My favorite kind of date and an important Thanksgiving quiz.

Before we get to the important Thanksgiving quiz that I am sure you are on the edge of your seat waiting for…  let’s review last night.

Ms. Brooke fell asleep on me while I was rubbing her back and I put her to bed at my mom’s house for a few hours.  

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I picked up some of these because somebody told me they are amazing.  I haven’t tried them yet but I was too interested to not buy them. Are you a chip person?  I’m a huge fan of oil and vinegar chips and can’t come near Doritos anymore after eating a bag a day while pregnant.

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You know your meal is going to be real good if it starts with edamame.  

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Rainbow roll, dynamite roll (the jalapeños in this one were intense) and the fresh roll (if a roll has lemon in it then it is my favorite).  

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And the amazing Tuna Tataki.  Sushi dates are by far my favorite dates.

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Speaking of sushi, you know you are a little too into it when you watch a documentary all about sushi in Japanese with subtitles.  It was actually super interesting but I am just a sucker for a good documentary.  

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After dinner we went across the street for some froyo.  I feel like my cup is a bit more interesting.

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When I went back to get Brooke I picked up this box of sugar.  

Justin sent on over some deliciousness hot off the press from this year’s crop of sugar beets.  It made my day that he used miniature Milky Ways instead of packing peanuts haha!  Best package ever.  

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Thanksgiving memories!  Let’s talk about them.  This year will be my third Thanksgiving without Brooke.  Instead we will be going out for some turkey tonight together and having our own little celebration.  This picture is from her very first Thanksgiving that we spent with my family.  What are my plans for this Thanksgiving?  Sleeping in.  Running.  Eating a lot of food.  Going to bed.  I know… I really need to slow down.  

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I have some important Thanksgiving questions for you (if you celebrate Thanksgiving) that I would love for you to answer (as many as you would like) in the comments! 

1.  Favorite Thanksgiving food item?

-rolls and mashed potatoes (with extra butter and cream cheese)

2.  Favorite Thanksgiving memory?

-When we had my poodle as a teenager we would go to the track every Thanksgiving and hold a 100 meter race.  My brothers and I would compete against the poodle and she won every single time.  She would even stay in her lane for the entire race.

3.  Do you go to a movie on Thanksgiving?

-I know a lot of people do so I thought I would ask.

4.  Any Thanksgiving foods that you do not like?

-Gravy.  I keep trying to love it but I just can’t.

5.  How do you feel about stores interrupting Thanksgiving now by starting their sales on Thanksgiving day?

6.  Do you hit up the sales on Thursday/Black Friday or do you avoid them like the plague?

7.  Do you typically run a race on Thanksgiving or go on a run on your own or take the day off?

8.  Do you prefer a big get together for the holiday or to keep it small?

9.  What is your food assignment for this year, are you in charge of the whole thing or are you going out to eat?

10.  What time do you typically eat Thanksgiving dinner?

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We are a family of traditions but ironically our plans change every year! We always go black friday shopping but we don’t do the craziness of staying up all night. We start at like 6am and whatever is left, is left. My favorite all time food is SWEET POTATO CASSEROLE with like the brown sugar and pecans on top. I just literally die. It’s so good! HAHA! I was going to do the Turkey trot this year and try to get a 5K PR but my foot is injured now so that’s a no go!!! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Do you know what is wrong with your foot yet??


I would have originally said stress fracture, but I’ve had that before and it’s normally a dull ache that I can run through. I am just getting back from NYC today and with thanksgiving, I’m gonna try to get in with a PT or orthopedist on Monday to hopefully figure out what’s going on! Thank you for asking girl, but I’ve never been like unable to walk from pain. So crazy!


I like these questions!
-Favorite food: sweet potatoes and turkey
-We used to go to the movies every year, especially because the Harry Potter movies were released around this time of year.
-I actually don’t like most Thanksgiving food because it’s too mushy for me (mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy). Don’t like the texture!


I don’t do the Black Friday business and I hate that they are starting “Black Friday” on Thursday. Just open the stores on Friday! I can’t believe you don’t like gravy. It is one of my favorites! I am a big fan of mashed potatoes and gravy, sauerkraut and dumplings, and rolls. Clearly a carb theme going on here. I do try to run on Thanksgiving if for no other reason than I know it will make me feel a little better about eating far more than I need!


Gravy on Errything!!!


1. Stuffing

2. 2 years ago I went to Prague and Budapest right before Thanksgiving. We saw all the Christmas markets being put up and got to try some yummy treats and mulled wine. In Budapest we also visited the largest thermal bath in Europe, which is outdoor. Giant hot tub in the middle of November = AMAZING. Then we stayed in NYC for our layover and saw the Macy’s parade!

5. Big NO! I used to love Black Friday shopping but it’s getting horrible! I like REI’s #OptOutside campaign so I’m going on a hike!


Best packaging peanuts EVER! this is so fun

food item is sweet potatoes casserole
Memory- Going to my uncle’s farm every year
I’ve still never tried cranberry sauce
I run every Thanksgiving, but have never done a turkey trot (usually have a big race a couple weeks later)
I have a big loud crazy Italian family so it’s always a fun and chaotic Thanksgiving!


I usually work on Thanksgiving, but we have a pretty big meal there, and we are all so close it is like a family. I’m taking healthy side dishes, roasted butternut squash and mashed cauliflower.
I love the turkey. The sides don’t do much for me, I just want the bird.
Because I usually work, I’ve never done a Turkey Trot. I really need to change that someday.
I don’t shop on Thanksgiving or Black Friday. It does bum me out that the stores start early. But one of my favorite Thanksgiving memories is our one and only Black Friday shopping trip to get my cousins FURBY. We actually were too far back in line and they ran out about 5 people ahead of us, but we spent the wait playing the alphabet grocery store game. “I went to the grocery store and I got an Apple. I went to the grocery store and I got an Apple and Blueberries…..etc” It was just a good family time with my mom and aunts and cousins.


This is my first year cooking thanksgiving and I’m actually terrified. Hopefully it goes normally LOL. Ago be honest I normally just do cyber Monday shopping because the deals for things I want are the same.


I am all about the side dishes! Sweet potatoes, stuffing and corn pudding casserole are probably my favorite although my mother in law’s apple crisp which she serves with the meal is out of this world. I wouldn’t even try to replicate it, I could never get it as good as hers! I am in charge of a bunch of sides and dessert this year, so excited! And as for the stores opening early now on Thanksgiving, I don’t think it’s fair to the employees.


My favorite Thanksgiving foods are mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. I can’t wait to eat those!!

