I promise just a few more pictures from the race (+ A VIDEO of the final sprint), marathon training and the Sunday highlights.

I really have no idea where she gets her love/interest/obsession for the Garmin from?  She was a fan of the touchscreen and I think the kid in the red costume was a little jealous of her electronics.   

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My view for the .25 miles.  I am just hoping that when she is older we will be that mother/daughter duo traveling the world doing all of the cool marathons in different countries together.

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Maybe Brooke can teach me a thing or two to help me in my dating game;) 

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We celebrated post race by trying a kronut together.  I drive by this place all of the time and I always want to try it and so we finally pulled over. It was incredible.  

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And a clip of the final sprint:

Our Sunday was even more low-key than normal.  Trick-or-treating sucked out all of our energy.

Brooke asked to do a picnic so we ate pb and j on the grass after church.   

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For dinner my mom made the stew that she has made since I was 2 years old—>  comfort food at it’s finest.  Plus rolls and salad = we were all stuffed and hung out in the living room for awhile.

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We stopped my Megan’s house on the way home and she magically had her zucchini cookies out on the counter ready for us to partake.  

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And the lowest part about our Sunday—>  my phone somehow ended up in the washing machine. Turns out that phones won’t turn back on after an event like that.  Who needs a phone anyways?

Marathon Training Last Week

Monday: 9 miles @ 7:09 average.  .5 miles @ 9:00ish, 5 miles @ 7:13, 3 miles @ 6:35, .5 miles @ 8:15ish.

Tuesday:  5 miles (with Josse wahoo) @ 8:24 average pace.

Wednesday: 7.5 very hilly (well, for me at least) miles @ 7:57 average pace.

Thursday:  4 miles @ 8:28 pace

Friday:  19 mile long run.  First 11 @ 7:45 pace and last 8 @ 6:30 pace.  A few breaks along the way for water etc.   I was exhausted by the end and just hung out on the grass for a few minutes until my legs were ready to walk again:)

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Saturday:  3 miles @ an 8:30 pace on the treadmill.  Lots of squats and stretching afterwards.

Sunday: OFF!

47.5 miles for the week.

PS I brought out my winter running gear from the back of the closet.  Tank/shorts weather… I hope you are back real soon.   Also, my goal this winter is to fall on the ice less than 5 times while running (a pretty far-fetched goal for me).

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Any traumatic phone stories to share with me?  Help me feel a little less alone.

How was your running last week?  Share your best run and/or hardest run please.

What were some highlights from your weekend?

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Looks like such a fun weekend and you are killing your training! My highlight was crossing the finish at NYC Marathon!


Congratulations!! :)


Michele! HUGE CONGRATS GIRL!!!!! Enjoy that post-marathon high!


Thanks guys! Still drinking in the high :)


Congratulations! I was cheering in Harlem with Team in Training.


Congratulations!!! It was great weather for a marathon!!


Love, love, love that marathon! Congratulations!




Congratulations!!! What an accomplishment!


Thanks so much guys – an incredible race!


I love your photos/video from Brooke’s race! That’s so fun!

My runs last week were good. I ran part of my 16 mile long run while watching the NYC marathon. Talk about motivation!

Highlights from the weekend – the Royals won the World Series! I’m exhausted today but it was worth it to watch til the end! Loved seeing all the kids in their costumes for Halloween and I got a pretty epic nap in on Saturday. Have a great week!


My iPhone hates me and breaks regularly, I’ve made my peace with it….

Running last week was awesome and included 7 miles on my personal running trail.

Highlight of the weekend was watching my little dachshund give out candy while dressed as a lobster! It was adorable.

Brooke looks adorable running. :)


Umm in your training recap I think you forgot to include the .25 race :) That race looks like the cutest thing ever!

