My favorite California pictures and my biggest running change for 2016.

The whole time I was on the whale watching tour with my friends (while Brooke was with her dad) I kept thinking about how much Brooke would have LOVED the experience!  So, I made sure to take her before leaving back to Utah.  PS some of the pictures are pretty similar to each other but I couldn’t choose for the life of me which ones to post:)

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We started with the sea lions again.  They were barking like crazy and Brooke was sure that they were talking to her.

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And then this is what her face looked like when the dolphins arrived.  

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I think we found Brooke’s happy place.   

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We were out for about 2 hours and while we only saw one whale (from pretty far away) the dolphins playing around made the whole thing pretty amazing. 

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We are really going to miss the ocean.

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Brooke kept putting her little arm around my neck and the people sitting behind us caught it.  She’s a sweet one, that is for sure.

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Afterwards I took Brooke to San Clemente to explore for a little while.  My great grandpa lived here (my parents are both from California and moved to Utah after they were married and had my two oldest brothers) and so I have great memories here from when I was a little girl and we would visit him.  

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Oh, and we went to church in Carlsbad and that was fun.

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Another one of my favorite pictures from this last week were these donuts that Brooke’s grandma gave me when I picked up Brooke on Saturday.  She remembers my obsession with apple fritters.

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Let’s talk about the biggest change (among MANY) that I want to make this year in terms of my running.  

This is a picture that Bree snapped as I was finishing a hill sprint.  I look like I am in large amounts of pain because I was.  As I was sprinting up I realized that I do not do hills NEARLY enough.  I rarely do them at home… rarely.  They say that hill work is speed work in disguise and I could not agree more with that.  The summer that I spent a lot of time trail running (SO MANY HILLS) is when I felt super strong.  My pr marathon was after a summer of running all of the hills of California (pre-blog days I lived in a super hilly area in S. Cali for the summer).  I know that my body responds well to them (if I ease into it) so why am I not doing them?  Taking the easy route is not going to make me faster so the hills are entering in this year—>  a lot of them.  

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This is the biggest running change that I want to make this year… what about you?  Have any running changes you want to make in 2016?

How was your weekend? What was the best part?  

Is a donut one of your favorite treats or is it lower down on the totem bowl of desserts for you?

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This year, I definitely want to push myself harder in my tempo and speed workouts. I think I hold back too much, which doesn’t exactly get me race-ready.

My favorite treat is definitely a sugar cookie. They are one of my favorite things on my food pyramid. :)


I am resolving to take more rest days, something I’m really bad about.

My weekend was awesome except when I feel out of a tree taking down Christmas lights. oops

Love donuts, glazed only though.


My biggest running change is that I’m training for a marathon! So adding on lots of miles. I live in a hilly area and I can definitely agree that it makes me way stronger. Last year I PR’ed in every distance that I raced, so that’s proof that it works!

Best part of my weekend was food prep! For me, that’s really relaxing, and makes me happy to be organized and prepared for the week. Now I just have to grab and go and not even think about it!


My coach just had me do some hill sprints this morning! I try to do them at least once a week just depends on what I’ve got on the schedule. They truly can work wonders, but especially since I’m running Boston in just 4 months!


I’m so glad you got to take Brooke to see the Dolphins and whales! I love the photos!

I want (need) to incorporate more strength training and yoga into my training. I’m terrible about doing anything but running. I have a weak hip flexor too and need to focus on getting that healthy!

Best part of the weekend was seeing my best friend and all the extra sleep!

Donuts are definitely one of my favorites!!


The best part of my weekend was spending time with my parents! We only get to see them a few times a year so it’s really special.

Donuts are pretty far down on the list. Ice cream and brownies are at the top.


I was definitely faster and more fit when hills were regularly in many of my routes! It’s tough to get started with them again though but so helpful I think. Love all the pictures of Brooke on the boat – my youngest is the same and loves being on the water :)


Those pictures of Brooke are really cute! I’m so glad to see you two reunited again!
I don’t really want to make any changes to my running necessarily, but I do want to do more stretching and foam rolling. I would also like to spend more time doing cross training. I feel like I have been so focused on running a certain number of miles but I think doing more spin classes and toning workouts will help decrease my pace.
My weekend was good. We finally got to go hiking at a wilderness park that is down the street from us, which was really fun!
I do like donuts, but brownies and ice cream will forever be my favorite :)


I am trying to add in speed work into my training cycle. I feel like my lungs struggle so bad when I am running so I’m trying to strengthen them by pushing myself a little harder this time around.

