3 things I have to do before a long run and my Saturday activities.

10.5 miles to finish off this week of half-marathon training!   I slept in a bit and did some random things at home before heading out to the perfect running weather.  When Brooke is gone I take full advantage of sleeping in.

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There are three things that I have to do before I set out on my long runs.

1.  Eat whatever I’m going to eat (lately bananas are keeping my stomach happy before a run) plenty of time in advance… like at least 45 minutes before I start.  AND CHUG water.  All of the water.  The more water I drink—>  the better I feel on my run.  

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2.  Dynamic Drills.  Unless it is an easy run… I always have to get my body warmed up with a few drills before long runs or speed workouts.  When I first started training for marathons I skipped out on warming up altogether and just started the workout but my body doesn’t love that idea any more.  I have to get things moving and my muscles firing a bit before I start running.  

3.  Foam roll my IT bands.  I don’t do this for very long (I do it longer after my run) but they have been extra tight lately and so I am staying on top of them.  PS you can watch my foam rolling video HERE!

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My training plan called for 10 easy miles (between a 7:48 pace and 8:23 pace) and I did a 7:53 pace.  I made sure to include 5 pretty long hills along the way though because I have been doing a lot of treadmill miles this week and so my legs needed some climbing.  

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For part of my mom’s birthday celebration I picked up a bunch of her favorite desserts (strawberry shortcake and lemon desserts are her #1) and some of our family came over and we ate her favorite things.  The love for sugar is just part of our genetics.

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And then my brother-in-law helped finish up the last of putting Brooke’s room together.  I have a feeling she is going to be quite excited about this when she gets home to me.

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Megan is finally home.  We celebrated by going to the grocery store and gas station.  My weekend nights just really need to stop being so exciting.

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Okay, last Target talk for awhile (I am attempting to make a pie today and needed a few things) but they had TIM TAMS for samples.  These things are amazing!

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I also had to get these donut socks because how could I not?

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And Brooke will be home today!  I can’t wait and here she is showing me her back bend that she learned at gymnastics last week.

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Do you get any days to sleep in?  Do you enjoy sleeping in?

-Just when Brooke is with her dad… but I also end up staying up way later doing random things when she is gone. 

What things do you have to do before heading out to your long run?

What’s your Sunday filled with?

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Depends on what you mean by sleep in ? The latest I have ever slept in lately is 8am – for some that would be a big sleep in, others that would be waking up early


I’m bad about stretching or foam rolling before a run. I’ve gotten better about doing it after a run at least. I do always get up early enough to eat and have a big cup of hot tea and let that digest.

Sometimes I am good about going to be on the weekends at the same time as during the week but this weekend I was not. Up super late and then waking up way later than normal too. I don’t like it!


I sleep in on my weekends……….I love it! I am not a morning person! Before any run I have to have almost 2 hours of not eating for my stomach to settle everything. I have never had stomach trouble while running unless: 1) I drank soda that day or 2) I ate and did not give myself close to 2 hours before running. If I follow those rules, I seem to be ok.

Today is a medium length run and playing with penguins!


I need to drink more water before my long runs – big weakness of mine. Bananas are also my go-to lately.


A Tim Tam slam will change your life. I learned about these when I lived in Australia and they are magical.


So I actually live in Japan-from Utah and we actually have a few friends in common. Anyways, I was reading your blog and you had talked about food you liked from different countries and you talked about Tim Tams. I had lived in Japan for months and actually had a whole box of these in my cupboard and when I read that you loved them, I was like okay I’ve got to eat them. Best and worse choice I have made in a long time. Best because I’m addicted but really bad because they are everywhere here and lots of different flavors. If you want more to try more Japanese treats let me know! I will send you some!


HEY LINDSEY!!! So fun that we have mutually friends and that is awesome you are in Japan! Hey… I am STOKED that you tried them. They are the best ever. If I was surrounded by all of the flavors I would be in big trouble haha! I might take you up on the treats and venmo you:)


I can’t ever sleep in! I just must have a crazy internal alarm clock! And I dont even have kids!! I can maayybbeee sleep until 8 and then I just have to get up.

I have some speed work at the track to do today! Fingers crossed I survive!

AND I’ve never tried a timtam but they look AMAZING!


For your longer runs, can you remind me when you usually start to re-fuel? I’m about to start training for my first full marathon and am really bad at re-fueling… I always hit “the wall” around mile 9-10 during half marathons. I know I can do a Full…just gotta get the right balance of calories before/during ;)

Brooke is gonna LOVE her room! You are such a great mama!!!!


Hey Sara!! Oh refueling is rough! I am the same way! During a half marathon I usually take in little amounts of fuel starting at about 30 minutes to keep my energy up! During the marathon it is usually about 45 minutes in and on training runs it just depends… for a 10 miler I don’t usually take anything but if it is longer than that I bring a gu and start that at about 6-7 miles in.

