A day in the life of Janae and Brookers!

(I have an awesome discount for you at the bottom of this post… don’t miss it!)

I thought it would be fun to tell you the play by play of our weekdays.  Hold onto your hats because our life is probably a little bit too exciting;)

Anywhere between 6:15-6:40 a.m. I wake up to my light being turned on and some random stuffed animal staring at me until I open up my eyes.  

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It always takes me a few minutes to actually get out of bed and so Brooke plays in her room for a bit while I check emails on my phone and scroll through Instagram… you know, the really important things in life.  Loved this find on Instagram the other morning, 

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Breakfast is usually right at 7:00—>  scrambled cheesy eggs and fruit for Brooke and oatmeal with a banana for me.  I get Brooke ready (don’t worry, I usually get ready 8 hours later) and we are in the car a bit later.  Some days Brooke hits up pre-school and the other days she goes to my mom’s house/sister’s house/gym daycare for a little bit..

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And I go for a run.  AKA my sanity.  The thing each day that helps me to be a niceish/patientish person for the rest of the day.  I am usually out on the roads running anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes during the week.  I always start off with dynamic drills and end with stretching, foam rolling, core work, I grab a snack (pretzels and string cheese are my jam currently) and lately I have been icing my shins afterwards.  

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I pick up the Brookers from wherever she is and we go do something active for her outside unless it is cold then we hit up something indoors. I make it a priority each day for her to be able to get out, move around and explore for a while each day.  

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I come home and finally get myself ready for the day (and sometimes that doesn’t even happen until much later:)   

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Lately, I’ve been using The Honest Company for my getting ready necessities.  I am loving their conditioner, shampoo & body wash and Brooke’s hair is especially loving the conditioning detangler too!  I chose to switch on over to these because I know that they are safe, I love the smell, they come in cute packaging (we all love that;), and they are a great price (if you get one of their bundles you save up to 40%= more money to use on running shoes)!  The thing I love the most about The Honest Company is that they bring everything I need right to my door.   During the crazy cold/snowy months I am thinking I will love this even more because I avoid going to the store as much as possible during those cold months. We as runners care about what goes IN our bodies and it is also so important to pay attention to what goes ON our bodies—> their items are all plant-based and super easy on your skin.

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We usually get lunch in at about 1 (either we eat out with friends or make something ultra simple at home—> salads, turkey burgers, sweet potatoes, noodles etc) and at 2 Brooke goes in her room for quiet time.  

I usually have about 3 hours of work to get done in the middle of the day (emails, posts, freelance work etc) and Brooke will play for about 45 minutes to an hour on her own in her room.  Then she watches a show or two and for the rest of the time that I am working she sits on my lap and helps me or I multitask and play pretend doggies while writing my post.  It’s extremely exciting.

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Dinner time rolls around (we are all about eating at 5:30 p.m.) and we once again either whip something up at home or go somewhere for food.  Brooke loves helping out in the kitchen and we can usually make something much more healthy if we eat at home so I have been trying harder and harder to cook dinner together.  

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Then we go do something social.  It is easy for me to call it a day after dinner but I love spending time with friends and I do try to put myself ‘out there’ a bit in order to meet guys to date.  Yes, sometimes it is still strange to me that I am in the situation that I am in right now and out socializing and trying to date again ha!  

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We read books, brush teeth, usually have a minor 3 year old meltdown at some point and say our prayers and then Brooke gets in bed by 8:30 and I finish up my post to go up the next morning!   After that is done I do household stuff.  I turn on Pandora and zone out while I clean (tell me other people destress by cleaning too).  It is marvelous and cleaning has always been a relaxing thing for me.  I am strange and have to clean my kitchen each night before I go to bed because I can’t stand waking up to a messy kitchen and try to make breakfast.  But yeah, I don’t usually smile as I clean but I did for the picture.  

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So yeah, it makes me happy that I get my favorite cleaning supplies delivered right to me so I can be super cool and destress at night with some good ol’ cleaning/music listening and chocolate eating.  And in case you are wondering (because I was) everything is plant-based, works crazy good and it is all safe for your family:)  These are the five things that I choose for my bundle and I decide how often they deliver it to me (you can cancel at any time)!

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Once I finish up with things around the apartment I get ready for bed, read for a few minutes and put my phone on the other side of the room (so that I’m not tempted to read the entire internet at night) and get to sleep by 11 or so.  

And that is our day.  Thanks for joining our days for the last 5 years!!