I decluttered the house this weekend from all of the Christmas decorations. Sad but overall I feel like I’m getting a good fresh start with the new year, clean house feeling.

Donuts=My fav. I could survive on donuts and skittles for the rest of my life. (Which would probably be a short life considering their “healthiness”, but at least they’re colorful just like fruits and veggies, right??) :)


Those pictures of the whale watching tour with Brooke are so sweet! I do enjoy a good donut, but for me, anything covered in frosting will probably win out over them.


I live near San Francisco so hills are my life – I am working so hard at embracing them haha. I can’t really avoid them on my runs and I totally agree that it helps. Brooke is just the cutest! You will treasure those photos for a lifetime. Those donuts look so so tasty – but I am peanut butter chocolate chip cookie fan every time!


I definitely notice a change when I run hills, even if in winter I need to use a treadmill to safely mimic a hill with the incline. My running resolution for 2016, which I started to work on in the end of 2015, is to train more by effort than a preset pace or arbitrary time goal.
Donuts are my favorite treat, probably a little too much. I don’t have them often but they tempt me often!


Hills are so important, very wise of you! :) This year I want to do more workouts and speed work- it is less about getting a goal time at a race and more about accepting pain for what it is and being brave in the try. Like, I want to do workouts to get my mind and soul used to failing AND succeeding, and the pain that comes with both.

This weekend the boy and I did a 5k race and the entire course was ice…ouch. I got a 5k p.r. but definitely had some moments of mental defeat in there. Exciting to see holes where I can grow (not just as a runner)

Donuts… jelly filled and fritters are close to my heart, but ice cream will forever be number one. When you are this close to Wisconsin, dairy gets wayyy too good ;)


I love your black open toe shoes (booties?) in that pic! Can you tell us where they’re from?


My husband, our friend and I were sitting near you on the whale watching boat. Watching you and Brooke interact was a beautiful experience. I loved being able to share in the joy of Brooke’s experience. So precious. You are both such beautiful people. Keeping on living your dream! Curious to hear if you took the train north?


LORI!!!! I am so so so grateful I was able to meet you guys! You were SO kind and I wish we could have talked more! Next time we are in town we will have to go for fish and chips! I am super bummed because I could tell Brooke was exhausted and she fell asleep within seconds in our car and we needed to head north for our hotel so I just drove while she slept. Next time I am SOOOO there. Thanks again for chatting with us. That was such a fun day!


Hill running is so good, and is like speedwork in disguise! I don’t run hills nearly enough either, especially because Boston is a relatively flat city! If have to drive out to the mountains for some true hills. My biggest change will be to work hard for one of my marathons and run the others just run for fun. Over the past few years I haven’t followed that pattern, so hoping I can meet some running goals! Have a good week!


Since I’ve moved, I’ve added a lot more hills into my routine as well (mostly because I don’t really have a choice!).

It looks like you had a great time in CA, I’ll have to pick your brain apart from some recommendations of places to go when I’m out there!


Brooke looks so happy!! :)

Donuts are actually not one of my favorite desserts…. I know I know … But I am a cookie person. Gotta be homemade! oh OR a pie!!! Any homemade pie I think I could finish in one sitting.

Have a great week!


So great that you and Brooke can enjoy so many adventures together! I brought my 6 years old son to see dolphins at Marineland last year (Ontario, Canada) and it was a great success!
I love how strong hills make me feel…! During winter, when snow makes it hard to do any kind of speed work outside, I try to include hills in my runs at least once or twice a week. I have a salty tooth… I chose chips over donuts any day ;-)


Favorite part of my weekend was staying in at my mom’s on Saturday night (after WAY too many nights of going out/staying up late). We ate eggs and avocado on toast, watched funny YouTube videos of comedians, and then went to bed early!

Biggest running-related thing I want to focus on in 2016 is running safe! Keeping my mileage at the right amount (not too high) so I avoid getting injured … Mixing up my workouts to involve more speed/intervals/etc … And swimming at least once a week!


I’m not much of a donut person but I will never turn one down when offered, haha! It looks like you guys had an awesome time whale watching (or dolphin watching).

