Silentish Saturday… “I can do anything” version.

Pool running and stair climbing require some pretty heavy duty foam rolling and Brooke always helps me out.

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Post-workout serious selfie faces.

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Even a filter couldn’t help make this meal look pretty but it was the perfect post-workout fuel—>  Egg scramble with ground turkey, spinach, yellow peppers and avocado.  

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A rainy kind of day. 

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Hoods necessary.

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I’m telling ya, the holiday themed candy always calls to me. 

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Put Brooke to bed at my mom’s house and she sang me quite the bedtime song called ‘I can do anything.’

What else would we do on a Friday night?

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My fan arrived for my spin bike at home—>  I like a fan within 2 feet of me at all times when I am working out indoors.  

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I’m missing the Saturday morning long run but I’ll make sure to try to pretend I am on one while I am in the pool today.

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Congrats Deb for winning the NatureBox Giveaway!

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Have a long run or race this weekend?  Please share the details!

Have a favorite post-workout meal these days?

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I’m on a drop back week so just doing a 12 mile long run. I usually crave salt after a long run so sometimes I makes bag of ramen noodles when it’s cold outside. It’s different every run. Last week all I could think about during my last mile was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!

Have a great weekend!


OH MY GOOSES. Someone got their fifth wind before bedtime. Happy weekend!


Oh wow! You may have a little pop star on your hands there! Hehe! My favorite post workout meal is scrambled eggs whites with something green like kale or spinach and coconut oil fried plantains. It’s my winter favorite!


Love the song! She’s a great little singer.
No long run for me today but I start training for my first 50k in a little over a week! So my first long training run will be in 2 weeks!! I’m super excited to start doing long runs again. I’ve missed them.


That cuteness cannot be beat!
I’m still taking it easy this week after having a super sore knee last Saturday, so I’m spinning! Not the same as a good Saturday run but it will make me feel better for he rest of the day. That meal looks delicious. My favorite post workout meal right now is chili, in a bowl, on a bun, on a potato…with about 6 pounds of cheese.


Yesterday my long run was 14 miles, in the rain (as almost every run in Seattle is). I love eggs, red potatoes, and tomatoes all with salt after a long run, and then some fresh cold fruit like pears or berries! Have a great Saturday!


Just finished my 13 miles which will “officially” kick off Boston training. Can’t say I’m as pumped as I’d like to be, but, I’m not putting pressure on myself so that helps. I don’t even like candy but any holiday themed candy always gives me warn fuzzies :)


Our long run has been moved to tomorrow due to the TONS of snow we got here in the DC area. Ugh, I am so ready for spring!!


Yep, got my second 20 miler this weekend. The weather is not cooperating, either.


Love your post run meal! I love anything with avocado in it. This week is my stepback week so today my long run is only 8 miles. Where I am we have about 4 feet of snow so this should still be a tough run!


Hehe, my kiddos love foam rolling with me too – they’ve perfected rolling their bellies! <3


Oh my, Brooke is quite the entertainer! Cute!
I am running a marathon relay this afternoon with my Oiselle team here in WI! Looking forward to it.
I usually want eggs with an English muffin with PB after a run. Yum.
Have a great Saturday!


Post work out food has not been a strength lately. Seriously one of the only things I think about is eating a milk shake after my run.


Brooke’s song was too cute! :) And can we bottle that energy up to use later???
Tomorrow is my last 20mile run before my next marathon!! It will be good, some good hills, and running long with my hubby is always a great morning :)
I love a good grilled cheese after a long run!! There’s just something about the buttery bread and gooey cheese! But usually after a “normal” run, I’ve been making smoothies with kale, spinach, an apple, banana, cucumber, and some ice… so refreshing!
Have a great weekend!!


I am supposed to be running a 10K this morning, but it snowed last night and the ground is pretty icy. I will be curious to see how the race organizers handle this. The irony – it’s called the Fleet Feet Freezer!


I crashed my 10 miler today!!!!!!! 9:05/mile avg pace – 1:29:50!!!! That is the fastest i ve ever gone for this long!!! I was so excited that i actually yelled in the middle of the street when the nike+ lady called it!!! I have to say i m very pleased with the way my training is going for my half marathon in March. I ll let you know how track goes on Monday – really dont enjoy it much…
Post work out snack was spinach and egg white omelete in a wholewheat wrap with avocado n cherry tomatoes in it!! Yumminess all the way!
I hope you get to run soon!!!! Have a great weekend!!


I wish it were spring!! After last weekend’s snow storm and missed long run, I have 13 for tomorrow. It’s supposed to be a balmy 45 degrees here! Hang in there, Janae… you’ll be running soon.


I had 18 today and my running crew started at 4:30. We called it our high five run because everything felt like God was giving us a high five: perfect weather (upper 40s), wind died down, amazing company and a glorious sunrise as we ran past a lake.
Followed it up with scrambled eggs and toast, my recent go-to breakfast, and a nap.


Almost no snow?! Lucky you guys! Long run tomorrow morning will include 6 long hills… building physical and mental strength ;-) I’m pretty much stuck on two post workout meals right now… egg casserole with ham and veggies with sweet potatoes on the side and overnight oatmeal (mixed with cottage cheese, greek yogurt and fruits). I need nutritious meals that I can make in advance and bring to work to eat after my early morning workout!


