAY, 3:27!! This was my 3rd marathon and I ran it in Greenville, SC where I go to school. I paced it well and really kept it easy until mile 20. It was still incredibly hard but worth every single mile I put in! Following your blog has been so encouraging, thanks for all you do and for inspiring all of us runners to get out there and crush our goals! It’s so surreal- I still can’t believe I did it!!




Wow! Congratulations ?


AHHHHH HUGE HUGE CONGRATS PORTER!!! That is an incredible time and you ran such a smart race. AMAZING!!! Enjoy the recovery and congratulations! PS Thanks for sharing with me!


Heading to the North Shore on Oahu today. Cholo’s (best Mexican food on the island) for lunch. I’m sure there will be some shave ice and beach time as well.


I’ll never forget one of my first 5k PRs a man and a great dane passed me and ran below 20 minutes for a 5k. It was nuts.


Get that soup recipe for me!!


HERE IT IS!! It is amazing… try it and let me know what you think!


I have a 60 lb fluffy mutt (looks a little like a labradoodle) and basically it’s a similar situation, keep her slower for the first mile and then she will run just a little in front of me the back half. I don’t know her pace cause I try and take her on “easy runs.” today I picked up my husband who was in the Bay Area for work! so many stories of good food and sight seeing, so jealous!


Beretta’s face in the first pic is hilarious! My son pointed and got all excited there was a picture of a dog on my screen!! haha How fun you and Knox get to have a date/Stepmom/son bonding time!!!


You can see your niece’s resemblance to her big brother in that photo.

I had a great day. I stayed in Manhattan, met my friend for breakfast and she has the most adorable baby bump, then I took a yoga class for runners in central park. I stopped at the holiday market and scored a seasonal pumpkin doughnut with cinnamon cream cheese frosting and roasted pepitas.

My dog’s idea of running is to sprint and then stop suddenly. Now she’s 13 and we only do a light jog together. (the vet suggested it to keep her nails shorter).


My dog is a 2 year old Pointer and she runs with me for ALL of my runs, therefore she has learned that it might be a 5 miler, or a 20 miler …she just never knows and is smart enough to just run my pace. She is the best running partner ever.


Sadly I don’t have any dogs right now but I have ran with a lot of them. I have always insisted they stay with me because a dog that is controlled is a well behaved dog and you have much more control over them. Plus they like knowing whats up. Just like kids. Nothing irritates me more then people who let the dog pull them around. Dogs learn quickly and like you said, once he settles down and remembers he doesn’t leave your side. A beautiful dog I might add. Lucky!


1. I got in a run today! But for some reason my legs feel SO heavy so it wasn’t the best run :/
Have any advice on how to combat sore and heavy legs? I’m not sure if I should take a rest day or not but I know if I run more my legs will just feel even heavier and hurt. They’ve been hurting a lot lately and I’m.not sure if it’s because I’ve been doing a lot more hill sprints/strides..any advice?


Fun that you run with Beretta! If you haven’t tried a leash that goes around your waist, they can be great for dog runs! I love the floors in your house (in the pics of the kids in the floor). Did you guys put those in? I recall you picking out flooring. Would love to know what they are. Thanks!!


I’ve just realised that Bangs name is Katie. Hi Katie :)


Your niece’s costume is spot on!


I have an hungarian vizsla and she runs both my husband and I… 60 miles+ a week. She is awesome.
We use the same leash others have posted, it goes by the waist and it is so good


My lab does the same thing!!!! I wouldn’t dare say the R word unless we were going for a run right that instant. Also, from the moment I wake up she starts barking until we are out the door because she is SO excited.


I used to have a German Shepherd that I trained to run with me. She was amazing – I could tell her “cross” when we were going to cross the street or “left” if she was starting to drift. The only problem was, she was such a great running buddy that I could never just go for a walk with her. She assumed me + leash = RUNNING!! Now I have a basset hound that is very willing, but gets distracted by every… single… smell… I think casual walks are much more our speed as a duo.


I used to run with my little pup all the time. He is getting a little too old to keep up but still loves a short run every once in a while!


We run with our dogs – I usually run with my German Shorthaired Pointer Rosemary and my husband runs with our Viszla Sage. Rosie is almost eight and I have ran off lead with her for about six years. She is old enough to know not to start out at a sprint :-) She loves the fall weather right now and usually is a few steps ahead of me. But being a good puppy, she knows to slow down at streets or if people are coming. Sage is 2 but also runs off lead most of the time. He really doesn’t care about running until he is out there but then sticks right beside you like the velcro Viszla he is.

