Monday Matters, a book that is changing my brain (for the better) and my favorite spices for veggies.

-I know I said something pretty funny to her if she tilts her head back while she is laughing.  Her reactions to my jokes make me a little bit cocky.

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-It must be true love because I share my FMWs that my friends send me for my birthday with her.  She is the only person I will let near them.

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-Just keeping my internet bffs informed on the really important things in life:

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-Still choosing out the Christmas books to read whenever we go to the library. 

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-One of the many perks of going to my sister’s house is that my brother-in-law always has three big canisters of his homemade trail mix out for us to snack on.  His selections and ratios of nuts to dried fruit is perfection.  He needs to start selling his mix.  

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-Our new tradition each morning.  Brooke jumps in my bed and we watch 1 or 2 of the Dogs 101 clips on Youtube about different breeds.  We are getting very excited!!!

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-Just showing aunt Meg her owie.  Brooke knows that my foot hurts and somehow she has developed pain in the exact same spot;)  

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-PLEASE tell me that you had one of these as a child.  I have so many fond memories with ‘banana chairs.’  We would create all sorts of obstacle courses with them and watching a movie in one of these with some popcorn was the best night ever. 

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-A teacher friend of mine recommended this book and I grabbed it because I was excited for it to help me with my parenting methods and also if I decide to go back to teaching again once Brooke is in school full time.  Yeah… so this book was exactly what I needed to read for my brain (and I hope that translates to how I work with others in my life).  It is amazing.  I pretty much have something in each paragraph that I want to highlight.  It examines the differences between a fixed mindset (you are who you are and you just try to avoid failure as you go through life) and a growth mindset (you are a work in progress.. you view setbacks as a way to stretch, learn and grow).  There is a section about how this affects our success in our athletic goals too and it has a lot of examples amazing athletes and how they deal with setbacks.  

This little quote the other day has stuck with me big time—>  “Becoming is better than being.”  Love it.  

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-I rarely eat raw vegetables.  I do if they are in a salad but I hardly ever find myself just munching away on raw veggies (especially in the winter when I am freezing and just want something warm).  I think the key to loving veggies is finding your favorite ways to prepare them (my sis loves them raw so more power to her but cooked is my favorite) and your favorite spices/spice mixes to use on them to give them a punch of flavor.

My favorite three spices for veggies are all at Trader Joe’s:

1.  South African Smoke Seasoning

2.  Smoked Paprika

3.  Everyday Seasoning

Also, I love this list of awesome spices to try on your different fruits and veggies.  

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How do you eat your veggies most often?  Cooked or raw?  Favorite spices for them?

Have any Monday Matters to share?

Current favorite cereal and your favorite cereal as a kid?!

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Roasting is my favorite method for preparing veggies. Raw is just too cold and too fiber-y for me. I love garlic and paprika for seasoning.
Favorite cereal now is Ancient Grains Cheerios. Favorite as a child was Cinnamon Toast Crunch!


Definitely cooked. I love a good salad, but when its cold out, it just doesn’t sound good. I also love them in soups! I love nearly all veggies roasted. Just a little olive oil and salt and pepper or garlic on them!

I was a big fan of Cap’n Crunch and Lucky Charms as a kid (and still am, but rarely have them in the house). Now I don’t eat much cereal but I love Honey Bunches of Oats (with almonds) and FMW!


I LOVED cooked veggies! I typically don’t cook them myself, so I know nothing about spices. I am trying to learn how to cook, though, so hopefully I can give you a real answer soon. :)

Favorite cereal as a kid and always: Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Best post-cereal milk ever.


Today I’m going to roast veggies like it is my job… I may have been lazy and went out for dinner last night instead of cooking. Whoops- maybe that is that work in progress line :)


I had one of those chairs in college! My roommates and I always fought over it. Funny I completely forgot about it until just now. That brings back the memories!


My three year old pretends she is a cat and is still obsessed with Halloween (she still wears her pumpkin shirt!). She also comes in bed, cuddles, and watches videos on the ipad with me. We have to enjoy these times! (even with the ones that makes us pull our hair out – like cuddles waaaaay too early or meowing like a kitty instead of eating dinner… ha)

I love roasted veggies in coconut oil with salt and pepper! That’s my fav (along with kale chips).

My three year old takes all the marshmallows out of the new fruit loops with marshmallows…so now I guess my fav just has to be regular fruit loops! ;)


Okay, your little girl sounds hilarious with her pumpkin shirt! I have a feeling she and Brooke would be the best of friends with their holiday and cereal love! Oh I forget about coconut oil sometimes… that is the BEST!