Last Tuesday I dropped my phone and the screen shattered so badly that I couldn’t use it at all. By Wednesday night I had taken it to be fixed. It was so hard to be without it for almost 24 hours. There were so many times I reached for it to check Instagram, email, etc. The worst was when I realized I would have to drive to the store to get it fixed without Google Maps! I am not sure how I didn’t get lost since I am super dependent on that app even in my own city! :D I hope yours gets fixed quickly!


The highlight of our weekend was trick-or-treating! I woke up with sore arms from carrying my toddler most of the night!

My worst run last week was a planned 12-miler that I had to cut short because of a mid-run migraine :(


I had my brand new iPhone 6 for less than a week, and found it in the washer at the bottom with all my clean clothes?. You are not alone, it happens! iPhones should be water proof for how much we use them!


NOOOOOOOOO!!! I totally agree… they need to be waterproof! Thank you for sharing your story Alexis so I feel less alone:)


My phone met the washing machine on thanksgiving one year when I was living thousands of miles from my family… I was not thankful for that. Go Brooke, go!


I’ve dropped my phone in the toilet a time or two! And sometimes I want to throw mine in the toilet… I always been a break from it.

You are such an inspiration to my long runs! Eventually I want to cut down the last 6 miles to 6:30 pace.

My highlight was my longest run. I raced a half marathon in Nashville in hopes of breaking 1:30. I didn’t quite get it, but I was very close!


Love the video and pics from Brooke’s race! She definitely has skills with the fellas! :)

My best run was my tempo last week, but my long run on Saturday felt good, and I’m starting to feel more comfortable with the longer distances again.

I ate lots of froyo and watched football all weekend. Plus, I had a solid Sunday nap. I don’t mind low-key weekends :)


Awwwww, LOVE the pics and vid from Brooke’s race! SO cute. She’s going to cherish these memories oneday!


Brooke running is the cutest!!!
Sorry about your phone – that’s a BUMMER!


I ran “fast” for the first time in a long while last week and it felt incredible! I’m excited to do some more speed training before my Turkey Trots. I’m itching for a PR!


I ran “fast” for the first time in a long while last week and it felt incredible! I’m excited to do some more speed training before my Turkey Trots. I’m itching for a PR! Sorry about your phone :(. The worst thing that’s ever happened to mine was me dropping it in the toilet.


My mom and I run together. Actually, my mom, dad and I all run together. I’ve done a few races with each of them and it has been pretty special. Uh sorry about your phone. Never fun to deal with that.


I never carry my phone during races…the last two races I ran I decided to bring it since I have a flipbelt. each time I cracked the screen… never again!


I use the Nathan hand held and bring my phone for all of my runs. Never had any trouble with it. I got my at Dicks Sporting Goods but they have them at other places too. This is what it looks like: http://www.nathansports.com/hydration/handhelds/speedview


Oh no about your phone! I once dropped mine in a pot of boiling water while making bagels. My best run was a easy 7 miler in the rain.


I am so not ready to bring out my winter running clothes! Great week of running!


I have two phone stories for you. But don’t worry… they both survived. (This is back before phones were so fancy – we miss you, Nokia Flip Phones!).

First, I was out doing yard work and had my phone sitting on the little jut-out under the headlight on my car. We ran out of yard waste bags, so I hopped in my car, got halfway down my street and remembered. It had fallen off, and I had ran it over with my car! Still, somehow it survived with just a few scratches!

Second, we went on a (terrible, but that’s another story) vacation to Florida where we were renting a house. My husband threw in a load of laundry and then put it in the dryer. A few minutes later, we heard THUMP THUMP THUMP!!! Yep, he had washed AND dried his phone. He threw it in a bag of rice, and miraculously had it another couple of years!

Our newer phones, though, are like the wings of a butterfly. So, so, so fragile and beautiful.


Those cookies look amazing and my phone fell in the tiolet last week and it was the quickest my hand ever went into the tiolet. I learned my lesson, don’t leave your phone in the back pocket. This was ALSO a school bathroom. YUK!
Have you picked a new marathon to run? I didn’t know if I missed it somewhere or are you waiting to see how the belly is feeling.
Have a great week!


