All of the Sunday happenings, my top FAVORITE recipes all in one place and marathon training last week!

It is the holiday season so that means a lot of us are cooking and baking up a storm.  I don’t have a ton of recipes that I make (pretty sure I eat my sweet potato/chicken/avocado combination every day of my life) but I do have a few things that my family/friends request for me to make during this time of year! I thought I would put them all in one place just in case you are looking for something delicious to make:

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S’mores bars. If you are looking for a dessert to take to a holiday party… this is the one.

Hot chocolate cookies.  Got a cookie exchange coming up?  Bring these.

Braided bread.  This one is my sister’s absolute favorite and it wins her heart every single time.

-My mom’s taco soup, Meg’s cream cheese chicken chili, and my minestrone soup (perfect dinners for cold cold nights!)

-The best cinnamon rolls and my brother’s caramel sticky buns are to die for.

-I haven’t made these for awhile but I will be this week because they are ridiculously good—> Candy Bar Chocolate Chip Cookie Sandwiches.

Apple Fritter Cake because really… there is not a lot better than apple fritters.

My top 17 favorite salads ever to make at home because lots of salads balance out eating all of the holiday sweets.


We had a pretty low-key day over here.  Brooke woke up with a cough and so we stuck to snuggling, coloring and My Little Pony.

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I also made cookies for some friends because all of the above recipes made me really hungry but I didn’t have the ingredients for any of them so I settled on making 3 dozen cookies.

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My mom gave Brooke these boots on Saturday and they are not coming off.  Frozen snow boots for the win.

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We even took them out for a mini walk.

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My mom made her Russian Chicken for dinner and it hit the spot.

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At least we got plenty of cuddling in together yesterday and she even let me carry her around like a baby.

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We Facetimed with my brother and his family in Arizona.

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And it was quite a gorgeous night and view from my parents’ deck.

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A selfie just felt right.

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Marathon training last week (less than 2 more weeks to go ahhhhhhh)!!!

Monday:  7.3 miles @ 8:16 pace.

Tuesday: 7.3 miles @ 8:09 pace.

Wednesday:  10 miles @ 6:59 average pace.  8 on 8 off- Varying Intensity—>  a great workout to try!

Thursday:  5 miles @ 8:00 average.

Friday:  3 miles @ 8:35 average.

Saturday:  14 miles @ 6:45 average pace.  4 miles @ 7:30 and 10 miles @ 6:27.

Sunday:  OFF!  We spent a ridiculous amount of time on the couch.

46.6 miles for the week!


What was your best run last week?

What are some treats/meals that you always make once the holidays roll around?

What are you looking forward to this week?

Have any goals this week?

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Incredible long run! And I’m actually eating sweet potatoes, chicken, avocado and egg right now for breakfast. But lots of cookies in the month of December :)


Mmmmm lots of delicious food in this post! You made 3 dozen cookies for your friends? It’s really not fair that we’re only Internet friends because I bet those cookies were amazing! ;P

I didn’t have any great runs last week to speak of, but I am starting my “Go for a Half Marathon PR” training cycle TODAY! Race is in mid-February and I’m really excited to put in a full training cycle for a half marathon, I haven’t done that in a really long time!


Looks like you’re definitely ready for the marathon! I had a pretty good 13 mile taper run Saturday at 7:30 pace. My legs were a little heavy from yoga, but it was fun!

I always make oat meal chocolate chip cookies because they’re my dad’s favorite, but I need a recipe that makes 3 dozen!

I’m looking forward to going home to Nashville Wednesday and my goal is to do three bold things out of my comfort zones!


All of those recipes sound amazing! A lot of my friends also rave about the hot chocolate cookies so I’ll have to try them this year. Last week my best run was my ladder track workout! It’s amazing when you run with a fast group the kind of paces you can pull out. This week I’m looking forward to a short work week, a Turkey Trot race, and seeing my fiance’s family!


I can’t believe your marathon is getting so close.

I’m a big s’mores and sticky bun fan myself. I like cinnamon treats a lot. That being said red velvet cake is my favorite dessert of all time.

This week I’m looking forward to just relaxing this holiday and spending the time cooking my first turkey. It will definitely be interesting.


I could also eat chicken/sweet potato/avocado every day of my life, but I like eating other people’s (aka my mom’s) holiday cooking! I’m not even picky, I just want things with seasonal flavors. Goals for this week: strength train 3-4x :)


I need to try some of your recipes! I did take the s’mores bars to a work function a few months ago though! There were none left for me to take home and enjoy myself! I am usually in charge of making bread. Which is ok by me because I love how it makes the whole house smell so good!

I’m looking forward to a short week at work and spending time with my family (and the food)!

Goals for this week – get all my workouts in so I can indulge!


Yum you are making me want to bake so badly!! Sounds like a wonderful Sunday :)


That braided bread looks SO good!!

My best run last week was my long run Saturday. And I have a running goal for this week to hit my desired pace for the Turkey Trot on Thursday.

Definitely looking forward to time with family this week and having Friday off! :)


Love making chocolate drop cookies every holiday! They are so rich and decadent I only make them once a year.