***Get 25% off your first bundle!! Sign up using this link and enter the discount code HRG25OFF at checkout!  The offer ends November 30th so don’t miss out!  

Offer valid only for first-time bundle buyers at Honest.com, now through November 30th, 2015, 11:59 pm PT.  This offer can only be redeemed once per customer and cannot be applied to International Surcharge, taxes, shipping, previous purchases, current Bundles, the purchase of gift cards or gift Bundles.  Offer cannot be redeemed for cash or combined with any other coupons or promotions.  Terms of offer are subject to change.

This post has been sponsored by The Honest Company! who provided products and payment.  All opinions are my own.  Thanks for supporting me, the Brookers and our sponsors!


Parents reading—>  what time do your kiddos usually wake up?

Favorite ways to destress at the end of the day?

Do you wake up to an alarm clock, naturally or does somebody else wake you up each day?

What is your favorite part of the day?

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I wake up naturally, even earlier than normal now because of the time change! Gives me extra time to be lazy before I have to get ready for the day. Mornings are my favorite because of breakfast. Actually, all meal times are my favorite.


I always de-stress by cleaning. I’m a little OCD especially with my kitchen!


I’m also working or blogging often when my kids are home playing around or “helping” me! It’s actually fun and comfy I think! Love getting a sense of other people’s days, lots in common!


I wake up naturally between 5:30-6:30 but I also go to bed between 9-10. I normally am pretty hungry in the morning and eat when I wake up. Then go for a run an hour or so later. My favorite way to distress is just by reading (not online but actual books!)


Favorite part of the day is being able to relax, read, watch a show, talk to my husband before bed. It’s quiet and relaxing. Perfect!

I usually wake up to an alarm clock but if I’m not up by 7 I wake up naturally by then.

Favorite way to destress is a cup of hot tea and a book!


I wish I had the want to clean my kitchen every night. I love when it is clean, but by the time I crash I’m dead to the world.


I love reading day in the life posts like this! So interesting to see how people spend their days. I wish that I could wake up naturally, but I need an alarm clock (or 5). On the weekends I typically just wake up whenever unless I have plans. My favorite way to destress at the end of the day is cooking while drinking a glass of wine and watching cooking shows on hulu! Right now I’m watching the 12th season of Top Chef and it’s so good!


Sounds like a pretty good day! When can me and Annabelle come hang out? :)

Annabelle wakes up around 7 – 8 if she wakes up on her own. She is not too happy when I wake her up at 5:45 to go to “school”.

I LOVE spending time with AB when I get home from work (so that is my absolute favorite), but the quiet time I have alone once she goes to bed is also nice (TV, instagram, ice cream eating, etc.).


I love destressing at the end of the day by watching sports. I don’t know what I would do without ESPN in my life.

I also love cleaning and sometimes get in ultimate cleaning mode and feel I have to clean EVERYTHING right then and there!

I wake up every morning to my Taylor Swift “Love Story” alarm blasting from my phone. It’s the best way to wake up! :)


My son Max wakes up between 7 and 7:30. I try to get home from running before he wakes up. He very occasionally wakes up at 6 or so, and even more rarely gets up at 8 or so. I love those days, though!

I de-stress by watching mindless television shows or reading.

I set like 10 alarms on my phone and get up by the last one :)

My favorite part of the day is when I get home from work and Max runs up and gives me a huge hug! Then, we get to spend the whole evening playing.


I typically wake up naturally – I’m a morning person (annoying, I know) so the first hour I’m awake is the best part of my day! :)


Cooking dinner helps me unwind!
I set an alarm but usually wake up before it.
Favorite part of the day: morning runs with my friends!!!


I wake up to an alarm weekdays and I hate it. I am a much better and happier person waking up naturally. I love seeing my sleeping puppy dog being all cute though when I get up. Favorite part of the day on a weekend is 11am. I am awake and have had my relaxing morning and ready to be productive. On a weekday it’s 7pm when I get home to my dog. Yep. My dog is my biggest source of joy on a day to day basis. The boyfriend unfortunately (or fortunately) doesn’t live with me lol.


I set an alarm and some days I wake up before it, other days it wakes me up. I like to destress by reading before bed, whether it’s a book, magazine, or article online.


I love a day in the life posts, but ah, I hate cleaning!
My favorite way to de-stress eating at the table with my sister and brother in law and talking about our days!
I set an alarm and pop up and the first sound of it or wake up a little depending on how much water I drank the night before.. if ya know what I mean
My favorite part of the day is mornings, especially on the weekends!