I dropped my phone in the toilet one time. Always make sure to keep it secure while using said toilet from now on! ;)

The cold has made running so hard for me! I hate it! I figured its a whole mental thing and that I need to suck it up and just get out there..

Hubby and I dressed up as Iron Man (me in a female costume) and War Machine for our trunk or treat. If you wanna check out a selfie just go see my instagram page: @runningwithinfertility1


Highlight of my weekend was setting a course record at the half marathon in Gatineau. I love being able to reach running goals!


GO JESSICA!!! That is seriously so awesome girl! Huge congrats!


yep – done the phone in the washer thing! it was in my sheets on my bed and i rolled them up to throw them in the wash. !!! AND also, one time i simply had my phone in my hand and dropped it straight into my coffee cup. it literally just fell out of my hand and plopped right into a mug of steaming hot coffee. it did not survive either.

you’re not alone :)


My husband ran over his new cell phone once… by accident. Don’t ask me how it happened but it did, lol.
Highlight of my weekend was having friends ands family over for Halloween!


I love how happy Brooke looks while she is running. It’s definitely the most important part. That stinks about your phone. Once in college I dropped mine in a 3 foot snow bank. I didn’t find it until about 4 months later when the snow actually melted. That’s probably my worst phone story but I’ve definetely broken a couple.


Adorable video of the finish line! I’m sure Brooke will enjoy running with you for many more races in the future. Maybe a mother/daughter duo in Boston some day!
My running has been slowed down this week due to a battle with some piriformis pain. Ugh.


Ugh, I haven’t put my phone in the washing machine yet but I did throw it out once by accident in a dumpster! Love those pictures of Brooke from the race :)


My phone screen shattered last week so I went to Verizon because I thought I was ready to get a new one but they said I had to turn this one in and it had to be in good shape or pay 200.00!! So, I am using mine and trying not to cut my hand on the glass. Running was a struggle this morning but I know the next run will be better :).


So sorry to hear about your phone :( That stinks! Luckily, I’ve never had any big phone calamities and I hope it stays that way. For winter running, have you ever tried YakTrax? I used to be terrified of running in the winter but I got those and now I can run anywhere..even on trails that are iced over with no problems. Might be worth looking into to keep you safe!


I ran the Haunted Half Saturday! So exciting Brooke ran her first race! Congratulations Brooke! Keep on running! My favorite race was this summer when I ran with my son for his first half marathon! I will never forget our finish together! He is 8 years old and an incredible runner!


CONGRATS DIANE on the Haunted Half!! That is so awesome that your 9 year old ran a half marathon… holy cow!!!!


Hi Janae! So great meeting you this weekend! Seriously just the icing on the cake after such a fun race. Also, those kronuts!! I’ve been twice to that bakery and they are just to die for! Def like the raspberry filling ones over the plain vanilla. Just melt in your mouth good. What are your winter running must haves? I’m determined to keep up my mileage through the cold this year.


LINDSEY!!!! I am so so happy you came and said hi! Well, now I need to go get a raspberry filled one today:) I will be doing a post about winter running clothes very soon! Thanks girl and I hope you have a fabulous day!


They should totally make running gear for little kids! That would be fun and cheaper than buying kids real Garmins. Glad to hear your training is going so well too!


My husband has managed to drop all 3 of his lifetime iPhones in different creeks while hiking. All but 1 have come back with the rice trick, with only some minor lasting damage. My hardest run mentally was 6 miles in the middle of the week after work, getting out the door for that was rough but I’m glad I made it.


My college roommate was in town with her fiance. So much fun.


I broke my phone’s screen running (falling) on vacation in St. George this summer. Then I had it in my back pocket on the first day of school because my youngest was sick and when I went to the restroom it fell in the toilet. I grabbed it without even thinking and it still works. Eek!

