The proud new owners and WHY–> Wave Tempos!

I think we have had the best February and March (so far) in the history of Utah this year.

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What we were wearing running last year on March 8th is below (I’m sure glad I have documented every run of my life the last 5 years for moments like this when I feel the need to do a compare and contrast of Utah weather for you).   Long sleeves, pants, gloves, ear warmers… not so much today.

PS it sure was a blast training with these girls for Boston last year… this was from our 20 miler.


5 miles today at a 7:55 pace and lots of foam rolling some tight glutes afterwards.

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And my favorite leotard man is back in my life.  This ab workout never gets easy for me.

Today while out on my run I was thinking about some of my favorite running workouts.  I’ve told you before but the short/fast stuff is quite a strugglefest for me (time to make my weaknesses my strengths right;) but the workouts that I really enjoy are tempo runs.   I love getting into the groove of a medium/hard effort and sticking with it for some miles.  The WAVE TEMPO is also a fun variation of the tempo run.

Here is what my first wave tempo workout looked like that I did last year in preparation for Boston (plan from Lauren):


THIS ARTICLE explains perfectly why wave tempos are an awesome workout!

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After a warm-up, uou can alternate these paces of ‘just beyond your threshold’ and ‘just shy of your threshold’ with .5 mile increments, 1 mile increments or you could do it based on minutes (i.e. 2-5 minutes if you are going for lactate gains ((so your speed would be faster but shorter)) or 3-8 minutes at a time if you are working more towards aerobic gains).

It feels kind of weird because the slower portion of the wave tempo really does kind of feel like a recovery even though you are still cruising.  I think wave tempos are also really good for us mentally because they keep us focused on the mile/interval/minute that we are in and staying in control of our pace.

An example of a wave tempo run workout using minutes as the segments:

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I think one of the many keys to getting faster is confusing your body a little bit.  Incorporating different types of workouts, paces and recoveries can be super beneficial!


Brooke was pretty stoked to show grandma her first planted seed.  We will be the proud owners of a sunflower shortly.

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About our chat yesterday… actually, I think Brooke does think she has a bunch of siblings.

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Just what the mind and body needed this afternoon:

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And then on the way out she ‘called’ me from my iPod.

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Brooke’s knock knock jokes this morning consisted of answering with people that we know so that she could tell me that we know them and then giggle.


Ever done a wave tempo?  Did you like it?  What was the structure of the workout?

We talked about book recommendations this morning… what shows are you loving right now?  Any recommendations?

How old were you when you got your first cell phone?

-18 and I’m thinking it will be the same for Brooke cause she will always be with me until that age anyways;)

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Never done a wave tempo. I think my favorite runs are progression runs. I always feel so strong after them!

Shows I’m loving: Quantico, Madam Secretary (I love that is has a HEALTHY relationship in it!) and I’m loving all the Chicago shows (Chicago Med, PD and Fire). Those are always the first shows we watch on the DVR every week! I am NOT loving Scandal anymore. I’m so sick of the Fitz/Jake saga. Enough!

I used to have a cell phone of my parents that they let me take places when I might need to call them. We called it The Brick. Probably because it was roughly that size and shape! I got my first official phone sometime in late high school probably?


That’s an interesting workout. I’ve actually never heard of a wave tempo. I like doing tempo workouts so maybe I’ll look into doing it. Thanks for sharing.

It’s hard to believe how fast the last year went. I feel like we were both marathon training. LOLZ


Hi janae please could you do a review of the launch 3’s you are wearing or reply to this comment to let me know your thoughts? I have to order them online and would love to know what you think before I order them.

Thanks xxx


Hey Sarah! I love love love my launch 3’s and they are pretty much the only shoes I wear now (unless I am trail running)!! Here is my review and I hope you love them too:


I’ve never done a wave tempo, but it sounds like a fun workout! Tempo runs are my favorite workouts.
I think I got my first cell phone when I was 13? It was a simple Nokia so I could only use it to make calls and play a few games like snake.
Right now I’m loving iZombie! Such a clever show.


That video. So cute!


Never done a wave tempo, but I think I might have to try. I did a hilly ten miler this morning and it was the first time in a long time that I felt like a runner again. I just finished Nurse Jackie and I’m so sad! We’re also watching Breaking Bad… kinda late to hop on that train, but better late than never. If you’re at all squeamish, though, I wouldn’t recommend it. Neither are kid friendly. I think I got a cell phone when I was 23ish… definitely out of college. Not because I wasn’t allowed, but because they weren’t mainstream yet. Everyone in my high school had a pager, but I didn’t have/want one. To this day, I just use a flip phone.


