Sentence Per Picture!!!

A Jamba Juice date is just kind of necessary some days.  

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Especially if peanut butter is involved in the cup…

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Just having a chat with the dog in the car next to us in the parking lot.  

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I’m sure we are all just loving how it is starting to get dark at 5:30 pm.  

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And I’m sure all parents are loving how daylight savings has messed up sleeping schedules (she was so tired but my mom was taking a picture of me in my running jacket ((I’ll do a full review on it after I test it out)) and she ran over saying she wanted to be in the pic).

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A little boot camp action and once again I was reminded that in order for it to not be crazy hard I should probably be a little more consistent with strength training.

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I put minestrone soup and avocado on top of my sweet potato for dinner… studies show that anything tastes good on top of a sweet potato.

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Caffeine, I miss you dearly but a drink run for some Sprite (with raspberry flavoring) with the girls every now and then is pretty great too.

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Hmmmm how did she get so tall all of the sudden… ps she fell asleep for the night at 6:15 so I have a feeling we will be starting our party this morning in the 4 o’clock hour.  

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Somehow Brooke has forgotten all about her Halloween stash but I most definitely haven’t… ps I couldn’t believe how many people handed out full size candy items this year?!

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Loved these 10 Fun Facts—>  did you know that Meb swore off doing another marathon after his first one— “you just saw my first and last one.”

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And some random fun facts that I would like to share with you:

-Long runs left before race day—> 13.1, 20, 15 and 10 miles!  This week is a cut-back week (39 miles total for the week) and then the next two weeks will be hard and then a two week taper!

-It is Curly’s b-day today… she was only two years old when I first started the blog.  You guys have seen her grow up:)

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-One of the best things about being the only adult in your apartment—>  you get to choose the temperature setting at all times.  I’ve been freezing lately so it is set to a comfortable 74 degrees right now.  

-I’m pretty stoked about the logistics for my upcoming marathon because we are staying at a hotel that has a race shuttle to the starting line that leaves right from the hotel.  Talk about convenience.  

-My mom, Brooke and I are heading down to St. George on Friday together and staying with her best friend and I’ll go run the race in the morning… it’s going to be quite the party this weekend too.

-Adele’s new album comes out on November 20th… her music speaks to my soul. 

-I’ve really been wanting some new ab/core routines.  I’ve done the same ones over and over again for way too long and need a change… please share what you do/videos/websites etc!

-I finally finished ‘Why Not Me’ by Mindy Kaling… I just want to be her friend in real life.  She is hilarious.  Now I need a new book. 

-I get to meet Josse for a run this morning.  While all of this solo training over the last few months has been good for me to learn how to push myself on my own, I am looking forward to having a training buddy to work hard with again.  We’ve started planning our 2016 racing schedule out together… anyone else already mapping out next year’s races?

-The older Brooke gets= the more she talks= the more I get to finally see inside her little brain and personality.  I wish you could join us for our car conversations because she is quite the comedian. 


Give me your sentence for the day or share a fun fact with us!!

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That’s hysterical about Meb! Daylight savings messed up my sleep more than my kids’ – I’m hoping to sleep past 5am tomorrow morning.


Happy Birthday Curly!

I think lots of people say that after their first marathon, I know I did and I’ll be running marathon #38 in two weeks.

I got back to a normal routine really quickly after the time change this year, but everyone I know with kids is struggling with it!


I’m trying my best to embrace NYC recovery, but it’s SO tough!!!!


Every year I forget how abrupt the daylight savings change is! It makes me sad… Every year. Definitely planning my 2016 races and loving the fall weather to train in!


I hate how dark it’s getting, but I am very lucky to usually get home from work about 4:00 so I still get to enjoy light and safety on my afternoon runs!

I love that jacket, can’t wait to hear more about it!


I swear by Pure Barre for abs/core work/everything strength training. If you don’t have a local studio, I recommend the DVD’s or online workouts. The best! And yes to being the only adult in the house – everything is up to me (except when my son chimes in)


My sentence for the day: I’m so over this humidity–it’s killing my hair!!

I’m not too big on soup, but I’m now tempted to try either baked potato soup or broccoli cheese soup on a potato… :)


I LOVE seeing my kiddos’ little personalities starting to shine through too – such an awesome journey!


