Sentence Per Picture!

I wore the tank that I wore for the Boston Marathon this morning and I was filled with all sorts of good memories!

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The highlight of the run was talking to my sister for 11 minutes… thank you headphones with a microphone.  

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It started to snow while I was running and the girls sat and watched it for a while.

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Lunch was a huge omelet with broccoli, cauliflower, avocado and leftover bbq chicken… bbq chicken goes with everything in my opinion.  

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They wanted twinner hair.

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The afternoon activity——>  BYU Art Museum to see the Norman Rockwell exhibit (YOU HAVE TO GO IF YOU LIVE IN UTAH and ps it is free!!!!)

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Their favorite part:

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My favorite painting by Carl Bloch that is always on display at this museum… you have to see it in real life…  it always gives me goosebumps.

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Growing up whenever we went on vacation we made sure to visit every art museum in the area… still one of my favorite things to do.

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Afterwards I showed them around my old campus.

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And I took them to my old cafeteria for some Graham Canyon and Earnestly Chocolate cup of goodness.

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And two pictures from last night because I forgot to post them—>  Brooke loves Target mainly because we get going pretty fast in the parking lot with our cart.


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And a selfie for good measure.

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Runners can never have enough socks, can’t wait to try the Pacesetters out.   

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What is your sentence for the day?!?!?

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I’m ready to go for a run after work! The week has gotten away from me and this will be my first run all week! Oops!

I love visiting art museums when we are out of town, there are so many amazing things to see!

That ice cream looks amazing!


We always visited art museums while on vacation too – I love them! And sentence of the day… “It’s been a much needed lazy day since its raining in Florida!”


ooo are those compression socks? i’ve never tried brooks socks


Your food combos are amazing. Things i’d never think of but then when you put them together on a plate in a picture it kinda makes sense and shouts delicious!! I like art museums too but i am more of natural history museum kinda person. I love the dinosaurs and the star related exhibits.


BYU creamery is so yummy. I’ve lived here my whole life and can’t remember if I’ve ever been to the art museum. Probably need to do that


I NEED some Graham Canyon in my life now. Stat. It’s kind of rude of you to show it to me without making it readily available for me.

Also, I am not so sure about that omelet/lunch combination. I will give you the benefit of the doubt because you ARE the person who introduced me the grapes and cottage cheese and all….but still….hesitant.


Sentence for the day… just when the roads and trails are becoming clear of snow and ice, it decides to dump snow again today. I may never run on pavement again at this rate…

How could you not run happy in those cute Brooks socks!

My son and I took a trip to Target this morning. He slept while I took my sweet time and cruised around looking at EVERYTHING! One of those days. :)


Sentence for the day: I desperately needed a nap and everything was better afterwards.


We have a LOVE sculpture in NYC, it’s a favorite of mine.

I don’t think I would like the bbq chicken with the omelet. Then again I thought chicken and waffles was weird but it is pretty delicious.

Sentence for the day is, “life is tough, my darling, but you are tougher.”


Brooke and her friend look so much alike! It’s always fun to revisit your old college campus. Mine is in NYC and I love taking trips to the city and remembering all the things that happened back then.


My mom loves Norman Rockwall paintings!! She needs to see this.

Today was solid, and now I’m eating Potbelly.


Sentence for the day: Shin pain, go away, come again never ever.


Truth: BBQ chicken really does go with everything. I love that yall went to a museum today that looks so fun! Woop woop two pairs of Brooks socks this is going to be a good month.

Sentence: Is is MLK weekend yet?


Oh darn! I was just there! :( My hotel was right across the street from BYU and I had no idea I missed out on this. It looked like it was awesome.


That omelette looks AMAZING!


I love talking to my sister when I am working out! It makes the time fly by! I do have a question for you though. I am having a really hard time getting rid of blisters on one of my feet. I don’t want to stop running, but the blisters are getting worse and they hurt super bad. I just bought some running socks, but I was wondering if you had any other recommendations? Please and thank you in advance! :)


Hey Rachel! I rarely have blisters, but when I do, what works for me is to use Vaseline or even BodyGlide on them so they don’t rub and it helps tremendously. Good luck!


That exhibit was so good, wasn’t it?! I made sure to visit when I was in Utah for the holidays. Also, I interned at the BYU Art Museum when I went to school there and it’s seriously my favorite place on campus :)


Love the print on those socks!!

Museums are awesome! My girls love to visit them, too.

Today has been nonstop. It’s almost bedtime and we just got home. Car shopping with my daughter. I”m so ready to be done with it!


Sport massages are no joke! Hurt so good! And I love museums! I work in a big one! Last: I have to try BBQ chicken with omelet. Looks delicious!


I just ran 48.6 miles last week and I seriously want to run again!

That might be a good date night to go to the museum. :)


I feel like today should be Friday, and it’s not, which is a little sad. In more exciting news, I get to see my cousin and his baby tomorrow!


I am having pizza for dinner and it’s all I can think about.


I went to the nature museum (in Chicago) with my little cousin this summer who is just a little older than Brooke and she LOVED it. It was so much fun to see how excited she got and how smart she is!


I am a huge fan of Norman Rockwell’s work!!! This is amazing – I need to come to Utah and check it out!!
Love those socks!! :)


Yeap BBQ chicken does go with everything. My sentence of the day is “you can do hard things” which might seem a bit weird but I’m increasing my running distances again and am really playing around with the idea of doing my first marathon in July but am so scared of it!


That museum looks fascinating!
Sentence of the day…why am I awake right now.
And why isn’t it Saturday.
And why can’t someone bring me that omelet in bed.
That’s 3.


It is so neat to see how creative you get with fun things to do with the Brookers! We are always looking for free events, too, so your activities give us good ideas.

Our sentence for the day is to “Be patient with injuries!” I finally had a fast(ish) run today–my first one since October and it felt like sunshine. I will have a post up later today to tell all about it.

Happy Friday Janae and Brook and all HRG readers!


I love going to museums on vacation too! Such a fun way to learn about the history of a place.


Those socks are AMAZING!!!


Yum that ice cream looks delicious!

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