My hardest run last week was hill repeats. And we’re doing them again today!

Highlights this weekend was getting to spend time with my kiddos. With coaching, I have been gone almost every weekend since September, so trick or treating, a play, and hanging out was on the docket!


My first running memory is of my dad, who is an ultra marathoner. I remember seeing him persevere through the most difficult runs and thought to myself, “I want to do that one day!” Sure enough, he ran my first marathon with me, as well as my first ultra. I’m sure Brooke will look to you for the same inspiration and encouragement that I looked for in my dad!

I don’t have any runs to share, running where I live in Italy isn’t really feasible. But I look forward to when we live back in the States and can run like crazy again. Until then, I’ll live vicariously through your runs! =)


So sorry to hear about your phone! But on a happier note, it is AMAZING that Brooke ran that race, and she looked like she was having such a fun time. She is following in your footsteps!


Highlight is starting to run again after injury! Congrats to Brook – super cute video :)


YAY JENNI!!! I’m so happy that you are running again after your injury! That is awesome girl!


Yep, I once put my son’s brand new iphone6 through the washing machine. Not good!


Oh girl, I’ve dropped my phone in the toilet like 5x (all clean, thankfully). I always swear I’ll never keep my phone in my back pocket ever again after it happens and I keep that vow for maybe a few hours.

Best run –> Yesterday’s! Up to 5 miles now!!! And the best part? It FINALLY feels comfortable again. I wasn’t dying after my run yesterday, which felt AMAZING.

Honestly my run was probably my very best part, but my boyfriend and I also started watching The Walking Dead (I’ve seen it before, he hasn’t) and that was a lot of fun yesterday. Not the most productive weekend, but it was very much needed :)

I’m so glad Brooke loved her race so much. She’s so stinkin cute.


I have dropped my phone a few times on the cement :( Recently, one song was on repeat. Don’t know how it got that way but I could not figure out how to change it. Chatted with Apple support for so long realizing they had no idea either :( Made an appointment at the Apple Store and it took 2 seconds to fix and was so easy.


I was out for dinner three nights ago (my birthday!) and I went to the washroom with my iPhone 6 (which I just got 6 weeks ago!) tucked into the back pocket of my jeans. Pants went down, iPhone went in the toilet! Sure put a damper on the nights festivities…literally…damp.


NOOOOOOOOO I am so so sorry Alecia. That is a huge bummer! Happy bday a few nights ago though and I hope dinner was at least delicious!


I have thrown my phone 25 feet in front of me (on accident) into moving traffic during a run- it wasn’t damaged, but my life…my life flashed before my eyes.
I can’t lose all those precious pictures of my dog and ice cream cones!
Best run last week was my long run where I just zoned out and didn’t look at the Garmin- and ended up running fast (for me)- funny how less stress/pressure= results!


HAHAHAH your comment about the precious pictures… that was my very first thought too! So glad that it survived! What to go on your long run last week girl!


Thanks! You too!


Congratulations Brooke, her first of many more races.


9 miles at 8:17/mile was my best/hardest run last week. Nothing spectacular, but it was pretty hilly, so I felt okay about it. :) It was a good litmus test to make sure I was in a good place to start training for my first marathon… my training plan starts this week… yikes.


Running was a fail for me last week. I was super busy with lots of really great, fun things. So running got pushed to the back. Going to do better this week though.


I love Brooke and her little boyfriend!!! Adorable.

Traumatic phone story – While this didn’t happen to me, my friend (that I was with), accidentally dropped her phone down the elevator shaft at work. That sucked.

Biggest/most exciting news from the weekend – I quit my job!!!! I have another job lined up but was so excited to officially accept the new offer on Friday and put in my notice on Sunday :)


Adorable race video, Brooke looked like she was having fun.

Weekend highlights: Friday we went a kickoff party for friends doing the NYC marathon, Saturday a Halloween party and I cheered at the NYC marathon on Sunday. There was also some good food and treats thrown in there.


