The Timp Half Marathon Recap and Sunday Dinner!

First, HOW IS IT AUGUST ALREADY?  School starts this month here and I’m just confused how this summer went by so quickly (probably because Andrew and I decided to jam everything possible into the last few months;).  I am beyond excited to watch the Olympics this month and the OPENING CEREMONIES on Friday!

Time for the Timp 1/2 Marathon Recap from Saturday morning!

I jumped (okay, rolled… grumbled angrily) out of bed right at 4 a.m. and got breakfast (ate some applesauce and a banana) and drove over to American Fork High School to jump on a bus.  The busses go from 3:45-4:45 and I got there closer to the end and got right onto a bus with a very short wait.  The bus ride to the start took about 40 minutes and I think I fell asleep but I don’t really remember.

PS about race day food—>  when I was packing up stuff for the race, Brooke asked me where my waffles were.  I was so confused about what she was talking about until I realized she was talking about those Honey Stinger Waffles that I always eat before a race.  She now remembers my race routine better than I do.

Also, I wore my Boston jacket from Candice… good memories.  The start wasn’t super cold but having a jacket was really nice because we were up in the mountains.

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I met up with Josse and Mackenzie and we ran together for the majority of the race which was my favorite part about the morning.

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The race started at 6 a.m. and it was already pretty light out by then which is always nice.  Running in the light > running in the dark in my opinion.

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I don’t know what is happening here.

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I ran my first race watchless on Saturday.  Why did I do this?  For a few reasons:  1.  Josse does it all the time and told me to at least try it out once to see how I liked it.  2.  I knew I wasn’t going to be anywhere near a pr and so I thought why not?

It was really nice to not look at my watch constantly but I think I really do like wearing a Garmin on race day.  I like knowing my splits, doing the math in my head and especially when I am really trying to race.. the splits/paces/average pace really motivate me and I think that helps me to push myself harder.  But it was really nice Saturday because we wanted to treat the day more like a long tempo run and not worry about times as much as focusing on effort.

It felt REALLY weird to not push the start/stop buttons at the starting line and finish line.  It was also weird to look down at my arm randomly and see nothing but a few freckles.

I also didn’t bring any headphones… mainly because I knew I would be talking with my friends for a good portion of the race and also because I couldn’t find them in my car.

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We started off and ran the first 9ish miles together.  We talked the whole time but it still felt like I was putting in some good effort.  The first few miles were nice and cool which was different because I feel like I am used to being completely frozen for the first few miles of some of these canyon races.

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One lane of traffic was closed for us (I snapped these pics as we were running).

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After the canyon we were on the paved trails for most of the remainder of the race.

We separated at about 10 miles in and I wanted to push myself (for where I am at now) for the last 5k.  This is when I wish I had music, it’s crazy how much music motivates me when it comes to running.  At one point I came across cones going slightly to the right and to the left without any volunteers or anybody in front of me… so I just chose to turn left because I thought that is what I remembered from the previous year.  Turns out that wasn’t the race course and a few people followed me.  A mile or two (cones were there entire time) later and we ran into some police officers that pointed us into the direction of the 1/2 course… I had accidentally turned onto the 10k course and I felt pretty bad because a few people followed me but at the finish line their gamins all read that the distance was the same.   They weren’t mad about it at all but we weren’t sure why the volunteer wasn’t there to point us the direction to go.

It also was really warm once we were out of the canyon which is awesome for St. George Marathon training because that race gets HOT some years… Like, really hot.

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The race ended on the American Fork High School track which is awesome because then the spectators can watch easily from the bleachers and it feels pretty cool to end on a track.  I tried to kick it for the last half mile but my legs were dead so I did the best I could.

Lots of chocolate milk and

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Popsicles, fruit, water and a sweet medal at the finish line.

