Well, that was extremely hard and what crosses the line…

Goodness gracious that was rough.  6 mile tempo mile runs are no joke.  I started with a 2.55 mile warm-up (can you tell I was procrastinating starting the workout?), 6 miles @ 6:35 average, .45 mile cool-down.  About .2 miles into the tempo I knew I was in trouble and that my legs were tired and not wanting to have anything to do with tempofying (not a word but it makes sense to me).  Every time I wanted to quit I did my favorite ‘pump your arms harder when your legs get tired’ trick and I kept reminding myself that I’ve done harder workouts in the past and survived those ones and so I would today too.  And I survived… barely.  

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I’m very glad I had my St. Patrick’s gear on for the run.  

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Also, I’ve had a few people ask me about my nails.  I have no talent whatsoever at painting my nails (also, for me they chip within hours of painting them) and so I go to a place called Essence (they are by far the best in Utah County in my opinion) to get shellac done.  They charge $18 for removal and shellac and I probably go about once a month.  They make me happy.

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PS Brooke is all about playing salon.  My favorite service that she does is the eyeball blowdrying. 

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We did the green milk and lucky charms for our 3/17 breakfast.

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And we got the chance to see our favorite happy man.

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Brooke always loves to attempt to mimic these inflatable things whenever we walk by one. 

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Just the classic sweet potato/shredded bbq chicken combo (I went to Costco to stock up on my staples before unpacking any boxes when we first moved in… priorities).

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And we are on our very last two boxes.  Moving is tiring.  I’m probably not going to attempt that again for a very long time. 

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I told you the other day that Megan is in Hawaii and I opened up this snapchat from her the other day.  They swam (I think she was in a cage type thing) with sharks all around them.  I couldn’t do that.  I would have to draw the line there.  Bungee jumping is another thing that crosses the line for me…not going to happen (even though I went skydiving once and would do that again).  

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What crosses the line for you when it comes to this kind of stuff?  Would you swim with sharks, bungee jump, skydive?  What things freak you out too much?

What did you tell yourself during your last hard workout to keep you from quitting?

Have you eaten anything green today?

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eye ball blow drying? hysterical.

also that blow up wavy thing? do you watch the show broad city?? its hysterical and a major part of the last few episodes!!


You are incredibly if you only have two boxes left! Unpacking takes me forever ha! I would love to swim with sharks and do all of those crazy things but when it came right down to it I don’t know if I would actually do it. Whenever I am having a hard workout I just say that it’s in my head and keep pushing. More often then not, I can talk myself out of stopping. :) I ate a salad today so yes. And now my little girl and I are going to make some green goodies. :)


I want to skydive, I don’t know if I could actually do it though. I don’t even like roller coasters! I would dive with sharks (with a cage, obvs). That’d be cool.

I usually tell myself that I’ve felt worse and done more. Most of the time I feel like I’m in my own head anyway, so just remembering that its been harder before helps me alot.

I haven’t eaten anything green today. Maybe I’ll find something when I get home. Maybe a big bowl of kiwi later! Yum!


Also to stop my self from quitting I try to remember how much better I feel after a workout when i didnt quit. That the time will pass whether or not I run/do the workout so I might as well DO IT


I went bungee jumping in high school. I begged the guy to push me off I couldn’t make myself jump.

Made roasted brussel sprout chips today at lunch!


Oh I could not swim with sharks! To stop myself from quitting I tell myself that I feel good and focus on my breathing rather than any discomfort. If all else fails I ask myself what I want more, a break now or a good race.
No green foods yet today, although I’m making corned beef and cabbage for dinner.


I’ve totally done that shark swim in Hawaii, bungeed and sky dived (dove?). Apparently I have no fear?


Umm, I am so afraid of heights I started crying on the simulated bungee jump thing at the fair when I was like twelve…so none of that stuff. Swimming with sharks, maybe. I am kind of a chicken sometimes. It will happen.

Yesterday was a killer on the treadmill for me. I had four miles on the treadmill and wanted to mix it up with some speed drills. Which was great, until it wasn’t. Back track to how I had to be to work at 6 am which totally threw off my morning workout routine (ahem, before work) and went to the gym at 8:30 to break up my day (had to be @ work until 4). It was just hard. It started snowing while I was running and that made it worse. I just couldn’t find the groove. I told myself to finish because I only had 3 miles tomorrow and that was motivation enough I guess.

My smoothie this morning was green and then I also had spinach in my egg mix for lunch/dinner. Definitely got some green in for the day!

Enjoy the new house!!


Brooke is so serious while blow drying your eyelashes!! too cute!

