What I’m using for marathon training (it’s a long ramble;), time with Mer and MOVING AGAIN!?!

Happy Wednesday!!

The highlight of their day was this:

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After my treadmill run we went over to Mer’s house to make smoothies and talk with her.  She is the best.

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The kids were thrilled to see her.

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Lunch was this huge salad.  I am not picky with salads… I could put anything on there and call it good.

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Dinner consisted of more salad, foccacia bread, smoothies and sandwiches.

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And Brooke’s meal came with a cookie.

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If we are grumpy the next few days it is because our life consists of packing/unpacking all of my stuff.  Remember how I did that like just a few months ago!?

Worth it.

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Brooke is a good helper though.

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Anyone see this happen the other day?  I love watching the Tour de France while I run on the treadmill…

His bike was broken from a crash so he just ran instead.  No big deal.

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Let’s talk about marathon training!  I’ve gotten a lot of questions about what plan I am using and what my goals are for my next marathon so now seems like a great time to talk about it!

Just the other day I was thinking about where I was at last year with my training compared to where I am at now.  I was probably in the best shape of my life last July/August.  I completed a 1/2 marathon in 1:21:50 (I think that is about a 6:11 average pace), I was knocking out 2:47s for my 10 yasso 800s.  Most of my long runs ended with 6-10 miles FAST and I was following every single workout that my coach gave me.  I would nearly have a panic attack if I didn’t hit the pace he assigned me each day.

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PS I LOVED working with my coach (Dave:) and if I was training hard again right now, I would train with him 100%.

Fast forward a year to now and boom…  my easy pace back then is my ‘normal/just keep running and don’t quit’ pace right now.   I am nowhere near the shape that I used to be in BUT my life has changed pretty much in every way possible recently and I couldn’t be happier about it.

I determine my runs now based on what time I have that day and who I get to run with.  Andrew works really early in the mornings (but he gets home earlier which is the best:) so early morning runs are about a once a week thing because I’m usually home with the kiddos in the morning.  If I’ve got Andrew to run with on the weekends then that is the easiest decision on the planet for me—> I’m running with him because it is my favorite.  I used to do a lot of my speed on the treadmill and to be honest… I don’t know how my body is handling hormones.  The last time I had any sort of hormone was before Brooke and I just don’t feel great whenever I run fast (yes, I know that no one ever does but it is much different from what I normally feel during speed).  I’m going to give this IUD a few more weeks to see if it gets feeling better (and it has been getting better recently) but yeah, running fast doesn’t feel great.

That’s the beauty about running.  You can do it in no matter what stage of life you are in.  I still feel like my best memories with running were when I was pregnant.  Brooke and I had many great conversations over the miles and I gained so much love for my body during those pregnant running miles:)

You can run when you are ready to bust out some crazy goals, you can run shorter when life is crazy, you can run ultras at whatever pace works for you or train specifically for a 5k, you can follow a plan perfectly or fit in what you can fit in and make sure the long runs happen, it can be in the top 5 priorities of your life or the top 20… and sometimes you walk away from it for a bit and come back hungrier than ever for a personal record.  It’s always there for you in the exact amount that you need it.  Right now it is doing the perfect thing for me and in the future it will be there when I want to push myself really hard again and shoot for some big goals.

As far as my training plan for this marathon—>  Try my hardest and enjoy this sweet time of life that I am in.  Run once a week with Josse (usually a long run) and then on the weekends with Andrew and whatever else I can fit in= awesome.  Things might change more once the kids are in pre-school or when I start to get in better shape.  I trained for the St. George Marathon 2 years ago right after an injury… I did it in about 8 weeks of training with lots of hills, the right long runs for me and little speed work and finished in 3:12 so I’m guessing I’ll be somewhere right around that this year.  Who knows though!?  I’ll probably decide closer to the taper where I am at based on my training and go for that time then.  I do know I want to work hard, stretch, foam roll, eat better, run 5-6 times a week and love the process.