I like raw veggies dipped into something (right now I’m hooked on something called sunshine sauce which is like a peanut sauce) or baked in the oven. I used to only have boiled veggies growing up and I HATED’re absolutely right that you have to find a way to prepare them that you’ll like them :)


First, I have looked and asked for that African seasoning at TJ many times and they told me they stopped making it. Have I been lied to this whole time? #TrustIssues But 21 seasoning salute is my jam for most of my roasted veggies.

Second, I know your BIL doesn’t really know me well and my birthday is 2 months away, but can I request one of those tupperwares for my birthday? You know how much I love trail mix, so I feel like this is a totally normal request.

Third, for the first time I am sad about being in Hawaii next week. I will miss Yogurtland’s free fro yo day. I mean, it’s tradition. It’s free fro yo. It’s happiness in a cup. I don’t even know if Hawaii will help me overcome this sadness.

Fourth, banana chairs remind me of playing Nintendo.

Fifth, I need that book. Self help books have been my jam this year. I am currently reading ‘The Power of Habit” (super interesting) and I plan on reading; “Women and Shame” and “The Gift of Imperfection” while I am on the plane.


Wait what? I swear I just bought it… that is crazy?! Get excited for your tupperware of happiness. I really like the trail mix that Ross makes too;) They do have Yogurtland in Hawaii so you should show your commitment and still go. Hahaha yes to Nintendo and THANK YOU for the recommendations. Seriously, you will love this one too.


The employee must have led me astray. Frick. I was just there last Tuesday too. Oh well. I guess that means I will have to make another trip ;) You have no idea how happy I am to hear they have a yogurtland in Hawaii. I don’t know why I didn’t think they would. I guess Hawaii knows what is good for them….and I know what is good for me and I will most definitely be there #priorities


Smoked paprika is the best and I often combine it with onion powder for veggies, potatoes and chicken too! I’m also not really into raw veggies – they’re rough on my stomach and roasted is so much tastier.


I eat a most of my veggies in the morning. I always make a hash of some sort with sweet potatoes, kale, broccoli, brussels, asparagus, and whatever else I have in the fridge with some eggs!

I had such a busy day so I’m excited to lay down for a little bit before my run group tonight!


Just lettuce and spinach raw. But mostly i cook my veggies.
I haven’t left the house except to walk the dog twice. My Garmin Vivofit is not happy….But I’ve got a lot of work and it’s just gotta get done….


I just finished that book last month. I’m big into reading personal development and stumbled upon that one in my search for more books. It was a very good read. I love the audio books too so I can listen to them in the truck on the way to and from work. Sometimes on my runs too. Time seems to fly by.

I love my veggies grilled. Preferably with olive oil and garlic salt. I also roast veggies on Sunday for the week. Have you tried Flavor Gods spices yet? Yum! I actually made some zoodles for the first time last night. I sautéed them in pesto sauce with shrimp. My husband ate two servings he liked it so much. I found a healthy Alfredo sauce made with cauliflower, grated cheese and almond milk. Can’t wait to try that.


That dinner sounds incredible! Can we come over next time you make that? I’m going to have to try out the Flavor Gods sides. Also, feel free to send any personal development books my way!


Please have your brother in law share the ingredients/recipe. That trail mix looks AMAZING! Also Montreal steak seasoning is also great for roasted veggies… Especially sweet potatoes. It gives them a nice kick!


I totally will! I will do a tutorial with him. THANK you for the tip on Montreal Steak Seasoning… that sounds amazing on a sweet potato! Have a great day Sharon!


Not big on cereal, but i do love veggies!!! Mostly hot and cooked but not mushy. My Monday was a quite one but i had an awesome break through in my track workout (which i m not very fond of)… I managed an 1’55” 400m!!! I know for some this is not very fast but I havent done that since 2 year in junior high! What an amazing feeling that was!! Also the weather here has been AMAZING the past 2-3 days! It’s in the 60-70s and tonight i trained in a T-shirt on the outdoor track!! I hope it ‘ll last!


I prefer most of my veggies cooked unless they are on a salad, so same as you. And I couldn’t agree that spices make all of the difference in the world when it comes to flavor. I actually pour gravy on my veggies a lot of the time, not the healthiest, but it sure tastes good. :) That book sounds like an awesome read! Hmmm my favorite cereal is probably Reeses Puffs or Dino Bites. I don’t really eat them though because milk doesn’t sit well with me :(


Favorite cereal right now is Frosted Flakes with fresh raspberries on top. Hits the spot every time.


I literally started drooling as I read your comment. That sounds like heaven!


