Why I’m not that bummed and running in water while listening to Netflix.

Before we chat about my toe (because I am sure you are all dying to know about a toe causing me all sorts of problems on my right foot), let’s catch up on our Thursday.

-We met up with Jess and we had a great little conversation.  She is one of those people where you always leave spending time with her feeling a lot better about everything afterwards.  

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-After that we met with my family to go to the Provo City Center Temple Open House.  

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-This little man is growing up too fast.  

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 -Next stop—> the pool.  Basically I am going to stick to non-impact stuff for awhile and if anything I do try hurts… then I’ll stop.  Exercise-self-control here we come.

Pool running is running in the deep end of the pool (so your feet don’t hit the bottom) with a hydro belt.  With pool running you maintain the same running form that you would if you were on land, keep up a high cadence and while you don’t move forward much as you are doing it… you get in a killer workout.  My heart rate gets way up there and you can include all sorts of intervals  Some elites also use pool running to supplement their training too! You can read more about pool running here, here and this video here!

Thanks Brooke for letting me borrow your towel.  

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Here’s the thing about pool running.  I don’t really mind it.  It helps me to stay in good running shape when I am injured, I benefit from some great post-workout endorphins and I listen to netflix shows while I do it.  Enter in my old/cracked phone because my wireless headphones refuse to connect to anything but the older phones.  Weird.  I just leave my the phone on my towel and listen to whatever show I want while I go…  gotta get creative when it comes to entertaining yourself while pool running.

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-Our amazing friend gave me and Brookers a hair trim.  Brooke’s cheeks will forever hold my heart.  

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-And then Brooke did her usual ‘jump from couch to couch for an hour straight’ thing.  

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-Keeping off of my foot as much as possible… once again getting a little too creative.

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And my favorite part of the entire day:  Watch a Sophia together, read some books, say prayers and hit the hay.  

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Also, I’m going to really try to be like Tim for the rest of the winter. 

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PS I saw a second of Biggest Loser last night.  I forgot all about this show but it used to be one of my favorites… 

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Turf Toe.. I didn’t know what this was until yesterday.  It can happen to all sorts of different athletes—>  football players, gymnasts, wrestlers, ballerinas, basketball players and runners of course.  It can be caused over time by repeating the same motion over and over again of pushing off the big toe as you are running.  It can also be caused by a sudden force (I think I had a nice combination of both causes).  I knew that I needed to get it checked out because it started hurting really bad, there was swelling in the area and my big toe joint had very limited movement.  

Treatment = Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation along with less-flexible shoes.

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Yesterday when Dr. B told me that I’ll be taking some time off from running, I wasn’t really that bummed for a few reasons:

-There is at least one benefit to being a worrier—>  When I woke up Thursday morning it hurt REALLY bad and I couldn’t stop worrying and thinking that I would need a cast or surgery or who knows what.  At least when I worry about something being the worst for a bit I feel a huge relief when I find out that it isn’t nearly as bad as what I was worrying about;)

-Because I have an answer.  I like researching what is wrong, what I can do to help it and moving forward.  Guessing is not one of my favorite things.  

-I’m just really glad it isn’t a stress fracture because my bone health is really important to me now after having a lot of stress fractures a few years ago.

-It’s 4-5ish weeks.  Not a year.  Not a decade.  Time flies by.  I’ve been injured enough times in the past to know that things happen, your body heals and then you run again.  Time away makes you love it even more when you reunite with running again.

-It is winter.  Not the summer.  Not racing season.  The trails have 3 feet of snow on them.  I am on the treadmill anyways.  I’m not missing out on that much.  

-I really like other forms of exercise and I really like resting more too.  My body will be strong (strength training—> boom) and ready to run again in just a few short weeks.  Nothing like some forced rest to get you ready to start the next training cycle.

-Other things in my brain have been occupying a lot of space lately so yeah… It’s not so bad.

-Running isn’t fun when something hurts so taking the time to make it so that running is fun again sounds about right to me.  

