You are not alone if…

Sometimes it is easy to think we are a bit crazy when it comes to different running issues.  I came up with a list of things that I think at least a few of us experience when it comes to running and if any of these ring true to you—>  know you are not alone and we all feel this way!

And a random running picture of me and Meg just because I felt like it.


You are not alone if…

-The first 15 minutes (or mile or two) of your run is always the hardest.  For me, I feel super tight and tired and I question what in the world I am doing… but once I get past that first 15 minute (give or take a few minutes) I remember why I run and my body starts to feel more fluid again.

-You tell yourself for the last miles of a race that you are NEVER EVER doing this again and then you go home and sign up for another one within 72 hours of crossing the finish line.

-You choose miles over sleeping in and IHOP on a Saturday morning.

-You choose miles over getting really ready for work (back when I taught I always ran into the dilemma of actually doing my hair or running 2 more miles… I think you know which one I chose.

-You choose miles over cute feet and chafeless skin.

-You have approximately 7 times as many sports bras than regular bras.

-Any birthday/Christmas money that you get goes straight to more running clothes and/or race registration.

-When you see the weather report the first thing you think about is how it will feel to run in the temperatures/conditions listed.

-You have goals for your running that might actually seem impossible.

-You get ridiculously excited when one of your friends or family members pick up running because you want them to experience the benefits that you do too!

-You run on a hamster wheel (aka treadmill) because you do whatever it takes to get your run on.

Please add to my list in the comments!!!! Aka tell us some crazy things you do for running that you think other runners do too!


And like usual, I have to fill up your brains with some randomness from yesterday:

-Just walking around like he owns the place.

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-Sushi up at Tsunami for the win!

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-This one was by far my favorite:

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-Hung out at Scheels for a bit and saw approximately 40 running outfits that I wanted.

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-Bought some chocolate cinnamon bears because they are happiness.

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-Watched a movie with some hot chocolate because it is a blizzard outside.

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-The green Donut Stop Running shirts are in the lead right now… get yours today!

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Got any more YOU ARE NOT ALONE IFs????

Are you a sushi person?  

Chocolate covered _______ are my absolute favorite!

Any foods that you cannot stand?

-Olives and Curry… I got way to sick off of Curry when I was in Thailand.

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Haha the sports bra/regular bra one made me laugh…. I refuse to spend money on a regular bra but will easily spend $30 on a sports bra!


Your running shoes replace heels and flats!


Chocolate covered macaroons because I love chocolate and coconut! I’ll probably never look at the weather again and not think of running no matter what, so glad I’m not alone with that one :)


Amen to all of these!

Chocolate covered chocolate is my favourite ;) .


Whenever it is raining outside I think of how fun it would be to be running in it!

Foods I’m not ok with – mayo, mustard, most cheeses.


I own exactly 3 regular bras and 8 sports bras. Because, who would wear a regular one when sports bras exist?! YES for sushi! Love it all (mostly). Cannot stand sardines.


Am I alone in watching people walk to see if they over-pronate or supinate and think to myself if they are wearing the right running shoes? Haha, might just be from working at a running store!

This whole list is SO true!

I love sushi, chocolate covered cashews, and hate cucumbers (so none on my sushi)


I feel so many of these! I totally asked for race registrations for christmas/my birthday.
I’m not a fish person so sushi is super out of the question for me! That’s one of my “I’ll never eat” foods :P

You are not alone if you think paying $12 for a pair of socks is normal.


You are not alone if you’ve given up explaining to the non-runners in your life the importance of an early morning long run and have resorted to just agreeing that you are crazy. :)

Chocolate covered chocolate is my favorite! My sweet tooth is tough to avoid!


Great list! I would add if you get so excited for your favorite mid run snack and if you can’t find the right flavor at the store… You’re worried about the long run already!


I love sushi!
I love chocolate covered almonds
I hate curry too.

I tend to wear sneakers almost every day during the 12-16 weeks of marathon training when I am not actually running. So basically I don’t wear any cute shoes to work and mostly look like sporty spice because I have to make sure my outfit goes with running sneakers.


Love these! You are not alone if you avoid heels as much as possible and definitely wear flats every day on race week.

I don’t like pickles or sour cream. They gross me out!