GOOD LUCK and keep me updated with your training for your first full and how it is going for you!


Is there anything Target does not have? I wish I had a super target near me. When I lived in Tucson, I went there all the time. Where I live in Phoenix, there’s only the smaller one with limited groceries. Some days I think I should move back to Tucson!


No sleeping in for me, maybe once or twice a year when I have the house to myself. Before a long run, I have to have coffee, honeystinger waffle and bananas at least 45 minutes before I head out. I need to try drinking more water, maybe I can get some in between gulps of coffee. I’m WAY too slow in getting ready for long runs. It’s weird – I get so excited for them all week but then on the morning of, I get anxious or something and it takes me a while to get up and out.

Sundays are for getting things done around the house and maybe a big favorite meal out. Also stretching & rolling.

The bedroom furniture looks great, she’s going to love it.


I always eat a banana and piece of toast, drink water and coffee, and check the weather several times. I’ve been caught in Seattle rain on so many long runs!


I’ve been working from home the last month and have been waking up naturally between 7 and 8am which FEELS like sleeping in. I go running in the afternoon and it’s been glorious. Next week I’ll be working onsite in the city and will have to get up at 6am again and I’m not looking forward to that.
I’m meeting up with the boyfriend and his daughters this afternoon to see Zootopia!


I can sleep in until almost 07:00 on Saturdays and Sundays. Unless I am going for a run then 07:00 minus 30 minutes for run prep (food, fluids, etc), and however long my run is anticipated.

Before a long run I have to feed my dog, let him out, drink a cup on coffee, eat something, pool, pack my water bottle (it has pockets), and apply sunscreen. Usually 30 minute process.

Today we took my husband to the airport, restocked at the grocery store, saw Zootopia, and while my son is napping (babysitter) I am attending a parent seminar at his school (The Role of the Exerciss of Practical Life and Sensorial, ages 3-6).

Then FaceTime with my mom who turned 71 today!


I don’t sleep in much; 8 am is like me getting wild and crazy. I’m usually up between 5:30 and 6:30 – it’s just how I’m wired!

Before a long run, I have to coffee (verb), eat PB toast, and decompress. I usually read blogs or check FB and the news for a few, just to zone out a touch :)

Today we’re working on renovating our condo some more and watching basketball. Love March Madness!


I try to sleep in on the weekends, but I can’t really sleep in much past 7:00am. It’s unfortunate. :(

The most important thing for me before long runs is just having been up and moving for a while. I can’t wake up and then just go out the door for a long run. I have to have been up moving around for a while or else I feel terrible!


Sleeping in never happens at our house. I never find samples at target, when do they have samples?

Temple dedication for us today. Pretty excited about it.


Sunday is the only day I sleep in. I am up by 4:00 4 days a week and 5 to 5:30 the other days to get my workouts or long runs in. I now stay with my parents on Sunday to care for them. I do virtual church first…..My mom has Lewey Body Dementia and requires a lot of care. I have to run at 5 in the morning as I go to my parents house everyday after work. Saturdays are my long run day and this old body is usually super tired after and slow moving on Sunday too! ?

An another note! Tell me about your shorts?! I always wear black and would love something like them since they are more colorful.


You are a wonderful person taking care of your mother. She knows she’s loved.


Wow, Jurlene. You are incredible. Family is the best and I know I would do anything for my mom too. I hope you have got in some relaxing today! Here are the shorts… I love them:)
I can’t find them in orange anymore (mine are old) but they have fun colors still:


I always eat half an English muffin with peanut butter, drink water and sometimes coffee, and eat a GU 15 min before. No big plans other than a recovery run and grocery!


Donut socks! The cuteness!


My pre long run routine is the same, except I also spend way too long contemplating what I’m going to listen to. Sometimes I start with a podcast and end with music or vice versa, and that’s a very big decision that must be pre-planned for me, haha!


Sundays are my sleep-in day and I look forward to them every week! Woke up at 9:30am today … It was magical :)

Sunday is filled with no set plans!!! Maybe an easy, recovery run … Maybe a trip to the dog park … Maybe strolling around the city with some girlfriends. We’ll see where the day takes me!

Happy Sunday!!


I’m glad to hear that you do dynamic drills before a run.. Now I feel like I really should! My PT has told me to do some exercises before but the few times I tried I didn’t notice a big difference, but I try again.

I love sleeping in but I do so rarely. I get up between 5-6:30 all week long I wake up naturally early. Although today I did sleep til 745 because I didn’t get home from San Francisco to LG until 10.
I’m just not a night owl. Looks like a lot of other commenters today say that they cannot sleep in!

My Sunday is filled with work (sadly), but I gotta do it. And working on a some creative writing.

