Sentence Per Picture # too many to count

First of all… the comments from this morning were incredible and they are helping me so much already.  You guys are the best!

A VERY special thank you to Dr. Bennett for getting me through another marathon training cycle injury free… never in the history of my life did this happen before I started going to him!

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My mom is out of town so running has been made possible this week by the treadmill… I was so frozen that I wore my sweatshirt the entire run.

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I will hopefully be finishing my marathon a few minutes before 10 a.m. in just a few days so I took a screenshot of the temperatures at around that time today… I feel real good about this:

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I reviewed every last detail possible about race day while on the treadmill.

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Highlight of the week.

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I tried to make a snow angel for Brooke and she tried to take a picture of me making a snow angel… we both didn’t quite succeed.

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SO MUCH HYDRATION going on race week.

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The current way to Brooke’s heart—>  bagels.

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Stopped by Megan D’s house for a bit and I LOVE the neighbor gift that she is giving out this year!

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If you are up to it… this article includes the absolute WORST porta potty race story I have ever heard.  

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What is your sentence for the day!?

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I have that same moving comfort (brooks now I guess) pull over and love it. It’s so light! You’re good for reviewing all your race details. I unfortunately have yet to do that.

My sentence for the day: I absolutely have got to get more sleep before this marathon!!


Way to go on hydration and preparation for the race! I can’t believe it’s only a few days away. You must be so excited!


I have a race this weekend too – St. Jude Marathon in Memphis! I need to pack tonight. I don’t know why I always leave this for last minute.

I read Kara’s porta potty story. It was pretty terrible. The worst porta potty I ever saw was in Athens, Greece. A bunch of us in line were wondering why no one was going into this one porta potty so one person went and opened the door. Then promptly closed it. Not sure what happened, but it looked like someone got in a food fight with poop. The ENTIRE inside was covered. So just be thankful when they are clean!


LOVE her neighbor gift–too funny! :)

My sentence for the day: I formed a bowling team at my work, and I am ridiculously pumped about it!!


My sentence for the day: I had a terrible workout but it’s better than being injured.

It looks like good weather for the full. I’m glad you are making it there healthy Janae! So awesome.


Girl.. you did your workout UPHILL though! You are crazy strong and that is amazing that you did you repeats with so much uphill!


Battling sickness but still getting a great workout in today! Pretty happy with it that my body agreed to run! :)


My sentence: There was a huge full rainbow arched across the sky as I was driving home!


Way to go on hydrating for the race! You must be getting so excited!
Bagels are the way to my heart also.
I can’t even bring myself to read the port a pot story. There was a particularly bad wind storm here a few months ago, and a port a pot from a construction site went flying across the street in front of our car and slammed into a fence. Thankfully it stayed closed but I could not help but imagine how disgusting it must have been!


I am starting to house hunt. It’s scary. Oops three sentences. :)


What a cute neighbor gift from Megan – great idea! :)

…. That port o potty story … HO-LY COW! I cannot even image that scenario!!!! I will now be extra careful at every single race when I step into the port o potty!


AHHHHH!!! That’s my sentence. I just quit my job, broke up with the boyfriend, gave him our apartment, and am driving cross country in two weeks to start a new job while living with my family. EEEEEEEEE


Good luck and cheers to a new adventure.


WOW MARY!!! So many changes! You’ve got this girl and I hope the absolute best new beginnings for you!


So much bravery! Congrats and best of luck on your fresh start!


well i am officially never using a port a potty again


I may never use a port-a-potty again!!! ???


My sentence: I an excited I got to go to Trader Joes today!


This week is full of treadmill workouts given the weather in Boston we’ve had, and for some reason it’s been tougher to motivate myself to run on the tread than usual. Keeping my eye on the prize though! Great weather for Tucson, you’re lucky!!


Thought I had to work….but didn’t!


“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass…it’s about learning how to dance in the rain!”

I am reminded there are pockets of joy and blessings in every day, even the stressful ones that I’d like a do over for. :) (today actually wasn’t really stressful, maybe that’s why the clarity).

Love Megan’s idea and Brooke’s enthusiasm for gymnastics. That girl is always in motion!