This week I’m looking forward to my husband being home from work for four days. Love having the extra pair of hands around the house during the day to help with the baby!


Those look like some great recipes! I need to find something to bring to my parents’ for Thanksgiving so maybe I will try the smores bars!
Nice job with your training- you are so ready for this marathon!
My best run last week was my marathon yesterday. I ended up PRing and I really think after a solid training cycle the actual race was 99% mental. I kept reminding myself of all those running mantras and it definitely helped to keep me motivated!


Best run was my 15 yesterday with my sister in Philly! What a great race and an amazing day! Good luck with your taper this week!!


My marathon was last weekend, so this week I took 4 days off then went for an easy run a couple times. The 4 miler on Friday felt wonderful!!

I love making homemade mashed potatoes…….with red potatoes, sour cream, and cream cheese……they are so good! And that braided bread looks delish!

I am looking forward to running in Nashville Thursday morning…………..we only get one day there this time, but I love running in areas I don’t get to very often! And then we go to see the new James Bond movie before coming back to eat Turkey!!

My goal is an 8-10 miler on Thanksgiving morning………..totally do-able!


Those recipes look delicious!


I love holiday baking! My goals for this week are to start building up my mileage again and to strength train at least 3 times.


I had three really good runs last week! My tempo run was probably the best and most confidence boosting one. I’m looking to being able to spend 4 whole days with my family and not having to work!!


Janae this was a really brilliant idea. I know you take food seriously so I am taking this list very seriously haha… determined to make as many as possible. Ahhh as if the marathon is so close… so exciting!!


I usually make my double crumb apple crisp for thanksgiving but I just saw at Whole Foods that they sell a cinnamon bun apple pie which I may need to buy instead!


I have got to make those s’mores bars soon! They look so good! Around the holidays, I always make chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin pie, and chili.

This week, I’m looking forward to my Dad coming to visit and having some time off work! :)


Hi Janae! I have been reading your blog lately and I have really enjoyed getting to know you and your family!

One treat that I always make around the holidays is usually some type of cookies (those seem to be my specialty). I want to try out those hot chocolate cookies this year!

My best run last week was actually a slow two miles. I am trying to recover from a foot injury, so two miles was all I could stand before my foot started to feel tight again.

I am looking forward to cycling a lot and doing yoga since I will be taking a short break from running. I am also looking forward to making some of your recipes and spend some quality time over food with the family.

My goals for this week are to not get too upset that I am not able to run as much as I would like right now and learn to enjoy doing other types of exercise. It always seems like I have a constant goal of doing more strength training as well. I love to be outside so anytime I have to stay in to do weights, I get bummed.


Love the grey hat…I have the same one!!


Awesome running week! Great job!

My runs last week were all going great until the sprained/jammed toe debaccle. My goal for the week is to get my toe to heal in the next three days so I can run the Turkey Trot in Detroit on Thanksgiving!!

I’m always in charge of dessert for the holidays so thank you for the suggestions!! The S’mores bars look delicious!


We always make tourtiere (meat pie) at Christmas time – I also eat all the cheese!


Hey Rebecca! I knew you were from Canada the second I read the word tourtiere :-) I’m also a running-mommy-professor who lives in Ottawa. Will check your blog!


It is a holiday staple around here! My grocery store already has a Tourtiere section in the meat department :-)


My best run last week was my “long run” on Sunday. I went out without a plan, listened to an audiobook and just enjoyed myself. It ended up being an 8 mile run, which is my longest since my marathon in October.

I usually make peanut brittle and different cookies/pies, but we don’t have an oven right now so I’m super limited this year.

I’m looking forward to eating ALL the food on Thursday! :)

My goal this week is to get 4-5 runs in – gotta burn off all the pie I plan on eating.


My most popular recipes are Carmel brownies. They are amazing. And pies or cookies also amazing.

I’m really looking forward to good food with my family.


You’re so ready for that marathon! I got some good runs in last week and trying to adjust to the cold/snow as well as treadmill running again for when it gets really bad.
I like to make peppermint fudge for the holidays. I am definitely going to try one of your recipes! And I made cream cheese chicken chili for dinner last night, the best!
My goals this week are to keep up with my runs over the holiday and to look to God as much as needed with a very important meeting tomorrow.


I’m so excited for Thanksgiving this week, and to start decorating for Christmas as soon as Thanksgiving is over! I’m OBSESSED with the holiday season, but I try to keep my crazy in check until the day after Turkey Day.


I’m excited for hanging out and watching football on Thursday, and mashed potatoes. My goal is to get more miles outdoors and I’m glad I have Thursday off to run after the sun comes up and before it goes down.


I had an awesome 4 mile run on Saturday afternoon. It was the first run since the marathon when my legs felt fresh and I felt good for a hard workout!
I am looking forward to time with my family and friends on Wednesday, eating on Thursday and of course the extra day off of work on Friday :)


My best run last week was my speed workout. I was aiming for 6 x 800 in 3:20 with one minute rest and hit them all in 3:17-3:18. :)

I’m mostly just excited to eat a ton of food on Thursday!