I love your list and #1 is SPOT ON! I always feel super tight during the first 15 minutes or so and think “okay, I’m going to need to cut this run short” and then all of a sudden it’s an hour later and I’m like “I love running!” :D

The weather report thing is so true as well, although our weather doesn’t change much here in south florida. I hope that you’re staying warm in the blizzard!


Ha! I totally say the same thing EVERYTIME I head out!!! And Ill even say to my husband “if I call you, will you come pick me up?!?”…thinking I won’t be able to finish. Such a good feeling when you get into that zone.


I love sushi! And chocolate covered ginger (from TJs), and also love curry! I always have what I call ‘running amnesia’ when it comes to signing up for races that I said I would never do again. :)


you are not alone if your silverware or junk drawer has been taken over by honey stinger/gu packets etc lol


LOVE sushi! LOVE that Donut shirt! Haha


You are not alone if when driving to work you see someone running – and get jealous. Even if you already ran that day!


Yes, all the time!


Yes, to all of these! Here’s mine:

You are not alone if you get up way before the sun comes up to run 20 miles!


Love the you are not alone if you see someone running and get jealous …even if you already ran. It’s sooo true!
Love chocolate coverd anything. Definitely not a fan of onions!


Here’s a throw back to high school XC: You’re not alone if you carry a bottle of pedialyte from class to class because your coach told you it’s the best hydrator for runners.

You’re not alone if you where your running shorts all day everyday because changing clothes to go run is too much work. Who cares if it’s 45 degrees out?


When you tell everyone in your fam you’re giving them a foam roller for Xmas whether they run or not.


Yup… I wake up at Dark O’Thirty every morning to run before the sun is up. And then delay all hair-washing until it’s absolutely necessary… because who has time for that?! (But, yes, I definitely have time for a 10 miler before work.)


I love all chocolate covered fruit but most especially chocolate covered apples and chocolate covered giant raisins. So good! I actually need new sports bras, been on my list for a while.


When your Christmas list is all running related things! Chocolate covered pretzels are my favorite.


When I see someone running and I haven’t run or can’t run….kills me!


It def takes me at least 15 mins to get into my run too. You are not alone if the first thing you think of when your regular schedule is thrown off for some reason (like on vacay) is when and where you’ll fit in your run.

Chocolate covered pretzels for the win! Oh and sushi is a big YES!!!


I love sushi too, but I limit it to about once per month. Be careful of the mercury content.


You’re not alone if you’ve ever canceled social plans to go for a run instead.

Also the whole two more miles vs doing your hair –> my life, constantly.

The other funny thing is when I was injured and never running, I NEVER knew what the weather would be. Now that I’m back at it I can recite the entire 10 day forecast.

I am 10000% a sushi person. Favorite food of all time, hands down. My bf and I last year went around to all the best sushi restaurants in Boston and kept a journal/reviews of each place.

Chocolate covered pretzels are my fave.

I can’t do mushrooms. I tell people I’m allergic to them because I hate them so much. Also not a huge olive fan.


I think you covered all my “you are not alone, if…”

I had sushi for the first time in Toronto in 2013, then I didn’t have it again until the hubs and I had it on our anniversary this year. Sushi house in AF is great! Get the crystal shrimp!

I am with you on the chocolate covered cinnamon bears! YUM! I may need to go get them in bulk at Winco…

I hate tomatoes – like tomatoes on my sandwiches, in salads, etc.


I hate sea food so I’ve never had sushi and I never will. I also hate curry because when I was pregnant with my first, we lived above an Indian family and the smell made me super sick all of the time.




I agree, the first 5 minutes of a run are always the worst!


TOTALLY a sushi person. There is almost never a time that I am not in the mood to eat it. :)


I always cheer (inside my head) for every runner I see on the sidewalks/roads/hills as I drive because I know the inner battle they’re having! ;) Sometimes I feel a little nutty because they ARE a total stranger! Ha!

LOVE sushi!! Sweet potato sushi is the very best!!


Love it! I’ve got one– “You’re not alone if you hit up the track for repeats in 2 inches of snow.” That was my evening yesterday. I’ve never been so glad to finally get home in my life!


You are not alone if you wear your Garmin as a watch with nice clothes to work or an event. Because a) it does serve the purpose of telling you the time and b) how else will they know you are a runner if you are wearing nice clothes?! :)

Chocolate covered coffee beans. YUMMMM


OMG!!! I totally plan my non running outfits around my new Garmin. Love it!