My sentence for the day: Just get through today and tomorrow and then you get more than a week off from work!


I’m STILL recovering right now from my last marathon focusing on keeping my mileage down while slowly building in a few workouts. I was up at 3:15 this morning for my run and now I’m trying to stay awake at work!


Sentence for the day: I WILL enjoy taking a rest day. (to be repeated to myself throughout the day)

Fun fact: Here in central Florida, fall doesn’t exist. Daylight savings means the sun is higher during my morning runs, which means HEAT. I don’t think I’ve sweat as much as I did on my run yesterday since August.


Sentence for the day: I haven’t had much of an appetite since completing the NYC marathon on Sunday. What gives? This never happens. :(


I’m so excited for Adele’s new album! Hello is on repeat lately. I wish she would also come out with a Christmas CD..that’s all I’ve been listening to this week. Whoops!


An Adele Christmas album would be fantastic!


The time change is getting to me big time! I can’t imagine how hard it is with younger kids. You’re so right…ANYTHING tastes good on a sweet potato (because they are amazing)


I went to college in Spokane, WA, and the combination of where it lies in the time zone (the very east side of Pacific) and that it’s farther north meant that the sun set absurdly early in the winter. For a week or so, the sun sets *before* four o’clock! It was horrible!


I love the Tone it Up ab videos. Short and sweet but hard! Good luck with daylight savings :)


I LOVE Adele!! I listened to her new song about a thousand times in a row after you posted about it. Obsessed!! You should check out the cover of Hello by Chase Holdfelder– soooo good!


Ironman Craig Alexander’s core workout. This guy is amazing! Nothing better than the car conversations with your kiddo.


Oooh, I’ll have to try this! Craig Alexander is my favorite triathlete, and I’ve been needing to add core work into my routine.

Thanks! :)


Sentence for the day: My mom visits this weekend and I’m incredibly excited – it’s the first time I’ve seen her since my husband and I moved to Seattle in May!


Sentence for the day: Today is going to be a busy day and I get to see my friend’s baby that’s in the NICU (premie) tomorrow and I’m really excited! :)


Ahh! I want to read Why Not Me too! How was it? Amazing? I love her so much. I really like following her on Instagram too. Did a little over 5 miles last night again and my foot is a little angry today, but I think it’s a good sore versus a scary bad kind. Sometimes it can be hard to tell though!

Either way it’s definitely a rest day for me today and then going for 5.5 or 6 miles tomorrow!

Can’t wait to hear your review of your running jacket too, because it is cuuute!


Exactly why I love living in Arizona…no daylight savings! It rocks except this time of year when it’s far by 4:30.


We did pretty good on the trick or treating too. We got 2 full size candy bars one of which is a Milky Way and the are stashed at the bottom of the candy basket because my kids have not forgotten about the candy.

On my lay race, the starting line was at the hotel. It was really great not to have to worry about getting there on time.


I use a lot of Fitness Blender workouts from youtube. I have an account for their site, but it’s just easier for me to use a playlist I’ve created on youtube of their abs videos. I tend to add the ones that are 13 minutes or less to my playlists, I call them “no excuse” workouts.
You can do anything for 13 minutes, and not be late, you just may have to cut out something unhealthy you would have done for yourself- like eat the ice cream, pack candy for lunch, or laze around pinning all the pins on pinterest that weren’t helping you to create abs, just telling you how to do it. Oh wait, that’s all about me. Oh well, that is what I gave up to get in an 8-13 minute abs or other zone routine each day. :-)


My sentence:
No more work for me after today; four day weekend, wahooooo!!!! :)


You Are A Badass is such a good book (by Jen Sincero). I’m almost done with it, and am ready to read it all over again!


I’ve been debating ordering this book …..glad to here it’s that good


I can’t believe that about Meb!!

I love the running jacket, looking forward to hearing what you think of it. Just another excuse for me to haemorrhage money…!


My sentence for the day “keep moving forward even in the most difficult times”…..

Could you please tell me where you got your pink sweater in the first picture? Thanks!!

<3 your blog!


Love your sentence! Here is the link for the pink sweater…I’ve had it for years and still love it!


Thanks so much!!


