A NEW WAY TO RECOVER FASTER! 15 Miles. Wedding Dress Done.

15 miles finished before Brooke woke up.  I’ll call that a win.  

I was able to run with two girls that I haven’t seen for quite some time (one of them I haven’t seen since Jr. High).  

Both crazy speedy sub 3 marathoners.  I need to keep chasing after them!

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The clan of us after a quick water fountain break:  

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A very blurry picture but I took it while running to give you an idea of the sunrise (I have missed running with sunrises).

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We went up the canyon and then back down for a total of 15 miles @ 8:10 average pace.  Oh and the girl in the orange below… a 2:47 marathoner!?! Amazing.

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Towards the end of our run we were all talking about recovery and what things we do to recover fast after a run and one of the girls told me about THIS article.  I loved it and it makes COMPLETE sense to me.  I’ve always really believed in the mind body connection and I’ve experienced personally how stress/my emotions can affect my health.   I think our minds are WAY more powerful than we think they are.  

After a hard workout or race—>  go outside, be around supportive/positive people and have positive thoughts and those things can help you to bounce back faster!  Try it out!

“A friendly setting- one that enables you to talk, joke, and debrief with our athletes— seems to help with recovery and future performance… Of all the things I’ve tried to expedite recovery after intense training sessions, social interaction seems to work best…. Social recovery has a better impact on heart-rate variability than more traditional recovery techniques like ice baths and massage.”—>  good stuff!

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Brooke knew I needed some help with recovery today… I’m not used to these longer runs!!!

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Brooke finds these little water sprayers outside to be very entertaining and useful to help cool down.  She could stay there all day if I let her.  

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Our other favorite way to cool off this summer… snow cones.  I usually have them add 5 different flavors to mine.

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I’ve really been loving having Brooke along for all things wedding.  She picked out my earrings and has been to all of the dress fittings along the way, she is really invested in the dress too.

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And then I brought it home.  Lindsey is doing our bridals tomorrow!!!

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This post was brought to you with Brooke sitting next to me on her laptop ‘working’ too.  We are off to go get Knox (Brooke has been counting down the minutes)!

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Also, I felt really tall last night.  She is usually in heels and I’m usually in flats and so last night felt a little different.

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What are your thoughts on the mind-body connection!?  Do you think our mind plays a role in our recovery after a hard run or workout?

What day is your usual long run day?  

-This training cycle I have no idea… it will be all over the place!

How tall are you?


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I think our mind plays a role in EVERYTHING we do! The book I’m reading now focuses alot on our perspective on things and how the way we look at it effects so many other aspects of our success and how we view the world. I think the more negative you are about recovery, the longer it will take to recover, the more likely you are to be injured, etc. Positivity can totally change things around.

My usual long run day has been Sundays for the last few years. Sometimes I’m able to do them on Saturdays, but now that I’m in the habit for Sundays, it’ll be hard to switch back! Especially since that means Saturday is my sleep in day!

Can’t wait to see your wedding dress! I’m sure you’ll be gorgeous!


I’m a whopping 4’11” 3/4″ (the 3/4″ is important.)

Long run days? Normally Friday or Saturday!

Can’t wait to see your dress!!


Our mind plays an important role in our health in general, probably more than most people think.

My long run day is usually on Sunday.

And I’m 5’5 and a half, it’s very important you put that half in there. you know, because I’m five.


I had to google what “bridals” are and it appears to be like bridal portraits that are common in the South. Do you both get dressed up and take the photos together or is it just you? Sorry, from CA and not Mormon so this is all new to me!


HEY JENN!!! I forget when things are common here that they probably aren’t common other places ha! So yep, we both get dressed up and we will take pics in a cool location like this one:


It’s nice so that we don’t have to take a million pics on the wedding day and we get to have them taken somewhere else too! Thanks and I hope you are having a beautiful day!


I think our minds play a huge role too! When I’m in a negative mood it definitely makes my run a horrible one and I don’t get that runners high afterward- also means the rest of the day feels sore and bleh.

