But really—> GO EASY!!! And overrated.

One of the most important things that I have learned from the two running coaches that I have had is the importance of easy days.  I used to think that every day of running had to be at least an hour long or fast or a combination of both.  It isn’t that way anymore.  Yesterday was 4 miles @ an easy pace for me.  Three runs out of six this week are short and easy.  30something minutes of working out without any sweat yesterday and I was done for the day… why is a run like that going to make me faster?  Because yesterday’s workout will make it so that I can hit the 19 mile fast finish run that I have on the schedule for today.  The slow/shorter ones make it so that we can go hard when we need to and properly recover from the previous day’s work.  

Keep things slow when you need to be going slow.  If it is hard for you to slow down on your easy runs try listening to slow songs and that should help you to relax and stay at your easier pace. 

I am looking at my glove because one snowflake landed on my glove and I tried to document it but it melted before I could get my camera out.  I don’t know how I feel about this snowflake. 

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And now for all of the randomness going on in our world since we last caught up (PS I loved all of your comments yesterday).

-Elsa and one of the three little piggies made their appearance to a pretty happening Halloween party.

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-Brooke found the whole donut on a string game pretty overrated.  She couldn’t get past the fact that she had to work for her donut when she knew they would just cut off the string and give it to her afterwards anyways. 

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-This is pretty monumental.  I had a cobb salad and my stomach handled it like a champ.  I felt pretty much normal after eating which hasn’t happened in FOREVER.  My stomach is healing itself and I’m very happy about that because I love food.  

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-Brooke got her school pictures back…  how is she old enough for these?!?!

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-From my cousin’s (the blonde on that you see on here frequently) instagram account.  Her dog makes me melt.

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-The girls had a school Halloween party (so yes, Brooke has worn her costume pretty much every day this week) and we hit up Cafe Rio with Megan afterwards.  I was just happy that it was kind of drizzling so that I could wear my new rain/snow boots.  

I am going to dress up as a farmer on Halloween to go along with Brooke’s costume.  

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-From Meg’s snapchat.

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-Spent some time getting scraped by Josse.  Doing everything I can to keep the shin splints away even if that means a little bit of torutre.

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-I just ordered these to wear post-run to help the shins/calves out too!  I used to use these all of the time (I have no idea where they went in the move) and they always helped so I am excited.  This way I can still be doing stuff around the apartment while I am icing.

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-Found these gems at Target.  SOOOO good and so easy.  Put some chicken, avocado and bbq sauce on top of the sweet potatoes and boom… my favorite meal.

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-GOOD LUCK everyone this weekend at the New York City Marathon!  I wish I was there with you this weekend because there is nothing like what you are about to experience…


-One of my very best friend’s husband just released his book—>  Win the Customer:  70 Simple Rules for Sensational Service.  Check it out if you are in the business world!

-I don’t wear running skirts myself but if you do you should check out The Gotta Go Running Skirt—>  great idea!


What are your weekend plans?

Who is running NYC Marathon this weekend?  Who has in the past?

Is it hard for you to keep your easy runs slow?  

Have you had any awesome food finds lately?

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I’m running Sunday – 1st NYC and I’ve lived in this area my whole life so it’s really special for me. So excited! I used to be the same way with going hard/fast all the time but I think after running for years you realize it’s not the way to meet goals.


This weekend I’m volunteering at a Halloween party for kids in my neighborhood! I keep easy runs slow by running with friends at slower paves or not looking at/wearing my garmin.


That piggy costume…! <3


Taper weekend, so shorter long run than normal.

Meeting up with friends to drink wine and hand out candy tomorrow night:) Have a great one!


I’m pretty good with keeping easy runs easy, I’ve learned my lessons over the years also!

I ran NYC last year but I was injured at the time and it wasn’t a great day for running (really windy and COLD!) so I would love to go back again and experience it on a better day!


My coach has me doing 4.5 miles @ 8:50-9:00 min pace at least 3 times a week. At first I was very uncomfortable with this much easy running plus 1-2 off days, but it feels really good to be rested, I’m no where near injury, and I can go that much harder on my speed days and long runs so I really like his style of coaching and definitely believe in the recovery runs!


Weekend plans: I’m in NYC to hang out and watch the marathon!! Runner’s World sent me and I’m so excited!! I’ve never run NYCM, and can’t wait to do it someday soon!
I ran a very slow and easy 4 miles yesterday. Sometimes I have to hold myself back, but I know the easy runs are so important.
I love the calf/shin cold pack!! Happy Friday!!