I hate curry too! Blah…so disgusting and it smells so bad.
You’re not alone if you have a diary where you write how your tummy feels after eating x and running x miles.


This is all so true- I actually just wrote a post about this. My number one favourite though is when a friend approaches you about running and asks you if/how to get into it. It’s the absolute best! I love sharing my running nerdiness with friends, although I have to be careful to not overload them with info/gear advice as I’m trying to sell running as a ‘simple’ sport.


Love this list. And agree. Foods I cannot stand? Water Chestnuts! Often found in mixed vegetables at Chinese restaurants. THUMBS WAY DOWN


Thank you, sweet girl for letting me know that even the first 15 for you is hard…I think that will really help me get back up again…love your guts! Miss you. We need to get together soon. <3


You are not alone if you’ve continued training/racing despite being sick! I’ve run with colds before because I’m a firm believer it “sweating out the virus” – yes I totally just made that up!


Yup. Run. Sauna. Repeat. We’re totally smart with Orr sweat it out theory ;)


You are not alone if you wake up at 5 a.m. on a SATURDAY because your friends want to start running at 6 a.m. and running with friends > running alone.


Love, love, love sushi. Spicy tuna roll is my JAM!! You’re list of “you’re not alone if…” was great. I agreed with almost all of them. I always doubt myself in the first few miles of a run and after having a daughter, I too have been forced to run many miles on “the hamster wheel” of death. But it’s all good, at least I still get to do what I love.


You are not alone if you get hungry at random moments and could eat an entire buffet.

I could eat sushi every day!!! Chocolate covered almonds!


You’re not alone if your high fiber dinners are strategically scheduled to not coincide with long runs the next day.
Love sushi!!
Chocolate covered pretzels are my favorite.
Can’t stand Lima beans or Vienna sausages.


I totally identified with your list of “what ifs” especially the one about getting excited when your friends/family start running. Yes! And running 2 extra miles instead of doing your hair…

I can’t eat sushi right now because I’m pregnant.

Chocolate covered pretzels!


Okay I had to add to this…you think of all distance travelled in the amount of time it would take to run the same distance ?


I love sushi and chocolate covered cashews!
This list is great! I would add you’re not alone if you plan your morning routine around getting your run in. I will get up at the crack of dawn to run if I need to because I love it! Can’t say I would do that for too many other things!


You have endless junk under your desk from running to or from work. My desk drawers are full of changes of clothes, handbags, shoes etc. plus towels, toiletries. I even managed to snag a locker in some dark corner of the building basement, and have a hairdryer and straighteners, plus a magnetic mirror down there.

And yet I still had to wear my (dirty – ugh) sports bra all day the other day, due to a logistical failure. Sigh.


I love the comment about looking at roads/trails and thinking how great it would be to run them!!

I’ve taken days off work to get long runs in if we are leaving for the weekend. ;-)


That donut running tank is AWESOME!

I am definitely a sushi person and cannot wait to eat some in January once I have a baby! I love going to get sushi for lunch and getting bento boxes with the soup and salad. So good!

Chocolate covered pretzels are my absolute favorite!


I love sushi

Chocolate covered pretzels and strawberries are my faves

I cannot eat mussels (I got violently sick from one), lima beans and green beans. I literally start gagging on them, not what your dining companions want to experience either!


I love vegetarian sushi! One of my favorite rolls has veggies and cream cheese in it – so delicious!


Definitely have sushi on my list to try! Chocolate covered cranberries are my fav!

Always get jealous when I see runners out and I can’t be running also!


You are not alone if hell or high water you will train for your first half marathon. I was fighting some illnesses but was still able to use the good walk/run method to log some miles at the Mayo Clinic while undergoing tests to diagnose my disease. I listened to my body and took it slow but I was not going to let my dream of finishing go to waste even if I had to just simply walk across that finish line. :)


You are not alone if you start making up random (awesome) songs when you start to get delirious around mile 15.

I love love love sushi! Sashimi not so much…

Chocolate covered almonds for me!

And I juiced too many beets when I was on my juicing kick that now the taste just grosses me out.


Your nephew is just beyond cute! Thank you for the baby fix pictures :) My kids are just growing up so fast!