Your friend Megan reminds me of my friendship with my best friend, Camielle. We can have fun just walking to the store, or doing whatever.

Have a great Sunday!


Now that I have a newborn, sleeping in doesn’t exist anymore! As a matter of fact, I don’t even know what sleep is anymore! lol. I’m spending my Sunday relaxing at home and then going out for dinner while my mom babysits my son. Hope you have a great day!


I second the Tim Tam Slam! You can Google it but the basic idea is to bite off opposite corners of the Tim Tam (just a little bit), then suck hot chocolate through the cookie like a straw. The inside gets all soft and right when the Tim Tam starts to lose structure, you pop the warm, melty, awesome mess in your mouth.


T-shirt and shorts?? Glorious!


First, I am late but I hope your Mom had a fantastic birthday. She and I are probably close in age, so I’m always interested in how she is doing, too. I love the bed you picked out – so cute!

I ran on the treadmill this morning. 4.5 miles in Bali! I am trying out the ‘RunSocial’ on my ipad. You can ‘run’ all over the world and its a free download. Love it.


Nice work! Honestly, I’ve tried to sleep in before but it never really works. I feel as if I just lay restlessly. I’m going to try and sleep in tomorrow but we will see if that actually happens.

Nice work with your training.


I can’t wait to sleep in again someday. It’ll be a few years. My twins think it’s fun to party 24/7


Oh Chelsa! I bet you are so sleep deprived! I hope you get in a nap today and that the cuddling with your twins is extra great today!


I have a question for you! Do you tend to feel hungrier with longer runs, tempo runs, or speed workouts?


All of the above;)


I traded my long run for three flights back home today! I miss running but feel completely exhausted! Tomorrow I hope! I know the feeling! I can’t wait to see my son after 4 days away!


I sleep in once in a while, sleeping to 8:30 is sleeping in. I ran my first NYC 1/2 today and it was fun. I had brunch with friends and will see another friend later on. Then it will be early to bed. I’m such a party animal…


Probably everyone else will tell you this also but Tim tam slams are incredible. Best with hot chocolate I think but some people do it with tea or coffee. I think you can you tube what a Tim tam slam is.

And happy birthday to your mum for yesterday.


After 4 years I’m still working out my “have-tos” before going out on my long run it seems to change every week lol. At the moment it’s sunscreen to protect my skin (this has helped me so much I used to get windburn even if it wasn’t sunny), Chapstick, bit of banana in some shape or form, and waking up early. I just feel sluggish if I start later.

I’m more of an early to bed, early to rise person (need to work on getting the first part during busy weeks) so feel great if I get up early. But I’m happy to sleep in as well if my body needs it. I don’t have kids so I imagine it’s pretty different when you have rugrats around. Oh and yeah tim tams are THE BEST!!


I don’t do anything before a long run. I get out of thd house as soon as possible in order to prevent something from stopping me.

I don’t eat before I go. I make sure I eat a protein filled snack before bed the night before and drink a ton of water the day before.

Can’t wait to see Brooke’s room. The bed looks beautiful!


I slept in today and it was GLORIOUS. I wake up early to train/work all of the other days. I ran today and cleaned and went to Target (hello #spentallthemoney)


I pretty much can only sleep in on Sundays, but I’m still usually up by 7 or 8.

I just have to get my stuff together and go to the bathroom a million times before my long run. I inevitably make it about a half a mile before I have to pee again.

My Sunday was filled with a lot of randomness and dishes. It went by too quickly.


How exciting for Brooke to come home to a newly decorated bedroom!

I got to sleep in a little bit this morning, so I felt very rested all day. :-)


Now that my training plan has been upped to six days per week, I no longer have the luxury of sleeping in. I sure do miss it though!

I can’t believe I’m the first one to say this, but… I always like to poop before a long run.

Brooke’s room looks like it’s really coming together. She is going to love it!


I love those doughnut socks!


Don’t worry, Target sucks me in too ha! There are just too many great things there. :)


Currently eating a white chocolate and a salted caramel Tim Tam biscuit and feeling pretty awesome about life!!


I actually don’t like sleeping in :)
I love waking up early, having a peaceful breakfast and starting my day like that.
This Sunday I ran my first half marathon in 1:54:30, and I already am thinking about the next one. I’m not satisfied with my time so I want to be faster on the next one.
I usually eat a big breakfast and then wait two hours before going on a long run. I lost too much weight with all the running, and now I need to be on top of that fueling thing.


Hey!! I have been following you for quite some time and would like your advice. I am running my first half marathon on April 10th (yay me!). I am getting conflicting advice regarding tapering down. What is your advice?? Thanks!!


I love sleeping in a bit on the weekends… it is so nice! I have to drink a lot of water before a run too and unless it is super long (5+ miles) I still to eating something really small or nothing at all. My stomach is super sensitive when I run.

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