10 things I miss about running when I’m not running and a PSA.

Really this injury isn’t that bad because I am able to still do so many other activities and I should be back running again soon but there are 10 things I wanted to mention that I sure miss whenever I am not running.   

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1.  I miss the exploration aspect.  New neighborhoods, new trails, old running routes that bring me back to that time of life for a minute and new animals/people/things to see along the way.  

2.  I sleep a million times better when I am running.  Sleeping has been hit or miss the last few years for me but when I am not running…. yeah, it’s not good.  Let’s just rewind to the other night at 2 am when I finished washing and drying my hair because I was wide awake and it sounded like a good idea.  Running, my sleeping habits need you really bad.  Also, digestion…. much better when I am running:)

3.  Working towards a new running goal… aka that lovely feeling of progression.  Sometimes goals in other areas of our life are a little bit harder to see our progression.  With running we are able to see it pretty clearly—>  hitting the goal pace, increasing our mileage, feeling a lot stronger during your runs, the PRs and new course records.  It is so fun to see the progression in our running and I’m stoked for the challenge up ahead to get back at it.  

4.  The running friends.  I’ve kind of been a solo runner the last few months but I was still getting some pretty great runs in with the girls every now and then.  I miss those.  Hug your running group extra tight for me mkay;)  Nothing like the bond that comes along with sharing many miles with another human being.

5.  Feeling like a runner… but wait?!  We are still runners even if we are injured but sometimes I just miss feeling like a real runner whenever I am injured.  Just me?  Okay, I don’t know how else to explain it but yeah… I miss feeling like a runner.  

6.  It is so ridiculously convenient.  You just grab your running shoes and walk out the door and run.  Or you just hop on the treadmill and away you go.    The pool requires more preparation (and being freezing for a while after you get out;) and I usually have to wait awhile for one of the stairclimbers to open up.  I don’t have to think about what I am going to do with running… I just go and do it.  

7.  The sun.  Isn’t it the best to get in some vitamin d while you are getting your workout on… one of the best parts of running.  Endorphins + fresh air= yep, you come home in a much better mood.  

8.  THINKING OR NOT THINKING.  Probably one of my favorite parts about running.  I love that for some reason I am able to think really clearly about different areas of life that need some problem-solving (I swear my coping abilities increase 400% about .25 miles into each run).  For other runs if I am in the mood to think about absolutely nothing and to just zone out and listen to music I am also able to do that and it is just what I need that day.

9.  That sense of accomplishment/confidence boost/feeling pretty dang hardcore.  Finishing up that last 800 at the track, dripping in sweat during a rough treadmill workout or stretching in the grass after you finish a long run—>  that feeling of accomplishment after finishing the tough runs (or ANY run for that matter) is a pretty great feeling to experience.  

10.  To go along with #9—>  the feeling of giving everything that I had in me that day during a race/really hard run.  Like when your whole body is exhausted and you know that what you just did is getting you that much closer to your next goal.  


Another Meg bootcamp killer class last night.  Whenever I am driving to class I always question my decision to go right then because I know that every muscle in my body is about to hurt but I get myself to go because of the social aspect of spending time with 15 girls as we all work hard together and laugh (during the breaks).  Once class is over I am always so happy I went because muscle endorphins are the real deal too.  

We did do some really ‘fun’ squat holds with weights after each set of squats.  I was positive that my quads actually did fall off. 

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But my favorite stretch felt even better afterwards because of all of the squats.  

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I think you have all guessed that food is my love language.  My mom had a baked potato and chicken waiting in the fridge for me to heat up when I got there to pick up Brooke.  

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Never too cold for froyo.  Never.  

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Jess wanted to meet for a cup of goodness but then she went for the Whopper flavor and I nearly walked out due to disappointment.  I’m a pretty passive person but I do have strong opinions about food;)

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And this is completely normal behavior.  Just a FaceTime call with Megan and Diana because sometimes texting is just not enough.  

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Also, one word to describe the below picture——>  Peaceful.  

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Seeing Chelsea and Jamie in their donut shirts made my night last night! 

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What are you most looking forward to this weekend?

Do you enjoy doing lower body or upper body strength training more?

Does running help you to sleep better?

What do you miss most about running when you aren’t able to run?

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YES to all of these, especially No. 1! I LOVE exploring on the run!

Precious pic of little Brooker.


All strength training is kind of meh for me unfortunately! I know what you mean about feeling like a runner, even when my mileage is down I sort of miss that feeling even if I’m really enjoying the rest. I also love exploring new areas outside to run, actually I need to do more of that since my routes have gotten a little boring. There seems to be a curve with sleep for me – when I run too many miles sleep suffers.