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At first I was kind of bummed about my time (10.5 minutes slower than last year) because I felt like it was pretty hard (especially those last few miles).  But then I remembered I definitely didn’t put in the work for anything different.  I’ve been making sure to get in my long runs but the speed work has been pretty much nonexistent so why in the world would I expect anything different?  With running you get what you get according to the work you put into it so slowing down recently is just kind of part of the equation.  But that is a-okay with me because while I’ve gotten slower, I’ve sure gained a whole lot the last few months.

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They had these sweet computers to find your finish time… you just enter in your bib number and all your info pops up and then prints out.

I finished in 1:32:23 which is a 7:03 average.  I’ll take it.  I was VERY sore the next day probably because those are paces I haven’t done in a while and because we went boating right after.  It’s kind of weird that I like to be sore though—>  it’s a reminder all day long that I pushed myself which is fun;)

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Definitely an amazing race to do if you are in the area or want a destination half.  The canyon is stunning.  The SWAG is great (I loved the shirts this year!!!) and it is a great training race for any of these Fall marathons coming up!  Try it out… I’ll be doing it every year (and Andrew will next year too but he rocked kid duty instead this year).

Just a few pictures from Sunday:

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After church, Andrew and I took a nap (the night of the race I got 4 hours of sleep and we went boating for most of the day after the race…I was wasted) and then we kept things pretty lazy.

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The kiddos helped me make dessert.

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And then we all went over to my parents’ house for my mom’s famous lasagna.  This meal is my absolute favorite, I could eat it daily and be happy.  I’m very grateful that it is one of Andrew’s favorites too because he gets just as excited as I do about it.


Ice cream/cookie sandwiches that Curly (remember how my niece was just a baby when I started posting pictures of her on the blog?) loved.


Andrew was wearing his ‘Blogging Socks (what he calls these socks)’ so I made sure to match him.  We looked pretty cool.



Ever gotten lost during a race?  Turned the wrong way?

Music during a race?  Always, sometimes or never?  

During a race how often do you look at your GPS watch?  

Random question (probably because of above sock picture)—>  do you sleep with socks on or hate that?

-I love sleeping with socks on… especially in the winter.  It’s strange.

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I have gotten lost in a race and I was so mad because I missed a PR by 2 second, TWO! Still not over it obviously.

I can’t stand to sleep in socks. My toes need to breathe.


NOOOOO are you for real?!? That would still be bothering me too. TWO SECONDS!!!


It does still bother me. Plus, they had a PR Bell and I didn’t get to ring it. But, I will say I did get a PR after that and many more so I chalk it up to a learning experience. :) Runner logic.


Congrats on a great race/long run — especially without your Garmin! And even more especially because you went off course and still have a finishing time that I could only achieve in my wildest dreams! :D

Looking at your pics made me miss racing (but not the early morning part, haha). During the summer we don’t have any races bc it’s so hot so I go months without a race and then the first one in the fall I’m like WHOA I forgot how to do this! Especially the 4am wakeup call part!


I love doing races without Garmins! Definitely not for “goal races” or when I want to hit specific paces, but it’s nice. I’ve never gotten lost during a race, but when I have one coming up I have a recurring dream that I get lost (somehow the race always goes through a mall and I go the wrong way and end up shopping instead). I wonder what that means..


I weirdly like to listen to podcasts during the first portion of the race and then music towards the end to push me. It’s basically like I can just listen in on a conversation and it really mellows me out. The music is VERY much needed at the end though. kudos to you for going watch and music free because i’m not sure I could do it.

and I love the sock question haha. I only sleep with socks on if a) i’m in a hotel bed (don’t ask why, I just hate the feeling of hotel sheets on my feet) or b) it’s super cold. otherwise, I like to keep my little feet free haha!


That is SUCH a good idea Steph… I love that idea of podcasts for the first part of the race and then music. Brilliant!! Oh, don’t even get me started on hotel sheets (they freak me out too;)


I’ve made a wrong turn once in a race because the course biker apparently didn’t know the course very well, either. It was frustrating because a lot of us went the wrong way and ended up running a bit farther than we were supposed to. And I try not to look at my watch too much during races, but I probably glance down more than I should.