I love you boots, Janae! Where did you get them?
I’ve already signed up for the Rock’n’roll Half in DC…you should do it too! They also have a full marathon that takes you around all the neighborhoods in DC.


HEY girl!! Here is a link to the boots:
AHHH that sounds like an awesome race… I want to do that so bad!


Happy birthday Curly!

NOT a fan of Daylight Saving Time ending. No. Bueno. The first day my son woke up at 4:30 and then yesterday he woke up at 4. Which is early pre-DST, but now it’s unbearable..


I do Pilates on equipment for my strength and ab workouts.

I LOVE Adele, too!! Looking forward to the album release. It is preordered.

Have you checked out the books by The Bloggess? Jenny Lawson. Her latest is Furiously Happy. She speaks to me and understands my brain.


DST isn’t my favorite. I like it to stay light later at night. I have heard that book by Mindy Kaling is really good and I need a new book to read. The last one I read was Girl Boss by Sophia Amoruso and it was good.


Yeah sunset is getting waaaayyyy too early. :( It’s about 5 here.

I have a few pin boards dedicated to different types of exercises but this is my core exercises one I’ve done quite a few of them and really like them! I also like using the Seven app and do a few rounds to really work my muscles and get my heart rate pumping.


Loving the morning daylight but not the darkness at 5PM! I’ve been tired by 9PM too, haha. Brooke’s personality definitely shows through in the pictures!


The darkness so early is not okay!! It just reminds me that the super cold is coming…!! :(

Random fact/idea: I recommend the book “you are a badass: how to stop doubting your greatness and live an awesome life” to anyone looking for an inspiring read!! It is written very bluntly and focuses on loving yourself and over coming stress/anxiety. I’m almost done with it and love it. Definitely has given me a new perspective on a lot of things.


ab/core exercises…go check out…these ladies are all about planks and other core work….i had diastasis recti after my two boys and this helped bring everything back together…even gave me abs, (which if you knew me you would know is an almost impossible feat). Excited to see you run your marathon!


I have a meeting today I’m not looking forward to, but then after work I get to go for a run!


Daylight savings time has definitely messed with me the most. I feel like I cannot figure out what time it is to save my life. I’m glad I’m not the only one.

Meb is truly an inspiration that if you work hard anything is possible!


Kathrine Switzer was in Des Moines (where I am!) during the Des Moines marathon this year and she spoke at the pasta dinner (she was fabulous!) and anyway – her book “Marathon Woman” is AMAZING. You should think about picking that up if you haven’t already!


I definitely need a core routine – ideas here will be helpful. I just tend to do a round of planks, bicycle crunches, some pilates stuff…probably 5 mins every night or second night – not much! :0

I’ve been reading a ton of books lately (as I was relegated to x-training in the gym for so long, only reading could help me pass time on that darn elliptical). I’m currently reading “Diet Cults” by Matt Fitzgerald. But recents have been “Kill the Silence” (a book written by a varsity runner who got assaulted and how she used running to cope); “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert and “Who Do You Love” by Jennifer Weiner. All very different books!!!


Fun fact: Today, November 4th, is National CANDY Day! Happy Holiday!


Completely random but the sailboat picture in the background of one of your pictures is almost exactly the same as one my parents have. So pretty!


Even though I am not a fan of daylight savings and the early darkness, I do love that the holidays are right around the corner. Plus, sometimes you just have to embrace a warm fire after running in the brisk cold!

My son is 2 months old today and is going in for his check-up. This means shots. This makes me a very nervous mom. Hopefully I can stay strong.


Car conversations are the best. If I ever wanted to know what was going on with my kids I would take them on a car ride. Saved us many hard feelings throughout Junior high!


Those are great facts about Meb. Glad to see he’s in pain post race just like the rest of us!! :) I have started thinking about my 2016 races. Gotta figure out where that next BQ is going to come from… and how many minutes under it needs to be so don’t get cut next time! (darn you BAA!)
Little kids do have the most interesting things to say. Always enlightening for sure!!


Happy Birthday, Curly! Today is my birthday, too, AND I ran my very first full marathon on Sunday…New York City! :)


Happy happy happy birthday Heather! I hope you have the best day ever and HUGE congrats on your first marathon. Amazing. I hope you had an incredible experience!


I wish we would go to DST year round. This “real time” thing we have going on is for the birds.