I love veggies. I can snack on a bag of spinach like it’s candy. (Of course I can also snack on a bag of candy like is spinach…). And I loveee dipping my veggies in Annie’s Goddess dressing! I could literally drink it. I second the girl who asked for the trail mix recipe!! :)


Do you get the TJs 21 seasoning salute? That one is the BESTT!!!!
Favorite cereal as a kid pre-celiac was cap’in crunch!!!!


favorite cereal as a kid was fruit loops of lucky charms…the overly sugary ones obviously. thats so cool you guys are watching youtube videos on different dog breeds, ive noticed people pick dogs that look like them a little, you know like in 101 dalmations (i know youve seen this move :) ) i totally think thats true in real life too!


I love that book by Carol Dweck. I actually did my dissertation on growth vs. fixed mindset and body image, examining the types of behavior people engage in when they are dissatisfied with their appearance. It was really interesting!


We are all about roasted vegetables here! We have them a few days each week. So good!

I need to look into those seasonings. I’ve been stuck on one lately, but am ready to explore more flavors!


My company actually gave us that book to read! I have yet to do so but maybe I should bump it up on my list!

I think the only way I don’t like veggies (pretty much my favorite food group!) is oily or buttery – the texture freaks me out haha


Honey Comb was my absolute favorite cereal growing up. I loved when they would get all soggy in milk.

I hate raw vegetables … Gotta have them perfectly roasted! My friend/realtor introduced me to Spike seasoning … Such a game changer.


Not technically a veggie, but I LOVE frozen peas. Straight from the freezer into my mouth. Truly. You must try them. (PS – I buy them at Costco…organic baby peas in the frozen section and they are perfect.)


I dip most of my raw veggies in hummus!
Favorite cereals were Cinnamon Toast Crunch & Frosted Flakes’


I make warm brussel sprout salad with hardboiled egg, bacon, onion, and garlic with a vinaigrette.
I usually roast veggies with just salt, pepper, and olive oil.

I’ve never liked cereal.. except Cracklin oat bran :)


I love raw veggies! Though admittedly I eat them in salad the most. But I do like munching on raw broccoli every once in a while, and our pup LOVES cucumbers. If he hears anything being chopped, I swear he wakes from the deepest slumber and sprints into the kitchen. I normally give him the ends of the cucumbers because I don’t like them :)

I NAILED my speed workout tonight and so I’m riding pretty high from that. I was super nervous about it because my runs have been icky lately, but this one felt great!

Favorite cereal now is Life or Special K red berries. As a kid I loved Coco Puffs and French Toast Crunch (does anyone else remember this?!)


I just read that book!! I have two young boys and I am trying to apply her principles but it is really hard for me to transition from praising results to praising effort but I am working on it :) I am also grateful for the reminder that all skills can be improved with practice.


That first picture is BEYOND adorable!


My favorite cereal is Honey Nut Cheerios! Its my go to cereal. I like others too like FMW or honey bunches of oats but mostly stick with HNC. I’ve never liked the really sugary cereal, even as a kid.


That first selfie of you and Brookers in the snow is absolutely precious. I don’t know how you two still make me smile with your cuteness!


I like them cooked, but am usually too lazy to cook them! So I eat them raw for the most part! My favorite cooked though is zucchini. Mmmm!

I don’t eat any cereal now, but LOVE overnight oats. I think they are more satisfying! As I kid though, I loved my cereals. I can’t think of one in partiular that I favored, but I did like Fruity Pebbles, Lucky Charms, and Raisin Nut Bran. It had to be with the covered raisins!


Growth Mindset is a must read for all parents. There was a recent article cautioning about it being implemented correctly:


Would love it if you would share the trail mix recipe! Do you know of any good brands of cacao nibs that would go good in it?


Lars (my 2 year old) still loves his Christmas book (from 2014)! We read it multiple times a day, every day. Good thing I like it too.


We usually roast veggies with salt, pepper and granulated garlic. Sometimes we add powdered sriracha seasoning.

I used to love fruity pebbles when I was a kid. I’m a big FMW fan now.


You HAVE to try the coconut lime seasoning from Sam’s Club. The brand is Tones and it will change your life!


I loooovvvee roasted vegetables! I’m all about the sweet potatoes, zucchini, and asparagus. I always have to have at least 2-3 sweet potatoes on hand because I literally eat them everyday.

Favorite cereal- Capn Crunch Berries!


OMG you and Brooke are the cutest ever! I did have one of those chairs when I was younger! Also, that trail mix looks awesome and I never thought about making large batches (I would probably eat it all way too fast). I prefer my veggies cooked but I am no good with seasonings so I am happy you gave some suggestions! I just finished reading Big Magic, and it was pretty good!