I sleep in socks during the winter, but there is no way in the summer. Can’t do it. Love those socks y’all are wearing, though!! :)


Getting lost in a race is a special skill of mine. I have gotten lost during a 15k, and took a wrong turn during a recent 10k.. Ever since getting lost during the 15k, I never listen to music when I race and basically only rock out to some jams when I run on the treadmill. #traumatized? And I have to sleep with socks on! Otherwise I’m freezing no matter how hot it is. That course looks amazing though but getting up that early to race would be so hard!


It sounds like the race went how you had hoped. Nice long run/race and it sounds like a lot of fun. I’ve done races as part of long runs and enjoyed it. In fact I’ll probably end up doing that for whatever next half I do…I have gotten lost a few times during races and it’s obnoxious. I guess I should have paid more attention. I still can’t get over the race started at 6 am!


I’ve never gotten lost during a race but I could see it happening to me with race brain! I don’t listen to music at all during a race, even marathons—I don’t train with music either.


Congrats! That is still a very super time, especially with no speed work in training.

We have definitely gotten lost in races. The most memorable time was during a 100 miler in the swamps of South Carolina. The Race Director forgot to mark a turn and basically the entire pack of front runners got lost. Extra mileage in a 100 mile run = NOT FUN!

We are prepping for our 36 hour race this week, so lots of sleeping (without socks most definitely) and eating (wish I had your mom’s lasagna)!


Congrats! It is against the rules in South Africa to run races with music!! For that reason I don’t even do training runs with music.


WOW!! Really?!? First, that is awesome you live in South Africa!! Second, I want to come run a race there! That is awesome!


That will be awesome. Comrades marathon 56 miles is THE BEST race!!


Congrats on the race! You had a great time, especially since you haven’t done much speed work recently. I think you’ve had a few other important things going on recently! ;) The pic of your mom’s lasagna made me want lasagna right now. Looks like I know what I’ll be making this week! :)


I miss your blog Sarah!


Thanks Lynn! I’m taking a hiatus while we finish building the house. We’ve had so many late nights that adding the blog on top of it was too much! I haven’t even had time to run or workout recently! I’m SOOO ready to be done and moved in!


I am SO excited for the Olympics! They are so inspiring and always make me cry. I love watching gymnastics and I’m so excited for Simone!

I like running with my watch because I like the time so that I feel pushed to keep running. I tend to lag when I’m tired rather than pushing through.


I had to stop once during a race to get directions and I took a wrong turn during a duathlon but both times it didn’t affect my results too much. Yes music and watch. they’re like my running shoes: I don’t absolutely need them to race but why should I not wear them? Haha


Never gotten lost during a race but I know it can happen easily. The last race I ran, I left my phones and earphones in the car. My two besties flew in from Cali to be with me for my race. One ran the whole thing with me me so we chatted the whole race and the other met us the last three miles and we all ran across the finish line together. One of my favorite moments of all time. I cannot wear socks to bed. If I do during the winter time, I always take them off because I get too hot.


I took a wrong turn in a mtn bike race this Wednesday. There was a split in the trail and no signage. People were standing there and they said NOTHING. I felt really bad because some people followed me (different category). We took the LONG way to connect to a separate trail. Luckily, they werent mad but WOW. I had already been terrified that I was going to get lost in the wilderness never to return…that didnt help!


BUMMER!!!! Oh no, that is awful… so glad that you did get back on the trail but so strange no one said anything?!?!


I always run with music. It helps me concentrate on other things besides pain.

I really need to try for a half marathon. Maybe by next year I’ll be ready for that.


I ran the Timp half too. I was thrilled to set a new PR at 1:46 (that was with a bathroom break, haha). Gorgeous race! I ran with my garmin but didn’t look at it all at throughout the race and tried to run by effort. I really liked doing it that way. I pushed hard but didn’t stress over a certain pace. And at the end I could still look at all my splits. It’s definitely a race I would do again!


HUGE HUGE HUGE CONGRATS MARIE!!! YOU ROCKED IT (and even with a bathroom break, way to go girl!) Such a gorgeous race and I’m so glad you loved it!