I am running the Big Beach half marathon in Gulf Shores, AL tomorrow morning! I’m more of a protein shake or smoothie type of person post-workout. For some reason, it takes me a little while to feel hungry right after a run. Have a great weekend!


Eggs and potatoes, veggie breakfast burrito, or egg/english muffin. I often times will have a protein shake after too.

Today is a 3 mile run for me, my longest run post injury!


Got in an 11-miler this morning because it’s 40 degrees, sunny, and NOT windy in Chicago!! I’m sure we’ll have a blizzard next week so enjoying the nice weather while I can :)


Only 4 miles for me this morning, but might go for something longer tomorrow.

I’ve been enjoying protein shakes after my workouts lately. I leave my shake it the car while I workout at the gym so it stays nice and cold!

Brooke is the cutest! I love her singing!


Bad news. That child is not going to sleep any time soon. I suspect it’s only bad news for your mom though. :)


Whoa! That’s a pretty intense song! :)

I actually have two long runs on the schedule this week… Mostly because I missed two training days and need to make them up. Whoops!


Sometimes the meals that look look the worst taste the best, and that’s all that really matters right? Brooke’s little song is the cutest!!!


amazing photos!!!


I ran the Frosty 5k this morning and PR’d big time! To say I was shocked was an understatement! I ran my first race (or heck first time ever) under 7 min/miles. I am still pretty pumped and so now I will re-fuel and rest my legs for a couple hours and go out and finish up my long run day with 10 miles in 50 degree January weather!
I crave an almond bread, almond butter, jelly, and honey sandwhich. Which also happens to be what I ate pre-race this morning, which is what I just ate post-race and as it digests it will become my pre-run food for this afternoons run :) :) :).


That video of Brooke is adorable! Haha I love it. And I’m so with you on needing a fan when working out indoors. Treadmills without fans are not my friend! I love any type of fruit after a long run.


I have been loving these no bake homemade granola bars for post workout fuel. Theyre packed with protein, carbs, and heatlhy fats! Deffintely addicting. Heres the link to the recipe if you want to try them! :)


Saturdays are for long runs! I hate it when I can’t do it. Went out on my bike today instead…..33 degrees out, had to bundle up!


I love Brooke’s song! She never stops moving, if you could bottle that energy and sell it, you’d be a billionaire! :)


Your egg scramble looks good to me. Eggs with veggies and a side of potatoes is pretty much my favorite post run morning meal. Protein, carb and fiber to repair and fill me back up.

I ran 8 miles with some friends. It was cold and running in the park with snow surrounding you on both sides makes it feel colder. The run home in the sun was much warmer!


14 miles this morning! Struggle street the whole way- legs were just dead today. Still awesome to the see the progress I’ve made in the course of a year though! And it was amazing to see all the runners out on the Boston course this morning!

I tried to channel your positive vibes and speedy legs today to help me get through my run- I even ate some Swedish fish! I hope you had a good workout today and your toe is feeling better!

Favorite post run meal – a sandwich or in the cold weather- chili! Today was soup and cupcakes though!


I wish I had as much energy as Brooke right before I go to bed!

I had a “long” run of 7 miles today. It was a chilly, and slightly icy/snowy, run with my running group! :)


I did an 11-mile long run! I never would have thought I would actually enjoy these long runs, but I’ve come to love them and I totally understand why you’re missing them! Hope you feel better soon :)


Since it’s been so cold recently, after a morning run I want nothing more than a nice warm bowl of oats!


I don’t have a particular favorite post long run meal. I just kind of make whatever is calling to me…usually I want a hot drink though!
The best part of that song was definitely when Brooke snuck in that part asking your mom to throw the ball. Killed me, such a cutie!


Had a steady 8 miler yesterday followed by an 18 miler today with 7- 90 sec surges with tempo pacing for 5 minutes between each surge (starting at mile 8 and ending around 14). Success! :)

Favorite post run meal is either “thick and fluffy” waffles (lego brand) or a 2-3 egg omelet with every veggie I can find in my fridge (mushrooms, spinach, grape tomatoes, zucchini and squash) and some feta cheese and avocado. However, for long runs, I’m very conscious about refueling with carbs.

The energy of your little one… Oh my! I can relate, although my youngest of 3 girls is now 6. Still very active, though. Enjoy it, because there will come a day she will prefer to hang out in her room with her door closed. Yep. The day will come…


It’s been raining some here too. Luckily (knock on wood), I’ve been running between each storm.


missed my long run last Sunday due to respiratory illness…. such a bummer, but getting back on track for marathon training…. first marathon ever is in MARCH! YIKES! It is a bummer to be side tracked from running, but awesome that you can do pool running and crossfiT!!!

That dish you put together actually looked quite delicious!!! YUM!!!!

Oh, and yes, holiday candy….. especially chocolate yells out my name when I pass it by!!! LOL! :D


I ran 14 with our Fleet Feet group this morning!!

I typically make eggs, bacon and toast after a long run!


Meg’s half up top knot is giving me life! I love it! And soon enough you’ll be back to the speediest runner I know, er read I mean ;) !


Haha Brooke singing is too cute!

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