Running helps me sleep SO much better and function better in general. I couldn’t agree more with all of those points. I took most of December off after my marathon and even when I was choosing to not run, I hated not running. I’ve been doing it since Kindergarten so I don’t really know life without it and I’m not me when it’s not in my life!

This weekend I’m looking forward to some friends coming in town and some time to relax! And I for sure hate upper body training so lower is just a lesser evil :)


I am most looking forward to sleeping in! I definitely sleep better when I’m running, even though I should have more time for sleep when I’m taking a break from running. I also need that time to think like a rational person. When I get upset or irritated about something or just need time to think, that’s when running really is the best. I’m most definitely a more calm, peaceful person when I run. I miss that when I can’t!


I would agree that exploring and just enjoying the outdoors is something I miss. I like to progress towards goals. Although you are progressing towards being injury free so that’s a great goal.

When I’ve had an especially hard workout or race, I don’t sleep as well. I’m more awake on days I don’t run but that could just be because I’m less tired.


I am absolutely looking forward to froyo this weekend. And I agree: it’s NEVER too cold for froyo, and I hate the cold. :)

When I’m not running, I miss being able to lace up my shoes and escape from the world for a bit. I really miss the feeling it gives me.


I need to find a strength training boot camp! Love the feeling after a good lifting workout. I think running is the best way to explore a city when you are traveling too! Looking forward to my first run over 13.1 this weekend and a snowy 5k on Sunday :P


I much prefer upper body strength training! It hurts less in my mind :) I’m just getting back to running after 4 months off and I missed everything. Probably the sense of accomplishment and normalcy the most.


Running helps me sleep so much better! My body overall just functions better when I’ve run.
I prefer lower body strength, although I’m learning to like upper body more. I’ve skipped strength training over the past few weeks so I’m not looking forward to how I’ll feel when I get back!


I think working out helps me sleep better. This weekend, I’m most excited to be *done* with my run. It’s my second 20 miler, and the last one before my marathon. Exciting! :)


The feeling of freedom and just letting go is what I miss most when I can’t run.


Your whole list hit home! Currently 31 weeks pregnant and no longer able to run – you were a rock star in your pregnancy by the way! SO excited to be a real runner again in a few months :)

Flying to Provo this weekend for a wedding and so excited!


I’m in Bradford PA right now visiting my fiance’s grandparents. It’s their 50th wedding anniversary! Pretty crazy! When I’m not running, I miss catching up on all my podcasts! I stopped listening to music on runs so that’s my time to get caught up on all of them.


Yes to all of these. Especially the feeling after a hard or long run. I haven’t found another workout where I get that awesome feeling after as much as running. I feel like upper body is easier for me! I don’t have least favorite exercises with upper body as I do with lower body (aka jumping lunges…) haha.


I’m looking forward to tonight when my friend and I are going hunting for outfits and pink hair dye for our Valentine’s Day run. The more ridiculous, the better :)
I’d take upper body strength training over lower body any day! I seriously can’t walk for like three days after leg day.
When I’m not running, I miss being able to just get out and away from everyone and everything. I love different kinds of workouts, but there’s something incomparable about being out on a trail by myself.


When I’m not running, I miss the stress relieve, the runners high and the confidence from it. Sleep for me is usually better with running too.


I totally get the non-sleeping and having so much extra energy when you’re not running! I also feel like something is missing when I’m not running and don’t have a race to train for. It’s a weird feeling!

I’m looking forward to cooking and doing nothing this weekend! This week has been crazy. I just want to lounge around :)


Most looking forward to relaxing TONIGHT!

Lower body strength training, for sure. I was just talking to friends about this –> I hate push ups more than anything.

And YES running helps me sleep infinitely better. I totally had the same problem when I was injured last year, on the sleep front and the digestion one…

I miss my sanity the most when I can’t run ;)


That picture of Brooke is just beautiful! Love pictures like that. I am hoping for an outdoor run this weekend, I miss being outdoors! Like you said, it’s just so easy to step outside and go.


Running and working out definitely helps me sleep better! I always feel 100x better after a run. My favorite part of running and what i miss most from not running is that self-confidence boost/runners high when you have a great run. Such a great feeling. :)


I took the week off of running just to recharge a little and I’m ready to get back! Sleep and digestion and patience are all much better when I’m running. I just have to remind myself.

Looking forward to my first trip to the symphony!


I definitely sleep better and feel my best when I run that day. There is no better feeling than finishing a really tough run and knowing you’re better because of it!
I would say I like upper and lower strength training the same. Its a necessary evil for runners ;-)
I’m looking forward to my marathon relay tomorrow!