I think one of the biggest thing I’ve learned from social media about running/life is you gotta figure out what is best for you and your family at the time and stick with that.  If you are doing things to post about them, get x amount of likes, or because ‘so and so’ is doing it… I don’t know if that is the best way to go about it.  Run for you.  Train for you.  Dream for you.  You know what is best for you and your time of life and stick to that.  I love running a whole lot when I am following what I know is right for me at the time (whether that be working with a coach, training my hardest or running a race for fun)…

Enough rambling?

Anyways, I can’t wait to have my best friend as my training partner and to work together in every area of life.

This is a whole new world for me and I’m sure loving it.


Where are you right now with your training?  What’s the season of life that you are in?  Has running always been there for you?

Ever worked with a running coach?  How did/does it work for you?

Are you picky about salads?  Anything you do not like on them?  Fruit on salads?

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After years of beating myself up, pushing too hard and lots of injuries I finally realized You need to run for YOU! And that’s where I’m at.


first of all, loving Brooke’s cat face haha. Too cute. and no fruit on salads. period. nada. none. probably because I pretty much hate all fruit haha. I know, I know, I’m crazy.

my training journey is at a bit of a standstill unfortunately. as I’m coming off of injury, I thought about going into training, but I realized I was trying to ramp things up too fast and it just wasn’t worth it. taking it low and slow and backing it off for some base building. love living vicariously through yours and others trainings though!! makes it all a little easier.


Love this post, Janae! It reminds me that although I am not as fast as I would like right now, that I am doing the right kind of training for me right now as a mom with two kids! You are always so thoughtful and insightful.


I love your perspective. For a long time, I made running WAY too much of a priority and put too much pressure on myself. While I still have goals and want to do well, I’m not stressing about it as much. Running is something I love to do, and I want to continue to enjoy it without getting anxiety if I don’t hit all of my splits. So, right now, I’m keeping up with my training and racing when I can, and I’m truly enjoying every minute of it. :)

I like to have crunchy things on my salad–like croutons and nuts and tortilla strips. They just make it taste so much better. I also like to mix in lots of veggies, like carrots and snap peas and things like that. Oh and chicken–my salads must have chicken. It’s only 7 something in the morning, and now I REALLY want a salad!


I’m not a runner at all. I’ve tried in the past and the best part is the accomplishment of finishing. With certain back and knee injuries I stick to other cardio and lifting but I have to say I LOVE your blog. I’ve been a reader for years now and although I don’t comment often, I love all that you share with us. You have a beautiful, supportive family. I’m so happy your own family is complete now! It’s such a joy to see how happy you guys are!


I loved what you said about pregnancy running! It has been a lot harder for me than I expected but I am still doing about 6 days a week 35-40 miles per week. It’s such a humbling experience and my body has slowed WAY down. I’m just embracing it and know there will be a time to train again hard in the future. For now I’m trying to enjoy these miles with my little one :)


So happy for you! Thanks for sharing all your rambles with US :) All your salads always look so good!!


I love that pep talk at the end! You give great advice just like your mom :). Running for your own personal dreams is the only way to go, and I think when we’re happy that shows through in social media posts etc. and does result in likes and stuff anyway!

This is my first time training for a marathon without a coach (I say that like I’ve run a ton of marathons and I haven’t haha). I am following the Hansons beginner plan pretty closely though so I feel like I still have a coach in a way!

I had not heard of that Tour de France story – how cool that he ran the last 1km! No big deal!!!!


I love your long rambles! I’m following a training plan for my first marathon this Fall, but life is pretty busy at the moment. So I’m just trying to fit in what I can and not stress too much. As this will be my first marathon, I’m trying not to worry about pace…though I’d love to run it in under 4 hours…

I love fruit on salad! But I’m not too picky. The more toppings the better!


I am a bit picky about salads. I don’t usually like fruit on them or dried berries or whatever. I do think that running and exercise have to be something you find joy in or see a reward. Life is too short to spend time worrying about PRs and other things IF you aren’t finding any fulfillment in what you are doing. It’s nice to have goals to work towards and I like making them fun.


I can relate to a lot. In 2013 I ran two marathons and about 17 half marathons including 5 in 5 days! And this year I have been running just to run. 3-4 miles 3-4 times a week. Maybe a 6 or 7 miler on a weekend if I have time. It’s been a pleasure. I do have a fall half marathon lined up. One. Just one. And I can’t wait. It will be my 10th year running it and I know it’s hilly so I am taking it easy and enjoying it.


