Our Halloween Thus Far!

I thought it would be fitting to run near pumpkins for my Halloween run.  I wish I would have put together a costume or something but at least I tried to stick with the black and purple color coordination to celebrate.

Kind of beautiful to see hundreds of pumpkins as you are running by.  I LOVE going other places for some time but I’m always very happy to be home in Utah again.  I’m very glad that Andrew feels the same way about Utah that I do.  We will be here for a very long time.

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I needed a lot of stretching after my run today and these two joined me.  I also did a 2.5 minute plank (gotta love seeing some improvements) and 4 x 10 squats (without any weights:).  I think Brooke missed Beretta and Knox the most while she was gone for the weekend.

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A little bit after I got home from my run, Andrew and Beretta set out for a few miles.  Andrew always drives her down to a path so she can run free which is her favorite kind of running.

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Dogs are lucky because they get to run as hard and fast as they want and then just lay down for the entire rest of the day.

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Andrew’s back has not been feeling great (I think the hotel beds mess him up) and so Brooke has helped him out by walking on his back for him.

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Sorry for a blood picture but I used to ALWAYS kick my ankles while I run… ALWAYS.  I don’t do it very often but every now and then I’ll kick it a few times out on a run and boom:

PS I need to get back in the habit of wearing matching socks.

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I made Kodiak pancakes for Brooke and used the cookie cutter to attempt making them look like pumpkins.  She was impressed so I’m going to go ahead and pat myself on the back.

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My new favorite kind of breakfast… eggs, turkey bacon, tomato, lettuce and some hot chocolate in a donut themed cup.

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And now we are busy making caramel apples to take to my family’s house before trick-or-treating.  I was telling Andrew that when I was around the age of 8 I would wear one rollerblade and one tennis shoe while I was out going from door to door for candy.  The shoe made it easier to navigate up/down stairs and the rollerblade allowed me to glide along the sidewalks a lot faster.  I was all about finding the most efficient trick-or-treating method.  While we are talking about rollerblades, the only time I ever broke any bones was while rollerblading.  My brother was racing me home from a friend’s house (he was driving a car and I was on the rollerblades on the sidewalk) and when I got to the grass portion I tried running (I was obviously winning at this point;) and fell pretty hard.

How’s that for a tangent?  I hope you have an amazing time tonight doing whatever you are doing!!!

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Wish us luck with our homemade double broiler;)

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Ever broken any bones?  How’d you do it?

Favorite caramel apple toppings?


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One time I broke my tailbone playing basketball. That was a good time.
Crushed Heath bar on caramel apples= glory.


Oh that sounds SOOOO painful. OUCH!!!


Broke my arm in the 4th grade playing tug of war near a 4foot retaining wall. My brother let go of the rope and I fell over and into a ditch. :(
I love crushed peanuts on my caramel apple. Drizzled dark chocolate too!


Okay, that sounds awful! OUCH!!! Yep, your combo sounds delicious!


I have broken many bones by falling. The most noticeable is when I slipped on ice in college. I was actually walking to the gym to run on a treadmill (instead of running outdoors…LOL)…

Utah looks so beautiful. I hope you have a great rest of your Halloween Janae!


NOOOO You slipped on the ice on your way to go and avoid the ice by using the treadmill. Oh, that is LAME!!! I’m telling ya… you need to do a race here! Hope you enjoy your night too Hollie!


I’ve never broken any bones but i also kick myself while running. I had no idea that happened to other people too.
I love everything about your blog. Thank you for sharing so much with us. Also thank you for showing us so much of Utah. It’s so so beautiful. I had no idea.
Happy Halloween and good luck with the apples.


I always kick the inside of my ankle too! Glad to know I’m not alone lol. It hurts even worse in the cold when your skin is all dry


I had a hip stress fracture, from training for my first 1/2 marathon. But as a kid I was pretty lucky, only sprain or two.

I like my caramel apples with a drizzle of chocolate or plain.

I ran today and my foot feels ok.


I broke my finger when I was running a few years ago. I tripped over a bump in the sidewalk! I also landed pretty hard on my knee but luckily that was just scraped. The one rollerblade for trick or treating is a great idea!


Broke my hand back when I was a diver by hitting it on the board. :-o I thought it was just bruised until I woke up and it was super swollen and I couldn’t move it! I don’t really like caramel apples…they are just so difficult to eat!


Aww those are cute pumpkin pancakes!!


Never broken any thing…but a couple of glasses here and there while unloading the dishwasher!!

Oh, a dog’s life!!! It has got to be the best when with the right family and boy, did Beretta pick a good one!


I broke my wrist in a cycling accident over the summer when I was training for my first triathlon. I was trying to avoid getting hit by a car. I still stuck with training (cycling in a trainer and no swimming) and got my cast off before the actual event. It made for an interesting story!!!


Broken finger and dislocated too, broken tail bone, then broken pelvis and tail bone! All from my other love, horseback riding. Jumping of course.


chocolate covered caramel apples are my fave!


Looks like a fun day! How did the homemade double broiler work out? That’s one of those things I keep meaning to buy but I only remember that I don’t have one when I need it, haha.

I’m not going to comment on the broken bones question because…marathon in 12 days and I’m not trying to jinx myself.

Also, why is it that everyone around you is sick when you are tapering?!? These people need to stay away!


mmmm love carmel apples. We always used to get one when we went up to Park City for the day. Knock on wood, but I have never broken any bones!


I have broken so many bones! One of the latest was my wrist when I was roller blading. My son came up behind me on his bike, after coming down a hill fast and couldn’t remember how to use the hand brakes on his new bike. He ran me over pretty good! My wrist was broken and also had torn ligament and tendon, tire burn on my inner calf and and a injured tailbone.


I watched a recent episode of the Pioneer Woman where she made marbalized caramel apples. They looked so good! I’ve toyed around with the idea of making the mini ones where you use a melon baller to make little apple balls and dip those in the caramel.

Hope you guys had a good Halloween!


I broke both bones in my lower arm by falling off a ranch gate. My sister and I were swinging on it and then we would let go and grab the next rail. My sister said, “watch this, I can skip a rail.” …apparently I could not. Disclaimer – I was seven. This was not a recent event :O).


I kick my ankles too!

I’ve not broken any bones (*and hope to never brake any bones!*) — I consider myself lucky!


I broke my little toe once by……tripping over my own furniture. sigh.


I have also broken bones while rollerSKATING, lol…on TWO separate occasions. Broke one arm while rollerskating in kindergarten and then broke the other arm while rollerskating in second grade. It was always cause other people made me fall though if that counts for anything ;)


I broke my hand running. I had to have surgery and now i have 3 pins to keep it all together. Talk about a bad fall. :(


I broke my fifth metatarsal getting out of bed once :p.

Salted caramel and smarties on a candied Apple are my favourite.


I fractured my wrist in 2nd grade roller skating across carpet, and I broke my ankle in college skiing.

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