The only time of year that I sleep without socks is right now, in the dead of summer. Otherwise, the rest of the year, I HAVE to have them on. If my feet are cold I will just lay there thinking about it and it keeps me from falling asleep.


HAHAH I do the same thing… if they are remotely cold there isn’t a chance I am going to fall asleep!


I’ve gotten lost once on a trail race when I was in high school. Luckily I didn’t get far before some guy comes running toward me (he’d gotten lost as well and had gone much farther before he realized there was no link up and he had to turn around) and got me back on the path. Nine years later I married Lost Guy’s brother. That wrong turn was the best thing that ever happened to me.

And no, I don’t sleep in socks, I like to let my ten little piggies sleep free at night.


It’s crazy how much music motivates me during a run, too! I always need my music! Seriously one of the main reasons I love running long.. just jamming! But, I have made a goal for myself to try some ‘naked’ running. I probably look at my watch every like… 2 minutes ha!

Absolutely CANNOT sleep with socks on and if for some reason I do, I won’t wake up with them on! Those Brooks socks are pretty sweet though!

Overall it seems like you had a solid race, even if it was a tad slower than last years. What matters is you put the miles in & ran a race with your friends!


I wondered if you might have been running this race! I volunteered at mile 9 and the finish. Nice job, even though it wasn’t a pr for you!


OH I wish I could have seen you!! That would have been awesome! Thanks for volunteering and helping to make it such a great race for everyone!


There is no way I could get through a workout without my music. I’m sure you had no choice in the middle of the race but that just makes you more awesome!


I’ve never listened to music during a race. Once in awhile, I’ll put a podcast on for a long run, and one training cycle I listened to an audiobook, but recently I haven’t been listening to anything. I try to only look at my watch when it beeps at each mile, but usually I end up looking at it closer to every half mile. I try to wear socks to bed, especially in the winter, but I always end up kicking them off in the middle of the night.


I haven’t gotten lost on a race yet, but knowing me, it will happen one of these days. Usually when I race, I go music-less and always have my Garmin with me. I probably look at that thing ever .5 second. ;) I should probably race one of these races without it, just to try it out!
Way to go on your race- that time though! My current half marathon goal is a 1:30…we will see if my body cooperates after baby comes. ;)


You’ve got it girl!! YOU CAN DO IT and so so stoked for you and your new little one!


Could your time be slower because you tacked on an extra few miles?
Most of the races I’ve done have been really well laid out or there were enough volunteers. But if a volunteer stepped away I can think of a few races where I would have taken a wrong turn.

I hate sleeping in socks, my feet like to be free. I’m wearing the Strassburg sock for plantar fasciitis and I can’t wait to rip it off in the morning. I do need a top sheet on at least part of me though, even if it’s only on my hips and thighs.

Sometimes I run with music and sometimes I don’t. I hate wearing my iPod on my arm, I’m ready to take it off after a few mile.s (I’m the Princess and the Pea – most things irritate me, hydration belt, carrying a water bottle. Being free is optimal for me).


I was hoping that was the case but the girl that got lost with me had 13.1 on her garmin at the end of the race. I was hoping that was the case ha:) Is the Strassburg Sock helping you… for me, when I struggled with Plantar I needed a boot to do fix things up but it drove me CRAZY!!!


It just seems strange that your garmins registered 13.1 with the detour, too. My garmin gets wacky when I race in Manhattan, not in the park but out on the streets. I think the sock helps somewhat. My foot doesn’t hurt as much in the morning if I wear it. I know a boot would drive me crazy. I’ve been also getting ultrasound, Graston, cortisone shot and I started traditional PT. The first three helped my foot tremendously but the PT shows my hip and glutes are the root of the problem. (and I do glute and hip work regularly).


i love being sore, too! it used to happen ALL the time when I played basketball in college, but now that I’m a has-been athlete and rarely push myself hard enough to be sore the next day, I truly treasure the mornings where I wake up barely able to move ;)

you and Andrew sure have been busy this summer!


