13 things since we last caught up…

Some things have been happening over here since we last talked and I thought I would fill you in on our wild and crazy Utah adventures.

1.  Brooke wanted to go up to the mountains to find animals.  We found a river instead and tossed in every rock within a 1 mile radius into the river.

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Please note her adorable dimples on her hand… I die.  

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2.  5 miles on the treadmill at an 8:20 pace with Ms. Brooke being my running photographer.  

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3.  While I ran she snacked on pretzels and string cheese—>  aka the snack I ate daily when I was pregnant with her.  Make sure to get part pretzel and part cheese into each bite and you will be happy.

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4.  Saw Dr. Bennett (you can find all the info about him HERE).  My left foot and calves were needing some help.  He did his magic and I’m all set to go again.  I don’t know how I ever ran injury-free without him… oh wait, I didn’t.

Crazy how a spray tan made one leg 4 shades darker than the other.  

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5.  Lindsey and I broke into Megan’s house to decorate her room for her birthday.

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6.  Eye of the tiger.  

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7.  After gymnastics they brought out a wide variety of candy for the kids to choose from.  Brooke chose out Swedish Fish for her treat.  Maybe I am doing this parenting thing right.  

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8.   Brooke and I made TJ’s pumpkin bars (it comes with chocolate chips but I added a lot more because a dessert isn’t a dessert unless there is a good amount of chocolate) for Megan’s bday party.

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9.  We had the whole park to ourselves… we weren’t mad about it.

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10.  La Jolla Groves for Megan’s bday dinner and I had their killer salmon salad.

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11.  Did you know I have known her since I was 10 YEARS OLD… that is a long time to be friends with another human being.

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12.  After dinner we went back to her house for some more celebrating.  

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13.  I posted my Thank You Running moment over on the Brooks Blog!  

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400 meter repeats on the schedule today.  Cross your fingers that I survive. 


When was your last run on the treadmill?  What do you do on their to entertain yourself while you run?

How long have you known your best friend(s)??

A food combination that you are loving lately?

-I am really hoping that someone says cottage cheese and grapes.

What’s on your schedule today… hard run, easy run, somewhere in between?

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No running for me today. I had surgery yesterday on my nose and will be taking a full week off to recover. PS I think it’s awesome how good Brooke has gotten at taking pictures of you running!


Ohh! I hope you get to feeling better soon! I’ve had nose surgery and the recovery wasn’t so fun for me! I hope yours is much easier for you!


Oh girl!! I hope for a speedy recovery for you!!!!


In the photo with Dr. Bennett, is your right sock inside out? No judgement, I’d be happy to know that I’m not the only one that does that though!

Last run on the treadmill was yesterday. I just watch TV while I’m on the treadmill and it usually goes pretty quickly.

I’ve known my best friend since I was probably 5. It’s been a long time!


Bahaha it totally is… I didn’t even notice. That is a very long time. I love it!


Those TJs bars look good! I’m going to do my last (or maybe second to last) run before my race this weekend! Can’t wait!


I haven’t run on the treadmill since last Wednesday – it’s been so nice here! I usually read a magazine or watch Hulu or Netflix.

I have a deep love for pretzels dipped in mustard or peanut butter (not at the same time)! A friend and I love to dip barbecue chips in cottage cheese – it’s amazing!


When I’m on the treadmill I like to watch videos! The Hulu and HBO Go app are my best friends for treadmill runs.

I’m glad that you’re feeling better and incorporating some good speedwork back into the mix. I’m not cleared for speedwork yet but I did get in a couple of good easy, short runs this week … progress! :)


I was actually reading your thank you running on the Brooks blog yesterday. It was really well written.

I’m glad Dr. B was able to fix your leg up. I have found that tight calves lead to all sorts of issues for me…which is why I get deep tissue massages monthly.

Brooke looks adorable in her gymnastic outfit too by the way.

I have another rest day scheduled today. This week has been nice with the rest!