I think it really depends on where you are. I grew up in Idaho, and I think DST is a little ridiculous there. In the summer, the sun doesn’t even *set* until 9:30pm. And while standard time means that the sun goes down early in the winter (just past 5 o’clock), if they stayed on DST, there would be a week or so when the sun didn’t *rise* until 9:18. It’s pretty crazy how much sunrise and sunset times vary throughout the country, especially when you get to the edges of time zones!


Wasn’t Mindy Kaling’s book just awesome! I want to be her friend in real life too.

I do a lot of Pilates, I have a few vidoes I do. Its good ab work and it doesn’t feel so boring.


For abs/core work, I love the Nike training app! I first heard about it through another blog ( and now swear by it. There are multiple 15 or less minute ab routines in there but my favorite is Hollywood Ab Blast.


Love that Brooke is talking to the dog next to you…my mom and I still talk to dogs when we see them in people’s cars.

This is my favorite Pilates workout for runners:

It’s similar to a Pilates workout that I’d do in high school. It made me a lot faster for my 3.1 mile courses…miss those days!


So funny that you mentioned daylight savings, because I just posted about that too! I’ve learned some awesome new ab workouts from my physical therapist… maybe I’ll do a post on them in the near future :)


You just made me want a smoothie with pb in it now. Thanks for the lunch idea!! :)



Happy birthday, Curly!

I just started reading “Running All the Way: A Marine, a Runner, a Journey through Life” by Lawrence Dickerson and I’m loving it so far! Born in 1931, he’s been running since high school and has run in every state.


P90X Ab workout can be found online and it is awesome. I also like Nike Training Club app for my ab workouts.

It was 91 degrees yesterday and I have a half on Saturday, not the weather I was hoping to race in. Pretty sure in Florida when we turned the clocks back, we went back 3 months, not 1 hour. Ooops.


it must be because i travel a lot bu the time change doesnt affect me, i dont however appreciate it getting dark before i even get home. that makes me sad.


The P90x Ab Ripper X will forever make me sore for a few days!


I’m so jealous of your thermostat setting. Ours is set at 65 and I am cold. Always. I miss our first apt where utilities were included in the monthly rent.

Your smoothie sounds fantastic and your jacket (and pink sweater in the first picture) are super cute. I am always jealous of your wardrobe.

Yay for running with friends!

I have been wanting to read Mindy’s new book. Anything to make me like her again. After watching a few episodes from this season’s Mindy Project, I had to stop. It was so awful and dumb. I need to end on a high note.

My kids did not get a single full sized candy bar. Guess we both know who will be joining you next year for trick or treating ;)


oh man i feel for all the parents with the time change – my dog alone is driving me insane at 4:45am! good luck with that and i’m sure the peanut butter jamba juice will help :)


I went to law school in Tucson and have run the Tucson Marathon, I’m excited to see what you think. The year I ran it, the morning started at 40 degrees but it was almost 80 when I finished. Hoping for better weather on your race day. Plus, here is some unsolicited food recommendations in Tucson- Go to BK’s and eat a Sonoran Hot Dog (this might not be great for your stomach, so maybe after but its so delicious) Brooklyn Pizza has amazing pizza and garlic knots, Baggins has amazing sandwiches, Chopped for salads/soups, Zinburger for…burgers, Café Poca Cosa for fancy Mexican food, Vero Amore for fancy Pizza, I’m sure I’m missing a lot of stuff in Oro Valley (where the race is) but I just don’t know it as well. Let me know if you have any race question or anything really!


JEN!!! I can’t thank you enough for the recommendations! Can’t wait to try some of them and I will let you know if I have any questions for sure. I sure hope it doesn’t get 80 degrees ahhhhh!!


Happy Birthday Curly!! You are beautiful!


For good ab workouts, go on YouTube and search “Tracy Anderson abs.” The best one is about 14 minutes long – it includes traditional crunch-type exercises and plank variations at the end. I swear by all of her workouts and they would be a great compliment to your running. I have an almost 3-year old daughter and my body is much more tight and toned now than it was pre-pregnancy thanks to Tracy. I even add 1.5 or 2 lb ankle weights when doing abs to make it extra challenging. Good luck!