I draw the line at bungee jumping….I have this irrational thought that the cord is going to snap. I So want to skydive but I’m not sure I’d actually be able to do it! And I’d love to try hang gliding!

I had spinach….and kale chips. And now I want lucky charms!!!

When it gets rough out there…I usually pick from the following:
– you can do this
– you will be wishing for this ‘me’ time later…so better enjoy it now!
– you’ve gotten through much harder workouts….it was colder/hotter/humid/raining/raining harder
– tell myself ‘one more’…just one more loop/ one more song /one more repeat / one more hill…and repeat until I’m actually satisfied.

Happy St. Paddy’s Day!


Wahoo for finishing the move! I went hang-gliding in Switzerland and I would totally do that again. Or skydiving! My university is celebrating “Green Beer Day” … I don’t drink so I am celebrating “Green Tea Day” for my green food!! Works for me :)


Never touch snakes ever! That’s just not right. I would maybe skydive though. We are doing lucky charms for dinner.


I haven’t eaten anything green just yet but about to have a piece of speramint gum does that count?!


My workout was tough this morning too but I did it! Some runs feel harder than others and then when I’m done I’m like, wait was that really so hard? Lol. I hate when I notice my polish chips so I usually do a light pink each week that way I can’t see the chips


I love that you are on the Hanson’s schedule now too! Bring it on, tempo thursday! (I had 9 this AM, and they were rough.)


NINE!!!! Holy cow. Way to go Mo! You rocked it!


Last two boxes? We moved into our house in June and we still have boxes everywhere! To be fair, we’re doing a lot of work on the house so we haven’t had anywhere to put things.

I’m not a major risk taker when it comes to things like sharks and heights. I have (rather reluctantly) jumped off of very high rocks into a lake, which was plenty risky for me. Though I do think I would consider sky diving if all I was responsible for was screaming on the way down and someone else was in charge of my safety. :)

I had some kale and avocado on my sandwich at lunch. And I’ll be having some cabbage with dinner. The guy is making corned beef, we’re being festive.


Props to you for getting unpacked so quickly!!! I moved into my house 3 years ago, and there are still several boxes in the office closet that haven’t been unpacked. I guess I don’t need any of that stuff if I haven’t touched it in 3 years…..

I wore a green shirt to work today and had a green smoothie for breakfast. Lucky Charms sounds like a way tastier choice though!


Well the last work out I did before I (literally snuck into) went to Cuba was a 5k beer week festival race, but based on my running club times and my training runs I knew I was very close to PR’ing on this race so I really wanted to try!!! I am having trouble with side aches though. Anybody have suggestions for that? I haven’t had sides he’s since I was a child. For the PR, I hadn’t gotten a new 5k time in about 18 months and given how slow a runner I am- I am super shocked I haven’t been able to beat my time! But I finally did it! 38:10. I am
Super proud! It was so hard! But now that I finally improved im
Hoping it will finally keep going down!!! My average is like 42+!


I would do the swimming in a cage with sharks. But I would never bungee jump or skydive. Something about free falling just gets me way too nervous.

My last hard workout was 5 1-mile repeats. By the 3rd one I was pretty tired, but just told myself okay just 2 more. Seemed to work!

I had spinach and kale with my eggs…I guess that’s my green for today!

Love the blow drying eyeballs, lol!


Congrats on the move, change is always good! Your dinner looks delicious! What’s the recipe for your shredded bbq chicken? If you don’t mind sharing!


Hey Bette! I have just been buying the bbq shredded chicken from Costco. It is in the refrigerator area! Super yummy and it looks like this:


I’ve swam with little sharks before – wasn’t too bad. Not sure about sky diving.

Nothing green for me today


SCUBA diving. terrifying. never gonna happen. even if you paid me a million dollars. because I’d die doing it and not get to enjoy the million dollars.


Definitely sharks or any scary animal (snakes, spiders, etc.) cross the line for me. I’d gladly sky drive or bungee jump though!

Only healthy greens today – green apples, spinach, kale, broccoli, asparagus.


My run this morning was so tough because I had a leg day yesterday. In order to get home, I had to run. I told myself “the sooner/faster you run, sooner it’s over”. It worked, but my time was not good.


Great work! I did a six mile tempo last week and it was super challenging! It’s so rewarding at the end though. I have a love-hate relationship with tempo runs. I hate every single minute during them but when I’m done I feel the most challenged and successful and full of bliss. During the workout I just try to tell myself that if I can’t crush this workout, how will I ever break my PRs? It may be silly but it works for me. No green food items for me today but some beers with green labels! Haha.


I am so afraid of the ocean and lakes because of what’s in them! I cried when we went wake boarding and it took the boat lover than normal to come back and get me after I wiped out! Love your new place Janae!! You’re an awesome decorater!