-I’m not going to lose a bunch of running fitness because I am not in super great running shape right now as it is.  It is always a lot harder for me to get injured when I am in great racing shape.

It’s just running… it will always be there for us when we are ready for it.  


Ever had a foot injury? What was it?  

Ever tried pool running?  Thoughts please!

What are your weekend plans?  What are you looking forward to?

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Eek, sorry about your toe! I definitely admire your attitude AND your pool running! My girls are in desperate need of haircuts and I think this weekend I’m going to attempt it myself.


My kiddos are also really into the jump from couch to couch game at the moment… And they also keep at it for hours! :)

Haha, love the Tim one!


You have a great attitude going into it, that will help too! And the time will fly by! Sometimes it is nice to have something force you to slow down and try new things. Granted, no one ever wants to be injured, but there is definitely a silver lining to everything!

Have a great Friday! :)


I’m still sorry about your toe, but happy to hear you have such a good attitude about it! You’re right 4-5 weeks isn’t bad at all and time will surely fly and it is winter so it’s freezing anyways! Some times we need a really good excuse to take it easy for a while.

Can’t wait to see the hair cut results!


I had plantar fasciitis for a REALLY long time, and that was pretty awful. Hope your toe heals quickly, but definitely enjoy this time of REST!! :) I’ve done pool running, and it’s not the easiest thing at all.

This weekend, I really need some nap time. And froyo. And probably more nap time. And more froyo.


I’m glad you are in a good spot with your foot Janae and you are right. It’s not a year of no running and you know you’ll be back to it. I think you are making the right call with it! It still stinks though! I agree that when you find something that takes time and is enjoyable, you don’t miss running as much! I’m glad you are finding those things!


I like how you don’t waste your time feeling sorry for yourself and adapt very quickly to every new situation! Important human (and mommy!) skill! I need a Jess in my life…haven’t found one since I moved here… and I will also try to be a Tim, although complaining about weather is an important part of Canadian winters :-)


Just saw your name and was wondering if you are living with CF. My son has CF and uses running as part of his therapy.


So nice to talk to another CF momma ;-) I do have CF and I have a son with CF too. I was actually diagnosed after him, which is weird but possible ;-) My doctors are positive that my years of running before the diagnosis helped slow down the progression of the disease and explain why I’m doing so great at age 35. Running is my main physiotherapy so I am just crossing my fingers that I will be able to do it until I turn 100 years old ;-) I wish the best for your son and I will encourage mine to take up running too. For kids, it has to be fun, not forced, so it’s a little different. Although my son plays soccer, we still do clapping twice a day for him.


My ‘kid’ is 28 and is doing well. He has been on Kalydeco for 2 years now and has benefited from this miracle drug. His running has been his alternative for the ‘vest’. He has adapted his diet to suit him (no fat!) and has managed to get off all supplements and enzymes. So far, so good, but everyday is a gift. Best wishes to you and your son.


Had a turf toe a few years back oh boy did it hurt!! But after i stayed of running for a while it got all better so you are making a very wise choice :) POOL RUNNING??? I didnt even know it was a thing!!! I have to seriously check it out!!! It sounds so amazing! As for weekend plans bf’s best friend is coming to visit and stay with us tomorrow evening for 4 days and we are excited! Also I have a long-ish run for tomorrow morning (9-10 miles) and then chill! Also super excited to work on a beginners yoga routine on Sunday to practice it through the week in the morning – something new i m trying and i call it “7 day beginner yoga kick off” . I hope you get better soon! Have fun in the pool!


I’m glad to hear you’re looking on the bright side of the injury. Hope it heals quickly :)

I broke my toe in high school..my dad, sister and I were lifting weights and my sister dropped a 25lb weight on my big toe. It was during track season so I was a little bummed to have to miss out!

This weekend I’m going house hunting with my realtor! We’re looking at one house I really liked for a second time, so I’m excited to maybe put in an offer!


I am just now at the end of that 4-5 weeks healing from turf toe. I think I got mine while trying to do too many jumping jacks, burpees, etc to cross train. Oh well. I have been able to walk on the treadmill and set it at a high incline to get my heart rate up (I don’t have access to a pool). You are right….it isn’t good to guess and it does help to have a plan (control) over what to expect next. This too shall pass and you will be running fast again!


