My plank routine this week and our family pictures!

Well, we woke up to a small blanket of snow this morning.  One out of the two of us was very excited about it… Okay, I’m actually trying to really change my perspective on winter and find ways to love it this winter… fake it to make it right?

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On today’s schedule I had 7.3 hilly miles @ an 8:16 pace and then I hit up some planks.  

1 minute normal plank on elbows (palms flat on the ground.. makes it a little bit harder)

45 second side plank on each side

1 minute plank on hands with weights and shoulder presses (I do 8 on each side before switching to the other arm)

1 minute plank with leg lift (30 seconds on each side) to get the core and glutes really good.

After a break I went through the 4 different moves again but for a shorter amount of time on each one.  

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Just as I was finishing up at the gym my mom sent a text telling me that she was craving Cafe Rio tortilla soup.  I will always support others in their cravings and so we joined her and I had a steak salad.

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My portable heater that makes winter much more enjoyable.

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We stopped by Target afterwards and they had the best samples ever.  Brooke tried her first ever Ghirardelli square and she was a huge fan too.

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The above sample inspired a box of brownie mix and I will be adding the only acceptable addition to brownies—> ROLOS.  Also, thank you for weighing in this morning about the nuts/brownies situation.  

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We got the rest of our pics from LINDSEY and I wanted to share a few more of my favorites wahoo!!! 

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Janaeandbrooke 0055



What was your workout today?

Who else woke up to some snow today?

What helps you to stay positive about the winter (or do you naturally just love it)?

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I hate winter. It’s never fun to be cold. So I try to think of all the yummy warm food I can enjoy this winter. And I’m also trying to remind myself that it helps with the holiday spirit.


I stay pretty positive in the winter, but I stay home in front of the fire a lot more! Talks pictures are adorable!! No snow here and I’ll probably just do some pull up, push ups, and abs tonight.


LOVE the pics!!! And that brownie/Rolo combo sounds amazing!


You too are the most adorable humans ever!! I love winter… more of a reason to stay in and cuddle, but I am planning getting some running in on the fresh snow in the mornings!!


Beautiful photos!

No workout today – recovering from a marathon on Saturday!

No snow yet. I LOVE winter! Unless its windy, then I will love it from inside. I really dislike summer alot. I don’t like to break a sweat unless I’m working out and summer is like a 24/7 sweat session. Yuck.


Janae you are WAY TOO CUTE. Oh and so is Brooke of course!!


Your pictures are AMAZING!!! Now I’m craving brownies! I can’t do the nuts, I would have to pick them out, but any candy works! Rolos are the best!

I hate winter. I have no idea why I live in the Midwest… I guess the only think I like about it is knowing when it’s over it’s spring again :)


Christmas helps me stay positive about winter! After Christmas, it’s just gritting my teeth and bearing it until spring comes. :)


New running clothes have upped my embracing of fall/winter considerably! I’m all about Oiselle these days :) It is such a mind game. I’ve just decided that I am going to enjoy it and I am NOT a cold weather person at all. Totally agree – faking it helps. Ha.


Those pics are wonderful!!

My personal space heater and big warm jackets help me in winter, and I remind myself that it won’t be cold forever. Plus, cold means the holidays and wonderful scents in the air!! :)


BEAUTIFUL pictures! I know you will treasure those forever!

I stay positive about winter by reassuring myself that we will get at least a couple of cool days that will make it actually feel like winter! I know that is totally the opposite of most people, but the struggle is real when it’s 88* on Christmas! haha


those pictures are adorable. now i am craving soup and a salad for dinner!


Where are those boots from I need them!


Hey Allison!! Here is the link to the boots:

I LOVE them!


Oooh thanks! I was just going to ask as well! Love your pics, Janae. You are both so beautiful!


you can pass some of your cooler air that you don’t want down to florida please! It’s finally starting to get a TAD cooler. but I like the cold because it’s only here for like 3 weeks!

such cute pics of you and Brooke!!

now I need to buy rolos and brownie mix and eat IT ALL.


Beautiful photos! There is snow in the mountains down until 2500 feet where I live, and we got frost this morning. I don’t think Seattle itself gets much snow, but I love seeing it in the mountains. I love winter out in the PNW, but when I lived in the Midwest the piles of snow and ice made winter feel long!


We had a little, but somehow missed out on most of what the rest of Utah got. You guys got hit a lot harder on your side of the mountain.
I hate winter, I am looking forward to moving away as soon as possible. But there is something about going on a run early in the morning after a light snowfall, before the plows and other crazy drivers hit the road, anyway…


I ran 4 miles, no pain. whoo hoo!

I like winter for the most part. I prefer running in the cold to the heat/humidity. I like sweaters, cocoa and boots. I dislike commuting in snow and the endless shoveling like last year.

I will not be putting Rolos in my brownies.