I loved the rambling part of this post. I’m sure there are a lot of expectations of you since you’re a running blogger–but I couldn’t agree more. You have to adjust your fitness to fit into your current life stage. I’m in the pregnancy season, and, just like you mentioned from when you were pregnant, I’m loving running right now. I ran my first pregnancy race on Saturday, and it was so much fun to just run and relax and enjoy the scenery (it was also tough NOT to actually RACE, but I don’t think any true runner ever gets out of that mentality!). While I’ve been enjoying low-intensity long runs and speed work, I’ve been mentally prepping for January, when I’ll start my BQ training with a coach!! I’m so excited. I came close to a BQ on my first attempt several years ago, and haven’t done a marathon since. But my diet back then was awful, I was undertrained, I didn’t do ANY speed work and my body broke down at mile 20-ish and I got a calf cramp that literally had me dragging my leg into the finish line!
Best of luck on your marathon training!!
PS-I know he’s controversial…but I can’t help but LOVE Froome!


I’m not a huge fan of fruit on my salads – I like my salads savory and salty.
Your approach to marathon training sounds so well rounded. I want to be able to run when I’m old, so even with a goal race I never push too hard and overtrain. Learning to run by perceived effort and listen to my body was the best thing I ever did for my running.


This year has been crazy for me in the same ways..I got married, bought a house and moved in, and also started a new job. I quickly realized that this year wouldn’t be my year to bust out PR’s and train hard, and I’m find with that! For now I’m happy with maintaining and enjoying races.


What a lovely post. It is so refreshing to hear a candid discussion on pace and stages of life. I currently work with a coach and it is amazing. He keeps me injury free and running strong!


Brooke looks so cute in the fist pic! I love her hair! I’ve moved so many times and packing and then moving all of the packed boxes is so dreadful! Good luck and go get some ice cream as a reward after you guys are done! :)


I love your mindset for this race and I can totally relate. Right now I’m not training for anything specific and I’m weirdly really enjoying it. I thought I’d get the itch to start training for another half or something but I haven’t felt that yet. I’m just taking it day by day and enjoying running at my own pace :)


I had an IUD years ago, and it took several months for my body to adjust to it. Once I got through that phase, it was great. Stick it out a little while longer. You’re going to feel worse if you yank it and then immediately try another kind of hormonal BC. #notadoctorjustawoman


I worked with a running coach a couple years ago and it was awesome. I think everyone should do it for at least a few sessions because what he taught me about form and drills alone was incredible.

Right now I’m just running for fitness. I used to win races every weekend, and I’ve had to remind myself that I don’t have to run that much or that fast to be fit. I just can’t mentally fit that kind of training in my life right now. But what I’m sacrificing running like that for is worth it. Even though I haven’t won a race in awhile, I haven’t even raced in awhile, I am living a much more well rounded life with goals and focus that is more long lasting and worthwhile. Running fast is fun, but being a good person and raising good people will last so much longer. (Though running is included for sure!!)


I’m working with a running coach for the first time ever (although, truly, I haven’t been running that long… I started a mere 2 1/2 years ago after saying for my WHOLE LIFE I didn’t like running – whoa, talk about a life change!).

My coach is super awesome. She’s a physiotherapist and has qualified for Boston twice, and is training for an ironman right now. So she’s crazy. LOL!

My goal right now is a half marathon in October that will be a new PR. I’ve got two 10K coming up before then to test the waters. I have run two halfs this year but both were while injured so as much as I could have run a half before October, we are focusing on me reaching my goal time by being reasonable. (SO HARD!!).

Happy packing! (Oh my goodness, I hate packing!!)


Love this post! I was just whining to my husband about how my easy pace is so much slower and harder than months/years past and I don’t like losing speed like. But then I try to tell myself that at least I am able to run and sometimes things just don’t go the way you want for a multitude of reasons. I am currently a third consecutive marathon training cycle (NYC, then Boston, now Marine Corps) and I think I am learning that my body does not like the marathon back-to-back-to-back. I will definitely take some time away from the marathon after this fall. I love training for them , but not at the expense of my health and fitness.

