Are aches and pains normal, proof that I was crazy about Andrew from the beginning and YOUR Running Accomplishments!!

We go to Jamba juice for the chocolate pb smoothie.  That thing is so ridiculously good.

The kiddos are all about the strawberry flavor which is delicious but still… pb and chocolate?!

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We had a few games of hide and go seek (those two hide in the EXACT SAME spot every single time it is their time to hide and every single time we pretend we have no idea where they could possibly be hiding).

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Pre-smoothies= I’m back on my turkey burger kick from Costco.  I add to the plate a sweet potato and some avocado and I’m good to go.

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Earlier on in the day Brooke and I hit up the pool for an hour to work on her swimming.

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And our pool gives out free mini cookies which makes the pool time that much better.

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People have been asking how Andrew and I met and we were set up on a blind date by a mutual friend.  At this point of my dating life (it felt like I had dated a lot with zero success and I was kind of over it) I had lost a lot of my excitement about dating… but then when our mutual friend told me all about Andrew and I stalked his social media I was ridiculously excited (and dramatic) about meeting him.

I went through and found texts that I sent to my sister about Andrew after I had first talked to the guy that set us up.  Yes I was exaggerating big time but as you can tell I was beyond excited to go out with him (and then that he added me on Facebook after we had gone out).

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A reader asked the other day:  “Quick question from a marathon newbie:  do aches and pains just start to pop up during training?  Is that normal?  I’m following a RW training plan and taking rest days and rolling and stretching, but it seems like there’s something new every few weeks.  Hence, I am not feeling very strong in my training right now…”

******This is 100% completely my opinion/experience.  Yes, it does seem to be normal for me for aches and pains to start popping up during training for a marathon.  For the 1/2 marathon this doesn’t happen as much but for the marathon the long runs and higher mileage= more niggles (what I call these types of aches and pains).  Now if the pain is causing you to limp, you are swollen, it is taking the fun out of running====STOP RIGHT THIS SECOND and take time off from running until it doesn’t hurt anymore and see a doctor if you are concerned.

During marathon training I am at the chiropractor often, Josse gives me massages and scrapes me and I spend a lot of time on injury prevention BECAUSE marathon training is just really hard on our bodies.  And even when I do all of those things there are aches that pop up.  It’s a lot of stress to put on it day after day.  It’s also important to also remember that a certain training plan might not be for you… tailor it to your body’s needs and what makes you feel best.  The things that we are doing the rest of the day outside of our running also play a huge role on how we recover so zoom in on how all of the other hours are spent (SLEEP) and see if those areas need to be changed up a bit.


And a few of my favorite things this week!!!!

Favorite songs:

Roots by Imagine Dragons

Everything To Everyone by Everclear

Stay Fly by Three 6 Mafia

Dopamine by Third Eye Blind

I Don’t Like It, I Love It by Flo Rida

Such Great Heights by The Postal Service

Foundations by Kate Nash

California Love by 2Pac

*My go-to swimsuit (above in swim picture under coverup).

*This dress is on my way to my house as we speak (I might use it for engagements.. we shall see)

*Target $9 v-neck vintage tees… the best.

*The two sunglasses I am using this summer—>  clubmasters and erika.

*The Bachelorette… I started watching it again this season.  I don’t know why but I did.

*Being engaged.  This is fun.  Thanks again everyone for all of your sweet words this week.  You are all flying out for the wedding right?


Time for FRIDAY RUNNING ACCOMPLISHMENTS!! Don’t forget to send yours in to [email protected] so that you can be featured!!!


Chelsea!!! “I ran my 4th marathon this weekend in Calgary (Canada), my first full since having a baby (who is now 1 1/2 years old)!  It was my slowest by far at 4:13 and felt very tough, but this race wasn’t about a PR.  This race was about the training cycle and dedicating myself to getting in the runs while balancing the rest of my life.  I followed my program and didn’t miss a single km! Before I got to the start line I felt like I had already accomplished my goal.  Becoming a mother has completely changed my running life but it has made my accomplishments that much sweeter.  This race takes me one step closer to my dream of qualifying for Boston!”

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Ellie!!! “I ran my first marathon this past Sunday and had an amazing time! It was pushing 70 at the start and continued to climb.  The whole Buffalo community came out and turned on their sprinklers to keep us cool.  And my time?  I reached my goal of sub-3 with a time of 2:53:55 and 3rd female overall.  This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever accomplished.”