My sentence for the day is what is going on in my life! It’s getting comical now how many small things are going wrong. The tip of the ice berg was that I spent all day yesterday prepping meals for the rest of the month and had them all in my freezer, then woke up and the door was partially open and everything rotted. Sometimes you just gotta laugh and roll with the punches!


My sentence for the day after my lunchtime bike ride is “I love Utah mountains!”


That port-a-potty story is too funny. It makes me want to wash my hands and face immediately. With extra hot water. And bleach. And Kara went on to have such an amazing race. Wow, talk about focus.

Temps in AZ look amazing for racing!!! So excited for you!


I love the movie Groundhog Day…don’t you? ;) Also, Brooke looks like she is 25 in the gymnastic pic. WHAT? Tell her to slow down with the growing. I can’t even handle it.


Megan D is hilarious! Love it.


Your race week hydration looks like my all-the-time hydration ever since I started doing 70 mpw… Downside: needing to use the bathroom literally every 30 minutes.

Sentence for the day: One week from today I will be DONE with 3 out of 5 classes (and Janae will have a sub-3 marathon in the books)!


At target and the 2 year old fell asleep in the cart. This never happens. So now we are looking at every single thing here to make the nap last as long as possible


I am spending way too much on Christmas sales!!!

That is the cutest running shirt!! Can you post the link for that one?

I hope you have a great marathon this weekend!!


Since I am eating right now, I am going to go ahead and skip that port a potty story. And since I am pretty much always eating, I will probably never read it. Truth.

Those race temps look PERFECT! I hope you are able to relax and enjoy your race (well, as relaxing and enjoyable as running 26.2 miles at a super fast pace can be) But you know what I mean;)


That word stands alone as my sentence for the day(s).


I feel like I know so much about Dr. Bennet from all of the pictures, so it is nice to put a face to the name! I’m glad he is taking care of you. You’re so so so close!

My sentence for the day: Got asked on date #3 with a lovely guy, and I am so excited. :) :) :)


My sentence for today: Separation anxiety is in full swing.
I used to get a few runs in during the week by taking my daughter to the gym childcare. Well, she now clings to me and cries. Looks like I am going to be getting a lot of early morning or late night runs in.


I love your purple sweatshirt you ran in! Mind sharing where you got it?
Sentence for the day (and past four weeks) Milk machine to my four week old!


Kali!! Thank you so much girl… here is the link:

CONGRATS on your new little one!


Thank you Janae!


My sentence for today……and the last month has been: how many success stories are you going to read until you write your own?


New sentence for the day: A surefire way to ruin your day is to get in a car crash… praise God that no one was hurt and that my car took most of the damage, but my car is probably totaled…


I am so glad that you are okay but I am SOOOO sorry about your car accident and that your car is totaled. What a huge bummer!


I love your sweater as well! Where did you get it?


HEY RACHEL!! Thanks so much! Here is the link:


That is so awesome about being injury free this cycle. ALWAYS a bonus! Hoping the race all goes well for you. That forecast looks pretty nice!!


Good for you for staying on top of hydration! That will be worth it come race day!
Brooke is getting so grown up! She is too cute :)

My sentence: I’m upset that my foot isn’t wanting to cooperate with me while I run…


I am excited that I will have no treadmill workouts this week even if it meant a very face-pelting snowy run today :)
So excited for your Marathon!!
My sentence for the day is: I need a new job or career that does not involve a cash register!!


Hotel booked, race payed.

Berlin Marathon, here we go!


I love your sweatshirt!!
If anyone gets the chance please check out my new blog:


love that neighbor gift, and that tag is hilarious! sounds lilke something i would do. brooke is so stinking cute in her gymnastics outfit!


Omgness! Worst porta potty story ever. I actually almost just threw up.


That story tops the list of 2,000 reasons why I hate porta potties, and it makes the great Kara Goucher even more inspiring. Happy running!


I have that same purple top and I love it so much!


I wish I still lived in Utah so I could go see your doctor! My IT band and leg/knee have been giving me issues for a while now and I’m supposed to start marathon training soon! I’m trying not to freak out. I have a PT appointment week after next, hoping they can give me some answers! Good luck on your race, you’re gonna do great!


My sentence for yesterday was WE MADE IT!! Three days on the road to our new city. Tomorrow’s sentence will be, Moved into our new apartment!


I love the neighbor gift, so funny!


why do you prefer poweraide zero to regular poweraide?

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