I’m running NYC! I’ll be in wave 3 corral a! Woot woot! Getting excited. It will be my 3 rd NYC and my 7th marathon. I’m anticipating a 5:15 based on my training so it surely won’t be a PR day but I have lots of amazing spectators to see and a special angel to honor. I put the initials AZ on the back of my shirt for a little girl named Abbie. I went to high school with her dad and this past May she was hit by a car crossing the street. She was 11. The last thing she did with her dad was run a community 4 mile race. She will be my wings on Sunday.


I used to struggle with keeping runs easy, but now I take my recovery days very seriously. I usually don’t wear my Garmin on those days so that I won’t worry about pace.

I have a group date with a friend and a massage tomorrow (YAY!!), and then the rest of the weekend will be full of football watching :)

Brooke’s pic is too adorable!!


I seriously love Brooke’s costume this year!
I am a slow runner at best :-) Last year I ran my first 10K and loved it! I am now working towards running a Half for next year which means I have to slow my already slow pace. I will actually stop and walk a couple of steps if I feel myself going too fast. Hopefully this will help me to find that magic pace that will work for me.


omg yes, it terribly hard for me to keep easy runs super easy! Slow music does help, but i honestly have to check my pace more often for easy runs than speed work. This weekend is nothing but easy running as i head into the Indianapolis Monumental 1/2 marathon on Nov. 7th!


Those diced sweet potatoes! I need to pick up a bag this weekend. I HATE dicing any type of potato. It requires upper body strength that I just don’t have! :D

I can’t believe you saw a snowflake! That means soon everyone’s blog will be covered with pictures of a winter wonderland and I’ll be over here like, “hey guys, it’s 79 degrees today, brrrr, should I wear a jacket?” :( Us Floridians are left out of all the winter fun!


I used to push the pace on my easy runs but now I have no problem keeping them easy. I plan on watching the NYC Marathon this weekend – one of the best races to watch!


Weekend plans, Saturday I am headed to a district cross country meet to watch one of the high school girls I coach and to look for recruits. It should be pretty fun, especially if it doesn’t rain. Then I am really hoping for trick or treaters to drop by in the evening! I live in a family friendly neighborhood so I am hopping some neat costumes stop by!
In regards to keeping my easy runs easy, I have really struggled with that in the past but like you said listening to slow music helps or finding a friend who is a little slower than you can help too.


I so enjoy running slowly when I run alone and I find podcasts even better than slow tunes for helping me do this. Any you are so right…….it definitely allows you to be more rested and ready for the tough workouts.
Isn’t it hard to keep the ego in check though when trying to run those slower runs with others? I always find myself speeding up and going faster than I want to!


I haven’t had sweet potato in ages! I love topping mine with honey and cadarmon.

This weekend I hope to finish unpacking and setting up house in Alaska!


Brooke’s costume makes me melt!!! Aaaahhh!!!!
I’ve never run NYC. I’m afraid of the crowds… and the cost. I’m sure I will someday, though. The only HUGE marathon I’ve run is Boston, and I love that, so I’m sure NYC will surprise me, too.
I’m a champ at easy runs now. I never used to be. I tell myself that “there are no medals after a training run.” More slow miles = faster race times. It’s been proven. Good for you for keeping it slow and good luck on those 19 miles today!
I made stuffed peppers yesterday that were pretty amazing. I also made apple bread and used too many apples… it tasted great, but fell apart :(


Weekend plans: To clean house(!) – I’ve been away traveling for work the past week or so and still have my suitcase in the hallway…oops.

Have never run NYC. Would love to run one of the big ones one day.

Well, all my runs are slow now haha. Just coming back from injury so they’re slow partly because I’m still healing and majorly because I’m in terrible shape. I’m not wearing a Garmin for a long while.

No good food finds. My own stomach is killing me after eating out late last evening with friends! You know it’s bad when you wake up the next morning and can still taste the wrong foods and feel sick…praying I get through the work-day.


I’m running NYC….woohoo!!!
We did a shakeout run in Central Park and it was so hard to keep it slow.


I am not running the marathon but maybe one of these years I will! All of the hoopla all over the place here makes it quite enticing and my dad, who ran it 3 times, kinda wants me to do it already! Agreed on the easy/shorter runs.


We are hosting a Halloween party tonight! It’s our first event in the new house and I’m excited to have everyone over :) We have an easy 8 on the schedule for tomorrow morning. I can’t believe we will be running a marathon in 8 days!

Have a great weekend!


those sweet potato chunks….. roast them! we have similar store-brand ones every week in our shop, throw them in the actifry with some oil and chilli flakes and they’re beautiful (or obviously the oven would also work)


awesome food finds: TJ cookie butter!!!
I have a 11 miles run tomorrow to do to get ready for the Philly half on the 22nd. So nervous.
Good luck on your long run! Let us know how it goes


9 miles and Trick or treating with my little man, he is going to be Thomas the Train, he LOVES trains!