4-5 weeks will fly by fast, especially during winter! I am glad you are able to pool run as well—the variety will keep things interesting and then make it extra exciting when you start running again!


I think it’s great how positive you are about “set backs”. It is easy to look at the glass as half empty, but you always seem to handle things with a lot of grace and humility! that’s what makes you a force to be reckon with!!!


I had turf toe several years ago. It healed, but I have to be careful about which shoes I wear to workout in or it causes pain (goodbye neon Pure Cadence). I think I remember you said you changed shoes recently? Just something to keep in mind from my experience.


We have never run in the pool. We both tend to hate to be cold and wet, though we have done a few IM triathlons. Yeah, what were we thinking…

I have tried to keep the same attitude during this winter bout of injuries I have had–why get upset when the weather is poor anyway? We have really been focusing on getting me stronger, which has included upping my calorie intake. I was inspired by your journey and how you said you got injured less once you added some weight. I have picked up 4 pounds so far and am still trying for more muscle. Thanks for the inspiration, Janae!


I had plantar fasciatis (I cannot spell that!) while I was pregnant and on bed rest. Don’t ask me how I managed to get a foot injury while staying in bed, it’s a total mystery.


I usually just have ankle issues… I roll them a lot. It’s been a while, but I still get nervous!

This weekend I was going to go to NJ and then a couple days in NY, but with the giant blizzard headed our way, it might be smarter to get some gym time in instead…


I have had peroneal tendinitis a lot. It usually bothers my ankle but the tendon attaches to the outside of the foot so comfy, roomy shoes are a must. I also have a Morton’s neuroma on that foot. Feels like you have a pebble in your shoe under the middle toe. That’s why I need sneakers with lots of cushion. I can’t wear heels much. Too much weight on the ball of the foot irritates it.

Feet issues are no joke. Take care of that toe.


Ughh I had a sprained/bruised pinky toe a couple month ago and it was so painful (I had initially thought it was turf toe).

Did it just start hurting out of the blue!?

Rest up and heal up soon!!


I’ve never tried water running. I always say I will when I get injured but truthfully I hate getting wet and the whole process of getting into a pool, ha ha.


I’ve started pool running based your previous posts on pool running, which I found from googling this topic when training with an injury for Boston 2015. Your posts, especially the video, really help me pool run correctly. I just completed a marathon last Sunday with just 3.5 months of training that included 3-4 times of pool running and ~2 times of outdoor running weekly. I managed to BQ without my Garmin (forgot at home :( Boo!) or pace group. So thank you for all your posts on pool run. I did feel goofy among the lap swimmers initially though, but now I’ve converted a few of them to pool running so it’s nice to have company.

For this weekend, I am looking forward to not waking up at 4:30 AM for my Saturday long run. Yay!


KRISTINE. Holy cow. You rocked your marathon (AND WITHOUT A GARMIN)… nailed it woman! Huge congrats and way to go on the pool running and that is so cool you have friends to pool run with now. Enjoy sleeping in!!!


About eight months ago? I went through the worst time of my life. I wish I could list it all off but I can’t. One day in the garage I just lost it. I jumped off my treadmill, wound up and kicked the wheel of my jogger stroller as hard as I could. It had the break on, and I broke my toe. I still can’t move it the way I used to, and it still aches and it still hurts. The X-rays show it’s healed but it’s as if I am being reminded of how much stress I allowed into my life back then, and to set boundaries for myself to make sure I don’t lose it again.


Oh Suzy. That is AWFUL!!! Oh girl, it sounds like a really crazy time of life! I am so glad that you have set boundaries now… you are a good example for me!


Pool running is the bomb! We did it for track in high school and we’d get the whole group to go in a circle one way, and then after about 5 minutes when we’d built up a little whirlpool the coach would tell us to switch directions. Really brutal, but a great workout! I like to alternate running laps with swimming laps to mix it up.