I’m short. 5″.


I meant 5 ft


I’m also curious as to what bridals are.

I’m 5’10”


Hey Amanda! Bridals are pictures that we take in my wedding dress and his suit at a cool place:) This way we aren’t taking a ton of pics on the wedding day and in case weather is bad–> at least we will have our bridals! Here is a link to a similar one that Lindsey did! Thanks!


My sis is 5’10”:)


I’m little–5’2″ and my husband is 6’3″.

My running schedule is all messed up right now. It’s weird, you would think I’d remember what day my long run is on after running for close to 18 years but I dont haha. Tuesday is usually speed work and Wednesday is usually hills, so probably Thursday is long?…


Carina! :-)


BTW I’m 5’10 :)


Lately Friday evenings have been my long runs but only 6-7 miles since I’m not training for anything. Usually Sunday’s are my long run day.

The mind is so powerful. I need to strengthen it more…


I usually go long on Saturdays, and I think the mind thing helps with recovery. Our thoughts impact so many aspects of our lives.

I’m 5’3 1/2″


Wait, what are”bridals”??? Also, so glad to follow along as I’m training for the Chicago Marathon. It’s been pretty hot here and I am obsessed with the water fountains along the lakefront path here.


Please please keep me updated with how your training is going. I REALLY want to run the Chicago Marathon at some point. So Bridals are where we both get dressed up and go take a bunch of pics:) Here is an example of what Lindsey does:


This way we aren’t taking a ton of pictures on the actual wedding day (and if the weather is bad then we are sure to have at least pretty pics from the bridal shoot:) Hope you have an awesome night!


i am also 5 8 and a half.
you know so many fast runners!!


I want to know more about the water sprayers. Are they common in public? Random, I know! I’ve never seen one (and instead spend most of the summer in sticky heat here in MD.)


You’re so tall! I’m 5’6″. My sister is about 5’3″ and she usually wears the heels and I’m the flats girl. It’s funny because we looked just like that photo of you and your friend the other day when I wore the heels and she wore flats.

Are you and Andrew doing photos tomorrow already or just you and Brooke?


I totally get the “picture insurance” of taking them beforehand but isn’t there also a thing where the groom isn’t supposed to see the bride in her wedding dress until the ceremony? Sorry, not married yet (I think the Q is coming soon tho!!!) but so much fun learning the planning stuff!

Long run – Fri early a.m’s – just 10mi but also not really training for anything
I’m 5’4″ :)


That sunrise is gorgeous! I’m 5’7″. I feel like that’s pretty average.


I’m 5’2 :(
When I was younger I really wanted to be taller, but now I don’t think about it that much. The great thing about running, which is almost unique to running, is that you can succeed no matter your height–there are 5 foot Olympians and 6’5 Olympians–which is awesome!! I definitely think that your mental state plays a huge role in recovery, as well as performance during a training run. Sometimes when negative things are going on in my life, I channel that energy into a training run, and because the negative energy is so powerful, it makes the training runs more powerful, which means that the training runs are faster.



Social interaction helps me recover too. I definitely think the mind plays a huge role in training and recovery. Good job on your 15 mile run. What a fun running group!


Speaking of Runners’ World articles, you might like this one! http://www.runnersworld.com/fun/the-best-ice-creams-for-runners


I think our minds absolutely play a role in what our bodies do, which is why I work hard at being positive and thankful – although I don’t always get it right!

I’m 4’9″ and I rarely wear heels so I really look my size!

Hope your Bridals go well tomorrow, now that I know what they are!


Yay for your dress! The piece of lace you had on the blog was unbelievably gorgeous so I can only imagine what the whole dress will look like!

Yay for bridals! Those pictures will be forever memories!

Yay for 15 miles!! I am SO CRAVING a run! I feel amazing after Baby 2 and he’s a great sleeper and eater and not having to deal with the NICU, I’m already on Cloud 9, but a run – that sounds amazing right now. I might sneak out for a little jog in the next few days, then behave myself until 6 weeks ?