Aww, sorry to hear about your phone! There are definitely worse things that can happen in life, though! Mine fell out of my back pocket into a toilet earlier this year and my sister also put hers through the washing machine a few months ago. It happens…

Best run from this week was a 5+ miler on Sunday with my students. We were running next to the Rock ‘n’ Roll Philly Half Marathon and got to see everyone dressed up in costumes for the race. It also was super motivating for our students who are doing the Philly half marathon in a few weeks.

Highlights from my weekend: Temple v. Notre Dame football game and lots of fun Halloween festivities!


Highlight was taking my daughter to buy new running shoes then hitting the road for their inaugural run.
Congrats to Brooke on her race!!


Once upon a time I was a luddite (okay, I was a luddite until about 2 months ago when I decided to finally use my husband’s iPhone 5s…). I purchased a new flip phone because I’d had my previous phone SIX years and it was on its last leg… Within a week, my then 1 yr old put it in a cup of water where is stayed for about 15 minutes. Being too stubborn to go and get a new phone when I’d just purchased (an albeit cheap and crappy) one, I used it for an additional two years even though it made a crackling sound, didn’t send or receive texts properly, and wouldn’t always ring… I must say… it is REALLY nice to have a smart phone these days!

I love fall! Friday my baby turned ONE, then there was the trick or treating… Oh, and my husband shaved his BEARD AND HEAD (he’s had the beard for appx 8 years) for his Halloween costume so that was fun.


Oh my, that picture of Brooke with the little hunk cracked me up. She’s going to be a heartbreaker!


running races with our children is such an awesome thing!

my husband placed his phone on top of the car, backed out of the drive and it flew off the car and was then run over by another car…..


Looks like you need to buy Brooke a Garmin for Christmas so you don’t have to share! She’s the cutest little runner!

Best and hardest run was yesterday – 8 miles, my last long run!


To see brooke running is just adorable! Melts my heart.

I dropped my old iphone in the toilet twice. Because once just wasn’t enough! the first time it was in my back pocket and just slid right in…the second time it slipped through my legs! So gnarly.

I also once threw one in a cooler of ice after a long hike in Arizona. Totally forgot that it was in the pocket of my hand-held water bottle holder. Oops!


Brooke is adorable!!!!

NO phone in the washing machine?! tragic. Ive had mine go in the toilet once or twice. Once it was salvageable, the other not so much. #RIP maybe some more unplugged time will be good. Sometimes I think I am too dependent on mine…..


I am so bad for losing my phone!

The video was so cute! I’ll say it again, Brooke has incredible running form for a little kid! Nice, straight feet and legs, perfect lean, quick turnover…I have no doubt you 2 will travel the world running marathons and having a TON of fun!! :D


Oh my gosh I just love following you and it’s almost like we get to follow Brooke’s little sweet journey too!!! How precious and makes me excited for my own little one day! I was excited because of my final long run this weekend before my taper for my third marathon!! WOOHOO!


i LOVE that brooke ran in a race!!!! i have been totally thinking about doing one with brooklyn. i think my running days are over so watching her is going to be the next best thing! xo


my highlight is getting to run 2 miles after 3 weeks of not running a single step due to injury (plantar fasciitis). super cute race! brooke did great :)


A couple of years ago my husband and I were camping and went for a ride on our dirtbikes. He put my phone in the camelback and it leaked. A Lot. My phone never recovered from that.

Running has been tough for me the last few weeks. Yesterday I MADE myself get in a double digit for my long run and it was so hard. I haven’t had that much struggle and that bad of after-aches on a ten mile run in a long time.

Brooke is adorable and kudos to her for her first race.


I lost a phone to rum and coke once…. I had a bunch of friends over for a party and someone dumped it on mine… I tried to convince myself it would be fine… apparently it does not come out of a phone that easily :)


Don’t feel that bad about your phone. I’ve lost (never to be returned) at least 2 of them and I ran over another one with a car. My boys 14 and 11 are actually much more responsible already with their phones than I have been. They haven’t lost one yet.