Since I’m cold if the temperature is under 60 degrees, I’m not winter’s biggest fan — but I do love how magical snow makes the holidays :) and it’s an excuse for more hot chocolate, tea, or coffee :)

Your pictures turned out amazing!! Beautiful ladies and what a pretty background too!!

Have a great week :)


My workout today happened at 5:15 a.m.! This is a very new practice for me – I’m trying to reinvent my morning routine to include exercise. I ran 2.5 miles, did some pushups, and a few weights.

I HATE winter!! The only thing that makes it tolerable is comfort food and hot chocolate (and the occasional snow day since I’m a teacher).


I lived where we had snow on the ground 5 months out of the year for 4 years and that was enough for me! I am a southern girl through and through :) Love those family pictures! You both look beautiful!


ooohhhh snow, snow thank you! HAH. anyways.

No, I really don’t like winter. I’ll put up with it if I have to, but I would rreeeaaaallllly rather not.


Those photos tho. You are both just gorgeous and so adorable together!

I am finding myself less tolerant of winter as I get on in years. But I love warm, cozy, comfy clothes, portable space heaters, and the booty warmers in my car!

Today’s workout:
25 minute sprints in the morning
60 minute hot bootcamp class
75 minute hot vinyasa yoga class
2:15 run this afternoon

The weather in NJ was unbelieveable! Almost 70 degrees. Hoping when winter does get here it won’t be as bad as they are predicting.


I did an insanity work out plus the 21 dfx core workout. Then at lunchtime my work does a half hour cross fit work out, it has been a great workout day! It started snowing last night and has been snowing all day so I didn’t dare risk running and falling this morning. I really dislike winter, it would be better if I could just stay home or be able to run!!!


I’m not a snow fan at all. Today I needed a rest day because I’m exhausted.

I love the photos of you and Brooke. They look fabulous.


Oh my goodness, those pictures are adorable! Brooke is so beautiful and is looking so grown up!
After some homework I am going to go and do some interval training! :)


They are beautiful!!!!


We signed up for a Turkey Trot first thing this morning, so my cyclist husband needed to run!

Southern California Winter. Need I say more?

Love the pictures!


These pics are so cute! Xoxo, ganeeban


Your family pictures are beautiful! I LOVE the photo of her sitting on your lap. Gorgeous!


You look a lot like your sister in the third pic from the bottom.


Rolo in brownies sounds yummy….never thought of that one. It’s something else to add to my must bake and eat list.


I’m about to head to the gym to run at least 6 miles while I watch Dancing With the Stars. I need to do some core work so I’m going to try your workout, it looks great!
UM I hate snow so I am SO HAPPY we haven’t gotten any that has stuck yet.


The pictures are absolutely gorgeous!! Brooke is beautiful like her mom :).

Random question but do you think maybe you could do a “what I eat in a day” post? I would really like to see how you fuel during marathon training. Thanks Janae!


Those pictures are so great – you two are adorable!

My workout today was 3 easy miles with the pooch, a 7 minute workout style workout, and some yoga. I’m all over the place these days.

Your brownies reminded me of some amazing ice cream I had on vacation – rolo flavor! It even had teeny tiny rolos in it. Best ever.

I like winter, but mostly because I like sweatshirts, fires in the fireplace and cooler weather for running. I’ll take cold over hot any day.


So beautiful. Brooke looks like an angel. Congrats mama!


Hi! The key to winter time is family SKIING. The whole
fam. You can learn along with Brooke if you don’t know how. She is the perfect age. Our daughter started at three. I used the backpack-harness with leashes that she wore. It has a nice handle and the leashes you hold behind her while you tootle down the hill together. You snowplow behind her controlling the speed. It is a killer thigh and glute workout. We live in Minnesota and it was either do or die. So we do. My kids love winter and we have great family vacation memories from skiing. You can buy all the equipment used to keep costs down because it can be spendy. Also early morning lift tickets are cheaper. Plus Brooke can ski for free until she is about 5 if you buy a lift ticket. Final bonus, if she starts now she will kill it on the slopes by her teen years.


Ooh, I would love some snow! How exciting :) keep in mind, I live in the Southeast, so snow here means something very different than it does for…basically, everywhere else.

I love winter because I love the holidays, and the food…and really cute running clothes that I can layer like crazy.

Mondays are my rest day, so took it easy but did make it to Target. It sometimes feels like exercise with how many loops I make.


Beautiful pictures! Things that make winter better:
1. Heated blankets
2. Heated socks (yes, I have them)
3. Fires in the fireplace
4. Twinkly Christmas lights on top of my kitchen cabinets
5. Hot drinks

Basically, I play up the cozy factor :)


Your pics are gorgeous!

I live in a valley, so no snow here. I kind of wish we would get a light blanket. Workout was 5 easier miles this morning and 2 miles of sprints with my team. I love/hate that by the end of the year everyone is faster than me. It does make me work harder though!

Things that make winter awesome
1. I love winter clothing
2. Cuddles feel even better
3. Hot chocolate is even more delicious
4. Thanksgiving and Christmas
5. Not overheating during a run :)


Those pictures are so beautiful.