I didn’t realize you were that tall. I’m 5’7″ and love being tall. My hubby is 6′ and all the men and women on both sides of our family are crazy tall too so needless to say my boys are ridiculously tall even at their young ages!

Have a great day Janae!


So yeah- I thought it was a tradition that the groom is not supposed to see the bride in her wedding dress before the wedding day (not that I observed that tradition myself!) Or is that not a Mormon thing? Sorry for my ignorance, I’m just curious! : )


Hey Jenny!! Yeah, that is how most people do it I think but I really wanted these Bridals by Lindsey because we are going up in the mountains to take them and on the wedding day we probably won’t be able to get a ton of cool pics. So…. we are doing them today too! He will just be lucky to see the dress twice now;) Hope you are having a beautiful day!


Mind definitely plays a role in performance, recovery, motivation…basically everything that has to do with running, in my opinion!

We do long runs on Saturdays and Sundays (both for ultra training). This weekend, we will do our long run all morning/afternoon/evening/night on Saturday and Sunday. The race starts at 9:00 am EST Saturday and we will end at 9:00 am EST on Monday. We got a super sweet sendoff gift from my mom that I am posting about this morning. I can’t believe it is here already!


5’6″ and my long runs are usually on Saturdays, but more than likely will shift back to sundays after all the summer mileage building


I’m 5’9 so pretty tall – although several of my female friends are taller than me so in groups I get used to being the short one!
I do my long runs on Fridays since my work schedule allows it.


I can’t wait to see the wedding dress!!

I am doing this class with my husband right now called BOLD. It is geared toward realtors (my husband), but he thought it changed him personally so much that he asked me to take it too. It is crazy how much we talk about the mind/body connection and I would say that it absolutely works! They call it mental fitness and being careful what goes in your mind.


Mental fitness… I LOVE THAT. Seriously so so incredible. I’m going to have to look into this:)


I was wondering if anyone had any marathon training plans that they have used and enjoyed?! I ran my last marathon in 3:50 and am looking to train for a 3:30 for my next race but I am just unsure exactly how to train for this! Thanks all!


WAY TO GO KARA!!! That is an awesome time! Here is a training plan that I used and loved and it is geared for a 3:35!


Let me know what you think:)


I loved that article! My training group always hangs out for coffee and/or breakfast after our long runs and I’m glad to know that there is actually some benefit that will come from us doing that :)
I usually do my LR on Saturday or Sunday, depending on who I’m running with.
I’m 5’5.5″ and 5 is my favorite number! I’m a dork.


Janae did you ever try those relaxation sound files in sent? That’s still my go to to get my mind in the game.

I run long on Saturdays. The earlier the better. Not unusual to find me starting at 5 am, though I just found a co-worker (ultra runner) who starts at 3:30!

I’m 6ft2in but I’m also one of the few guys who posts here!


I haven’t had the chance yet but I want to ASAP!!!! AHHHH starting at 3:30… I literally can’t even imagine! Keep posting!!!!


Last week I was feeling a deep pain in my ankles. But by Saturday (my birthday) I still wanted to go for my long run, which is currently about 7 miles. I though I wouldn’t be able to finish, but I did. Besides from that, I managed to wear high heels and go to dance to celebrate my birthday, the next day I wasn’t feeling a single pain. I totally think this is because I was beyond happy and surrounded by people I love:)


I definitely agree that social interaction helps recovery too. My favorite thing to do after a long run is come home and relax for a bit and then go hangout with friends or family for the rest of the day. I never really thought of the two things correlating before:)


I’m trying to think back to how I’ve felt after a long run and my recovery and I don’t know if my mind has anything to do with my recovery. I’ve never really had any problems recovering from a long run. However, I do know that sharing a beer or two after any kind of run with friends makes me very happy!

My long runs are on Sundays and I’m 5’8!


In the photo of Brooke & her laptop, where did you get that dress? So so cute!