I have always been pretty anti-fruit with salads. I love fruit, but not on my salads.

Enjoy your training! It is great to train with your best friend – my husband does not run, but he bikes next to me each week for my long run.


My VERY FIRST marathon is in 11 days so I am in taper mode and only going slightly crazy. I am SO SO SO excited and given my history over the years am so happy I have made it this far w/out getting injured and just crossing my fingers the next 11 days are healthy ones.
My life is about to get a little more crazy because we just sold our house (somewhat unexpectedly/much faster than we anticiapted) so now need to find a NEW house to buy. Glad that I am not knee deep into training right now because I think I might go crazy if I had both high mileage weeks along with house hunting on my plate.


My friend convinced me to sign up for a half marathon in Denver this October… so I’m just starting to run again! Haha not going for any PRs but just completing the race!


Janae, your post really hit home with me today and made me feel better about my running lately. I ran Boston in April after having taken the prior 6 weeks off from running do to an injury. It was a slow, painful day (but WAY worth it !!!). After Boston, I felt able to run again about a month later… but my runs are NOTHING like they used to be. I’m not super motivated and my fitness is definitely WAY far away from where I was a year ago. I am currently signed up for the Chicago Marathon (my 3rd Chicago and favorite marathon) but I’ve been thinking about dropping because I’ve only been running about 20 miles a week and way slower than I was a year ago. I’m kind of an “all or nothing” person, so I felt like since I’m not in top fitness now, I just want to give up. Your post today made me realize that even if I’m not running 40-50 miles a week, I can still have some pretty decent goals that are in line with what my body is up to right now. I can still make myself proud and go out and enjoy running. Thank you for this post, I’ve been pretty down about this lately and your words made me feel so much better!


As long as a salad has protein,bread, cheese and dressing I’m okay. Dry salads aren’t filling at all.

I think your training for the marathon is smart. I have thought about coaching before but I seem to improve without a coach…once I’ve stopped improving I might look into a coach myself.


I really loved this post! Its been the hardest thing ever coming back to running after not running at all when I was pregnant. It just didnt feel good for my body at the time and I ran two marathons last year and needed the break. but WOW returning to running was tough. I’m slower and heavier thanks to the pregnancy pounds I’m still struggling to lose. and finding the time to run with a 7 month old is always fun. But i’m still loving this time in my life, embracing the journey of getting back to where I used to be (eventually) and am crazy enough to be training for the NYC marathon this fall. I’ll probably be much slower then any of my other times but this one I will feel immensely proud of because I’m so not in the shape I used to be but my determination will always be there.
So happy for you and your family. do you!!


Are you going to pick a winner for the Brooks shoes giveaway?


This post is spot on for me. Last year at this time I was training for my first half marathon and running consumed all my free time. I was strong in my running but not in my support muscles. Since then, I vowed to have this year be about building up my strength all around-not just about completing a distance. This year I’ve focused on running shorter distances and increasing my strength and speed. My goal is to run a sub-30 5K! Coming from someone who in the past has ran a 34-36 minute 5K this goal used to seem unreachable, but with my new strength and times it’s within reach. It’s all about the season you are in and your focus. A marathon is a marathon no matter how fast you complete it.


I love your outlook on running with life and kids. It makes me feel better since I can’t get out as much as I used too. Kids, finding babysitters, coordinating work schedules with your hubby and trying to find balance and family time can sure make it hard!

My running schedule is trying to get out and run whenever I can. I try and aim for 4 times a week sometimes that happens and sometimes it doesn’t.

Salad? Yes please! Any salad I’ll take it. Love fruit in salad. We went blueberry picking so I have 2 1/2 lbs of blueberries to throw on my salads haha (gotta love new england in the summer :)


There once was a time, before facebook and IG where people would go for a run and no one knew about it ;) They ran a race…and the only people who knew where the people they saw and the people they talked to. You ran before this blog and before it was all publicized because you LIKE to run and you are really good at it. And just like you said it is there for you when you have needed it. It has played different ROLES in your life BUT IT IS NOT YOUR LIFE. So yay! I am glad you are still doing the marathon, but taking a different approach at this time because that is what this time is allowing you to do…instead of forcing something else.