Brooke is so precious while sleeping! How do you even stand it?!?!?
I am really looking forward to a relaxing weekend.
Lower body strength for sure! I always feel like I got a better workout when my legs are really sore the next day.
I usually sleep better when running, but that is mainly because I am just so tired and will instantly fall asleep when my head hits the pillow at night.
I miss all of those things. Seriously. After reading each one I was like Yep. Yep. Yep. Most definitely #10 though.


My husband and I are heading to Wilmington, NC with some friends for a quick little getaway!
I think I enjoy upper body training more- while my legs are much stronger, there’s some sense of accomplishment in being able to bench or curl heavier weights :)
I definitely sleep better when I run- I had surgery over the summer and couldn’t do any sort of exercise for 3 weeks and I had the worst insomnia!
When I’m not able to run, I miss being outside, feeling a sense of accomplishment, and FEELING like a runner. I totally get what you’re saying! You look at people running outside and think “you don’t know how good you have it!”


Salted Caramel froyo sounds like paradise to me! Mium, I have to try that! When I can’t run, I do miss the peaceful feeling that stays for the rest of the day… no other form of exercise gives me the same feeling…


I’m headed up to Vermont for a ski weekend with the boyfriend today. It was my Christmas present:)
I hate all strength training but after being so sore from shoveling last weekend I realize I better start to love it because my upper body needs it bad!
When I am not running I get anxious and depressed. I will go for walks to help but it doesn’t always give me the same release.


I absolutely love the sense of accomplishment that comes along with completing a good run. Those endorphins are thee best!! I honestly don’t think running helps me sleep better, but that may just be because I’m pregnant and forgot what good sleep was like ha! This weekend I am looking forward to going to the temple with my husband. Wahoo! :)


I can completely relate to this list. I miss so many things about running when I am unable to run, which makes me appreciate it that much more. I just started running again a couple months ago after taking a few months off due to pregnancy and post-partum recovery. It felt so good to get back out there after an extended break – but the break was also good because it had been a while since I took a break from running. I truly feel a break every once in a while does the body good.

This weekend I am running my first 10K race (just a small local run) since bouncing back after pregnancy. I’m excited to see where I am at!


Exercising in general helps me sleep better. I love working my shoulders and biceps. I am looking forward to a trip to Florida this weekend!!


Feeling like a runner…that has been the most difficult part for me to accept not being able to run anymore. There is a certain feeling or high you get from running. I get different highs with other activities but definitely not the same. I know it’s important for my overall health not to run and I’m thankful I have other forms of fitness that I love and make me strong.


I have a nice long run planned for this weekend and i m really looking forward to it :)
Upper body i enjoy better but still like leg days.

Running helps me with many things including sleeping better, feeling stress free, not wanting to “hurt” people that get to me and in general my entire mental health is more stable. I like it because generally i just stop thinking when i run. I have to literally over use my brain at work so not thinking or worrying or stressing for 1 hour or so is heaven!


I am very much looking forward to my little buddies swim class! He loves it, and it is so much fun to watch him splash around! Parenthood sure does changes things!

I enjoy lower body strength training, maybe because my legs are so strong from running, but I feel that I need upper body strength training more.

Running or any type of physical activity makes a huge difference in my sleep patterns! I have knee problems but they only hurt when I don’t run…. What sense does that make?

Right now in a cold Wisconsin winter, I am missing the sun. I don’t care how much snow we get or how cold it is, I just want the sun back!!


Oh man, I’d be all over that Whopper froyo.


I’ll mail you some:)


Hey Janae, where is that white and gray striped sweater from? It looks so cute and comfy!



HEY CARLY!! Here is the link to the hoodie and it is on sale wahoo!!


Hope you have a fabulous weekend!


Can I ask what size you are wearing just for a size comparison? Thanks Janae! I love that boutique! So glad they will ship to Michigan! ❤️


I enjoy upper body strength training way more than lower for some reason. I always dread doing lunges. I think they’re my least favorite exercise!


We have some excellent weekend plans in store b/c it is Todd’s birthday and we are still on vacation – yay! Come on over to our blog and check it out!

I am like you and basically miss everything about running when I am not running and I do NOT sleep well when injured. We hope you get better very soon!!!


Your post is spot on. One of the biggest things I miss about running when I can’t run is the convenience! I love being able to just put on shoes and go. My default exercise is swimming and trekking to the pool/the goggles/swim cap/getting wet … It’s work in itself!

Stay strong!!

Thing I’m looking forward to the most this weekend: Being in Chicago!!! I’ve been in D.C. all week for training at my new job. Excited to get home!!


