Friday Favorites (more cabin pictures!!!) and YOUR Running Accomplishments!!

We survived 5.1 miles yesterday at 10,000 ft and we were pretty stoked about it (finishing it).  I am not even exaggerating—> going up the stairs in the cabin here leaves me really out of breath and so running has been quite interesting.

We take a breather break often (the hills here are no joke too) but it has been a blast to be able to run together each morning (the kids just stayed back and played with the cousins).

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The scenery has been pretty spectacular too.  We go down to St. George for the weekend and I’m excited for those running views too.

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As soon as were rounding the corner back to the cabin we saw my family out for a walk and the kids sprinted up the hill.  I need their hill sprint tips asap.

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For lunch we grabbed a salad together because we were really craving one.  Those olives were gone 2.1 seconds later.

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Let’s talk about some of the Friday Favorites going on over here:

1.  The kiddos have been extra snuggly on this trip… I think they knew it was vacation and that it was an extra special week.

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2.  This scene:

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3.  And this one too:

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4.  My sister introduced these to me… she got them at Costco and the chocolate covered pineapple is incredible.

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5. Favorite clothing this week:

*This and this necklace… I’m a sucker for Madewell Jewelry

*This white eyelet top (free shipping still with code HUNGRYRUNNER).

*Old Navy (they have been killing it lately) embroiled top and sandals!

*Megan has been sporting these adidas sneakers and I will be getting them this weekend (I copy 99% of her clothing).

6.  My brother’s Friday Favorite is this shirt.  Arrested Development will always be one of the funniest shows ever to me.

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7.  My favorite running songs this week:

AM Radio by Everclear

Me Too by Meghan Trainor

Glass by MØ

No Broken Hearts (feat Nicki Minaj) by Bebe Rexha

Lean Wit It, Rock Wit it (clean) by Dem Franchize Boyz

Until You Were Gone by The Chainsmokers

Paper Pools by Smija

Raise Up- All Cities Remix by Petey Pablo

8.  Brooke and Knox’s Friday Favorite:  Their blankets.  We don’t leave home without them.

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Speaking of blankets… Knox made sure to put his blanket on his dad when he found him asleep on the ground—>  family reunions are tiring.

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LOVE these running accomplishments from you guys! You are amazing!! If you want to be featured, send your accomplishment (and pic if you would like) to [email protected]


Erin!!! “Hi! My name is Erin and I’m a Captain in the Army.  My husband is deployed oversees and I’m living/working in Clarksville, TN, growing our first baby (a little girl, due in September).  I ran in my second pregnant race-the Barrel Fest 5-Miler in Cooperstown, TN at 24 weeks pregnant.  I finished in 39:22!! And took 9th overall, 3rd female, and 1st in my age group! More importantly, I ran a sub 40 minute 5-miler for the first time since I was 12 weeks pregnant! I’m pretty darn proud of this one!!!



Katie!!! “This weekend I ran 100 miles at the Bighorn Trail Run in Wyoming.  It has super technical trails and 20,000 feet of elevation gain, and it’s a Western States and Hardrock qualifier.  My first 100! Here is what mile 99.8 looks like.”



Meagan!!! “This past Saturday, June 18th, I ran my fist marathon (Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth, MN).  The accomplishment, however, goes to my husband Nick for his support and encouragement to get me to the finish line.  Prior to the race, Nick had planned on biking up the course and seeing me at mile 9 and 12, before meeting up with my family at mile 19.  The marathon offered a live tracking system, but unfortunately, it was off.  While Nick was waiting for me at mile 9, I was approaching mile 8 and the system said I was already at 10.  For fear of missing me, Nick took off on his bike towards mile 12.  Needless to say, I hit mile 9 and 12 and didn’t see him. By the halfway point, the heat was wearing on me and I was in need of some support from my biggest cheerleader.  So, I did what anyone would do while running 26.2 mile… I called him and told him where I was. He dropped his bike along the course and started walking towards me.  I couldn’t hold back the tears when I finally saw him at mile 15ish.  We walked together back to his bike, and while I was preparing to say goodbye and soldier on alone, he had no intentions of leaving me.  He continued to bike with me from that point forward until just shy of the 26 mile mark when a race official told him he had to get off the course.  People are quick to congratulate me for finishing a marathon, but truth be told, I don’t know if I would have if it wasn’t for my husband.”