I totally agree- I’m convinced that tight calf muscles led to my stress fracture (in my heel) last year. Throws everything out of whack with your stride.


I’ve known my best friend since we were 3 years old!

Good combo: Wheat Thins and froyo.

I have a 5k race tonight. It’s supposed to be pouring rain, so we’ll see how it goes. Hopefully my training lately has me ready for a solid race!


I haven’t run on a treadmill in a couple of weeks! I normally watch the TVs at the gym, so I go at a time when one of my favorite shows is on.
Today I’ll hopefully go for my first run since my half on Saturday. Just a few easy miles will be it for me!
I met my best friends 5ish years ago when I started college!


Speaking of treadmill running…..I was running my usual after work route last night when I realized I wasn’t being blinded by the sun. It had already sunk down behind the treetops! I feel more treadmill runs fast approaching.

Today I am mixing it up with boxing.

My best friend I have known since day 1! Sadly she lives far far away now.


No running for me because of a (possible) stress fracture. Waiting to hear back on MRI results today. Ah that leotard is so cute on Brooke! I consider my sister my longest best friend, so 18 years :)


Oh, I hope you heal quickly. Stress fractures are so frustrating!


My kids just discovered swedish fish and keep asking for them now! They think they were the ones who made me aware of them ;)


Oh my goodness Brooke in her leotard and booties.. so adorable. I have a rest day from running today and I’m pumped! More time to cook. I love bringing a sweet element into my savory dishes, which is very easy this time of year so I’m doing it for almost every meal! Sweet potatoes and winter squash with everything.


I have a few best friends that I’ve gathered through my life, but the oldest is from second grade. It was my first day of school, and she turned to me and asked if I wanted to be friends. The rest is history!

I haaaaaate the treadmill. I decided to try it earlier this month and I about died doing a workout I could have done with my eyes closed outside. It’s so boring! I honestly don’t know how you do it.


Great pictures! The weather looks gorgeous right now. I have an easy run on the schedule today..good luck with your repeats! That’s always my least favorite speed workout…just like you I would rather run further at a slightly slower speed ;)


I haven’t been on the treadmill in months! It’s been wonderful…I’m going to try to run outside as long as I can this winter (rural Nova Scotia over here). Which is a great excuse to stock up on cute winter running gear!

I’ve known one of my best friends for 37 years. Our parents are best friends and introduced us pretty much at birth :) My other bestie I’ve known since second year university, so…coming up on about 18 years!

Food combo…um…I had Doritos and Nibs last night. That was pretty delicious.

Schedule today is to work a half day, pick up my little man and then my big man and head to the city for some fun! Have a great Thursday!


I have been placing a slice of Colby jack cheese on top of my warm soft pretzel. Really good!
Today I will try for a slow 10 miles.
My best friends have been in my life for 15-20 years but I still see a childhood friend from 1st grade a few times a year.
Treadmill? Hmm that would be 2 months ago at the resort I was at in Jamaica. :)


wow i used to eat cottage cheese and grapes so often and haven’t thought of that in a long time! such a stellar combo. i’ve known my bff for 16 years and i don’t know how i ever thought i understood friendship before her. a best friend is the best thing.


TodaybI have an easy run in the treadmill! I like to use it to add in hills since most of my runs are on flatter multiuse paths. Listening to music or podcasts keeps me entertained. Good luck on your repeats today!


I have known by best friend for almost 20 years. I am hoping to get in an easy run today with the help of gym daycare. My favorite food combo right now is string cheese wrapped in salami.


I ran on the treadmill this morning. With the dark mornings, I am BRF with my treadmill 4 days a week! I catch up on all of my TV shows, so I don’t mind one bit.
I ran 5 miles today. My first run since my half marathon on Sunday. Still a little sore, but it felt good!
String cheese and pretzels are awesome!