Cut story about Rosie. She has a great felt flower petal collar that has always been her Halloween costume. Last night I got it out with the candy bags (we are lame and trick or treat on Beggar’s Night – the night before Halloween) and she went crazy. We weren’t going to take her out but there was no choice. My anti-social dog had to go out and show off her costume.


You have just inspired my next Review Post… I think I shall Post it Thursday. My Charlie is also from a Pet Shelter. So I’ll put my own experience. I think you’ll like it. What a great idea, THANKS! Tell me… do you have Posts regarding blogging? I’m trying to get more people to stop by to get my numbers higher. I’m trying everything… from being my SWEET SELF (~snicker-snicker), to starting a meme regarding music cuz doesn’t every one love music? I only have about 15 regulars… Not good, but at least I’m making those people happy & giving them something fun to do & they enjoy. We have themes & sometimes I even let my followers pick the themes. So, maybe I’m just not doin’ it right! ( Oh well, back to the grindstone. Hugs & have a great day!senior dog


So I actually substituted for coconut flour…. Must’ve really affected the recipe because it came out too dry to form anything… Just crumbled into bits. HOWEVER; I kind of force molded it into a shape with some Frenchie saranwrap and frosted it anyway.. garnished with berries, and my vizsla Louie loved it anyway!!


You made my day reading this. Shelter dogs are wonderful. and yes you certainly can get a purebred if thats what you have your mind st on as some who have bought a purebred and found they werent fitting onto their lifestyle . I have known a number of people who have ‘bought ‘ (it makes me shudder) a Frenchie and they find out the breed is prey driven or perhaps is very high strung. Also buying a dog you are never sure if i involves a puppy mill. For more visit Visit here


You made my day reading this. Shelter dogs are wonderful. and yes you certainly can get a purebred if thats what you have your mind st on as some who have bought a purebred and found they werent fitting onto their lifestyle . I have known a number of people who have ‘bought ‘ (it makes me shudder) a Frenchie and they find out the breed is prey driven or perhaps is very high strung. Also buying a dog you are never sure if i involves a puppy automatic dog feeders


Love this post. I have kids and a dog.. and on top of that I am interior designer that is OCD! But my puppy needs to be inside and be a part of the family. Hence no white linen sofa.funny dog memes


Ahhhh, I love this post! My dog’s name is Theo and he is a yorkie/shih tzu mix (I think). I adopted him from the SCPA near me so they weren’t able to tell me what he is exactly other than just yorkie mix. I would love to know if he loves me but also if I annoy him. Every time I look over at him he’s doing something too cute and I go over to pet him or hug him. I think he gets annoyed sometimes when he’s trying to nap. oh well.savannah cat for sale


A workout and a walk seems like the perfect start to a day! I love the pictures of Sadie stalking animals- so so cute!Cats


have a quick pumpkin related Q…(i checked out your recipe pages first and didn’t see this…), have you tried oats with PB and pumpkin? just curious…Cats


I love Mexican food. My cat Emma loves to curl up on anything. Her favorite is my fiancee’s Giants blanket! I am very offended by that as I am a HUGE Jets fan.hombre atropellado por perro


There are also several dams for the dogs to wade in, and an abundance of bird life to keep an eye on. As an added bonus, the park also boasts ample parking andcheap pet food online


There are also several dams for the dogs to wade in, and an abundance of bird life to keep an eye on. As an added bonus, the park also boasts ample parking and online pet store singapore



There are also several dams for the dogs to wade in, and an abundance of bird life to keep an eye on. As an added bonus, the park also boasts ample parking and online pet store singapore


Awww! Cody is so cute! :D And that guacamole looks totally delicious! I hope to find some avocados on sale so I could try making a batch. pet store online


I almost had pancakes too, I was reallllyyy craving them this morning but had overnight oats in the fridge so I resisted, plus I was still tired so no extra effort for me today ? I love all the mexican inspired food you guys had, enjoy your sunday!pretty kitties


I have known a number of people who have ‘bought ‘ (it makes me shudder) a Frenchie and they find out the breed is prey driven or perhaps is very high strung. pretty kitties


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