Gmas marathon


Mary Jo !!!  “I finally took the RRCA coaching course and passed the test.  I was so excited to get my certificate in the mail last week! After spending the last 5 years running on our trails with the Hubs and with all my running buddies, I really wanted to learn more about the mechanics of running.  And boy did I ever! Not only am I bringing back all kinds of information for my run club but now I’m a certified running coach! I think this is also really going to help me share running information on my little blog too!”

Mary Jo Minarich


Jordan!!! “On June 12th, I ran my second full marathon in Colorado and PR’d by 17 minutes! I finished with a time of 3:23:26, which was 7 minutes faster than my goal and qualified me for the Boston marathon! I have struggled with several injuries over the past few years and have missed multiple races as a result.  Crossing the finish line after so many months of hard work was extremely rewarding, and I am so excited to run Boston in 2017!!”



Angela!!!  “I’ve been trying to beat a 1:50 half marathon for about a year now.  The closest I’ve come was the R&R Seattle half last summer, with a 1:51:16.  I just couldn’t quite shave that last minute off.  Last weekend, I raced the Snoqualmie Valley Run, a half marathon through some beautiful tree lined trails.  I have been injury free for a while, on a good running schedule, and was feeling like this could be my chance to finally reach my goal.  The first half was a gradual uphill, the last half a gradual descent . The temps were perfect and I was very much in my happy place.  I ran without a watch for the first time ever in a race and just stayed with the 1:45 pacer in my sights for as long as I could.  I lost him after the turn around (it was out-and-back) and just tried to keep my effort consistent.  I had no idea how I was doing towards the end but was comfortable and just enjoying the ride.  I passed the 13 mile marker and planned to kick just a bit across the finish line.  instead, this wonderful stranger came up on my left and as she started to pass me, yelled,’GO GO GO GO” in my ear.  I took her heed and turned on the after-burners.  We sprinted over the line together and high-fiver at the end! It was the BEST finish to a race and I crushed my PR with a 1:47:46.  Isn’t running just the best?”

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Linda!!! “On June 5th, I ran the Newport 10 miler in Newport, RI, and came in first woman in 63:59.  This was an amazing race! I hadn’t planned on running it because I had a triathlon scheduled for that day, but one week prior, it was canceled due to bacterial contamination of the swimming water.  My sister and brother-in-law had signed up for the Newport race, and since some spots had opened up, I registered as well.  We had a wonderful day.  The race course is gorgeous, running along the ocean and by numerous mansions.  I felt so strong and managed to get by the women who were ahead of me and those hanging with me.  My fastest miles were 8 and 9, because I wanted to seal the deal.  Breaking the tape was such an amazing feeling.  One of my friends said that the look on my face is pure bliss.  The following weekend, my 8 year old daughter, Paige, and I race an evening Summer Solstice 5k.  She came in 3rd overall finisher, and I couldn’t be prouder! I finished first overall and snagged a trophy with my daughter.  I feel so blessed with how running has changed all of our lives!”

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Katie!!! “This past weekend I ran my 4th half-marathon! It was my second since having my 3 kids and I was beyond excited for it.  I went into the race with legs that were a bit sore despite the taper (me thinks it was the volleyball 3 days before the race… oops) so I tried to lower my expectations, basically throwing my A and B goal out the window with the hopes of grabbing my C goal.  After not realizing the first 4kms had a net uphill (to the highest point of the race) I was still able to reach my overall pace goal and then flew down the hills to 9km where my hubs and kids were.  At this point I was actually at my B goal pace and slightly panicked that I was going to crash, fearing I had gone too fast too soon.  The thing is, I still felt great! A few more hills, including one that was steep and 1km long, and I was at my A goal with 3 km to go and nothing but downhill and flats ahead!!! I still felt fab and started pulling out some fast splits and managed to fly past my A goal with a finishing time of 1 hr 51 min 15 sec!!! 1 1/2 minutes faster than my A goal and 2.5 minutes faster than my previous PR from 10 years ago (wayyyyy pre kids).  I’m still flying high from the excitement and can’t believe I’m in the best shape of my life at 34!”



Have any Friday Favorites?

When was your last Personal Record?  Where was it?

Any other Arrested Development fans—> favorite character?  What are the funniest tv shows to you?

When you were a kid did you have a special blanket/stuffed animal?  What about any of your kiddos?

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It’s been like five years since my last marathon PR. It was at the RNR Seattle Marathon. Easily one of my favorites races ever. Time to work on a new PR!

Family reunions are exhausting. I usually sneak off at some point to take a nap too. Smart move!