No running today. Off to dentist to see if I need a root canal. My face is so swollen this morning I feel like I am one week early for Halloween.
Combination is pumpkin bread and a scoop of ice cream.


Last time? ha…about four hours ago! 5miles this morning with Netflix. Its the only way to do it!


5 miles with some strides for me this morning; felt great!
I watch TV or have a killer playlist when I’m logging treadmill miles!
My BF from grade school and I have been friends for 22 years! Wow crazy to think.
Apples ands TJ salted almond butter have been my jam lately!
I love how Brooke just exudes pure joy in so many of your pictures! You’re raising a special little girl :-)


That first picture of Brooke looks like a teenager! What?!?!?! Also, you are such a good friend! All of your friends are so lucky to have you in their lives!


I really enjoy string cheese and almonds together.


That sounds like an awesome combo! I’m going to have to copy you!!!


I can’t even remember the last time that I ran on a treadmill. It was probably when one of my kiddos was sick and I couldn’t leave the house.

I have a few friends that I have been friends with since sophomore year of high school, so about 18 years.

Today is a bike ride. I’m setting up a long clue run for my xc kids.


Treadmill time is good to catch up on DVRed TV shows that are inappropriate for kids…Salem, and Falling Skies were the ones I was watching earlier this year. Salem really isn’t my style but for some reason it still holds me. Falling Skies ended, not a great ending but at least it ended. I need some wireless headphones so I don’t have to blast the TV so loud. I foresee lots more miles on the dreadmill this winter.

I ran my first post-marathon run this morning. Only 1.5 miles but they were good for me…legs are loosening up and IT band feels much better. The Monday lower body massage was key! Going to physio tomorrow to really get worked over.

I swore I would be one and done, but caught myself thinking about a sub 4 finish this morning. What is wrong with us?


My last treadmill run was probably when I was pregnant last year (Woah)…

Cottage cheese & pineapples = best. snack. ever!


Honeycrisp apples sliced thinly + whipped peanut butter + small pieces of chocolate = amazing!


I don’t have a gym membership so it has been quite awhile since I last ran on a treadmill. I tried to convince my husband that I needed one and he just laughed in my face! Haha.


Last run on a treadmill: yesterday. No running today. I don’t run every day, just 3-4 times per week. I cross train with stair climbing, elliptical, rowing or ladder climbing, plus weights.

Snack combo: raisins and peanuts.


I used to love running on treadmills … Maybe not love … But definitely didn’t hate. Now I get so bored! I do all my interval/speed work on the treadmill now … Only way to keep it interesting!

Favorite food combination … Granola and peanut butter. Weirdly satisfying!


I ran on the treadmill last Sunday for a recovery run. I listen to music and watch tv.
I love cottage cheese and peaches!
Today was an 8 miler with friends at an easy pace…followed by coffee and crepes!


Hi Janae, for me today’s run was easy 5 miles ater hard workouts of the days before… I have a question to you though. I just tried to find all the posts you wrote on plantar fasciitis (aka heel pain) and i went back to 2011. I will try out the ball and frozen water battles, stretching and more stabilizing shoes but for the moment I do not have any physio here as I’ve just moved to another country, don’t know the language, doctors and I do not want a normal one, but someone who knows more about athlets (before, all the doctors had to say to my injuries was “stop running and it will be ok after a couple of months”. Weeeelll months?! Good one healed it in 1-2 weeks after. Anyway, PF. Have you found anything on it since 2011? I have pain in my heel since Monday (4 days) and it does not hurt at all when running only when I walk (I don’t heel-strike and it hurts ONLY when I touch the ground). I never ever had problems with my feet or Achilles. Never. Now I changed running shoes to new ones, terrain (more hills) and on Monday I wore very uncomfortable too-small-for-me flats that I just bought (then the problem started). Do you think it could be PF or just overuse of my poor heel (or it is basically the same – inflammation). What do you think, Janae?

snack combo: joghurt with mango, cookie dough, marshmallow bites, chocolate chips (just a random mix today turns out to be just perfect !)