So glad the move is going well and you are loving your new home. It looks so clean and pretty!

I swam with sharks in Bora Bora and bungee jumped… but have never been skydiving. Maybe someday? That one kind of freaks me out!

Today I ate avocado, just like I do everyday! ☺


I’m so jealous that you can get shellac nails done for $18! They are at least $30-35 here and so I don’t do it even though I loooove them (I also chip within 24 hours if I do them myself).


There were so many runners out wearing green tonight! My run wasn’t a hard workout, but I found I was telling myself that it’s still light out and I need to just keep going until it gets dark. I couldn’t go home while it was still light out! All winter I felt like I was at work for any hour of daylight.


Happy St. Patricks Day, Janae!

I also draw the line at bungee jumping. No no not happening!!! Absolutely not. I could handle swimming with sharks, I mean I do all day at work already ;), at least then I would be in a cage. But bungee jumping.. the few seconds of falling wouldn’t be fun. And what if the rope breaks?

I haven’t eaten anything green today but I would love a green cupcake!!!!


I have sky dived, bungee jumped, and cage shark dived with great whites while in South Africa! Such an amazing experience! However I’m not sure I could go cliff diving from really far away. I’m one of those people that I would probably need to see a hundred people go first to be sure they didn’t die and then I’d consider it.
Mantra when workouts get tired:my body is strong enough to do this!
Nothing green today for me, but I did remember to wear green!
Yay for your new apt! the worst for me is packing up… I’m just not good at it and always somehow con friends and family into helping!


I love x country skiing in the winter so balancing on one ski on a steep hill freaks me out. Also, when I go downhill skiing, doing jumps really freak me out.

During my last hardest workout , I did hills with my x country running team,so it wasn’t that bad. So I just tried to focus on what I was doing in the moment and keep moving toward the end of the rep.


I would not bungee jump either! I do want to go skydiving and am trying to convince my husband to go with me!!


Pretty much everything crosses the line with me. I wouldn’t ever even go on the glass window jut-out thing on the Sears Tower. Every time I see pictures of people standing or sitting on it, my stomach flips. My doctor even had to give me meds last time I flew – 5+ years ago because I was so anxious about it weeks in advance. I’m a total wuss.


We did a 6 mile tempo run yesterday, too, though not as fast as you! When a hill popped up along the route, I kept saying “Charge It!” because I am super thrifty and never get to use those words in my shopping life. I got a fun little kick out of it and it made me smile, too, so bonus.


I actually have snorkeled with sharks in West Palm, FL before! When I was a teenager, I took the classes to be a certified scuba diver, and unfortunately I had an ear infection during the weekend of my certification dives. Since I couldn’t get completely under for the dives, I just went snorkeling and there were some hammerhead sharks in the area. It was pretty cool to see them in the wild, but a little scary too!


What keeps me going during a workout? Is that peanut butter protein ball waiting for me at home. Maybe 2 or 3.

I bungee jumped once. It was fun. A scary thrill I’ll never forget and am glad I did it, but I’ll never do it again. It almost pops your eyes out of their sockets ! I had bug eyes for hours afterwards and my head hurt like you could feel your head inerds were squished to the top. But I recommend everyone try it at least once ! :-)


I would probably be down to swim with sharks or skydive, but bungee jumping sounds downright stomach-churning to me, bouncing like that… For the same reason, I draw the line at roller coasters with endless loops and twists.

Yesterday was a day I needed a mantra to keep me going during my run, too. For me it’s usually just “I CAN do this.” Over and over.

Yesterday the only green thing I ate was a whole mess o’ steamed broccoli. But earlier in the week I made Lucky Charms marshmallow treats!


I agree with you about moving! HATE it!! After I moved into my current house, I boldly proclaimed, “The only thing I move out of this house is my dead body!” Hahaha!


In honor of St. Patty’s Day, I went to my favorite bakery and got a giant green rice krispie treat that was delicious :)

The last really hard workout I had was a CorePower Yoga Sculpt class that literally destroyed me. I had done a 14 miler the day before and been out all afternoon and that class was just so hard! My legs were shaking the whole time and I just kept telling myself that it’s only a 60 minute class and I have the rest of the day to relax!


Nailed my half marathon!!!! :) Yay!!


I love your nail color!!


so excited for you guys and your new place!! hoping you don’t have to move for awhile, bc yes, it sucks.
you know there is actually and eye disease where blowdrying your eyes is actually one of the treatments? (well, it was back in the day; not so much anymore). Fuch’s Endothelial Dystrophy. so she’s ahead of herself, being your eye dr ;)

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