I don’t have a specific running goal for 2016. I had a knee scope in early 2015 and then tore a tendon in my foot over the summer. So 2016 will be all about building strength and just getting back out there (I hope at least).


I could really go for a doughnut right now! I’m so tired! It’s hard to be back at work after a long weekend :(

I’m not sure what my running resolution will be… Maybe just get good quality runs in? And strength train! I need to do that more for sure!!


I didn’t really make any goals this year but I’d say my fitness goal is to keep doing as much as I can until this little one is here and then not to wait too long to get back at it. I’m happiest when I work out. And that helps a lot with postpartum.


yes. I want to stop hurting my ankle. blech


I don’t necessarily want to make any running changes this year, but I do need to seriously clean up my diet. My body doesn’t burn through bagels and cookies and candy like it did back when I was 25!

Best part of my weekend was hanging out at my parents’ house on New Years and watching college football, just like we used to do when I was younger.

I love donuts, but I love cupcakes and cookies and ice cream more (hence the need for the diet change!!).


I want to step outside of my comfort zone a bit more with my distances. I seem to always stick to what is comfortable instead of pushing it a little farther. Highlight of my weekend was enjoying long walks with my dogs in nice weather!


I am definitely better at all my fitness activities with more climbing. I like to rotate stairclimber, spinning and walking on inclines on the treadmill to keep my legs strong. It helps a ton. Isn’t it funny how suddenly you have those ah-ha moments when you realize you should be doing something different fitness-wise?


I love that you took Brooke to see the whales and dolphins, too! She looks so happy.

Hills are a huge challenge for me as well because I live in one of the flattest cities so they are straight hard to find! And when I do I’m not used to them at all so I’m terrible. Daylight savings is also obviously a huge challenge, but not one that I can’t make work.

Donuts aren’t my favorite, but cupcakes are almost impossible for me to turn down!


I LOVE running hills! There are some around where I’m living now, but not like back in California. And donuts are pretty high up on the totem pole, but they have to be delicious. I don’t waste time on mediocre donuts.


My biggest change is going to be more deliberate speed work. I want to get comfortable being uncomfortable.

AWESOME weekend. We stayed home and just hung out and my son gave me a real, true hug for the first time. He’s been hugging my husband for ages, but instead of hugging, really only snuggles me. I loved his hug!

Donuts are high up if they’re really good bakery donuts — not like… Dunks. They have to be the good ones.


Ohh buddy I love me some donuts. Cake donuts are my favorite, like a nice chocolate cake glazed donut? Yeah.

The running change I’m making this year is keeping strength training a priority. I think that will really help my running more than anything & keep me happy mentally as well!


My biggest change I need to make- more squats and lunges. I’m a pansy for weight work. Hills are great work but they’re hard for me to find (Iowa). I think I know where every hill in town is.

Donuts are good, but lower on my food chain. Mostly because I taste them the rest of the day. On the top- cookies. Good, fresh ones. Nom. Also fresh bread.


Hills kick my tail! I added some hill training into my NYC training last fall, but the hills here in lower Alabama did not really prepare me for the bridges in New York. Yikes! The biggest change I am making to my running currently is working with my coach to add more structure to my training. Previously I asked him to let me choose the days that I did my workouts and easy runs, mainly because I wanted to have “control” of my training. Considering that he is the expert, now that seems kind of silly!

My weekend was pretty low key, I think my favorite part was my long run w/ friends. We did 20.16 miles to kick off 2016 :)

I feel bad saying this because I know donuts hold a special place in your heart, but they are lower down on my list.


Honestly, I love all the sugary treats! I don’t discriminate. ;)

The biggest running change I want to see is pace consistency.


Oh I love the whale watching. I have never done an excursion on the West Coast but have done tons of them on the East Coast. Need to bring my girls, I forgot how exciting it is to see all those new animals up close or closer than a book!

We had a lovely weekend with the stomach bug, great way to bring in the new year! We did enjoy lots of snuggles, taking down all of the Christmas decor and preparing to start back to our regular routines!

I cannot wait to start running again, early this summer as soon as I get the okay from my doctor! It is so freeing and fun to run with my little beside me cheering my along on her bike!