Oh Kate!!! I am so so sorry about your heel pain! This breaks my heart! I definitely think that it could be PF (I feel pain in my heel whenever mine flares up) but I am not sure… oh I wish I was more help! I would definitely take some time off and see how it improves and judge it day by day on whether to run or not. I am so so sorry! I wish I knew! Ummm that sounds like the best mix ever!


I haven’t been on a treadmill in a long time. If I had more space in my at home gym I would def buy one. The next house I plan to buy will have enough space for one.

I have been best friends with most of my friends for the last 8 years, but my longest friendship is about to hit 23 years! I met her right after I moved to Ohio from PA when I was 5. She was 3 and running after the ice cream truck with her mom. They stopped to say hi and we offered them ice cream since we had some in the house. We have been best friends ever since. Her dad and my dad are best friends as well. She was one of my bridesmaids and I am in her wedding as well which is THIS Saturday! I cannot wait!


I am not a fan of treadmill running- only do it when the weather is really bad (heavy rain or ice/snow). I have 5 miles planned outside after work today…sadly I have been battling all the gnats lately! One benefit of morning runs but I have been trying to sleep in more this week to rest up from a cold and for my 20 this weekend!

Favorite food combo: Nut butter and banana! Sometimes I eat that twice a day:)


8 miler this morning for an early morning easy run! It is glorious here in Massachusetts (I scoped out the Newton Hills on my run for all you Boston Marathoners – looking good :) ) – 54 degrees at 5:30 a.m. and going up to 74! Woohoo!
I have known one of my best friends since we were 6 years old and in the same First Grade class! 31 years of still-strong friendship :)
Like Hollie said – I too find tight calves to be the root of a whole host of problems. I foam roll and get a weekly massage in hopes of staving off full blown injuries.


I’ve been listening to Brene Brown audiobooks on the treadmill and it really helps to pass the time! I have two close friends that I have known since I was 5 years old, and I’m 37 so that is a long time!


I have been running on the treadmill over the summer because it is so hot here. I listened to music and got lost in my thoughts. I get the best ideas when I am lost in my thoughts. It is cooling down now and I ran the bridges (the paths on them) in Clearwater over the weekend (the half marathon route) and my IT band is tight. I am going to run 8 or 9 miles on the treadmill today (softer surface). Hopefully, it will loosen the IT band so i can run outside this weekend.

I am going to try a soup recipe with sweet potatoes, kale, coconut milk, and apples. It sounds like an interesting combination. I hope it is good. I might substitute Almond Milk for the coconut milk and add some ground chicken meatballs. Here is the recipe if you are interested: http://www.contentednesscooking.com/vegan-sweet-potato-soup-with-kale/


That sounds INCREDIBLE. I’m totally going to have to try that recipe… thank you so much for the link! I hope that your IT band behaves and that you get to get outside this weekend! Thanks Mary!


That soup sounds amazing!


Gosh, I love your blog! I’m still recovering from a hernia repair surgery so running had been super slow going. Also, my hubs is in Dubai and my children decided to hate sleep {and me???} so I’m just plain tired. Brooke is a doll and you are def doing the parenting thing right! Can you please tell me the secret of your hair? Those curls are amazing. Do you use a special wand? Do you have extensions? Is there hope that I can learn your ways and save my flat head of hair????


Hey Kendra! I am so so so sorry that you are doing this all on your own right now. I hope he gets home soon and that you get a nap very very soon. Thank you so much for your sweet comment! Here is a post where I talk more about how I do my hair:

I hope you have a beautiful day!


easy run today, plus pilates. tomorrow is 400 repeats- i always like to work out REALLY hard on friday morning so i don’t have to feel guilty about happy hour late in the day!


Marshmallow Fluff and Peanut Butter!

Or Peanut Butter and Nutella!