I’ve had turf toe and a falling arch (at least we think that’s what that one is.) it could have even been another stress fracture. I really wish I had your mentality when I was in high school. Giving your self time to heal is the best thing because you’ll recover and move on from it so much easier. Then there’s me. The dr would say to give it a couple weeks off. Id go running when my parents didn’t know I was running, is get hurt worse and never heal. Dumb.


Pool running sounds like a cool challenge! Your attitude about injuries is helpful; I tend to go worst-case scenario because I hate falling off the running wagon :)

It’s snowing here, so it seems like a “catch up on laundry and Netflix” weekend. Should be able to get in my long run on Sunday if it warms enough!


I’ve had plenty of foot injuries. The recent being a hematoma on my toe. It hurt so bad! Thankfully once I stopped doing the activity it healed up in two weeks. Lot of swimming! As for swimming, I use a waterproof headset by Waterfi. It has a mini iPod inside a box that sits on your goggles. Best $75 I ever spent!


I’ve never been pool running, but love swimming laps! Something about it makes me feel free- it’s a lot of fun and a great change up from running! Sorry to hear about your toe but you have the right mindset and positive attitude about it. As you say, luckily it’s winter! Have a great weekend!


I’ve just started trying to pool run and while I can tell my form is correct, I don’t feel any sort of workout from it! Any advice? I had a major stress fracture and some issues after due to the lengthy muscle isolation needed for healing. I have to supplement my running with pool running to lessen the impact for a while, but I just don’t feel the exercise! I spent 45 minutes concentrating on form, turning over my legs enough but not too much, and keeping my posture correct, yet I never got my heart-rate up. How can I get better at this?


Hey Sarah! Hmmmmmmm I am not quite sure what exactly what is going on without like a video or something of you pool running! Feel free to send one over and I would better be able to see what is wrong! Here are some links though that might really help:




Great perspective and the time will pass quickly! If there is ever a “good” time to be injured, its winter ;-)
This weekend we don’t have a lot of plans which I am excited about! I have practice with my team for our marathon relay next weekend.
I love Brooke’s cheeks too. So sweet :-)


I did some pool running in college! I did a lot of it when I had a stress fracture, but our coach had us do some even when we weren’t injured, just to cut back on the total impact we got for our easier, aerobic exercise. I kind of hated it, but you really can get a good workout in.

Weekend plans– running and football! A fifteen mile run on Saturday, then on Sunday I’m watching the Broncos hopefully win (but probably lose…) against the Patriots!


Bah! Bummer! I had turf tow after my marathon this fall – luckily I was toooootally happy to take a forced couple of weeks off/my entire body and mind needed it anyway.
Weekend plans – GO PATRIOTS!!!!!! ;)
Healing prayers being sent your way!


You have a great mindset with this injury! Being positive and not dwelling on what you can’t control can be hard (for me) but I think it’s so important. This weekend I’m going wedding dress shopping with my best friend!


I haven’t done any pool workouts since college! I always say I am going to add swimming into my running mix but it never happens. I also went to a pool workout class at the gym when I lived in SLC and it was hilarious because I was by far the youngest person in there and the deepest point of the pool was only like 5 feet. But I felt really young and fit!


I had ankle surgery in high school and missed my senior cross country season. I was sad about it but glad i was able to cheer on my teammates.


I had the fascia in my foot cut after chronic plantar fasciitis. I had been in a lot of pain before that. After a few months it healed and I ran again. (my foot doc just shakes his head).

Snowstorm and blizzard predicted for tomorrow. Treadmill run, coloring my hair and shoveling are all on tap. (I’m a party animal).

Today is my husband’s last day of chemo!!


Huge congrats on your husband’s last day of chemo. I hope you were able to celebrate big time together. Enjoy your treadmill run and new hair (love a fresh cut or color:) today!

Okay, you had the fascia cut… that sounds SO SO painful!


Great attitude! Enjoy the movement you can do too :-) I have a stress fracture right now and can’t do anything. BOO! I’m trying to stay positive and enjoy the extra rest. I recently cut my 3 year old’s hair too. She loved it! I hope Brooke does too.