Thank you SOOO much for the recommendation of Tracy Anderson! I’m totally going to try this today:) Yay for an almost 3-year old… such a fun age!


Hi Janae!

Happy Birthday to Curly!! That picture of Brooke falling asleep on you is adorable!! Do you mind sharing where your cute jacket is from in that picture?? Have a great day!


Thank you so so much Erin! I got it from here about 4 years ago but I love all of their jackets!


I need to read the new Mindy book! I loved her first one, and actually just read that earlier this year. I might put the new one on my Christmas wish list.


You should order yourself an ab wheel and use that for your ab routine. I started using one over a year ago and have stuck with it because you don’t need to do many reps to feel the burn and that also means it doesn’t take much time. Also, it is a bit addicting to keep seeing more results!


I ran 8 miles today and it felt great!


My three year old got too tall as well ;-)
I love You can choose abs as your workout and see all the FREE videos to choose from. Have fun!


I actually love the Tracry Anderson abs! And I am a pretty hardcore circuit/boot camp style workout person (not an amazing runner like you!!) and they kick my butt. You can find different ones on YouTube.


This one always hurts me.

I also like Fitness Blender work outs on you tube.


Have you tried any of the secret menu potions on Jamba Juice? I highly recommend the White Gummy Bear one!

Happy birthday to Curly! Love that throwback picture of her. :)

New book for you: The Light Between Oceans!


Happy Birthday Curly! And I love how kids start to talk more as they get older. It is my favorite thing listening to my daughter say small phrases and words to me. Makes my whole world!!! And I LOVE your new jacket!

Reply is pretty good.


Best ab routine these days: 7 minute HIIT


Sentence of the day: My boyfriend took me on a 9 mile run with a hill workout in there and he had to buy back my love and trust with pancakes.


Hahaha I love your sentence!


Haha thanks!


The apartment I’m in now in MN I don’t control (or pay for) the heat. It’s been a little chilly in the nights/mornings. And I just wrote a blog post ( reviewing the books I read in October and plan to make it a monthly post. I am on a reading kick right now!


Sentence of the day: my almost 4 year old is finally getting the hang of using a toilet!!!!!!!!!! Honestly can’t stress enough how THANKful I am about this….the looming birthday and continuing use of diapers was stressing me out! It’s all about timing and finding the right tools to use. I hope Brooke is catching on too!


Happy Birthday Curly!!

I might be the only one that actually likes DST right now :) Probably because I don’t have kids waking up too early! I am a morning person, and I go to bed really early, so I like that it’s dark. I always felt super lame in the summer going to bed at 8:30 and it was still light out :)

The only core workout I will actually do is Les Mills CXWORX. My YMCA offers it free with my membership, but Les Mills started “on demand” and you can get CX and Body Pump and some of their other classes at home on your computer, I think it’s like $12 a month or something like that to subscribe. I don’t know all of the details! I love CX because it’s quick, 30 minutes, and it’s not just abs, it’s your entire core and hips and glutes.


You are right about CX. I enjoy Bodypump too. All major muscle groups in an hour. And don’t have to fight with boys to use weight equipment. Yay!


Sharing an ab/core workout I like:
“Sore to the Core” 30 day challenge from
It’s 4 days a week for a month. Each day takes 15-20 min, it’s 5 different exercises and you rest 20 seconds between each and repeat 3x. I like it because it taught me some new excercises and it’s not every day so it feels easier to keep up with!


I’ve been doing yoga lately – and liking it! It’s totally weird.


If you want a great laugh your next book should be Furiously Happy!


Yes daylight savings UGH! I use to get up and run before my son even woke up. He was up at 6am on the dot. I love it because I am waking up easier. Once my son started talking and understanding more age 4 I just loved it. He is a comedian too and he always keeps me laughing.


Try http://www.benderfitness.Com look at the left side various under core.
I love her workouts and do them every day.

I’m reading the glass castle right now. Can’t put it down.


Yes I love Mindy Kaling too, her new book was so funny!


not only have i started planning my 2016 race calendar, i’ve already registered for 4 races!!! (from 10k up to marathon)


For core/ab work I recommend Les Mills’ OnDemand CX Worx. If you have access to Les Mills’ classes at a gym then go take the actual class. It’s only 30 min and it’s intense.

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