This morning my alarm went off at 3:15 AM which is NEVER fun, but on a typical week day it always goes off between 3:45-4:15 AM to get my run done prior to going to work. It’s always wroth it though!


While I am actually a huge fan of plant based, non chemical products, especially for my children, are you concerned about the footprint from using so many delivery services? Between Blue Apron, Le Tote, Lola, and now Honest Company, that’s a lot of transportation fuel. I find there are so many natural products that an be found locally. We especially love Seventh Generation for household supplies and diapers / wipes.


Thanks Danielle for bringing this up! I will totally have to research more about this! Honest products are carried at Target too so I’ll have to pick up more there:)


I love to wake up really early in the morning. If I do so, I feel good all day and I am very active and ready to climb on the mountain)


Blogging can be a lot of work. I can’t imagine doing it with a little one around. You are a rockstar being a single parent Janae, working and still running too!


Favorite way to unwind before bed: Reading. Even if I only get a few pages in, it always helps take my mind to a different place so I’m not going through every single horrible or embarrassing thing I’ve done/said in the course of my entire life while I’m trying to fall asleep. (Does this happen to anyone else right before bed?)

I wake up with an alarm clock, but usually about an hour before that (5am or so) our dog comes into our room to sleep with us for a little bit before his walk.

Favorite part of the day is either my run, going to bed, or eating one of my meals haha…it’s the little things in life.

You seem like a great parent Janae, and it’s awesome you make outdoor time a priority for Brooke.


Any interest in a Tucson meet-up when you are here for your marathon?!


I would LOVE THAT!!! Maybe something to eat after the race??


Yes, that would be awesome! I am not sure how to go about organizing, though. How have you done this in the past? Should I email you?


I totally agree with Megan’s post. Blogging can be a lot of work – I struggle keeping up with my blog sometimes with a 9 month old and she’s not even that mobile yet! Eek!

I just started doing Jazzercise as my way to destress after my long days. It’s been great to get that “me” time in and it’s also been great for my husband and daughter to get that one-on-one bonding time, too!


My step son usually wakes up between 7:30 and 8:30 on the weekends when he’s here. I have usually gotten my run in by then so it works out nice :-)
I like to unwind at night with a good TV show or reading.
I set my alarm most mornings and usually wake up by it but no snoozing! That just makes it harder for me to get up.
I love mornings!


We have several similarities in our day. My girls get up and wake me up around 6:30. Some days I love this and others not so much. When quiet time happens I start my work. Sometime I actually get something done.

I love that you have family who supports you and is so willing to watch Brooke while you get your run in. That makes things so much easier!


I am an extremely spoiled mama and have boys that sleep in until I have to drag them out of bed, (well my oldest does, my youngest still nurses all night and wakes at any movement out of bed I attempt). I don’t wake to an alarm, although I love waking up earlier and getting things done right away in the morning and wish I could get back there someday. My unwind time has been blogging and reading others’ blogs every night….but, BUT I’m trying to blog during the daytime so I can get to bed earlier…biggest pitfall right now!


Little man usually gets up between 6:30 and 7 depending on the day. I always hope for a good 7:15 sleepin on the weekends!

During the week I stick with an alarm clock but on the weekends it is usually whenever I hear little man or the sun comes up.

My favorite part of the day though is snuggles with him at night as he falls asleep! There is nothing better!


I have never used an alarm clock to wake up ever in my life! I know , I am weird…My son finally sleeps late to the point where I have to wake him for school. Never thought that would happen….I must have a clean kitchen when I go to bed. I can’t sleep knowing there’s a mess somewhere.


This was such a great post! I’ve been reading your blog for years now and have always been curious how you balance everything! I actually just started my own blog and trying to fit time in my schedule to focus on it has definitely been a little tricky! Oh and I’m totally going to check out the honest company! Plant-based=awesome!!


Cute. Do you and Brooke like to read books together? Might be a nice change away from the computer screen as well. Love that you make a point to get outdoors and using running as your “me” time. I always tell people I’m a bit anxious if I can’t run…:)


YES! We go to the library together some days and in the mornings and before bed we make sure to read together:) The computer screen is my job and some days she does join me:) I TOTALLY get the anxiety of not being able to run….


I need an alarm clock work mornings, but on weekends I try to wake up naturally.