Killer plank workout! That ones on my list :) And BEAUTIFUL pictures of you and Brooke! Absolutely gorgeous, both of you.


Such gorgeous pictures of you guys! I woke up to rain in Arizona that technically counts as snow to us here in the desert!


I wish we had some snow here. I just can’t get into the Christmas mood yet, pre-Thanksgiving, but some snow would help make it more bearable :) Such a beautiful pictures of Brooke and you. You live in such a beautiful area too. Wonderful sights there!


It’s hard being a single mom, hey? I’m so glad you got those photos done. You’re going to look back one day and when you see the two of you together, all those feelings of love and protectiveness and being together and safe will come flooding back to you. Life is hard, it makes gaps, but grace fills in the cracks.


Your family pictures are absolutely beautiful :-)


The last few years have given me a new appreciation for winter because the hubs and I have found more winter activities to do! If you have something to look forward to in the season, it totally helps! I absolutely love ice skating and last year I tried snowshoeing and am hooked. It’s been unseasonably warm in upstate NY so I am looking forward to the new season!


So cute, Janae!


LOVE your pics! Especially Brooke doing her cool tongue trick. ;) Would you be willing to share where you got her dress from? I meant to ask the other day but didn’t want to come across as tacky. ;) Have a great day!


love the pictures of you and Brooke! :) Odd question, but do you mix in the rolos & then bake? Or top them w/ rolos right after you pull them out of the oven? I’m thinking about making them for a co-workers birthday!


Those pictures are beautiful! Xx


Oh my goodness, your family pictures are absolutely stunning! You both are so beautiful. I am trying to find ways to embrace the winter as well! I think that being active outside doing things like skiing, ice skating, sledding, snow shoeing, cross country skiing, etc is a great way to get out there and have fun (and then right back inside for hot chocolate;)


The family pictures are absolutely beautiful!!!! Defintely ones to cherish!!

I tend to love winter and enjoy the cooler temps… but with that being said, I live in south Georgia and our winter weather is like your fall weather…. so, no comparison really. Down here, we bundle up with any temp under 70…LOL! :D


Ive never been a fan of winter and the past few years have been exceptionally hard. Seriously to the point where I can’t even enjoy fall for dreading winter. This year though we have been blessed with an amazing opportunity in Florida so I’m saying goodbye to winter!


Just in case you weren’t aware, December 2 is National Fritter Day…. ;)


Have you ever tried the Costco peppermint bark –> it’s a must have. We’ve already gone through one container this season. So delicious!


Those photos are gorgeous! I really dislike winter but I’m also trying to look at the positive side of things; Christmas, hot chocolate, snuggling under the duvet… It’s tough though when I just want it to be Summer again!


These pictures are completely gorgeous!


Beautiful family. Beautiful pictures!!

The thing I love most about winter is … Christmas lights, holidays, knowing that I’ll have time off and that I’ll get to see my brother! Summer is great … But there is something just as warm about winter :)


Gorgeous pictures!!!


We don’t have any snow here (Eastern Ontario, Canada) yet which is unbelievable. When it comes, I love to ski (downhill and cross country) and snowshoe. It’s kind of like running – as long as you dress for the weather you can see beautiful parts of the country that you wouldn’t see otherwise.

Mini Reese cups would also be good in brownies :)


Your pictures are all so gorgeous!!! And I am obsessed with Brooke’s fur vest- she’s a little cutie pie!



You are both so gorgeous! I LOVE your family pictures!!! :)


The pictures are beautiful! Your friend is a very talented photographer, and y’all make some very photogenic subjects! :)
No winter weather yet here in SE Louisiana… we get snow flurries once every few years at best, but it does get pretty cold! Today it’s 82 and we are expecting severe thunderstorms and wind, though. Got my run in this morning!
You know what would be extra indulgent? After you bake the brownies w/ the Rolos, take them out and cool, then drizzle caramel sauce and hot fudge sauce over the top. Then slice and devour.


I’ve never been very positive about the winter but my 2.5 year old is over the moon excited for snow so I think I’ll have a different take on it this year…. At least I hope I will :)


I want a portable heater as adorable as yours. Your Target has samples? I need to have a conversation with my local Targets manager so they can implement the same thing.

It was too cold to go outside and bust out a run so I did some random bodyweight exercises to get my heart pumping. :)


I can’t even handle how beautiful you two are.


what beautiful pictures of you and brooke! staying motivated during winter is easy since i live in the south and we dont get snow but a good cup of hot chocolate with a splash of godiva chocolate liqueur is always a good way to bring up my spirits!


Your photos are just gorgeous! Lindsey is extremely talented. You and Brooke. Best friends.


Your photos are fantastic- you both look so beautiful!


Maybe not a normal question, but how often do you wash your hair? My hair gets so greasy from running but washing it is literally turning it to straw! Just wondering if this was the case for you and why you may not wash it as much.


Love the pics

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