Our Saturday Events! Tempo. Eat. Eat Again.

Nailing a workout and coming home to a happy 3 year old that wants to tackle me for 30 minutes straight is one of my top 5 ways to start the day (now if only my mom had a big plate of spaghetti ((I don’t know what my deal is with this stuff lately)) waiting for me then it would have been too good to be true;)

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I’m not going to lie though, the only thing that got me up out of bed and out on the roads in the first place was knowing I had Josse to meet.  I just had no desire to get out of bed but I’m sure glad I had her there to meet me otherwise this workout would have been done on the treadmill later on in the day—> running in the mountains + w/someone + sunshine is a million times better than the treadmill for me.  The endorphins were at an all-time high by the end.

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We did a short warm-up (less than a mile) and then got started on the tempo miles.  I just couldn’t get my head to wrap around doing 6 tempo miles in a row so I kept telling myself that I would take a break at the next mile when my watch beeped and that gave me some relief.  Once I got to the next mile I would say, okay just ONE more mile until I take the recovery and finish off the six miles etc.  The silly mind games got me to the end of the workout without stopping.  I didn’t look at my watch very often and tried to go off of tempo feel but went a little faster than the prescribed workout.  Plus, the first mile was downhill so that probably helped to lower the paces. 

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5 weeks until race day!  PS after the warm-up, I always start my watch again because I want the exact tempo numbers without the warm-up paces included so I can see right where I’m at.  We finished with a long cool-down and took it extra slow and finished with 10 miles total. 

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Afterwards Brooke got her running in and the weather was absolute perfection.  Whenever winter disappears you will find all of the Utah residents outside and it makes me happy to see all of the bikers, kiddos, runners, people reading outside etc enjoying it all.

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2 times a year my church holds a General Conference from 10-12 and 2-4 on Saturday and Sunday so I was able to watch at home from my computer and we will be doing the same thing today (well, Brooke mainly plays by me but she watches for parts).

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My mom brought ice cream sundae ingredients for the family to have a get-together.

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Brooke shot some hoops for a bit.

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And then later on I put Brookers to bed and went to dinner at Black Sheep Cafe.  

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The best burger I have ever had in my life (not an exaggeration) and sweet potato fries (they bake their fries).   Perfection.   The higher (for me) mileage hunger has kicked in big time.

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We finished our Saturday night off with some coloring and great conversation.

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Happy Sunday!! I hope your day is a great one and fill me in on what you’ve got planned for the day!?!

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I’ve been craving carbs lately too, so all the pasta sounds amazing! I’m doing a short run today, then working on our new house then hopefully to bed early! I haven’t been sleeping well the last ten days or so so in all about getting to bed early to make up for it now!


I have the first tech rehearsal for a play I am in tonight………….gonna be a long night!


Outside miles are the best! Love that feeling of not really wanting to go run and then after just being soo high on endorphins :)


Best burger and sweet potato fries is saying a lot! Looks like so much fun :) Have a great rest of the weekend!


Those fries look amazing!


Funny, just the other day I was wondering if you counted your wu paces but I figured not since it would slow your avg pace count by a lot.


Working out and cleaning!

What shoes are you wearing??!! I love them!!


That burger looks delicious! Higer mileage always makes me crave red meat as well as carbs. Have a great Sunday!


Yay conference! We have a family dinner after and fingers crossed that I’ll be able to go. There may be a dr visit because my 2 year old woke up with a goopy eye (please bless it’s not pink eye!)


You guys are so fun with your coloring books and good food! Who could say no to those sweet potato fries? They look huge!!!


I need to start coloring…
my nails, they’re gross.


Oh those sweet potato fries look so good!


A also had the most awesome run this morning: Sneaked out of the house while hubs and the kiddos were still asleep, drove to a game farm near town, and got my solo run on as the sun came up. It was bliss!!


I l9ve reading your blog. I started running abut 18 months ago. My first race was a half. Lol. I am doing a trail half next month. It is so much harder. I need to learn how to ‘train’ and not just go out and run. I have not learned about when to incorporate speed work. Any suggestions for a newbie/older (46) runner to become more of a bad ass??


Today I am making beef jerky and getting some rest. :)

I want to try an adult coloring book!

Those mind games counting down the miles help so much.


Mmmm I live for sweet potato fries. Now you’ve got me craving them!

Way to go on that tempo! I always have to play mind games with myself too. I usually tell myself “just get through this one and then you can stop” until I get to the end!


Your hair in that dinner picture- GORGEOUS. Happy Sunday, Janae!


Well thank you Julia:) I’ve been washing it more often hahaha! Hope you are having an amazing weekend!


New running shoes!!!! Woo hoo!!!! And a foam roller! :) and now a nap since for some reason I have quite the huge headache..


I woke up this morning to snow so my plan for 6-miles will be on a treadmill!! Not near as fun!

