Some time is better than no time, food trucks and YOUR running accomplishments!

Twenty minutes on the treadmill is better than no minutes right?


While I was getting in a short workout Andrew taught the kids how to play baseball.  He hit a home run with this one:


Brooke can already hit the ball with her eyes closed… that takes skills.


Beretta joined in too and watched every move the ball made.  She get’s the same amount of endorphins from playing fetch that we get from going on a run.


Shortly after that my mom came over and we all piled in the car.  Andrew was very comfortable in the backseat;)

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We heard of another early trick-or-treating spot and so we made sure to hit it up.


The food truck round-up.


Andrew and I grabbed some of our favorite Korean BBQ.


And my mom bought some waffles for us to all split.  She had never tried Waffle Love before this and she definitely approved.


The mountains looked like gold.


Megan D sent the below image to me. We do not agree.

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I’ve been thinking about this quote below this whole week after I saw it on my friend’s blog.   I can’t stop thinking about how much these words can apply to our eating and running/working out.  Trying to improve is great and working towards goals is fabulous but constantly being disappointed in ourselves if we aren’t perfect in these things is draining.

You are doing your best and that is enough.

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I LOVE getting your running accomplishments so keep on sending them in so I can post them——>  [email protected]


Mallory!!!  “I ran my first marathon and qualified for Boston with a time of 3:29!!  While I have done many halves, the marathon is a beast and I had no idea what to expect.  I had only done two runs longer than 15 miles in the months prior to the race (bad idea) and was only running 30-35 miles a week at most.  Needless to say I am thrilled and shocked that I met my goal to qualify.  This was an emotional race because I went through a very hard time this past March, and doubted that I would even have the physical/emotional strength to make it to the start line.  But I did, and now I imaging to be able to run the race of my dreams in my wonderful city (BOSTON!) come 2018.”

Mallory first marathon


Hollie!!!  “I ran the Runners World Festival 5k and half marathon.  They were the first races I felt in shape after fracturing my ankle in May.  I ran an 18:41 5k and 1:24.17 half and placed 4th in both.”



Rachael!!!  “I ran the Purdue Boilermaker half-marathon (my eighth) on October 22, twenty-five days after giving birth to my sixth baby!  I was still in a cast from a stress fracture (ran a marathon on a tibial fracture that was misdiagnosed as tendonitis—OUCH) when my pregnancy began, but I built back very slowly and ran a half at 15 weeks and another at 20 weeks (if you ever get a chance to run the Indy Mini it is AMAZING!!).  By that point I figured I would just keep going and see how long I could keep up 30-35 miles a week.  I did my last long run and 30-mile week at 37 weeks, then cut back to 5-6 miles 4 times a week and a ton of walking.  I had a fabulous delivery and my doctor told me I could start running again when I felt up to it, so I ran 3 miles four days after delivery and starting building up again.  When I did ten miles eleven days post-partum I figured I could try for the half.  At 2:)7:25 it was far from my PR, but it was a great experience and pretty mind-blowing to me to be able to complete it so soon after childbirth!  Running is super important to me because it helps so much with my mental health.  I had a terrible depressive episode several years ago, and marathon training is what got me through the nightmare of medication adjustments and then slowly weaning myself off meds.  This race was also really special since it was the first time some of my children have been able to participate in the fun run- I think they are officially hooked on racing thanks to the medals and post-race granola bars!”



LauraMae!!!  “I raced the Haunted Half in Salt Lake and got 1:56:39!  It was my 3rd half marathon in 3 years!! (I don’t have to tell you races are pricey!) It felt even more like an accomplishment because this race I actually felt strong even with some stomach trouble.  I found myself running up the hills without noticing it was a hill until I saw some walking or slowing down!  I’m usually the one slowing down;)  I used your advice and ran like I was holding back until I was halfway done and then sped up.  Worked like a charm!”



My brother:)  Okay, so he didn’t send this in as an accomplishment but he sent me this text and I wanted to post it:)

“I got a 24 mile run in along the Missouri River (Emilee says we get to multiply our actual miles by the # of kids we have).  As a pilot you’d think I’d do a better job of checking the weather, it literally started raining as I took my first stride and stopped as I took my last:)  Beautiful run though.  I wanted to think I was trailblazing, but turns out Lewis and Clark beat me to it.”

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I have one more thing I really wanted to share today.  If you live in the area, there is an amazing fundraiser this weekend (we will be there on Monday).  It is for a friend of mine from high school that has a brain tumor and no cure and his family (he has six children and one on the way).  You can read more about it here, they are truly amazing people.  Hope you can make it if you live close.


What are your weekend plans?

Have a favorite food truck?  What do they serve?

Last race that you ran?  Is it one that you would do again?  Pros and cons of the race?