I do have a favorite blanket. Even my husband knows it is my favorite and he can’t use it (unless I’m not in need of it, then he can). When I was a kid I had a stuffed bear named Bebe that I LOVED. I know I still have her saved in a box somewhere!


I can’t even imagine running at that high of elevation. It sounds like such a good workout.

Wow that’s awesome about some of your readers accomplishments. To sign up spur of the moment and run such a fast 10 miler? That’s incredible. I love hearing about your readers accomplishments, it gives me new blogs to read.

My last PR was the Newport 10k I suppose but I probably ran that on an undiagnosed fractured foot so I don’t know if I really want to count it.


Love all of these pics! You and Andrew are too precious–it’s quite obvious you’re in love. :) Friday Favorite: I’m already looking forward to tomorrow–running at the lake, eating froyo, and hanging at the pool!

I still have my stuffed koala my best friend gave me for my birthday in kindergarten. I got attached to him and now sleep with him every night. He’s pretty much the best stuffed animal ever.


That picture of Andrew with the kids is so precious! You two look so adorable and happy together as well :)

Last PR was a St Patricks half marathon..completely unexpected because it was a “training” race and a really hard course! Excited to see how I can do at my next half in August!


Janae!!! Same with the Adidas shoes and Arrested Development! I have been wanted a pair of those adidas for a little while, except I am holding out hope that they will release more of the ones made with rose gold metal. I don’t know if it’s going to happen. Everywhere says “sold out” not “limited edition sold out” or “discontinued” so I am really hoping!! Also every summer Adam and I watch the entire Arrested Development series again! We are actually started it TONIGHT!!! I’m so excited! Tobias and Buster are so funny!


Job is hilarious on AD…….but also Buster! My husband has that exact shirt!

My last PR was in March at a local inaugural half marathon…………1:58!!

I think that The Middle is pretty hilarious………..and Friends……………..and Reba!


My last PR was 5 minutes off my half time and my first time breaking 1:40 (I ran 1:38) at the Lake Sammamish Half in March.
I had a stuffed animal wolf as a child, and my dog now uses him as a snuggle toy. It’s too cute!


I’m just happy its Friday!


Those are some insane running accomplishments this week! I can’t handle how funny the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is right now, I’ve been watching an episode a night to be able to end my day (even if it’s stressful) laughing. IT IS SO DANG FUNNY.


I can’t even handle all this happiness in these posts. :)))! So Happy for you guys!!!!


I love AD! So many awesome inside jokes in every single episode. it’s hard to pick a favorite character, but I think I’m going to go with Buster. Other funny shows I love are Happy Endings, Friends, the Office, and Parks & Rec. I just love em all.

those are such epic accomplishments! my mini friday accomplishment is running non-stop pain free for 15 minutes!


Looks like a great trip, Janae! You guys are rocking those high elevation runs. Thanks so so so much for posting these running accomplishments. It’s so neat to see my little story and family up on your blog!

I had a tiny stuffy as a kid that I took everywhere. Heinzelman was his name. Haha. My kids just love on a different stuffy each day/week/minute. And preferably the one they want is being held by their sibling at that. very. moment. :-)


My dad works for the chocolate company that supplies for those chocolate covered pineapples and I didn’t even know they did those! They sound delicious, I’ll have to ask my dad to get some;) The scenery looks absolutely stunning, hope you’re all enjoying your vacation:)


My last PB was the half last month – hoping to PB again in the fall!

I had a blanket – I still have it :-)


Your vacation looks amazing! I live basically at sea level, so the elevation would be a huge shock to my system I’m sure. I guess technically, my last PR was at a 15K that I ran this spring, but only because I had never done one before :) I had a blankie growing up and I still sleep with it (I’m 30 years old)!


Our Friday Fav is getting mentally prepped for our battle NEXT WEEKEND! I am posting a blog about our mental prep activities this morning, but I also need to read it over and over myself. We are 7 days away from the 48 hour–EEKK!!

We PR’d last summer by hitting 100 miles in 20 hours and 20 minutes. It was our fastest ever 100 miler and was on trails. We are hoping to beat that next week, but it is a paved loop so hopefully it will be easier?!?

Have tons of fun in St. George and with the rest of the time with the extended fam!