I have not run it, but it is on my running bucket list! The energy looks amazing! New York would be cool too!

YES!! Especially when I am trying to increase my pace, “I wanna go fast”

I just made a slow cooker pumpkin chicken curry and it was AMAZING! I love it when it is good for you and delicious!


I went to the Garth brooks concert last night(hello child hood dream from 20+ years ago) it was Amazing! But, I told you that to say that we went to zaxbeys on the way and I was super pleasantly surprised. It was delicious


ALL my runs are hard and slow. Ha!

Your niece’s (Elsa) eyes in the donut photo say it all – you can see she wants that donut!


” If it is hard for you to slow down on your easy runs try listening to slow songs and that should help you to relax and stay at your easier pace. ”

This is SO TRUE. I was trying to run more slowly when I was having knee trouble a few weeks back and there were some songs I could not listen to because they just pumped me up too much. :D Its amazing the affect music can have on a run, both good and bad.


I’m a little different because unless I’m on a training plan, I rarely do recovery runs. Usually, for a recovery workout I’ll ride my bike or swim. I think for me, all those years of high school track mean I have a hard time imagining “easy” and “run” together, so it makes more sense to do an easy ride or an easy swim.


I’ve gotten a lot better at keeping my slow runs slow and then the next run I feel ready to get out there and push it!
We’re having friends over for trick or treat and the guys will take the kids out while the ladies hand out candy in the warm house with wine :-)
Great pictures ands hope you guys have a fun Halloween weekend!


Her costume is ADORABLE!!!! She’s got to be the cutest little pig ever!

How is it already snowing it Utah and still 70+ degrees in AR where I am?! Crazy!!


That pig costume…omg!! precious! And SNOW? oh gosh I am so not ready. Here in Ohio they said on the radio this morning it will be 70 next week.. WAHOO! We get at least one more week before the cold hits. For some reason this year I feel like I am extra not ready for the snow/cold to come.


I listen to audiobooks on my rest days. I’m obsessed with Brené Brown right now. I learn a lot, I still log some miles but I go slow enough to conserve energy for my harder days.


I’m running NYC, but haven’t been able to run at all this week due to a weird pain around my ankle and up my calf. I’m mentally feeling defeated already due to this even though I know I have to trust in my training. My one daughter also woke up with the stomach bug, so I’m really hoping that doesn’t hit me.


She is just too cute!!! Ah! That doughnut photo is a classic :P


I think going easy with runs also applies to every workout. You can’t go balls to the walls high intensity every single day. You will hit a wall and possibly get yourself hurt. I like to cycle my workouts to make sure I have a hard day followed by an easy day.

Plans this weekend is going to a Halloween party. I don’t even have to dress up either. I can go as a patient since I still have bruising from surgery last week.


Brooke will probably want to continue to wear the pig costume every day after Halloween. She is so cute in it!! The snapchat and all the pictures of her in that costume are so adorable!!!

I am running to Target to get those sweet potatoes!! Hopefully, not too much else.

I posted a soup recipe a short time ago and it was okay. I won’t make it again. My daughter added some spices and I chopped up and put the left over grilled ground chicken burger, which made it pretty good. I found another really interesting recipe I am going to try. It is a DIY make your own healthy candy/alternative: https://www.yahoo.com/makers/diy-candy-corn-gummy-worm-alternatives-actually-211001215.html

Good luck to everyone running the NYCM. I hope everyone has a PR, has a great race, and has no injuries!! Good luck to Brooke (who I don’t think needs the luck) on her first kids race. I can’t wait to see pictures. :)


I’m totally looking for those sweet potatoes this weekend. I need more easy healthy food in my life.
This weekend is all about Halloween! We have trick or treating tonight then parties tomorrow. My Girlie’s costume is Maleficent and with the makeup my 9 year old looks like a middle schooler- egads!


Farmer! Such a good idea to go with Brooke.

I am making muddy buddies for a Halloween Party. Has Brooke ever had muddy buddies (or puppy chow)? I think she would like it.

Have a safe and happy Halloween!


The whole scraping thing still scares me! I don’t know if I could handle it!

Awesome food find…homegrown roasted butternut squash. It took forever to peel, but was definitely worth the work!

Question: What comment system/application do you use on your blog? I just started using Disqus on mine, but not sure how I feel about it. I’m looking for something that allows threaded comments and doesn’t require logging in, but since I have a Shopify store, it eliminates some options. Looking for any suggestions! Thanks!!