Good call! Hills have helped me become a better runner for sure. I always run up a nasty 1.5ish mile hill at the beginning of my long runs. I kind of hate it, but when I ran my last 5k, I heard some people talking about the killer hill at mile 2.5, and I had noticed it, but it was a lot easier than I anticipated. I think it’s because I stopped trying to avoid hills during my long runs. :)


I totally understand the pain of not doing those hill sprints! I need to start adding them into my life too. I’m totally loving brooke’s little pig tails and her arm around your neck #SWOON!!! So precious and her little smile. She’s a gorgeous and a sweet one!


Those pictures are wonderful. You both look so happy! My running Rez is to train for something. The last thing I trained for was an ultra, then I got pregnant, then I did not train for a half and ran it off the couch and it was pathetic. So I want to put some effort into running. It’s time for a serious PR. Happy new year!


I have struggled to fit running in with the huge life change that happened in 2015….the birth of my twin boys! So I am making the big change to get to bed earlier so that I can get some miles in each morning, either outside or on my treadmill. I am training to run a half-marathon in March, which will be 9 months PP. :)


CONGRATS ON YOUR TWIN BOYS KRISTI!!! That is so so exciting! I don’t know how you keep up running with twin boys so you are doing amazing!


I’m definitely going to experiment with my running a little in the coming months. Mostly in terms of when I run, how I fuel… I’ve been doing the same routine for a while now, and I want to see what else works for my body.

Best part of my weekend was finishing my first marathon (of course). :)

Every time I have them, I realize that donuts are just not my thing… I have some in my kitchen right now, in fact, and I have zero desire to eat any today. I think cookies are my dessert of choice.


I want to be more dedicated to my training! I think adding hills is a good idea too, I will join you with that! This past weekend I took my little guy sledding for the first time (which he loved) and walking up those hills burned!
Doughnuts are low on my list, but almond joy ice creams is most certainly on the top!


Hill running is my only new years resolution this year. Join me! ??


I am so glad you had a great time in San Diego. I was going to ask you if you went to the Mormon temple off the 5 freeway. It is absolutely gorgeous!

Last year I started incorporating hills in my workouts mostly because of the area where I live. I am hoping to continue that this year again. No real running foals this year and I am actually okay with that. I just want to recoup and enjoy the runs!


those pictures of you are brooke are so cute, that last one with her little arm around you it totally frame worthy! my biggest running change for 2016 is having a running coach so I can get faster! i apparently cant do it on my own (4 years of no improvement speaks to that) so im excited to see so movement in my times :)


I fell in love with hills after joining a running group! We typically do either hills or speed work the one night a week that we run because most people avoid doing them when they are on their own :) (me included). Now, I love them because they break a otherwise monotonous route into smaller parts and it’s also fun to look behind me and see all the mini accomplishments finished.

Goal this year is quality over quantity!!

Weekend was full of family fun and its always cake for me. Never turn down a slice!!!


I want to get faster this year. I am good about building distance endurance, but I never get any faster. The speed work leaves me so sore that I usually don’t stick with it, but I want to try and stay at it longer this year and see if it helps my half time.

My weekend was great-the hubby and I celebrated our first anniversary!

And donuts are pretty high up there for me, but chocolate covered gummy bears, cinnamon rolls, and brownies are my favorites!


I want to stretch more!!!
My favorite part of my weekend was seeing RoadChip with my boyfriends daughter. It was cute. :)


I could not agree more with you about hills! I run hills almost every time I run. Like I mentioned in a prior post, not only are they fantastic for fitness, the variation strengthens different muscles and ligaments, and prevents the same repetitive force from flat running…I am a huge believer that this leads to injury. I personally feel many people avoid hills because they will very likely have to reduce their speed-which runners don’t like ;) But if they can just remind themselves that uphill running is “speed work in disguise” it’s so worth it.

You are going to hate this, but the donut is on the lowest totem pole. I have always hated donuts! Every since I first tried them at about 7 years old, I thought I was going to vomit. But I LOVE banana bread, carrot cake, crisps, etc…the list goes on and on ;)


Donuts : My husband and I had planned on opening a breakfast joint / donut bar so we researched a TON of donut places. We ate our weight in donuts over a few years, so we are well versed. They are my top. Lucky donuts in Vancouver is by far my favorite, followed by Honey’s donuts (you do this great hike/ run and then eat a honey’s)

Hill Training: If you want to work on hills, c’mon up to Vancouver, the hills are intense and we love to run in all weather. My goal for this year is to work a ton more on the hills. Straight out my back door, I am on a pretty good incline for a solid 30 minutes of awfulness.