Also, that burger looks unreal! My day will be spent at Boston Pizza watching the Blue Jays! I think I might swap my future salad for a burger <–though I'm sure it won't be as good as yours


We have some relaxing to do after church and we are having spaghetti for dinner!!

Coloring is the best. It is such a stress reliever :)


I’ll be over for dinner:)


I find your blog inspires me to run and to do my best even when I have setbacks. Today I ran my first marathon (Paris) after having the last 4 weeks off due to a knee injury, I didn’t make my target time but it was a very hot and difficult race so I’m just happy I finished! Thank you for all your posts about when things don’t go to plan and what you do to get back to running, your experiences really helped me to make it to the start line and to (try to) keep perspective when I was struggling today.


AHHHH CONGRATS ALEX on your first marathon! I’m so sorry about your knee injury (I hope it is 100% healed)! I think the best thing to do for your first marathon is to focus on completion instead of time so YOU DID IT!!! Running in the heat is extremely hard! You rocked it and enjoy the post race recovery/treats/high/endorphins:) WAY TO GO!!! PS I want to do the Paris marathon:)


Thank you!!! If you ever get the chance you should do it, it’s a beautiful city and a great way to see the sights :)


The beginning of the General Conference made me tear up a little. All I could think of was if Ella was in the same situation Ethan’s mom was- glad I watched it. Made our Sunday even better :)


Right!?!? Can you even imagine being in that situation?! Glad you guys had a great Sunday and we need to catch up Holly!


The mountains in the background of your photo are SO beautiful!

I’ve always wanted to try adult coloring books… I think it would make my OCD very happy :-)


I may have damaged my computer screen trying to get at that burger – holy cow does that look good! I had a great run outside today with a friend who is back from injury – Yay!!


Janae! Today I did my first half marathon. I ran cross country all throughout high school; however, I really neglected running once I started college. I’m currently a junior, and this has been a long time coming. Unfortunately, I’m not as fast as I was in high school and am working on getting some of that speed back. I officially decided to do the race towards the beginning of March, and I managed to get a 2:01:04. The course is pretty hilly (Knoxville Marathon), so I was pleased with that, but am looking forward to racing more and improving this summer. I discovered your blog a few weeks ago, and I just think you’re amazing! Definitely my running inspiration! (:


AHHHHHH EMILY!!! HUGE HUGE HUGE congratulations girl! YOU ROCKED IT!!! Way to go girl and enjoy that post-race high and recovery:) Thank you for your sweet comment and I’m seriously so stoked for you!!! Summer running is the best in my opinion so you’ll love continuing training through the summer:)


I did a slow 4 miles on the easiest route I know. I have tendinitis in my left Achilles from my antibiotic. Every time I feel like I’m getting back in shape something dumb happens that sets me back farther. 2016 sucks for me.

Steak for dinner tonight but your burger is making me look forward to grilled southwest bean burrito burgers on friday!


Today was the first day I felt mostly normal since Thursday (hello gastroenteritis), so my planned long run of 10 miles outside was instead 2 miles of running/walking on the treadmill. Getting sick to the point of not being able to intake or maintain nutrients in the body is no bueno for trying to train! Anyways, I think it’s done and I’m looking forward to a much better week of training!
Those adult coloring books look great! I was doing some journaling and doodling the past few days while confined to the couch and it really is relaxing!
Have a great week!! :)


Last long run before the Big Sur marathon. Our morning was gorgeous and I was so lucky to some amazing friends to run with. I could def eat a burger tonight! Those fries look amazing.

Between you and another girlfriend I’m seriously considering eyelash extensions. After all those miles and sweat those lashes either 1. Make you fast b/c you both are and 2. hot! I look chewed up and spit out after a run. I think I could benefit from them.

Have a Sunday dinner with your family!


AHHHH CHRISTY!!! Good luck at Big Sur and let me know how it goes! About the eyelash extensions… I am seriously addicted.


Such a fun day!


I ran an 8k race this morning!! Then had an amazing brunch, a nap, some shopping, and now just catch up on work and blogs, and life.


Totally unrelated comment….I have read your blog for 2 years and maybe commented…..once? Anyway, I know you love running documentaries and I just started one on Netflix and it is off to a great start. “Desert Runners”. Check it out if you haven’t already seen it!


I watched it a while back and loved it! Seriously so good!


HEY ELIZABETH!!! You are the best…. I saw it once forever ago but you just reminded me how good it was so I will be watching it again! THANK YOU!


Just watched conference and stayed inside all day. Pretty lazy day.


What times do Brooke go to bed and wake up?


You’ve probably answered this before but what kind of sunglasses are those that you’re wearing? I’m looking for a good pair for running!


Isn’t conference the best?! I just love it! And I so need to try Black Sheep Cafe now. Your food looks SO good! :)


yum that food looks delish!!!! Brooke is such a cutie!!

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