JEN… I am seriously so sorry about your stress fracture. I hope that you have a speedy recovery and enjoy the extra snuggle time with that three year old of yours:) Yay for haircuts!


“It’s just running… it will always be there for us when we are ready for it. ” – I really love that. That’s my favorite part about running, no memberships, no super special gear, no need to drive to get to the place where you do it. You can not run for 6 months, and then, one day, just…go for a run, just the same.


I’m injured too. Told Chris wished we were in the same city to flop together.


WAIT WHAT?!?!?! We need to talk about this! WHAT IS WRONG???


Sorry about your toe!! Hopefully it feels better soon!! I am looking forward to relaxing this weekend! Not too much on the agenda, which is so nice!


You’re so right, running will always come back. I’ve had some pretty crippling foot injuries, horrible plantar fasciitis, a broken ankle (kind of foot?) from a rock climbing accident (where I fell bouldering at the gym so it’s not even a good story). I remember being so excited to run when I got my cast off that I drove to a trail and strapped on my running shoes and then realized I could barely walk. It’s hard when your mind is ready but your body isn’t.
My bff and I were both injured in cross country in high school so we ‘aqua jogged’ at the JCC for a few crazy weeks! We would pass the time singing and being ridiculous. Which was great until we realized we were singing Christmas songs at the JCC…


Love your attitude about this!!

A number of years ago my ITB was in REALLY bad shape and I tried some pool running…but I didn’t enjoy it. Truth be told, I’m not sure I was doing it right. And in the end, I think I just needed time off from running completely.

Am seeing one of my very best friends from high school this weekend who I don’t see very often – am really looking forward to that!!


Never had a toe issiu but I suffer from plantar fasciitis. This week it has flared up a bit so I have only ran two miles.


Janae, loving your positive attitude about this injury and openness to other forms of activity! I find anytime I have been unable to run for whatever reason…I find a new routine and just define a “new normal”.
You will be able to keep your endurance up with pool running…and find new found strength and momentum with weight training! Win-win!

I haven’t run in the pool, but used to swim laps as cross training and during injury. Tough stuff! And you don’t necessarily feel its as tough as it is because you stay so cool and non-sweaty in the water!

Weekend plans are totally up in the air, depending on the ‘epic’ snowstorm were are supposed to be getting. Might consist of shoveling, hot chocolate, and a fireplace…


I’m so sorry about your toe :( Your attitude toward running injuries is always admirable, though. I just went through some metatarsal pain that prevented me from running for a little less than a week, but it’s all cleared up now. Hope your toe heals just as quickly!

My weekend looks super busy: several social events have popped up, and on top of that I have a ton of classwork to get done… I knew the semester wouldn’t stay slow for long.


that’s the one thing that drives me crazy when pool running… trying to keep myself occupied. If I could watch TV while pool running, that would be awesome!


I don’t get it. How do you watch Netflix while in the water? Is your phone waterproof? Please explain.


Hey Lindsey! So I didn’t watch Netflix but just listened to it ha… I just left my phone in my bag and used my wireless headphones to listen to it while I was in the pool! Trying to do whatever I can to fight the boredom:)


I used to love the Biggest Loser, but I haven’t seen it in years. They made a UK version for a while which I was hooked on…


I’ve never tried pool running, but I need to because it sounds like an awesome workout! I used to love The Biggest Loser too, but when they took it off of Netflix I kind of just forgot about it. And by the way, your attitude is amazing!!


You have such a great attitude!


-Running isn’t fun when something hurts

That is a good way to look at injuries because running should be fun! and yes i strained (not sprained) the inside of my ankle. it sucked but 8 weeks off of it i came back a much better, stronger, smarter runner.


Love your attitude! Now I want to try pool running, too…seriously.