I usually run the Turkey Trot every year. It’s a huge race and sometimes stresses me out, yet I still keep doing it.

No one ever asks me to bring anything because they know I’m useless in the kitchen, so I will likely just bring Wheat Thins. :)


I am bringing the Hawaiian Rolls because I (we) have to drive 4 hours so my family takes pity on me and gives me the easy route out.

I have to say that I hate all the stores opening earlier and earlier on Thanksgiving!!! I do not go shopping and usually boycott those stores for sure. I am not thankful for “deals” on thanksgiving…I want to hang with family where we share the same old stories every year, eat another serving of pumpkin pie, watch some football, slip on the sweats, and play some cards…those are the memories to look back on NOT shopping ones.

~just saying~


I hate how stores open up on Thanksgiving for sales! I applaud those that are going against the grain this year and staying closed.

We usually eat around 4- I have a hard time not snacking throughout the day though!

My favorites things are sweet potatoes, pumpkin desserts and stuffing!!!!


Stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pie are my favorite dishes. No Black Friday shopping for me; I’m doing the REI #OptOutside and going hiking. I’ve never done a turkey trot but always run on Thanksgiving morning.


We don’t get the day off in the Bahamas for thanksgiving :( so no watching the macy’s parade with cinnamon rolls and mimosas (I miss this tradition!) But, we do a staff luncheon at school with all the teachers and I do a favorites feast with my preschool class and have them all bring in their fav. food to practice sharing!

My favorite is def. stuffing, turkey and cranberry sauce. Oh, and any pumpkin desserts ;)

When I was living in the states we’d have thanksgiving lunch/early din with my american side of the family, then go to our close friends house for dessert! I couldn’t deal with the crowds for black Friday shopping though, I passed on that tradition!


1. My favorite food is the sweet potato casserole!
2. I don’t have any specific memories of Thanksgiving, but I’ve always enjoyed it.
3. I don’t go to the movies, but my husbands family always watching Christmas vacation after dinner. So now that is what we do every year.
4. I HATE mashed potatoes…. I might be the only person on the planet who feels this way.
5. I feel bad for people who have to work on Thanksgiving. I don’t go shopping at all on Thanksgiving.
6. I have never done Black Friday shopping. I do some shopping online that day, but that is the extent of that.
7. I have never gotten to do a run on Thanksgiving… it is usually too cold for me.
8. I like small get togethers. I am having dinner at my house this year and the dining room table only fits at most 6 people.
9. I am in charge of apple pie, the turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, and green beans.
10. Normally we have dinner at 1…. which is waaaay too early for dinner, but this year we are having it at 4.


My favorite Thanksgiving food item is usually the ham with mashed potatoes.
Every year my fiance’s mom makes sausage and cheese balls to have as an appetizer and we all eat those and watch TV. It is one of my favorites because they are so good and the whole family gets to hang out with the smell of food in the air (the best smell in my opinion).
I don’t usually go to a movie because family time usually takes up the whole day/night.
I am not too fond of stuffing. Every year I try it, hoping that I will like it but I never do.
Me, my mom, and my aunt usually go shopping pretty early in the morning on Black Friday. We have a lot of kids in our family so they love to hit up Toys R Us. It also seems like we can never go without going to Old Navy as well.
I usually take the day off to prepare for the Thanksgiving madness but I would love to do a Turkey Trot this year. My fiance has recently started to run with me so maybe we will do a run together if my foot is up to it.
I prefer a big get together.
Every year we have a tradition on Thanksgiving that the grandkids (me, my siblings, and my cousins) have to bring a dessert and the grandparents get to judge. Whoever has the most creative, delicious, and beautiful dessert wins a tiara and a certificate. This year I am going to bring the s’mores bars and the hot chocolate cookies you mentioned. I think those will be a big hit.
We usually eat around 5pm which is perfect because I am usually in a coma after I eat.


I love to run my hometown Turkey trot! Also avoid black Friday like the plague- the crowds stress me out and I would rather veg! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!


I never shop Black Friday! I love mashed potatoes and gravy. I am running the Thankful 13 in Lehi this year. Earning the Trilogy Medal by running 3 of the races in the series. Since I am in Utah running, I will be bringing pies from Marie Calendars home to Pocatello after the race.


I definitely avoid shopping on Friday – way too much chaos for me! I love gravy but can’t stand anything involving green beans so those casseroles are out. And I need to try those chips!


Having just recently relocated in the United States, I am not into Thanksgiving traditions. Luckily, my American-born fiancé isn’t either, and we love to host Thanksgiving dinner with just a very few people (there will be 4 people this year) and we love preparing the food we personally like: there will be tiramisu instead of pie, and we will roast a duck instead of a turkey. I love it that way!


We are going to have lunch with my family and then my husband’s family is coming over for dinner. It’s a busy day but well worth it to be with family!


I LOVE mashed potatoes and stuffing (from scratch, not that boxed nonsense!). No squash for me though – yuck! The best part of hosting is that I get to control the menu and don’t make anything I don’t like!

Cincinnati has a huge 10k downtown on Thanksgiving morning which we always do with the family. I run it then wait at the finish for all the walkers.

I’ll be doing all my shopping online this year from the comfort of my couch and hopefully going for a hike on Friday.

Have a great one!!


I’m Canadian so Thanksgiving was a long time ago :-( We also don’t really have the same epic celebration that Americans have. We only get the Monday off work and there is no such thing as Black Friday. But we still do the whole turkey dinner thing! This year we deep fried the turkey!


Thanksgiving food that I DO NOT like: green been casserole. I do not understand how/why people like this. Yuck.
Thanksgiving food that I LOVE: sweet potato casserole. FTW!


Mashed potatoes and stuffing and pie are my favorite. I don’t normally go to movies on thanksgiving. I don’t Black Friday shop. I only did it one year. We got a huge stack of great movies but it’s not worth risking my life for again.


I am so excited for thanksgiving I am giddy! I love turkey trots and all the food!


Favorite food is a tie between the stuffing and the pumpkin pie! My favorite Thanksgiving memories were all at my grandparents’ house. We would always have lunch, hang out all day, and then by evening we would make our Christmas lists for the aunts and uncles. Like JCPenney catalog style! I remember ripping out basically every page of the toy section! haha

I try to get up and get a short run in on Thanksgiving morning, it just helps me feel better later in the day when I’ve eaten myself into a food coma :)


Every meal should end with froyo- what a happy life that would be! My family usually goes to a movie on Thanksgiving, and it’s usually a heartfelt family one <3! I am just not a fan of stuffing – weird considering I like about every food on the planet, but it just doesn't do it for me! I think this year we're going to have every family member responsible for a certain dish, which will be fun! Have a great Thanksgiving!