I ran the Rocky Mountain Half marathon this weekend up in Estes Park! It was beautiful and the weather couldn’t be better (it stayed in the 50’s and sunny the whole morning). We did have a 3am wake up call though to drive from Denver to the race, so that part wasn’t too fun especially since we spent the rest of the day (and the night before and Sunday too) packing and moving from our rental to our new home. If i’m running by myself, I like to have music, but I ran this race with my husband so we ran without music. I’ve never gotten lost, but i’m never even close to the front, so I always have plenty of people to follow!

My husband always wear socks to bed… i do think it’s weird, but i’ll wear socks when we go camping and it’s cold and i’ll sometimes sleep with socks in the winter if i’m really cold… my husband just loves when i put my cold feet on him we go to sleep ;-)


CONGRATS on your Rocky Mountain Half! Sounds like an awesome race! But 3 am… hmmmm?! So glad you got to run it with your husband, love that! HA… I’ll see if Andrew loves the cold feet thing tonight:)


You both look so excited about your mom’s lasagna.

I hate wearing socks, and only have them on while I have shoes on. As soon as I get home the shoes and socks come off. I”m pretty sure my feet would feel suffocated if I tried to wear socks to bed.


Great race, Janae! Still speedy in my opinion! But it’s the theory of specificity…..meaning you get better at what you train for. So knowing you didn’t train with speed work…but glad you had a good race. And I agree that being sore is a great reminder of the hard work!

I’ve never gotten lost racing….but one marathon I was actually nearer to the lead than I expected or thought…so I was kinda wondering where everyone else was!

I run naked all the time. No gps, no watch, no music. I will wear a watch if pressed for time, but I love completely unplugging and listening to nothing but my feet and breath and nature.

I used to never ever wear socks to bed. But now in the winter…always! They somehow always end up on the floor during the night, tho. Hmmmm.


Awesome race!! I have had moments where I wonder which way to go- they need to make sure there are people there to direct.


I don’t know what it is but the thought of drinking milk after a race makes me want to vomit! I don’t think I could do a race without a Garmin, it really pushed me my last race to get my average mile pace under 7:)


I’ve never gotten lost during a race but been in a few that would be easy to do so!


We almost made the wrong turn at the Kualoa ranch trail race in June but we didn’t go too far out (luckily). We saw the other runners who turned around and told us that we’re supposed to go to the right instead of left. Phew!
I’ve never slept with socks on…. I don’t really like keeping my feet (legs/body are fine) under the cover either so sleeping with socks would feel too weird for me.

Great job on your half marathon! Still rocked it even if you didn’t get that pr :)


You still had an excellent half marathon time! Great job, Janae! And those blogging socks are cute… but I just can’t sleep wearing socks. It’s an impossibility!


Awesome job on the race, Janae!

Music while running = a must for me!


Way to go on the race. I know you might not be happy with the results, but I still think you did awesome…and obviously my opinion is the only one that matters.

Once upon a time my music stopped working 3 miles into a half marathon. It was rough.

Ross did a local 5k this year. When he finished he looked down at his phone and it said 17:45. It was that moment he realized he, and a few others, took the wrong turn (due to a misguided police officer) and ran a 2.5 mile race. Ha! He freaking wishes he could run a 17:45 5k. I FREAKING WISH I COULD. He was not happy.

Socks on in the winter, but not in the summer. I feel like I am suffocating with them on.

I like Brooke’s small bag of fishes for church #BePrepared #FoodStorage


She was carrying my large bag of goldfish in… I can’t make it through Sunday School without large amounts of carbs. HAHA how did you not tell me about this 5k story… made my day. I better see you very soon!


Congrats on a great race.
It looks like Josse finished right behind you.
Did you meet up again or did she just catch up with you?
One of my biggest fears is taking a wrong turn in a race.
Again great race, Congrats!


Thanks Sarah! We didn’t meet up again… I finished just a little bit in front of her.