Feet injuries? Um, yes. I have super wide, flat feet that over-pronate like nobody’s business, so I’ve had tendinitis in my posterior tibial tendon pretty bad (that was fun with a capital F), and I’ve got Morton’s neuroma in both feet. AND I’m currently missing 2.5 toenails from my half marathon last weekend. It’s a party in my shoes haha :P


I tried pool running last summer, when I was injured. I don’t think I was doing it right b/c I couldn’t get my heart rate up high enough! I will have to check out your videos. Also, I had no music or anything so that made for a kind of torturous hour and a half. I talked to random people, but most of them were trying to swim. Lol. I need to invest in some wireless, waterproof, headphones!!


I broke my left ankle 3 years ago on a trail run. I did a lot of pool running when it was finally allowed. Then I had a stress fracture on my right ankle last year. I’m a mess. =)


Yep, I remember reading all about the sesamoids when my foot was bothering me! Weirdly enough, my physical therapist told me I needed MORE flexible shoes – seems kind of odd since it sounds like our injuries would have been pretty similar!


Ugh! I feel your pain (literally!). I have had Turf Toe, sesamoiditis, tendonitis, etc in the last few months since I was training for an ultra. Mostly in my left foot. This is from balance issues. I overuse my left side. I go to the chiro regularly now to keep myself in check. I have also started massage therapy to loosen up my left side since it is so tight.

This year, I am only doing 3 serious races (2 marathons and a 200 mile relay) compared to my normal 10. That way I can do more cross training and give my running muscles a bit of a break.

Heal well!


I love that little mermaid towel!


Who would think we need to strengthen our toes?! Our feet yes, but never thought about the toe?! This just popped up on my Facebook feed so I thought I’d share it with you for injury prevention next time. Hope you heal quickly and enjoy your new workouts until then


I like BL too. I just started watching a show called Fit to Fat to Fit. It’s about personal trainers that gain weight and lose their weight along side the person their training. So, they get the idea of what their trainee is going through. Tough! Good show though.


Hi Janae!

Have you ever tried reformer pilates? This has helped my running SO MUCH. It stretches and strengthens muscles that runners use and makes you so flexible. I also love it because it’s a total body workout that’s low impact and great when you are injured. I do this 2-3 times a week and I can honestly say my running has never been the same!


I haven’t… I have heard amazing things about it. I’ll have to find where they do it in my area. THANK YOU for the recommendation Kiara and that is so awesome how much it has helped you with your running!


So sorry to hear about your toe. I hope you heal quickly and get back to running soon. Your positive attitude is inspiring. I currently have a stress fracture in the cuboid bone of my foot, and I’m in a boot and haven’t been able to run in almost 3 months. I’ve been swimming but haven’t done any pool running. If I can work up the courage, I’ll give it a try!


Oh AMANDA… I am truly so so sorry about your stress fracture. I hope that you heal asap and please keep me updated with how you are doing!


Feel better soon! Your attitude is so great! This is my third time being injured too (doctor’s appt on Monday). This time in my hip. I feel like I have the best attitude about it now though, I am not trying to run on the injury and listening to my body. Other forms of exercise don’t hurt it so I am grateful that I can still move my body. With the time off from running, it’s going to make it so much better when I get to come back to it!


I had some toe pain last spring and read an article in RW about incorporating fish oil in your diet to help with the joint pain. I know you have a plan from your dr…but it’s worth a try and might shorten the healing process! I was pain free within 2 weeks of adding fish oil pills!


So sorry about your toe, but it looks like you have a great plan in place!


Oh I needed to read this…thank you! I have been struggling with an injured Achilles for some time now and finally decided to actually take a real break from running and reading this helped so much. Here is to us getting better!


Yes, The Biggest Loser is back and my friend Erin is on this season. She’s doing great and its been a fun season to watch.


I love water running! I fit it into my training sometimes but mostly use it when my body is feeling a bit broken and I need to continue training. I do a lot of intervals and sprints which I find keeps my heart rate up and keeps me interested (it also gets me a lot of good stares haha). The best set I have found is a pyramid set (i.e. 1 min hard break, 2 minutes hard, break…up to 5 minutes and then back down) plus a warm up and cool down. :) I don’t see why it gets so much hate!

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