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What are your Saturday plans!?!

Have any dessert last night?  What was it?

Do you stay up later on the weekends or do you go to bed at your usual time?

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I was extra tired last night and fell asleep by 10. It was magnificent.

Saturday plans – Long run, take nap, and relax post-long run.

We gave up sugar for lent so no desserts for me. :(


That PF Changs picture with the selfie stick is hilarious! I have one and have never used it. I really ought to up my selfie game. haha!


Love the selfie! It’s opening weekend and I’m at my son’s first college baseball game. Yay John!! But first a run and good hotel breakfast! Your movie date is the cutest.


I don’t have any thing planned for today except getting outside for a run. Which will be powered by the jumbo cream puff I ate last night! A local Italian restaurant has THE BEST cream puffs and they’re about the size of a soccer ball! We shared one between three of us.

I usually intend to stay up later on the weekends but it rarely happens. I’m always exhausted by 9pm! I’m much more of a morning person.


Love that chocolate cake from pf changs! Had it a few weeks ago! Not as good as Cheesecake Factory chocolate cake but definitely up there!


LOVE the chocolate cake at Chang’s. I waited tables there for years when I was in AZ … Can’t go wrong. I hope you guys got some lettuce wraps too!

I always stay up later (probably way too late) on the weekends. But I still manage to wake up early so I feel like that helps keep my body clock on track when it comes time to go back to work.

Saturday plans – Long run in the VERY windy city (with a 5k race baked in) …Dog Park … Dinner with some girlfriends at a BYOB Italian place!

Have a good Saturday!


I feel like there never are weekends ha I am in bed at typically the same time and up at the same time! Today I got in a 21 day fix workout and a 3 mile run. Still loving my runs! Plan for maybe a walk later on since it’s supposed to be 60!


Sounds like the perfect Friday night to me! Trying to have less plans this weekend, the last few weekends have been super busy. So, longish run with my hubby this morning. Finish painting a room in our house. Staying in tonight. I usually go to bed around the same time on the weekends but last weekend my husband had a gig and we were out until 2 am. So exhausted the next day. I am so not in my 20s anymore! Ha!


Hahaha I totally get it… staying up until 2 is rough! Yay for a long run with the husband! Enjoy!


We stay up a little later on the weekends. At least on Friday nights. Saturday nights depend on what’s going on because we are on the 9:00 church schedule.

Did you like the Dino movie?


Brooke loved it and I thought it was pretty cute. Oh yes… 9 am church is a struggle for us ha!


I had some Italian bakery cookies at a friends house last night. Tonight I have no plans. Maybe I’ll just order in some Chinese food and do some projects around the house. :)


I’m like a granny and pretty much go to bed early.. always.

Today I’m going to San Diego today to visit my friend.
I didn’t have dessert last night and I must change that tonight.:)


I had a few TJ Butterscotch Sea salt caramels for dessert last night, yum! In bed by 10:30 on the weekend sounds good to me these days! PJ Changes has great chicken and broccoli. I took my dog for a nice long walk and picking up my step son in a bit. Happy Saturday!


That chocolate cake!! Yum. What are you watching on Netflix these days?

Our weekend is wide open, which I really like. I’m sure we will run a few errands and do a couple things around the house. Today I have a bike workout on my schedule. Long run tomorrow!

Dessert last night → Girl Scout cookies and red wine.


We are tearing apart our crappy floor this weekend. Fun!!!

I would like to say I go to bed earlier on weekends, but I usually don’t. I also seem to have to get up earlier too…


I usually fall asleep before 10 on Friday nights and can make it til 11/12 on Saturdays…but not always:)


Today my in-laws are coming into town and we are going to the BYU basketball game. I am excited to take my little girl! :) Last night I hate late night chips and salsa, not a dessert, but still good ha. I tend to be pretty consistent with my bed time all of the time.


first of pb oreos are a thing I need in my life this minute. second of all, everything about that pf changs meal is on point.

I always try and stick to my regular schedule on the weekends because when ever I get off of it, everything falls apart. the key to waking up early is consistency, I swear.


This chicken and broccoli looks delicious! Spin class this morning, soccer pratice with my little guy this afternoon then mommy time at the store to get new running pants! Recovery day in prevision for the long run tomorrow morning! Half-marathon training program + 4 hours of shoveling this week = exhausting!


ate not hate ha sorry!


I was up bright and early for 7 trail miles with my running group. They’re the best!