Chocolate covered pretzels! My fav!

You are not alone if you go the grocery store at 8pm on a Friday night to buy one bagel because you have a long run the next morning and will die without your go-to food.


I LOVE Sushi!!! Also Chocolate covered espresso beans = the best!

Someone once said don’t judge a run by the first mile and I constantly remind myself of that when I start. It’s so hard not to get frustrated but knowing that it will get better always helps!


Such a great list! I like chocolate covered everything..but I think covered Oreos are just the best. Not something I have a lot but they’re SO good!


I had that exact experience this morning! I felt awful the first 10-15 minutes of my run and did not want to do my workout, but as I got into it I quickly began to feel better! SO true! I also definitely have to choose between extra miles and nice looking hair almost every day!


You are not alone if you see someone running super early on a Saturday morning and think to yourself “I miss that” and then LOL because that is CRAZY! :)
Pretty much the only clothes shopping I enjoy is running/workout clothes! And I ordered the green tank! Love it.


And by Ihop, you mean a NJ diner right? Then I would choose long followed by dinering. But seriously this is so true.


Love this list!!! I’m not a sushi person, all the ones I have tasted are too fishy for me. Maybe I just haven’t tried the right ones? I love chocolate covered ice cream cones. Like the chocolate shell stuff, so good! I do not like mushrooms, cilantro (I can taste a speck of it in a huge salad and gag haha!), and hamburger meat.


everything on that list a yes! add not going out because you have a long run in the morning. or skipping wine with dinner because you have to get your run on. eating all the carbs…us runners are a strange bunch.


Hahaha we are! My Saturday nights = cuddled up watching movies. Always want to be ready for long runs early Sunday morning:)


Love this post, I agree with so many “your note alone’s”! Especially the one where you say “never again” yet as soon as you have a good meal and shower post-race, you find yourself signing up for the next :)
Also, chocolate covered anything is my jam!


Love sushi! I’ll have to try that roll. :)

#1 definitely true, my first 15 mins this morning I kept having to tell myself I’d get comfortable.. it worked.

And of course I’d run extra rather than fixing my hair! Dry shampoo is a girls best friend:)


Nodding in total agreement to all of those, except for the ones about sports bras (I’m a dude) and treadmills (don’t own one, but also don’t really need one because I live in Florida).

I’m not at all a sushi fan, but granted, I’ve tried it only a few times. Actually, it’s probably the only food I really can’t stand… although I’m also not big on anything that comes from cows (beef, cow milk, cow cheese…)


Near the end of races I often fantasizing about falling/tripping so I could stop running and blame it on the fall instead of just wanting to be done! I try to motivate from the thought and remind myself “ok girl- now you know you’re really getting after it! because that thought only comes out in the toughest moments.

White chocolate covered gummy bears are the best! Usually I’m not a white chocolate person but it is so good on gummy bears. Also-frozen chocolate covered bananas.

Love sushi, it’s a night before race meal staple for me (I just make sure to not eat too many raw pieces those nights)


I agree with all of these!! My hair is never “done” and I’m frequently late to things because I was running.

I would also add…If you have doubled up on socks or mittens or sprayed waterproofing stuff on your shoes just to make it through extra cold/wet winter runs. (Northeast winters)

I recently found an all you can eat sushi place… right after a long run :\


… you have approximately 10 pairs of recycled running shoes in your house/car that you use for various activities :)

Love, love, LOVE sushi!!

chocolate covered pretzels = best invention on the planet!

I loathe peas, unless they are snow peas or snap peas! It’s a textural thing ;)


When you’re driving past your favorite running spot and you get jealous of the people that you see currently running. I do this constantly on my way to work and even on my way to “fun” activities. I would just rather be running.


Yes to sushi! Although, I don’t eat fish, so it’s veggies and brown rice . Have you ever had inari? Now, this is going to sound gross…but it is honey soaked bean curd wrapped over rice. Melts in your mouth. Trust me!!!! Hey, bet you never thought grapes and cottage cheese would taste good together? Amiright?

Chocolate covered ginger.

Besides meat, chicken, fish…not much I won’t eat. I think I’d say mayonnaise and eggs. Just not happening.

Your list is perfect…glad I’m not alone in my craziness!