I was 15 when I got my first cell phone. I can’t believe kids are getting them at like 6 and 7 years old now – I mean, WHY?! It makes sense for safety reasons to have a cell phone once you start going out with your friends without adults, but kids in elementary school definitely don’t need one! So crazy!


I’ve never done a wave tempo but it sounds like a fun workout! I’ll definitely be trying it out in the near future!

We just finished the 4th season of House of Cards. I love that show! But it did take me a little while to get into it.

I think I was 13 when I got my first cell phone. Kids are definitely getting them even younger than that these days though.


Isn’t it great wearing tanks and shorts again! I was loving my run yesterday because I was sweating and not freezing my butt off. I am loving UnReal, a fictional show based around the cast and crew of a Bachelor type reality show, and Younger, about a recently divorced 40 year old mother who decides to go back to work but has to pretend she is 26 before anyone will hire her in the publishing industry (Sutton Foster is amazing!).


I got my first cell phone some time in college, but it was one of those really limited pre-paid ones. I can only imagine how much easier certain thing would have been back then if we had the technology we have now!


I was thinking you were going to say something about Brooke’s boyfriends in that picture. For a minute I had to go back and think which post you meant but I eventually got it. Some of us are slow!


I was 16 when I got my first cell phone. My parents didn’t think I needed one until I was driving, which makes sense. It’s scary that my future children will probably be asking for a cell phone at like 6! haha

I don’t watch much TV, but The Voice is back on, which I enjoy watching and it’s especially good in the background if I don’t really want to focus on what I’m watching! Nashville is my FAVORITE show, it finally comes back from it’s mid-season break next Wednesday!!!


Thanks for the tempo run tips! I really want to add more of these types of runs into my weekly routines. I ran my last marathon on Valentine’s day, so now looking to change things up a bit, try new things, etc… :)
I am obsessed with Fixer Upper on HGTV!! I could watch that show every day!
We gave our oldest son his 1st phone just before starting 7th grade (more of a safety thing than anything else), and we’ll do the same with our youngest this summer.


Isn’t having close cousins the best? I grew up with cousins and loved it. Sometimes more than having siblings.


My daughter got one when she was maybe 15? Give or take a year. I remember she was taking an evening Tae Kwon Do class and I was running another kid to another event and she was released early and left standing outside in the dark by herself in an area that is not great. We bought her one that night. Safety. Each kid got one for the same reason. I don’t care about age, I care about knowing where my kid is and that they can always reach me if they need me. None of my kids abused their phone. Worth every minute.


Sorry. Distracted


Fave shows: I’m researching Alias right now while on the treadmill. One of the only shows I think I could watch that distracts me enough. And Downton Abbey but it is sadly over.


That video of Brooke just made me cry. She’s so cute!!


I have never done a wave tempo run but it sounds intense! I think I got my first cell phone at around 15 maybe? I honestly don’t remember ha. As for show recommendations, I am going to be reading the comments along with you. I just finished Friday Night Lights and loved it, and now I am giving Gilmore Girls a whirl. I am not loving it just yet though so we will see. :)


I do love tempo runs, but haven’t done any wave tempo runs. I will have to try them. My favorite are hill runs probably because that is my weakness, they suck and it challenges me. And of course it must be done. Living in South Florida it’s not very hilly so we have to be creative and use causeways and bridges. Lol.

Favorite shows are The Black List, Chicage PD, The Walking Dead, and The Amazing Race. And of course reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond before bed.

Cousins are the best. I have a ton of them. My husbands three cousins are like brothers to him. My two girls are 5.5 years apart. So growing up they weren’t that close due to the age difference. My youngest daughter and my niece are 5 months apart so they were and still are very close even though my daughter lives in Colorado and my niece in Jacksonville. My daughters are close now that they are older. My brother and sister are 9 and 11 years older than me so my cousins were my playmates and siblings growing up. Of course my siblings and I have been close through adulthood.

I’m not even going to get started talking about cell phones. Lol.


I’ve never done a wave tempo but sounds tough!

That pic of Brooke and your nephew is so precious. Cousins are like siblings! I love how family is a big part of your life.


I’ve never done a Wave tempo run before, but it sounds like a great one to add in there! Fav shows are House of Cards (anyone watching the new season???), Fixer Upper, and Parks & Rec. Love!


I’ve never done a wave tempo but it sounds fun! Anything to mix things up so I don’t get bored.

I was 17 when I got my first cell phone and I remember I lied about my birthday so I could get it on my own since my parents didn’t know they had to go with me and I didn’t want to lose face in front of the cute cell phone salesman.