Weekend plans- running my first half marathon! I was in my peak weeks of training for this race last year when I got a stress fracture, so I ended up volunteering instead. While serving jambalaya and bananas and asking runners how their races went was hugely rewarding under the circumstances, I’m so excited to be on the other side of that table this year!


Is it hard for me to keep my easy runs slow? Haha! All of my runs are slow! And, that’s just fine by me! :)

This weekend, I will be running a 5k and then squeezing in a 20-miler. My last big long run before I get to start tapering. Woot woot!


I just bought that same bag of sweet potatoes! Thanks to your blog I love the sweet potato, avocado, chicken, and BBQ sauce combo ( I eat it at least three days a week.)

Have an awesome weekend and a Happy Halloween (PS I love Brooke’s costume!)


I love the sweet potaoes in a bag. I put ketchup or AB on mine. That puppy is so sweet. Cocoa isn’t a morning dog either :)


OMG I NEED those sweet potatoes in a bag. For my blog I feature a produce each month and make recipes and dang if sweet potatoes aren’t hard to cut up. This will help so much! And your salad looks YUM! And I love Brooke not participating in the donut challenge. LOL.


I can’t get enough of the pig costume. Love it!

I originally had plans to run the Monster Dash Half Marathon tomorrow but it’s supposed to be UGLY out so I ran my own half marathon today. Beautiful weather and no race fee :)

Food find – The Delicata Squash at Trader Joe’s!! They were sampling it and it was SO good! – http://www.traderjoes.com/fearless-flyer/article/1292


I’m running NYC Sunday — wave 2, corral a — and am SO EXCITED. Its my first marathon since having a baby so training was WAY different than ever before, but I can’t wait to get back out there for the long haul and to see my family and little dude out there cheering me on.

That pig costume is too much. What a precious little girl!


brooke is really getting some use out of that costume! good, i hate spending money on something you are only going to use once. that puppy is so dang cute i just want to hug him and squish him!


I don’t have any weekend plans so far, which is my favorite!

I am good about keeping long runs slow, but shorter easy runs I tend to push harder than I should. I’m working on it.

Someone told me about pumpkin butter the other day (like apple butter), so I made some in the crock pot. It’s like spreadable pumpkin pie! I plan on getting some cream cheese so I can make toast, put a little cream cheese and some pumpkin butter…YUM!


This weekend my best friend, boyfriend, and I are going to friends houses to play video games, run, and eat all the candy #college

Taking easy runs easy is still a work in progress for me and like any runner, I want to get better which means I have to learn to trust the process! So on easy days, I just repeat to myself “relax. trust the process”

Add Trader Joe’s fig or pumpkin butter to plain Greek yogurt. It is beautiful.


Brooke’s costume is TOO cute!


I’m hoping to get in 14 miles tomorrow morning, then helping out at a fall festival for a ministry I volunteer with.

My main problem with easy runs isn’t keeping them slow (that’s been pretty easy lately coming back from my injury, haha), but keeping them short… I definitely struggle with the “It’s not a real run unless it’s at least an hour long” principle. I’m honestly better at just taking entire days off than taking easy days. Today is one of those days. The weird thing is I always seem to be way hungrier on my rest days… anyone else experience this? It just seems weird that I’m eating more on a rest day than on a day when I run 10+ miles!

The one food I’ve really been digging lately is peanut butter. It used to be a “fear food” for me (refer back to the orthorexia post…) but now I’m converted. PB4Life.


How are you helping your stomach heal? Did you get further information on what caused it? Love your blog :)


Donuts on a string!!


Can Brooke be a pig everyday? I cannot get over that costume! Excellent choice, and unique!


9 miles on the agenda for tomorrow! :S

My pace is always pretty slow… So it’s hard for me to run a little slower than normal.


I’ve had scraping done when I was in PT one time but to go to PT I had a prescription for it. Is Josse a therapist or how do you get to just walk in and have that done whenever you need?


That little pig costume makes me giggle every time I see it. Thanks Brooke for my ab workout this week! Good luck NYCM’ers!


You pondering the snowflake is hilarious as well as Brooke deciding not to over exert herself and just wait until the string is cut and the donut is hers. I love your blog :)


Do you run through shin splints? What other things do you do to help them? I have been getting them lately and don’t know what to do!


The look in Curly’s eyes with that donut on a string…same look I get when I see a donut!


I definitely struggle to pace myself in different ways. I’m either fast or walking, haha. But this week I’m going to try to consciously do one slower run and one faster run and one sprint day to train myself better. Glad to know others struggle also!

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