And you’d think that Nutella and Marshmallow Fluff would be an amazing combination, but it’s not, which was surprising and disappointing.


Last time on a treadmill was months ago thankfully!! TV or music or playing with my pace is my attempt at entertainment on the treadmill, but really, it doesn’t work. Bored out of my mind. No running today. My other love, tennis, instead!! My fave flavor combo right now is black beans and goat cheese. In a taco, it’s amazing!


My last treadmill run was probably in March…crazy, right?! Not looking forward to these winter months. I usually watch TV while I’m on the mill if it’s available. Live with Kelly and Michael is my favorite!

I’ve known my best friend (and now roommate) since I was in middle school. She had a locker above me. :)

Sliced peppers and ranch is one of my favorite snacks lately.

It’s a somewhere in between run kind of day for me.


Yesterday was my last treadmill run. I tried they taking my kids thing. I’m happy to say it went impressively well for their first time. I let the watch a show and eat apples and string cheese. I also kept the 2 year old strapped into the stroller so she wouldn’t try to climb on the treadmill with me.

Have you tried potatoe chips with cottage cheese? Not nearly as healthy as grapes but it’s pretty tasty.


That sounds delicious… I’m going to have to try it! YAY for getting a treadmill run in with all of the kiddos:)


I so needed to read your post on the Brooks website. I’m going through a breakup that is terribly hard on me right now (he was my best friend and we lived together) and you have inspired me to find a running club and set some new running goals.


OH Michelle. I am truly truly truly sorry about what you are going through right now. I wish I could take you for ice cream and cry with you! Yes, join a new running club and set some goals. You’ve got this girl! You are strong and good things are up ahead for you!


My twin sister is my best friend, so I’ve known her since I was born!

I will always be grateful to you for the cottage cheese/grapes combo! One of my favorites!


I have a few friends that I’ve known for 17 years now. We met each other right after I moved to Calgary.


how cute and fierce is Brooke in her leotard and boots?

I did sprints on the treadmill on Tuesday. The drills actually entertain me, as does my Ipod.

My current favorite food combo is chocolate coconut peanut butter toast with 1/2 a banana. It’s also good on a Van’s waffle.

I’ve know my best friend, aka my husband, for 29 years.


Im doing a treadmill run today. you running on the treadmill so much got me motivated to give it a try and push my speed. use the tools you have right!


Today is a rest day. Mainly because I work 11 hours and after that I just want to see my kiddo.

I’m not super close to my childhood best friend anymore but we’re still friends. We met when I was about 7 so that’s a seriously long friendship. (I’m 41 now)

Mush Alert- My true best friend is my husband. We met when I was 21 so next year I’ll be able to say that we’ve been together for half my life.


I’ve been best friends with with my childhood best friend since before I can even remember so I guess we were toddlers. It’s been a long distance (over continents) friendship since I moved to the US when I was 10 but she came over to be a bridesmaid for me last summer <3 We're always able to pick up where we left off.

P.S. Swedish fish are the best.


Last run on the treadmill was a couple of weeks ago while my little guy napped. I usually just look out the windows and let my thoughts entertain me but sometimes I will listen to music – I’ve trained myself to run without music, I love it!

How long have you known your best friend(s)?? 24 years (since 3rd grade) Granted we aren’t as close as we use to be – life happens

A food combination that you are loving lately?
-Apple slices with pumpkin cheesecake dip!

No run today but hoping to get in a easy run outside tomorrow


I love those socks you have on in the picture at the dr! I guard my Brooks socks with my life because they are my absolute favorites!!


I admire your tenacity for enduring treadmill running. It has been forever since I’ve run on a treadmill. And Swedish Fish are delicious! I’m happy to hear Brooke has acquired a taste. :)


I am loving sharp cheddar with black pepper triscuits. Yum! My best friend is my younger sister, so I’ve known her nearly my whole life :)

I always watch Netflix while on the treadmill.