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Y’all have so many fun events in your area! I’m going to a haunted house this weekend, and I’m pretty happy about that. Other than that, I’ll be eating froyo and watching football.

That quote is SO true. I need to work on that in various areas of my life.


After almost five days not running because of the flu, I went out for a four-miler last night and surprised myself with a much faster pace than I’ve been running lately! Usually, I have to stop a lot and stretch now that my belly is so big and my feet are so swollen, but I cruised through it pretty easily. I’m super excited about my longer run this weekend!

Candy corn is basically the reason for the season.


Brooke is the best dressed baseball player ever! Have you tried the Sea Salt Chocolate Candy Corn from Brach’s? Aaamaaazzzing!


Those kids playing ball in their halloween costume – that is the bee’s knees!


Mostly catching up on school stuff this weekend, but hopefully I’ll fit some Halloween fun in as well. :) There are a few good food trucks around us. My favorite is probably the taco truck. :) Last race I ran was Chicago Marathon…I’d definitely do it again, but want to focus on some triathlons first. :)


Weekend plans include long run, time with family, and preparing for Halloween!
The last race I ran was a 5k with the madre, but I have a rust buster 5k coming up next week and I am petrified lol. If it is scary, it is probably worth it, right ;)


I’m running the Trenton (NJ) Half Marathon tomorrow. I ran a half 3 weeks ago….the Staten Island Half….it was my 10th year in a row running it. I don’t know that i’d recommend it. It’s my hometown so easy to get to but the course isn’t that scenic except for about a mile of it. And it’s gotten really big and crowded.
The Trenton Half on the other hand I would definitely recommend. I love everything about it (except for the big hill at mile 8. LOL)


I like relatively close to Trenton and that’s always a half I want to do. Good luck and enjoy!


Thanks Hollie! I’ve recapped my 2013 and 2014 race and I’ll be recapping tomorrow’s as well.



Candy corn is the best. If you hate it, I won’t complain and I’ll take your portion too LOL.


I LOVE candy corn but my husband hates it!! Haha Guess I better start conditioning my son to like it! Your brother is a champ! The weather only raining while you run would be rough for 24 miles!!! I love reading when others use running for their mental health, SAME HERE!!!! Such a life saver!


I agree, candy corn reminds me of what candles must taste like. ;)
Weekend plans? Mostly relaxing with a run, movie, and church thrown in the mix too. Oh and we may help our friends with their home (they are on the homestretch of a huge renovation!)


we don’t have a lot of food trucks here but those waffles look awesome!


Mallory – CONGRATS! What an awesome accomplishment!!

And I’m with Megan D! – Never got into the candy corn!

Favorite food truck … Captain Cookie in DC - … Cookies count as food, right?


I LOVE candy corn! And Brooke’s little Ariel costume!


If these running accomplishments don’t inspire nothing will!’


Weekend plans: 20 miler tomorrow morning (with the fast friends, yikes!), then pumpkin patch with the family =)

Last race was Cascade Lakes Relay, and I lovvvvve it! It is so beautiful, and it helps that I have the best team every.

No Food trucks in Bend (it might be the only downside to living here!). And I love love love candy corn for approximately 3 pieces, until I get completely sick from the pure sugar.


Heading out of town tonight for a good friend’s wedding tomorrow!! Enjoy your weekend!! Love the kids costumes.. too cute!


This weekend, I am doing the La Cloche Silohette trail which is an 85 KM trail. My friends and I are doing it as a fun Halloween challenge and running it straight through!


I saw these donut coasters and immediately thought of you! They seem easy to make too, so it’s a win-win!


LOVE reading the running accomplishments! All the ladies are spectacular!

I haven’t mentioned it yet but Brooke’s Ariel costume is awesome! I love her hair!!

It’s snowing here and I’m running a Halloween themed race tomorrow.


No don’t throw candy corn in the trash! That makes me so sad to read. Anyone who does that should send it to me instead and I’ll take care of it :)
The last race I did was the Hot Chocolate 5k. I love this race! It’s well-organized and the chocolate at the end is the best. But this was the fourth year in a row that I’ve done it, so next year I might try to branch out and try a different race instead.


I agree with the “some time is better than no time”. Some days between work, school, and raising kids by myself, I may only have 20 or 30 minutes to exercise. I make the time I have count. I also need to comment on your post from a day or so ago. When Andrew was talking about the kids asking to do something fun that day, I was a bit relieved that my kids are not the only ones to say that. Sometimes I am amazed at the difference in the childhood they have and what I had. I didn’t do a fraction of the activities that my kids get to do and I loved my childhood.


Actually girl, sometimes ZERO minutes in a day is COMPLETELY OKAY and better than any minutes :) Everyone needs rest days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The food truck roundup sounds like so much fun! I love it when there are good places for kids to get in a little extra Halloween fun!

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