1. My favorite Thanksgiving food item is the stuffing. My mom makes an incredible corn bread stuffing with pumpkin seeds and all other kinds of deliciousness.
2. My favorite Thanksgiving memory is when my dad accidentally microwaved the biscuits for 15 minutes! They were as hard as hockey pucks and as black too, my whole family could not stop laughing and throwing them back and forth to each other.
5. I HATE when stores are open on Thanksgiving. It makes me sad. It’s a holiday about being thankful for what we already have, not rushing out to get more.


I’m running a race on Thanksgiving this year for the first time. I don’t know how I feel about it. Part of me thinks Thanksgiving should be all about eating and lounging around, but I had a three mile tempo on my schedule anyway, so doing a Thanksgiving 5k worked out perfectly.

I’m doing Thanksgiving with my boyfriend’s family this year, and the one thing that I’m really bummed about is that they don’t cook the stuffing in the turkey. That’s by far my favorite part of Thanksgiving, and no one does it like my mom. :(


I thought I was the only person who didn’t like gravy! Also? I don’t bother with turkey on Thanksgiving. There are too many delicious carbs to eat! :)


That sushi picture is making my mouth water!

– Favorite Thanksgiving food: Pumpkin roll!
– Favorite memory: We used to have Thanksgiving at my cousin’s house and we’d spend hours on their trampoline.
– Sales on Thursday: Not a fan of sales starting on Thanksgiving.
– Black Friday shopping: I usually hold out until Cyber Monday for some good online shopping.
– Doing a race: I’ve never ran a race on Thanksgiving before, but am doing a local 5k this year near my hometown. Can’t wait!
– Big party vs. small: Big get together…I live by the statement, “One can never have too large a party.”

Happy Thanksgiving!! :)


I love jellied cranberries (in the can!) and hate gravy. I also hate all of the Christmas Creep–can’t Thanksgiving Day just be for Thanksgiving?!

I’ve always wanted to host a huge Thanksgiving–the type where you have so many people coming that you have to borrow tables and chairs–but I’m too chicken to actually do it!


1. Favorite Thanksgiving food item?
Toss up – My Dad’s sausage stuffing or pumpkin pie

2. Favorite Thanksgiving memory?
Family gatherings at my Aunts with my grandparents. My grandparents have since passed and families have dispersed into their own traditions which is okay.

3. Do you go to a movie on Thanksgiving?

Nope but in the past we have on Christmas Day

4. Any Thanksgiving foods that you do not like?

Impossible – lol But I’m not a fan of turnip and would pass on that if it was offered

5. How do you feel about stores interrupting Thanksgiving now by starting their sales on Thanksgiving day?
Sad- the holidays are a time for family and I think we need the holidays more than ever with today’s world. Shopping can wait 24 hours.

6. Do you hit up the sales on Thursday/Black Friday or do you avoid them like the plague?
Avoid them – I’m not a fan of crowds and prefer Cyber Monday!

7. Do you typically run a race on Thanksgiving or go on a run on your own or take the day off?
A run on my own – typically treadmill at home to justify that extra piece of pie

8. Do you prefer a big get together for the holiday or to keep it small?
It is just 7 of us and I think that is perfect!

9. What is your food assignment for this year, are you in charge of the whole thing or are you going out to eat?
I am making pumpkin pie, crumb top apple pie and eggplant parm (because Italians need sauce on the table!)

10. What time do you typically eat Thanksgiving dinner?
Anywhere from 12pm-3pm (Child Naps dictate our eating time these days!)


I’ve never been a fan of Black Friday, I usually just use the day to recuperate from the day before. I like running on holiday mornings like Thanksgiving and Xmas because it helps me have energy for the rest of the day with family and is usually nice to get out before a long day of relaxing and eating. Happy Thanksgiving!


Rolls for sure! I love bread so this obviously is my favorite. My sister is making a TON of magleby rolls (I’ve got pinned on Pinterest.

Growing up we would always travel back to Maryland for Thanksgiving to be with my dad’s family. So I really love traveling and love being with family for Thanksgiving.

I usually run a race on Thanksgiving, but this year I’m just running on my own. Since we’re going through infertility treatments (IVF) in January. I have had to save our money rather than spend it. :(


My family used to eat out on Thanksgiving because my Dad was always gone hunting so we’d go out to dinner and a movie then celebrate a few days later when he returned. It was a lot of fun because my Mom always took us shopping too so we go lots of good stuff!


Favorite food- sweet potato casserole. Made correctly this is pretty much a dessert.

In theory I hate the Thursday Black Friday shopping. In reality my mom & sister & I will probably be at Michael’s Thursday night shopping for Christmas craft stuff.

I organize a no-frills Turkey Trot in my neighborhood each year. We usually have around 50 people participate. It is great fun and one of my favorite events of the year.


If we go to my husband’s side, we usually have a huge Thanksgiving because of his large family. This year we are visiting my family, which is much smaller. My favorite Thanksgiving food is a dish my mom makes with sour cream, buttered bread crumbs, veggies and cheese. Don’t know why it is so good, but I can’t get enough of it! I always try to hit up some sales on Black Friday, but I usually wait till the afternoon when things tend to calm down. I would much rather order online!


1. Favorite Thanksgiving food item?

-Dessert – Pumpkin dessert my mom makes

2. Favorite Thanksgiving memory?

-Getting snowed in and having Thanksgiving with friends/neighbors. The mom’s get a little tipsy (they NEVER did this) and were funny.

3. Do you go to a movie on Thanksgiving?

-Not usually.

4. Any Thanksgiving foods that you do not like?


5. How do you feel about stores interrupting Thanksgiving now by starting their sales on Thanksgiving day?

– Shopping shouldn’t start until 6am on Friday.

6. Do you hit up the sales on Thursday/Black Friday or do you avoid them like the plague?

– I skip most sales (unless I can purchase from my laptop) on Thursday, but will go out on Friday and enjoy the madness.

7. Do you typically run a race on Thanksgiving or go on a run on your own or take the day off?

-I go to a fitness class if the weather doesn’t cooperate or attend a turkey trot. Hoping to do both this year.

8. Do you prefer a big get together for the holiday or to keep it small?

– the bigger the better :)

9. What is your food assignment for this year, are you in charge of the whole thing or are you going out to eat?

-Cooking it all on Thanksgiving for a small group. Taking green bean casserole for larger get together on Saturday.