Good call on adding more choc chips to the pumpkin bars, I always err on the side of more chocolate.

Lately I’ve been loving triscuits topped with a slice of tomato and cheddar.


You and Brooke are just the best.


Brooke’s hair! I wish I had that length and bounce at her age! My age for that matter.


Brooke’s hand dimples are just the sweetest thing, that made my day!

I haven’t ran on my treadmill in so long that my son has decided it’s a great hanger to air out his camping gear, (sleeping bags etc). :)


One of my best friends I’ve known since elementary school, but we’ve only been very close for the last 5 years or so. Still, it’s neat being able to reminisce about those times with someone.

While I was home I rediscovered my love of peanut butter and bacon toast. Sooo delicious.

No running today for me, it’s my day off! (I’m only doing every other day for now, until my foot gets stronger). Tomorrow I’ll be out and about for another 3 miles though!


I’ve known my best friend since we were 11 and I’ll be 31 this year :-) The smiley face is for the years of friendship not how old I will be, just to be clear. On the schedule today…A bootcamp class at a barre studio near where I live. It will be very modified since I’m 37 weeks pregnant :-)


I am 61 and met my best friend in the first grade. We live about 7 1/2 hours apart and talk almost every day. I LOVE pepperjack cheese and red grapes. Headed to the gym after work for a little treadmill run and some weights.


I have a group of friends I’ve known since kindergarten. I haven’t ran on the treadmill in weeks actually, it’s been pretty nice weather here in Minnesota. Ran a half marathon on Sunday and had sharp knee pain so I haven’t been running at all this week. It’s amazing the toll that takes on the rest of my life – I am having a hard time doing anything productive at work, I just feel restless. Hopefully I can get back to it soon!


Ah I love so much of this post! Brooke is just adorable.

When was your last run on the treadmill? **Yesterday! I went for a long hike today.
What do you do on their to entertain yourself while you run?** I usually go up to the ‘theater room’ at the gym and turn on some tv show, House MD or something that is interesting and requires me to pay attention.

How long have you known your best friend(s)?? **This year will be 20 years.

A food combination that you are loving lately? **Spaghetti sauce and… pretty much everything I can put it on. Don’t judge, there’s a bubs in my belly.

-I am really hoping that someone says cottage cheese and grapes.**lol EW.

What’s on your schedule today… hard run, easy run, somewhere in between? **My friend and I were going to run, but we haven’t seen each other in a long time and my tummy was hurting so we just walked/hiked for an hour and chatted the time away. No regrets. :)


I have discovered that treadmill running seems to aggravate my calves/shins worse than road running, so I try to avoid it. I was going to run this morning, but I gave myself the day off due to a tender shin. Hopefully I will be ready to run on Saturday.

My best friend and I have been friends since our 1st grade teacher sat us next to each other over 36 years ago. I have another dear friend I’ve had since the age of 10 and my college roomie and I are still friends, each being the Godparent of the other’s child.

I’m currently in a pumpkin kick. I had canned pumpkin in my oatmeal this morning and canned pumpkin in my Greek yogurt for lunch.


I have known one of my best friends since we were about 8…so that puts it ~30 years. I do not feel like I am old enough of have been friends with someone that long. My other best friend, we are at about 17 years. Holy cow…I feel like I am aging myself just typing this out!


uggghhh I’ve been lacking running motivation :(
I really should have run today (and yesterday and the day before) but I have not done any running in a while. I hope to get in a few miles tomorrow morning.
I’ve known my best friend for the past 25+ years
food combination: popcorn and soy chocolate (allergic to dairy)


Favorite combo right now-s’mores quest bar microwaved for 30 seconds and topped w/ TJ’s salted, crunchy almond butter. So good.


Swedish Fish are so good!


You made my bday so so wonderful! So glad I have you in my life X one million. You are just the best.

Venmo me.


Yum lots of yummy foods!


Well-articulated! Love everything you write.

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