Christina!!!  This running accomplishment is actually my daughter’s.  Chloe is 13 and she made it to state in 3 different track events (javelin, long jump and 4×400 relay).  Even more exciting, she and her 4×400 team placed 1st at state and set a new record for her school! She ran a new 400 meter PR too.  65 seconds! She’s been working so hard al season and was so happy with the results.  I’m just a little proud of my runner kiddo.:)”



Ellen!!!  “NEW PERSONAL BEST at 10km woohoo!!!  -shaved 2 full minutes from my previous one!! Hopefully a sub-50 minute is coming soon! Also, first time running with the Spinal Research Team:)”

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Nette!!!! I had to post her picture in my SORRY tank:)  “I had a sweaty 6 mile run today with lots of speed work.  I’m not getting any younger and I want to qualify for Boston!”

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What about you?!  Do pains and aches pop up for you during marathon training?  What do you add to your routine to remain injury free during marathon training?

Where do you get most of your protein from each day? 

What are you most looking forward to this weekend?

Who else met their person on a blind date? Who has been successful at setting other people up?

-I set my brother up with his wife so getting set up with Andrew is good karma right?

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That’s so funny about your texts with your sister about Andrew! I’m pretty sure I said the same thing to my college roommate after I first met Dan. Sometimes your intuition tells you something is right and you have to go with it! I’m glad it work out for you (and me!)

This weekend I’m running my first race in a few months! Also meeting up with my grandparents who are visiting from Florida :)


Lately I feel like cheese and eggs are my big protein sources.

So glad your blind date was a success!


Haha that’s so funny about Andrew. It’s awesome
How close you and your sister are!

I think aches are normal but pains are not. If they don’t go away in a few days then it’s probably something more serious. It’s also wise to look at proper footwear too which could relieve a lot of joint pains.


Aches and pains definitely show up for me during training, especially during the taper. It’s like as soon as I start to taper, all of a sudden I have a new pain in my knee or hip or …? They always go away and have never been anything serious, its like the taper is getting in my head (taper crazies!) And yes, if something is swollen or hurts to move, it could be something serious and should be checked out, but for the most part, its very normal.

I’m looking forward to a massage tonight after work and going to see Me Before You!


I get random aches and pains during training (which I think is normal), but I’ve been really diligent about stretching and rolling to make sure I avoid injuries.

I can’t wait for froyo, pool time and the Rangers game this weekend! Also, I’ve never been set up, but I’ve been successful in setting other people up.


Go Mariners. ;) Should be a good weekend of baseball.


That text chain is so cute :) Meant to be! And I agree it seems typical for some sort of pain to happen during training and I think unfortunately it often is the beginning of something more serious, so taking those few days off when you feel it is really essential. I remember feeling pain before any sort of swelling and ignored it, but ultimately paid the price. The rest time can really help though.


I bet running gives me random little aches all the time, but I seem to only really notice them when I am training for a race that is important to me – like a marathon. Everything seems so much more intense during marathon training because we know training is so so important just to even cross the finish line let alone try to achieve a goal time.

I’ve been on a big turkey burger + avocado kick lately too. It’s really the best combination there is!


I usually get achy muscles during high mileage weeks and that’s when I know I need to foam roll and sleep more!


You and your sister are adorable! I always wanted a sister to be close to! Sometimes you just have a feeling about certain people when you meet them.


I met my guy through a blind date…..well, his friend was blinded by too much beer and lost his way back to the bar after using the restroom so he asked me for directions and waalaa I ended up meeting his friend ~who was waiting at the bar~ and years later THAT friend is my hubby. (Must be karma that we enjoy going to local craft beer breweries now?! ;-)

This weekend I am biking in the Tour de Cure for American Diabetes Assoc. with a group from my Y. My son also has an outdoor swim meet and its suppose to rain tomorrow morning…praying it stays away. At least Sunday looks great.

**And I have had random aches and pains during my mileage while biking….its just part of using those muscles right?!**


I get most of my protein from egg whites and greek yogurt. I’m not a huge meat fan, but I love ground turkey and will leave some cooked in the fridge and use it when I need a snack.

this weekend is going to be super fun if the weather holds up! going to the beach with my girlfrands and wicked excited about it. just really hoping it doesn’t rain the whole time because your pool time looked so fun, I want some sun time too!


You’re giddy-ness with those texts to your sister reminded me of ME! LOL! I was a single Mom once (with my first baby). I new from our 1st date I was going to be his wife and I was over the moon and would talk about him non stop, put a pic of him next to my bed…you know how it goes. And btw- I have always wanted to try those turkey burgers. I suppose I better get some :)


My husband was also introduced to me by my roomate at the time… I owe her forever!. My proteins come mainly from fish and meat (chicken, steak on the BBQ in the summer!) but when I do a hard training in very warm weather, I also appreciate a cold protein shake. My favorite is definitely Shakeology (mixed in the blender with a cup of fruits, water and a lot of ice). It is really expensive (we’re talking 200$ for 30-day bag shipped to Canada) so I use it wisely ;-)


First off, reading your blog is one of my favorite parts of each day! : )
Second, LOVING that swim cover up!! Third, I think I get the majority of my protein at breakfast. I love protein pancakes, overnight oats w/ an added scoop of protein, etc.