Also, I need that dress in your moving picture….and that salad…either one of the salads, really. They both look delicious. We both know toppings (and the sheer quantity of them) are what make a good salad.

Good luck with the move today. I will volunteer Ross to help if you still need people after 6pm and I am always happy to watch the kiddos.


Thank you for saying what you did about running with hormones! I am currently pregnant (8 months!) and am taking a break from running at the moment. I’ll be going back on BC once babe arrives though, as I have endometriosis and my body feels worse without it. Hormones can make our bodies do crazy things – that is something I’ve learned through my journey with endo and pregnancy – and it can really be a struggle. I’m looking forward to getting back into running afterwards though! I bought a jogger stroller so that my little guy can join me when he’s big enough! :)


I love fruit on salads and salads are my main food right now in hot, humid Florida. My favorite these days is Blueberries, apples, and/or strawberries along with lettuce, chicken, dried cranberries, and pomegranate or TJ’s Mango dressing. I love and will eat almost any salad any way.

My husband is a biker and watching the TDF daily (the highlight of his July along with his birthday). He said, “He would have been alright if he had picked up the bike when he ran but it is a bike race not a running race. You have to have the bike.” :D

Your 5 person (dog included) family is so wonderful. It looks like everyone belongs together. :) I love your new perspective. We change with the seasons of life. Social media has become out of control. School peer pressure everywhere on a daily basis. Too crazy to live like that.


“Run for you. Train for you. Dream for you. ”

This is EXACTLY what I needed to hear this morning. I just signed up for my 1st half marathon and feel overwhelmed when looking at others’ times and training. Thank you! :-)


Love this post! Cutest family and best running outlook!! So excited for you for getting start this new and super exciting chapter in your life.
I needed that “running will always be there for you”. It is SO true and I am trying to accept a new season. I really dedicated myself to marathon training this winter in preparation for the Vermont City Marathon in May. I made it 21 miles at a much slower pace than I trained for before they canceled it due to heat and humidity (first time ever). I decided I would run a redemption marathon in the fall. Last week I went out for 14 miles and hated every second of it and since long runs are my favorite and I was otherwise not having much fun I realized I had a problem. I start graduate school in the fall and I think it’s going to be a busy time and I need running to relax me, not exhaust me, not to stress about pace and distance and shortened workouts.
I set new goal: No Garmin until October at minimum (so I stop racing myself), and taking more time for yoga/weights/cycling/etc
That is ramble-y way of saying I agree 110% with everything you wrote!!
My salad for lunch almost every day is whatever leftovers on lettuce.My coworkers make fun of me but I don’t care :)


I love your discussion about how running is there and can fit into whatever season in life you are in. I started running competitively when I was 9 and did so until I was 18. I then went to college and backed off a bit because I was pole vaulting in college. I then picked back up with competitive running when I started law school. Now this summer as I study for the bar exam I have gotten back to just running when I can and having fun with it. It is so cool that running has been with me during every point in my life and has been able to be adjusted for whatever point I was at in my life.


I’m in a “kids are home for the summer” season so most of my miles are treadmill and a season of trying to get rid of nagging injury season. And I’m okay with these seasons. It’s a season, it will pass, and I know I will get back to higher miles, hills etc. because I’ve done it before. Noting to stress about it.
Yes to berries on salads. No to any other fruit on salads.


I realized this morning after my speed work on the treadmill that I ran WITHOUT ANY PAIN and I felt so strong!! Running is coming back for me and I couldn’t be happier about it!!! I’m trying to add on the mileage nice and slowly so I don’t reinjure but I am dying to get back into racing. But really I’m just so happy to be back to doing it at all. I am really loving it:)


Thank you for that ramble janae :) It’s so refreshing to hear! I’ve been struggling with my running at time because I’ve been so focused on qualifying for Boston but I run NY so that’s not the best course for that and last year I ran it with an injury so I was a lot slower and this year.. my body just hasn’t always been feeling great when i run. It’s craving yin activities liuke yoga and long stretches a lot more. So thank you for reminding me to enjoy the process where I am at and to have the big dreams but not stress about them. if it doesn’t happen this year, that’s fine and i shouldn’t feel like others or me are expecting anything else from me than enjoy running, work hard, dream big and enjoy where you’re at.