I’ve never run a race with music, because I usually find it pretty easy to stay motivated come race day. However, I might change that for my first marathon come November!!! Also, I finally bought my first ever Garmin today and I am telling literally everyone about it. After almost 3 years of consistent running, I think it was about time.
On getting lost: once a friend on my cross country team in high school got lost during a race and it turned out the way she took was shorter than the course. She ended up placing (she was doing well anyway, maybe placed a little ahead of her actual time) but she felt so bad and she told the race officials who really didn’t care. On her winner’s t-shirt she added “I know a shortcut” after the race name. It turned out to be a pretty funny incident!


HAHAH I love that she added… I know a shortcut! That is hilarious Caroline, thanks for sharing! AHHH let me know what you think of your Garmin! So stoked for you:)


I don’t run with music – I run with podcasts instead. I’ve found that my brain doesn’t send me mean messages (like, “you can’t do this”) when it’s learning new things.
I check my watch a bit at the beginning of a race, just to make sure I don’t go out too fast. Once I settle into the pace, I then only look at it to see my splits.
I NEED to sleep with socks in the winter – I can’t sleep if my toes are cold. In the summer, though, I go barefoot – I also can’t sleep if my toes are too warm (look at me….Ms. Goldilocks over here!).
Congrats on the race! Each one is a training and learning opportunity, even if it wasn’t “the best.” :)


I am so with you on the podcasts.


I go back and forth about music during a race. It helps a LOT to listen to something but I get so sick of carrying my phone and my headphones flying everywhere.
Anyone use wireless headphones or have any suggestions?
The arm bands that are meant to carry phones never seem to stay on my arm– but I have still never tried wireless headphones.


… and by the way, don’t worry about your time. You have plenty of opportunities to put in the speed work and the results will come fast!


I almost never listen to music during a race! I think its more fun and makes the experience totally different than running by myself.

I try not to look at my garmin when I’m running, I just go by feel

uhh nobody sleeps with socks on!? I’ve never heard of that hahaha


If I’m walking or slowly jogging (light effort) I’ll often listen to podcasts, but if I’m low on energy or I’m pushing myself I NEED music! A cruddy playlist can absolutely ruin a run for me. That is the one thing I really didn’t like about the Ironman, it’s one of the few kinds of races that doesn’t allow any headphones, and the long bike followed by a marathon run with nothing but my thoughts was kind of awful.


So my question is regarding your nap – I’ve got two young kids and if they nap at same I could nap. But you mention Brooke doesn’t nap much anymore so how do you get a nap in?


Looks like a great race!

Always listen to music during a race … Unless I’m running with someone or pacing a race. Gotta have some pump up songs to carry me through!


I agree with you! How is it August already?! Summer has flown by so quickly! I’m excited for the Olympics too!


I think that is great that you did the race without a watch! It is nice to just enjoy the run. I can’t sleep with socks on. I get way too hot.


1. I’ve never gotten lost during a race (probably because I’m always in the middle of the pack), but it is a fear of mine–one that I had convinced myself was illogical. Now I have a real reason to worry!
2. Always music.
3. I look at my Garmin at each mile. Sometimes I sneak a peak in between.
4. I never wear socks to bed. In fact, I like my toes free as much as possible, so in the winter, I’ll try to wear socks around the house to keep warm, but it never lasts long!

Thanks for another fun blog post.


Ahhh I love that Brooke knew you eat waffles before a race! She’s got a good memory :)


Where did you get your shorts? I love the pattern!


It is so funny reading about sleeping in socks — my hubby and I talk about this all the time!! He ALWAYS has socks on — so much so that his manly leg hairs end right where his socks begin!! (I think it’s because the little hairs can’t survive constant sock friction? Is this a real thing??)

I can’t sleep with socks on — I feel like I’m being strangled or stifled. As soon as I get home, I always take off my shoes and socks — and get straight into jammies of course.

Anyone else??


Janae: I live in Texas, flat and hot. I would love to come run one of the great (net) downhill races around you. What are the best full marathon offerings between August and September? XOXOXOX

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