Just wanted to say I too LOVE the new third eye blind album! it’s so good!

As for the aches and pains, I think sometimes, for me anyway, I am so nervous about getting hurt or injured before my goal race, I freak out about every little twinge. When I am not training, and just running, I seem to have way less.


I am most looking forward to my birthday this weekend! Lots of cake, dinners out and soul cycle plus a pure barre class with my best friend to celebrate too!


Aches and pains = literally every other day! Ugh, but this is the life we chose!

Protein comes mostly from whey, dairy, eggs, and beans. I eat meat, but rarely- just not my fav, ya know?

I met Mitchell because I was dating one of his other friends… when that didn’t work out, we were still friends for over a year before we figured out we had feelings for each other. Everything happens for a reason :) So happy for you! :)


I love the conversation with your sister. I bet she must be absolutely stoked for the big engagement news! And I really want one of your tank tops. I pointed them out to my boyfriend last night because it is just so fitting. We usually run together and he knows how grumpy I get. Poor boy ;)


I like what you said about tailoring a training plan to your own needs! I don’t start back on a plan until July, but taking care – chiropractor, massage, rolling, and sleep are so important. And I’m not quite training for a full, but a challenge – 10k and half on back to back days. Good advice based on experience!


Um I’m excited about 2 things: national donut day, and getting this baby here. That will be my “Friday accomplishment” even though it will happen on Saturday haha


I laughed SO hard when you said you stalked him on social media, because now I know I’m not the only one haha!! I was set-up with my now boyfriend too and of course went so deep into stalking (should probably consider private investigator as my second job). We always talk about how after that first date we just knew each other was “the one.” I was also SOOOO over the dating scene due to boys just treating me not so good, and I was really about to give up for a while but then someone special came along :) So crazy how miracles happen like that.

Also, I get aches and pains all the time! I’ve learned when to rest, when to see my chiropractor or if I can power through. I think that’s a cool part of being a runner. I think we know our bodies better than most athletes.

I think I get my protein from the jar of peanut butter that sits on my desk all day at work and I may or may not spoonfeed myself daily haha :)


I do the same thing with peanut butter. I always look around to make sure nobody sees me; I don’t know why.


Haha I love your text conversation with your sister! I remember after my first date with my now-husband I called my sister to say, “This is the start of something big!”. When you meet the one, I think it would be crazy if it wasn’t obvious from the start!


You and your sister are hilarious.
Protein for me: Ezekiel bread and and Ezekiel English muffins (the grain combination makes a complete protein), eggs, milk, protein powder, chicken. All total mainstays in my diet.
My boys have their first soccer games of the season this weekend and my husband comes home from a business trip! Yay!


I forgot beans and lentils. :-)


Usually I get protein from meat, but recently I decided to eat less meat, almost to the point of being a vegetarian. I still eat fish like salmon and shrimp, and I also eat a lot of beans!
I am looking forward to relaxing and running this weekend!


I don’t know if you’ve had people question why you are getting engaged and married so fast, but I agree that when you know, you know! Jason and I dated for 5 months, go engaged and got married 5 months later! And now we’ve been married for over 8 years.

I used to be a big protein powder person, but I just don’t care for it anymore. I get protein from peanut butter, milk, cheese, beef, chicken or beans!


aww love the excited-about-this-boy texts! you two are adorable. so happy for you.
i definitely have some periods of extreme soreness during marathon training and assumed that’s totally normal.
i haven’t had success being set up but did meet my man through two of his good friends both times (we met like 9 years ago then reconnected this past summer) so that’s kinda similar! definitely meant to be b/c it was so random. have a lovely weekend!


I was setup with my husband by a mutual friend too! We actually met in a group date type thing….about 15 people met at a restaurant. I only knew my friend who was setting us up….he knew everyone! So I felt a little outnumbered, but it all worked out. Been married now 11 years.

My protein comes from a variety–lots of chicken and seafood. Sometimes protein powder, nuts, etc.

Looking forward to sleeping in this weekend. Ran my first race in almost a year (battled back to back injuries) last weekend so had the ridiculous 3am wake up call!


Haha! Careful what you wish for or we will all be at the wedding LOL!


I get a lot of my protein from greek yogurt. I just love it with my granola, as a dip or just plain :)

Yay for blind dates. I like it when people set you up with YOUR person <3

I haven't had any aches and pains (yet? Knock on wood!), but I am only getting up to half-marathon length runs so far… so maybe I'll get there sooner or later? Not that I want to have aches and pains! Ha!