Best Part of my weekend was running with my was treacherous, over ice and frost but really fun. We have a race coming up in Feb so it is getting exciting.


So what happened to the donut bar?? You still going to do it? Well now I need to come up to Vancouver for donuts and hills!!!


Life happened and the donut / breakfast bar didn’t …well not YET! We are still young and building life, so it can totally happen. I worked in a commercial bakery for awhile building my skills so once we have the $$, we will be ready. Maybe my 5 year plan? Donuts are seriously what keeps me running (as in rewards!)

Yes, honestly if you come to Vancouver, there are such amazing trail runs. The most famous it the “Grouse Grind” – and when you get to the top, there are wonderful baked goods in the cafe. Also, the most beautiful place I have been in my life is Joffre Lake and that run is super hill training! You and Brooke are invited – we have a big house and teenagers who love kids!


Those pictures are gorgeous. Seeing the world through my Little’s eyes is magical thing. I love the idea of hill work as speed work in disguise. What a great tip and St. George has plenty of good hills to train on. Happy running!


Yes hills are definitely on my list this year. I’m going to try and do a bit more mountain hiking too which should help build up my leg muscles..

That’s a great pic of you and Brooke by the way :)


I can’t get over how adorable Brooke’s hair is! She’s so cute and obviously already a very caring person. I’d say you’re doing a pretty amazing job on the mom-front.

A running change I’m really hoping to make is to make morning running more of a priority. I’d like to get myself out the door even when I don’t have evening plans. It just feels SO good getting it out of the way first thing. Also, yes to more hills!

Highlight of my weekend –> I PR’ed in a 5 miler on New Years Day! I mean this was only my second time running the distance, but since I’m coming back from an injury I was pretty psyched!


After I run my first-ever marathon on Feb. 14, I’m going to follow the running challenge, starting on March 1.

Best part of my weekend – Running with a friend that I haven’t run with in a long time and then getting some one-on-one time with another friend later that night!

I’m excited for you and your hilly journey this year!


I’m making a change this year that I don’t even fully understand yet! My husband ordered me a “Stryd” ( This is a power meter for running. Cyclists have used power meters for years. It’s a different way of measuring. Instead of pace or heart rate, it measures effort in any conditions (flat, hilly, speed work, etc.) One of the big advantages is understanding how much power you can sustain for a certain amount of time and knowing that if you are way above that power number you are going to blow up quickly! I’ll be blogging all about it this year as I learn and improve.

I kicked off 2016 by running 16k on Saturday. It was windy and hilly but I ran every step without taking any walk breaks (big improvement for me!)


Biggest change this year is going to be more consistent, focused running instead of going mainly on fun runs. This year, I am planning to run my first marathon and I know it’s going to be tough but I’m excited.
See my full list of 2016 goals here
Ps. When you show Brooke’s face, she looks so big but when you do those over the head selfies, she looks like your baby all over again. I love it all!
I love the ocean too but I’ve never seen dolphins. I expect I’d have that same look on my face.
Happy New Year, Janae and Brooke and all the hungry runners out there.


My running changes this year are that I am going to work on being more disciplined. Get out there and get my workouts done each day!! Also continue to really up my strength training, I already do a lot but now that I turn 40 this year I know that strong muscles will carry me a long ways in life.

The best part of my weekend was unexpectedly getting off of work 2 hours early on Saturday and the weather was sunny and 37 degrees! I thanked my manager over and over because I got to run earlier than expected haha!


In that picture of you sprinting up the hill, there are a couple of surfers in the background. Did you do any surfing during your trip? Surfing can be a good cross training activity to go with the running.


This year, I’m making myself do more races so I can get over my starting line nerves. Big races, small, local, all sorts of distances, just to grow more comfortable with the experience. I just did my first relay and I’m in LOVE already.

Best part of my weekend was the relay – such fun hanging with other runners and doing a little traveling to a new race location!