I like to zone out with TV before bed- it’s a ritual!


you are so lucky you don’t have to go to work somewhere and have all of that support


I am extremely lucky! Especially as a single mom that has her daughter almost all of the time (her dad usually has her less than 48 hours a month) so I am very grateful that I have people that will help for an hour each day so I can run and then do the mom/supporter for us thing for the rest of the day! I make sure to babysit for my sister in exchange and do things to help my mom too:)


During the week, kiddos are up around 5:45, on the weekends we shoot for 7!

Cleaning is a great de-stresser! I usually hang with the hubs and watch our fav show or take a hot bath.

I have an alarm clock because I have to be at work by 7:15 every day; however, I rarely sleep past 7 on the weekends as well. I guess I am more of a morning person.

My fav part of the day is probably in the mornings. We eat breakfast as a family since we have such busy afternoons with sports and such.


I’ve been trying to clean the kitchen in the evening since it make such a difference in my mood in the morning, glad to hear I’m not the only one!


Are your weekdays different from your weekends? I love that you make an effort to do something outside with Brooke once a day. I hope to do this with my son!

Lately my little one (he is two months old) has been waking my husband and I up at 4:30am. The time change was not our friend. It’s a good thing that I am a morning person… I always feel the most mentally alert and fresh in the mornings. Plus, it’s my favorite time to run.

I love the Honest Company products. We have a subscription and use their fun patterned diapers as well.


I HAVE to have the kitchen clean and all the toys put away at night, too. I hate waking up to a messy house. My daughter gets up anywhere between 6 and 7:30 but normally right around 6:30. She’s my alarm clock most of the time.


Sounds like we are A LOT alike ha… waking up to a mess is the worst. And kiddos are a much better alarm clock than a real one:)


You’re a very good mom!! You and Brooke are lucky to have each other!!

Favorite time of day: Tea time. I LOVE coming home from a long run and lounging on the couch with a hot cup of tea before the workday starts. It gives me time to mentally prepare, sort through personal emails, and catch up on my favorite blogs!


I did a day in the life post today too! While I hate waking up and getting out of bed in the morning, I also take my time to check instagram and such on my phone. It must happen for me to start the day off the right way!


My favorite way to destress is a bowl of cereal.


Oh, sadly you would freak out at my house in the morning. I’m usually just ready to crash at bedtime and the kitchen clean up might takes days to happen. Sad, but true. I do take care of things with food in them right away, but magazines, mail, school stuff, and toys are often laying around on the counters! I do need to make a better effort at kitchen clutter clean up, but hey, it’s a long day working and I’m not so into it after I cook dinner!!


Callum my 20-month old wakes up at around 8am. If I let my teenagers wake up on their own, they’d roll out of bed at noon! Callum goes to sleep at 9pm and then naps at around 1 o’clock for an hour and a half.


Its great to have your de-stressor be something productive!!! Some days I de-stress by working on my blog.. other days all I feel like doing at the end of the day is sitting on the couch and eating and watching TV, haha!

I always set an alarm and wake up easily to it. Even if I’m sleeping in I set one on the later side just to make sure I dont sleep my day away!


cleaning is a way for me to destress too so you’re definitely not alone!! I can’t go to bed with dishes in my sink haha, and I need to wake up to an alarm. My dad NEVER uses an alarm to wake up for work and has never overslept-it amazes me!!


I love your “Merci, Merci, Merci” shirt! Share where its from?


HEY Alison! It is here:


I hope you are having a fabulous day!


Girlie wakes up at about 7. Somehow she wakes up on her own on weekends but needs to be woken up on school days… sometimes she even wakes up earlier on weekends!

I wish I de-stressed by cleaning. (I bet my family wishes that too) I generally take a bubble bath with a book or curl up on the couch to watch TV.


I might be the luckiest girl in the world because my hubby has complete kitchen cleaning OCD. He takes apart the range top to clean every night, buffs the stainless appliances, the full works. He does it when we go to friends or family for dinner too. Hmm… maybe that’s why we get invited to dinner all the time? Zero complaints.

Love that Brooke is such a great wing woman (girl)!


Okay. That is amazing. WOW. hahaha do you guys want to come over for dinner soon;) Thanks Michelle and I hope you are having an awesome day!


I have been debating trying out the Honest Company for a while, but haven’t had the chance yet. Plus, I love when things get delivered to my house and I don’t have to go shopping!


For some reason, I always assumed you were up much earlier (like 4 am!) to get your runs in before Brooke woke up! I probably throat this because it is always so dark where you are when you’re out running. By 6 am here, the sun is out!