Hey Janae! I just wanted to drop a note to say that I was on my run this morning and it was TORTURE, my legs felt like lead, so I used your trick in pumping your arms to speed your legs and it totally worked and I was able to kill my workout!! so THANKS!!

also, you NEED to listen to Andy Grammer’s Good to be Alive song, it is the BEST, especially on runs when you feel on top of the world anyway!!


I am trying to stay away from sweets because my sweet tooth has been out of control, but those hot chocolate cookies may just need to be made for Christmas!


I make these things, they’re little mini croissants made with only butter, flour and creamed cottage cheese! Bake them, cover them in icing glaze and they are ADDICTING. I think they’re called butterhorns.


Your beanie is adorable, Janae!

My dad always makes these chocolate oatmeal cookies, and before they are cooled, I eat practically half the batter. So stinking good.

Happy Monday!


My best run was this weekend was with my little dude. We ran a 5k together. He got a 25:43 and I ran a 22:34. My hubby is much more of the baker. Although, he’s smoking our turkey for Thanksgiving this year and I’m very excited about that! Thanksgiving is one of my fav holidays, it’s all about being thankful so the focus is off of me and on the ones I love :) My goal for the week is to complete week 2 of 1/2 marathon training.


YUM. All of those recipes look soooo good!! I’ve made the s’mores cookies before and they are one of my faves!



I am hosting some holiday parties this week so your recipes were just in time. This is awesome!

My best run was a hilly route with my main squeeze on saturday. Love to run on off-season legs – it feels like you are flying!


Love your beanie, janae! Do you mind sharing the source?


Way to rock that speedy pace for 14 miles! So awesome! My Saturday long run was perfection. I ran with a really good friend very slowly up Snow Canyon and then we zoomed on down. I’m so glad you shared those salad recipes that will be my dinner plans for the next 17 days. Happy running!


Thank you so much for the recipes! I hope Brooke feels better soon. I’m still only sloooowwwwwllllllyyyyyy jogging on the ‘mill (had surgery last week) but every pretend run feels pretty good. My goals this week are to clean the house and enjoy Thanksgiving.


I always do a cookie exchange with my friends. Everyone brings over their batter and we bake and drink wine. So, any of those cookie are my favorite desserts because I can think of my girlfriends.


I’m definitely trying out those s’mores bars this week!

I am SO looking forward to the yummy turkey and gravy coming up Thursday. And I’ll get to have it twice because we’ll be headed over to my boyfriends families house after mine! Woo hoo!

I have a goal of being active every single day this week! Fingers crossed I can make it! :)


I love making cookies with my nieces. We dedicate a whole day to making them and it is so much fun!


The run I enjoyed most last week was probably my 10.5 miles on Monday. For some reason I always seem to love my Monday runs.

My goals for this week: Run every morning even though tomorrow it’s supposed to be 45 degrees and Wednesday-Saturday I’ll be visiting home and won’t have my favorite running route.

There are two recipes that I made last Christmas season that I now vow to make every year:
Smitten Kitchen’s Spicy Gingerbread Cookies (the most flavorful and perfectly textured gingerbread cookies I’ve ever had) –
The Kitchn’s Cranberry Cake (the Platonic ideal of coffee cake) –
They both take a little bit of effort, but they are both SO good.


That Russian chicken looks delish. And I can totally relate to the vegging out over the weekend. I blame it on my daughter.


Those desserts look so yummy! My best run was last Friday. I did 4.5 miles and they felt great. I am pregnant, so I was happy with how good I felt. :) I love making scotch-a-roos around the holidays. They’re my favorite! I’m excited to get out of Provo for a bit, and visit family this week.


I just clicked on the recipe for the Smore’s Bars and as I was scrolling and reading the post I noticed a much younger Brooke~perhaps sitting in a stroller looking up at you while you may have been taking a picture of the mix.

They grow up fast…

We always make my mother in laws sugar cookie recipe for Christmas. Its’ become such an ordeal with the family that it has become all about the frosting and who can be most inventive with theirs.


Thank you for this post! I love all the recipes!


Random comment here but did you know on Bloglovin it says your name is Marit koreneef?


That is such an amazing view from the deck, I would just spend all my time sitting out there I think… My niece’s 3rd birthday was yesterday, anything with Frozen seems to be a winner with her at the minute..


Best run this week; 11.25 miles on sunday at a 9:23 pace average…. not as speedy as you, but it is for me :D I am suppose to be heart rate training, but sunday just felt good. I will slow this upcoming sunday when I have 13 on the plan!

Right now I am into pumpkin pie….. have made 2 so far in the past couple weeks. Never like it before, but all of a sudden, I am craving it! Weird!


I make the most ridiculously delicious smoked gouda and bacon mac ‘n cheese as a side dish for Thanksgiving! Holy smokes is it amazing!

I’m most looking forward to my son and DIL coming home from Chicago for Thanksgiving! :-)

Happy Turkey Day to you and Brooke!


I’m gonna have to try that bread recipe, but my week of running was pretty non existent due to a foot injury :/ AH! Injuries happen of course but definitely frustrating!! I’ll live vicariously through you in the meantime! :)


3 dozen cookies – love the sound of that!

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