Omg, the salads + sandwiches = amazing! You always have the best salads!

I’m currently ‘training’ for a 10-mile race this Sunday. I’ve done the race 3 times before but this year is quite different because I’m running it 21-weeks pregnant (lots of modifying).

I have worked with a running coach and loved it! I found her from your blog actually :) :)

Anddddd salads = not picky! I love toppings > lettuce. Especially fruit and nuts!


The kiddos look so cute together!


Wow! That was a long post. I honestly feel that many of us are type A and put a ton of pressure on ourselves. Combine that with the stress we put on ourselves to keep up with our blogs and social media, just makes it a million times worse. We just need to live, be happy and share that with the world knowing we are enough.


Wow, I sure needed this post! I’ve sort of fallen out of love with running lately and I’ve been really beating myself up about it. I was in the best shape of my life earlier this year, and then I ran Boston (perhaps you remember how HOT it was this year) and was so disappointed in my finish time that I’ve had a really hard time feeling motivated again. I also recently moved to Colorado (first time living at altitude–woof) and I much rather spend the weekends exploring/hiking versus running. And I keep telling myself that’s ok and I don’t always believe it. So thank you for this post. I needed to hear all of it.


What a phenomenal post, Janae (BARON!!!). ;) The timing of your post is pretty rad because I have been going through some of these conversations in my head recently. I love running, but right now I feel like my life is at a stage that maybe I need to kind of step back from larger running goals I have. And this stage may only last a few months but I am making the shift, making the change and honestly I am loving every bit of it! My son is 9 and recently got into some pretty major trouble. The consequences ended up being pretty severe which has ultimately caused me to kind of focus on him a bit more (no, this is not a bad thing, either). Also, our life (son, boyfriend and I) is filled with other activities. Both of the boys play baseball, we all play soccer, we want to hike, we want to bike….and we want to get out and enjoy all of the beautiful and amazing sights that the Pacific NW has to offer. Running will always be there…but some of the time to do these other activities may not.

I am so happy & excited for you with your current stage of life! Keep on rockin’ “it”. You are amazing and inspirational to so many of us!


I love that you added Baron:) I am so sorry about everything you’ve been going through right now but I think you are so right… running will always be there for you when your life is ready for it again! You are doing an amazing job and your two boys are so lucky to have you! Thanks Aimee and enjoy the rest of your day!


I’ve never had a running coach and I don’t think I will for a while just because I’m not training to compete at a race and also it just adds to the cost. Eventually, when we have more time and a fixed routine with the work schedule, I might join a running club or something.
I’m running for me- to have fun. I’m also training for the marathon in December (Honolulu marathon) but I’m at this point where I’m still not truly loving this whole long distance thing. I get so discouraged during my long runs on the weekends…. Perhaps with time, I’ll get better and feel more confident? I don’t know….

I’m a weirdo- I eat warm veggies only and no salads. So I cook a lot of veggies for our lunch and dinner.


I absolutely love that you and Andrew run together. I wish I could get my bf to go running with me!

Right now I’m on week 3 of training for the Hartford marathon. I worked with a running coach last year and loved him so much but my life got crazy and I didn’t even end up running any of the races I was training for so I feel like I let him down.

Not really picky about salads— yes! To fruit! But, I do hate bleu cheese crumbles/dressing. Time and time again I try to like it but my taste buds don’t seem to want to give in. I also tend to let my cherry tomatoes be the last thing in my dish!


I’m in a funny running stage right now. I’ve never run right after pregnancy before. With my girls I waited way too long (I’m talking 9-12 months) before jumping back into it. This time I jumped back into it 2 weeks postpartum. I’m loving it. And I’m improving way faster than I expected. A lot of it right now it all about listening to my body and doing only as much as I can with out hurting myself or burning out.