It’s amazing how running influences so many other parts of our lives: sleep, digestion, and energy levels. This post is spot on for all the reasons missing running is so hard, but you are killing the cross-training. I’m sending you healing vibes and you are going to come back so fit and strong.


Hi, Any chance you will be selling more of the donut tops? Love em and love your blog!


HEY!! Thank you so so much! I am not positive if we will be selling the donut tops anytime soon because we had a lot of problems with the company we used for them. We might resale them through a different company though… I’ll let you know as soon as we do!!!


That photo of Brooke is too cute!


I am so with you for everything on the list of 10. I think what I miss most when I’m running is “to think or not think”… There’s just nothing that helps me to clear my head and sort out whatever thoughts I have better than running does.

I was looking forward to a long run tomorrow, but all week I’ve been dealing with little pains popping up here and there… yesterday it was the top of my left foot, today my right knee is more concerning… Guh. I may not be fully injured, but I’m missing pain-free running right now. :(

Hang in there, Janae! Hope you feel back to normal soon!


Just a thought and this may not apply to you, bur for me when I workout in the evening my sleep suffers. Either I can’t fall asleep or I wake up often or both. I love my sleep too so just thought I’d pass this along and see if it rings true for you maybe.


I think I might be the same way as you and bootcamp at night is probably playing a big role in my sleeping issues… thanks for bringing this up. THANKS KARA!!


i love upper body training. i love seeing the definition in my arms and just thinking im super strong. totally true by the way…never to cold for fro-yo!


I can’t wait for the weekend! It’s been such a long week. Sorry about your injury! I definitely agree with all of your points re- running. Really enables me to feel free! Sounds like you have some fun boot camp classes to keep you occupied though- happy weekend!


I miss the exploring and running outside. I love running outside but it isn’t always convenient so I spent a lot of last year on the treadmill. Just not as fun.


Turf Toe!?! Where did I miss that post? I’m having exact same type of thing. Big toe pain, can’t run. It’s driving me crazy! What are you doing to help it? I’m icing and of course not running on it. I’m riding my bike trainer, walking, and lifting.


I’m looking forward to some snow melting! I’ve got my fingers crossed that enough will melt for me to go for an outdoor run on Sunday.


When I can’t run I weight lift but running by far helps me with sleeping, digestion, and energy!


Running gives me a sense of accomplishment that no other training does. Lifting weights, cross training, yoga, etc. I know they are good for me and I try to do them but when I am injured and can only do those things and not running, I just feel blah and sad and frustrated. Running makes me feel good even if the run itself was not so good!


I love your reasons you miss running. Mine is also one of the above, thinking and not thinking. I swear I love running because it silences my crazy thoughts. Or I write stories in my head and I love it. Which makes me sound nuts.
I want one of those donut shirts!!


Your 10 reasons are on point!!! Agree 100% I had a femoral neck stress fracture when training for Boston last year and was off for what felt like FOREVER!!!!! Be thankful for cross training, you will be back in no time!!! Love your blog :)


I am looking forward to running with my friend this weekend!
I much prefer upper body strength training… I like my legs to be rested for running. But I know I need my lower body strength more.
Running helps me sleep 100%. On run days it’s like I hit the pillow and I’m out!

I was injured most of last year, and I really missed being so sweaty and feeling so accomplished, with a super clear mind.


We have a tough weekend coming up. Two funerals. One tomorrow morning and one Sunday afternoon. We plan on enjoying tomorrow afternoon at the zoo getting some fresh air. Temps should be almost 60 degrees!


Yep! I love being outside and exploring things I haven’t seen (or haven’t seen in a while). My hubby just bought ice cream. It’s 35 here and it’s never too cold for it.


I’m looking forward to sleeping this weekend. And running with some friends!

I hate strength training. All of it. Lower body is better, I guess.

I’m lucky and don’t usually have trouble sleeping.

I miss feeling strong/tough when I can’t run. You know those runs that make you feel like a super hero :)


DONUT stop running. haha


Well, it’s the first time I write something… I’m new in your blog but I love your writing a lot. I’m from Spain, so sorry about my bad and broken English!

Yes, you’re right in all the reason… I love number 2 and 8. So right!



Totally agree on #1, 2, 8, 10.

Running makes me feel structured, and when I don’t have that, it seems my days are less productive, even though I haven’t “given up time” to run.

Most looking forward to: a polar plunge & 5K with friends! Also, tacos tonight. Been waiting on that all week :)


The thinking part is sooo true. For me, I’ll have these amazing revelations and ideas during my run. The challenge is just remembering them!

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