THANK YOU!! It is from Target. Their kid clothes are my absolute favorite!


I don’t think, I KNOW our my has so much control over our bodies. Before, during and after workouts.
I think it’s about that time I’m going to start running postpartum. Before now, my body was still recovering (I know, 6 almost 7 months after), but I’m ready! I have a major issue though, I need a double jogger for the twinners. Do you have any suggestions?? I would greatly appreciate any insight!


Our minds are powerful so I definitely believe in the connection.

I’m 5’8. My long run is generally Saturday.

hmm, we generally don’t see each other in wedding dress until the day of the wedding. On one hand I can understand doing the pics early but on the other hand I kind of like the joy that the wedding day itself brings. (and that’s my opinion, not to rain on anyone’s happiness or traditions).

When is your wedding day? (and I understand if you prefer not to share that publicly)


Come do a long run in Utah on a Saturday next! Yep most people totally wait until the wedding day but I’m being bridezilla (hahah I really care about the pics;) and wanting some before too! I think everyone just has to do what is best for them and what they want! We did change the date because of some circumstances and I’ll probably talk about that soon!


Photos are important to you so I get that. I’m also thinking that with the kiddos it might be easier when it’s not full blown party mode to get some really great shots. And you and Andrew should definitely enjoy the party. We told our photographer not to do formals during the reception. Do them before and we’re done. I’d love to get out of NY and run those trails. (although they’d kick my butt).


I spy Tawny!! I wish I could join this fun running party!! I miss running in Utah so much! Beautiful scenery, dry air, and amazing running buddies!


COME BACK!! We miss you Sarah and we need to train together!


Because it just feels so joyful, make sure to wear your dress daily now that you have it at home! -I brought my dress home about 6 weeks before my wedding and one night I was looking at it and thought it would be a waste to just wear it once in my life (and I had just watched the Friends episode where all the girls discover they like to wear wedding dresses), so I put it on and wore it around my apt. for about 15 minutes -then, the next night I was again looking at my dress and had the same thought and then again put the dress on… and after that it was 15 min. every day I looked forward to until the day I got married. -Now, 12 years, 2 kids, 2 cats, and a dog later and I still (very occasionally) still put my dress on when I need a little pick me up. -Seriously, I realize I sound crazy, but it just felt so good to look in the mirror and feel so beautiful with that dress on while thinking about all the joy that is to come once the big day hits


Your comment made me so happy and I might have to do just this! OH that friends episode is one of my favorites! I don’t think that is crazy at all! I am going to have to copy you:) Thanks Kim and I hope you are having a beautiful day!


Just barely 5’8″ – not one smidgen taller. =) And I feel even shorter because my two oldest boys are now taller than me!
I usually do my long run on Saturday but this week it was today (Thursday) to get it in before my training partner left for the holiday weekend. 4:30am was difficult and although I did make it home before the kids woke up, we only got 12 of the 15 miles done…her massive blisters from our half marathon last Saturday were making her whole foot throb and my foot was hurting from the bed I dropped on it last week so we bailed out three miles early and called it injury prevention.


Fun that you get to wear your dress more than once!


I am 5’5″ …… wish I could be a little taller with longer legs to run!! :D

Sundays are usually my long day runs, however, over summer, my training plan switched to Saturday due to track work on Monday.

I definitely believe in the mind-body connection!!!! Hands down, positivity helps with running and recovery! I believe this!!! 100%!

** ok, if you manage to read this…. please tell me the favorite Nike running shorts you mentioned a few months back… I have been trying to search this blog and can’t find them! Thanks in advance!


cannot wait to see the result of the “bridals” pics! how fun! that’s not really a thing in Washington state where my husband and I got married but I wish it was…what a great idea. I was itching to get back to my friends & family on my wedding day and had little patience for time spent on pics!

love that Brooke picked out your earrings :)


I’m 5″4. Love that Brooke gets to be part of the wedding planning.. that is so sweet!


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