I am training for my first marathon with the Higdon Intermediate I plan…it’s the first time that I have been very diligent about hitting all of my runs/paces. Usually I am more willing to change things around to fit my schedule better, but I’m terrified of the marathon, so I will try to follow the plan as closely as possible. :)


I just LOVE pics of Brooke and Knox – they melt my heart!! While moving is painful – your move is such an exciting one so worth all the annoyance!!

Times in my life I have been in full training mode, where my workouts happen no matter what. But then, like right now, I find myself running consistently and still wanting to be strong…but will miss a workout without a second thought if something more fun comes along! I think that is a healthy way of running…or really, a healthy way for any hobby/activity.


Amen! Such a great post Janae! Currently,
I am running just for the sake of running. Running while pregnant has opened my eyes up to how strong our bodies actually are and what a gift running is at every stage of life. It is hard to accept the fact that after three or four miles, my body feels done (especially with this heat!), but that is where I am at right now and I’m learning that it is OK. I’m excited to see what happens after baby T arrives. Sure, I have goals, dreams, and races that I want to crush. But more than anything, like you, I want to embrace each season of life, love every run, and enjoy the process.


LOVED this post! You had great advice and great comments!
I am not currently training for anything specific right now, so my running is very spotty! I decided this morning, as I was finishing a simple 4 mile run, that I would re-build a good base, then start upping the miles to my favorite distances of anywhere from 8 to 12…
But you’re right, running is there for you when and how you need it! My hubby is a teacher, we have 2 boys, so we’re all home for summer break and really just enjoying doing fun things as a family! That is what is most important to me right now! As my boys get older, I know summers like these will be few and far between… so I/we are enjoying every moment!
I run with my husband to, and it is my absolute favorite! He got me into running about 5 years ago, after his 2nd marathon. Since then, we have trained together and run many half marathons together, and 2 LA marathons together!! Running with your best friend/partner really is the best!!
Thanks for the great post! :)


I love this post! I can so relate with what you’ve said. Sometimes it’s a challenge to keep priorities and motivations where they need to be and remember what our most meaningful goals in life are. I’ve especially enjoyed visiting your blog lately–it makes me so happy to read about your wedding, honeymoon, settling in with your new family, and everything else…I’m sure you will look back fondly on these past several months for the rest of your life. :)

PS I think if I had to switch bc (my husband has that taken care of for us now), I would try natural family planning. Fitnessista has a really good post on it and these days there are apps to help you monitor temps, etc. I know when I was on hormones, there were a lot of side effects I didn’t like.


Love this view on life and running, do you!


So will this be the last time you move for awhile??? I picture you guys needing a big house once you fill it with all your kiddos. ;-) I mean your sis has 5 now! How is that little babe by the way?

As far as salads go I have been loving sauerkraut on my salads these days….yum!


Love his post. I’m 2 weeks into training for my first marathon. I’m not fast – used to be a long long time ago, but at this point it’s a goal I wanted to do before I turned 40 (I’m 37 now) and I have 4 year old triplets and an 8 year old – life isn’t going to get less busy so nows the best time :)

I love everything on my salads too :)

Love your posts!


TRIPLETS (and an 8 year old)!?!?! HOLY COW!!!! I am barely hanging on with 2 3 year olds haha! You are amazing! Keep me updated with how your training is going! Hope you get a big salad soon:)


Janae I enjoyed this post very much. So happy you are such an exciting place in your life!!!


I love that you posted about Froome. As a cyclist, I am sure he does about ZERO running. And in road shoes none the less. Have you ever tried to run in road cycling shoes? It is pretty much like ice skating! Pretty impressive!


I was thinking about that!? I can’t even IMAGINE trying to run with those shoes on. So amazing!!!


The timing of your post Janae is nothing short of God sending me a much needed message :) A friend and I are completing an online challenge in which we run or walk 2,016 miles in 2016; so that’s 1,008 miles in which I am responsible to contribute. I had been right on track, but having bought a house a month ago that needed upgrades, I haven’t been able to fit my workouts in like normal. All my free time has been spent getting my home prepped to move into; something I am super excited about. But I can’t help but feel “lacking”. I keep telling myself something your sister mentioned in her guest post – I am in a short season of my life in which something else has to take priority and that’s ok. So, once I get moved in, I’ll get back into my routine and finish out the year strong! Thanks for you encouraging words and helping us all see that we, runners, struggle with the same things and can find a community with you and your blog.