My favorite shows right now are Castle, Fixer Upper, and Last Man on Earth which is hilarious.

I just wanted to say as far as the sibling thing with Brooke, I grew up as the oldest and only girl with 3 younger brothers and while I love them and they are great, I have a special relationship with one of my cousins who really was the sister I never had. Brooke is so lucky to have cousins that she can be close to like that. Have a great day!


You two have the sweetest relationship! Love the video. She is too cute!!


OMG, I’m so embarrassed to admit I’ve exercised to that 8-minute ab video! My mom had the set of videos so I would do them on the weekends when I was at her house. I’m pretty sure the blonde dude is so impressed with his own biceps.


I dread foam rolling more than anything and recently got the hyper vice vibrating foam roller:

I cannot recommend it enough, it is INCREDIBLE- plus you can basically just lay on it and it does the work for you :)


Okay that looks amazing! I need that right now! Thanks Hayley!!!


I haven’t done a wave tempo, looks interesting.

Haha, cell phones were not a thing until I was in my 20’s.

I had a bunch of cousins my age and they lived close b. It was pretty great

I am watching Rizzoli and Isles, Major Crimes, NCIS New Orleans and madam Secretary. I tend to like mysteries. :)


I usually really don’t like tempo runs for some reason but I definitely want to try a wave tempo sometime! I like how there are intervals. I’m all about intervals haha.

And this is bad.. I had my first phone when I was in 5th grade. Like that’s wayyy young! My sister (2nd grade at the time) and I walked to and from school each day so we had a phone in case of emergencies. Pretty much the only thing we used it for for the first several years was playing Snake. Tbt to the Nokia phones haha.


Yes! We gave our daughter a cell phone last year when she started middle school. She also walks to school with a friend and is home by herself for short periods of time. No land line anymore… who needs that? ;) Safety is #1. Also, we know of a child whose parents miscommunicated and he was not picked up after a school game. No cell phone… after a while he decided to walk home. (15 miles) They found him 2 hours later walking home. You have to have a way to reach your kids when you’re not with them for whatever may happen.


I’ve never heard of a wave tempo but it sounds very interesting!! I have a love/hate relationship with tempos because they improve my speed SO much and I feel great afterwards but they hurt SO BAD while I’m doing them!!!

I got a cell phone in 5th grade but it was a flip phone without a texting plan! I never got a smart phone with texting until senior year of high school which is pretty late for my generation. (I’m currently 19).

I’m finishing up How I Met Your Mother with my bf and I am in season 4 of One Tree Hill. Both are old shows but I am just discovering Netflix sooo yeah. :)


I had to do 4 x 2 mile repeats last week, so I kind of used the wave tempo methodology for that. I broke each 2 miles segment up into half miles and alternated the paces for each. I think it’d also work well for mile repeats – breaking it up into 4 quarter miles alternating between 2 different speeds.


It was beautiful in Philly today, too! My roommate wore shorts on our run this morning (I wasn’t as brave), but it was definitely over 70 during the day tomorrow. It’s looking good for tomorrow, too!


That picture of Brooke and your nephew is the most adorable ever! I read Room over the holidays and just watched the movie last weekend. It is an amazing story of how much a mom (single! But kidnapped.) can do with so little, and how her love for her son saved them both.


Wave tempos are a new concept for me. I am trying to work in tempos but keeping them pretty simple to start. I got my first cell phone when I was in my early teens but my interest was zilch. I literally used to throw it in the bottom of my school bag and only planned to use it if there was a mega emergency and I had to call my mum. Thankfully that never happened. Then I got a smart phone and the whole world opened up!!


The weather has been ridiculously amazing lately! I love it!


I’m watching the new season of House of Cards, How to get away with murder, and Scandal!! Brooke is so lucky to have cousins who live so close to her!


I actually can’t stop watching the video of you and Brooke because she is SO adorable!


I’m just going to go ahead and say it’s your fault that I started watching the Bachelor this season… your and my sister’s anyways. I haven’t watched in a few years but I guess I had to this season and now I’m sitting around just waiting for this finale! If I was a better person, my money would be on Lauren.


My just turned 3 year olds knock knock jokes usually have something to do with poo poo, pee pee or puke. Such a proper little lady. ;-)


Never heard of a Wave Tempo. Sounds interesting and yet kind of confusing. I am pretty sure I would lose track of what I am to do. I often lose track of what interval I am on. I feel so special. Last night I couldn’t remember if I was on 5 or 6.
I love that tank top you are wearing, where is it from?


Hey, I really love the sunglasses you have on this post! They are so cute, what brand/model are they?


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