Favorite part of the day is my mornings, right after I have finished my run. Is ti down to read blogs and eat breakfast, and there is quiet. It’s splendid.


I love that Lauren Fleshman quote. I saw it in my BELIEVE training journal a few days after getting my rejection letter for Boston (I missed the cutoff by 48 seconds) and it really hit home. I stopped moping and started getting motivated again!

My daughter (6yo) would sleep in until the cows come home, but my son (8yo) is and always has been an early riser–usually up and ready to go by 6:00, even on weekends. You simply canNOT convince that kid that it’s okay to sleep in! He often comes in for a snuggle and then goes to watch TV or play Minecraft. With him around there is no need for an alarm clock!


Beth!!! I am truly so sorry that you just barely missed the cutoff. That breaks my heart. BUT you’ve got this… this will motivate you even more than ever for your next marathon. You are doing an awesome job bouncing back from this setback! Hmmmm 6 a.m. every single day?!? WOW!


LOL–yes! Every single day! Haha! We don’t know what it’s like to sleep in at my house, if we make it to 7:00 we’re in heaven. Believe it or not it was actually earlier, more like 5:30, when he was younger, so we’ll take this : ) Thanks so much for your encouragement. I pretty much saw the Boston rejection coming, though it still stung. I had qualified at MCM and had hoped to re-qualify with a better time in the spring; but I ended up with ITBS, had to miss my two spring marathons, and wasn’t in good enough shape to attempt a BQ before registration. I crossed my fingers but knew my small window wasn’t going to make the cut. I am inspired by women like you who have faced much more adversity and come out stronger on the other side! Thank you for your words and for sharing your journey! I am wishing you the best!


I’ve been wanting to try some Honest products. Seems like a very reasonable price for all natural stuff!

My favorite part of the day lately is doing yoga for a 30 day yoga challenge. I knew my hips were tight, but didn’t realize HOW tight they were before I started doing the challenge poses. It feels great, though!


I am so jealous of your life! (I know the internet portrays things more perfectly than they are but I feel like you keep it pretty real). I would LOVE to have full control over my day and my time. And again, you make parenting look easy and fun :)


I like to burn a candle and blog or watch tv at the end of a rough day to relax. It’s my me time. As usual, Brooke is adorbs!


I GUARANTEE that if you put Brooke to bed earlier, she will sleep later in the morning. It won’t happen immediately but will within a few weeks. The more they sleep, the more they sleep (like us). She is overtired. You will notice much fewer meltdowns and a much more pleasant day. She probably still needs a nap but in the absence of that, the latest she should be in bed is 7:30pm. I have been wanting to tell you this because she seems to fall asleep at random times during the day. My sons sleeps 7-7, and naps 1-3 but this was something I taught him to do by modifying our schedule and sleep training at early age. You can get her to bed earlier by putting her down 15 mins earlier each night until you’re at 7:30. You will thank me later, trust me! You have to sacrifice some but she will be happier.


I think you are probably right… this whole single parenting thing is tougher than I thought it was going to be ha… figuring this all out on my own has been a roller coaster! That is so great that your kiddo sleeps so well! PS Brooke is a very happy kiddo but a little more sleep might be best for both of us:)


I can totally relate to this post. I usually have big eyes staring me down most mornings urging me to wake up! haha And I can’t stand a dirty kitchen in the morning. I always have to clean before bed time. This was also a great reminder to make sure the run gets done. each. and. every. day. So important to keeping one’s sanity!


Love morning runs even though it’s hard getting out of bed early! I don’t know if there is any truth to these claims but I read recently that the Honest Company is being sued for being misleading in its marketing and that the products aren’t as natural as they claim to be.


My husband clued me in on their misleading labeling because I had mentioned to him that I seem to burn even though I lather myself with Honest Company sunscreen before my long runs on weekends. So I researched the claim and have stopped using their sunscreen.


My kiddos are early risers like their dad (and like I used to be). We get them up weekday mornings for work/school around 6:30 but they always seem to be up around 6 on weekends. I don’t think my girls have ever slept past 8am and have rarely slept past 7am. Luckily they are old enough now that on weekends they can entertain themselves till I wake up!

Reading is my favorite destresser. Or a hot shower!

I wake up with an alarm clock weekdays but I get up when I get up on the weekends (unless I have a race). I still am normally up by 7:30 on weekends.

Favorite part of the day….probably around 7:30 as we are winding down for the day.