I have a 15 week old baby and am returning to work this week… My biggest running change this year will be running for pure enjoyment and to help make me a better mom (I really need those endorphins). I might run some races, but for the first time in a long time my goal will not be related to a race. Running for life and enjoyment of the sport is what I’m going for in 2016!


Your trip looks like fun! Those photos are great!

My running challenges are: run my first marathon (currently training for), run at least 2 more races, and cure my shin splints!! Easier said than done :P

This weekend I got a long 13 mile run in. It felt good during it, but I am really sore today due to some unexpected hills on a new route. Gotta look at a topographic map next time… clearly I need those hills though!

Have a great day! :)


Donuts are fine…chocolate ones only…but really, I just like the icing part…really, when it comes down to it, I really ONLY like the chocolate…the pastry part of it can stay home. lol

I need to make sure I don’t skip out on my leg strength workouts when the mileage starts to get high or life gets busy. Without fail, when I skip those, my ITB and hip tighten up and cause me problems! So that’s my goal for this year!


The pictures of Brooke are all so adorable!

I definitely need to do more speed work this year! I tend to enjoy the long, comfortable runs the most, and don’t push myself with speed nearly as often as I should.

I love donuts, but only eat about one per year. Not sure why?!

Have a great week!


The pics of your whale & dolphin boat tour are simply PRICELESS! That face!!!! Such pure joy. What a special memory for you guys.

I didn’t think about my running goals just yet. I just started training for Boston again…so I guess I’d like to re-qualify.
I live in an area where hills are unavoidable, which is kinda cool because I don’t have to think to hard to incorporate them into my routine.

Don’t hate me….I’m not a fan of donuts AT ALL! Gimme ice cream any day and I’m happy.

Have a safe trip back home!


I want to do some 5k races to improve my speed, and race a properly trained half
Not a huge fan of donuts, but there are few places that actually make really nice fresh donuts in this neck of the woods.
Weekend was de-cluttering the house. Happy to have it started, now to finish before it needs to be done again…..


I need to run more hills too! There are plenty around my neighborhood but I seem to avoid the big ones. I know they will only make us stronger!
I hate to admit this to you but donuts are very low on my totem pole of desserts. I prefer cookies, ice cream, and brownies!


Hills were something I added in this past year and it completely changed my running! As much as I hated it training, it made such a difference in endurance.


This year I have to run more! I love running and have let life get in the way! No more! Happy New Year!


Hi J!

I just started following your blog and I must say that I love it! I’m an avid runner and love your honesty around training and racing! I aspire to be as fast as you- my goal is sub 4hr… Need to shave off 20 mins…one day!

My running change would be to work every part of my training- including the warm up/cool down and not slack on those!

My weekend highlight… Watching the movie “Sisters”- hilarious!!

I love donuts, but I’m cutting back!! Need to shed a few lbs after the holidays!

Happy New Year!


Bette! Thanks for saying hi!! Keep in touch and love your goal to work on every part of your training… I need to work on a good cool down too! Have a great evening!


Ughhh hills…I should probably add those to my running regimen this year!


Cutest face ever with the dolphins! I went to a water park and got to feed the dolphins their and they just make you happy ya know!


Brooke’s little arm on your shoulder is the sweetest! What priceless memories with your baby girl :) And the donut is one of my FAVORITE treats. But it has to be the perfect donut.

Big change in running for this year: Regular weekly hill and/or speed intervals when training or my upcoming marathon. I have slacked on those so bad when training for previous races!


Are you reading my mind?!?
I just finished a week in Atlanta doing hilly runs and it was TORTURE! But I definitely need to find more hills for my training. It will be good for my body… And burn more calories… So I can eat more donuts…. Mmmm donuts


I WILL NOT QUIT. That is going to be my biggest change, I will not allow myself to get in my head and say that it is ok to stop when I know I can run one more step. One more step is my 2016 mantra!


Hi Janae!

Sorry if you’ve already answered this somewhere – but where did you get that black handbag in the church photo? I’m a sucker for a shoulder bag with gold hardware :)

And I ran a few hills today…. it’s way too humid and ended up looking like I’d run through a shower :S


Lovely pics:) This is perfect timing as I’m trying to drag myself into more speed work -especially as I’m running my first marathon in April! P.s. Ive just discovered the Run to the Top podcast and listened to your interview on there this morning post-run -loved it!:)


Brooke looking at the dolphins is too cute!

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