10. What time do you typically eat Thanksgiving dinner?

– around 1pm depending on how the turkey cooks.


Turkey and sweet potato casserole are my favorites oh and home made cranberry sauce!
I don’t like gravy either.
I always run the morning of Thanksgiving. Its something I’m thankful for so its a great way to start the day.
A big no to black Friday shopping. I much prefer shopping online.
We will be going to my mom’s for lunch and my dad’s for dinner this year.


I am, without a doubt, looking forward to my mother-in-laws dressing. So, so good. That and homemade mashed potatoes and yes, the turkey! Yum.

I don’t do Black Friday – because 1) hubby’s Christmas bonus does not come until December (and that is what we use to shop) and 2) just don’t like the thought of all those crowds and 3) because that is when we decorate for Christmas with my kids (the best).

No running on Thanksgiving, but my CrossFit box is having a special Thanksgiving workout that morning – can’t wait! Will surely make me feel better if I am a little sore while lifting my fork to my mouth that afternoon.


Fun questions! I’ll play :)

1. Favorite Thanksgiving food item?Always have loved stuffing and apple pie! Last year was our first 100% vegan Thanksgiving and I made the most AMAZING apple pie with coconut oil in lieu of butter as well as a vegan stuffing. I was SO EXCITED to find recipes for these faves :) I’m thankful for Google ;-)

2. Favorite Thanksgiving memory? during a turkey trot last year with my husband and two teenage daughters – it was the best !

-When we had my poodle as a teenager we would go to the track every Thanksgiving and hold a 100 meter race. My brothers and I would compete against the poodle and she won every single time. She would even stay in her lane for the entire race.

5. How do you feel about stores interrupting Thanksgiving now by starting their sales on Thanksgiving day? DISLIKE

9. What is your food assignment for this year, are you in charge of the whole thing or are you going out to eat? We are traveling to Texas to see my husband’s sisters. I’m on the hook for quinoa with roasted veggies as well a soup!


oops – just noticed when I copied and pasted I accidently left in the part about your poodle race :) cute story by the way!


We do a family organized 5k in the morning.
I am in charge of the vegetable. To green bean, or not to green bean?


The desserts are my favorite..I don’t really like the turkey but I love the cranberry sauce and sweet potatoes. We have a smallish get together with about 12 people. I’m in charge of dessert and Mac n cheese this year. I don’t do any Black Friday shopping, avoid it at all costs. I run a half marathon every year with my Dad on the Saturday of thanksgiving in my home town. It’s crazy hilly, cold, and fun. I will run my own trot on thanksgiving morning though. We usually eat at 5pm! Happy Thanksgiving!


Usually on Thanksgiving day I do a solo run and call it a day! I did a Turkey Trot once, but usually Thanksgiving Day is already too crazy to worry about getting to a race, doing a big race and coordinating a ride and packet pick-up is too much to incorporate (especially since none of my friends are runners so it’s just me!).

My food assignment this year is flourless chocolate cake! I am so excited to get on that.

Happy Thanksgiving!


I have been reading your blog for years and have always loved it. As a runner myself we have some things in common, as well as going through a divorce a few years back. And I’ve loved watching you be a wonderful example of a single mother, even though that is something I have never experienced, until recently.
I started dating a guy a while back with a 3 year old son and this past weekend I got to meet him. I knew that was going to be a big deal but also seeing that situation from your experience, makes it all that more special. Single parents don’t just let anyone into their child’s life.
Thank you for being a wonderful example :)


love the poodle race!

Favorite food – the turkey and my father-in-law’s stuffing. He puts sausage in it, so darn good. Because I’ve been wheat free he makes extra veggies and sausage so I can add them to my own stuffing. :) I can do it but I love that he does it for me.

2 – Going to my grandma’s house, the whole family would be there. So much fun.

3 – no movies

4 – not a fan of gravy and I despise green bean casserole.

5 – shopping shouldn’t start until Friday morning. I’ve worked retail, give people a break.

6 – I don’t like crowds so I prefer to shop small on Saturday.

7 – I love our local Turkey Trot. It’s barely organized chaos.

8 – Ours is usually small but I like having more family/friends around.

9 – I make dessert and a side. It’s not necessary but I need to contribute.

10 – Usually around 3, but it my brother-in-law is a firefighter and we tend to go around his schedule.


My favorite Thanksgiving food is stuffing. In fact, I almost typed “My favorite stuffing food is stuffing” — cannot wait!

I never go to a movie on Thanksgiving, but I ALWAYS do on Christmas, because it’s my birthday, too, so my husband and I have a running movie date.

I don’t really like cranberry sauce. It’s ok, but I don’t really ‘get’ it in the scheme of Thanksgiving food.

I’m torn on stores opening on Thanksgiving. On one hand, employees might like working because they would make holiday pay (I think), but on the other I know retail jobs don’t always give you the option of being off when you need to be.

My local Turkey Trot is a benefit for a no-kill animal shelter and my dog and I run it every single year together! I think it’s going to be like 60 degrees here Thanksgiving morning — perfect running temperature!!

I am cooking the whole dinner this year, but it’s just for me and my husband because we are leaving to visit family the day AFTER Thanksgiving. I’m excited!

Usually, I like to eat Thanksgiving dinner around lunch time so that I can get a whole second dinner in before bed, but this year I think we’re going to shoot for an evening dinner.

That was fun!


1. Favorite Thanksgiving food item? Home made stuffing!
2. Favorite Thanksgiving memory? I have a bad memory…maybe I will make a good one this year.
3. Do you go to a movie on Thanksgiving? Nope. Just family time. at home.
4. Any Thanksgiving foods that you do not like? No gravy!!
5. How do you feel about stores interrupting Thanksgiving now by starting their sales on Thanksgiving day? Wish they wouldn’t. Let me people celebrate at home.
6. Do you hit up the sales on Thursday/Black Friday or do you avoid them like the plague? Nope. I think it is crazy!!! I go hiking instead.
7. Do you typically run a race on Thanksgiving or go on a run on your own or take the day off? I go on my own run!
8. Do you prefer a big get together for the holiday or to keep it small? Just part of my family.
9. What is your food assignment for this year, are you in charge of the whole thing or are you going out to eat? I am making homemade stuffing and sweet potatoes
10. What time do you typically eat Thanksgiving dinner? Just depends when we get done cooking/baking. So midday.