How crazy is it that they look so similar and are the same age!? You have to think that’s fate… They certainly look like brother and sister :)


I PRed the 5k in May with a time of 25:11. I hope to go sub 25 sometime this summer! I love Arrested Development–hilarious show. I don’t think I could pick a favorite character because they are all so essential to the show. I’m also a huge Office fan. When my husband and I first met, I had a TV in my room, but the only thing I had to watch were the first 4 seasons of the Office on DVD. ha! :)


Arrested development is hilarious! I think Tobias or Gob are my favorite.

I had a blanket that I loved. The whole binding ripped off and I’d get tangled in it so my mom had to give me a new blanket and hide the old one so I wouldn’t strangle myself with it.


My 32-year-old daughter still has (and uses) her baby blanket! It looks pretty bad, but she won’t give it up.


I love AD! Tobias and Gob are easily my favorite, but I think the whole cast and show are brilliant!
I actually have a blanket now that I always have to have when I watch a movie. It’s my husband’s originally, from high school football, but it is the perfect size and perfect weight for cuddling on the couch. So I’ve taken it over?


Love all the family fun you guys are having! I bet all the altitude running is gonna pay off for your marathon!


My PR in the half marathon was from 3 years ago. Since then, I’ve just recently ran another half and didn’t come anywhere close :/ oh well, completely different location (currently in Montana vs. flat Illinois) and my body has changed a lot! Looking forward to beating my new time, hopefully this fall and possibly in UT area! Any recommendations for Utah or Arizona half marathons around Thanksgiving time?


We have a family vacation planned for the 4th of July so I am really looking forward to that!! Have a great weekend!!


Oooh is this the big wedding weekend? Have so much fun!


Upon seeing the kiddos with Andrew and then laughing together my first thought was they COULD be twins. I see why you said people have asked that. I even think their faces kind of look alike…..?!?!

OMGosh….seriously my kids were hooked on blankies. All of them carried them everywhere and as they fell apart I had to keep sewing them together…finally they got bigger ones as they grew but they STILL love being in their favorite blankies.


The scenery is so beautiful where you are! Ahh I want to go there and just stare at the mountains:) Haha. YES I had a blanket I got when I was a baby and I’m 23 years old and refuse to get rid of it hahah. I don’t use it anymore but the thought of parting with it.. I just can’t.


Amazing accomplishments, what a sweet husband and 100 miles with a smile?!

My last PR was 2 years ago at Nike Women DC. I’m hoping to beat it this October!

Friday favorites – homemade Italian ices from our local ice place. It’s a summertime institution here and we’re hitting it up this weekend.

I had 2 bears that I loved. One was from my grandpa and I carried it every where. The other was larger than I was and I dragged it around the house. I would also knock it over and take a nap on it.


I truly enjoyed reading your post as well as your readers’ accomplishments!!! One person’s accomplishment made me teary- with her husband riding his bike right next to her for support.
My last PR was the Pineapple Race for the 10K and the Hapalua Half Marathon- I also PR’d. I really don’t have much experience since I just started running and signing up for races last year (literally, one year ago in June) so I don’t have many races to compare my time.

My girls never really had a “blankie” that they carried everywhere- but my oldest has a Puglee (the ugly doll); they’re inseparable!


Katie – I love your pic at mile 99.8, the look on your face says soooo much!

Thanks for posting these awesome accomplishments, including your 5.1 at 10,000 feet, that’s no joke!


My half pr is fresh from May! And my son keeps his little baby blankets and favorite stuffed animals still on his bed. He’s 12. It makes me happy lol


Why have you got your marriage licence when you’re not getting married til August 2016? They only last 30 days…


Just accomplished my Friday favourite today!! I ran for 75 minutes and I didn’t plan to, but I got lost and so had to take a long route home. I love days like those!


Oh, those dark chocolate covered mango and pineapple look delicious!!!!!!! I must be on the outlook for those!

I had a stuffed turtle when I was little that I toted everywhere. My son actually has a blue soft blanket that he loves! He is 7 and places on his pillow to sleep.

Looks like a fun vacation!! And with family is always the best!!!! Blessed in deed!


All of my kiddos have had at least one special thing they couldn’t leave home or sleep without. Kinsey has a stuffed Build-a Bear dog and a yellow crocheted blanket that she couldn’t sleep without until she turned 6, Micah has a little stuffed lion and Jonah has a Build-a-Bear dog, both of which they can’t sleep without. All of the kids got Build-a-Bear dogs when they were born, but for some reason Micah is the only one who got really attached to a different animal.


What an awesome vacation and location! Thanks for featuring me–you’re the best!

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