The Honest dishwasher packs are terrible, but I love their multi purpose kitchen spray!


I have been wanting to try the honest company for awhile now..might need to get the cleaners and detangler.
-My daughter wakes up around 6:00-6:30am.
-Pinterst is my destressing tool…and reading blogs! :)
-I get up by 6am, usually met by my little girl, if not she is sitting outside the bathroom door (I i about trip over her..lol) when I am done with my shower.
-My favorite part of the day is after dinner, before bedtime we always play a family game. love.


Since my work schedule has been flexible most days I get up when I’m ready. Unless I have an early meeting.

hmm, my favorite parts of the day is reading or meditating in the morning when I wake up, having dinner with my husband and usually working out. (some days I curse it but I almost always feel better afterwards).


De-stress with a run or bubble bath (I know they are completely the opposite but both do the job :)). My favorite part of the day (or one of) is the few seconds before I fall asleep!


I love the read shirt you’re wearing in many of these pics. It looks cute and casual. Where is it from?


Red, not read ?


Hey Kate! Thank you!! This shirt is here:


It is ridiculously comfortable… I want it in more colors:)


Those two pics – of your back running and Brooke in the leaves are gorgeous!

I set an alarm but almost always wake up before it. The latest my alarm is ever set is 6 a.m. The earliest 4:30 a.m. :)


That’s so interesting to see how a running blogger’s day is filled… I’d actually wondered about it when reading your blog before.. And I’m the same, I have to clean the kitchen every night before bed.. I think it helps me sleep better.. :)


Your day sounds super! Love how important it is to get Brooke out and moving. Gotta start ’em young! :)

I destress at night by talking to my sister or best friend. It’s always a nice recap or way to chill out.

I have an alarm on my phone for 5:30. Each and every day but Sunday. Gotta get those long runs in on Saturday before the heat of the day.

My favorite part of the day is the time before the sun comes up. The world is quiet, whether I’m driving to work, having coffee in the living room, or on a run – it feels like it’s undisturbed and all mine :)


I like when i’m included for both lunch, dinner, and hanging out with regards to these schedules. I’ll let you clean on your own though…


I always wake up to an alarm at 3:30am….. I hit the snooze a couple of times and usually roll out of bed at 3:45am… then on treadmill during the week days, or on weekends meet group to run…. have to get my runs in prior to my son waking up! On weekends he sleeps in with my husband :) Hate the treadmill, but a must to get week day runs in! And seeing as though I just signed up for my VERY FIRST FULL marathon, I must not slack!!!!! :D
And I LOVE the quote…. I am dreaming of a marathon :)


Oh I totally get the weirdness of putting yourself out there again. I just started dating again after my divorce (married 6 years :/) and it is so, so weird! My favorite ways to destress are exercising, cleaning, and going on long walks with my dogs :)


Just loved this post! Ha thanks for giving us a fun little snapshot of your life! ah I am in your boat getting out there in the dating game (eeks scary) I usually get the alarm at 5 am and roll out of bed by 5:30. If I am not running I just love going on a little coffee walk. I destress by you guessed it- running. Thanks for the post!! :)


I used to use the Honest Company products. My baby was in the pediatric ICU fighting a serious illness and had to be on a higher calorie per ounce formula but they were willing to use ours that we supplemented with from the Honest Company. On their website it says they provide higher calorie mixing instructions to medical professionals. The team tried several times to get this info from the company with no success. When they finally got to talk to someone they were told it would be a week! What a joke. Needless to say, I no longer use their products which actually upsets me because I really liked them. All I got from customer service was “I’m sorry.” Which they should be.

Anyway, still love your blog and your Brooke, just not the Honest Company…..



Take care using Honest’s sunscreen.


Where is your orange running sweater from???? I love it!!!


I definitely de stress by cleaning. You’re not alone there.


My alarm is my 2 yr old’s loud wails usually around 6am but lately it’s been at midnight, 2am, 5am (yikes!). She’s been having sleep issues :(

Red wine and dark chocolate is my favorite de-stressor after a long day. Plus watching TV and since I recently started blogging, posts from my favorite bloggers.

Early Saturday mornings is my favorite time and day. It’s quiet when I wake up as I get ready for a long morning run.
Thanks for sharing your day with your daughter!


Thank you for sharing, what a fun post! I love that you make sure Brooke has plenty of outdoor/active time!


I love the Honest company and the value behind their products. I use cleaning and running as the best ways to de-stress!!


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