1. Cranberry sauce and sweet potato (plus I LOVE pecan pie with homemade whip cream)

2. Hmm. I have so many. Watching the Macy’s Day parade on TV with my siblings while my mom and dad cooked up a storm.

3. No movie on Thanksgiving Day but a big family walk at dark!

4. Anything I donot eat (I am a strict vegetarian).

5. I hate that stores interrupt Thanksgiving Day. Nothing should be open or open until the next day.

6. Depends on the mood, this year I avoiding but doing some online shopping.

7. I used to run a turkey trot EVERY Thanksgiving morning until I got pregnant. Now I just participate in the game of football.

8. I prefer smaller, the bigger the crowd the more dishes to clean!!!

9. I am making mushroom and brie soup and sweet potato casserole, plus some banana cupcakes with brown sugar icing (that are gluten and nut free).

10. We eat in the afternoon, between 2-4PM


My favorite Thanksgiving food is pretzel salad.
We started running a 10k every year on Thanksgiving with a bunch of the cousins years ago, but this year my fiance and I are marathon training, so we’re running a half+3 miles=16 miles on Thanksgiving.

P.s. I made your minestrone last night and it is wonderful. :) Thank you!


The sushi looks delicious! I would document it too!


Favorite Thanksgiving food item? Mashed potatoes! Strangely, I don’t like turkey or ham, so I stick to the veggies, bread and mashed potatoes. I always bring something a little bit strange to TG to mix it up – this year I am bringing turkey chili, so I will surely get eating some of my own dish :-)


-I’m Paleo so I try new recipes every year. Holidays are when I cook so my Dad has to eat Paleo on those days, thankfully he’ll eat anything! We are having cornish hens.
-No Shopping this weekend. I just do not need anything, I am more an online person. And plus I work 7-11am on Thanksgiving and 8-4 on Black Friday.
-I have a 50 minute easy run scheduled on Thanksgiving which looks like it may take place in the rain, I think the temp is in the 60’s though.
-My family is just my parents and I and that is just the way I like it!! No need for anyone else!
-We will eat when I get off work, drive an hour, and start cooking ;)

Have a great holiday everyone!


I love Thanksgiving and this time of year! Such a fun questionnaire!
Favorite Thanksgiving food item? sweet potato casserole
Favorite Thanksgiving memory? Running the Boulevard Bolt in Nashville (5 miles) in the freezing cold on Thanksgiving morning.
Do you go to a movie on Thanksgiving? no, but usually sometime during the holiday week/weekend. I really want to see Mocking Jay part 2!!
Any Thanksgiving foods that you do not like? I think gravy is yucky too!
How do you feel about stores interrupting Thanksgiving now by starting their sales on Thanksgiving day? I feel bad for the employees who have to work on Thanksgiving.
Do you hit up the sales on Thursday/Black Friday or do you avoid them like the plague? I have a few years, but not usually. I don’t like crowds and I’d rather just shop online from the comfort of my own home!


I’ve never been a huge Thanksgiving turkey person…I’m ALL about the sides! Especially stuffing and mashed potatoes. We usually eat an early dinner…around 330/4, but I know a lot of people do a lunch. This year, my family is coming to me so I’m doing the turkey, mashed potatoes, chocolate silk pie, and pumpkin cornbread!


Fun questions!
I typically like all of the Thanksgiving foods, so long as they are prepared fresh. Nothing is worse than green bean casserole prepared will canned green beans. Oh, the sog! We boycott all that is purchasing on Thanksgiving, except for one gas station so we can make our rounds, so no movies, no stores, no sales. I want as many people to be with family on Thanksgiving as possible- I used to have to work the day after, and it stunk to know that I had to leave right after dinner, drive to work, and be up and cheery the next day. Our local MRTT/SRTT group has an early morning run on Thanksgiving, which I plan to attend. That way I can get home, cook for dinner, and start our rounds to see family. Happy early Thanksgiving to you!


I love your anecdote about your family poodle. That is hilarious!

I’m an RA for the freshman at my school, and I am stuck on duty for the entire holiday break. But, I am hosting my own thanksgiving for all of the international students in my hall who cannot go home for the week! I’m nervous but also incredibly excited for all of the cooking and hosting I am about to do. Ahhhh!


I just volunteered at a big Thanksgiving dinner for international students at my university the other day and it was so fun! It’s funny having to explain to them all the foods we eat at Thanksgiving that are JUST Thanksgiving foods (cranberry sauce, stuffing, etc.).


We eat Thanksgiving dinner around 2pm so it leaves us plenty of time to go on a walk after and let our food digest for the rest of the evening. My favorite food is the turkey with cranberry… but let’s be honest, it’s all so good.

We have always gone to a movie on Thanksgiving but will probably stay home this year now that we have a 12 week old. ☺ Movies and popcorn at home is where it’s at!

I will definitely go on a run first thing in the morning. No better feeling. There is an “I Like Pie” run downtown, but I usually like to do my own thing. Once my son is older, I’m sure we will make it a family event!


I don’t think I have answers for everything on the quiz (I’m a little burned out from midterms), but I’ll try my best!

1. I have a giant sweet tooth, so my favorite thing is always the sweet potato casserole… but no marshmallows!
3. We don’t go to movies on Thanksgiving, but we usually do on Christmas.
4. I’m with you on disliking gravy.
5-6. I am opposed to everything about Black Friday. Last year I actually accidentally went to the mall on Black Friday just to hang out with friends, and none of us realized the error of our ways until we couldn’t find parking for half an hour.
7. I’ve never done a Turkey Trot, but I’m thinking about spontaneously signing up for one this year!


Favorite is bacon wrapped green beans and also baked corn (casserole). Favorite memory is probably helping my dad cook! No movie on Thanksgiving. My least favorite is stuffing unless it’s my dad’s because he uses all the gizzard, liver, neck and chops it up inside. I don’t like that the stores open on Thursday because it interrupts family time–I liked the tradition of getting up early, grabbing coffee and hitting the stores on Friday. Probably avoiding this year because my kids are older and their wants now aren’t available on any sale worth venturing out into that madness! I do run a turkey trot–found a new race in my area that has a challenge…5K, 1mile, then a 10K so we get in over 10 miles and don’t have to feel guilty about any eats! Prefer a smaller group of close friends as it’s easier to talk to everyone. I am bringing bacon wrapped green beans, potato salad (both were requests from the host) and also candied yams and we will eat early this year (1pm) because the other family attending have small children who will need a nap! Have a great Thanksgiving today with Brooke and Thursday with your family! :)


favorite thanksgiving food hands down is the fried turkey we do. delicious!!!!

thanksgiving sales I dont mind if they are online but when the stores open on thanksgivng day i think thats a little excessive. i do go out on black friday, I enjoy getting deals and since the stores open on thanksgiving day now its much less crowded.