I’ll have to add that book to my list! I could use some help with the mental aspect of training. And thank God I have a Yogurtland around the corner – I’ll def be going there next week.


I can’t wait for all the puppy pictures that are coming! I love roasted veggies, particularly squash, potatoes, broccoli, brussell sprouts and bell peppers. I usually toss them in olive oil with garlic powder, onion powder and oregano.


I absolutely LOVE to add garlic, salt and some pepper to my roasted Broccoli! Also sweet potato fries with cinnamon sprinkled on top! yum!!!!


My veggies are usually cooked. I don’t really like crunching into things. Plus my wife doesn’t like to hear the sound of people eating. We always play music during dinner. I find that salt and pepper are the best. Simple seasoning for quality veggies.
I’m still trying to get rid of the marathon soreness from Saturday but I ran nonetheless.
My childhood and adulthood favorite cereals remain the same, unchanged for 30 years. I love Crispix, and I love Frosted Mini-Wheats.


That book sounds amazing. I need to read that. I am all about inspirational books that talk about person growth and success.

ALSO trail mix is my JAM! That mix looks amazing. A good nut to fruit ratio is so crucial!


It depends on the season. I eat more raw veggies and salads when it’s warm out. I eat more cooked veggies and warm salads when it’s cold. I love them almost anyway: grilled, roasted or steamed. Just as long as they aren’t mushy. Olive or coconut oil, pepper and garlic are my go-tos. A little nutmeg in leafy greens perks them up.


Cooked veggies for me and I love them roasted with TJ’s 21 Seasoning Salute! Its salt free and full of flavor. I love FMW and Cinnamon Life cereal! As a kid, it was Apple Jacks all the way, ha!


We had awesome lasagna last night that I posted all about, so that is our important “Monday Matter.”

We both keep it pretty simple these days and usually go for Rice Crispy or Cheerio varieties. When I was a kid, I really liked Honey Comb and Todd liked Apple Jacks.

We like all kinds of veggies. While on vacation, I even tried beets for the umpteenth time in life and finally liked them!


I just ordered “Mindset” in paperback, it looks like something I’ll want a hard copy of to get a lot of good ideas highlighted. Thank you for the great recommendation! I love all veggies, but in the winter I tend to roast and cook most of them. I use nutritional yeast on roasted veggies and it’s so yummy! My favorite cereal is Apple Jacks-if they’re in the house, they’ll be gone in 24 hours.


Coconut almond peanut looks fab


I am looking up Mindset right now! I know I should also eat more raw veggies, but I always steam them in the microwave. Broccoli or cauliflower almost every night. By the way, I put Bar-b-q sauce on my sweet potato last night for the first time. HEAVEN! Thank you for that.
Cereal as a kid was usually rice krispies or cheerios or even raisin bran. But I was so bad – I put so much sugar on the top, there would actually be a layer of it. mmmmm. My favorite now is definitely FMW. I think because they put that layer of sugar on for me!


I love roasted vegetables! And that banana chair looks cute, I never had one!


i eat my veggies like 50/50–raw/cooked, but prefer them cooked. it’s just easier to have them raw at work and snack as i can or shove a salad in my mouth in 2 seconds…
everyday seasoning and 21 seasoning salute are the bomb dot com. so good!
oh cereal…ate it every single day before school growing up. can’t even pick a favorite! but loves reese’s, frosted flakes, fruit loops, honey nut cheerios, O’s (does anyone else know of these?!) list goes on…


I love them cooked or in salads – I eat heaps of vegetables and make lots of yummy dressings. I love to mix it up with yummy homemade dressings (tahini is a great base ) or sauces. Can’t wait for the weather to get cold here so I can make my big soup batches again yummy!


I have what I call “guilty pleasure” cereals. Mostly, I try to buy the stuff that isn’t as sugar-laden, but every now and then i buy a box of golden grahams…. and find myself eating them within a day or two. Whoops!


Love Carol Dweck! I read a lot of her scientific papers in grad school. You should check out Brene Brown if you haven’t already. All of her books are fantastic! She is a research just like Carol Dweck and uses real science as well as personal stories to convey her message. You can’t go wrong with any of her books…The gifts of imperfection, daring greatly and rising strong.


You must try Spiceologist seasonings. Greek Freak is my absolute favorite on vegetables. It’s so good.


I prefer roasting or grilling my veggies, but I do like them raw in a salad. Asparagus, sweet potatoes and broccoli are my favorites!

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