I almost ALWAYS start feeling pains on long runs when training when I never, ever felt them when I was just going out on shorter runs. ALWAYS happens! :)
So happy for you and Andrew — you seem like a great match and I can’t wait to read about all the wedding planning!
Unrelated, but what is the name of your polish? I’m getting my nails done tonight (gel) and I like this color a lot!


I get random aches and pains through my training cycles too, but foam rolling and massages help immensely.

Latley most of my protein sources have been cottage cheese, eggs, and chicken. Can’t get enough cottage cheese!

Also, I adore your relationship with your sister- it reminds me of my relationship with my sisters!
Actually, when my (now) husband first got my number I texted my sister and we both got waay to excited. Because I obviously knew he was the one from the start. ;) hahhaa.


I feel like things bothered me training for a marathon that I never noticed when training for a 1/2, like my GPS watch or my underwear (TMI) giving me blisters. I am just starting to train for my 2nd marathon and I am adding in stretching and rolling out and will soon add in monthly deep tissue massages :)

For protein, I love eggs and chicken. I also add in a Vega protein and greens smoothie after tough workouts :)

Today is my last day of teaching for the school year!! Yay! So this weekend is all about celebration :) We’ll take the kids for donuts today after work and I think we may try and hit up the water park tomorrow. Sunday will be church and a super lazy day = the best!


Those texts are priceless :) So happy for you!! Happy weekend!


I love reading about your happiness. As for protein, i’m pretty terrible at it! I eat eggs on the weekends but during the week am not a fan of most meat so i really need to work on that!


Aches and pains have been my norm for the last few years. But you are right…as soon as I start limping I know I over did it and need rest ASAP. I foam roam, get massages, and try to get good sleep to heal my body. In two weeks I start training for a full marathon and I am nervous about my training. I know how hard it is on the body (hence why I’ve stuck to halfs) but I wanted a challenge.


I eat eggs, cheese, protein shakes, fish, meat. I used to be vegetarian but I really needed more protein.

Tomorrow I’m running a 5 mile race for San Jose Giants!

I love your texts about Andrew!! So happy for you!


Love those texts to your sister! How funny!! I love that dress you bought! so cute!


Yay for a new play list! You always help me find new running songs. :) I love the texts that you sent to your sissy! It makes me so happy to see you happy!


HOW did I forget Jamba Juice existed? I haven’t been there in ages. I used to get their Chocolate Moo’d all the time. SO yummy.


I’m with you Janae, pb + chocolate over everything. Hope you have a fabulous weekend! I think I get the most protein from peanut butter and eggs! I’m most looking forward to a date I have planned on Sunday morning. Fingers crossed it goes well! :)


I’ve never had a Jamba juice but I know what I’ll be having if I ever go. You can’t go wrong with pb and chocolate; -especially when they are together.
My husband and I actually went to the same small school for 5 years and never said a word. We met later because he was friends with my sister’s then boyfriend but we didn’t get together until I was supposed to be on a date with another guy and my husband showed up and sat down next to me. I ignored the other guy all night. Three kids and 16 years later, I think I did the right thing.
Those texts are cute. We didn’t have texting when my husband and I met. We barely had cell phones!


Thank you thank you thank you for answering my question!!! :) (Btw this just made my day too!! I nearly squealed at work haha)
I’ve been trying to not let it get to me and to scale my training back a little, as needed. I’ve got 4 weeks to go and one 20 mile run (yikes!), then the taper. I need to see if there is a massage therapist and chiropractor in my small town, because I bet that would help next time around!

Also, anything PB&C is a winner with me! Love that magical combination.


THANK YOU for the question Andrea and I hope it helped!! Please keep me updated on how your training and marathon is going… so stoked for you!!! Enjoy your weekend:)


So I go to Europe for 2 weeks, completely disconnect, and come back to find out you’re engaged!?!? Congrats, Janae! Really happy for you!


Hah I love the text conversation! Really happy for you guys!

Thing I’m looking forward to most about this weekend – Sunday afternoon when all my running is done and I can finally RELAX! I’m pacing my marathon training group tomorrow morning (5:30am wakeup call) and then pacing a half marathon on Sunday morning (5:30am wakeup). Excited to unwind and load up with wine Sunday evening !

Have a great weekend!!


My husband and I were set up by a mutual friend. I did the whole stalking on Facebook thing too just to be sure I knew what I was getting myself into. What ever did people do before they could stalk their future husband’s profile on social media? Haha!


You and your guy are too cute!


That Everclear songs was one of my favorites in college! <3

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