I used to run a local turkey trot every year in my pre-baby days. Maybe in a few years I’ll get back out there while my hubby and kiddos cheer me on at the finish.

I am in charge of a sweet potato dish for Thursday (I cheat and use Trader Joe’s pre-made dishes, but my family loves it and asks for it every year.)

Then Friday we are hosting a Friendsgiving at our house and we are doing an Italian feast. We already bought Stuffed pork roast, lasagna and sausage and then I’ll make a green bean casserole, salad and my famous pineapple dump cake for dessert.


I love this quiz!
1. Pie
2.Playing card games after everyone has eaten.
3.Sometimes we do. It’s fun!
4.Potatoes-I’d rather have sweet ones.
6. We are doing the #optoutside with a hike in Snow Canyon.
7. This year my family is doing the local turkey trot.
8. Both
9. My mom is visiting so we are sharing the responsibilites. I’m so glad I’m not feeling the “turkey” pressure this year.
10. We are a late afternoon but early enough for round two kind of family.
Happy running!


1. Favorite Thanksgiving food item? Mashed potatoes!
2. Favorite Thanksgiving memory? I marched in Macy’s Parade with the Purdue Marching Band in 2010. So fun!
4. Any Thanksgiving foods that you do not like? Cranberry sauce.
6. Do you hit up the sales on Thursday/Black Friday or do you avoid them like the plague? I have a few times, but I think I’m pretty over it.
7. Do you typically run a race on Thanksgiving or go on a run on your own or take the day off? The past two years I’ve done a Turkey Trot…still undecided about this year.
10. What time do you typically eat Thanksgiving dinner? We usually do around 2 pm…this is an interesting question, I’m excited to see everyone’s answers. :)


1. Definitely the bread and the cranberry sauce. Cranberry sauce brings me life.
2. The turkey trot is always a fun time for my family, but the first time I did it was when I started getting into running. I felt so accomplished as I stretched in front of the tv after the race and watched the thanksgiving parade. Running + Family Day + Giant Balloons = yes.
3. No movie, just football watching!
4. Gravy and I don’t jive. Cranberry sauce on turkey = hey, whats up, hello
5. As a human being and retail worker, I cry at this fact of society :(
6. I work on Black Friday butttt keeping it positive, I plan on wearing Rudolph ears
7. Turkey Trotttt. But, I don’t race it- it is the one day a year I can run with my mom and sister in law, so I am savoring that
8. Size doesn’t really matter to me, just depends on the people
9. I am in charge of pre-thanksgiving breakfast. It is an important job (I whisper to myself)…
10. 1 pm- the sweet spot, because naps can commence at an appropriate time soon after


I think it’s sad about the stores open Thanksgiving and having early black Friday sales. Rather disrespectful of the holiday.

We have a dish that my mom and sister enjoy making….it is basically a tomato juice jello that my dad affectionately calls ‘the Red’. He will say “please pass the Red”,,,,I will pass it but I will never eat it! ick :)

So cool about your poodle races! Those dogs are built for running and so smart! Flo Jo used to run on the track with her grey miniature poodle!


My favorite thanksgiving foods are turkey and sweet potaotes! My least favorite is probably gravy or deviled eggs………..which is funny because I make them each year, but because they have mayonnaise in them I get grossed out and can’t eat them. (I cannot stand mayonnaise.) I also make amazing mashed potatoes from scratch!

I run on my own, no races, but running on a holiday is a lot of fun…………..most of the world is still inside asleep but a few crazy runners are out on the roads!

We are going to see the new James Bond movie Thanksgiving day! So excited. Daniel Craig is fine!

The shopping thing is stupid. I am going to avoid it. And because of opening on Thanksgiving now, my brother in law (a manager at a store) has to work on the holiday……………….people, do you really need something that badly that you can’t wait until the next day to buy it? Crazy!


1. Stuffing!
2. We have a family football catch – this year the baby is going to be able to toddle after his brother so I’m looking forward to seeing their joy!
3. No movie, just lots of football.
4. I love Thanksgiving food – just don’t put marshmallows on my sweet potatoes.
5. Its such a shame stores are cutting into our holidays.
6. Avoid!
7. Not this year since I’m cooking, but I’ll get a good run with friends early.
8. Last year was a big gathering, this year its smaller. I just like to cook and be with family so I’m happy to have people to feed!
9. I’m cooking it all this year.
10. 4pm


Oh man I was just talking last night about how I’ve been craving sushi. Looks like this is a sign that I need to get it back in my life soon!


Fave Thanksgiving food? Pumpkin pie with a ridiculous amount of whipped cream. Duh. ;)



It must be difficult to spend thanksgiving day without Brooke. But it’s nice to know you are celebrating in your own way on your own time with her. The actual day is not of such importance as is creating those traditions and memories.

I love sweet potatoes and our family tradition is with pineapple and marshmallows. Definitely a once a year treat. I am usually in charge of all the veggies!!! I usually roast Brussels sprouts, butternut squash, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots & parsnips (not all together!)
And I’ll make some non-traditional sides like wild rice stuffing with cranberries, chestnuts, mushrooms, & onions, and braised fennel with chestnuts, and cranberry relish made with fresh cranberries, apples, cinnamon, ginger, celery and onion. I know it sounds very very weird but it is actually delicious!

I cannot stomach turkey! Or gravy.

I hope you enjoy your holiday, Janae!


My Thanksgiving traditions have changed the last couple years. It’s now a small gathering at my parents’ house and we go to see the Hunger Games movies on Thursday night! Also this is the 3rd year (2nd year with the fam) for doing the Turkey Trot. This year we got headgear so I should get some good photos for the blog.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving Janae! Glad you got your Bloglovin’ name back :)


My favorite Thanksgiving dish that my family eats are something called Cheesy Potatoes. They are southern style hashbrowns (the little round ones) with loads of sour cream, cheddar cheese, and some canned soup mixes baked into a casserole and then topped with Cornflakes and melted butter. They are a slice of heaven. I think it’s a Midwestern thing….

Favorite memory- watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Every year. Still Do.

I hate stores open on Thanksgiving. Let those poor employees spend time with their families!

Not running a race- but will be getting in some miles on the treadmill that morning. Will make me feel a little less guilty about all the food I intend to stuff in my face…..