You are not alone if you choose to stay in on a Friday night so you can wake up early on Saturday to run.

I love sushi! Especially anything with shrimp or avocado. And eel sauce.

Chocolate covered apricots are my absolute favorite!

I can’t stand the smell of canned tuna, but I will eat it sometimes.


The beginning of runs are the worst!! I dont know why but once I am a decent way thru the run and always afterwards I am so happy! Its just a struggle sometimes to get started.


Love this post. Sometimes, I get so down on myself because I usually only run two miles for a workout. I see everyone who runs 4+ miles on a daily basis and I feel ashamed of my measly two miles.

This post really did make me feel better, Janae. Thank you for this. <3


You are not alone if… you’re out on the town and see another runner, and immediately get jealous that you’re not out there running too!


These all ring true! So funny! Also, glad that I’m not alone in this sanity/insanity.
Sushi ROCKS!!!! Can’t stand walnuts or pecans. Gag.
Chocolate covered swedish fish are to die for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My entire Christmas Wish List is running related right now! I also consider “getting ready for work” as a personal challenge to incorporate as much workout wear into my outfit as possible. LOVE that it’s boots and legging season, cause I am totally rocking compression socks right now :)


Definitely choose a longer run over properly getting ready for work this morning. Hello ponytail ;)


I have never tried sushi. My husband doesn’t care for fish when it’s cooked so I doubt he would go for anything raw. I do love salmon and tuna right out of the can- so I probably would like sushi as well :)
Chocolate covered red velvet cake balls and Oreo balls are my favorites but I’ll eat pretty much anything coated in that yummy stuff!!
I can honestly say there is no food that grosses me out. I LOVE olives. I like to eat the green ones with cheddar cheese and crackers.


Had to laugh at all of these!! I have those thoughts all the time. I love chocolate covered caramel apples with a few Reese’s peanut butter cups on it as well?


You run when it is like 10 degrees outside. You don’t want to go outside any other part of the day but you will definitely brave it for the run.


I totally smiled when you said “get excited” when someone new starts running. I feel the same way!


Sushi!! I could live off of sushi. Seriously. Nothing more perfect than sushi. I also have edamame when I have sushi…

I always feel bleh for the first 10-20 minutes of a run. ALWAYS! I did think it was just me!!! Thank you!


Foam rolling always hurts (in a good way of working out kinks). No matter how dedicated I am I think it always will fine tender spots bc of the miles I put in. Or maybe it’s just me?


Oh my gosh I loved this list!! I live in Wyoming and have no friends that run. So to be able to share what I do/think is great. I especially liked the weather report, and driving around town ! Thanks for making me realize that my obsession is shared by many!


You are not alone if…you have more of a relationship with a foam roller than actual humans.
You are not alone if…you snap at a customer at your job because they said that they saw you ‘out jogging’. Umm excuse me, I run! HaHaHa


HAHAHAH Your comment had me laughing so hard. I am the same way with my foam roller! Thank you for this…


*You get more excited about a new pair of running shoes than other women do about a designer purse ?
*Your children say, “Mom when are you going to go for a run today?” if you start to get a little edgy ?


One more: deep down you secretly like running in the bleak mid winter dressed from head to toe like a ninja to prevent frostbite because you feel pretty bad@$$ running by all the people that stare from their heated cars in disbelief… While your dog has white snowflakes on his nostrils frozen on from his breath ❄️❄️❄️ Anything to get the run on!☃


I love your running list! I too swoon over many running outfits…pretty sure I fill my cart online at athleta or lululemon only to delete it at the end….sigh…to have a disposable income soley for running gear


You feel compelled to correct people who call what you do “jogging”


I do all those things, although maybe not owning sports bras.. I can’t wait until christmas, as any money I get is all being spent on running shoes.. :)


I just saw this one the other day…..”You gripe at spending $10 for a movie ticket but will spend $50 for a race and try to finish in under 30 minutes.” =)


You are not alone if you have ever said, “I just can’t wait to get home and put my compression socks on…”


Where do you find your chocolate cinnamon bears??? I always see them on your blog, but I have never seen them up here in Canada. I am at the point where i feel like i need to try these!


Yum yes I love sushi too!


When you are 11 days postpartum and someone you always race against (and win) runs past, and you think “enjoy that while it lasts” :) I’m a terrible person I know.

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