No dessert for me last night, we ate dinner late so I was still full by the time we went to bed.

I tend to stay up later on weekends because I don’t have an alarm set…and then I usually wake up at the same time I do during the week.


I miss having a $1 dollar theatre around! We had one growing up and it was so much fun to see the movies, even though they were months late. I still always loved it!

I did have dessert last night- a peanut butter cookie and some warmed up milk. I usually like to go to bed the same time every night, because sleeping in really screws with my body.

Hope you have a lovely Saturday Janae! :)


Just got back from a body pump class and I’m not sure what the rest of the day will look like. I had dark chocolate for dessert last night. I usually stay up an hour or 2 later than normal on the weekends because I can sleep in a little bit… anything more than that kinda throws me off my sleep schedule. Have a great weekend!!


My Saturday plans include laundry and lots or resting up, then I have pre-race day dinner plans with the best running buddies a girl could ask for.

At the Meb/Shalane dinner I went to last night, we were served flan for dessert. I’m sorry, but I don’t like when my food moves. I tried a bite, but couldn’t eat it. Jello is even more gross (to me)! ;)


Awe looks like you had a great time with Brooke. I actually fell asleep super early last night although I did have ice cream so that was a success.


Trail running all weekend for me!! I had dessert on Thursday night and it was amazing! I go to bed about the same time on Fridays and later on Saturdays!!


It’s Sunday morning here. So last night I did purposely stay up longer because it’s the weekend except my body clock can’t work it out so I’m still awake at 5.30am…sigh just going to lie in bed. Last night I made a yummy sweet treat with apple thinly sliced, then a melted combo of almond butter and super dark chocolate drizzled over. Hits the spot with a cup of peppermint tea.


Oh yeah, normal bedtime is out the window on Friday nights – I’m up till ELEVEN instead of 10:30, haha.

Didn’t get a very good run in this morning… I’m currently dealing with Achilles tendonitis, so it was alternating between painful jogging and walking. :( I hope this goes away soon.

I’m tryna be a bit more healthy about my evening eats, so last night’s dessert was snacking on homemade graham crackers. I mean, they’re basically somewhat healthier cookies, but still.


I gave up candy and treats for Lent. I seem to do it every year. For some reason I can give it up for Lent but other times throughout the year I try to quit for a month and can’t!

Long hilly 18mi this morning with great friends. The rest of day will be spent on the couch with a few episodes of Gilmore girls.


Sounds like the perfect day Christy! Way to go on 18 miles wahoo!


I completely want a selfie stick. I should look into that.

I love the captions on your photos. How did you do that??


HEY GIRL!! I used to add text! Super easy!


LOL I know I have been MIA…but I am BACK! Also I did buy a selfie stick, it will be delivered tomorrow


We stay up a little later on the weekends, especially on Saturday nights. Last night was a richer dinner than normal- split dish of lobster mac and cheese– and I had a couple of crispy cocoa cookies by Jovial (taste soo yummy but are somewhat healthy). Today I ran 5 miles, did a private Pilates reformer class and got a 90 minute massage (horrible neck and shoulder knots).


As I am approaching 30 this year, I find that I prefer to stay in (especially during the winter and living in MN) and get a good night’s sleep! Wow, I sound old. I am also training for a marathon, getting over a breakup, and again I live in MN and it’s wintertime so hibernation is my jam right now.

Last night I picked up sushi and a brownie for dinner. Yum! Today I pushed my long run til tomorrow so that I could hang out with one of my blogging friends to take photos and say goodbye as she is leaving me to pursue life in the mountains of CO.

Happy Saturday!


Jill, I’m so sorry about your breakup. I hope you are doing okay and staying warm… those winters are brutal in MN. BEST DINNER and dessert combo ever!


I had a black and white cookie last night for dessert and it was delicious! Nussbaum and Wu if you’re ever in NYC. I usually go to bed at my normal bedtime (11-12) on weekends but my sleep schedule has been off lately. As for what my plans were today (yesterday?) I started helping out with a political campaign. It was a long day and I was exhausted and passed out right when I got home and now I’m wide awake – like I said, my sleep schedule has been off.


Ran a trail race in the Georgia mountains yesterday. Do you ever do trail runs? Living where you do I’d have to believe they’d be awesome. Love your blog!


Mmm, PF Chang’s and PB Oreos sounds great!


In a perfect world, I would be in bed by 11pm every night. I love going to bed and waking up early :)


Oops… posted the wrong website :)

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