That sounds like a good day’s plans you have for Thanksgiving. That sushi looks amazing. I’ll try and see if I can hunt out that film Jiro – It sounds like something I’d watch :)


1. Favorite Thanksgiving food item? pumpkin pie or mashed potatoes
2. Favorite Thanksgiving memory? when I was a kid we had big meals with my entire extended family. Was so fun!
3. Do you go to a movie on Thanksgiving? Nope
4. Any Thanksgiving foods that you do not like? Stuffing. I do not understand the appeal. I also don’t like gravy.
5. How do you feel about stores interrupting Thanksgiving now by starting their sales on Thanksgiving day? I don’t go shopping on Thanksgiving, but companies do what they want…
6. Do you hit up the sales on Thursday/Black Friday or do you avoid them like the plague? My mom & I do go to some sales around town on black friday. We no longer go to the mall though. It’s crazy there.
7. Do you typically run a race on Thanksgiving or go on a run on your own or take the day off? I am a race timer, so I almost always am timing a turkey trot thanksgiving morning.
8. Do you prefer a big get together for the holiday or to keep it small? I would love a big one, but it’s always a small one at our house now.
9. What is your food assignment for this year, are you in charge of the whole thing or are you going out to eat? I’m in charge, so mostly everything is me. Mom’ll help though.
10. What time do you typically eat Thanksgiving dinner? My hubs is a doctor (peds nephro fellow) & has to work pretty much every year, so we eat whenever he gets home. It’s just us & my parents, so he calls us when he knows he’ll be leaving soon & we start warming things up.


Oh my gosh, I love quizzes. This Thanksgiving quiz excites me a little too much.

1. Favorite Thanksgiving food item?

-turkey legs (dark meat) and stuffing! My grandma makes the worlds best stuffing.

2. Favorite Thanksgiving memory?

-The year my granny used salt instead of sugar in all her pies. Yes, this actually did happen in real life and no, no one knows why Granny had so much salt at her house.

3. Do you go to a movie on Thanksgiving?


4. Any Thanksgiving foods that you do not like?

-I don’t like carrots. Not really a “thanksgiving” food, but they are usually served.

5. How do you feel about stores interrupting Thanksgiving now by starting their sales on Thanksgiving day?

-I don’t really have an opinion. I don’t shop on Thanksgiving day and it really hasn’t ever affected my family or our celebrations.

6. Do you hit up the sales on Thursday/Black Friday or do you avoid them like the plague?

I used to Black Friday shop on a very relaxed scale but since having kids, I don’t normally go.

7. Do you typically run a race on Thanksgiving or go on a run on your own or take the day off?

Nope, I wasn’t running last Thanksgiving!

8. Do you prefer a big get together for the holiday or to keep it small?

– Big!

9. What is your food assignment for this year, are you in charge of the whole thing or are you going out to eat?

– I am in charge of the jello salads.

10. What time do you typically eat Thanksgiving dinner?
– We eat at my grandma’s at noon and my IL’s at 6.


How can you not like gravy?! It’s so delicious! I guess I will forgive you ;) I love my mom’s sweet potatoes, they are divine! I have never done a formal race on Thanksgiving before, BUT I am about to sign up for on this year! I’m pretty excited about it. I preferred when Black Friday was actually on Friday instead of Thursday night, but I still like to go because my whole family goes and we make it a fun family thing :)


Our whole family runs in a turkey trot nearby on Thanksgiving morning, and we even dress up. Last year we had a turkey, two Indians, a pilgrim, and I dressed as a girl pilgrim. It was great!

My least favorite Thanksgiving food? Most of it! Even though I LOVE Thanksgiving and love, love, love to host, I’m not a big fan of Thanksgiving foods. I always serve a huge salad and smoked gouda and bacon mac ‘n cheese as a side dish so I have something I know I’ll like.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and Brooke tonight!


First – the Biscuits and Gravy chips are awesome!! The girl who won with this flavor submission is actually from my state of Indiana 
Second – my boys will be gone this Thanksgiving as well. Splitting the time can be hard because you really want to share those times with them. We will have Thanksgiving dinner with them on Saturday, and are going to the movies on Thanksgiving night. We are dying to see the movie Creed.
And Third – the questions…….
1. Mashed Potatoes and noodles
2. Helping my Oma make homemade stuffing while we watched the Macy’s parade.
3. The years my boys are not home, the movies are a must.
4. Yams
5. I hate that they start so early. The excitement of scouring the ads the night before and planning your route is now gone.
6. Avoid the stores like the plague – online shopping it is!
7. Every year my oldest and I run a local community 5k – the route passes our house so the man and the youngest sit outside and cheer us on. This year I will be volunteering since I am still on restrictions from the stress fracture, but my oldest will be running with his friends. We usually have a friendly bet between each other.
8. It is nice to keep it small.
9. We are smoking the turkey, and everyone else will bring the rest.
10. Eat around 2:00, nap/relax, eat again around 6.


1. Favorite Thanksgiving food item?

-Turkey, mashed potatoes, candied yams

2. Favorite Thanksgiving memory?

I don’t really have one, but I love that we can all hang out for a day and eat:)

3. Do you go to a movie on Thanksgiving?


4. Any Thanksgiving foods that you do not like?

I’m not a fan of stuffing with weird things in it.

5. How do you feel about stores interrupting Thanksgiving now by starting their sales on Thanksgiving day?
Not a fan. At all.

6. Do you hit up the sales on Thursday/Black Friday or do you avoid them like the plague?
Sometimes we go Friday morning, go to a couple places and eat breakfast on our way home
7. Do you typically run a race on Thanksgiving or go on a run on your own or take the day off?
No, I’m usually cooking:)
8. Do you prefer a big get together for the holiday or to keep it small?
I love hosting and throwing parties – so… big usually.
9. What is your food assignment for this year, are you in charge of the whole thing or are you going out to eat?
I delegated items this year, but my sister and I will take care of a few main things, and handle the logistics.

10. What time do you typically eat Thanksgiving dinner?
I like to eat at a normal dinner time, but everyone wants it earlier and earlier I feel like.
Happy Thanksgiving!


I saw that movie on the plane! I loved it actually. Trying to get out from your father’s shadow… trying to even get a seat in his restaurant… and a 20 course meal at only 240 bucks?! =). Did you see the movie, “The Global Catch”? You should… we are running out of blue fin tuna =(.


such good questions! the boyfriend and i are running a 10K Turkey Trot near my parents’ house this year, so i’m stoked for that — and it was actually his idea, which is fabulous. my fam does go to movies on Thanksgiving some years but we haven’t talked about it yet this year. fave part of the meal is the squash or sweet potato (and the wine, b/c i’m a wino). i also can’t stand gravy…or any turkey that isn’t white meat/breast…or cranberry sauce. gag.