Aw, your daughter is the cutest thing running to the finish line! She definitely looked ready for serious business with her garmin all rigged to go. A really nice way to spend the weekend.


My daughter started her running “career” in a jogging stroller, ran her first kid race at 4, 1 mile in under 9 min, and last month, she’s13 now, I got to run with her for her first half marathon. A day I will never forget. I see the same future with you and Brooke. Enjoy these moments!


Brooke looks so cute at the race!


Haha, you better watch out, Brooke seems to be getting an early start on learning the art of flirting!

My best run last week was probably my 12 miles on Tuesday (even though part of it was in the rain). It felt pretty good and I had saved some good podcasts to listen to.

My hardest run was… probably every other run since then. Seriously, it’s like I have a new sore spot every day or two. First my quads were aching, then my lower back, and now the outsides of my shins. I guess it’s a good sign that the soreness is moving around? I’m hoping that it’s just my body getting used to doing 60 miles a week again after my injury, and that the pain will subside soon…


There’s still a chance your phone might work if it’s just water, leave it somewhere dry/ warm for a few days and see what happens…


I feel like you have phone issues… just throwin’ that out there. ;)

Nice job on the training!

Brooke’s run looked great..I’m a little jealous of her electronics myself. Time to shop I guess.


those pictures of brooke running are so cute!! i hope you two keep running together forever! my dad cant run with my anymore because of his knees and its a little sad for me. KRO-NUTS!! Ahhh they have a cinnamon sugar one at Walt Disney World that i cant resist. hope it treated your stomach ok


Congratulations Brooke on your first race! Really great pictures! I don’t know which one made me smile more-her looking at her Garmin or her looking at that little cutie :)


I haven’t done anything too terrible with my phone, but I have washed multiple iPods.

My running has been all over the place since my marathon last month. I’ve had some really fun runs with my dog, and one randomly emotional (out of the blue) run. I’m still not quite sure what happened there.

One of the best parts of my weekend was eating the pot roast my boyfriend and I made in the crock pot. Easiest meal ever, and SO delicious!


Brooke running her race is just the most adorable little racer ever!

I thought I had put my phone in the washer yesterday, too. I had it on top of the basket. A few minutes after started the load, I couldn’t find it. I started in a panic to run to the washer when my daughter found it on the TV stand. (The stand is next to the stairs going down to the laundry room.) I do not remember putting it there, but so thankful I had!


Don ‘t give up on your phone yet. Stick it in a bag of rice at least for 24 hrs. Give it a try, it has worked for me and others. Way to go Brooke!!!


Bit of exposition: my bathroom mirror is situated above our toilet, on the wall behind it. It also happens to have excellent lighting, making it a great place to do my makeup. 99% of the time I remember to put the lid down, so the makeup sitting on the water tank doesn’t fall in. This day was a 1% day, and I conveniently also had rested my phone on the tank. I moved, my headphones jerked the phone right into the toilet bowl, and despite yanking it out ASAP and it appearing to work, within seconds it went black never to be resuscitated.


My highlight was completing my first marathon, the NYC Marathon!!!! A big thanks to YOU! All of your blog posts and advice really helped me through my training! I dedicated a mile to you on my dedication/prayer bracelet that I wore!! <3


She’s so cute working so hard to get to the finish line!


Brooke is seriously the cutest little girl ever! I love that she enjoys running and for FUN!


Do you find that it is great to notch down paces like that at the end of longs runs? I feel like I try to do that and I die toward the ends. Maybe I should be starting out much slower? I have a tendency to take my run a little too hard sometimes. I’m trying to make my easy days easy, so during my long runs and workouts I can really push myself to the paces I want. What’s your tricks with pacing?


A reason is why it really is so low-res, tougher to see the BS at 144 quality.

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