Sarah!! I GET IT… totally. You are doing amazing and running will be there once you are moved in and ready to go again. Keep on being amazing and congrats on the new house!!


I trained with a running coach (Laura from this runners recipes) for the first time ever in spring and really loved it! Enjoy this time in your life for sure- running is awesome but there’s so much more to life than that!


I had a coach once, when I was training for my first (and only) marathon. It was nice to have more structure and know that I wasn’t just making everything up, when he says I’m ready he actually knows.

I’m super picky about salads! Mostly its the lettuce though.. I don’t like the texture of certain kinds/quality of lettuce. I really like salad places that mix their lettuce with rice though for a more filling meal!


My boyfriend is my “coach”/running partner and we are both in a stage in our lives where we are training hard because we love it + not worrying about mileage/paces/etc.

I LOVE your approach to this marathon and I think you are going to run a lot faster than you think you will.
Case in point:
I had a half marathon where I was nailing all my workouts and way overtrained= ran fast (for me) but was miserable and ended up hurt.
Ran the Chicago Shamrock Shuffle 8k with most of my training on the treadmill/fewer workouts, ran the race SUPER relaxed (had the “I just wanna hurt and have fun” attitude) and ran pretty well (11th female overall, beating some semi-elite girls).
BOTH races I ran fast- both hurt. But the latter, I left happy because I gave two rabbits about the time/pace/etc.
Being a good runner means accepting the transformation and running with gratitude- you do that, I think your talent will show no matter where you are in your training.


Well, your comment just made me so happy! Kaytlin, you are amazing… 11th female overall!?! WOW!! Your last sentence about running with gratitude, love that! I think health wise my body will handle/love marathon training much more this way too! Thanks for taking the time to comment, means a lot to me and I LOVE that your bf is your coach/running partner!


I’m smack in the middle of marathon training. Im following a training plan, otherwise I would never get enough miles in. I need a schedule or I tend to skip workouts.

I have thought about working with a running coach, and I’m curious how much it would help me, but I am not the best at being told what to do – even when I ask for it – so I’m not sure how well it would go! :)

I like almost all salads. Especially ones I don’t have to make. If I had constant access to pre-cut salad fixings I would eat way more salads than I currently do.


So happy for you guys!!! Sounds like such a great situation!! I love any and all salads.. just finished one for dinner!!


I betcha Brooke and Knox are going to be mistaken as twins when they’re out together… right?? They even have the same hair colour. Too cute.


Ugh, moving is the worst! Good luck getting settled in!
I am definitely picky about salad but mostly just with the greens, I’m not a big lettuce fan so it’s got to be spinach, kale or cabbage and fruit is an absolute must.


So stating the totally obvious here but your “about me” section needs and update! ;) Congratulations!


You know you make your money from running so you kind of are a professional. Also you are on all social media-it’s your bread and butter. So your story and need to be a good and fast runner is because that’s what you have told your readers all these years.


People always assume running is one of my top priorities but I always tell them it’s 5th so that’s where I’m at. There are a lot of running goals I’d like to achieve but there are so many non-running goals I’d also like to achieve more. Also running for me is supposed to be fun and a way to de-stress from other aspects of life. When training starts stressing me out, I cut back.


My running right now is constant, but maybe not as intense at it was a few years ago – when I was single and running was my top priority. But having said that, I might not run as far as I did, but I am actually faster than I was (I’m still Captain Slow, but not Captain Mega Slow ha!). I work as a recovery room nurse and do 3-4 shifts a week, usually 12-13 hour days so when I’m on my long days I can usually only cram in a 5-7k run in the mornings (I don’t want to sacrifice ALL my sleep) and when I’m off I go to the gym (since meeting my boyfriend I have actually learnt to like to lift weights too…..) or run. Running is still a love and my therapy, but I’m not as obsessed as I used to be – and I’m actually happy for that. I wish I had more time to dedicate to it, but I’m also glad I’ve learnt not to prioritise running over everything else…..such as family and friends and just a little bit of down time now and again.

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