1. Favorite Thanksgiving food item? Stuffing (apple and sausage)

2. Favorite Thanksgiving memory? I loved helping my mom cook ever year. I got to polish the silver. Now my favorite minute of Thanksgiving is when Santa enters Herald’s Square and I have a glass of egg nog. And 10 years ago I found I was pregnant on Thanksgiving :)

3. Do you go to a movie on Thanksgiving? We don’t go to one, but I like to watch one, usually Home Alone.

4. Any Thanksgiving foods that you do not like? Squash (we never cook it), whipped sweet potatoes. I don’t love Thanksgiving food as a whole.

5. How do you feel about stores interrupting Thanksgiving now by starting their sales on Thanksgiving day? Hate, hate, hate it. I wish nothing was open on Thanksgiving.

6. Do you hit up the sales on Thursday/Black Friday or do you avoid them like the plague? Avoid them like the plague.

7. Do you typically run a race on Thanksgiving or go on a run on your own or take the day off? I host and we eat early afternoon so I can’t really race on Thanksgiving. 4 years ago my 1st 5K was one the day after, so I try to run that every year. This year I am going to try to get my 9 year old to run because it will be 60 degrees in MA)

8. Do you prefer a big get together for the holiday or to keep it small? Our family is very small, so I always wish I could have a big Thanksgiving (to me that means 12-18 people) One year I went to a huge Thanksgiving – about 30 people. We ate off paper plates. I hated it.

9. What is your food assignment for this year, are you in charge of the whole thing or are you going out to eat? Charge of the whole thing! (though we cheat on some – the kids’ schools do a pie fundraiser, I buy the cranberry sauce, and make some stuff the night before).

10. What time do you typically eat Thanksgiving dinner? 2:00 pm.


1. Favorite Thanksgiving food item? — butter flake dinner rolls :)

2. Favorite Thanksgiving memory? — sadly, I do not think I have one.

3. Do you go to a movie on Thanksgiving? — not usually; I did for the couple years while my son’s dad lived here and my son was with him, this killed some time before having to pick up my son.

4. Any Thanksgiving foods that you do not like? — not that I know of. ;)

5. How do you feel about stores interrupting Thanksgiving now by starting their sales on Thanksgiving day? — I think this is ridiculous. I despise the fact that we have become a society that is driven by so much instant gratification.

6. Do you hit up the sales on Thursday/Black Friday or do you avoid them like the plague? — avoid

7. Do you typically run a race on Thanksgiving or go on a run on your own or take the day off? — run on my own if I can, even if only for 25-30 minutes. I typically run after work and Thanksgiving Day gives me the opportunity to run mid-morning and I love this time of day for running!!!

8. Do you prefer a big get together for the holiday or to keep it small? — would depend on if I am hosting or just the guest. :)

9. What is your food assignment for this year, are you in charge of the whole thing or are you going out to eat? — cranberry relish, pumpkin cheesecake, chocolate mousse pie, dinner rolls

10. What time do you typically eat Thanksgiving dinner? — 4:30/5ish…

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!


I’m all about the desserts but am a big turkey fan, too. I avoid everything cranberry & am also not a big fan of pumpkin pie (I know!). I avoid Black Fri. like the plague & am disgusted w/ stores that are open on Thxgiving. We are also Thxgiving movie-goers. My gym offers some abbreviated classes on Thurs. morning, & I always look forward to participating. We are going to a Friendsgiving on Thurs. late afternoon/early evening, & I am bringing a corn side dish & sweet potatoes & some dessert bars. We go to my mom’s on Sat. for lunch, & I will bring a different corn side dish, sweet potatoes again, green bean casserole, & a couple different desserts (pumpkin cheesecake sopapilla bars & chunky pecan pie bars). Hope your Thxgiving is great! Sorry you’ll be missing Brooke! :(


Mashed potatoes and gravy are definitely my favorite – I can’t believe you don’t like gravy! I don’t like ambrosia salad. My grandma always used to make it and no one eats it.

We don’t have a kitchen (still) so we’re only in charge of cranberry sauce this year. Usually we also make a pumpkin pie. Dinner is at 2 or 3 so you have time to digest and get hungry again for pie!

The only shopping I do around Thanksgiving is online. The sales have gotten out of control and people are insane.


I saw that documentary-it was really good, and I don’t even eat sushi!
1. My mom’s cornbread and sausage dressing
2. When a bunch of friends ran a Thanksgiving day race and all wore dorky turkey hats
3. We usually do go to a movie on Thanksgiving day
4. I don’t think there is a food I don’t like-at all. lol!
5. I don’t think it’s fair that stores are open on Thanksgiving
6. Avoid them like the plaque
7. Sometime I do a race, but not always. I try to at least walk off my meal.
8. I prefer a big get together
9. I am in charge of the fruit salad
10. When it’s ready!!


That story about your poodle is cracking me up!

Love stuffing, potatoes, roasted veggies. Never been a big fan of the turkey or gravy.

Visiting family in Napa this year so planning to do a bike ride and maybe sneak in a run too.


Loved watching Jiro Dreams of Sushi!


My family favorite Thanksgiving dish is homemade ravioli. We are Italian and it wasn’t until College when I was invited to a friend’s Thanksgiving meal that I realized ravioli is not a standard Thanksgiving side.

My favorite memory was one Thanksgiving night with a house full of people my Dad asked if anyone wanted to go to the movies. Nobody but me wanted to go, so it was a special Dad daughter night I’ll never forget. We saw Crocodile Dundee(yes that ages me).

No running this year boohoo. I just had major foot surgery so 6weeks on my back followed by a slow recovery back to what I love best.


Favorite Thanksgiving food item? – Pumpkin pie!!!

Do you go to a movie on Thanksgiving? – Never have…but I like the idea of taking my nephew to see the Peanuts movie on Thanksgiving (he’s 1.5 yrs old)

How do you feel about stores interrupting Thanksgiving now by starting their sales on Thanksgiving day? – I don’t like it :( taking away from the meaning of the holiday…

Do you prefer a big get together for the holiday or to keep it small? – We’ve always had fairly smaller get togethers with the exception of a couple years. I don’t mind either way!

What is your food assignment for this year, are you in charge of the whole thing or are you going out to eat? – Make the pies, help peel veggies and butter the rolls before they go in the oven :)

What time do you typically eat Thanksgiving dinner? – Usually around 1 pm.



Yes, Jiro Dreams of Sushi is SO good! Glad you liked it too!

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